Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Oct 02, 2024
§ 98.60 - Availability of funds.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 80071, Oct. 2, 2024.

(a) The CCDF is available, subject to the availability of appropriations, in accordance with the apportionment of funds from the Office of Management and Budget as follows:

(1) Discretionary Funds are available to States, Territories, and Tribes;

(2) State Mandatory and Matching Funds are available to States;

(3) Territory Mandatory Funds are available to Territories; and

(4) Tribal Mandatory Funds are available to Tribes.

(b) Subject to the availability of appropriations, in accordance with relevant statutory provisions and the apportionment of funds from the Office of Management and Budget, the Secretary:

(1) May withhold a portion of the CCDF funds made available for a fiscal year for the provision of technical assistance, for research, evaluation, and demonstration, and for a national toll free hotline and Web site;

(2) Will award the remaining CCDF funds to grantees that have an approved application and Plan.

(c) The Secretary may make payments in installments, and in advance or by way of reimbursement, with necessary adjustments due to overpayments or underpayments.

(d) The following obligation and liquidation provisions apply to States and Territories:

(1) Discretionary Fund allotments shall be obligated in the fiscal year in which funds are awarded or in the succeeding fiscal year. Unliquidated obligations as of the end of the succeeding fiscal year shall be liquidated within one year.

(2)(i) Mandatory Funds for States requesting Matching Funds per § 98.55 shall be obligated in the fiscal year in which the funds are granted and are available until expended.

(ii) Mandatory Funds for States that do not request Matching Funds are available until expended.

(3) Mandatory Funds for Territories shall be obligated in the fiscal year in which funds are granted and liquidated no later than the end of the succeeding fiscal year.

(4) Both the Federal and non-Federal share of the Matching Fund shall be obligated in the fiscal year in which the funds are granted and liquidated no later than the end of the succeeding fiscal year.

(5) Except for paragraph (d)(6) of this section, determination of whether funds have been obligated and liquidated will be based on:

(i) State or local law; or,

(ii) If there is no applicable State or local law, the regulation at 45 CFR 75.2, Expenditures and Obligations.

(6) Obligations may include subgrants or contracts that require the payment of funds to a third party (e.g., subgrantee or contractor). However, the following are not considered third party subgrantees or contractors:

(i) A local office of the Lead Agency;

(ii) Another entity at the same level of government as the Lead Agency; or

(iii) A local office of another entity at the same level of government as the Lead Agency.

(7) In instances where the Lead Agency issues child care certificates, funds for child care services provided through a child care certificate will be considered obligated when a child care certificate is issued to a family in writing that indicates:

(i) The amount of funds that will be paid to a child care provider or family, and

(ii) The specific length of time covered by the certificate, which is limited to the date established for redetermination of the family's eligibility, but shall be no later than the end of the liquidation period.

(8) In instances where third party agencies issue child care certificates, the obligation of funds occurs upon entering into agreement through a subgrant or contract with such agency, rather than when the third party issues certificates to a family.

(9) Any funds not obligated during the obligation period specified in paragraph (d) of this section will revert to the Federal government. Any funds not liquidated by the end of the applicable liquidation period specified in paragraph (d) of this section will also revert to the Federal government.

(e) The following obligation and liquidation provisions apply to Tribal Discretionary and Tribal Mandatory Funds:

(1) Tribal grantees shall obligate all funds by the end of the fiscal year following the fiscal year for which the grant is awarded. Any funds not obligated during this period will revert to the Federal government.

(2) Obligations that remain unliquidated at the end of the succeeding fiscal year shall be liquidated within the next fiscal year. Any tribal funds that remain unliquidated by the end of this period will also revert to the Federal government.

(f) Cash advances shall be limited to the minimum amounts needed and shall be timed to be in accord with the actual, immediate cash requirements of the State Lead Agency, its subgrantee or contractor in carrying out the purpose of the program in accordance with 31 CFR part 205.

(g) Funds that are returned (e.g., loan repayments, funds deobligated by cancellation of a child care certificate, unused subgrantee funds) as well as program income (e.g., contributions made by families directly to the Lead Agency or subgrantee for the cost of care where the Lead Agency or subgrantee has made a full payment to the child care provider) shall,

(1) if received by the Lead Agency during the applicable obligation period, described in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, be used for activities specified in the Lead Agency's approved plan and must be obligated by the end of the obligation period; or

(2) if received after the end of the applicable obligation period described at paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, be returned to the Federal government.

(h) Repayment of loans made to child care providers as part of a quality improvement activity pursuant to § 98.53, may be made in cash or in services provided in-kind. Payment provided in-kind shall be based on fair market value. All loans shall be fully repaid.

(i) Lead Agencies shall recover child care payments that are the result of fraud. These payments shall be recovered from the party responsible for committing the fraud.

[63 FR 39981, July 24, 1998, as amended at 81 FR 3020, Jan. 20, 2016; 81 FR 67591, Sept. 30, 2016; 89 FR 15415, Mar. 1, 2024; 89 FR 52397, June 24, 2024]
§ 98.61 - Allotments from the Discretionary Fund.

(a) To the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico an amount equal to the funds appropriated for the Child Care and Development Block Grant, less amounts reserved for technical assistance, research, and the national hotline and Web site, pursuant to § 98.60(b), and amounts reserved for the Territories and Tribes, pursuant to § 98.60(b) and paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, shall be allotted based upon the formula specified in section 658O(b) of the Act (42 U.S.C. 9858m(b)).

(b) For the U.S. Territories of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands an amount up to one-half of one percent of the amount appropriated for the Child Care and Development Block Grant shall be reserved.

(1) Funds shall be allotted to these Territories based upon the following factors:

(i) A Young Child factor—the ratio of the number of children in the Territory under five years of age to the number of such children in all Territories; and

(ii) An Allotment Proportion factor—determined by dividing the per capita income of all individuals in all the Territories by the per capita income of all individuals in the Territory.

(A) Per capita income shall be:

(1) Equal to the average of the annual per capita incomes for the most recent period of three consecutive years for which satisfactory data are available at the time such determination is made; and

(2) Determined every two years.

(B) Per capita income determined, pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) of this section, will be applied in establishing the allotment for the fiscal year for which it is determined and for the following fiscal year.

(C) If the Allotment Proportion factor determined at paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section:

(1) Exceeds 1.2, then the Allotment Proportion factor of the Territory shall be considered to be 1.2; or

(2) Is less than 0.8, then the Allotment Proportion factor of the Territory shall be considered to be 0.8.

(2)(i) The formula used in calculating a Territory's allotment is as follows:

(ii) For purposes of the formula specified at paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, the term “YCFt” means the Territory's Young Child factor as defined at paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section.

(iii) For purposes of the formula specified at paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, the term “APFt” means the Territory's Allotment Proportion factor as defined at paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section.

(c) For Indian Tribes and tribal organizations, including any Alaskan Native Village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) not less than two percent of the amount appropriated for the Child Care and Development Block Grant shall be reserved.

(1) Except as specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, grants to individual tribal grantees will be equal to the sum of:

(i) A base amount as set by the Secretary; and

(ii) An additional amount per Indian child under age 13 (or such similar age as determined by the Secretary from the best available data), which is determined by dividing the amount of funds available, less amounts set aside for eligible Tribes, pursuant to paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, by the number of all Indian children living on or near tribal reservations or other appropriate area served by the tribal grantee, pursuant to § 98.80(e).

(2) Grants to Tribes with fewer than 50 Indian children that apply as part of a consortium, pursuant to § 98.80(b)(1), are equal to the sum of:

(i) A portion of the base amount, pursuant to paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, that bears the same ratio as the number of Indian children in the Tribe living on or near the reservation, or other appropriate area served by the tribal grantee, pursuant to § 98.80(e), does to 50; and

(ii) An additional amount per Indian child, pursuant to paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section.

(3) Tribal consortia will receive grants that are equal to the sum of the individual grants of their members.

(d) All funds reserved for Territories at paragraph (b) of this section will be allotted to Territories, and all funds reserved for Tribes at paragraph (c) of this section will be allotted to tribal grantees. Any funds that are returned by the Territories after they have been allotted will revert to the Federal government.

(e) For other organizations, up to $2,000,000 may be reserved from the tribal funds reserved at paragraph (c) of this section. From this amount the Secretary may award a grant to a Native Hawaiian Organization, as defined in section 4009(4) of the Augustus F. Hawkins-Robert T. Stafford Elementary and Secondary School Improvement Amendments of 1988 (20 U.S.C. 4909(4)) and to a private non-profit organization established for the purpose of serving youth who are Indians or Native Hawaiians. The Secretary will establish selection criteria and procedures for the award of grants under this subsection by notice in the Federal Register.

(f) Lead Agencies shall expend any funds that may be set-aside for targeted activities pursuant to annual appropriations law as directed by the Secretary.

[63 FR 39981, July 24, 1998, as amended at 81 FR 67591, Sept. 30, 2016]
§ 98.62 - Allotments from the Mandatory Fund.

(a) Each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia will be allocated from the funds appropriated under section 418(a)(3)(A) of the Social Security Act, less the amounts reserved for technical assistance pursuant to § 98.60(b)(1) an amount of funds equal to the greater of:

(1) the Federal share of its child care expenditures under subsections (g) and (i) of section 402 of the Social Security Act (as in effect before October 1, 1995) for fiscal year 1994 or 1995 (whichever is greater); or

(2) the average of the Federal share of its child care expenditures under the subsections referred to in subparagraph (a)(1) of this section for fiscal years 1992 through 1994.

(b) For Indian Tribes and tribal organizations will be allocated from the funds appropriated under section 418(a)(3)(B) of the Social Security Act shall be allocated according to the formula at paragraph (c) of this section. In Alaska, only the following 13 entities shall receive allocations under this subpart, in accordance with the formula at paragraph (c) of this section:

(1) The Metlakatla Indian Community of the Annette Islands Reserve:

(2) Arctic Slope Native Association;

(3) Kawerak, Inc.;

(4) Maniilaq Association;

(5) Association of Village Council Presidents;

(6) Tanana Chiefs Conference;

(7) Cook Inlet Tribal Council;

(8) Bristol Bay Native Association;

(9) Aleutian and Pribilof Islands Association;

(10) Chugachmuit;

(11) Tlingit and Haida Central Council;

(12) Kodiak Area Native Association; and

(13) Copper River Native Association.

(c)(1) Grants to individual Tribes with 50 or more Indian children, and to Tribes with fewer than 50 Indian children that apply as part of a consortium pursuant to § 98.80(b)(1), will be equal to an amount per Indian child under age 13 (or such similar age as determined by the Secretary from the best available data), which is determined by dividing the amount of funds available, by the number of Indian children in each Tribe's service area pursuant to § 98.80(e).

(2) Tribal consortia will receive grants that are equal to the sum of the individual grants of their members.

(d) The Territories will be allocated from the funds appropriated under section 418(a)(3)(C) of the Social Security Act based upon the following factors:

(1) A Young Child factor—the ratio of the number of children in the Territory under five years of age to the number of such children in all Territories; and

(2) An Allotment Proportion factor—determined by dividing the per capita income of all individuals in all the Territories by the per capita income of all individuals in the Territory.

(i) Per capita income shall be:

(A) Equal to the average of the annual per capita incomes for the most recent period of three consecutive years for which satisfactory data are available at the time such determination is made; and

(B) Determined every two years.

(ii) [Reserved]

[63 FR 39981, July 24, 1998, as amended at 89 FR 15415, Mar. 1, 2024
§ 98.63 - Allotments from the Matching Fund.

(a) To each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia there is allocated an amount equal to its share of the total available under section 418(a)(3) of the Social Security Act. That amount is based on the same ratio as the number of children under age 13 residing in the State bears to the national total of children under age 13. The number of children under 13 is derived from the best data available to the Secretary for the second preceding fiscal year.

(b) For purposes of this section, the amounts available under section 418(a)(3) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 618(a)(3)) excludes the amounts reserved and allocated under § 98.60(b)(1) for technical assistance, research and evaluation, and the national toll-free hotline and Web site and under § 98.62(a) and (b) for the Mandatory Fund.

(c) Amounts under this section are available pursuant to the requirements at § 98.55(c).

[63 FR 39981, July 24, 1998, as amended at 81 FR 67591, Sept. 30, 2016]
§ 98.64 - Reallotment and redistribution of funds.

(a) According to the provisions of this section State and Tribal Discretionary Funds are subject to reallotment, and State Matching Funds and Territory Mandatory Funds are subject to redistribution. State funds are reallotted or redistributed only to States as defined for the original allocation. Tribal funds are reallotted only to Tribes. Mandatory Funds granted to Territories are redistributed only to Territories. Discretionary Funds granted to the Territories are not subject to reallotment. Any Discretionary funds granted to the Territories that are returned after they have been allotted will revert to the Federal Government.

(b) Any portion of a State's Discretionary Fund allotment that is not required to carry out its Plan, in the period for which the allotment is made available, shall be reallotted to other States in proportion to the original allotments. For purposes of this paragraph the term “State” means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The other Territories and the Tribes may not receive reallotted State Discretionary Funds.

(1) Each year, the State shall report to the Secretary either the dollar amount from the previous year's grant that it will be unable to obligate by the end of the obligation period or that all funds will be obligated during such time. Such report shall be postmarked by April 1st.

(2) Based upon the reallotment reports submitted by States, the Secretary will reallot funds.

(i) If the total amount available for reallotment is $25,000 or more, funds will be reallotted to States in proportion to each State's allotment for the applicable fiscal year's funds, pursuant to § 98.61(a).

(ii) If the amount available for reallotment is less than $25,000, the Secretary will not reallot any funds, and such funds will revert to the Federal government.

(iii) If an individual reallotment amount to a State is less than $500, the Secretary will not issue the award, and such funds will revert to the Federal government.

(3) If a State does not submit a reallotment report by the deadline for report submittal, either:

(i) The Secretary will determine that the State does not have any funds available for reallotment; or

(ii) In the case of a report postmarked after April 1st, any funds reported to be available for reallotment shall revert to the Federal government.

(4) States receiving reallotted funds shall obligate and expend these funds in accordance with § 98.60. The reallotment of funds does not extend the obligation period or the program period for expenditure of such funds.

(c)(1) Any portion of the Matching Fund granted to a State that is not obligated in the period for which the grant is made shall be redistributed. Funds, if any, will be redistributed on the request of, and only to, those other States that have met the requirements of § 98.55(c) in the period for which the grant was first made. For purposes of this paragraph (c)(1), the term “State” means the 50 States and the District of Columbia. Territorial and tribal grantees may not receive redistributed Matching Funds.

(2) Matching Funds allotted to a State under § 98.63(a), but not granted, shall also be redistributed in the manner described in paragraph (1) of this section.

(3) The amount of Matching Funds granted to a State that will be made available for redistribution will be based on the State's financial report to ACF for the Child Care and Development Fund (ACF-696) and is subject to the monetary limits at paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(4) A State eligible to receive redistributed Matching Funds shall also use the ACF-696 to request its share of the redistributed funds, if any.

(5) A State's share of redistributed Matching Funds is based on the same ratio as the number of children under 13 residing in the State to the number of children residing in all States eligible to receive and that request the redistributed Matching Funds.

(6) Redistributed funds are considered part of the grant for the fiscal year in which the redistribution occurs.

(d) Any portion of a Tribe's allotment of Discretionary Funds that is not required to carry out its Plan, in the period for which the allotment is made available, shall be reallotted to other tribal grantees in proportion to their original allotments. States and Territories may not receive reallotted tribal funds.

(1) Each year, the Tribe shall report to the Secretary either the dollar amount from the previous year's grant that it will be unable to obligate by the end of the obligation period or that all funds will be obligated during such time. Such report shall be postmarked by a deadline established by the Secretary.

(2) Based upon the reallotment reports submitted by Tribes, the Secretary will reallot Tribal Discretionary Funds among the other Tribes.

(i) If the total amount available for reallotment is $25,000 or more, funds will be reallotted to other tribal grantees in proportion to each Tribe's original allotment for the applicable fiscal year pursuant to § 98.62(c).

(ii) If the total amount available for reallotment is less than $25,000, the Secretary will not reallot any funds, and such funds will revert to the Federal government.

(iii) If an individual reallotment amount to an applicant Tribe is less than $500, the Secretary will not issue the award, and such funds will revert to the Federal government.

(3) If a Tribe does not submit a reallotment report by the deadline for report submittal, either:

(i) The Secretary will determine that Tribe does not have any funds available for reallotment; or

(ii) In the case of a report received after the deadline established by the Secretary, any funds reported to be available for reallotment shall revert to the Federal government.

(4) Tribes receiving reallotted funds shall obligate and expend these funds in accordance with § 98.60. The reallotment of funds does not extend the obligation period or the program period for expenditure of such funds.

(e)(1) Any portion of the Mandatory Funds that are not obligated in the period for which the grant is made shall be redistributed. Territory Mandatory Funds, if any, will be redistributed on the request of, and only to, those other Territories that have obligated their entire Territory Mandatory Fund allocation in full for the period for which the grant was first made.

(2) The amount of Mandatory Funds granted to a Territory that will be made available for redistribution will be based on the Territory's financial report to ACF for the Child Care and Development Fund (ACF-696) and is subject to the monetary limits at paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(3) A Territory eligible to receive redistributed Mandatory Funds shall also use the ACF-696 to request its share of the redistributed funds, if any.

(4) A Territory's share of redistributed Mandatory Funds is based on the same ratio as § 98.62(d).

(5) Redistributed funds are considered part of the grant for the fiscal year in which the redistribution occurs.

[63 FR 39981, July 24, 1998, as amended at 81 FR 67591, Sept. 30, 2016; 89 FR 15416, Mar. 1, 2024]
§ 98.65 - Audits and financial reporting.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 80071, Oct. 2, 2024.

(a) Each Lead Agency shall have an audit conducted after the close of each program period in accordance with 45 CFR part 75, subpart F, and the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996.

(b) Lead Agencies are responsible for ensuring that subgrantees are audited in accordance with appropriate audit requirements.

(c) Not later than 30 days after the completion of the audit, Lead Agencies shall submit a copy of their audit report to the legislature of the State or, if applicable, to the Tribal Council(s). Lead Agencies shall also submit a copy of their audit report to the HHS Inspector General for Audit Services, as well as to their cognizant agency, if applicable.

(d) Any amounts determined through an audit not to have been expended in accordance with these statutory or regulatory provisions, or with the Plan, and that are subsequently disallowed by the Department shall be repaid to the Federal government, or the Secretary will offset such amounts against any other CCDF funds to which the Lead Agency is or may be entitled.

(e) Lead Agencies shall provide access to appropriate books, documents, papers and records to allow the Secretary to verify that CCDF funds have been expended in accordance with the statutory and regulatory requirements of the program, and with the Plan.

(f) The audit required in paragraph (a) of this section shall be conducted by an agency that is independent of the State, Territory or Tribe as defined by generally accepted government auditing standards issued by the Comptroller General, or a public accountant who meets such independent standards.

(g) Lead Agencies shall submit financial reports, in a manner specified by ACF, quarterly for each fiscal year until funds are expended.

(h) At a minimum, a State or territorial Lead Agency's quarterly report shall include the following information on expenditures under CCDF grant funds, including Discretionary (which includes realloted funding and any funds transferred from the TANF block grant), Mandatory, and Matching Funds (which includes redistributed funding); and State Matching and Maintenance-of-Effort (MOE) Funds:

(1) Child care administration;

(2) Quality activities, including any sub-categories of quality activities as required by ACF;

(3) Direct services for both grant or contracted slots and certificates;

(4) Non-direct services, including:

(i) Establishment and maintenance of computerized child care information systems;

(ii) Certificate program cost/eligibility determination;

(iii) All other non-direct services; and

(5) Such other information as specified by the Secretary.

(i) Tribal Lead Agencies shall submit financial reports annually in a manner specified by ACF.

[63 FR 39981, July 24, 1998, as amended at 81 FR 67591, Sept. 30, 2016; 89 FR 15416, Mar. 1, 2024]
§ 98.66 - Disallowance procedures.

(a) Any expenditures not made in accordance with the Act, the implementing regulations, or the approved Plan, will be subject to disallowance.

(b) If the Department, as the result of an audit or a review, finds that expenditures should be disallowed, the Department will notify the Lead Agency of this decision in writing.

(c)(1) If the Lead Agency agrees with the finding that amounts were not expended in accordance with the Act, these regulations, or the Plan, the Lead Agency shall fulfill the provisions of the disallowance notice and repay any amounts improperly expended; or

(2) The Lead Agency may appeal the finding:

(i) By requesting reconsideration from the Assistant Secretary, pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section; or

(ii) By following the procedure in paragraph (d) of this section.

(d) A Lead Agency may appeal the disallowance decision to the Departmental Appeals Board in accordance with 45 CFR part 16.

(e) The Lead Agency may appeal a disallowance of costs that the Department has determined to be unallowable under an award. A grantee may not appeal the determination of award amounts or disposition of unobligated balances.

(f) The Lead Agency's request for reconsideration in (c)(2)(i) of this section shall be postmarked no later than 30 days after the receipt of the disallowance notice. A Lead Agency may request an extension within the 30-day time frame. The request for reconsideration, pursuant to (c)(2)(i) of this section, need not follow any prescribed form, but it shall contain:

(1) The amount of the disallowance;

(2) The Lead Agency's reasons for believing that the disallowance was improper; and

(3) A copy of the disallowance decision issued pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section.

(g)(1) Upon receipt of a request for reconsideration, pursuant to (c)(2)(i) of this section, the Assistant Secretary or the Assistant Secretary's designee will inform the Lead Agency that the request is under review.

(2) The Assistant Secretary or the designee will review any material submitted by the Lead Agency and any other necessary materials.

(3) If the reconsideration decision is adverse to the Lead Agency's position, the response will include a notification of the Lead Agency's right to appeal to the Departmental Appeals Board, pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section.

(h) If a Lead Agency refuses to repay amounts after a final decision has been made, the amounts will be offset against future payments to the Lead Agency.

(i) The appeals process in this section is not applicable if the disallowance is part of a compliance review, pursuant to § 98.90, the findings of which have been appealed by the Lead Agency.

(j) Disallowances under the CCDF program are subject to interest regulations at 45 CFR part 30. Interest will begin to accrue from the date of notification.

§ 98.67 - Fiscal requirements.

(a) Lead Agencies shall expend and account for CCDF funds in accordance with their own laws and procedures for expending and accounting for their own funds.

(b) Unless otherwise specified in this part, contracts that entail the expenditure of CCDF funds shall comply with the laws and procedures generally applicable to expenditures by the contracting agency of its own funds.

(c) Fiscal control and accounting procedures shall be sufficient to permit:

(1) Preparation of reports required by the Secretary under this subpart and under subpart H; and

(2) The tracing of funds to a level of expenditure adequate to establish that such funds have not been used in violation of the provisions of this part.

§ 98.68 - Program integrity.

(a) Lead Agencies are required to describe in their Plan effective internal controls that are in place to ensure integrity and accountability, while maintaining continuity of services, in the CCDF program. These shall include:

(1) Processes to ensure sound fiscal management;

(2) Processes to identify areas of risk;

(3) Processes to train child care providers and staff of the Lead Agency and other agencies engaged in the administration of CCDF about program requirements and integrity; and

(4) Regular evaluation of internal control activities.

(b) Lead Agencies are required to describe in their Plan the processes that are in place to:

(1) Identify fraud or other program violations, which may include, but are not limited to the following:

(i) Record matching and database linkages;

(ii) Review of attendance and billing records;

(iii) Quality control or quality assurance reviews; and

(iv) Staff training on monitoring and audit processes.

(2) Investigate and recover fraudulent payments and to impose sanctions on clients or providers in response to fraud.

(c) Lead Agencies must describe in their Plan the procedures that are in place for documenting and verifying that children receiving assistance under this part meet eligibility criteria at the time of eligibility determination and redetermination. Because a child meeting eligibility requirements at the most recent eligibility determination or redetermination is considered eligible during the period between redeterminations as described in § 98.21(a)(1):

(1) The Lead Agency shall pay any amount owed to a child care provider for services provided for such a child during this period under a payment agreement or authorization for services; and

(2) Any CCDF payment made for such a child during this period shall not be considered an error or improper payment under subpart K of this part due to a change in the family's circumstances, as set forth at § 98.21(a).

[81 FR 67591, Sept. 30, 2016]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 618,9858
source: 63 FR 39981, July 24, 1998, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 98.63