Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025
Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 800.401 - Contract performance.
(a) General. An MSP issuer must perform an MSP Program contract with OPM in accordance with the requirements of section 1334 of the Affordable Care Act and this part. The MSP issuer must continue to meet such requirements while under an MSP Program contract with OPM.
(b) Specific requirements for issuers. In addition to the requirements described in paragraph (a) of this section, each MSP issuer must:
(1) Have, in the judgment of OPM, the financial resources to carry out its obligations under the MSP Program;
(2) Keep such reasonable financial and statistical records, and furnish to OPM such reasonable financial and statistical reports with respect to the MSP option or the MSP issuer, as may be requested by OPM;
(3) Permit representatives of OPM (including the OPM Office of Inspector General), the U.S. Government Accountability Office, and any other applicable Federal Government auditing entities to audit and examine its records and accounts that pertain, directly or indirectly, to the MSP option at such reasonable times and places as may be designated by OPM or the U.S. Government Accountability Office;
(4) Timely submit to OPM a properly completed and signed novation or change-of-name agreement in accordance with subpart 42.12 of 48 CFR part 42;
(5) Perform the MSP Program contract in accordance with prudent business practices, as described in paragraph (c) of this section; and
(6) Not perform the MSP Program contract in accordance with poor business practices, as described in paragraph (d) of this section.
(c) Prudent business practices. OPM will consider an MSP issuer's specific circumstances and facts in using its discretion to determine compliance with paragraph (b)(5) of this section. For purposes of paragraph (b)(5) of this section, prudent business practices include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Timely compliance with OPM instructions and directives;
(2) Legal and ethical business and health care practices;
(3) Compliance with the terms of the MSP Program contract, regulations, and statutes;
(4) Timely and accurate adjudication of claims or rendering of medical services;
(5) Operating a system for accounting for costs incurred under the MSP Program contract, which includes segregating and pricing MSP option medical utilization and allocating indirect and administrative costs in a reasonable and equitable manner;
(6) Maintaining accurate accounting reports of costs incurred in the administration of the MSP Program contract;
(7) Applying performance standards for assuring contract quality as outlined at § 800.402; and
(8) Establishing and maintaining a system of internal controls that provides reasonable assurance that:
(i) The provision and payments of benefits and other expenses comply with legal, regulatory, and contractual guidelines;
(ii) MSP funds, property, and other assets are safeguarded against waste, loss, unauthorized use, or misappropriation; and
(iii) Data is accurately and fairly disclosed in all reports required by OPM.
(d) Poor business practices. OPM will consider an MSP issuer's specific circumstances and facts in using its discretion to determine compliance with paragraph (b)(6) of this section. For purposes of paragraph (b)(6) of this section, poor business practices include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Using fraudulent or unethical business or health care practices or otherwise displaying a lack of business integrity or honesty;
(2) Repeatedly or knowingly providing false or misleading information in the rate setting process;
(3) Failing to comply with OPM instructions and directives;
(4) Having an accounting system that is incapable of separately accounting for costs incurred under the contract and/or that lacks the internal controls necessary to fulfill the terms of the contract;
(5) Failing to ensure that the MSP issuer properly pays or denies claims, or, if applicable, provides medical services that are inconsistent with standards of good medical practice; and
(6) Entering into contracts or employment agreements with providers, provider groups, or health care workers that include provisions or financial incentives that directly or indirectly create an inducement to limit or restrict communication about medically necessary services to any individual covered under the MSP Program. Financial incentives are defined as bonuses, withholds, commissions, profit sharing or other similar adjustments to basic compensation (e.g., service fee, capitation, salary) which have the effect of limiting or reducing communication about appropriate medically necessary services.
(e) Performance escrow account. OPM may require MSP issuers to pay an assessment into an escrow account to ensure contract compliance and benefit MSP enrollees.
§ 800.402 - Contract quality assurance.
(a) General. This section prescribes general policies and procedures to ensure that services acquired under MSP Program contracts conform to the contract's quality requirements.
(b) Internal controls. OPM may periodically evaluate the contractor's system of internal controls under the quality assurance program required by the contract and will acknowledge in writing if the system is inconsistent with the requirements set forth in the contract. OPM's reviews do not diminish the contractor's obligation to implement and maintain an effective and efficient system to apply the internal controls.
(c) Performance standards. (1) OPM will issue specific performance standards for MSP Program contracts and will inform MSP issuers of the applicable performance standards prior to negotiations for the contract year. OPM may benchmark its standards against standards generally accepted in the insurance industry. OPM may authorize nationally recognized standards to be used to fulfill this requirement.
(2) MSP issuers must comply with the performance standards issued pursuant to this section.
§ 800.403 - Fraud and abuse.
(a) Program required. An MSP issuer must conduct a program to assess its vulnerability to fraud and abuse as well as to address such vulnerabilities.
(b) Fraud detection system. An MSP issuer must operate a system designed to detect and eliminate fraud and abuse by employees and subcontractors of the MSP issuer, by providers furnishing goods or services to MSP enrollees, and by MSP enrollees.
(c) Submission of information. An MSP issuer must provide to OPM such information or assistance as may be necessary for the agency to carry out the duties and responsibilities, including those of the Office of Inspector General as specified in sections 4 and 6 of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.). An MSP issuer must provide any requested information in the form, manner, and timeline prescribed by OPM.
§ 800.404 - Compliance actions.
(a) Causes for OPM compliance actions. The following constitute cause for OPM to impose a compliance action described in paragraph (b) of this section against an MSP issuer:
(1) Failure by the MSP issuer to meet the requirements set forth in § 800.401(a) and (b);
(2) An MSP issuer's sustained failure to perform the MSP Program contract in accordance with prudent business practices, as described in § 800.401(c);
(3) A pattern of poor conduct or evidence of poor business practices such as those described in § 800.401(d); or
(4) Such other violations of law or regulation as OPM may determine, including pursuant to its authority under §§ 800.102 and 800.114.
(b) Compliance actions. (1) OPM may impose a compliance action against an MSP issuer at any time during the contract term if it determines that the MSP issuer is not in compliance with applicable law, this part, or the terms of its contract with OPM.
(2) Compliance actions may include, but are not limited to:
(i) Establishment and implementation of a corrective action plan;
(ii) Imposition of intermediate sanctions, such as suspension of marketing;
(iii) Performance incentives;
(iv) Reduction of service area or areas;
(v) Withdrawal of the certification of the MSP option or options offered on one or more Exchanges;
(vi) Nonrenewal of participation
(vii) Nonrenewal of contract; and
(viii) Withdrawal of approval or termination of the MSP Program contract.
(c) Notice of compliance action. (1) OPM must notify an MSP issuer in writing of a compliance action under this section. Such notice must indicate the specific compliance action undertaken and the reason for the compliance action.
(2) For compliance actions listed in § 800.404(b)(2)(v) through (viii), such notice must include a statement that the MSP issuer is entitled to request a reconsideration of OPM's determination to impose a compliance action pursuant to § 800.405.
(3) Upon imposition of a compliance action listed in paragraphs (b)(2)(iv) through (vii) of this section, OPM must notify the State Insurance Commissioner(s) and Exchange officials in the State or States in which the compliance action is effective.
(d) Notice to enrollees. If the contract is terminated, if OPM withdraws certification of an MSP option, or if a State-level issuer's participation in the MSP Program contract is not renewed, as described in §§ 800.306 and 800.404(b)(2), or in any situation in which an MSP option is no longer available to enrollees, the MSP issuer must comply with any State or Exchange requirements regarding discontinuing a particular type of coverage that are applicable to a QHP offered on the Exchange on which the MSP option was offered, including a requirement to provide advance written notice before the coverage will be discontinued. If a State or Exchange does not have requirements about advance notice to enrollees, the MSP issuer must inform current MSP enrollees in writing of the discontinuance of the MSP option no later than 90 days prior to discontinuing the MSP option, unless OPM determines that there is good cause for less than 90 days' notice.
(e) Definition. As used in this subpart, “termination” means a decision by OPM to cancel an MSP Program contract prior to the end of its contract term. The term includes OPM's withdrawal of approval of an MSP Program contract.
§ 800.405 - Reconsideration of compliance actions.
(a) Right to request reconsideration. An MSP issuer may request that OPM reconsider a determination to impose one of the following compliance actions:
(1) Withdrawal of the certification of the MSP option or options offered on one or more Exchanges;
(2) Nonrenewal of participation
(3) Nonrenewal of contract; or
(4) Termination of the MSP Program contract.
(b) Request for reconsideration and/or hearing. (1) An MSP issuer with a right to request reconsideration specified in paragraph (a) of this section may request a hearing in which OPM will reconsider its determination to impose a compliance action.
(2) A request under this section must be in writing and contain contact information, including the name, telephone number, email address, and mailing address of the person or persons whom OPM may contact regarding a request for a hearing with respect to the reconsideration. The request must be in such form, contain such information, and be submitted in such manner as OPM may prescribe.
(3) The request must be received by OPM within 15 calendar days after the date of the MSP issuer's receipt of the notice of compliance action. The MSP issuer may request that OPM's reconsideration allow a representative of the MSP issuer to appear personally before OPM.
(4) A request under this section must include a detailed statement of the reasons that the MSP issuer disagrees with OPM's imposition of the compliance action, and may include any additional information that will assist OPM in rendering a final decision under this section.
(5) OPM may obtain additional information relevant to the request from any source as it may, in its judgment, deem necessary. OPM will provide the MSP issuer with a copy of any additional information it obtains and provide an opportunity for the MSP issuer to respond (including by submitting additional information or explanation).
(6) OPM's reconsideration and hearing, if requested, may be conducted by the Director or a representative designated by the Director who did not participate in the initial decision that is the subject of the request for review.
(c) Notice of final decision. OPM will notify the MSP issuer, in writing, of OPM's final decision on the MSP issuer's request for reconsideration and the specific reasons for that final decision. OPM's written decision will constitute final agency action that is subject to review under the Administrative Procedure Act in the appropriate U.S. district court. Such review is limited to the record that was before OPM when it made its decision.
authority: Sec. 1334 of Pub. L. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119; Pub. L. 111-152, 124 Stat. 1029 (
42 U.S.C. 18054)
source: 80 FR 9655, Feb. 24, 2015; 80 FR 16577, Mar. 30, 2015, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 800.401