Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Oct 02, 2024
§ 155.1000 - Certification standards for QHPs.

(a) Definition. The following definition applies in this subpart:

Multi-State plan means a health plan that is offered in accordance with section 1334 of the Affordable Care Act.

(b) General requirement. The Exchange must offer only health plans which have in effect a certification issued or are recognized as plans deemed certified for participation in an Exchange as a QHP, unless specifically provided for otherwise.

(c) General certification criteria. The Exchange may certify a health plan as a QHP in the Exchange if—

(1) The health insurance issuer provides evidence during the certification process in § 155.1010 that it complies with the minimum certification requirements outlined in subpart C of part 156, as applicable; and

(2) The Exchange determines that making the health plan available is in the interest of the qualified individuals and qualified employers, except that the Exchange must not exclude a health plan—

(i) On the basis that such plan is a fee-for-service plan;

(ii) Through the imposition of premium price controls; or

(iii) On the basis that the health plan provides treatments necessary to prevent patients' deaths in circumstances the Exchange determines are inappropriate or too costly.

(d) Special rule for SHOP. Except when a QHP is decertified by the Exchange pursuant to § 155.1080, in a SHOP that certifies QHPs on a calendar-year basis, the certification shall remain in effect for the duration of any plan year beginning in the calendar year for which the QHP was certified, even if the plan year ends after the calendar year for which the QHP was certified.

[77 FR 18467, Mar. 27, 2012, as amended at 80 FR 10870, Feb. 27, 2015]
§ 155.1010 - Certification process for QHPs.

(a) Certification procedures. The Exchange must establish procedures for the certification of QHPs consistent with § 155.1000(c).

(1) Completion date. The Exchange must complete the certification of the QHPs that will be offered during the open enrollment period prior to the beginning of such period, as outlined in § 155.410.

(2) Ongoing compliance. The Exchange must monitor the QHP issuers for demonstration of ongoing compliance with the certification requirements in § 155.1000(c).

(b) Exchange recognition of plans deemed certified for participation in an Exchange. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, an Exchange must recognize as certified QHPs:

(1) A multi-State plan certified by and under contract with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

(2) A CO-OP QHP as described in subpart F of part 156 and deemed as certified under § 156.520(e).

§ 155.1020 - QHP issuer rate and benefit information.

(a) Receipt and posting of rate increase justification. The Exchange must ensure that a QHP issuer submits a justification for a rate increase for a QHP prior to the implementation of such an increase, except for multi-State plans, for which the U.S. Office of Personnel Management will provide a process for the submission of rate increase justifications. The Exchange must ensure that the QHP issuer has prominently posted the justification on its Web site as required under § 156.210. To ensure consumer transparency, the Exchange must also provide access to the justification on its Internet Web site described in § 155.205(b).

(b) Rate increase consideration. (1) The Exchange must consider rate increases in accordance with section 1311(e)(2) of the Affordable Care Act, which includes consideration of the following:

(i) A justification for a rate increase prior to the implementation of the increase;

(ii) Recommendations provided to the Exchange by the State in accordance with section 2794(b)(1)(B) of the PHS Act; and

(iii) Any excess of rate growth outside the Exchange as compared to the rate of such growth inside the Exchange.

(2) This paragraph does not apply to multi-State plans for which the U.S. Office of Personnel Management will provide a process for rate increase consideration.

(c) Benefit and rate information. The Exchange must receive the information described in this paragraph, at least annually, from QHP issuers for each QHP in a form and manner to be specified by HHS. Information about multi-State plans may be provided in a form and manner determined by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. The information identified in this paragraph is:

(1) Rates;

(2) Covered benefits; and

(3) Cost-sharing requirements.

[77 FR 18467, Mar. 27, 2012, as amended at 77 FR 31515, May 29, 2012]
§ 155.1030 - QHP certification standards related to advance payments of the premium tax credit and cost-sharing reductions.

(a) Review of plan variations for cost-sharing reductions. (1) An Exchange must ensure that each issuer that offers, or intends to offer a health plan at any level of coverage in the individual market on the Exchange submits the required plan variations for the health plan as described in § 156.420 of this subchapter. The Exchange must certify that the plan variations meet the requirements of § 156.420.

(2) The Exchange must provide to HHS the actuarial values of each QHP and silver plan variation, calculated under § 156.135 of this subchapter, in the manner and timeframe established by HHS.

(b) Information for administering advance payments of the premium tax credit and advance payments of cost-sharing reductions. (1) The Exchange must collect and review annually the rate allocation and the actuarial memorandum that an issuer submits to the Exchange under § 156.470 of this subchapter, to ensure that the allocation meets the standards set forth in § 156.470(c) and (d) of this subchapter.

(2) The Exchange must submit, in the manner and timeframe established by HHS, to HHS the approved allocations and actuarial memorandum underlying the approved allocations for each health plan at any level of coverage or stand-alone dental plan offered, or intended to be offered in the individual market on the Exchange.

(3) The Exchange must use the methodology specified in the annual HHS notice of benefit and payment parameters to calculate advance payment amounts for cost-sharing reductions, and must transmit the advance payment amounts to HHS, in accordance with § 156.340(a) of this subchapter.

(4) HHS may use the information provided to HHS by the Exchange under this section for oversight of advance payments of cost-sharing reductions and premium tax credits.

(c) Multi-State plans. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management will ensure compliance with the standards referenced in this section for multi-State plans, as defined in § 155.1000(a).

[78 FR 15534, Mar. 11, 2013, as amended at 79 FR 13839, Mar. 11, 2014]
§ 155.1040 - Transparency in coverage.

(a) General requirement. The Exchange must collect information relating to coverage transparency as described in § 156.220 of this subtitle from QHP issuers, and from multi-State plans in a time and manner determined by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

(b) Use of plain language. The Exchange must determine whether the information required to be submitted and made available under paragraph (a) of this section is provided in plain language.

(c) Transparency of cost-sharing information. The Exchange must monitor whether a QHP issuer has made cost-sharing information available in a timely manner upon the request of an individual as required by § 156.220(d) of this subtitle.

§ 155.1045 - Accreditation timeline.

(a) Timeline. The Exchange must establish a uniform period following certification of a QHP within which a QHP issuer that is not already accredited must become accredited as required by § 156.275 of this subchapter, except for multi-state plans. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management will establish the accreditation period for multi-state plans.

(b) Federally-facilitated Exchange. The accreditation timeline used in federally-facilitated Exchanges follows:

(1) During certification for an issuer's initial year of QHP certification (for example, in 2013 for the 2014 coverage year), a QHP issuer without existing commercial, Medicaid, or Exchange health plan accreditation granted by a recognized accrediting entity for the same State in which the issuer is applying to offer coverage must have scheduled or plan to schedule a review of QHP policies and procedures of the applying QHP issuer with a recognized accrediting entity.

(2) Prior to a QHP issuer's second year and third year of QHP certification (for example, in 2014 for the 2015 coverage year and 2015 for the 2016 coverage year), a QHP issuer must be accredited by a recognized accrediting entity on the policies and procedures that are applicable to their Exchange products, or a QHP issuer must have commercial or Medicaid health plan accreditation granted by a recognized accrediting entity for the same State in which the issuer is offering Exchange coverage and the administrative policies and procedures underlying that accreditation must be the same or similar to the administrative policies and procedures used in connection with the QHP.

(3) Prior to the QHP issuer's fourth year of QHP certification and in every subsequent year of certification (for example, in 2016 for the 2017 coverage year and forward), a QHP issuer must be accredited in accordance with § 156.275 of this subchapter.

[78 FR 12865, Feb. 25, 2013]
§ 155.1050 - Establishment of Exchange network adequacy standards.

(a) Except with regard to multi-State plans:

(1) A federally facilitated Exchange must ensure that the provider network of each QHP meets the standards specified in § 156.230 of this subtitle.

(2) State Exchanges and State-based Exchanges on the Federal Platform must ensure that the provider network of each QHP meets applicable standards specified in § 156.230(a)(1)(ii), (a)(1)(iii), and (a)(4) of this subchapter.

(i) For plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2026, to comply with the requirement under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, State Exchanges and State-based Exchanges on the Federal platform must:

(A) Establish and impose network adequacy time and distance standards for QHPs that are at least as stringent as standards for QHPs participating on the Federally-facilitated Exchanges under § 156.230(a)(2)(i)(A) of this subchapter;

(B) Conduct, prior to QHP certification, quantitative network adequacy reviews to evaluate compliance with requirements under § 156.230(a)(1)(ii), (a)(1)(iii), and (a)(2)(i)(A) of this subchapter, while providing QHP certification applicants the flexibilities described under § 156.230(a)(2)(ii) and (a)(3) and (4); and

(C) Require that all issuers seeking certification of a plan as a QHP submit information to the Exchange reporting whether or not network providers offer telehealth services.

(ii) For plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2026, HHS may grant an exception to the requirements described under paragraphs (a)(2)(i) of this section to a State Exchange or State-based Exchange on the Federal platform that demonstrates with evidence-based data, in a form and manner specified by HHS, that:

(A) the Exchange applies and enforces alternate quantitative network adequacy standards that are reasonably calculated to ensure a level of access to providers that is as great as that ensured by the Federal network adequacy standards established for QHPs under § 156.230(a)(1)(iii), (a)(2)(i)(A), and (a)(4) of this subchapter; and

(B) the Exchange evaluates whether plans comply with applicable network adequacy standards prior to certifying any plan as a QHP.

(b) The U.S. Office of Personnel Management will ensure compliance with the standards specified in § 156.230 of this subtitle for multi-State plans.

(c) A QHP issuer in an Exchange may not be prohibited from contracting with any essential community provider designated under § 156.235(c) of this subtitle.

[77 FR 18467, Mar. 27, 2012, as amended at 89 FR 26423, Apr. 15, 2024]
§ 155.1055 - Service area of a QHP.

The Exchange must have a process to establish or evaluate the service areas of QHPs to ensure such service areas meet the following minimum criteria:

(a) The service area of a QHP covers a minimum geographical area that is at least the entire geographic area of a county, or a group of counties defined by the Exchange, unless the Exchange determines that serving a smaller geographic area is necessary, nondiscriminatory, and in the best interest of the qualified individuals and employers.

(b) The service area of a QHP has been established without regard to racial, ethnic, language, health status-related factors specified under section 2705(a) of the PHS Act, or other factors that exclude specific high utilizing, high cost or medically-underserved populations.

§ 155.1065 - Stand-alone dental plans.

(a) General requirements. The Exchange must allow the offering of a limited scope dental benefits plan through the Exchange, if—

(1) The plan meets the requirements of section 9832(c)(2)(A) of the Code and 2791(c)(2)(A) of the PHS Act; and

(2) The plan covers at least the pediatric dental essential health benefit as defined in section 1302(b)(1)(J) of the Affordable Care Act, provided that, with respect to this benefit, the plan satisfies the requirements of section 2711 of the PHS Act; and

(3) The plan and issuer of such plan meets QHP certification standards, including § 155.1020(c), except for any certification requirement that cannot be met because the plan covers only the benefits described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(b) Offering options. The Exchange may allow the dental plan to be offered—

(1) As a stand-alone dental plan; or

(2) In conjunction with a QHP.

(c) Sufficient capacity. An Exchange must consider the collective capacity of stand-alone dental plans during certification to ensure sufficient access to pediatric dental coverage.

(d) QHP Certification standards. If a plan described in paragraph (a) of this section is offered through an Exchange, another health plan offered through such Exchange must not fail to be treated as a QHP solely because the plan does not offer coverage of benefits offered through the stand-alone plan that are otherwise required under section 1302(b)(1)(J) of the Affordable Care Act.

§ 155.1075 - Recertification of QHPs.

(a) Recertification process. Except with respect to multi-State plans and CO-OP QHPs, an Exchange must establish a process for recertification of QHPs that, at a minimum, includes a review of the general certification criteria as outlined in § 155.1000(c). Upon determining the recertification status of a QHP, the Exchange must notify the QHP issuer.

(b) Timing. The Exchange must complete the QHP recertification process no later than 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the open enrollment date at § 155.410(e)(2) of the applicable calendar year.

[77 FR 18467, Mar. 27, 2012, as amended at 80 FR 10870, Feb. 27, 2015]
§ 155.1080 - Decertification of QHPs.

(a) Definition. The following definition applies to this section:

Decertification means the termination by the Exchange of the certification status and offering of a QHP.

(b) Decertification process. Except with respect to multi-State plans and CO-OP QHPs, the Exchange must establish a process for the decertification of QHPs, which, at a minimum, meets the requirements in this section.

(c) Decertification by the Exchange. The Exchange may at any time decertify a health plan if the Exchange determines that the QHP issuer is no longer in compliance with the general certification criteria as outlined in § 155.1000(c).

(d) Appeal of decertification. The Exchange must establish a process for the appeal of a decertification of a QHP.

(e) Notice of decertification. Upon decertification of a QHP, the Exchange must provide notice of decertification to all affected parties, including:

(1) The QHP issuer;

(2) Exchange enrollees in the QHP who must receive information about a special enrollment period, as described in § 155.420;

(3) HHS; and

(4) The State department of insurance.

[77 FR 18467, Mar. 27, 2012, as amended at 77 FR 31515, May 29, 2012]
§ 155.1090 - Request for reconsideration.

(a) Request for reconsideration of denial of certification specific to a Federally-facilitated Exchange—(1) Request for reconsideration. The Federally-facilitated Exchanges will permit an issuer that has submitted a complete application to a Federally-facilitated Exchange for certification of a health plan as a QHP and is denied certification to request reconsideration of such action.

(2) Form and manner of request. An issuer submitting a request for reconsideration under paragraph (a)(1) of this section must submit a written request for reconsideration to HHS, in the form and manner specified by HHS, within 7 calendar days of the date of the written notice of denial of certification. The issuer must include any and all documentation the issuer wishes to provide in support of its request with its request for reconsideration.

(3) HHS reconsideration decision. HHS will provide the issuer with a written notice of the reconsideration decision. The decision will constitute HHS's final determination.

(b) [Reserved]

[81 FR 94180, Dec. 22, 2016]
source: 77 FR 11718, Feb. 27, 2012, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 155.1050