Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 1631.16 - Using real estate purchased with LSC funds.

(a) Recipients must use real estate purchased or leased in whole or in part with LSC funds to deliver legal assistance to eligible clients consistent with the requirements of the LSC Act, applicable appropriations acts, other applicable Federal law, and LSC's regulations. If a recipient does not need to use some or all such real estate to deliver legal assistance to eligible clients, it may use the space for other activities as described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) A recipient may use real estate purchased or leased, in whole or part, with LSC funds for the performance of an LSC grant or contract for other activities, if they do not interfere with the performance of the LSC grant or contract.

(c) If a recipient uses real estate purchased or leased, in whole or part, with LSC funds to provide space to an organization that engages in activity restricted by the LSC Act, applicable appropriations acts, LSC regulations, or other applicable law, the recipient must charge the organization rent no less than that which private nonprofit organizations in the same area charge for the same amount of space under similar conditions.

§ 1631.17 - Maintenance.

A recipient must maintain real estate acquired with LSC funds:

(a) In an efficient operating condition; and

(b) In compliance with state and local government property standards and building codes.

§ 1631.18 - Insurance.

At the time of purchase, a recipient must obtain insurance coverage for real estate purchased with LSC funds which is not lower in value than coverage it has obtained for other real estate it owns and which provides at least the following coverage:

(a) Title insurance that:

(1) Insures the fee interest in the property for an amount not less than the full appraised value as approved by LSC, or the amount of the purchase price, whichever is greater; and

(2) Contains an endorsement identifying LSC as a loss payee to be reimbursed if the title fails.

(3) If no endorsement naming LSC as loss payee is made, the recipient must pay LSC the title insurance proceeds it receives in the event of a failure.

(b) A physical destruction insurance policy, including flood insurance where appropriate, which insures the full replacement value of the facility from risk of partial and total physical destructions. The recipient must maintain this policy for the period of time that the recipient owns the real estate.

§ 1631.19 - Accounting and reporting to LSC.

A recipient must maintain an accounting of the amount of LSC funds relating to the purchase or maintenance of real estate purchased with LSC funds. The accounting must include the amount of LSC funds used to pay for acquisition costs, financing, and capital improvements. The recipient must provide the accounting for each year to LSC no later than April 30 of the following year or in its annual audited financial statements submitted to LSC.

§ 1631.20 - Disposing of real estate purchased with LSC funds.

(a) Disposal by LSC recipients. During the term of an LSC grant or contract, a recipient must seek LSC's prior written approval to dispose of real estate purchased with LSC funds by:

(1) Selling the property after having advertised for and received offers; or

(2) Transferring the property to another recipient of LSC funds, in which case the recipient may be compensated by the recipient receiving the property for the percentage of the property's current fair market value that is equal to the percentage of the costs of the original acquisition and costs of any capital improvements borne by non-LSC funds.

(b) Disposal after a recipient no longer receives LSC funding. When a recipient who owns real estate purchased with LSC funds stops receiving LSC funds, it must seek LSC's prior written approval to dispose of the property in one of the following ways:

(1) Transfer the property title to another grantee of LSC funds, in which case the recipient may be compensated the percentage of the property's current fair market value that is equal to the percentage of the costs of the original acquisition and costs of any capital improvements by non-LSC funds;

(2) Buyout LSC's interest in the property (i.e., pay LSC the percentage of the property's current fair market value proportional to its percent interest in the property); or

(3) Sell the property to a third party and pay LSC a share of the sale proceeds proportional to its interest in the property, after deducting actual and reasonable closing costs, if any.

(4) When a recipient stops receiving LSC funds because it merged with or is succeeded by another recipient, it may transfer the property to the new recipient. The two entities must execute an LSC-approved successor in interest agreement that requires the transferee to use the property primarily to provide legal services to eligible clients under the requirements of the LSC Act, applicable appropriations acts, and LSC regulations.

(c) Prior approval process. No later than 60 days before a recipient or former recipient proposes to dispose of real estate purchased with LSC funds, the recipient or former recipients must submit a written request for prior approval to dispose of the property to LSC. The request must include:

(1) The proposed method of disposition and an explanation of why the proposed method is in the best interests of LSC and the recipient;

(2) Documentation showing the fair market value of the property at the time of transfer or sale, including, but not limited to, an independent appraisal of the property and competing bona fide offers to purchase the property;

(3) A description of the recipient's process for advertising the property for sale and receiving offers;

(4) An accounting of all LSC funds used in the acquisition and any capital improvements of the property. The accounting must include the amount of LSC funds used to pay for acquisition costs, financing, and capital improvements; and

(5) Information on the proposed transferee or buyer of the property and a document evidencing the terms of transfer or sale.

§ 1631.21 - Retaining income from sale of real estate purchased with LSC funds.

(a) During the term of an LSC grant or contract, a recipient may retain and use income from any sale of real estate purchased with LSC funds according to 45 CFR 1630.17 (Cost Standards and Procedures: Applicability to derivative income.) and 45 CFR 1628.3 (Recipient Fund Balances: Policy.).

(b) The recipient must account for income earned from the sale, rent, or lease of real or personal property purchased with LSC funds according to the requirements of 45 CFR 1630.17.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 2996g(e)
source: 82 FR 37341, Aug. 10, 2017, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 1631.18