Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 1149.57 - How is the case decided?

(a) The ALJ will issue an initial decision based only on the record. The record must contain findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the amount of any penalties and assessments imposed.

(b) The findings of fact must include a finding on each of the following issues:

(1) Whether any one or more of the claims or statements identified in the complaint, in whole or in part, violate this part; and

(2) If you are liable for penalties or assessments, the appropriate amount of any such penalties or assessments, considering any mitigating or aggravating factors that are proven by a preponderance of the evidence during the hearing.

§ 1149.58 - When will the ALJ serve the initial decision?

(a) The ALJ will serve the initial decision on all parties within 90 days after the close of the hearing, or within 90 days after the final post-hearing brief was filed.

(b) At the same time as the initial decision, the ALJ must serve a statement describing your rights if you are found liable for a civil penalty or assessment to file a motion for reconsideration with the ALJ or a notice of appeal with the authority head.

(c) If the ALJ fails to meet the deadline contained in this section, he or she must notify the parties of the reason for the delay and must set a new deadline.

(d) Unless the initial decision of the ALJ is timely appealed to the authority head, or a motion for reconsideration of the initial decision is timely filed, the initial decision must constitute the final decision of the authority head and must be final and binding on the parties 30 days after it is issued by the ALJ.

§ 1149.59 - How are penalty and assessment amounts determined?

In determining an appropriate amount of civil penalties and assessments, the ALJ and the authority head, upon appeal, should evaluate any circumstances that mitigate or aggravate the violation and should articulate in their opinions the reasons that support the penalties and assessments they impose.

§ 1149.60 - What factors are considered in determining the amount of penalties and assessments to impose?

(a) Although not exhaustive, the following factors are among those that may influence the ALJ and the authority head in determining the amount of penalties and assessments to impose with respect to the misconduct charged in the complaint:

(1) The number of false, fictitious, or fraudulent claims or statements;

(2) The time period over which such claims or statements were made;

(3) The degree of your culpability with respect to the misconduct;

(4) The amount of money or the value of the property, services, or benefit falsely claimed;

(5) The value of the Government's actual loss as a result of the misconduct, including foreseeable consequential damages and the cost of the investigation;

(6) The relationship of the amount imposed as civil penalties to the amount of the Government's loss;

(7) The potential or actual impact of the misconduct upon national defense, public health or safety, or public confidence in the management of Government programs and operations, especially upon the public confidence of those intended to benefit from Government programs;

(8) Whether you have engaged in a pattern of the same or similar misconduct;

(9) Whether you attempted to conceal the misconduct;

(10) The degree to which you have involved others in the misconduct or in concealing it;

(11) Where the misconduct of employees or agents is imputed to you, the extent to which your practices fostered or attempted to preclude such misconduct;

(12) Whether you cooperated in or obstructed an investigation of the misconduct;

(13) Whether you assisted in identifying and prosecuting other wrongdoers;

(14) The complexity of the program or transaction, and the degree of your sophistication with respect to it, including the extent of your prior participation in the program or in similar transactions;

(15) Whether you have been found, in any criminal, civil, or administrative proceeding, to have engaged in similar misconduct or dealt dishonestly with the Government of the United States or a state, directly or indirectly; and

(16) The need to deter you and others from engaging in the same or similar misconduct.

(b) Nothing in this section must be construed to limit the ALJ or the authority head from considering any other factors that in any given case may mitigate or aggravate the offense for which penalties and assessments are imposed.

§ 1149.61 - Can a party request reconsideration of the initial decision?

(a) Any party may file a motion for reconsideration of the initial decision with the ALJ within 20 days of receipt of the initial decision. If the initial decision was served by mail, there is a rebuttable presumption that the initial decision was received by the party 5 days from the date of mailing.

(b) A motion for reconsideration shall be accompanied by a supporting brief and must specifically describe the issue and nature of each allegedly erroneous decision.

(c) Responses to a motion for reconsideration will only be allowed if it is requested by the ALJ.

(d) The ALJ will dispose of a motion for reconsideration by denying it or by issuing a revised initial decision.

(e) If the ALJ issues a revised initial decision upon motion of a party, no further motions for reconsideration may be filed by any party.

(f) If the ALJ issues a revised initial decision, that decision shall constitute the final decision of the authority head and shall be final and binding on the parties 30 days after it is issued, unless it is timely appealed to the authority head.

§ 1149.62 - When does the initial decision of the ALJ become final?

(a) The initial decision of the ALJ becomes the final decision of the NEA and binds all parties 30 days after it is issued, unless a party timely files a motion for reconsideration or timely appeals to the authority head of NEA, as set forth in § 1149.64.

(b) If the ALJ disposes of a motion for reconsideration by denying it or by issuing a revised initial decision, the ALJ's order on the motion for reconsideration becomes the final decision of NEA 30 days after the order is issued.

§ 1149.63 - What are the procedures for appealing the ALJ decision?

(a) Any defendant who submits a timely answer and is found liable for a civil penalty or assessment in an initial decision may appeal the decision to the authority head by filing a notice of appeal with the authority head in accordance with this section.

(b) You may file a notice of appeal with the authority head within 30 days following issuance of the initial decision, serving a copy of the notice of appeal on all parties and the ALJ. The authority head may extend this deadline for up to an additional 30 days if an extension request is filed within the initial 30-day period and shows good cause.

(c) Your appeal will not be considered until all timely motions for reconsideration have been resolved.

(d) If a timely motion for reconsideration is denied, a notice of appeal may be filed within 30 days following such denial or issuance of a revised initial decision, whichever applies.

(e) A notice of appeal must be supported by a written brief specifying why the initial decision should be reversed or modified.

(f) The NEA representative may file a brief in opposition to the notice of appeal within 30 days of receiving your appeal and supporting brief.

(g) If you timely file a notice of appeal, and the time for filing reconsideration motions has expired, the ALJ will forward the record of the proceeding to the authority head.

§ 1149.64 - What happens if an initial decision is appealed?

(a) An initial decision is stayed automatically pending disposition of a motion for reconsideration or of an appeal to the authority head.

(b) No administrative stay is available following a final decision of the authority head.

§ 1149.65 - Are there any limitations on the right to appeal to the authority head?

(a) You have no right to appear personally, or through a representative, before the authority head.

(b) There is no right to appeal any interlocutory ruling.

(c) The authority head will not consider any objection or evidence that was not raised before the ALJ, unless you demonstrate that the failure to object was caused by extraordinary circumstances. If you demonstrate to the satisfaction of the authority head that extraordinary circumstances prevented the presentation of evidence at the hearing, and that the additional evidence is material, the authority head may remand the matter to the ALJ for consideration of the additional evidence.

§ 1149.66 - How does the authority head dispose of an appeal?

(a) The authority head may affirm, reduce, reverse, compromise, remand, or settle any penalty or assessment imposed by the ALJ in the initial decision or reconsideration decision.

(b) The authority head will promptly serve each party to the appeal and the ALJ with a copy of his or her decision. This decision must contain a statement describing the right of any person, against whom a penalty or assessment has been made, to seek judicial review.

§ 1149.67 - Who represents the NEA on an appeal?

The authority head will designate the NEA's representative in the event of an appeal.

§ 1149.68 - What judicial review is available?

Section 3805 of title 31, United States Code, authorizes Judicial review by the appropriate United States District Court of any final NEA decision by the authority head imposing penalties or assessments under this part. To obtain judicial review, you must file a petition with the appropriate court in a timely manner. (See paragraphs (a) through (e) of 31 U.S.C. 3805 for a description of how judicial review is authorized.)

§ 1149.69 -

(a) Parties may make offers of compromise or settlement at any time. Any compromise or settlement must be in writing.

(b) The reviewing official has the exclusive authority to compromise or settle the case anytime after the date on which the reviewing official is permitted to issue a complaint and before the ALJ issues an initial decision.

(c) The authority head has exclusive authority to compromise or settle the case anytime after the date of the ALJ's initial decision until the initiation of any judicial review or any action to collect the penalties and assessments.

(d) The Attorney General has exclusive authority to compromise or settle a case once any judicial review or any action to recover penalties and assessments is initiated.

(e) The investigating official may recommend settlement terms to the reviewing official, the authority head, or the Attorney General, as appropriate.

§ 1149.70 - How are civil penalties and assessments collected?

(a) Civil actions to recover penalties or assessments must commence within 3 years after the date of a final decision determining your liability.

(b) The Attorney General is responsible for judicial enforcement of civil penalties or assessments imposed. He/she has exclusive authority to compromise or settle any penalty or assessment during the pendency of any action to collect penalties or assessments under 31 U.S.C. 3806.

(c) Penalties or assessments imposed by a final decision may be recovered in a civil action brought by the Attorney General.

(1) The district courts of the United States have jurisdiction of such civil actions.

(2) The United States Court of Federal Claims has jurisdiction of any civil action to recover any penalty or assessment if the cause of action is asserted by the government as a counterclaim in a matter pending in such court.

(3) Civil actions may be joined and consolidated with or asserted as a counterclaim, cross-claim, or set off by the government in any other civil action which includes you and the government as parties.

(4) Defenses raised at the hearing, or that could have been raised, may not be raised as a defense in the civil action. Determination of liability and of the amounts of penalties and assessments must not be subject to review.

§ 1149.71 - Is there a right to administrative offset?

The amount of any penalty or assessment which has become final, or for which a judgment has been entered, or any amount agreed upon in a compromise or settlement, may be collected by administrative offset, except that an administrative offset may not be made under this subsection against a refund of an overpayment of Federal taxes, then or later owing by the United States to you.

§ 1149.72 - What happens to collections?

All amounts collected pursuant to this part must be deposited as miscellaneous receipts in the Treasury of the United States.

§ 1149.73 - What if the investigation indicates criminal misconduct or a violation of the False Claims Act?

(a) Investigating officials may:

(1) Refer allegations of criminal misconduct or a violation of the False Claims Act directly to the Department of Justice for prosecution and/or civil action, as appropriate;

(2) Defer or postpone a report or referral to the reviewing official to avoid interference with a criminal or civil investigation, prosecution or litigation; or

(3) Issue subpoenas under any other statutory authority.

(b) Nothing in this part limits the requirement that NEA employees report suspected false or fraudulent conduct, claims or statements, and violations of criminal law to the NEA Office of Inspector General or to the Attorney General.

§ 1149.74 - How does the NEA protect your rights?

These procedures separate the functions of the investigating official, reviewing official, and the ALJ, each of whom report to a separate organizational authority. Except for purposes of settlement, or as a witness or a representative in public proceedings, no investigating official, reviewing official, or NEA employee or agent who helps investigate, prepare, or present a case may (in such case, or a factually related case) participate in the initial decision or the review of the initial decision by the authority head. This separation of functions and organization is designed to assure the independence and impartiality of each government official during every stage of the proceeding. The representative for the NEA may be employed in the offices of either the investigating official or the reviewing official.

source: 79 FR 67081, Nov. 12, 2014, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 1149.71