Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Oct 02, 2024
§ 153.200 - [Reserved]
§ 153.210 - State establishment of a reinsurance program.

(a) General requirement. Each State is eligible to establish a reinsurance program for the years 2014 through 2016.

(1) If a State establishes a reinsurance program, the State must enter into a contract with one or more applicable reinsurance entities to carry out the provisions of this subpart.

(2) If a State contracts with or establishes more than one applicable reinsurance entity, the State must ensure that each applicable reinsurance entity operates in a distinct geographic area with no overlap of jurisdiction with any other applicable reinsurance entity.

(3) A State may permit an applicable reinsurance entity to subcontract specific administrative functions required under this subpart and subpart E of this part.

(4) A State must review and approve subcontracting arrangements to ensure efficient and appropriate expenditures of administrative funds collected under this subpart.

(5) A State must ensure that the applicable reinsurance entity completes all reinsurance-related activities for benefit years 2014 through 2016 and any activities required to be undertaken in subsequent periods.

(b) Multi-State reinsurance arrangements. Multiple States may contract with a single entity to serve as an applicable reinsurance entity for each State. In such a case, the reinsurance programs for those States must be operated as separate programs.

(c) Non-electing States. HHS will establish a reinsurance program for each State that does not elect to establish its own reinsurance program.

(d) Oversight. Each State that establishes a reinsurance program must ensure that the applicable reinsurance entity complies with all provisions of this subpart and subpart E of this part throughout the duration of its contract.

(e) Reporting to HHS. Each State that establishes a reinsurance program must ensure that each applicable reinsurance entity provides information regarding requests for reinsurance payments under the national contribution rate made under § 153.410 for all reinsurance-eligible plans for each quarter during the applicable benefit year in a manner and timeframe established by HHS.

[77 FR 17245, Mar. 23, 2012, as amended at 78 FR 15525, Mar. 11, 2013]
§ 153.220 - Collection of reinsurance contribution funds.

(a) Collections. If a State establishes a reinsurance program, HHS will collect all reinsurance contributions from all contributing entities for that State under the national contribution rate.

(b) Contribution funding. Reinsurance contributions collected must fund the following:

(1) Reinsurance payments that will total, on a national basis, $10 billion in 2014, $6 billion in 2015, and $4 billion in 2016;

(2) U.S. Treasury contributions that will total, on a national basis, $2 billion in 2014, $2 billion in 2015, and $1 billion in 2016; and

(3) Administrative expenses of the applicable reinsurance entity or HHS when performing reinsurance functions under this subpart.

(c) National contribution rate. HHS will set in the annual HHS notice of benefit and payment parameters for the applicable benefit year the national contribution rate and the proportion of contributions collected under the national contribution rate to be allocated to:

(1) Reinsurance payments;

(2) Payments to the U.S. Treasury as described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section; and

(3) Administrative expenses of the applicable reinsurance entity or HHS when performing reinsurance functions under this subpart.

(d) Additional State collections. If a State establishes a reinsurance program:

(1) The State may elect to collect more than the amounts that would be collected based on the national contribution rate set forth in the annual HHS notice of benefit and payment parameters for the applicable benefit year to provide:

(i) Funding for administrative expenses of the applicable reinsurance entity; or

(ii) Additional funds for reinsurance payments.

(2) A State may use additional funds which were not collected as additional reinsurance contributions under this part for reinsurance payments under the State supplemental payment parameters under § 153.232.

[77 FR 17245, Mar. 23, 2012, as amended at 77 FR 29236, May 17, 2012, 78 FR 15525, Mar. 11, 2013; 78 FR 66655, Nov. 6, 2013]
§ 153.230 - Calculation of reinsurance payments made under the national contribution rate.

(a) Eligibility for reinsurance payments under the national reinsurance parameters. A health insurance issuer of a reinsurance-eligible plan becomes eligible for reinsurance payments from contributions collected under the national contribution rate when its claims costs for an individual enrollee's covered benefits in a benefit year exceed the national attachment point.

(b) National reinsurance payment parameters. The national reinsurance payment parameters for each benefit year commencing in 2014 and ending in 2016 set forth in the annual HHS notice of benefit and payment parameters for each applicable benefit year will apply with respect to reinsurance payments made from contributions received under the national contribution rate.

(c) National reinsurance payments. Each reinsurance payment made from contributions received under the national contribution rate will be calculated as the product of the national coinsurance rate multiplied by the health insurance issuer's claims costs for an individual enrollee's covered benefits that the health insurance issuer incurs in the applicable benefit year between the national attachment point and the national reinsurance cap.

(d) Uniform adjustment to national reinsurance payments. If HHS determines that all reinsurance payments requested under the national payment parameters from all reinsurance-eligible plans in all States for a benefit year will not be equal to the amount of all reinsurance contributions collected for reinsurance payments under the national contribution rate in all States for an applicable benefit year, HHS will determine a uniform pro rata adjustment to be applied to all such requests for reinsurance payments for all States. Each applicable reinsurance entity, or HHS on behalf of a State, must reduce or increase the reinsurance payment amounts for the applicable benefit year by any adjustment required under this paragraph (d).

[78 FR 15526, Mar. 11, 2013, as amended at 78 FR 66655, Nov. 6, 2013; 79 FR 13835, Mar. 11, 2014]
§ 153.232 - Calculation of reinsurance payments made under a State additional contribution rate.

(a) State supplemental reinsurance payment parameters. (1) If a State establishes a reinsurance program and elects to collect additional contributions under § 153.220(d)(1)(ii) or use additional funds for reinsurance payments under § 153.220(d)(2), the State must set supplemental reinsurance payment parameters using one or more of the following methods:

(i) Decreasing the national attachment point;

(ii) Increasing the national reinsurance cap; or

(iii) Increasing the national coinsurance rate.

(2) The State must ensure that additional reinsurance contributions and funds projected to be received under § 153.220(d)(1)(ii) and § 153.220(d)(2), as applicable, for any applicable benefit year are reasonably calculated to cover additional reinsurance payments that are projected to be made only under the State supplemental reinsurance payment parameters (that will not be paid under the national payment parameters) for the given benefit year.

(3) All applicable reinsurance entities in a State collecting additional reinsurance contributions must apply the State supplemental reinsurance payment parameters established under paragraph (a)(1) of this section when calculating reinsurance payments.

(b) General requirement for payments under State supplemental reinsurance parameters. Contributions collected under § 153.220(d)(1)(ii) or funds under § 153.220(d)(2), as applicable, must be applied towards requests for reinsurance payments made under the State supplemental reinsurance payments parameters for each benefit year commencing in 2014 and ending in 2016.

(c) Eligibility for reinsurance payments under State supplemental reinsurance parameters. If a State establishes State supplemental reinsurance payment parameters under § 153.232(a)(1), a reinsurance-eligible plan becomes eligible for reinsurance payments from contributions under § 153.220(d)(1)(ii) or funds under § 153.220(d)(2), as applicable, if its incurred claims costs for an individual enrollee's covered benefits in the applicable benefit year:

(1) Exceed the State supplemental attachment point set forth in the State notice of benefit and payment parameters for the applicable benefit year if a State has established such a supplemental attachment point under § 153.232(a)(1)(i);

(2) Exceed the national reinsurance cap set forth in the annual HHS notice of benefit and payment parameters for the applicable benefit year if a State has established a State supplemental reinsurance cap under § 153.232(a)(1)(ii); or

(3) Exceed the national attachment point set forth in the annual HHS notice of benefit and payment parameters for the applicable benefit year if a State has established a supplemental coinsurance rate under § 153.232(a)(1)(iii).

(d) Payments under State supplemental reinsurance parameters. Each reinsurance payment made from contributions received under § 153.220(d)(1)(ii) or funds under § 153.220(d)(2), as applicable, will be calculated with respect to an issuer's incurred claims costs for an individual enrollee's covered benefits in the applicable benefit year as the sum of the following:

(1) If the State has established a State supplemental attachment point, to the extent the issuer's incurred claims costs for such benefits in the applicable benefit year exceed the State supplemental attachment point but do not exceed the national attachment point, the product of such claims costs between the State supplemental attachment point and the national attachment point multiplied by the national coinsurance rate (or, if the State has established a State supplemental coinsurance rate, the State supplemental coinsurance rate);

(2) If the State has established a State supplemental reinsurance cap, to the extent the issuer's incurred claims costs for such benefits in the applicable benefit year exceed the national reinsurance cap but do not exceed the State supplemental reinsurance cap, the product of such claims costs between the national reinsurance cap and the State supplemental reinsurance cap multiplied by the national coinsurance rate (or, if the State has established a State supplemental coinsurance rate, the State supplemental coinsurance rate); and

(3) If the State has established a State supplemental coinsurance rate, the product of the issuer's incurred claims costs for such benefits in the applicable benefit year between the national attachment point and the national reinsurance cap multiplied by the difference between the State supplemental coinsurance rate and the national coinsurance rate.

(e) Uniform adjustment to payments under State supplemental reinsurance payment parameters. If all requested reinsurance payments under the State supplemental reinsurance parameters calculated in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) of this section from all reinsurance-eligible plans in a State for a benefit year will exceed all reinsurance contributions collected under § 153.220(d)(1)(ii) or funds under § 153.220(d)(2) for the applicable benefit year, the State must determine a uniform pro rata adjustment to be applied to all such requests for reinsurance payments. Each applicable reinsurance entity in the State must reduce all such requests for reinsurance payments for the applicable benefit year by that adjustment.

(f) Limitations on payments under State supplemental reinsurance parameters. A State must ensure that:

(1) The payments made to issuers must not exceed the issuer's total paid amount for the reinsurance-eligible claim(s); and

(2) Any remaining additional funds for reinsurance payments collected under § 153.220(d)(1)(ii) must be used for reinsurance payments under the State supplemental reinsurance payment parameters in subsequent benefit years.

[78 FR 15526, Mar. 11, 2013]
§ 153.234 - Eligibility under health insurance market rules.

A reinsurance-eligible plan's covered claims costs for an enrollee incurred prior to the application of the following provisions do not count towards either the national reinsurance payment parameters or the State supplemental reinsurance payment parameters: 45 CFR 147.102, 147.104 (subject to 147.145), 147.106 (subject to 147.145), 156.80, and subpart B of part 156.

[78 FR 15527, Mar. 11, 2013]
§ 153.235 - Allocation and distribution of reinsurance contributions

(a) Allocation of reinsurance contributions. HHS will allocate and disburse to each State operating reinsurance (and will distribute directly to issuers if HHS is operating reinsurance on behalf of a State), reinsurance contributions collected from contributing entities under the national contribution rate for reinsurance payments. The disbursed funds would be based on the total requests for reinsurance payments made under the national reinsurance payment parameters in all States and submitted under § 153.410, net of any adjustment under § 153.230(d).

(b) Excess reinsurance contributions. Any reinsurance contributions collected from contributing entities under the national contribution rate for reinsurance payments for any benefit year but unused for the applicable benefit year will be used for reinsurance payments under the national reinsurance payment parameters for subsequent benefit years.

[78 FR 15527, Mar. 11, 2013]
§ 153.240 - Disbursement of reinsurance payments.

(a) Data collection. If a State establishes a reinsurance program, the State must ensure that the applicable reinsurance entity:

(1) Collects data required to determine reinsurance payments as described in §§ 153.230 and 153.232, as applicable, from an issuer of reinsurance-eligible plans or is provided access to such data, according to the data requirements specified by the State in the State notice of benefit and payment parameters described in subpart B of this part.

(2) Makes reinsurance payments to the issuer of a reinsurance-eligible plan after receiving a valid claim for payment from that health insurance issuer in accordance with the requirements of § 153.410.

(3) Provides a process through which an issuer of a reinsurance-eligible plan that does not generate individual enrollee claims in the normal course of business may use estimated claims costs to make a request for payment (or to submit data to be considered for reinsurance payments) in accordance with the requirements of § 153.410. The State must ensure that such requests for reinsurance payment (or a subset of such requests) are subject to validation.

(b) Notification of reinsurance payments. For each applicable benefit year,

(1) A State, or HHS on behalf of the State, must notify issuers annually of:

(i) Reinsurance payments under the national payment parameters, and

(ii) Reinsurance payments under the State supplemental payment parameters if applicable, to be made for the applicable benefit year no later than June 30 of the year following the applicable benefit year.

(2) A State must provide to each issuer of a reinsurance-eligible plan the calculation of total reinsurance payment requests, on a quarterly basis during the applicable benefit year in a timeframe and manner specified by HHS, made under:

(i) The national reinsurance payment parameters, and

(ii) State supplemental reinsurance payments parameters if applicable.

(c) Maintenance of records. If a State establishes a reinsurance program, the State must maintain documents and records relating to the reinsurance program, whether paper, electronic, or in other media, for each benefit year for at least 10 years, and make them available upon request from HHS, the OIG, the Comptroller General, or their designees, to any such entity. The documents and records must be sufficient to enable the evaluation of the State-operated reinsurance program's compliance with Federal standards. The State must also ensure that its contractors, subcontractors, and agents similarly maintain and make relevant documents and records available upon request from HHS, the OIG, the Comptroller General, or their designees, to any such entity.

(d) Privacy and security. (1) If a State establishes a reinsurance program, the State must ensure that the applicable reinsurance entity's collection of personally identifiable information is limited to information reasonably necessary for use in the calculation of reinsurance payments, and that use and disclosure of personally identifiable information is limited to those purposes for which the personally identifiable information was collected (including for purposes of data validation).

(2) If a State establishes a reinsurance program, the State must ensure that the applicable reinsurance entity implements security standards that provide administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for the personally identifiable information consistent with the security standards described at 45 CFR 164.308, 164.310, and 164.312.

[77 FR 17247, Mar. 23, 2012, as amended at 78 FR 15527, Mar. 11, 2013; 78 FR 65093, Oct. 30, 2013]
§ 153.250 - Coordination with high-risk pools.

(a) General requirement. The State must eliminate or modify any State high-risk pool to the extent necessary to carry out the reinsurance program established under this subpart.

(b) Coordination with high-risk pools. The State may coordinate the State high-risk pool with the reinsurance program to the extent that the State high-risk pool conforms to the provisions of this subpart.

§ 153.260 - General oversight requirements for State-operated reinsurance programs.

(a) Accounting requirements. A State that establishes a reinsurance program must ensure that its applicable reinsurance entity keeps an accounting for each benefit year of:

(1) All reinsurance contributions received from HHS for reinsurance payments and for administrative expenses;

(2) All claims for reinsurance payments received from issuers of reinsurance-eligible plans;

(3) All reinsurance payments made to issuers of reinsurance-eligible plans; and

(4) All administrative expenses incurred for the reinsurance program.

(b) State summary report. A State that establishes a reinsurance program must submit to HHS and make public a report on its reinsurance program operations for each benefit year in the manner and timeframe specified by HHS. The report must summarize the accounting for the benefit year kept pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) Independent external audit. A State that establishes a reinsurance program must engage an independent qualified auditing entity to perform a financial and programmatic audit for each benefit year of its State-operated reinsurance program in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS). The State must:

(1) Provide to HHS the results of the audit, in the manner and timeframe to be specified by HHS;

(2) Ensure that the audit addresses the prohibitions set forth in § 153.265;

(3) Identify to HHS any material weakness or significant deficiency identified in the audit, and address in writing to HHS how the State intends to correct any such material weakness or significant deficiency; and

(4) Make public a summary of the results of the audit, including any material weakness or significant deficiency and how the State intends to correct the material weakness or significant deficiency, in the manner and timeframe to be specified by HHS.

[78 FR 65093, Oct. 30, 2013]
§ 153.265 - Restrictions on use of reinsurance funds for administrative expenses.

A State that establishes a reinsurance program must ensure that its applicable reinsurance entity does not use any funds for the support of reinsurance operations, including any reinsurance contributions provided under the national contribution rate for administrative expenses, for any of the following purposes:

(a) Staff retreats;

(b) Promotional giveaways;

(c) Excessive executive compensation; or

(d) Promotion of Federal or State legislative or regulatory modifications.

[78 FR 65093, Oct. 30, 2013]
§ 153.270 - HHS audits of State-operated reinsurance programs.

(a) Audits. HHS or its designee may conduct a financial and programmatic audit of a State-operated reinsurance program to assess compliance with the requirements of this subpart or subpart B of this part. A State that establishes a reinsurance program must ensure that its applicable reinsurance entity and any relevant contractors, subcontractors, or agents cooperate with any audit under this section.

(b) Action on audit findings. If an audit results in a finding of material weakness or significant deficiency with respect to compliance with any requirement of this subpart or subpart B, the State must ensure that the applicable reinsurance entity:

(1) Within 60 calendar days of the issuance of the final audit report, provides a written corrective action plan to HHS for approval;

(2) Implements that plan; and

(3) Provides to HHS written documentation of the corrective actions once taken.

[79 FR 13835, Mar. 11, 2014]
source: 77 FR 17245, Mar. 23, 2012, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 153.232