Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Feb 10, 2025
§ 45.70 - How must documents be filed and served under this subpart?
(a) Filing. (1) A document under this subpart must be filed using one of the methods set forth in § 45.12(b).
(2) A document is considered filed on the date it is received. However, any document received after 5 p.m. at the place where the filing is due is considered filed on the next regular business day.
(b) Service. (1) Any document filed under this subpart must be served at the same time the document is delivered or sent for filing. A complete copy of the document must be delivered or sent to each license party and FERC, using:
(i) One of the methods of service in § 45.13(c); or
(ii) Regular mail.
(2) The provisions of § 45.13(d) regarding a certificate of service apply to service under this subpart.
§ 45.71 - How do I propose an alternative?
(a) General. To propose an alternative condition or prescription, you must:
(1) Be a license party; and
(2) File a written proposal with OEPC:
(i) For a case under § 45.1(d)(1), within 30 days after DOI files a preliminary condition or prescription with FERC; or
(ii) For a case under § 45.1(d)(2), within 60 days after DOI files a proposed condition or prescription with FERC.
(b) Content. Your proposal must include:
(1) A description of the alternative, in an equivalent level of detail to DOI's preliminary condition or prescription;
(2) An explanation of how the alternative:
(i) If a condition, will provide for the adequate protection and utilization of the reservation; or
(ii) If a prescription, will be no less protective than the fishway prescribed by DOI;
(3) An explanation of how the alternative, as compared to the preliminary condition or prescription, will:
(i) Cost significantly less to implement; or
(ii) Result in improved operation of the project works for electricity production;
(4) An explanation of how the alternative will affect:
(i) Energy supply, distribution, cost, and use;
(ii) Flood control;
(iii) Navigation;
(iv) Water supply;
(v) Air quality; and
(vi) Other aspects of environmental quality; and
(5) Specific citations to any scientific studies, literature, and other documented information relied on to support your proposal, including any assumptions you are making (e.g., regarding the cost of energy or the rate of inflation). If any such document is not already in the license proceeding record, you must provide a copy with the proposal.
§ 45.72 - May I file a revised proposed alternative?
(a) Within 20 days after issuance of the ALJ's decision under § 45.60, you may file with OEPC a revised proposed alternative condition or prescription if:
(1) You previously filed a proposed alternative that met the requirements of § 45.71; and
(2) Your revised proposed alternative is designed to respond to one or more findings of fact by the ALJ.
(b) Your revised proposed alternative must:
(1) Satisfy the content requirements for a proposed alternative under § 45.71(b); and
(2) Identify the specific ALJ finding(s) to which the revised proposed alternative is designed to respond and how the revised proposed alternative differs from the original alternative.
(c) Filing a revised proposed alternative will constitute a withdrawal of the previously filed proposed alternative.
§ 45.73 - When will DOI file its modified condition or prescription?
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, if any license party proposes an alternative to a preliminary condition or prescription under § 45.71, DOI will do the following within 60 days after the deadline for filing comments on FERC's draft NEPA document under 18 CFR 5.25(c):
(1) Analyze under § 45.74 any alternative condition or prescription proposed under § 45.71 or 45.72; and
(2) File with FERC:
(i) Any condition or prescription that DOI adopts as its modified condition or prescription; and
(ii) DOI's analysis of the modified condition or prescription and any proposed alternative.
(b) If DOI needs additional time to complete the steps set forth in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, it will so inform FERC within 60 days after the deadline for filing comments on FERC's draft NEPA document under 18 CFR 5.25(c).
§ 45.74 - How will DOI analyze a proposed alternative and formulate its modified condition or prescription?
(a) In deciding whether to accept an alternative proposed under § 45.71 or 45.72, DOI must consider evidence and supporting material provided by any license party or otherwise reasonably available to DOI, including:
(1) Any evidence on the implementation costs or operational impacts for electricity production of the proposed alternative;
(2) Any comments received on DOI's preliminary condition or prescription;
(3) Any ALJ decision on disputed issues of material fact issued under § 45.60 with respect to the preliminary condition or prescription;
(4) Comments received on any draft or final NEPA documents; and
(5) The license party's proposal under § 45.71 or 45.72.
(b) DOI must accept a proposed alternative if it determines, based on substantial evidence provided by any license party or otherwise reasonably available to DOI, that the alternative:
(1) Will, as compared to DOI's preliminary condition or prescription:
(i) Cost significantly less to implement; or
(ii) Result in improved operation of the project works for electricity production; and
(2) Will:
(i) If a condition, provide for the adequate protection and utilization of the reservation; or
(ii) If a prescription, be no less protective than DOI's preliminary prescription.
(c) For purposes of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, DOI will consider evidence and supporting material provided by any license party by the deadline for filing comments on FERC's NEPA document under 18 CFR 5.25(c).
(d) When DOI files with FERC the condition or prescription that DOI adopts as its modified condition or prescription under § 45.73(a)(2), it must also file:
(1) A written statement explaining:
(i) The basis for the adopted condition or prescription;
(ii) If DOI is not accepting any pending alternative, its reasons for not doing so; and
(iii) If any alternative submitted under § 45.71 was subsequently withdrawn by the license party, that the alternative was withdrawn; and
(2) Any study, data, and other factual information relied on that is not already part of the licensing proceeding record.
(e) The written statement under paragraph (d)(1) of this section must demonstrate that DOI gave equal consideration to the effects of the condition or prescription adopted and any alternative not accepted on:
(1) Energy supply, distribution, cost, and use;
(2) Flood control;
(3) Navigation;
(4) Water supply;
(5) Air quality; and
(6) Preservation of other aspects of environmental quality.
§ 45.75 - Has OMB approved the information collection provisions of this subpart?
Yes. This rule contains provisions that would collect information from the public. It therefore requires approval by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (PRA). According to the PRA, a Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number that indicates OMB approval. OMB has reviewed the information collection in this rule and approved it under OMB control number 1094-0001.
source: 80 FR 17194, Mar. 31, 2015, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 45.73