Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 675.1 - Purpose and authority.
(a) This part sets forth the procedures for medical screening to determine whether candidates for participation in the United States Antarctic Program (USAP) are physically qualified and psychologically adapted for assignment or travel to Antarctica. Medical screening examinations are necessary to determine the presence of any physical or psychological conditions that would threaten the health or safety of the candidate or other USAP participants or that could not be effectively treated by the limited medical care capabilities in Antarctica.
(b) Presidential Memorandum No. 6646 (February 5, 1982) (available from the National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs, room 755, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230) sets forth the National Science Foundation's overall management responsibilities for the entire United States national program in Antarctica.
§ 675.2 - Medical examinations.
(a) Any individual seeking to travel to Antarctica under sponsorship of the United States Antarctic Program must undergo a medical and dental examination to determine whether the individual is physically qualified for deployment to Antarctica.
(b) The medical and dental examinations may be conducted by a qualified licensed physician or dentist of the candidate's choosing, or designated by the employing organization, following instructions provided by the USAP. The medical examinations shall include a medical history, physical examination and appropriate clinical tests which address major organ systems for medical conditions inconsistent with safe deployment to Antarctica.
(c) The candidate's physician/dentist will submit the required medical information on the appropriate USAP-provided forms to a USAP-designated physician who will determine whether the individual is qualified for deployment to Antarctica based upon Medical Clearance Criteria established by the USAP. All information requested on the forms shall be provided.
(d) Candidates who anticipate spending the austral winter in Antarctica (when evacuation may be impossible) are subject to additional evaluation, including a determination of psychological adaptability for such an isolated assignment. Psychological evaluations of “winter-over” candidates shall be performed by a qualified team of USAP-designated physicians/clinical psychologists.
§ 675.3 - Medical clearance criteria.
(a) The USAP shall establish Medical Clearance Criteria for determining eligibility for deployment to Antarctica. (See Medical Standards for Antarctic Deployment available from the National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs, room 755.09, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230).
The criteria will include examination of the following major organ systems:
(1) Lungs and chest wall.
(2) Heart and vascular system.
(3) Abdominal organs and gastrointestinal system.
(4) Endocrine or metabolic system.
(5) Genitalia and urinary system.
(6) Musculoskeletal.
(7) Skin and cellular tissues.
(8) Neurological Disorders.
(9) Psychiatric or psychological.
(10) Dental.
(b) The USAP may review and revise the Medical Clearance Criteria periodically as appropriate.
§ 675.4 - Waiver process.
(a) If an individual is found not physically qualified for deployment to Antarctica, the USAP's contractor will inform the individual of the determination and of the administrative waiver process, and will provide a waiver application package to the individual upon request.
(b) The waiver applicant should send the completed waiver application package to the USAP's contractor which will forward the package to NSF's Office of Polar Programs for review and a determination on the appropriateness of a waiver. In making the waiver determination, the Office of Polar Programs may consult with other qualified medical personnel and may require waiver applicants to take further medical examinations or to furnish additional medical documentation in support of the waiver application.
(c) The Director, Office of Polar Programs (or designee) will make a final determination, in the exercise of his or her discretion, on the appropriateness of a waiver on a case-by-case basis.
(d) Individuals for whom a waiver is determined to be appropriate are eligible for deployment to Antarctica subject to any necessary limitations/restrictions identified by the Director, Office of Polar Programs, or designee.
source: 62 FR 31522, June 10, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 675.3