Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 800.301 - Application process.

(a) Acceptance of applications. Without regard to 41 U.S.C. 6101(b)-(d), or any other statute requiring competitive bidding, OPM may consider annual applications from health insurance issuers, including groups of health insurance issuers as defined in § 800.20, to participate in the MSP Program. If OPM determines that it is not beneficial for the MSP Program to consider new issuer applications for an upcoming year, OPM will issue a notice to that effect. Each existing MSP issuer may complete a renewal application annually.

(b) Form and manner of applications. An applicant must submit to OPM, in the form and manner and in accordance with the timeline specified by OPM, the information requested by OPM for determining whether an applicant meets the requirements of this part.

§ 800.302 - Review of applications.

(a) Determinations. OPM will determine if an applicant meets the requirements of this part. If OPM determines that an applicant meets the requirements of this part, OPM may accept the applicant to enter into contract negotiations with OPM to participate in the MSP Program.

(b) Requests for additional information. OPM may request additional information from an applicant before making a decision about whether to enter into contract negotiations with that applicant to participate in the MSP Program.

(c) Declination of application. If, after reviewing an application to participate in the MSP Program, OPM declines to enter into contract negotiations with the applicant, OPM will inform the applicant in writing of the reasons for that decision.

(d) Discretion. The decision whether to enter into contract negotiations with a health insurance issuer who has applied to participate in the MSP Program is committed to OPM's discretion.

(e) Impact on future applications. OPM's declination of an application to participate in the MSP Program will not preclude the applicant from submitting an application for a subsequent year to participate in the MSP Program.

§ 800.303 - MSP Program contracting.

(a) Participation in MSP Program. To become an MSP issuer, the applicant and the Director or the Director's designee must sign a contract that meets the requirements of this part.

(b) Standard contract. OPM will establish a standard contract for the MSP Program.

(c) Premiums. OPM and the applicant will negotiate the premiums for an MSP option for each plan year in accordance with the provisions of subpart C of this part.

(d) Package of benefits. OPM must approve the applicant's package of benefits for its MSP option.

(e) Additional terms and conditions. OPM may elect to negotiate with an applicant such additional terms, conditions, and requirements that:

(1) Are in the interests of MSP enrollees; or

(2) OPM determines to be appropriate.

(f) Certification to offer health insurance coverage.

(1) For each plan year, an MSP Program contract will specify MSP options that OPM has certified, the specific package(s) of benefits authorized to be offered on each Exchange, and the premiums to be charged for each package of benefits on each Exchange.

(2) An MSP issuer may not offer an MSP option on an Exchange unless its MSP Program contract with OPM includes a certification authorizing the MSP issuer to offer the MSP option on that Exchange in accordance with paragraph (f)(1) of this section.

§ 800.304 - Term of the contract.

(a) Term of a contract. The term of the contract will be specified in the MSP Program contract and must be for a period of at least the 12 consecutive months defined as the plan year.

(b) Plan year. The plan year is a consecutive 12-month period during which an MSP option provides coverage for health benefits. A plan year may be a calendar year or otherwise.

§ 800.305 - Contract renewal process.

(a) Renewal. To continue participating in the MSP Program, an MSP issuer must provide to OPM, in the form and manner and in accordance with the timeline prescribed by OPM, the information requested by OPM for determining whether the MSP issuer continues to meet the requirements of this part.

(b) OPM decision. Subject to paragraph (c) of this section, OPM will renew the MSP Program contract of an MSP issuer who timely submits the information described in paragraph (a).

(c) OPM discretion not to renew. OPM may decline to renew the contract of an MSP issuer if:

(1) OPM and the MSP issuer fail to agree on premiums and benefits for an MSP option for the subsequent plan year;

(2) The MSP issuer has engaged in conduct described in § 800.404(a) of this part; or

(3) OPM determines that the MSP issuer will be unable to comply with a material provision of section 1334 of the Affordable Care Act or this part.

(d) Failure to agree on premiums and benefits. Except as otherwise provided in this part, if an MSP issuer has complied with paragraph (a) of this section and OPM and the MSP issuer fail to agree on premiums and benefits for an MSP option on one or more Exchanges for the subsequent plan year by the date required by OPM, either party may provide notice of nonrenewal pursuant to § 800.306 of this part, or OPM may in its discretion withdraw the certification of that MSP option on the Exchange or Exchanges for that plan year. In addition, if OPM and the MSP issuer fail to agree on benefits and premiums for an MSP option on one or more Exchanges by the date set by OPM and in the event of no action (no notice of nonrenewal or renewal) by either party, the MSP Program contract will be renewed and the existing premiums and benefits for that MSP option on that Exchange or Exchanges will remain in effect for the subsequent plan year.

§ 800.306 - Nonrenewal.

(a) Nonrenewal. Nonrenewal may pertain to the MSP issuer or the State-level issuer. The circumstances under which nonrenewal may occur are:

(1) Nonrenewal of contract. As used in this subpart and subpart E of this part, “nonrenewal of contract” means a decision by either OPM or an MSP issuer not to renew an MSP Program contract.

(2) Nonrenewal of participation. As used in this subpart and subpart E of this part, “nonrenewal of participation” means a decision by OPM, an MSP issuer, or a State-level issuer not to renew a State-level issuer's participation in a MSP Program contract.

(b) Notice required. Either OPM or an MSP issuer may decline to renew an MSP Program contract by providing a written notice of nonrenewal to the other party.

(c) MSP issuer responsibilities. The MSP issuer's written notice of nonrenewal must be made in accordance with its MSP Program contract with OPM. The MSP issuer also must comply with any requirements regarding the termination of a plan that are applicable to a QHP offered on an Exchange on which the MSP option was offered, including a requirement to provide advance written notice of termination to enrollees. MSP issuers shall provide written notice to enrollees in accordance with § 800.404(d).

authority: Sec. 1334 of Pub. L. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119; Pub. L. 111-152, 124 Stat. 1029 (42 U.S.C. 18054)
source: 80 FR 9655, Feb. 24, 2015; 80 FR 16577, Mar. 30, 2015, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 800.302