Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Oct 02, 2024
§ 92.201 - Meaningful access for individuals with limited English proficiency.

(a) General requirement. A covered entity must take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to each individual with limited English proficiency (including companions with limited English proficiency) eligible to be served or likely to be directly affected by its health programs and activities.

(b) Language assistance services requirements. Language assistance services required under paragraph (a) of this section must be provided free of charge, be accurate and timely, and protect the privacy and the independent decision-making ability of the individual with limited English proficiency.

(c) Specific requirements for interpreter and translation services. (1) When interpretation services are required under this part, a covered entity must offer a qualified interpreter in its health programs and activities.

(2) When translation services are required under this part, a covered entity must utilize the services of a qualified translator in its health programs and activities.

(3) If a covered entity uses machine translation when the underlying text is critical to the rights, benefits, or meaningful access of an individual with limited English proficiency, when accuracy is essential, or when the source documents or materials contain complex, non-literal or technical language, the translation must be reviewed by a qualified human translator.

(d) Evaluation of compliance. In evaluating whether a covered entity has met its obligation under paragraph (a) of this section, the Director shall:

(1) Evaluate, and give substantial weight to, the nature and importance of the health program or activity and the particular communication at issue, to the individual with limited English proficiency; and

(2) Take into account other relevant factors, including the effectiveness of the covered entity's written language access procedures for its health programs and activities, that the covered entity has implemented pursuant to § 92.8(d).

(e) Restricted use of certain persons to interpret or facilitate communication. A covered entity must not, in its health programs and activities:

(1) Require an individual with limited English proficiency to provide their own interpreter, or to pay the cost of their own interpreter;

(2) Rely on an adult, not qualified as an interpreter, to interpret or facilitate communication, except:

(i) As a temporary measure, while finding a qualified interpreter in an emergency involving an imminent threat to the safety or welfare of an individual or the public where there is no qualified interpreter for the individual with limited English proficiency immediately available and the qualified interpreter that arrives confirms or supplements the initial communications with an initial adult interpreter; or

(ii) Where the individual with limited English proficiency specifically requests, in private with a qualified interpreter present and without an accompanying adult present, that the accompanying adult interpret or facilitate communication, the accompanying adult agrees to provide such assistance, the request and agreement by the accompanying adult is documented, and reliance on that adult for such assistance is appropriate under the circumstances;

(3) Rely on a minor child to interpret or facilitate communication, except as a temporary measure while finding a qualified interpreter in an emergency involving an imminent threat to the safety or welfare of an individual or the public where there is no qualified interpreter for the individual with limited English proficiency immediately available and the qualified interpreter that arrives confirms or supplements the initial communications with the minor child; or

(4) Rely on staff other than qualified interpreters, qualified translators, or qualified bilingual/multilingual staff to communicate with individuals with limited English proficiency.

(f) Video remote interpreting services. A covered entity that provides a qualified interpreter for an individual with limited English proficiency through video remote interpreting services in the covered entity's health programs and activities must ensure the modality allows for meaningful access and must provide:

(1) Real-time, full-motion video and audio over a dedicated high-speed, wide-bandwidth video connection or wireless connection that delivers high quality video images that do not produce lags, choppy, blurry, or grainy images, or irregular pauses in communication;

(2) A sharply delineated image that is large enough to display the interpreter's face and the participating person's face regardless of the person's body position;

(3) A clear, audible transmission of voices; and

(4) Adequate training to users of the technology and other involved persons so that they may quickly and efficiently set up and operate the video remote interpreting.

(g) Audio remote interpreting services. A covered entity that provides a qualified interpreter for an individual with limited English proficiency through audio remote interpreting services in the covered entity's health programs and activities must ensure the modality allows for meaningful access and must provide:

(1) Real-time audio over a dedicated high-speed, wide-bandwidth connection or wireless connection that delivers high-quality audio without lags or irregular pauses in communication;

(2) A clear, audible transmission of voices; and

(3) Adequate training to users of the technology and other involved persons so that they may quickly and efficiently set up and operate the remote interpreting services.

(h) Acceptance of language assistance services is not required. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require an individual with limited English proficiency to accept language assistance services.

§ 92.202 - Effective communication for individuals with disabilities.

(a) A covered entity must take appropriate steps to ensure that communications with individuals with disabilities (including companions with disabilities), are as effective as communications with non-disabled individuals in its health programs and activities, in accordance with the standards found at 28 CFR 35.130 and 35.160 through 35.164. Where the regulatory provisions referenced in this section use the term “public entity,” the term “covered entity” shall apply in its place.

(b) A covered entity must provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in, and enjoy the benefits of, the health program or activity in question. Such auxiliary aids and services must be provided free of charge, in accessible formats, in a timely manner, and in such a way to protect the privacy and the independence of the individual with a disability.

§ 92.203 - Accessibility for buildings and facilities.

(a) No qualified individual with a disability shall, because a covered entity's facilities are inaccessible to or unusable by individuals with disabilities, be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation in, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any health program or activity to which this part applies.

(b) Each facility or part of a facility in which health programs or activities are conducted that is constructed or altered by or on behalf of, or for the use of, a recipient or State Exchange must comply with the 2010 Standards if the construction or alteration was commenced on or after July 18, 2016, except that if a facility or part of a facility in which health programs or activities are conducted that is constructed or altered by or on behalf of, or for the use of, a recipient or State Exchange, was not covered by the 2010 Standards prior to July 18, 2016, such facility or part of a facility must comply with the 2010 Standards if the construction or alteration was commenced after January 18, 2018. If construction or alteration was begun on or after July 18, 2016, and on or before January 18, 2018, in conformance with UFAS, and the facility or part of the facility was not covered by the 2010 Standards prior to July 18, 2016, then it shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of this section and with 45 CFR 84.23(a) and (b). Departures from particular technical and scoping requirements by the use of other methods are permitted where substantially equivalent or greater access to and usability of the facility is provided. All newly constructed or altered buildings or facilities subject to this section must comply with the requirements for a “public building or facility” as defined in section 106.5 of the 2010 Standards.

(c) Each facility or part of a facility in which health programs or activities under this part are conducted that is constructed or altered by or on behalf of, or for the use of, a recipient or State Exchange in conformance with the 1991 Standards at appendix D to 28 CFR part 36 or the 2010 Standards shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of this section and with 45 CFR 84.23(a) and (b) with respect to those facilities, if the construction or alteration was commenced before July 18, 2016. Each facility or part of a facility in which health programs or activities are conducted that is constructed or altered by or on behalf of, or for the use of, a recipient or State Exchange in conformance with UFAS shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of this section and with 45 CFR 84.23(a) and (b), if the construction or alteration was commenced before July 18, 2016, and such facility would not have been required to conform with a different accessibility standard under 28 CFR 35.151.

§ 92.204 - Accessibility of information and communication technology for individuals with disabilities.

(a) A covered entity must ensure that its health programs and activities provided through information and communication technology are accessible to individuals with disabilities, unless doing so would result in undue financial and administrative burdens or a fundamental alteration in the nature of the health programs or activities. If an action required to comply with this section would result in such an alteration or such burdens, a covered entity shall take any other action that would not result in such an alteration or such burdens but would nevertheless ensure that, to the maximum extent possible, individuals with disabilities receive the benefits or services of the health program or activity provided by the covered entity.

(b) A recipient or State Exchange shall ensure that its health programs and activities provided through websites and mobile applications comply with the requirements of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as interpreted consistent with title II of the ADA (42 U.S.C. 12131 through 12165).

§ 92.205 - Requirement to make reasonable modifications.

A covered entity must make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, or procedures in its health programs and activities when such modifications are necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability, unless the covered entity can demonstrate that making the modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of the health program or activity. For the purposes of this section, the term “reasonable modifications” shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the term as set forth in the ADA title II regulation at 28 CFR 35.130(b)(7).

§ 92.206 - Equal program access on the basis of sex.

(a) A covered entity must provide individuals equal access to its health programs and activities without discriminating on the basis of sex.

(b) In providing access to health programs and activities, a covered entity must not:

(1) Deny or limit health services, including those that have been typically or exclusively provided to, or associated with, individuals of one sex, to an individual based upon the individual's sex assigned at birth, gender identity, or gender otherwise recorded;

(2) Deny or limit, on the basis of an individual's sex assigned at birth, gender identity, or gender otherwise recorded, a health care professional's ability to provide health services if such denial or limitation has the effect of excluding individuals from participation in, denying them the benefits of, or otherwise subjecting them to discrimination on the basis of sex under a covered health program or activity;

(3) Adopt or apply any policy or practice of treating individuals differently or separating them on the basis of sex in a manner that subjects any individual to more than de minimis harm, including by adopting a policy or engaging in a practice that prevents an individual from participating in a health program or activity consistent with the individual's gender identity; or

(4) Deny or limit health services sought for purpose of gender transition or other gender-affirming care that the covered entity would provide to an individual for other purposes if the denial or limitation is based on an individual's sex assigned at birth, gender identity, or gender otherwise recorded.

(c) Nothing in this section requires the provision of any health service where the covered entity has a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for denying or limiting that service, including where the covered entity typically declines to provide the health service to any individual or where the covered entity reasonably determines that such health service is not clinically appropriate for a particular individual. A covered entity's determination must not be based on unlawful animus or bias, or constitute a pretext for discrimination. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude a covered entity from availing itself of protections described in §§ 92.3 and 92.302.

(d) The enumeration of specific forms of discrimination in paragraph (b) of this section does not limit the general applicability of the prohibition in paragraph (a) of this section.

§ 92.207 - Nondiscrimination in health insurance coverage and other health-related coverage.

(a) A covered entity must not, in providing or administering health insurance coverage or other health-related coverage, discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or any combination thereof.

(b) A covered entity must not, in providing or administering health insurance coverage or other health-related coverage:

(1) Deny, cancel, limit, or refuse to issue or renew health insurance coverage or other health-related coverage, or deny or limit coverage of a claim, or impose additional cost sharing or other limitations or restrictions on coverage, on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or any combination thereof;

(2) Have or implement marketing practices or benefit designs that discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or any combination thereof, in health insurance coverage or other health-related coverage;

(3) Deny or limit coverage, deny or limit coverage of a claim, or impose additional cost sharing or other limitations or restrictions on coverage, to an individual based upon the individual's sex assigned at birth, gender identity, or gender otherwise recorded;

(4) Have or implement a categorical coverage exclusion or limitation for all health services related to gender transition or other gender-affirming care;

(5) Otherwise deny or limit coverage, deny or limit coverage of a claim, or impose additional cost sharing or other limitations or restrictions on coverage, for specific health services related to gender transition or other gender-affirming care if such denial, limitation, or restriction results in discrimination on the basis of sex; or

(6) Have or implement benefit designs that do not provide or administer health insurance coverage or other health-related coverage in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of qualified individuals with disabilities, including practices that result in the serious risk of institutionalization or segregation.

(c) Nothing in this section requires coverage of any health service where the covered entity has a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for denying or limiting coverage of the health service or determining that such health service fails to meet applicable coverage requirements, including reasonable medical management techniques such as medical necessity requirements. Such coverage denial or limitation must not be based on unlawful animus or bias, or constitute a pretext for discrimination. Nothing in this section is intended to preclude a covered entity from availing itself of protections described in §§ 92.3 and 92.302.

(d) The enumeration of specific forms of discrimination in paragraph (b) of this section does not limit the general applicability of the prohibition in paragraph (a) of this section.

§ 92.208 - Prohibition on sex discrimination related to marital, parental, or family status.

In determining whether an individual satisfies any policy or criterion regarding access to its health programs or activities, a covered entity must not take an individual's sex, as defined in § 92.101(a)(2), into account in applying any rule concerning an individual's current, perceived, potential, or past marital, parental, or family status.

§ 92.209 - Nondiscrimination on the basis of association.

A covered entity must not exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or otherwise discriminate against an individual or entity in its health programs and activities on the basis of the respective race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability of the individual and another person with whom the individual or entity has a relationship or association.

§ 92.210 - Nondiscrimination in the use of patient care decision support tools.

(a) General prohibition. A covered entity must not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its health programs or activities through the use of patient care decision support tools.

(b) Identification of risk. A covered entity has an ongoing duty to make reasonable efforts to identify uses of patient care decision support tools in its health programs or activities that employ input variables or factors that measure race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.

(c) Mitigation of risk. For each patient care decision support tool identified in paragraph (b) of this section, a covered entity must make reasonable efforts to mitigate the risk of discrimination resulting from the tool's use in its health programs or activities.

§ 92.211 - Nondiscrimination in the delivery of health programs and activities through telehealth services.

A covered entity must not, in delivery of its health programs and activities through telehealth services, discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 18116.
source: 89 FR 37692, May 6, 2024, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 92.207