Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Oct 02, 2024
§ 98.80 - General procedures and requirements.

An Indian Tribe or tribal organization (as described in subpart G of these regulations) may be awarded grants to plan and carry out programs for the purpose of increasing the availability, affordability, and quality of child care and childhood development programs subject to the following conditions:

(a) An Indian Tribe applying for or receiving CCDF funds shall be subject to the requirements under this part as specified in this section based on the size of the awarded funds. The Secretary shall establish thresholds for Tribes' total CCDF allotments pursuant to §§ 98.61(c) and 98.62(b) to be divided into three categories:

(1) Large allocations;

(2) Medium allocations; and

(3) Small allocations.

(b) An Indian Tribe applying for or receiving CCDF funds shall:

(1) Have at least 50 children under 13 years of age (or such similar age, as determined by the Secretary from the best available data) in order to be eligible to operate a CCDF program. This limitation does not preclude an Indian Tribe with fewer than 50 children under 13 years of age from participating in a consortium that receives CCDF funds; and

(2) Demonstrate its current service delivery capability, including skills, personnel, resources, community support, and other necessary components to satisfactorily carry out the proposed program.

(c) A consortium representing more than one Indian Tribe may be eligible to receive CCDF funds on behalf of a particular Tribe if:

(1) The consortium adequately demonstrates that each participating Tribe authorizes the consortium to receive CCDF funds on behalf of each Tribe or tribal organization in the consortium;

(2) The consortium consists of Tribes that each meet the eligibility requirements for the CCDF program as defined in this part, or that would otherwise meet the eligibility requirements if the Tribe or tribal organization had at least 50 children under 13 years of age;

(3) All the participating consortium members are in geographic proximity to one another (including operation in a multi-State area) or have an existing consortium arrangement; and

(4) The consortium demonstrates that it has the managerial, technical and administrative staff with the ability to administer government funds, manage a CCDF program and comply with the provisions of the Act and of this part.

(d) The awarding of a grant under this section shall not affect the eligibility of any Indian child to receive CCDF services provided by the State or States in which the Indian Tribe is located.

(e) For purposes of the CCDF, the determination of the number of children in the Tribe, pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section, shall include Indian children living on or near reservations, with the exception of Tribes in Alaska, California and Oklahoma.

[63 FR 39981, July 24, 1998, as amended at 81 FR 67592, Sept. 30, 2016]
§ 98.81 - Application and Plan procedures.

(a) In order to receive CCDF funds, a Tribal Lead Agency shall apply for funds pursuant to § 98.13, except that the requirement at § 98.13(b)(2) does not apply.

(b) Tribal Lead Agencies with large and medium allocations shall submit a CCDF Plan, as described at § 98.16, with the following additions and exceptions:

(1) The Plan shall include the basis for determining family eligibility.

(i) If the Tribe's median income is below a certain level established by the Secretary, then, at the Tribe's option, any Indian child in the Tribe's service area shall be considered eligible to receive CCDF funds, regardless of the family's income, work, or training status, provided that provision for services still goes to those with the highest need.

(ii) If the Tribe's median income is above the level established by the Secretary, then a tribal program must determine eligibility for services pursuant to § 98.20(a)(2). A tribal program, as specified in its Plan, may use either:

(A) 85 percent of the State median income for a family of the same size; or

(B) 85 percent of the median income for a family of the same size residing in the area served by the Tribal Lead Agency.

(2) For purposes of determining eligibility, the following terms shall also be defined:

(i) Indian child; and

(ii) Indian reservation or tribal service area.

(3) The Tribal Lead Agency shall also assure that:

(i) The applicant shall coordinate, to the maximum extent feasible, with the Lead Agency in the State in which the applicant shall carry out CCDF programs or activities, pursuant to § 98.82; and

(ii) In the case of an applicant located in a State other than Alaska, California, or Oklahoma, CCDF programs and activities shall be carried out on an Indian reservation for the benefit of Indian children, pursuant to § 98.83(b).

(4) The Plan shall include any information, as prescribed by the Secretary, necessary for determining the number of children in accordance with §§ 98.61(c), 98.62(c), and 98.80(b)(1).

(5) The Plan shall include a description of the Tribe's payment rates, how they are established, and how they support quality including, where applicable, cultural and linguistic appropriateness.

(6) The Plan is not subject to the following requirements:

(i) The early learning and developmental guidelines requirement at § 98.15(a)(9);

(ii) The certification to develop the CCDF Plan in consultation with the State Advisory Council at § 98.15(b)(1);

(iii) The licensing requirements applicable to child care services at §§ 98.15(b)(6) and §§ 98.16(u);

(iv) The identification of the public or private entities designated to receive private funds at § 98.16(d)(2);

(v) A definition of very low income at § 98.16(g)(8);

(vi) A description at § 98.16(i)(4) of how the Lead Agency will meet the needs of certain families specified at § 98.50(e);

(vii) The description of the sliding fee scale at § 98.16(k);

(viii) The description of the market rate survey or alternative methodology at § 98.16(r);

(ix) The description relating to Matching Funds at § 98.16(w);

(x) The description of how the Lead Agency uses grants or contracts for supply building at § 98.16(z);

(xi) The description of how the Lead Agency prioritizes increasing access to high-quality child care in areas with high concentration of poverty at § 98.16(aa); and

(xii) The description of provider payment practices at § 98.16(ee).

(7) In its initial Plan, an Indian Tribe shall describe its current service delivery capability pursuant to § 98.80(b)(2).

(8) A consortium shall also provide the following:

(i) A list of participating or constituent members, including demonstrations from these members pursuant to § 98.80(c)(1);

(ii) A description of how the consortium is coordinating services on behalf of its members, pursuant to § 98.83(c)(1); and

(iii) As part of its initial Plan, the additional information required at § 98.80(c)(4).

(9) Plans for Tribal Lead Agencies with medium allocations are not subject to the following requirements unless the Tribe chooses to include such services, and, therefore, the associated requirements, in its program:

(i) The assurance at § 98.15(a)(2) regarding options for services;

(ii) A description of any limits established for the provision of in-home care at § 98.16(i)(2), or

(iii) A description of the child care certificate payment system(s) at § 98.16(q).

(c) Tribal Lead Agencies with small allocations shall submit an abbreviated CCDF Plan, as described by the Secretary.

[63 FR 39981, July 24, 1998, as amended at 81 FR 67593, Sept. 30, 2016; 89 FR 15416, Mar. 1, 2024]
§ 98.82 - Coordination.

Tribal applicants shall coordinate the development of the Plan and the provision of services, to the extent practicable, as required by §§ 98.12 and 98.14 and:

(a) To the maximum extent feasible, with the Lead Agency in the State or States in which the applicant will carry out the CCDF program; and

(b) With other Federal, State, local, and tribal child care and childhood development programs.

[81 FR 67593, Sept. 30, 2016]
§ 98.83 - Requirements for tribal programs.

(a) The grantee shall designate an agency, department, or unit to act as the Tribal Lead Agency to administer the CCDF program.

(b) With the exception of Alaska, California, and Oklahoma, programs and activities for the benefit of Indian children shall be carried out on or near an Indian reservation.

(c) In the case of a tribal grantee that is a consortium:

(1) A brief description of the direct child care services funded by CCDF for each of their participating Tribes shall be provided by the consortium in their three-year CCDF Plan; and

(2) Variations in CCDF programs or requirements and in child care licensing, regulatory and health and safety requirements shall be specified in written agreements between the consortium and the Tribe.

(3) If a Tribe elects to participate in a consortium arrangement to receive one part of the CCDF (e.g., Discretionary Funds), it may not join another consortium or apply as a direct grantee to receive the other part of the CCDF (e.g., Tribal Mandatory Funds).

(4) If a Tribe relinquishes its membership in a consortium at any time during the fiscal year, CCDF funds awarded on behalf of the member Tribe will remain with the tribal consortium to provide direct child care services to other consortium members for that fiscal year.

(d)(1) Tribal Lead Agencies shall not be subject to:

(i) The requirements to use grants or contracts to build supply for certain populations at § 98.30(b);

(ii) The requirement to produce a consumer education website at § 98.33(a). Tribal Lead Agencies still must collect and disseminate the provider-specific consumer education information described at § 98.33(a) through (d), but may do so using methods other than a website;

(iii) The requirement to have licensing applicable to child care services at § 98.40;

(iv) The requirement for a training and professional development framework at § 98.44(a);

(v) The market rate survey or alternative methodology described at § 98.45(b)(2) and the related requirements at § 98.45(c), (d), (e), and (f);

(vi) The requirement for a sliding fee scale at § 98.45(l);

(vii) The requirement to have provider payment practices that reflect generally accepted payment practices at § 98.45(m);

(viii) The requirement that Lead Agencies shall give priority for services to children of families with very low family income at § 98.46(a)(1);

(ix) The requirement that Lead Agencies shall prioritize increasing access to high-quality child care in areas with significant concentrations of poverty and unemployment at § 98.46(b);

(x) The requirements to use grants or contracts at § 98.50(a)(3);

(xi) The requirements about Mandatory and Matching Funds at § 98.50(e);

(xii) The requirement to complete the quality progress report at § 98.53(g);

(xiii) The requirement that Lead Agencies shall expend no more than five percent from each year's allotment on administrative costs at § 98.54(a); and

(xiv) The Matching fund requirements at §§ 98.55 and 98.63.

(2) Tribal Lead Agencies with large, medium, and small allocations shall be subject to the provision at § 98.42(b)(2) to require inspections of child care providers and facilities, unless a Tribal Lead Agency describes an alternative monitoring approach in its Plan and provides adequate justification for the approach.

(3) Tribal Lead Agencies with large, medium, and small allocations shall be subject to the requirement at § 98.43 to conduct comprehensive criminal background checks, unless the Tribal Lead Agency describes an alternative background check approach in its Plan and provides adequate justification for the approach.

(e) Tribal Lead Agencies with medium and small allocations shall not be subject to the requirement for certificates at § 98.30(a) and (d).

(f) Tribal Lead Agencies with small allocations must spend their CCDF funds in alignment with the goals and purposes described in § 98.1. These Tribes shall have flexibility in how they spend their CCDF funds and shall be subject to the following requirements:

(1) The health and safety requirements described in § 98.41;

(2) The monitoring requirements at §§ 98.42 and 98.83(d)(2); and

(3) The background checks requirements described in §§ 98.43 and 98.83(d)(3);

(4) The requirements to spend funds on activities to improve the quality of child care described in §§ 98.83(g) and 98.53;

(5) The use of funds requirements at § 98.56 and cost allocation requirement at § 98.57;

(6) The financial management requirements at subpart G of this part that are applicable to Tribes;

(7) The reporting requirements at subpart H of this part that are applicable to Tribes;

(8) The eligibility definitions at § 98.81(b)(2);

(9) The 15 percent limitation on administrative activities at § 98.83(i);

(10) The monitoring, non-compliance, and complaint provisions at subpart J of this part; and

(11) Any other requirement established by the Secretary.

(g) Of the aggregate amount of funds expended (i.e., Discretionary and Mandatory Funds):

(1) For Tribal Lead Agencies with large, medium, and small allocations, no less than nine percent shall be used for activities designed to improve the quality of child care services and increase parental options for, and access to, high-quality child care as described at § 98.53; and

(2) For Tribal Lead Agencies with large and medium allocations, no less than three percent shall be used to carry out activities at § 98.53(a)(4) as such activities relate to the quality of care for infants and toddlers.

(3) Nothing in this section shall preclude the Tribal Lead Agencies from reserving a larger percentage of funds to carry out activities described in paragraph (g)(1) and (2) of this section.

(h) The base amount of any tribal grant is not subject to the administrative cost limitation at paragraph (i) of this section, the direct services requirement at § 98.50(f)(2), or the quality expenditure requirement at § 98.53(a). The base amount may be expended for any costs consistent with the purposes and requirements of the CCDF.

(i) Not more than 15 percent of the aggregate CCDF funds expended by the Tribal Lead Agency from each fiscal year's (including amounts used for construction and renovation in accordance with § 98.84, but not including the base amount provided under paragraph (h) of this section) shall be expended for administrative activities. Amounts used for construction and major renovation in accordance with § 98.84 are not considered administrative costs.

(j)(1) CCDF funds are available for costs incurred by the Tribal Lead Agency only after the funds are made available by Congress for Federal obligation unless costs are incurred for planning activities related to the submission of an initial CCDF Plan.

(2) Federal obligation of funds for planning costs, pursuant to paragraph (i)(1) of this section is subject to the actual availability of the appropriation.

[81 FR 67593, Sept. 30, 2016, as amended at 82 FR 3186, Jan. 11, 2017; 89 FR 15416, Mar. 1, 2024; 89 FR 52397, June 24, 2024]
§ 98.84 - Construction and renovation of child care facilities.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 80071, Oct. 2, 2024.

(a) Upon requesting and receiving approval from the Secretary, Tribal Lead Agencies may use amounts provided under §§ 98.61(c) and 98.62(b) to make payments for construction or major renovation of child care facilities (including paying the cost of amortizing the principal and paying interest on loans).

(b) To be approved by the Secretary, a request shall be made in accordance with uniform procedures established by program instruction and, in addition, shall demonstrate that:

(1) Adequate facilities are not otherwise available to enable the Tribal Lead Agency to carry out child care programs;

(2) The lack of such facilities will inhibit the operation of child care programs in the future; and

(3) The use of funds for construction or major renovation will not result in a decrease in the level of child care services provided by the Tribal Lead Agency as compared to the level of services provided by the Tribal Lead Agency in the preceding fiscal year. The Secretary shall waive this requirement if:

(i) The Secretary determines that the decrease in the level of child care services provided by the Indian tribe or tribal organization is temporary; and

(ii) The Indian tribe or tribal organization submits to the Secretary a plan that demonstrates that after the date on which the construction or renovation is completed:

(A) The level of direct child care services will increase; or

(B) The quality of child care services will improve.

(c)(1) Tribal Lead Agency may use CCDF funds for reasonable and necessary planning costs associated with assessing the need for construction or renovation or for preparing a request, in accordance with the uniform procedures established by program instruction, to spend CCDF funds on construction or major renovation.

(2) A Tribal Lead Agency may only use CCDF funds to pay for the costs of an architect, engineer, or other consultant for a project that is subsequently approved by the Secretary. If the project later fails to gain the Secretary's approval, the Tribal Lead Agency must pay for the architectural, engineering or consultant costs using non-CCDF funds.

(d) Tribal Lead Agencies that receive approval from the Secretary to use CCDF funds for construction or major renovation shall comply with the following:

(1) Federal share requirements and use of property requirements at 45 CFR 75.318;

(2) Transfer and disposition of property requirements at 45 CFR 75.318(c);

(3) Title requirements at 45 CFR 75.318(a);

(4) Cost principles and allowable cost requirements at subpart E of this part;

(5) Program income requirements at 45 CFR 75.307;

(6) Procurement procedures at 45 CFR 92.36; 75.326 through 75.335; and

(7) Any additional requirements established by program instruction, including requirements concerning:

(i) The recording of a Notice of Federal Interest in the property;

(ii) Rights and responsibilities in the event of a grantee's default on a mortgage;

(iii) Insurance and maintenance;

(iv) Submission of plans, specifications, inspection reports, and other legal documents; and

(v) Modular units.

(e) In lieu of obligation and liquidation requirements at § 98.60(e), Tribal Lead Agencies shall obligate CCDF funds used for construction or major renovation by the end of the second fiscal year following the fiscal year for which the grant is awarded. Tribal construction and major renovation funds must be liquidated at the end of the second succeeding fiscal year following this obligation deadline. Any Tribal construction and major renovation funds that remain unliquidated by the end of this period will revert to the Federal government.

(f) Tribal Lead Agencies may expend funds, without requesting approval pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, for minor renovation.

(g) A new tribal grantee (i.e., one that did not receive CCDF funds the preceding fiscal year) may spend no more than an amount equivalent to its Tribal Mandatory allocation on construction and renovation. A new tribal grantee must spend an amount equivalent to its Discretionary allocation on activities other than construction or renovation (i.e., direct services, quality activities, or administrative costs).

(h) A construction or renovation project that requires and receives approval by the Secretary must include as part of the construction and renovation costs:

(1) planning costs as allowed at § 98.84(c);

(2) labor, materials and services necessary for the functioning of the facility; and

(3) initial equipment for the facility. Equipment means items which are tangible, nonexpendable personal property having a useful life of more than five years.

[63 FR 39981, July 24, 1998, as amended at 81 FR 3020, Jan. 20, 2016; 81 FR 67594, Sept. 30, 2016; 89 FR 15417, Mar. 1, 2024]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 618,9858
source: 63 FR 39981, July 24, 1998, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 98.80