Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 1631.6 - Characteristics of procurements.

(a) Characteristics indicative of a procurement relationship between a recipient and another entity are when the other entity:

(1) Provides the goods and services within its normal business operations;

(2) Provides similar goods or services to many different purchasers;

(3) Normally operates in a competitive environment;

(4) Provides goods or services that are ancillary to the operation of the LSC grant; and

(5) Is not subject to LSC's compliance requirements as a result of the agreement, though similar requirements may apply for other reasons.

(b) In determining whether an agreement between a recipient and another entity constitutes a contract under this part or a subgrant under part 1627 of this chapter, the substance of the relationship is more important than the form of the agreement. All the characteristics above may not be present in all cases, and a recipient must use judgment in classifying each agreement as a subgrant or a contract.

§ 1631.7 - Procurement policies and procedures.

Recipients must have written procurement policies and procedures. These policies must:

(a) Identify competition thresholds that establish the basis (for example, price, risk level, or type of purchase) for the level of competition required at each threshold (for example, certification that a purchase reflects the best value to the recipient; a price comparison for alternatives that the recipient considered; or requests for information, quotes, or proposals);

(b) Establish the grounds for non-competitive purchases;

(c) Establish the level of documentation necessary to justify procurements. The level of documentation needed may be proportional to the nature of the purchase or tied to competition thresholds;

(d) Establish internal controls that, at a minimum, provide for segregation of duties in the procurement process, identify which employees, officers, or directors who have authority to make purchases for the recipient, and identify procedures for approving purchases;

(e) Establish procedures to ensure quality and cost control in purchasing, including procedures for selecting sources, fair and objective criteria for selecting sources; and

(f) Establish procedures for identifying and preventing conflicts of interest in the purchasing process.

§ 1631.8 - Requests for prior approval.

(a) As required by 45 CFR 1630.6 and 1631.3, a recipient using more than $25,000 of LSC funds to purchase or lease personal property or contract for services must request and receive LSC's prior approval.

(b) A request for prior approval must include:

(1) A statement of need;

(2) A copy of the recipient's procurement policy; and

(3) Documentation showing that the recipient followed its procurement policies and procedures in soliciting, reviewing, and approving the purchase, lease, or contract for services.

§ 1631.9 - Applicability of part 1630 of this chapter.

All purchases and leases of personal property and contracts for services made with LSC funds must comply with the provisions of 45 CFR part 1630 (Cost Standards and Procedures).

authority: 42 U.S.C. 2996g(e)
source: 82 FR 37341, Aug. 10, 2017, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 1631.9