Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 211.1 - General definitions.
When used in this part:
(a) Act means Pub. L. 86-571, approved July 5, 1960, 74 Stat. 308, entitled “An Act to provide for the hospitalization, at Saint Elizabeths Hospital in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, of certain nationals of the United States adjudged insane or otherwise found mentally ill in foreign countries, and for other purposes”;
(b) The term Secretary means the Secretary of Health and Human Services;
(c) The term Department means the Department of Health and Human Services;
(d) The term Administrator means the Administrator, Family Support Administration, Department of Health and Human Services;
(e) The term eligible person means an individual with respect to whom the certificates referred to in § 211.3 are furnished to the Administrator in connection with the reception of an individual arriving from a foreign country;
(f) The term Public Health Service means the Public Health Service in the Department of Health and Human Services;
(g) The term agency means an appropriate State or local public or nonprofit agency with which the Administrator has entered into arrangements for the provision of care, treatment, and assistance pursuant to the Act;
(h) The term State includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam;
(i) The term residence means residence as determined under the applicable law or regulations of a State or political subdivision for the purpose of determining the eligibility of an individual for hospitalization in a public mental hospital;
(j) The term legal guardian means a guardian, appointed by a court, whose powers, duties, and responsibilities include the powers, duties, and responsibilities of guardianship of the person.
[39 FR 26546, July 19, 1974, as amended at 53 FR 36580, Sept. 21, 1988]
§ 211.2 - General.
The Administrator shall make suitable arrangements with agencies to the end that any eligible person will be received, upon request of the Secretary of State, at the port of entry or debarkation upon arrival in the United States from a foreign country and be provided, to the extent necessary, with temporary care, treatment, and assistance, pending transfer and release or hospitalization pursuant to the Act. The Administrator shall also make suitable arrangements with appropriate divisions of the Public Health Service, with Saint Elizabeths Hospital in the District of Columbia, with Federal hospitals outside of the Department, or with other public or private hospitals to provide the eligible person with care and treatment in a hospital. The Administrator shall maintain a roster setting forth the name and address of each eligible person currently receiving care and treatment, or assistance, pursuant to the Act.
§ 211.3 - Certificates.
The following certificates are necessary to establish that an individual is an eligible person:
(a) Certificates as to nationality. A certificate issued by an authorized official of the Department of State, stating that the individual is a national of the United States.
(b) Certificate as to mental condition. Either (1) a certificate obtained or transmitted by an authorized official of the Department of State that the individual has been legally adjudged insane in a named foreign country; or (2) a certificate of an appropriate authority or person stating that at the time of such certification the individual was in a named foreign country and was in need of care and treatment in a mental hospital. A statement shall, if possible, be incorporated into or attached to the certificate furnished under this paragraph setting forth all available medical and other pertinent information concerning the individual.
(c) Appropriate authority or person. For the purpose of paragraph (b)(2) of this section a medical officer of the Public Health Service or of another agency of the United States, or a medical practitioner legally authorized to provide care or treatment of mentally ill persons in the foreign country, is an “appropriate authority or person,” and shall be so identified in his execution of the certificate. If such a medical officer or practitioner is unavailable, an authorized official of the Department of State may serve as an “appropriate authority or person,” and shall, in the execution of the certificate, identify himself as serving as such person due to the unavailability of a suitable medical officer or practitioner.
§ 211.4 - Notification to legal guardian, spouse, next of kin, or interested persons.
(a) Whenever an eligible person arrives in the United States from a foreign country, or when such person is transferred from one State to another, the Administrator shall, upon such arrival or transfer (or in advance thereof, if possible), provide for notification of his legal guardian, or in the absence of such a guardian, of his spouse or next of kin, or in the absence of any of these, of one or more interested persons, if known.
(b) Whenever an eligible person is admitted to a hospital pursuant to the Act, the Administrator shall provide for immediate notification of his legal guardian, spouse, or next of kin, if known.
§ 211.5 - Action under State law; appointment of guardian.
Whenever an eligible person is incapable of giving his consent to care and treatment in a hospital, either because of his mental condition or because he is a minor, the agency will take appropriate action under State law, including, if necessary, procuring the appointment of a legal guardian, to ensure the proper planning for and provision of such care and treatment.
§ 211.6 - Reception; temporary care, treatment, and assistance.
(a) Reception. The agency will meet the eligible person at the port of entry or debarkation, will arrange for appropriate medical examination, and will plan with him, in cooperation with his legal guardian, or, in the absence of such a guardian, with other interested persons, if any, for needed temporary care and treatment.
(b) Temporary care, treatment, and assistance. The agency will provide for temporary care, treatment, and assistance, as reasonably required for the health and welfare of the eligible person. Such care, treatment, and assistance may be provided in the form of hospitalization and other medical and remedial care (including services of necessary attendants), food and lodging, money, payments, transportation, or other goods and services. The agency will utilize the Public Health Service General Hospital nearest to the port of entry or debarkation or any other suitable public or private hospital, in providing hospitalization and medical care, including diagnostic service as needed, pending other appropriate arrangements for serving the eligible person.
§ 211.7 - Transfer and release of eligible person.
(a) Transfer and release to relative. If at the time of arrival from a foreign country or any time during temporary or continuing care and treatment the Administrator finds that the best interests of the eligible person will be served thereby, and a relative, having been fully informed of his condition, agrees in writing to assume responsibility for his care and treatment, the Administrator shall transfer and release him to such relative. In determining whether his best interest will be served by such transfer and release, due weight shall be given to the relationship of the individuals involved, the financial ability of the relative to provide for such person, and the accessibility to necessary medical facilities.
(b) Transfer and release to appropriate State authorities, or agency of the United States. If appropriate arrangements cannot be accomplished under paragraph (a) of this section, and if no other agency of the United States is responsible for the care and treatment of the eligible person, the Administrator shall endeavor to arrange with the appropriate State mental health authorities of the eligible person's State of residence or legal domicile, if any, for the assumption of responsibility for the care and treatment of the eligible person by such authorities and shall, upon the making of such arrangements in writing, transfer and release him to such authorities. If any other agency of the United States is responsible for the care and treatment of the eligible person, the Administrator shall make arrangements for his transfer and release to that agency.
§ 211.8 - Continuing hospitalization.
(a) Authorization and arrangements. In the event that appropriate arrangements for an eligible person in need of continuing care and treatment in a hospital cannot be accomplished under § 211.7, or until such arrangements can be made, care and treatment shall be provided by the Administrator in Saint Elizabeths Hospital in the District of Columbia, in an appropriate Public Health Service Hospital, or in such other suitable public or private hospital as the Administrator determines is in the best interests of such person.
(b) Transfer to other hospital. At any time during continuing hospitalization, when the Administrator deems it to be in the interest of the eligible person or of the hospital affected, the Administrator shall authorize the transfer of such person from one hospital to another and, where necessary to that end, the Administrator shall authorize the initiation of judicial proceedings for the purpose of obtaining a commitment of such person to the Secretary.
(c) Place of hospitalization. In determining the placement or transfer of an eligible person for purposes of hospitalization, due weight shall be given to such factors as the location of the eligible person's legal guardian or family, the character of his illness and the probable duration thereof, and the facilities of the hospital to provide care and treatment for the particular health needs of such person.
§ 211.9 - Examination and reexamination.
Following admission of an eligible person to a hospital for temporary or continuing care and treatment, he shall be examined by qualified members of the medical staff as soon as practicable, but not later than the fifth day after his admission. Each such person shall be reexamined at least once within each six month period beginning with the month following the month in which he was first examined.
§ 211.10 - Termination of hospitalization.
(a) Discharge or conditional release. If, following an examination, the head of the hospital finds that the eligible person hospitalized for mental illness (whether or not pursuant to a judicial commitment) is not in need of such hospitalization, he shall be discharged. In the case where hospitalization was pursuant to a judicial commitment, the head of the hospital may, in accordance with laws governing hospitalization for mental illness as may be in force and generally applicable in the State in which the hospital is located, conditionally release him if he finds that this is in his best interests.
(b) Notification to committing court. In the case of any person hospitalized under § 211.8 who has been judicially committed to the custody of the Secretary, the Secretary will notify the committing court in writing of the discharge or conditional release of such person under this section or of his transfer and release under § 211.7.
§ 211.11 - Request for release from hospitalization.
If an eligible person who is hospitalized pursuant to the Act, or his legal guardian, spouse, or adult next of kin, requests his release, such request shall be granted by the Administrator if his best interests will be served thereby, or by the head of the hospital if he is found not to be in need of hospitalization by reason of mental illness. The right of the administrator or the head of the hospital, to refuse such request and to detain him for care and treatment shall be determined in accordance with laws governing the detention, for care and treatment, of persons alleged to be mentally ill as may be in force and applicable generally in the State in which such hospital is located, but in no event shall the patient be detained more than forty-eight hours (excluding any period of time falling on a Sunday or a legal holiday observed by the courts of the State in which such hospital is located) after the receipt of such request unless within such time (a) judicial proceedings for such hospitalization are commenced or (b) a judicial extension of such time is obtained, for a period of not more than five days, for the commencement of such proceedings.
§ 211.12 - Federal payments.
The arrangements made by the Administrator with an agency or hospital for carrying out the purposes of the Act shall provide for payments to such agency or hospital, either in advance or by way of reimbursement, of the costs of reception, temporary care, treatment, and assistance, continuing care and treatment, and transportation, pursuant to the Act, and payments for other expenditures necessarily and reasonably related to providing the same. Such arrangements shall include the methods and procedures for determining the amounts of the advances or reimbursements, and for remittance and adjustment thereof.
§ 211.13 - Financial responsibility of the eligible person; collections, compromise, or waiver of payment.
(a) For temporary care and treatment. If an eligible person receiving temporary care, treatment, and assistance, pursuant to the Act, has financial resources available to pay all or part of the costs of such care, the Administrator shall require him to pay for such costs, either in advance or by way of reimbursement, unless in his judgment it would be inequitable or impracticable to require such payment.
(b) For continuing care and treatment. Any eligible person receiving continuing care and treatment in a hospital, or his estate, shall be liable to pay or contribute toward the payment of the costs or charges therefor, to the same extent as such person would, if a resident of the District of Columbia, be liable to pay, under the laws of the District of Columbia, for his care and maintenance in a hospital for the mentally ill in that jurisdiction.
(c) Collections, compromise, or waiver of payment. The Administrator may, in his discretion, where in his judgment substantial justice will be best served thereby or the probable recovery will not warrant the expense of collection, compromise, or waive the whole or any portion of, any claim for continuing care and treatment, and assistance, and in the process of arriving at such decision, the Administrator may make or cause to be made such investigations as may be necessary to determine the ability of the patient to pay or contribute toward the cost of his continuing care and treatment in a hospital.
§ 211.14 - Disclosure of information.
(a) No disclosure of any information of a personal and private nature with respect to an individual obtained at any time by any person, organization, or institution in the course of discharging the duties of the Secretary under the Act shall be made except insofar:
(1) As the individual or his legal guardian, if any (or, if he is a minor, his parent or legal guardian), shall consent;
(2) As disclosure may be necessary to carry out any functions of the Secretary under the Act;
(3) As disclosure may be directed by the order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
(4) As disclosure may be necessary to carry out any functions of any agency of the United States which are related to the return of the individual from a foreign country, or his entry into the United States; or
(5) As expressly authorized by the Administrator.
(b) An agreement made with an agency or hospital for care, treatment, and assistance pursuant to the Act shall provide that no disclosure will be made of any information of a personal and private nature received by such agency or hospital in the course of discharging the duties under such agreement except as is provided therein, or is otherwise specifically authorized by the Administrator.
(c) Nothing in this section shall preclude disclosure, upon proper inquiry, of information as to the presence of an eligible person in a hospital, or as to his general condition and progress.
§ 211.15 - Nondiscrimination.
(a) No eligible person shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation, be denied any benefits, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination of any nature or form in the provision of any benefits, under the Act.
(b) The prohibition in paragraph (a) of this section precludes discrimination either in the selection of individuals to receive the benefits, in the scope of benefits, or in the manner of providing them. It extends to all facilities and services provided by the Administrator or an agency to an individual, and to the arrangements and the procedures under this part relating thereto, in connection with reception, temporary care, treatment, and assistance, and continuing hospitalization under the Act.
source: 39 FR 26546, July 19, 1974, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 211.7