Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 1641.5 - Debarment.
(a) IPAs debarred from providing audit services for all recipients are prohibited from soliciting or entering into any new contracts for audit services with recipients for the duration of the specified period of debarment. Recipients shall not knowingly award contracts to, extend or modify existing contracts with, or solicit proposals from, such IPAs. Debarred IPAs also are prohibited from providing audit services to recipients as agents or representatives of other IPAs.
(b) IPAs debarred from providing audit services for one or more specific recipient(s) are prohibited from soliciting or entering into any new contracts for audit services with such recipient(s) for the duration of the period of debarment as determined pursuant to this part. The affected recipient(s) shall not knowingly award contracts to, extend or modify existing contracts with, or solicit proposals from, such IPAs. Debarred IPAs also are prohibited from providing audit services to the affected recipient(s) as agents or representatives of other IPAs, and are required to provide prior written notice to the debarring official before providing such services to other recipients. Debarred IPAs also must provide prior written notice of the debarment to any recipient for which the IPA provides audit services.
§ 1641.6 - Procedures for debarment.
Before debarring an IPA, the OIG shall provide the IPA with a hearing in accordance with the procedures set out in §§ 1641.7 through 1641.9. Such hearing shall be held entirely by written submissions, except:
(a) Additional proceedings shall be held under § 1641.10 if the debarring official finds there is a genuine dispute of material fact; and/or
(b) A meeting may be held under § 1641.9(c).
§ 1641.7 - Causes for debarment.
The debarring official may debar an IPA from performing audit services in accordance with the procedures set forth in this part upon a finding by a preponderance of the evidence that:
(a) The IPA has failed significantly to comply with government auditing standards established by the Comptroller General of the United States, generally accepted auditing standards and/or OIG audit guidance as stated in the OIG Audit Guide for Recipients and Auditors, including the Compliance Supplement for Audits of LSC Recipients, and in OIG Audit Bulletins;
(b) The IPA is currently debarred from contracting with any Federal agency or entity receiving Federal funds, including when the IPA has stipulated to such debarment;
(c) The IPA's license to practice accounting has been revoked, terminated or suspended by a state licensing body or other organization with authority over IPAs;
(d) The IPA has been convicted of any offense indicating a breach of trust, dishonesty or lack of integrity, or conspiracy to commit such an offense, and the conviction is final; or
(e) The IPA has been found subject to a civil judgment for any action indicating a breach of trust, dishonesty or lack of integrity, or conspiracy to take such action, and the judgment is final.
§ 1641.8 - Notice of proposed debarment.
(a) Before debarring an IPA, the OIG shall send the IPA written notice of the proposed debarment. The notice shall be sent in a manner that provides evidence of its receipt and shall:
(1) State that debarment is being considered;
(2) Identify the reasons for the proposed debarment sufficient to put the IPA on notice of the conduct or transaction(s) upon which a debarment proceeding is based;
(3) Identify the regulatory provisions governing the debarment proceeding; and
(4) State that debarment may be for a period of up to three years or longer under extraordinary circumstances. If the OIG has determined that extraordinary circumstances warranting debarment in excess of three years may exist, the notice shall so state.
(b) A copy of the notice also shall be sent to the affected recipient(s), if any, which may comment on the proposed action in the time frame set out in § 1641.9.
§ 1641.9 - Response to notice of proposed debarment.
(a) The IPA shall have 30 days from receipt of the notice within which to respond.
(b) The response shall be in writing and may include information and argument in opposition to the proposed debarment, including any additional specific information pertaining to the possible causes for debarment, and information and argument in mitigation of the proposed period of debarment.
(c) The response may request a meeting with the debarring official to permit the IPA to discuss issues of fact or law relating to the proposed debarment, or to otherwise resolve the pending matters. Any such meeting shall take the form that the debarring official deems appropriate and shall be held within 20 days of the response. If the IPA requests an in person meeting, it shall be held at LSC headquarters.
(d) Failure to respond to the notice shall be deemed an admission of the existence of the cause(s) for debarment set forth in the notice and an acceptance of the period of debarment. In such circumstances, without further proceedings, the debarring official may enter a final decision stating the period of debarment.
§ 1641.10 - Additional proceedings as to disputed material facts.
(a) In actions not based upon a conviction or civil judgment under § 1641.7 (d) or (e), if the debarring official finds that the IPA's submission raises a genuine dispute of material fact, the IPA shall be afforded an opportunity to appear (with counsel, if desired), submit documentary evidence, present witnesses, and confront any witnesses the OIG presents. If the debarring official finds that the IPA's submission does not raise a genuine issue of material fact, additional proceedings will not be provided. In such case, the hearing shall be held entirely by written submissions, except that a meeting may be held under § 1641.9(c).
(b) If the debarring official determines additional proceedings to be warranted, OIG shall notify the IPA. Such notice shall include notice of the procedures under which such proceedings shall be conducted.
(c) A transcribed record of any additional proceedings shall be prepared and a copy shall be made available to the IPA without cost.
(d) The debarring official may refer disputed material facts to a fact finder, who need not be a member of the OIG staff, for fact finding, analysis and recommendation.
source: 64 FR 67507, Dec. 2, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 1641.8