Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 30.400 - What may be purchased at probate?

§ 30.401 - Who may purchase at probate?

§ 30.402 - Does property purchased at probate remain in trust or restricted status?

§ 30.403 - Is consent required for a purchase at probate?

§ 30.404 - How do I initiate a purchase at probate?

§ 30.405 - When may I initiate a purchase at probate?

§ 30.406 - May I withdraw my request to purchase at probate?

§ 30.407 - How will OHA address requests to purchase at probate?

§ 30.408 - What will OHA include in the probate decision or reconsideration order when a purchase at probate request is pending?

§ 30.409 - How will a pending purchase at probate request affect how the decedent's property is distributed?

§ 30.410 - How will the purchase at probate process continue after the decision or reconsideration order is issued?

§ 30.411 - How will the interests to be purchased at probate be valued?

§ 30.412 - What will OHA do when it receives BIA's notification that an appraisal/valuation has been completed?

§ 30.413 - Who are potential bidders?

§ 30.414 - What will be contained in the Order to Submit Bids?

§ 30.415 - What may I do if I do not agree with the determination of fair market value in the Order to Submit Bids?

§ 30.416 - How does OHA decide whether a bid is successful?

§ 30.417 - How does the judge notify the parties whether there was a successful bid?

§ 30.418 - When must the successful bidder pay for the interest purchased?

§ 30.419 - What happens after the successful bidder submits payment?

§ 30.420 - What happens if the successful bidder does not submit payment within 30 days?

§ 30.421 - When does a purchased interest vest in the purchaser?

§ 30.422 - What will happen to any lease income received or accrued from purchased land interests before the purchased interest vests in the purchaser?

§ 30.423 - What may I do if I disagree with the judge's determination to approve or deny a purchase at probate?

§ 30.424 - When will the order approving or denying the purchase at probate become final?

§ 30.400 - What may be purchased at probate?

(a) The judge may allow an eligible purchaser to purchase at probate all or part of the trust or restricted land in the estate of a person who died on or after June 20, 2006. Any interest in trust or restricted land, including a life estate that is part of the estate (i.e., a life estate owned by the decedent but measured by the life of someone who survives the decedent), may be purchased at probate, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Purchase of minerals-only real property interests (i.e., an allotment that does not include a surface interest) may be considered for purchase at probate only if sufficient evidence of the fair market value of the real property interest is submitted. No interest in a minerals-only property may be purchased at probate on the basis of the value of the minerals themselves.

§ 30.401 - Who may purchase at probate?

An eligible purchaser at probate is any of the following:

(a) Any devisee or eligible heir who is receiving an interest in the same parcel of land by devise or descent in the probate proceeding;

(b) Any co-owner;

(c) The Indian Tribe with jurisdiction over the parcel containing the interest; or

(d) The Secretary on behalf of the Tribe.

§ 30.402 - Does property purchased at probate remain in trust or restricted status?

Yes. The property interests purchased at probate must remain in trust or restricted status.

§ 30.403 - Is consent required for a purchase at probate?

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, to purchase at probate a decedent's interest in trust or restricted property, the eligible purchaser must have the consent of:

(1) The heir or devisee of the share to be purchased;

(2) Any surviving spouse whose share is to be purchased and who receives a life estate under 25 U.S.C. 2206(a)(2)(A) or (D); or

(3) Any recipient of an interest received under an approved consolidation agreement whose share is to be purchased.

(b) If consent is required from an heir or devisee for a purchase at probate, the consent may be given either:

(1) During a hearing as part of the record; or

(2) In writing to OHA.

(c) An heir or devisee's failure to attend a hearing or respond to an order will not be presumed to constitute consent.

(d) An heir or devisee may withdraw consent at any time before the purchase is final.

(1) To notify OHA, the heir or devisee must state, either on record at the probate hearing, or in writing to OHA, that the heir or devisee is not willing to consent to sell the property under any circumstances and/or is not willing to consider any bids to purchase the property interest.

(2) When OHA receives such notice, it will deny the request to purchase the property interest to which the notice applies.

(e) If you are the Tribe with jurisdiction over the parcel containing the interest, you do not need the consent of those listed under paragraph (a) of this section if the following five conditions are met:

(1) The interest will descend by intestate succession;

(2) The judge determines based on the Department's records that the decedent's interest at the time of death was less than 5 percent of the entire undivided ownership of the parcel of land;

(3) The heir or surviving spouse was not residing on the property at the time of the decedent's death;

(4) The heir or surviving spouse is not a member of your Tribe or eligible to become a member; and

(5) The interest is not included in an approved consolidation agreement.

(f) BIA may purchase an interest in trust or restricted land on behalf of the Tribe with jurisdiction over the parcel containing the interest if BIA obtains consent under paragraph (a) of this section or the conditions in paragraph (e) of this section are met.

[86 FR 72090, Dec. 20, 2021, as amended at 88 FR 39769, June 20, 2023]
§ 30.404 - How do I initiate a purchase at probate?

Any eligible purchaser may initiate a purchase at probate by submitting a written request to OHA to purchase at probate.

§ 30.405 - When may I initiate a purchase at probate?

(a) To initiate a purchase at probate during the initial probate proceeding, the eligible purchaser must submit the written request before the completion of the first probate hearing.

(b) If a property interest the eligible purchaser would like to purchase has been added to the decedent's estate under § 30.251, the purchaser must submit the written request within 30 days of the mailing of the distribution order issued under § 30.251(d).

§ 30.406 - May I withdraw my request to purchase at probate?

At any point before the purchase is complete, a purchaser may withdraw a request to purchase at probate. In order to withdraw a request to purchase, the requester must file with OHA a written statement that the request is withdrawn. The requester is not required to provide reasons or justification for withdrawal of the request.

§ 30.407 - How will OHA address requests to purchase at probate?

The judge has discretion to deny a request to purchase at probate in the decision or at any time thereafter. If one or more requests to purchase at probate are timely filed, OHA will address those requests in the probate decision (or reconsideration order if the request to purchase is for property that has been added to the decedent's estate under § 30.251) and either deny the requests at that time or provide instructions for continuing the purchase at probate process.

§ 30.408 - What will OHA include in the probate decision or reconsideration order when a purchase at probate request is pending?

(a) If a purchase at probate request is pending at the time the probate decision (or reconsideration order under § 30.251) is issued, and is not denied in the decision (or reconsideration order), the decision (or reconsideration order) will include the following to address the request:

(1) A list of all requests to purchase at probate that have been submitted;

(2) Notification to the parties as to whether consent of the applicable heirs or devisees is required to approve the requested purchase; and

(3) Direction to BIA to obtain an appraisal or valuation for each interest for which a purchase at probate request has been submitted.

(b) If the purchase of the interest requires consent of the applicable heirs or devisees, the probate decision or reconsideration order will also:

(1) Direct the heirs or devisees to submit written notification within 30 days of the mailing date of the decision or reconsideration order that the heirs or devisees would consider selling the interest to an eligible purchaser during the probate process if a bid is made for fair market value or greater;

(2) Inform the heirs or devisees that OHA may consider failure to provide such written notification as a refusal to consent to sell the property during probate, and may rely on such refusal to deny the request to purchase at probate; and

(3) Direct BIA to postpone seeking an appraisal/valuation of that property until BIA receives future notice from OHA that at least one heir or devisee has filed the written notification that the heir or devisee would consider selling the interest.

§ 30.409 - How will a pending purchase at probate request affect how the decedent's property is distributed?

When the decision (or distribution order following a reconsideration order under § 30.251) becomes final, BIA may distribute the estate as stated in the decision or distribution order. The decision or distribution order will identify any property interest that is the subject of a pending request for purchase at probate, and that the property interest will be conveyed with an encumbrance, which will remain on the property interest until the request is fully addressed. The encumbrance does not affect distribution of trust personalty.

§ 30.410 - How will the purchase at probate process continue after the decision or reconsideration order is issued?

After a decision or reconsideration order is issued:

(a) If consent is required for the purchase of an interest, and an heir or devisee does not submit written notification that he or she would consider selling the interest by the deadline OHA established, the request to purchase the applicable property interest(s) is denied by operation of law. In such cases, OHA will notify the BIA that it may remove the encumbrance remaining on the applicable property interest(s).

(b) If the heirs or devisees submit the written notification that they would consider selling the interest by the deadline OHA established, then OHA will notify BIA that it may obtain an appraisal/valuation of the property.

(c) In any other instances in which a purchase request is denied, BIA may remove any encumbrance remaining on the applicable property interest(s).

§ 30.411 - How will the interests to be purchased at probate be valued?

(a) For each parcel for which a request to purchase has been submitted, BIA will obtain appraisal(s) or other fair market valuation(s) in compliance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) or other approved valuation methods under 25 U.S.C. 2214.

(b) Any appraisal/valuation must be made on the basis of the fair market value of the parcel as of the date of the decedent's death.

(c) No valuation document filed by the BIA, aside from an appraisal, will be used to determine the fair market value of trust land during a purchase at probate unless the document clearly states that it assesses the fair market value of the real property interest or is accompanied by a certification that it does so.

§ 30.412 - What will OHA do when it receives BIA's notification that an appraisal/valuation has been completed?

When OHA receives BIA's notification that an appraisal/valuation has been completed and BIA files a Petition to Complete Purchase at Probate, OHA will issue an Order to Submit Bids to all potential bidders to submit bids for property interests with pending purchase at probate requests.

(a) Potential bidders may submit bids even if they have not previously submitted a request to purchase at probate.

(b) OHA will identify the individuals/entities who are eligible to submit bids for each property interest available for purchase at probate.

§ 30.413 - Who are potential bidders?

(a) The Tribe will be the only potential bidder and no other bids will be accepted if:

(1) The Tribe with jurisdiction over the property submits the only request to purchase within the deadline; and

(2) The requirements of § 30.403(e) (i.e., consent of the heir is not required) are met.

(b) In other situations, potential bidders may include:

(1) Any eligible purchaser who has satisfied the requirements of §§ 30.404 and 30.405;

(2) Eligible heirs;

(3) Eligible devisees;

(4) The Indian Tribe with jurisdiction over the property interest; and

(5) Co-owners who have previously notified BIA in writing that they wish to receive probate notices concerning that allotment.

[86 FR 72090, Dec. 20, 2021, as amended at 88 FR 39769, June 20, 2023]
§ 30.414 - What will be contained in the Order to Submit Bids?

For each property for which a request to purchase at probate is pending, the Order to Submit Bids will include:

(a) A finding of the fair market value of the interest to be sold, determined in accord with the appraisal/valuation provided by the BIA under § 30.411;

(b) Information concerning where a copy of the appraisal/valuation may be viewed;

(c) Direction to potential bidders to submit bids to purchase the property that are equal to or greater than the fair market value;

(d) A deadline by which OHA must receive bids from all potential bidders; and

(e) A statement that if no bids are submitted by the deadline, the request to purchase will be denied.

§ 30.415 - What may I do if I do not agree with the determination of fair market value in the Order to Submit Bids?

(a) You may object to the determination of fair market value stated in the Order to Submit Bids if:

(1) You are the heir, devisee, or surviving spouse whose interest is to be sold;

(2) You filed a written request to purchase; or

(3) You are any potential bidder or other party who may be affected by the determination of the fair market value.

(b) To object to the determination of fair market value:

(1) You must file a written objection with OHA no later than 45 days after the mailing date of the Order to Submit Bids.

(2) The objection must:

(i) State the reasons for the objection; and

(ii) Include any supporting documentation showing why the fair market value should be modified.

(3) You must provide copies of the written objection and any supporting documentation to all parties who have an interest in the purchase of the property.

(c) Any party who may be affected by the determination of the fair market value may file a response to the written objection with OHA no later than 45 days after the date the written objection was served on the interested parties. Any document supporting the party's response must be submitted with the response.

(d) The judge will consider any timely submitted written objection and responses, and will determine whether to modify the finding of fair market value, with or without a valuation hearing. OHA will issue a Modified Order to Submit Bids that addresses the objection and responses.

(e) If you were directed to submit a bid, you may preserve your right to submit a bid by filing the written objection instead of a bid.

[86 FR 72090, Dec. 20, 2021, as amended at 88 FR 39769, June 20, 2023]
§ 30.416 - How does OHA decide whether a bid is successful?

OHA will decide that a bid is successful if it meets the following requirements:

(a) The bid is equal to or greater than the fair market value of the interest and was timely filed.

(b) In cases in which consent of an heir, devisee, or surviving spouse is required for the purchase, the applicable heir devisee, or surviving spouse accepts a bid.

(1) OHA may hold a hearing for the purpose of determining whether the applicable heir, devisee, or surviving spouse accepts a bid.

(2) If multiple bids are submitted, the applicable heir, devisee, or surviving spouse may choose which bid to accept.

(3) If the applicable heir, devisee, or surviving spouse does not accept any bid for his or her property interest, the request to purchase that property interest at probate will be denied.

[86 FR 72090, Dec. 20, 2021, as amended at 88 FR 39769, June 20, 2023]
§ 30.417 - How does the judge notify the parties whether there was a successful bid?

(a) When a judge determines that a bid is successful, the judge will issue a Notice of Successful Bid to all bidders, BTFA, the BIA agency that prepared the probate file, and the BIA agency having jurisdiction over the interest sold. The Notice of Successful Bid will include the following information:

(1) The parcel and interest sold;

(2) The identity of the successful bidder;

(3) The amount of the successful bid; and

(4) Instructions to the successful bidder to submit payment for the interest.

(b) If no successful bids are received, the judge will issue an order denying the request to purchase the property.

[86 FR 72090, Dec. 20, 2021, as amended at 88 FR 39769, June 20, 2023]
§ 30.418 - When must the successful bidder pay for the interest purchased?

The successful bidder must make payment, according to the instructions in the Notice of Successful Bid, of the full amount of the purchase price no later than 30 days after the mailing date of the Notice of Successful Bid.

§ 30.419 - What happens after the successful bidder submits payment?

When the judge is notified by BIA that BIA has received payment, the judge will issue an order:

(a) Approving the sale and stating that title must transfer as of the date the order becomes final; and

(b) For the sale of an interest subject to a life estate, directing allocation of the proceeds of the sale and accrued income among the holder of the life estate and the holders of any remainder interests using 25 CFR part 179.

§ 30.420 - What happens if the successful bidder does not submit payment within 30 days?

(a) If the successful bidder fails to pay the full amount of the bid within 30 days, the judge will issue an order denying the request to purchase or the bid (whichever is applicable) and the interest in the trust or restricted property will be distributed as determined by the judge in the decision or distribution order.

(b) The time for payment may not be extended.

(c) Any partial payment received will be returned.

§ 30.421 - When does a purchased interest vest in the purchaser?

If the request to purchase (or a bid submitted by a potential bidder) is approved, the purchased interest vests in the purchaser on the date OHA's order approving the sale becomes final.

§ 30.422 - What will happen to any lease income received or accrued from purchased land interests before the purchased interest vests in the purchaser?

Any lease income received or accrued from a property interest before the date the purchased interest vests in the purchaser will be paid to the heir(s), devisee(s), or surviving spouse from whom purchase of the interest was made based on the fractional ownership interests in the parcel as determined in the decision or distribution order.

§ 30.423 - What may I do if I disagree with the judge's determination to approve or deny a purchase at probate?

If you are an interested party who is adversely affected by the judge's order to approve or deny a purchase at probate, you may file an appeal to the Board within 30 days after the mailing date of OHA's order approving or denying the purchase at probate.

§ 30.424 - When will the order approving or denying the purchase at probate become final?

The order to approve or deny the purchase at probate becomes final at the end of the 30-day appeal period, unless a timely appeal is filed.

source: 73 FR 67289, Nov. 13, 2008, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 30.419