(a) The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the head of AmeriCorps. The CEO has authority and control over AmeriCorps personnel, except those in the Agency's Office of Inspector General, and is responsible for exercising the powers and discharging the duties authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended, that are not otherwise reserved to the Board of Directors.
(b) The Board of Directors is responsible for discharging the duties authorized to it by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended.
(c) AmeriCorps consists of headquarters and two sets of regions: Office of Regional Operations regions and AmeriCorps NCCC regions.
(a) AmeriCorps' leadership conducts overall planning, coordination of programs, and all supporting internal operations. AmeriCorps leadership includes, but is not limited to, the following AmeriCorps officials:
(1) CEO.
(2) Chief of Staff.
(3) General Counsel.
(4) Chief Operating Officer.
(5) Chief Financial Officer.
(6) Chief Program Officer.
(7) Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer.
(8) Directors of AmeriCorps programs and offices.
(b) AmeriCorps' public website contains current information on Agency leadership at www.americorps.gov/about/our-team/our-leadership.
AmeriCorps' Office of Regional Operations and AmeriCorps NCCC each have a regional structure.
(a) AmeriCorps' Region Offices, within the Office of Regional Operations, serve assigned States and Territories across eight regions. The AmeriCorps website contains contact information for each of these Region Offices at www.americorps.gov/contact/region-offices.
(b) AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) has a campus facility in each of its regions, which serve the States and Territories. The AmeriCorps website contains contact information for each of the NCCC regions at www.americorps.gov/contact/americorps-nccc-regions.