Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Oct 02, 2024
§ 1151.16 - General prohibitions against discrimination.

(a) No qualified handicapped person shall, on the basis of handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity which receives federal financial assistance.

(b) These regulations do not prohibit the exclusion of nonhandicapped persons or persons with a specific type of handicap from aid, benefits, or services limited by Federal statute or executive order to handicapped persons or persons with a different type of handicap.

(c) Recipients shall take appropriate steps to insure that no handicapped individual is denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any program or activity receiving Endowment financial assistance because of the absence of appropriate auxiliary aids for individuals with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills.

(d) Recipients shall take appropriate steps to insure that communications with their applicants, employees, and beneficiaries are available to persons with impaired vision and hearing.

(e) Recipients shall administer programs or activities in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of qualified handicapped persons.

[44 FR 22734, Apr. 17, 1979, as amended at 68 FR 51384, Aug. 26, 2003]
§ 1151.17 - Specific discriminatory actions prohibited.

(a) A recipient, in providing any aid, benefit, or service, either directly or through contractual, licensing, or other arrangements, shall not, on the basis of handicap:

(1) Deny a qualified handicapped person the opportunity to participate in or benefit from the aid, benefit, or service;

(2) Afford a qualified handicapped person an opportunity to participate in or benefit from the aid, benefit, or service that is not equal to that afforded others;

(3) Provide a qualified handicapped person with an aid, benefit, or service that is not as effective in affording equal opportunity to obtain the same result, to gain the same benefit, or to reach the same level of achievement as that provided to others;

(4) Provide different or separate aid, benefits, or services to handicapped persons or to any class of handicapped persons unless such action is necessary to provide qualified handicapped persons with aid, benefits, or services that are as effective as those provided to others;

(5) Aid or perpetuate discrimination against a qualified handicapped person by providing significant assistance to an agency, organization, or person that discriminates on the basis of handicap in providing any aid, benefit, or service to beneficiaries of the recipient's program or activity;

(6) Deny a qualified handicapped person the opportunity to participate as a member of planning or advisory boards; or

(7) Otherwise limit a qualified handicapped person in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity enjoyed by others receiving an aid, benefit, or service.

(b) Despite the existence of separate or different aid, benefits, or services provided in accordance with this part, a recipient may not deny a qualified handicapped person the opportunity to participate in such aid, benefits, or services that are not separate or different.

(c) A recipient may not, directly or through contractual or other arrangements, utilize criteria or methods of administration:

(1) That have the effect of subjecting qualified handicapped persons to discrimination on the basis of handicap;

(2) That have the purpose or effect of defeating or substantially impairing accomplishment of the objectives of the recipient's program or activity with respect to handicapped persons; or

(3) That perpetuate the discrimination of another recipient if both recipients are subject to common administrative control or are agencies of the same state.

(d) A recipient may not, in determining the site or location of a facility, make selections:

(1) That have the effect of excluding handicapped persons from, denying them the benefits of, or otherwise subjecting them to discrimination under any program or activity that receives federal financial assistance; or

(2) That have the purpose or effect of defeating or substantially impairing the accomplishment of the objectives of the program or activity with respect to handicapped persons.

(e) As used in this section, the aid, benefit, or service provided under a program or activity receiving federal financial assistance includes any aid, benefit, or service provided in or through a facility that has been constructed, expanded, altered, leased or rented, or otherwise acquired, in whole or in part, with federal financial assistance.

[44 FR 22734, Apr. 17, 1979, as amended at 68 FR 51384, Aug. 26, 2003]
§ 1151.18 - Illustrative examples.

(a) The following examples will illustrate the application of the foregoing provisions to some of the activities funded by the National Endowment for the Arts.

(1) A museum exhibition catalogue or small press editions supported by the Endowment may be made usable by the blind and the visually impaired through cassette tapes, records, discs, braille, readers and simultaneous publications;

(2) A theatre performance supported by Federal funds may be made available to deaf and hearing impaired persons through the use of a sign language interpreter or by providing scripts in advance of the performance.

(3) A performing arts organization receiving Federal funds and offering, for example, a specific event in an inaccessible facility may arrange to provide a reasonable opportunity for that specific event to be offered to the public at large in an alternative accessible space; e.g., a theatre offering four different plays a season may offer at least one performance of each play in an alternative accessible space.

(4) Recipients of federal funds should make every effort to assure that they do not support organizations or individuals that discriminate;

(5) A handicapped person with experience and expertise equal to qualification standards established by a planning or advisory board may not be excluded from participation on the board on the basis of handicap. This does not mean that every planning or advisory board necessarily must include a handicapped person.

(b) Despite the existence of permissible separate or different aid, benefits, or services, e.g., periodic performances in alternative accessible spaces, a physically handicapped person who wishes to be, and can be, escorted to a seat, may not be denied such access to an otherwise inaccessible theatre.

(c) State arts agencies are obligated to develop methods of administering federal funds so as to ensure that handicapped persons are not subjected to discrimination on the basis of handicap either by sub-grantees or by the manner in which the funds are distributed.

(d) In the event Endowment funds are utilized to construct, expand, alter, lease or rent a facility, the aid, benefits, or services provided in or through that facility must be conducted in accordance with these regulations, e.g., a museum receiving a grant to renovate an existing facility must assure that all museum aid, benefits, or services conducted in that facility are accessible to handicapped persons.

(e) In carrying out the mandate of section 504 and these implementing regulations recipients should make every effort to administer Endowment assisted programs or activities in a setting in which able-bodied and disabled persons are integrated, e.g., tours made available to the hearing impaired should be open to the public at large and everyone should be permitted to enjoy the benefits of a tactile experience in a museum.

[44 FR 22734, Apr. 17, 1979, as amended at 68 FR 51384, Aug. 26, 2003]
§§ 1151.19-1151.20 - §[Reserved]
§ 1151.21 - Discrimination prohibited.

No qualified handicapped person shall, because a recipient's facilities are inaccessible to or unusable by handicapped persons, be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation in, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity to which this part applies.

§ 1151.22 - Existing facilities.

(a) A recipient shall operate each program or activity to which this part applies so that when each part is viewed in its entirety it is readily accessible to and usable by handicapped persons. This paragraph does not necessarily require a recipient to make each of its existing facilities or every part of a facility accessible to and usable by handicapped persons.

(b) A recipient may comply with the requirement f paragraph (a) of this section through alteration of existing facilities, the construction of new facilities, or any other methods that result in making its program or activity accessible to handicapped persons. A recipient is not required to make structural changes in existing facilities where other methods are effective in achieving compliance with paragraph (a) of this section. In choosing among available methods for meeting the requirement of paragraph (a) of this section, a recipient shall give priority to those methods that serve handicapped persons in the most integrated setting appropriate.

(c) Time period. A recipient shall comply with the requirement of paragraph (a) of this section within sixty days of the effective date of this part except that where structural changes are necessary such changes shall be made as soon as possible but in no event later than three years after the effective date of this part.

(d) Transition plan. In the event structural changes to facilities are necessary to meet the requirement of paragraph (a) of this section, a recipient shall develop, within one year of the effective date of this part, a transition plan setting forth the steps necessary to complete such changes. The plan shall be developed with the assistance of interested persons, including handicapped persons or organizations representing handicapped persons. Upon request, the recipient shall make available for public inspection a copy of the transition plan. The plan shall, at a minimum:

(1) Identify physical obstacles in the recipient's facilities that limit the accessibility of its program or activity to handicapped persons;

(2) Describe in detail the methods that will be used to make the facilities accessible;

(3) Specify the schedule for taking the steps necessary to achieve full accessibility under paragraph (a) of this section and, if the time period of the transition plan is longer than one year, identify steps that will be taken during each year of the transition period; and

(4) Indicate the person responsible for implementation of the plan.

[44 FR 22734, Apr. 17, 1979, as amended at 68 FR 51384, Aug. 26, 2003]
§ 1151.23 - New construction.

(a) Design, construction, and alteration. New facilities shall be designed and constructed to be readily accessible to and usable by handicapped persons. Alterations to existing facilities shall, to the maximum extent feasible, be designed and constructed to be readily accessible to and usable by handicapped persons.

(b) Conformance with Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards. (1) Effective as of January 18, 1991, design, construction, or alteration of buildings in conformance with sections 3-8 of the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (USAF) (appendix A to 41 CFR subpart 101-19.6) shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of this section with respect to those buildings. Departures from particular technical and scoping requirements of UFAS by the use of other methods are permitted where substantially equivalent or greater access to and usability of the building is provided.

(2) For purposes of this section, section 4.1.6(1)(g) of UFAS shall be interpreted to exempt from the requirements of UFAS only mechanical rooms and other spaces that, because of their intended use, will not require accessibility to the public or beneficiaries or result in the employment or residence therein of persons with physical handicaps.

(3) This section does not require recipients to make building alterations that have little likelihood of being accomplished without removing or altering a load-bearing structural member.

[44 FR 22734, Apr. 17, 1979, as amended at 55 FR 52138, 52142, Dec. 19, 1990]
§ 1151.24 - Historic properties. [Reserved]
§§ 1151.25-1151.30 - §[Reserved]
§ 1151.31 - Discrimination prohibited.

(a) No qualified handicapped person shall, on the basis of handicap, be subjected to discrimination in employment under any program or activity that receives federal financial assistance.

(b) A recipient shall make all decisions concerning employment under any program or activity to which this part applies in a manner which ensures that discrimination on the basis of handicap does not occur and may not limit, segregate, or classify applicants or employees in any way that adversely affects their opportunities or status because of handicap.

(c) A recipient may not participate in a contractual or other relationship that has the effect of subjecting qualified handicapped applicants or employees to discrimination prohibited by this subpart. The relationships referred to in this paragraph include relationships with employment and referral agencies, with labor unions, with organizations providing or administering fringe benefits to employees of the recipients, and with organizations providing training and apprenticeships.

(d) The prohibition against discrimination in employment applies to the following activities:

(1) Recruitment, advertising, and the processing of applications for employment;

(2) Hiring, upgrading, promotion, award of tenure, demotion, transfer, layoff, termination, right of return from layoff, and rehiring;

(3) Rates of pay or any other form of compensation and changes in compensation;

(4) Job assignments, job classifications, organizational structures, position descriptions, lines of progression, and seniority lists;

(5) Leaves of absences, sick leave, or any other leave;

(6) Fringe benefits available by virtue of employment, whether or not administered by the recipient;

(7) Selection and financial support for training, including apprenticeship, professional meetings, conferences, and other related activities, and selection for leaves of absence to pursue training;

(8) Employer sponsored activities, including those that are social or recreational; and

(9) Any other term, condition, or privilege of employment.

(e) A recipient's obligation to comply with this subpart is not affected by any inconsistent term of any collective bargaining agreement to which it is a party.

[44 FR 22734, Apr. 17, 1979, as amended at 68 FR 51384, Aug. 26, 2003]
§ 1151.32 - Reasonable accommodation.

(a) A recipient shall make reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified handicapped applicant or employee unless the recipient can demonstrate that the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operation of its program or activity.

(b) Reasonable accommodation may include:

(1) Making facilities used by employees readily accessible to and usable by handicapped persons; and

(2) Job restructuring, part-time or modified work schedules, acquisition, or modification of equipment or devices, such as use of telecommunication devices and amplifiers on telephones, the provision of readers or interpreters, and other similar actions.

(c) In determining pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section whether an accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operation of a recipient's program or activity, factors to be considered include:

(1) The overall size of the recipient's program or activity with respect to number of employees, number and type of facilities, and size of budget;

(2) The type of the recipient's operation, including the composition and structure of the recipient's workforce; and

(3) The nature and cost of the accommodation needed.

[44 FR 22734, Apr. 17, 1979, as amended at 68 FR 51384, Aug. 26, 2003]
§ 1151.33 - Employment criteria.

(a) A recipient may not make use of any employment test or other selection criterion that screens out or tends to screen out handicapped persons or any class of handicapped persons unless:

(1) The test score or other selection criterion, as used by the recipient, is shown to be job-related for the position in question; and

(2) Alternative job-related tests or criteria are unavailable.

(b) A recipient shall select and administer tests concerning employment so as best to ensure that, when administered to an applicant or employee who has a handicap that impairs sensory, manual, or speaking skills, the test results accurately reflect the applicant's or employee's job skills, aptitude, or other factors relevant to adequate performance of the job in question.

§ 1151.34 - Preemployment inquiries.

A recipient may not, except as provided below, conduct a preemployment medical examination, make preemployment inquiry as to whether the applicant is a handicapped person, or inquire as to the nature or severity of a handicap. A recipient may, however, make preemployment inquiry into an applicant's ability to perform job-related functions.

(a) When a recipient is taking remedial action to correct the effects of past discrimination, when a recipient is taking voluntary action to overcome the effects of conditions that resulted in limited participation in its federally assisted program or activity, or when a recipient is taking affirmative action pursuant to section 504 of the Act, the recipient may invite applicants for employment to indicate whether and to what extent they are handicapped, provided, that:

(1) The recipient states clearly on any written questionnaire used for this purpose or makes clear orally if no written questionnaire is used that the information requested is intended for use solely in connection with its remedial action obligations or its voluntary or affirmative action efforts; and

(2) The recipient states clearly that the information is being requested on a voluntary basis, that it will be kept confidential as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, that refusal to provide it will not subject the applicant or employee to any adverse treatment, and that it will be used only in accordance with this part.

(b) Nothing in this section shall prohibit a recipient from conditioning an offer of employment on the results of a medical examination conducted prior to the employee's entrance on duty, provided, that:

(1) All entering employees are subjected to such an examination regardless of handicap; and

(2) The results of such an examination are used only in accordance with the requirements of this part.

(c) Information obtained in accordance with this section as to the medical condition or history of the applicant shall be collected and maintained on separate forms that shall be accorded confidentiality as medical records, except that:

(1) Supervisors and managers may be informed regarding restrictions on the work or duties of handicapped persons and regarding necessary accommodations;

(2) First aid and safety personnel may be informed, where appropriate, if the condition might require emergency treatment; and

(3) Government officials investigating compliance with the Act shall be provided relevant information upon request.

[44 FR 22734, Apr. 17, 1979; 45 FR 57129, Aug. 27, 1980]
§§ 1151.35-1151.40 - §[Reserved]
authority: 29 U.S.C. 794.
source: 44 FR 22734, Apr. 17, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 1151.17