Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 4.1001 - What terms are used in this subpart?

§ 4.1002 - What is the purpose of this subpart?

§ 4.1003 - Which rules of procedure and practice apply?

§ 4.1004 - How are time periods computed?


§ 4.1010 - Who may represent a party, and what requirements apply to a representative?


§ 4.1011 - What are the form and content requirements for documents under this subpart?

§ 4.1012 - Where and how must documents be filed?

§ 4.1013 - How must documents be served?


§ 4.1014 - What are the powers of the ALJ?

§ 4.1015 - What happens if the ALJ becomes unavailable?

§ 4.1016 - When can an ALJ be disqualified?

§ 4.1017 - Are ex parte communications allowed?


§ 4.1018 - What are the requirements for motions?


§ 4.1019 - How may a party submit prior Departmental final decisions?


§ 4.1020 - What will DCHD do upon receiving the election of hearing from a petitioner?

§ 4.1021 - What are the requirements for motions for intervention and responses?

§ 4.1022 - How are prehearing conferences conducted?

§ 4.1023 - What are the requirements for motions for recommended summary decision, responses, and issuance of a recommended summary decision?


§ 4.1030 - What are the requirements for OFA's witness and exhibit list?

§ 4.1031 - Under what circumstances will the ALJ authorize a party to obtain discovery of information?

§ 4.1032 - When must a party supplement or amend information?

§ 4.1033 - Under what circumstances will the ALJ authorize a party to depose a witness to preserve testimony?

§ 4.1034 - What are the procedures for limiting disclosure of information which is confidential or exempt by law from public disclosure?

§ 4.1035 - What are the requirements for subpoenas and witness fees?


§ 4.1040 - When and where will the hearing be held?

§ 4.1041 - What are the parties' rights during the hearing?

§ 4.1042 - Who may testify?

§ 4.1043 - What are the methods for testifying?

§ 4.1044 - How may a party use a deposition in the hearing?

§ 4.1045 - What are the requirements for exhibits, official notice, and stipulations?

§ 4.1046 - What evidence is admissible at the hearing?

§ 4.1047 - What are the requirements for transcription of the hearing?

§ 4.1048 - What is the standard of proof?

§ 4.1049 - When will the hearing record close?

§ 4.1050 - What are the requirements for post-hearing briefs?

§ 4.1051 - What are the requirements for the ALJ's recommended decision?

§ 4.1001 - What terms are used in this subpart?

As used in this subpart:

ALJ means an administrative law judge in DCHD appointed under 5 U.S.C. 3105 and assigned to preside over the hearing process.

Assistant Secretary means the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs within the Department of the Interior, or that officer's authorized representative, but does not include representatives of OFA.

Day means a calendar day. Computation of time periods is discussed in § 4.1004.

Department means the Department of the Interior, including the Assistant Secretary and OFA.

DCHD means the Departmental Cases Hearings Division, Office of Hearings and Appeals, Department of the Interior.

Discovery means a prehearing process for obtaining facts or information to assist a party in preparing or presenting its case.

Ex parte communication means an oral or written communication to the ALJ that is made without providing all parties reasonable notice and an opportunity to participate.

Full intervenor means a person granted leave by the ALJ to intervene as a full party under § 4.1021.

Hearing process means the process by which DCDH handles a case forwarded to DCHD by OFA pursuant to 25 CFR 83.39(a), from receipt to issuance of a recommended decision as to whether the petitioner should be acknowledged as a federally recognized Indian tribe for purposes of federal law.

OFA means the Office of Federal Acknowledgment within the Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior.

OHA means Office of Hearings and Appeals, Department of the Interior.

Party means the petitioner, OFA, or a full intervenor.

Person means an individual; a partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity; an unincorporated organization; and any federal, state, tribal, county, district, territorial, or local government or agency.

Petitioner means an entity that has submitted a documented petition to OFA requesting Federal acknowledgment as a federally recognized Indian tribe under 25 CFR part 83 and has elected to have a hearing under 25 CFR 83.38.

Representative means a person who:

(1) Is authorized by a party to represent the party in a hearing process under this subpart; and

(2) Has filed an appearance under § 4.1010.

Secretary means the Secretary of the Interior or his or her designee.

Senior Department employee has the same meaning as the term “senior employee” in 5 CFR 2641.104.

[36 FR 7186, Apr. 15, 1971, as amended at 88 FR 5794, Jan. 30, 2023]
§ 4.1002 - What is the purpose of this subpart?

(a) The purpose of this subpart is to establish rules of practice and procedure for the hearing process available under 25 CFR 83.38(a)(1) and 83.39 to a petitioner for Federal acknowledgment that receives from OFA a negative proposed finding on Federal acknowledgment and elects to have a hearing before an ALJ. This subpart includes provisions governing prehearing conferences, discovery, motions, an evidentiary hearing, briefing, and issuance by the ALJ of a recommended decision on Federal acknowledgment for consideration by the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs (AS-IA).

(b) This subpart will be construed and applied to each hearing process to achieve a just and speedy determination, consistent with adequate consideration of the issues involved.

§ 4.1003 - Which rules of procedure and practice apply?

(a) The rules which apply to the hearing process under this subpart are the provisions of §§ 4.1001 through 4.1051.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 4.20, the general rules in subpart B of this part, do not apply to the hearing process, except as provided in § 4.1017(a).

§ 4.1004 - How are time periods computed?

(a) General. Time periods are computed as follows:

(1) The day of the act or event from which the period begins to run is not included.

(2) The last day of the period is included.

(i) If that day is a Saturday, Sunday, or other day on which the Federal government is closed for business, the period is extended to the next business day.

(ii) The last day of the period ends at 5 p.m. at the place where the filing or other action is due.

(3) If the period is less than 7 days, any Saturday, Sunday, or other day on which the Federal government is closed for business that falls within the period is not included.

(b) Extensions of time. (1) No extension of time can be granted to file a motion for intervention under § 4.1021.

(2) An extension of time to file any other document under this subpart may be granted only upon a showing of good cause.

(i) To request an extension of time, a party must file a motion under § 4.1018 stating how much additional time is needed and the reasons for the request.

(ii) The party must file the motion before the applicable time period expires, unless the party demonstrates extraordinary circumstances that justify a delay in filing.

(iii) The ALJ may grant the extension only if:

(A) It would not unduly prejudice other parties; and

(B) It would not delay the recommended decision under § 4.1051.

§ 4.1010 - Who may represent a party, and what requirements apply to a representative?

(a) Individuals. A party who is an individual may either act as his or her own representative in the hearing process under this subpart or authorize an attorney to act as his or her representative.

(b) Organizations. A party that is an organization or other entity may authorize one of the following to act as its representative:

(1) An attorney;

(2) A partner, if the entity is a partnership;

(3) An officer or full-time employee, if the entity is a corporation, association, or unincorporated organization;

(4) A receiver, administrator, executor, or similar fiduciary, if the entity is a receivership, trust, or estate; or

(5) An elected or appointed official or an employee, if the entity is a federal, state, tribal, county, district, territorial, or local government or component.

(c) OFA. OFA's representative will be an attorney from the Office of the Solicitor.

(d) Appearance. A representative must file a notice of appearance. The notice must:

(1) Meet the form and content requirements for documents under § 4.1011;

(2) Include the name and address of the person on whose behalf the appearance is made;

(3) If the representative is an attorney (except for an attorney with the Office of the Solicitor), include a statement that he or she is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a state, the District of Columbia, or any territory or commonwealth of the United States (identifying which one); and

(4) If the representative is not an attorney, include a statement explaining his or her authority to represent the entity.

(e) Disqualification. The ALJ may disqualify any representative for misconduct or other good cause.

§ 4.1011 - What are the form and content requirements for documents under this subpart?

(a) Form. Each document filed in a case under this subpart must:

(1) Measure 8-1/2 by 11 inches, except that a table, chart, diagram, or other attachment may be larger if folded to 8-1/2 by 11 inches and attached to the document;

(2) Be printed on just one side of the page;

(3) Be clearly typewritten, printed, or otherwise reproduced by a process that yields legible and permanent copies;

(4) Use 12-point font size or larger;

(5) Be double-spaced except for footnotes and long quotations, which may be single-spaced;

(6) Have margins of at least 1 inch; and

(7) Be bound on the left side, if bound.

(b) Caption. Each document must begin with a caption that includes:

(1) The name of the case under this subpart and the docket number, if one has been assigned;

(2) The name and docket number of the proceeding to which the case under this subpart relates; and

(3) A descriptive title for the document, indicating the party for whom it is filed and the nature of the document.

(c) Signature. The original of each document must be signed by the representative of the person for whom the document is filed. The signature constitutes a certification by the representative that:

(1) He or she has read the document;

(2) The statements in the document are true to the best of his or her knowledge, information, and belief; and

(3) The document is not being filed for the purpose of causing delay.

(d) Contact information. Below the representative's signature, the document must provide the representative's name, mailing address, street address (if different), telephone number, facsimile number (if any), and electronic mail address (if any).

§ 4.1012 - Where and how must documents be filed?

(a) Place of filing. Any documents relating to a case under this subpart must be filed with DCHD. DCHD's contact information is identified in the OHA Standing Orders on Contact Information

(b) Method of filing. (1) Unless otherwise ordered by the ALJ, a document must be filed with DCHD using one of the following methods:

(i) By hand delivery of the original document;

(ii) By sending the original document by express mail or courier service for delivery on the next business day;

(iii) By sending the document by facsimile if:

(A) The document is 20 pages or less, including all attachments;

(B) The sending facsimile machine confirms that the transmission was successful; and

(C) The original of the document is sent by regular mail on the same day.

(2) Parties are encouraged, but not required, to supplement any filing made under paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section by providing the appropriate office with an electronic copy of the document.

(c) Date of filing. A document under this subpart is considered filed on the date it is received. However, any document received by DCHD after 5 p.m. is considered filed on the next regular business day.

(d) Nonconforming documents. If any document submitted for filing under this subpart does not comply with the requirements of this subpart or any applicable order, it may be rejected. If the defect is minor, the filer may be notified of the defect and given a chance to correct it.

(e) A document may be electronically transmitted under the terms specified in OHA Standing Orders on Electronic Transmission.

[36 FR 7186, Apr. 15, 1971, as amended at 88 FR 5794, Jan. 30, 2023]
§ 4.1013 - How must documents be served?

(a) Filed documents. Any document related to a case under this subpart must be served at the same time the document is delivered or sent for filing. Copies must be served on each party, using one of the methods of service in paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) Documents issued by DCHD or the ALJ. A complete copy of any notice, order, recommended decision, or other document issued by DCHD or the ALJ under this subpart must be served on each party, using one of the methods of service in paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) Method of service. Unless otherwise ordered by the ALJ, service must be accomplished by one of the following methods:

(1) By hand delivery of the document;

(2) By sending the document by express mail or courier service for delivery on the next business day; or

(3) By sending the document by facsimile if:

(i) The document is 20 pages or less, including all attachments;

(ii) The sending facsimile machine confirms that the transmission was successful; and

(iii) The document is sent by regular mail on the same day; or

(4) By transmitting the document electronically if there is electronic confirmation that the transmission was successful and if under the terms specified in OHA Standing Orders.

(d) Certificate of service. A certificate of service must be attached to each document filed under this subpart. The certificate must be signed by the serving party's representative and include the following information:

(1) The name, address, and other contact information of each party's representative on whom the document was served;

(2) The means of service, including information indicating compliance with paragraph (c)(3) or (4) of this section, if applicable; and

(3) The date of service.

[36 FR 7186, Apr. 15, 1971, as amended at 88 FR 5794, Jan. 30, 2023]
§ 4.1014 - What are the powers of the ALJ?

The ALJ has all powers necessary to conduct the hearing process in a fair, orderly, expeditious, and impartial manner, including the powers to:

(a) Administer oaths and affirmations;

(b) Issue subpoenas to the extent authorized by law;

(c) Rule on motions;

(d) Authorize discovery under exceptional circumstances as provided in this subpart;

(e) Hold hearings and conferences;

(f) Regulate the course of hearings;

(g) Call and question witnesses;

(h) Exclude any person from a hearing or conference for misconduct or other good cause;

(i) Impose non-monetary sanctions for a person's failure to comply with an ALJ order or provision of this subpart;

(j) Issue a recommended decision; and

(k) Take any other action authorized by law.

§ 4.1015 - What happens if the ALJ becomes unavailable?

(a) If the ALJ becomes unavailable or otherwise unable to perform the duties described in § 4.1014, DCHD will designate a successor.

(b) If a hearing has commenced and the ALJ cannot proceed with it, a successor ALJ may do so. At the request of a party, the successor ALJ may recall any witness whose testimony is material and disputed, and who is available to testify again without undue burden. The successor ALJ may, within his or her discretion, recall any other witness.

§ 4.1016 - When can an ALJ be disqualified?

(a) The ALJ may withdraw from a case at any time the ALJ deems himself or herself disqualified.

(b) At any time before issuance of the ALJ's recommended decision, any party may move that the ALJ disqualify himself or herself for personal bias or other valid cause.

(1) The party must file the motion promptly after discovering facts or other reasons allegedly constituting cause for disqualification.

(2) The party must file with the motion an affidavit or declaration setting forth the facts or other reasons in detail.

(c) The ALJ must rule upon the motion, stating the grounds for the ruling.

(1) If the ALJ concludes that the motion is timely and meritorious, he or she must disqualify himself or herself and withdraw from the case.

(2) If the ALJ does not disqualify himself or herself and withdraw from the case, the ALJ must continue with the hearing process and issue a recommended decision.

§ 4.1017 - Are ex parte communications allowed?

(a) Ex parte communications with the ALJ or his or her staff are prohibited in accordance with § 4.27(b).

(b) This section does not prohibit ex parte inquiries concerning case status or procedural requirements, unless the inquiry involves an area of controversy in the hearing process.

§ 4.1018 - What are the requirements for motions?

(a) General. Any party may apply for an order or ruling on any matter related to the hearing process by presenting a motion to the ALJ. A motion may be presented any time after DCHD issues the docketing notice.

(1) A motion made at a hearing may be stated orally on the record, unless the ALJ directs that it be written.

(2) Any other motion must:

(i) Be in writing;

(ii) Comply with the requirements of this subpart with respect to form, content, filing, and service; and

(iii) Not exceed 10 pages, unless the ALJ orders otherwise.

(b) Content. (1) Each motion must state clearly and concisely:

(i) Its purpose and the relief sought;

(ii) The facts constituting the grounds for the relief sought; and

(iii) Any applicable statutory or regulatory authority.

(2) A proposed order must accompany the motion.

(c) Response. Except as otherwise required by this subpart or by order of the ALJ, any other party may file a response to a written motion within 14 days after service of the motion. When a party presents a motion at a hearing, any other party may present a response orally on the record.

(d) Reply. Unless the ALJ orders otherwise, no reply to a response may be filed.

(e) Effect of filing. Unless the ALJ orders otherwise, the filing of a motion does not stay the hearing process.

(f) Ruling. The ALJ will rule on the motion as soon as feasible, either orally on the record or in writing. The ALJ may summarily deny any dilatory, repetitive, or frivolous motion.

§ 4.1019 - How may a party submit prior Departmental final decisions?

A party may submit as an appendix to a motion, brief, or other filing a prior Departmental final decision in support of a finding that the evidence or methodology is sufficient to satisfy one or more criteria for Federal acknowledgment of the petitioner because the Department found that evidence or methodology sufficient to satisfy the same criteria in the prior decision.

§ 4.1020 - What will DCHD do upon receiving the election of hearing from a petitioner?

Within 5 days after petitioner files its election of hearing under 25 CFR 83.38(a), the actions required by this section must be taken.

(a) DCHD must:

(1) Docket the case;

(2) Assign an ALJ to preside over the hearing process and issue a recommended decision; and

(3) Issue a docketing notice that informs the parties of the docket number and the ALJ assigned to the case.

(b) The ALJ assigned under paragraph (a)(2) of this section must issue a notice setting the time, place, and method for conducting an initial prehearing conference under § 4.1022(a). This notice may be combined with the docketing notice under paragraph (a)(3) of this section.

§ 4.1021 - What are the requirements for motions for intervention and responses?

(a) General. A person may file a motion for intervention within 30 days after OFA issues the notice of the election of hearing under 25 CFR 83.39(a)(1).

(b) Content of the motion. The motion for intervention must contain the following:

(1) A statement setting forth the interest of the person and, if the person seeks intervention under paragraph (d) of this section, a showing of why that interest may be adversely affected by the final determination of the Assistant Secretary under 25 CFR 83.43;

(2) An explanation of the person's position with respect to the issues of law and issues of material fact raised in the election of hearing in no more than five pages; and

(3) A list of the witnesses and exhibits the person intends to present at the hearing, other than solely for impeachment purposes, including:

(i) For each witness listed, his or her name, address, telephone number, and qualifications and a brief narrative summary of his or her expected testimony; and

(ii) For each exhibit listed, a statement specifying where the exhibit is located in the administrative record reviewed by OFA.

(c) Timing of response to a motion. Any response to a motion for intervention must be filed by a party within 7 days after service of the motion.

(d) Intervention of right. The ALJ will grant intervention where the person has an interest that may be adversely affected by the Assistant Secretary's final determination under 25 CFR 83.43.

(e) Permissive intervention. If paragraph (d) of this section does not apply, the ALJ will consider the following in determining whether intervention is appropriate:

(1) The nature of the issues;

(2) The adequacy of representation of the person's interest which is provided by the existing parties to the proceeding; and

(3) The ability of the person to present relevant evidence and argument.

(f) How an intervenor may participate. (1) A person granted leave to intervene under paragraph (d) of this section may participate as a full party or in a capacity less than that of a full party.

(2) If the intervenor wishes to participate in a limited capacity or if the intervenor is granted leave to intervene under paragraph (e) of this section, the extent and the terms of the participation will be determined by the ALJ.

(3) An intervenor may not raise issues of law or issues of material fact beyond those raised in the election of hearing under 25 CFR 83.38(a)(1).

§ 4.1022 - How are prehearing conferences conducted?

(a) Initial prehearing conference. The ALJ will conduct an initial prehearing conference with the parties at the time specified in the docketing notice under § 4.1020, within 55 days after issuance of the docketing notice.

(1) The initial prehearing conference will be used:

(i) To identify, narrow, and clarify the disputed issues of material fact and exclude issues that do not qualify for review as factual, material, and disputed;

(ii) To discuss the evidence on which each party intends to rely at the hearing; and

(iii) To set the date, time, and place of the hearing.

(2) The initial prehearing conference may also be used:

(i) To discuss limiting and grouping witnesses to avoid duplication;

(ii) To discuss stipulations of fact and of the content and authenticity of documents;

(iii) To consider requests that the ALJ take official notice of public records or other matters;

(iv) To discuss pending or anticipated motions, if any; and

(v) To consider any other matters that may aid in the disposition of the case.

(b) Other conferences. The ALJ may direct the parties to attend one or more other prehearing conferences, if consistent with the need to complete the hearing process within 180 days. Any party may by motion request a conference.

(c) Notice. The ALJ must give the parties reasonable notice of the time and place of any conference.

(d) Method. A conference will ordinarily be held by telephone, unless the ALJ orders otherwise.

(e) Representatives' preparation and authority. Each party's representative must be fully prepared during the prehearing conference for a discussion of all procedural and substantive issues properly raised. The representative must be authorized to commit the party that he or she represents respecting those issues.

(f) Parties' meeting. Before the initial prehearing conference, the parties' representatives must make a good faith effort:

(1) To meet in person, by telephone, or by other appropriate means; and

(2) To reach agreement on the schedule of remaining steps in the hearing process.

(g) Failure to attend. Unless the ALJ orders otherwise, a party that fails to attend or participate in a conference, after being served with reasonable notice of its time and place, waives all objections to any agreements reached in the conference and to any consequent orders or rulings.

(h) Scope. During a conference, the ALJ may dispose of any procedural matters related to the case.

(i) Order. Within 3 days after the conclusion of each conference, the ALJ must issue an order that recites any agreements reached at the conference and any rulings made by the ALJ during or as a result of the conference.

§ 4.1023 - What are the requirements for motions for recommended summary decision, responses, and issuance of a recommended summary decision?

(a) Motion for recommended summary decision or partial recommended summary decision. A party may move for a recommended summary decision, identifying each issue on which summary decision is sought. The ALJ may issue a recommended summary decision if the movant shows that there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant is entitled to a recommended decision as a matter of law. The ALJ should state on the record the reasons for granting or denying the motion.

(b) Time to file a motion. Except as otherwise ordered by the ALJ, a party may file a motion for recommended summary decision on all or part of the proceeding at any time after DCHD issues a docketing notice under § 4.1020.

(c) Procedures—(1) Supporting factual positions. A party asserting that a fact cannot be or is genuinely disputed must support the assertion by:

(i) Citing to particular parts of materials in the hearing process record, including affidavits or declarations, stipulations (including those made for purposes of the motion only), or other materials; or

(ii) Showing that the materials cited do not establish the absence or presence of a genuine dispute, or that an adverse party cannot produce admissible evidence to support the fact.

(2) Objection that a fact is not supported by admissible evidence. A party may object that the material cited to support or dispute a fact cannot be presented in a form that would be admissible in evidence.

(3) Materials not cited. The ALJ need consider only the cited materials, but the ALJ may consider other materials in the hearing process record.

(4) Affidavits or declarations. An affidavit or declaration used to support or oppose a motion must be made on personal knowledge, set out facts that would be admissible in evidence, and show that the affiant or declarant is competent to testify on the matters stated.

(d) When facts are unavailable to the nonmovant. If a nonmovant shows by affidavit or declaration that, for specified reasons, it cannot present facts essential to justify its opposition, the ALJ may:

(1) Defer considering the motion or deny it;

(2) Allow time to obtain affidavits or declarations or, under extraordinary circumstances, to take discovery; or

(3) Issue any other appropriate order.

(e) Failing to properly support or address a fact. If a party fails to properly support an assertion of fact or fails to properly address another party's assertion of fact as required by paragraph (c) of this section, the ALJ may:

(1) Give an opportunity to properly support or address the fact;

(2) Consider the fact undisputed for purposes of the motion;

(3) Issue a recommended summary decision if the motion and supporting materials—including the facts considered undisputed—show that the movant is entitled to it; or

(4) Issue any other appropriate order.

(f) Issuing a recommended summary decision independent of the motion. After giving notice and a reasonable time to respond, the ALJ may:

(1) Issue a recommended summary decision for a nonmovant;

(2) Grant a motion for recommended summary decision on grounds not raised by a party; or

(3) Consider issuing a recommended summary decision on his or her own after identifying for the parties material facts that may not be genuinely in dispute.

(g) Failing to grant all the requested relief. If the ALJ does not grant all the relief requested by the motion, the ALJ may enter an order stating any material fact that is not genuinely in dispute and treating the fact as established in the case.

§ 4.1030 - What are the requirements for OFA's witness and exhibit list?

Within 14 days after OFA issues the notice of the election of hearing under 25 CFR 83.39(a)(1), OFA must file a list of the witnesses and exhibits it intends to present at the hearing, other than solely for impeachment purposes, including:

(a) For each witness listed, his or her name, address, telephone number, qualifications, and a brief narrative summary of his or her expected testimony; and

(b) For each exhibit listed, a statement specifying where the exhibit is in the administrative record reviewed by OFA.

§ 4.1031 - Under what circumstances will the ALJ authorize a party to obtain discovery of information?

(a) General. A party may obtain discovery of information to assist in preparing or presenting its case only if the ALJ determines that the party has met the criteria set forth in paragraph (b) of this section and authorizes the discovery in a written order or during a prehearing conference. Available methods of discovery are:

(1) Written interrogatories;

(2) Depositions; and

(3) Requests for production of designated documents or tangible things or for entry on designated land for inspection or other purposes.

(b) Criteria. The ALJ may authorize discovery only under extraordinary circumstances and if the party requesting discovery demonstrates:

(1) That the discovery will not unreasonably delay the hearing process;

(2) That the scope of the discovery is not unduly burdensome;

(3) That the method to be used is the least burdensome method available;

(4) That any confidential information can be adequately safeguarded; and

(5) That the information sought:

(i) Will be admissible at the hearing or appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence;

(ii) Is not otherwise obtainable by the party;

(iii) Is not cumulative or repetitious; and

(iv) Is not privileged or protected from disclosure by applicable law.

(c) Motions. A party seeking the ALJ's authorization for discovery must file a motion that:

(1) Briefly describes the proposed methodology, purpose, and scope of the discovery;

(2) Explains how the discovery meets the criteria in paragraph (b) of this section; and

(3) Attaches a copy of any proposed discovery request (written interrogatories, notice of deposition, or request for production of designated documents or tangible things or for entry on designated land).

(d) Timing of motions. Any discovery motion under paragraph (c) of this section must be filed:

(1) Within 30 days after issuance of the docketing notice under § 4.1020 if the discovery sought is between the petitioner and OFA; and

(2) Within 50 days after issuance of the docketing notice under § 4.1020 if the discovery sought is between a full intervenor and another party.

(e) Objections. (1) A party must file any objections to a discovery motion or to specific portions of a proposed discovery request within 10 days after service of the motion.

(2) An objection must explain how, in the objecting party's view, the discovery sought does not meet the criteria in paragraph (b) of this section.

§ 4.1032 - When must a party supplement or amend information?

(a) Witnesses and exhibits. (1) Each party must file an updated version of the list of witnesses and exhibits required under 25 CFR 83.38(a)(2), § 4.1021(b)(3), or § 4.1030 by no later than 15 days prior to the hearing date, unless otherwise ordered by the ALJ.

(2) If a party wishes to include any new witness or exhibit on its updated list, it must provide an explanation of why it was not feasible for the party to include the witness or exhibit on its list under 25 CFR 83.38(a)(2), § 4.1021(b)(3), or § 4.1030.

(b) Failure to disclose. (1) A party that fails to disclose information required under 25 CFR 83.38(a)(2), § 4.1021(b)(3), § 4.1030, or paragraph (a)(1) of this section will not be permitted to introduce as evidence at the hearing testimony from a witness or other information that it failed to disclose.

(2) Paragraph (b)(1) of this section does not apply if the failure to disclose was substantially justified or is harmless.

(3) Before or during the hearing, a party may object under paragraph (b)(1) of this section to the admission of evidence.

(4) The ALJ will consider the following in determining whether to exclude evidence under paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section:

(i) The prejudice to the objecting party;

(ii) The ability of the objecting party to cure any prejudice;

(iii) The extent to which presentation of the evidence would disrupt the orderly and efficient hearing of the case;

(iv) The importance of the evidence; and

(v) The reason for the failure to disclose, including any bad faith or willfulness regarding the failure.

§ 4.1033 - Under what circumstances will the ALJ authorize a party to depose a witness to preserve testimony?

(a) General. A party may depose a witness to preserve testimony only if the ALJ determines that the party has met the criteria set forth in paragraph (b) of this section and authorizes the deposition in a written order or during a prehearing conference. Authorization of depositions for discovery purposes is governed by § 4.1031.

(b) Criteria. (1) The ALJ may authorize a deposition to preserve testimony only if the party shows that the witness:

(i) Will be unable to attend the hearing because of age, illness, or other incapacity; or

(ii) Is unwilling to attend the hearing voluntarily, and the party is unable to compel the witness's attendance at the hearing by subpoena.

(2) Paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section does not apply to any person employed by or under contract with the party seeking the deposition.

(3) A party may depose a senior Department employee of OFA only if the party shows:

(i) That the employee's testimony is necessary in order to provide significant, unprivileged information that is not available from any other source or by less burdensome means; and

(ii) That the deposition would not significantly interfere with the employee's ability to perform his or her official duties.

(c) Motion and notice. A party seeking the ALJ's authorization to take a deposition to preserve testimony must file a motion which explains how the criteria in paragraph (b) of this section have been met and states:

(1) The time and place that the deposition is to be taken;

(2) The name and address of the person before whom the deposition is to be taken;

(3) The name and address of the witness whose deposition is to be taken; and

(4) Any documents or materials that the witness is to produce.

§ 4.1034 - What are the procedures for limiting disclosure of information which is confidential or exempt by law from public disclosure?

(a) A party or a prospective witness or deponent may file a motion requesting a protective order to limit from disclosure to other parties or to the public a document or testimony containing information which is confidential or exempt by law from public disclosure.

(b) In the motion the person must describe the information sought to be protected from disclosure and explain in detail:

(1) Why the information is confidential or exempt by law from public disclosure;

(2) Why disclosure of the information would adversely affect the person; and

(3) Why disclosure is not required in the public interest.

(c) If the person seeks non-disclosure of information in a document:

(1) The motion must include a copy of the document with the confidential information deleted. If it is not practicable to submit such a copy of the document because deletion of the information would render the document unintelligible, a description of the document may be substituted.

(2) The ALJ may require the person to file a sealed copy of the document for in camera inspection.

(d) Ordinarily, documents and testimony introduced into the public hearing process are presumed to be public. In issuing a protective order, the ALJ may make any order which justice requires to protect the person, consistent with the mandatory public disclosure requirements of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552(b), and other applicable law.

§ 4.1035 - What are the requirements for subpoenas and witness fees?

(a) Request for subpoena. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, any party may file a motion requesting the ALJ to issue a subpoena to the extent authorized by law for the attendance of a person, the giving of testimony, or the production of documents or other relevant evidence during discovery or for the hearing.

(2) A party may subpoena an OFA employee if the employee participated in the preparation of the negative proposed finding, except that if the OFA employee is a senior Department employee, the party must show:

(i) That the employee's testimony is necessary in order to provide significant, unprivileged information that is not available from any other source or by less burdensome means; and

(ii) That the employee's attendance would not significantly interfere with the ability to perform his or her government duties.

(b) Service. (1) A subpoena may be served by any person who is not a party and is 18 years of age or older.

(2) Service must be made by hand delivering a copy of the subpoena to the person named therein.

(3) The person serving the subpoena must:

(i) Prepare a certificate of service setting forth the date, time, and manner of service or the reason for any failure of service; and

(ii) Swear to or affirm the certificate, attach it to a copy of the subpoena, and return it to the party on whose behalf the subpoena was served.

(c) Witness fees. (1) A party who subpoenas a witness who is not a party must pay him or her the same fees and mileage expenses that are paid witnesses in the district courts of the United States.

(2) A witness who is not a party and who attends a deposition or hearing at the request of any party without having been subpoenaed to do so is entitled to the same fees and mileage expenses as if he or she had been subpoenaed. However, this paragraph does not apply to federal employees who are called as witnesses by OFA.

(d) Motion to quash. (1) A person to whom a subpoena is directed may request by motion that the ALJ quash or modify the subpoena.

(2) The motion must be filed:

(i) Within 5 days after service of the subpoena; or

(ii) At or before the time specified in the subpoena for compliance, if that is less than 5 days after service of the subpoena.

(3) The ALJ may quash or modify the subpoena if it:

(i) Is unreasonable;

(ii) Requires evidence beyond the limits on witnesses and evidence found in §§ 4.1042 and 4.1046;

(iii) Requires evidence during discovery that is not discoverable; or

(iv) Requires evidence during a hearing that is privileged or irrelevant.

(e) Enforcement. For good cause shown, the ALJ may apply to the appropriate United States District Court for the issuance of an order compelling the appearance and testimony of a witness or the production of evidence as set forth in a subpoena that has been duly issued and served.

§ 4.1040 - When and where will the hearing be held?

(a) Time and place. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the hearing will be held at the time and place set at the initial prehearing conference under § 4.1022(a)(1)(iii), generally within 90 days after the date DCHD issues the docketing notice under § 4.1020(a)(3).

(2) The ALJ will consider the convenience of all parties, their representatives, and witnesses in setting the time and place for hearing.

(b) Change. On motion by a party or on the ALJ's initiative, the ALJ may change the date, time, or place of the hearing if he or she finds:

(1) That there is good cause for the change; and

(2) That the change will not unduly prejudice the parties and witnesses.

§ 4.1041 - What are the parties' rights during the hearing?

Consistent with the provisions of this subpart, and as necessary to ensure full and accurate disclosure of the facts, each party may exercise the following rights during the hearing:

(a) Present direct and rebuttal evidence;

(b) Make objections, motions, and arguments; and

(c) Cross-examine witnesses, including OFA staff, and conduct re-direct and re-cross examination as permitted by the ALJ.

§ 4.1042 - Who may testify?

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each party may present as witnesses the following persons only:

(1) Persons who qualify as expert witnesses; and

(2) OFA staff who participated in the preparation of the negative proposed finding, except that if the OFA employee is a senior Department employee, any party other than OFA must first obtain a subpoena for that employee under § 4.1035.

(b) The ALJ may authorize testimony from witnesses in addition to those identified in paragraph (a) of this section only under extraordinary circumstances.

§ 4.1043 - What are the methods for testifying?

Oral examination of a witness in a hearing, including on cross-examination or redirect, must be conducted under oath with an opportunity for all parties to question the witness. The witness must testify in the presence of the ALJ unless the ALJ authorizes the witness to testify by telephonic conference call. The ALJ may issue a subpoena under § 4.1035 directing a witness to testify by telephonic conference call.

§ 4.1044 - How may a party use a deposition in the hearing?

(a) In general. Subject to the provisions of this section, a party may use in the hearing any part or all of a deposition taken against any party who:

(1) Was present or represented at the taking of the deposition; or

(2) Had reasonable notice of the taking of the deposition.

(b) Admissibility. (1) No part of a deposition will be included in the hearing record, unless received in evidence by the judge.

(2) The judge will exclude from evidence any question and response to which an objection:

(i) Was noted at the taking of the deposition; and

(ii) Would have been sustained if the witness had been personally present and testifying at a hearing.

(3) If a party offers only part of a deposition in evidence:

(i) An adverse party may require the party to introduce any other part that ought in fairness to be considered with the part introduced; and

(ii) Any other party may introduce any other parts.

(c) Video-recorded deposition. If the deposition was video recorded and is admitted into evidence, relevant portions will be played during the hearing and transcribed into the record by the reporter.

§ 4.1045 - What are the requirements for exhibits, official notice, and stipulations?

(a) General. (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, any material offered in evidence, other than oral testimony, must be offered in the form of an exhibit.

(2) Each exhibit offered by a party must be marked for identification.

(3) Any party who seeks to have an exhibit admitted into evidence must provide:

(i) The original of the exhibit to the reporter, unless the ALJ permits the substitution of a copy; and

(ii) A copy of the exhibit to the ALJ.

(b) ALJ exhibits. (1) At any time prior to issuance of the recommended decision, the ALJ, on his or her own initiative, may admit into evidence as an exhibit any document from the administrative record reviewed by OFA.

(2) If the ALJ admits a document under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the ALJ must notify the parties and give them a brief opportunity to submit comments on the document.

(c) Material not offered. If a document offered as an exhibit contains material not offered as evidence:

(1) The party offering the exhibit must:

(i) Designate the matter offered as evidence;

(ii) Segregate and exclude the material not offered in evidence, to the extent feasible; and

(iii) Provide copies of the entire document to the other parties appearing at the hearing.

(2) The ALJ must give the other parties an opportunity to inspect the entire document and offer in evidence any other portions of the document.

(d) Official notice. (1) At the request of any party at the hearing, the ALJ may take official notice of any matter of which the courts of the United States may take judicial notice, including the public records of the Department, except materials in the administrative record reviewed by OFA.

(2) The ALJ must give the other parties appearing at the hearing an opportunity to show the contrary of an officially noticed fact.

(3) Any party requesting official notice of a fact after the conclusion of the hearing must show good cause for its failure to request official notice during the hearing.

(e) Stipulations. (1) The parties may stipulate to any relevant facts or to the authenticity of any relevant documents.

(2) If received in evidence at the hearing, a stipulation is binding on the stipulating parties.

(3) A stipulation may be written or made orally at the hearing.

§ 4.1046 - What evidence is admissible at the hearing?

(a) Scope of evidence. (1) The ALJ may admit as evidence only documentation in the administrative record reviewed by OFA, including comments on OFA's proposed finding and petitioner's responses to those comments, and testimony clarifying or explaining the information in that documentation, except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(2) The ALJ may admit information outside the scope of paragraph (a)(1) of this section only if the party seeking to admit the information explains why the information was not submitted for inclusion in the administrative record reviewed by OFA and demonstrates that extraordinary circumstances exist justifying admission of the information.

(3) Subject to the provisions of § 4.1032(b) and paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section, the ALJ may admit any written, oral, documentary, or demonstrative evidence that is:

(i) Relevant, reliable, and probative; and

(ii) Not privileged or unduly repetitious or cumulative.

(b) General. (1) The ALJ may exclude evidence if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the risk of undue prejudice, confusion of the issues, or delay.

(2) Hearsay evidence is admissible. The ALJ may consider the fact that evidence is hearsay when determining its probative value.

(3) The Federal Rules of Evidence do not directly apply to the hearing, but may be used as guidance by the ALJ and the parties in interpreting and applying the provisions of this section.

(c) Objections. Any party objecting to the admission or exclusion of evidence shall concisely state the grounds. A ruling on every objection must appear in the record.

§ 4.1047 - What are the requirements for transcription of the hearing?

(a) Transcript and reporter's fees. The hearing must be transcribed verbatim.

(1) DCHD will secure the services of a reporter and pay the reporter's fees to provide an original transcript to DCHD on an expedited basis.

(2) Each party must pay the reporter for any copies of the transcript obtained by that party.

(b) Transcript corrections. (1) Any party may file a motion proposing corrections to the transcript. The motion must be filed within 5 days after receipt of the transcript, unless the ALJ sets a different deadline.

(2) Unless a party files a timely motion under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the transcript will be presumed to be correct and complete, except for obvious typographical errors.

(3) As soon as feasible after the close of the hearing and after consideration of any motions filed under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the ALJ will issue an order making any corrections to the transcript that the ALJ finds are warranted.

§ 4.1048 - What is the standard of proof?

The ALJ will consider a criterion to be met if the evidence establishes a reasonable likelihood of the validity of the facts related to the criteria. Conclusive proof of the facts relating to a criterion shall not be required in order for the criterion to be considered met.

§ 4.1049 - When will the hearing record close?

(a) The hearing record will close when the ALJ closes the hearing, unless he or she directs otherwise.

(b) Except as provided in § 4.1045(b)(1), evidence may not be added after the hearing record is closed, but the transcript may be corrected under § 4.1047(b).

§ 4.1050 - What are the requirements for post-hearing briefs?

(a) General. (1) Each party may file a post-hearing brief within 20 days after the close of the hearing, unless the ALJ sets a different deadline.

(2) A party may file a reply brief only if requested by the ALJ. The deadline for filing a reply brief, if any, will be set by the ALJ.

(3) The ALJ may limit the length of the briefs to be filed under this section.

(b) Content. (1) An initial brief must include:

(i) A concise statement of the case;

(ii) A separate section containing proposed findings regarding the issues of material fact, with supporting citations to the hearing record;

(iii) Arguments in support of the party's position; and

(iv) Any other matter required by the ALJ.

(2) A reply brief, if requested by the ALJ, must be limited to any issues identified by the ALJ.

(c) Form. (1) An exhibit admitted into evidence or marked for identification in the record may not be reproduced in the brief.

(i) Such an exhibit may be reproduced, within reasonable limits, in an appendix to the brief.

(ii) Any pertinent analysis of an exhibit may be included in a brief.

(2) If a brief exceeds 30 pages, it must contain:

(i) A table of contents and of points made, with page references; and

(ii) An alphabetical list of citations to legal authority, with page references.

§ 4.1051 - What are the requirements for the ALJ's recommended decision?

(a) Timing. The ALJ must issue a recommended decision within 180 days after issuance of the docketing notice under § 4.1020(a)(3), unless the ALJ issues an order finding good cause to issue the recommended decision at a later date.

(b) Content. (1) The recommended decision must contain all of the following:

(i) Recommended findings of fact on all disputed issues of material fact;

(ii) Recommended conclusions of law:

(A) Necessary to make the findings of fact (such as rulings on materiality and on the admissibility of evidence); and

(B) As to whether the applicable criteria for Federal acknowledgment have been met; and

(iii) Reasons for the findings and conclusions.

(2) The ALJ may adopt any of the findings of fact proposed by one or more of the parties.

(c) Service. Promptly after issuing a recommended decision, the ALJ must:

(1) Serve the recommended decision on each party to the hearing process; and

(2) Forward the complete hearing record to the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs, including the recommended decision.

source: 36 FR 7186, Apr. 15, 1971, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 4.1040