Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 2552.41 - Who is eligible to be a Foster Grandparent?

(a) To be a Foster Grandparent an individual must:

(1) Be 55 years of age or older; and

(2) In order to receive a stipend, have an income that is within the income eligibility guidelines specified in this subpart.

(b) Eligibility to serve as a Foster Grandparent shall not be restricted on the basis of formal education, experience, race, color, national origin including limited English proficiency, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity or expression, political affiliation, marital or parental status, or military service.

[64 FR 14126, Mar. 24, 1999, as amended at 74 FR 46509, Sept. 10, 2009; 83 FR 64651, Dec. 17, 2018]
§ 2552.42 - What types of criminal convictions or other adjudicationsdisqualify an individual from serving as a Foster Grandparent or as a Foster Grandparent grant-funded employee?

Any individual who is registered, or who is required to be registered, on a State sex offender registry, or who has been convicted of murder, as defined under Federal law in section 1111 of title 18, United States Code, is deemed unsuitable for, and may not serve in, a position as a Foster Grandparent or as a Foster Grandparent grant-funded employee.

[74 FR 46509, Sept. 10, 2009]
§ 2552.43 - What income guidelines govern eligibility to serve as a stipended Foster Grandparent?

(a) To receive a stipend, a Foster Grandparent may not have an annual income from all sources, after deducting allowable medical expenses, which exceeds the program's income eligibility guideline for the State in which he or she resides. The income eligibility guideline for each State is 200 percent of the poverty line, as set forth in 42 U.S.C. 9902 (2).

(b) For applicants to become stipended Foster Grandparents, income is based on annual income at the time of application. For serving stipended Foster Grandparents, annual income is counted for the past 12 months. Annual income includes the applicant or enrollee's income and that of his/her spouse, if the spouse lives in the same residence, as calculated in § 2552.44.

(c) Allowable medical expenses are annual out-of-pocket medical expenses for health insurance premiums, health care services, and medications provided to the applicant, enrollee, or spouse which were not and will not be paid by Medicare, Medicaid, other insurance, or other third party pay or, and which do not exceed 50 percent of the applicable income guideline.

(d) Applicants whose income is not more than 100 percent of the poverty line shall be given special consideration for enrollment.

(e) Once enrolled, a Foster Grandparent shall remain eligible to serve and to receive a stipend so long as his or her income, does not exceed the applicable income eligibility guideline by 20 percent.

[64 FR 14126, Mar. 24, 1999, as amended at 67 FR 61000, Sept. 27, 2002; 69 FR 19775, Apr. 14, 2004. Redesignated at 72 FR 48585, Aug. 24, 2007; 74 FR 46509, Sept. 10, 2009; 83 FR 64651, Dec. 17, 2018; 89 FR 70543, Aug. 30, 2024]
§ 2552.44 - What is considered income for determining volunteer eligibility?

(a) For determining eligibility, “income” refers to total cash and in-kind receipts before taxes from all sources including:

(1) Money, wages, and salaries before any deduction;

(2) Receipts from self-employment or from a farm or business after deductions for business or farm expenses;

(3) Social Security, Unemployment or Workers Compensation, alimony, and military family allotments, or other legally required financial support from an absent family member or someone not living in the household.

(4) Government employee pensions, private pensions, regular insurance or annuity payments, and 401(k) or other retirement savings plans;

(5) Income from dividends, interest, net rents, royalties, or income from estates and trusts.

(b) For eligibility purposes, income does not refer to the following money receipts:

(1) Any assets drawn down as withdrawals from a bank, sale of property, house or car, tax refunds, gifts, one-time insurance payments or compensation from injury.

(2) Non-cash income, such as the bonus value of food and fuel produced and consumed on farms and the imputed value of rent from owner-occupied farm or non-farm housing.

(3) Regular payments for public assistance including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

(4) Social Security Disability or any type of disability payment.

(5) Food or rent received in lieu of wages.

[64 FR 14126, Mar. 24, 1999. Redesignated at 72 FR 48585, Aug. 24, 2007; 83 FR 64651, Dec. 17, 2018; 89 FR 70543, Aug. 30, 2024]
§ 2552.45 - Is a Foster Grandparent a federal employee, an employee of the sponsor or of the volunteer station?

Foster Grandparents are volunteers, and are not employees of the sponsor, the volunteer station, AmeriCorps or the Federal Government.

[83 FR 64651, Dec. 17, 2018]
§ 2552.46 - What cost reimbursements and benefits do sponsors provide to Foster Grandparents?

Cost reimbursements and benefits include:

(a) Stipend. The stipend is paid for the time Foster Grandparents spend with their assigned children, for earned leave, for administrative leave, and for attendance at official project events. The sponsor may pay a stipend for administrative leave for extenuating circumstances lasting up to seven calendar days but must obtain AmeriCorps' written approval to pay a stipend for administrative leave based on extenuating circumstances lasting beyond seven calendar days.

(b) Insurance. A Foster Grandparent is provided with the AmeriCorps specified minimum levels of insurance as follows:

(1) Accident insurance. Accident insurance covers Foster Grandparents for personal injury during travel between their homes and places of assignment, during their service, during meal periods while serving as a Foster Grandparent, and while attending project-sponsored activities. Protection shall be provided against claims in excess of any benefits or services for medical care or treatment available to the Foster Grandparent from other sources.

(2) Personal liability insurance. Protection is provided against claims in excess of protection provided by other insurance. Such protection does not include professional liability coverage.

(3) Excess automobile liability insurance. (i) For Foster Grandparents who drive in connection with their service, protection is provided against claims in excess of the greater of either:

(A) Liability insurance Foster Grandparents carry on their own automobiles; or

(B) The limits of applicable state financial responsibility law, or in its absence, levels of protection to be determined by AmeriCorps for each person, each accident, and for property damage.

(ii) Foster Grandparents who drive their personal vehicles to, or on, assignments or project-related activities, shall maintain personal automobile liability insurance equal to or exceeding the levels established by AmeriCorps.

(c) Transportation. Foster Grandparents shall receive assistance with the cost of transportation to and from, assignments and official project activities, including orientation, training, and recognition events.

(d) Meals. Foster Grandparents may be provided assistance with the cost of meals taken while on assignment, within limits of the project's available resources.

(e) Recognition. Foster Grandparent volunteers shall be provided recognition for their service.

(f) Physical examination. Foster Grandparents may be provided a physical examination or assistance with the cost of a physical examination prior to assignment and annually thereafter.

(g) Other volunteer expenses. Foster Grandparents may also be reimbursed for allowable out-of-pocket expenses incurred while performing their assignments.

[64 FR 14126, Mar. 24, 1999, as amended at 69 FR 19775, Apr. 14, 2004; 69 FR 56718, Sept. 22, 2004. Redesignated at 72 FR 48585, Aug. 24, 2007; 83 FR 64651, Dec. 17, 2018; 89 FR 70543, Aug. 30, 2024]
§ 2552.47 - May the cost reimbursements and benefits received by a Foster Grandparent be subject to any tax or charge, be treated as wages or compensation, or affect eligibility to receive assistance from other programs?

No. Foster Grandparent's cost reimbursements and benefits are not subject to any tax or charge or treated as wages or compensation for the purposes of unemployment insurance, worker's compensation, temporary disability, retirement, public assistance, or similar benefit payments or minimum wage laws. Cost reimbursements and benefits are not subject to garnishment and do not reduce or eliminate the level of, or eligibility for, assistance or services a Foster Grandparent may be receiving under any governmental program.

[83 FR 64651, Dec. 17, 2018]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 4950
source: 64 FR 14126, Mar. 24, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 2552.42