Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Oct 02, 2024
§ 30.10 - Collection activities.

(a) General rule. The Secretary shall aggressively and timely collect all debts arising out of activities of, or referred or transferred for collection actions to, the Department. Normally, an initial written demand for payment shall be made no later than 30 days after a determination by an appropriate official that a debt exists.

(b) Cooperation with other agencies. The Department shall cooperate with other agencies in their debt collection activities.

(c) Transfer of delinquent debts—(1) Mandatory transfer. The Department shall transfer legally enforceable debts 180 days or more delinquent to Treasury in accordance with the requirements of 31 CFR 285.12. This requirement does not apply to any debt that:

(i) Is in litigation or foreclosure;

(ii) Will be disposed of under an approved asset sale program within one year of becoming eligible for sale;

(iii) Has been referred to a private collection contractor for a period of time acceptable to the Secretary of the Treasury;

(iv) Is at a debt collection center for a period of time acceptable to the Secretary of the Treasury (see paragraph (c)(2) of this section);

(v) Will be collected under internal offset procedures within three years after the debt first became delinquent; or

(vi) Is exempt from this requirement based on a determination by the Secretary of the Treasury that exemption for a certain class of debt is in the best interest of the United States.

(2) Permissive transfer. The Secretary may refer debts less than 180 days delinquent, including debts referred to the Department by another agency, to the Treasury in accordance with the requirements of 31 CFR 285.12, or with the consent of the Treasury, to a Treasury-designated debt collection center to accomplish efficient, cost effective debt collection. Referrals to debt collection centers shall be at the discretion of, and for a time period acceptable to, the Secretary of the Treasury. Referrals may be for servicing, collection, compromise, suspension, or termination of collection action.

§ 30.11 - Demand for payment.

(a) Written demand for payment. (1) Written demand, as described in paragraph (b) of this section, shall be made promptly upon a debtor in terms that inform the debtor of the consequences of failing to cooperate with the Department to resolve the debt.

(2) Normally, the demand letter will be sent no later than 30 days after the appropriate official determines that the debt exists. The demand letter shall be sent by first class mail to the debtor's last known address.

(3) When necessary to protect the Government's interest, for example to prevent the running of a statute of limitations, the written demand for payment may be preceded by other appropriate action under this part, including immediate referral to Justice for litigation.

(b) Demand letters. The specific content, timing, and number of demand letters shall depend upon the type and amount of the debt and the debtor's response, if any, to the Department's letters or telephone calls. Generally, one demand letter should suffice; however, more may be used.

(1) The written demand for payment shall include the following information:

(i) The nature and amount of the debt, including the basis for the indebtedness;

(ii) The date by which payment should be made to avoid late charges and enforced collection, which generally shall be no later than 30 days from the date the demand letter is mailed;

(iii) The applicable standards for imposing any interest, penalties, or administrative costs (see § 30.18);

(iv) The rights, if any, the debtor may have to:

(A) Seek review of the Department's determination of the debt, and for purposes of administrative wage garnishment or salary offset, to request a hearing (see 45 CFR parts 32 and 33); and

(B) Enter into a reasonable repayment agreement.

(v) An explanation of how the debtor may exercise any of the rights described in paragraph (b)(1)(iv) of this section;

(vi) The name, address, and phone number of a contact person or office within the Department to address any debt-related matters; and

(vii) The Department's remedies to enforce payment of the debt, which may include:

(A) Garnishing the debtor's wages through administrative wage garnishment;

(B) Offsetting any Federal payments due the debtor, including income tax refunds, salary, certain benefit payments such as Social Security, retirement, and travel reimbursements and advances;

(C) Referring the debt to a private collection contractor;

(D) Reporting the debt to a credit bureau or other automated database;

(E) Referring the debt to Justice for litigation; and

(F) Referring the debt to Treasury for any of the collection actions described in paragraphs (b)(1)(vii)(A) through (E) of this section, advising the debtor that such referral is mandatory if the debt is 180 or more days delinquent.

(2) The written demand for payment should also include the following information:

(i) The debtor's right to inspect and copy all records of the Department pertaining to the debt, or if the debtor or the debtor's representative cannot personally inspect the records, to request and receive copies of such records;

(ii) The Department's willingness to discuss with the debtor alternative methods of payment;

(iii) A debtor delinquent on a debt is ineligible for Government loans, loan guarantees, or loan insurance until the debtor resolves the debt;

(iv) When seeking to collect statutory penalties, forfeiture or other similar types of claim, the debtor's licenses, permits, or other privileges may be suspended or revoked if failure to pay the debt is inexcusable or willful. Such suspension or revocation shall extend to programs or activities administered by the States on behalf of the Federal Government, to the extent that they affect the Federal Government's ability to collect money or funds owed by debtors;

(v) Knowingly making false statements or bringing frivolous actions may subject the debtor to civil or criminal penalties under 31 U.S.C. 3729-3731,18.S.C. 286, 287, 1001, and 1002, or any other applicable statutory authority, and, if the debtor is a Federal employee, to disciplinary action under 5 CFR part 752 or other applicable authority;

(vi) Any amounts collected and ultimately found not to have been owed by the debtor will be refunded;

(vii) For salary offset, up to 15% of the debtor's current disposable pay may be deducted every pay period until the debt is paid in full; and

(viii) Dependent upon applicable statutory authority, the debtor may be entitled to consideration for a waiver.

(c) The Secretary will retain evidence of service indicating the date of mailing of the demand letter. The evidence of service, which may include a certificate of service, may be retained electronically so long as the manner of retention is sufficient for evidentiary purposes.

(d) Prior to, during, or after the completion of the demand process, if the Secretary determines to pursue, or is required to pursue offset, the procedures applicable to offset should be followed (see § 30.12). The availability of funds for debt satisfaction by offset and the Secretary's determination to pursue collection by offset shall release the Secretary from the necessity of further compliance with paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section.

(e) Finding debtors. The Secretary will use every reasonable effort to locate debtors, using such sources as telephone directories, city directories, postmasters, drivers license records, automobile title and license records in State and local government agencies, the IRS, credit reporting agencies and skip locator services. Referral of a confess-judgment note to the appropriate United States Attorney's Office for entry of judgment will not be delayed because the debtor cannot be located.

(f) Communications from debtors. The Secretary should respond promptly to communications from debtor, within 30 days where feasible, and should advise debtors who dispute debts to furnish available evidence to support their contentions.

(g) Exception. This section does not require duplication of any notice already contained in a written agreement, letter or other document signed by, or provided to, the debtor.

§ 30.12 - Administrative offset.

(a) Scope. (1) Administrative offset is the withholding of funds payable by the United States to, or held by the United States for, a person to satisfy a debt.

(2) This section does not apply to:

(i) Debts arising under the Social Security Act, except as provided in 42 U.S.C. 404;

(ii) Payments made under the Social Security Act, except as provided for in 31 U.S.C. 3716(c), and implementing regulation at 31 CFR 285.4;

(iii) Debts arising under, or payments made under, the Internal Revenue Code or the tariff laws of the United States;

(iv) Offsets against Federal salaries to the extent these standards are inconsistent with regulations published to implement such offsets under 5 U.S.C. 5514 and 31 U.S.C. 3716 (see 5 CFR part 550, subpart K; 31 CFR 285.7; and part 33 of this chapter);

(v) Offsets under 31 U.S.C. 3728 against a judgment obtained by a debtor against the United States;

(vi) Offsets or recoupments under common law, State law, or Federal statutes specifically prohibiting offsets or recoupments for particular types of debts; or

(vii) Offsets in the course of judicial proceedings, including bankruptcy.

(3) Unless otherwise provided for by contract or law, debts or payments that are not subject to administrative offset under 31 U.S.C. 3716 may be collected by administrative offset under the common law or other applicable statutory authority.

(4) Unless otherwise provided by law, collection by administrative offset under the authority of 31 U.S.C. 3716 may not be conducted more than 10 years after the Department's right to collect the debt first accrued, unless facts material to the Department's right to collect the debt were not known and could not reasonably have been known by the Secretary. This limitation does not apply to debts reduced to judgment.

(5) Where there is reason to believe that a bankruptcy petition has been filed with respect to a debtor, the Office of the General Counsel should be contacted for legal advice concerning the impact of the Bankruptcy Code, particularly 11 U.S.C. 106,362,on.

(b) Centralized administrative offset. (1) Except as provided in the exceptions listed in § 30.10(c)(1), legally enforceable debts which are 180 days delinquent shall be referred to the Secretary of the Treasury for collection by centralized administrative offset pursuant to and in accordance with 31 CFR 901.3(b). Debts which are less than 180 days delinquent, including debts referred to the Department by another agency, also may be referred to the Secretary of the Treasury for collection by centralized administrative offset.

(2) When referring delinquent debts to the Secretary of the Treasury for centralized administrative offset, the Department must certify, in a form acceptable to the Secretary of the Treasury, that:

(i) The debt is past due and legally enforceable; and

(ii) The Department has complied with all due process requirements under 31 U.S.C. 3716(a) and paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(3) Payments that are prohibited by law from being offset are exempt from centralized administrative offset. The Secretary of the Treasury shall exempt payments under means-tested programs from centralized administrative offset when requested in writing by the head of the payment certifying or authorizing agency. Also, the Secretary of the Treasury may exempt other classes of payments from centralized offset upon the written request of the head of the payment certifying or authorizing agency.

(c) Non-centralized administrative offset. (1) Unless otherwise prohibited by law, when centralized administrative offset under paragraph (b) of this section is not available or appropriate, the Secretary may collect a delinquent debt by conducting non-centralized administrative offset internally or in cooperation with the agency certifying or authorizing payments to the debtor.

(2) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(3) of this section, administrative offset may be initiated only after:

(i) The debtor has been sent written notice of the type and amount of the debt, the intention of the Department to initiate administrative offset to collect the debt, and an explanation of the debtor's rights under 31 U.S.C. 3716; and

(ii) The debtor has been given:

(A) The opportunity to inspect and copy Department records related to the debt;

(B) The opportunity for a review within the Department of the determination of indebtedness; and

(C) The opportunity to make a written agreement to repay the debt.

(3) The due process requirements under paragraph (c)(2) of this section may be omitted when:

(i) Offset is in the nature of a recoupment, i.e., the debt and the payment to be offset arise out of the same transaction or occurrence;

(ii) The debt arises under a contract as set forth in Cecile Industries, Inc. v. Cheney, 995 F.2d 1052 (Fed. Cir. 1993) (notice and other procedural protections set forth in 31 U.S.C. 3716(a) do not supplant or restrict established procedures for contractual offsets covered by the Contracts Disputes Act); or

(iii) In the case of non-centralized administrative offset conducted under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the Department first learns of the existence of the amount owed by the debtor when there is insufficient time before payment would be made to the debtor/payee to allow for prior notice and an opportunity for review. When prior notice and an opportunity for review are omitted, the Secretary shall give the debtor such notice and an opportunity for review as soon as practical and shall promptly refund any money ultimately found not to have been owed to the Government.

(4) When the debtor previously has been given any of the required notice and review opportunities with respect to a particular debt, such as under § 30.11 of this part, the Department need not duplicate such notice and review opportunities before administrative offset may be initiated.

(5) Before requesting that a payment authorizing agency to conduct non-centralized administrative offset, the Department shall:

(i) Provide the debtor with due process as set forth in paragraph (c)(2) of this section; and

(ii) Provide the payment authorizing agency written certification that the debtor owes the past due, legally enforceable delinquent debt in the amount stated, and that the Department has fully complied with this section.

(6) When a creditor agency requests that the Department, as the payment authorizing agency, conduct non-centralized administrative offset, the Secretary shall comply with the request, unless the offset would not be in the best interest of the United States with respect to the program of the Department, or would otherwise be contrary to law. Appropriate use should be made of the cooperative efforts of other agencies in effecting collection by administrative offset, including salary offset.

(7) When collecting multiple debts by non-centralized administrative offset, the Department will apply the recovered amounts to those debts in accordance with the best interests of the United States, as determined by the facts and circumstances of the particular case, particularly the applicable statute of limitations.

(d) Requests to OPM to offset a debtor's anticipated or future benefit payments under the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and the Federal Employee Retirement System. Upon providing OPM written certification that a debtor has been afforded the procedures provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the Department may request OPM to offset a debtor's anticipated or future benefit payments under the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (Fund) in accordance with 5 CFR part 831, subpart R, or under the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) in accordance with 5 CFR part 845, subpart D. Upon receipt of such a request, OPM will identify and “flag” a debtor's account in anticipation of the time when the debtor requests, or becomes eligible to receive, payments from the Fund or under FERS. This will satisfy any requirement that offset be initiated prior to the expiration of the time limitations referenced in 31 CFR 901.3(b)(4).

(e) Review requirements. (1) For purposes of this section, whenever the Secretary is required to afford a debtor a review within the Department, the debtor shall be provided with a reasonable opportunity for an oral hearing when the debtor requests reconsideration of the debt and the Secretary determines that the question of the indebtedness cannot be resolved by review of the documentary evidence, for example, when the validity of the debt turns on an issue of credibility or veracity.

(2) Unless otherwise required by law, an oral hearing under this section is not required to be a formal evidentiary hearing, although the Department will carefully document all significant matters discussed at the hearing.

(3) An oral hearing is not required with respect to debt collection systems where determinations of indebtedness rarely involve issues of credibility or veracity, and the Secretary has determined that a review of the written record is adequate to correct prior mistakes.

(4) In those cases when an oral hearing is not required by this section, the Secretary shall accord the debtor a “paper hearing,” that is, a determination of the request for reconsideration based upon a review of the written record.

§ 30.13 - Debt reporting and use of credit reporting agencies.

(a) Reporting delinquent debts. (1) The Secretary will report delinquent debts over $100 to credit bureaus or other automated databases. Debts arising under the Social Security Act are excluded from paragraph (a).

(2) Debts owed by individuals will be reported to consumer reporting agencies pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(12).

(3) Once a debt has been referred to Treasury for collection, any subsequent reporting to or updating of a credit bureau or other automated database may be handled by the Treasury.

(4) Where there is reason to believe that a bankruptcy petition has been filed with respect to a debtor, the Office of the General Counsel should be contacted for legal advice concerning the impact of the Bankruptcy Code, particularly with respect to the applicability of the automatic stay, 11 U.S.C. 362,and.

(5) If the debtor has not received prior written notice under § 30.11(b), before reporting a delinquent debt under this section, the Secretary shall provide the debtor at least 60 days written notice of the amount and nature of the debt; that the debt is delinquent and the Department intends to report the debt to a credit bureau (including the specific information that will be disclosed); that the debtor has the right to dispute the accuracy and validity of the information being disclosed; and, if a previous opportunity was not provided, that the debtor may request review within the Department of the debt or rescheduling of payment. The Secretary may disclose only the individual's name, address, and social security number and the nature, amount, status and history of the debt.

(b) Use of credit reporting agencies. The Secretary may also use credit reporting agencies to obtain credit reports to evaluate the financial status of loan applicants, potential contractors and grantees; to determine a debtor's ability to repay a debt; and to locate debtors. In the case of an individual, the Secretary may disclose, as a routine use under 5 U.S.C 552a(b)(3), only the individual's name, address, and Social Security number and the purpose for which the information will be used.

§ 30.14 - Contracting with private collection contractors and with entities that locate and recover unclaimed assets.

(a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section, the Secretary may contract with private collection contractors to recover delinquent debts, provided that:

(1) The Secretary retains the authority to resolve disputes, compromise debts, suspend or terminate collection action, and refer debts to Justice for litigation;

(2) The private collection contractor is not allowed to offer the debtor, as an incentive for payment, the opportunity to pay the debt less the private collection contractor's fee unless the Secretary has granted such authority prior to the offer;

(3) The contract provides that the private collection contractor is subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 to the extent specified in 5 U.S.C. 552a(m), and to applicable Federal and State laws and regulations pertaining to debt collection practices, including but not limited to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. 1692; and

(4) The private collection contractor is required to account for all amounts collected.

(b) The Secretary shall use government-wide debt collection contracts to obtain debt collection services provided by private collection contractors. However, the Secretary may refer debts to private collection contractors pursuant to a contract between the Department and the private collection contractor only if such debts are not subject to the requirement to transfer debts to the Department of the Treasury for debt collection under 31 U.S.C. 3711(g) and 31 CFR 285.12(e).

(c) Debts arising under the Social Security Act (which can be collected by private collection contractors only by Treasury after the debt has been referred to Treasury for collection) are excluded from this section.

(d) The Secretary may fund private collection contractor contracts in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3718(d), or as otherwise permitted by law. A contract under paragraph (a) of this section may provide that the fee a private collection contractor charges the Department for collecting the debt is payable from the amounts collected.

(e) The Department may enter into contracts for locating and recovering assets of the United States including unclaimed assets. However, before entering into a contract to recover assets of the United States that may be held by a State government or financial institution, the Department must establish procedures that are acceptable to the Secretary of Treasury.

(f) The Secretary may enter into contracts for debtor asset and income search reports. In accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3718(d), such contracts may provide that the fee a contractor charges the Department for such services may be payable from the amounts recovered, unless otherwise prohibited by statute.

§ 30.15 - Suspension or revocation of eligibility for loans and loan guarantees, licenses, permits, or privileges.

(a)(1) Unless waived by the Secretary, financial assistance in the form of loans, loan guarantees, or loan insurance shall not be extended to any person delinquent on a non-tax debt owed to the United States. This prohibition does not apply to disaster loans. Grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts are not considered to be loans.

(2) The authority to waive the application of this section may be delegated to the Chief Financial Officer and re-delegated only to the Deputy Chief Financial Officer.

(3) States that manage Federal activities, pursuant to approval from the Secretary, should ensure that appropriate steps are taken to safeguard against issuing licenses, permits, or other privileges to debtors who fail to pay their debts to the Federal Government.

(b) The Secretary will report to Treasury any surety that fails to honor its obligations under 31 U.S.C. 9305.

(c) In non-bankruptcy cases, when seeking to collect statutory penalties, forfeitures, or other types of claims, the Secretary may suspend or revoke licenses, permits, or other privileges of a delinquent debtor if the failure to pay the debt is found to be inexcusable or willful. Such suspension or revocation will extend to programs or activities administered by the States on behalf of the Federal Government, to the extent that they affect the Federal Government's ability to collect money or funds owed by debtors.

(d) Where there is reason to believe that a bankruptcy petition has been filed with respect to a debtor, before taking any action to suspend or revoke under paragraph (c) of this section, the Office of the General Counsel should be contacted for legal advice concerning the impact of the Bankruptcy Code, particularly 11 U.S.C. 362 and 525, which may restrict such action.

§ 30.16 - Liquidation of collateral.

(a)(1) The Secretary will liquidate security or collateral through the exercise of a power of sale in the security instrument or a non-judicial foreclosure, and apply the proceeds to the applicable debt(s), if the debtor fails to pay the debt(s) within a reasonable time after demand and if such action is in the best interests of the United States.

(2) Collection from other sources, including liquidation of security or collateral, is not a prerequisite to requiring payment by a surety, insurer, or guarantor unless such action is expressly required by statute or contract.

(3) The Secretary will give the debtor reasonable notice of the sale and an accounting of any surplus proceeds and will comply with other requirements under law or contract.

(b) Where there is reason to believe that a bankruptcy petition has been filed with respect to a debtor, the Office of the General Counsel should be contacted for legal advice concerning the impact of the Bankruptcy Code, particularly with respect to the applicability of the automatic stay, 11 U.S.C. 362,and.

§ 30.17 - Collection in installments.

(a) Whenever feasible, the total amount of a debt shall be collected in one lump sum payment. If a debtor is financially unable to pay a debt in one lump sum, either by funds or administrative offset, the Secretary may accept payment in regular installments. The Secretary will obtain financial statements from debtors who represent that they are unable to pay in one lump sum and independently verify such representations as described in § 30.22(a)(1).

(b)(1) When the Secretary agrees to accept payments in regular installments, a legally enforceable written agreement should be obtained from the debtor that specifies all the terms and conditions of the agreement, and that includes a provision accelerating the debt in the event of a default.

(2) The size and frequency of the payments should reasonably relate to the size of the debt and the debtor's ability to pay. Whenever feasible, the installment agreement will provide for full payment of the debt, including interest and charges, in three years or less.

(3) In appropriate cases, the agreement should include a provision identifying security obtained from the debtor for the deferred payments.

§ 30.18 - Interest, penalties, and administrative costs.

(a) Generally. Except as provided in paragraphs (g), (h), and (i) of this section, the Department shall charge interest, penalties, and administrative costs on delinquent debts owed to the United States. These charges shall continue to accrue until the debt is paid in full or otherwise resolved through compromise, termination, or waiver of the charges.

(b) Interest. The Department shall charge interest on delinquent debts owed the United States as follows:

(1) Interest shall accrue from the date of delinquency, or as otherwise provided by law. For debts not paid by the date specified in the written demand for payment made under § 30.11, the date of delinquency is the date of mailing of the notice. The date of delinquency for an installment payment is the due date specified in the payment agreement.

(2) Unless a different rate is prescribed by statute, contract, or a repayment agreement, the rate of interest charged shall be the rate established annually by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3717. The Department may charge a higher rate if necessary to protect the rights of the United States and the Secretary has determined and documented a higher rate for delinquent debt is required to protect the Government's interests. Any such higher rate of interest charged will be based on Treasury's quarterly rate certification to the U.S. Public Health Service for delinquencies in the National Research Services Awards and the National Health Services Corps Scholarship Program. The Department publishes this rate in the Federal Register quarterly.

(3) Unless prescribed by statute or contract, the rate of interest, as initially charged, shall remain fixed for the duration of the indebtedness. When a debtor defaults on a repayment agreement and seeks to enter into a new agreement, the Department may require payment of interest at a new rate that reflects the Treasury rate in effect at the time the new agreement is executed. Interest shall not be compounded, that is, interest shall not be charged on interest, penalties, or administrative costs required by this section, unless prescribed by statute or contract. If, however, the debtor defaults on a previous repayment agreement, charges that accrued but were not collected under the defaulted agreement shall be added to the principal under the new repayment agreement.

(c) Administrative costs. The Department shall assess administrative costs incurred for processing and handling delinquent debts. The calculation of administrative costs should be based on actual costs incurred or a valid estimate of the actual costs. Calculation of administrative costs shall include all direct (personnel, supplies, etc.) and indirect collection costs, including the cost of providing a hearing or any other form of administrative review requested by a debtor, and any costs charged by a collection agency under § 30.14. These charges will be assessed monthly, or per payment period, throughout the period that the debt is overdue. Such costs may also be in addition to other administrative costs if collection is being made for another Federal agency or unit.

(d) Penalty. Unless otherwise established by contract, repayment agreement, or statute, the Secretary will charge a penalty of six percent a year on the amount due on a debt that is delinquent for more than 90 days. This charge shall accrue from the date of delinquency.

(e) Cost of living adjustment. When there is a legitimate reason to do so, such as when calculating interest and penalties on a debt would be extremely difficult because of the age of the debt, an administrative debt may be increased by the cost of living adjustment in lieu of charging interest and penalties under this section. Administrative debt includes, but is not limited to, a debt based on fines, penalties, and overpayments, but does not include a debt based on the extension of Government credit, such as those arising from loans and loan guaranties. The cost of living adjustment is the percentage by which the Consumer Price Index for the month of June of the calendar year preceding the adjustment exceeds the Consumer Price Index for the month of June of the calendar year in which the debt was determined or last adjusted. Such increases to administrative debts shall be computed annually.

(f) Priority. When a debt is paid in partial or installment payments, amounts received shall be applied first to outstanding penalties, second to administrative charges, third to interest, and last to principal.

(g) Waiver. (1) The Secretary shall waive the collection of interest and administrative charges imposed pursuant to this section on the portion of the debt that is paid within 30 days after the date on which interest began to accrue. The Secretary may extend this 30-day period on a case-by-case basis if the Secretary determines that such action is in the best interest of the Government, or otherwise warranted by equity and good conscience.

(2) The Secretary also may waive interest, penalties, and administrative charges charged under this section, in whole or in part, without regard to the amount of the debt, based on:

(i) The criteria set forth at § 30.22(a)(1) through (4) for the compromise of debts; or

(ii) A determination by the Secretary that collection of these charges is:

(A) Against equity and good conscience; or

(B) Not in the best interest of the United States.

(h) Review. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (h)(2) of this section, administrative review of a debt will not suspend the assessment of interest, penalties, and administrative costs. While agency review of a debt is pending, the debtor either may pay the debt or be liable for interest and related charges on the uncollected debt. When agency review results in a final determination that any amount was properly a debt and the debtor chose to retain the amount in dispute, the Secretary shall collect from the debtor the amount determined to be due, plus interest, penalties and administrative costs on such debt amount, as calculated under this section, starting from the date the debtor was first made aware of the debt and ending when the debt is repaid.

(2) Exception. Interest, penalties, and administrative cost charges will not be imposed on a debt for periods during which collection activity has been suspended under § 30.29(c)(1) pending agency review or consideration of waiver if statute prohibits collection of the debt during this period.

(i) Common law or other statutory authority. The Department may impose and waive interest and related charges on debts not subject to 31 U.S.C. 3717 in accordance with the common law or other statutory authority.

§ 30.19 - Review of cost effectiveness of collection.

Periodically, the Secretary will compare costs incurred and amounts collected. Data on costs and corresponding recovery rates for debts of different types and in various dollar ranges will be used to compare the cost effectiveness of alternative collection techniques, establish guidelines with respect to points at which costs of further collection efforts are likely to exceed recoveries, assist in evaluating offers in compromise, and establish minimum debt amounts below which collection efforts need not be taken.

§ 30.20 - Taxpayer information.

(a) When attempting to locate a debtor in order to collect or compromise a debt under this part or any other authority, the Secretary may send a request to Treasury in accordance with 31 CFR 901.11 to obtain a debtor's mailing address from the records of the IRS.

(b) Mailing addresses obtained under paragraph (a) of this section may be used to enforce collection of a delinquent debt and may be disclosed to other agencies and to collection agencies for collection purposes.

authority: 31 U.S.C. 3711(d)
source: 72 FR 10409, Mar. 8, 2007, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 30.13