Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 2556.400 - What is termination for cause and what are the criteria for termination for cause?

(a) Termination for cause is discharge of a VISTA from the VISTA program due to a deficiency, or deficiencies, in conduct or performance.

(b) AmeriCorps may terminate a VISTA for cause for any of the following reasons:

(1) Conviction of any criminal offense under Federal, State, or local statute or ordinance;

(2) Violation of any provision of the Domestic Service Volunteer Act of 1973, as amended, or any AmeriCorps or VISTA program policy, regulation, or instruction;

(3) Failure, refusal, or inability to perform prescribed project duties as outlined in the project plan, assignment description, or as directed by the sponsor to which the VISTA is assigned;

(4) Involvement in activities which substantially interfere with the VISTA's performance of project duties;

(5) Intentional false statement, misrepresentation, omission, fraud, or deception in seeking to obtain selection as a VISTA in the VISTA program;

(6) Any conduct on the part of the VISTA which substantially diminishes their effectiveness as a VISTA; or

(7) Unsatisfactory performance of an assignment.

§ 2556.405 - Who has sole authority to remove a VISTA from a VISTA project and who has sole authority to terminate a VISTA from a VISTA project or the VISTA program?

(a) AmeriCorps has the sole authority to remove a VISTA from a project where they have been assigned.

(b) AmeriCorps has the sole authority to terminate for cause or otherwise terminate a VISTA from the VISTA program.

(c) Neither the sponsoring organization nor any of its subrecipients has the authority to remove a VISTA from a project or to terminate a VISTA for cause, or for any other basis, from the VISTA program.

§ 2556.410 - May a sponsor request that a VISTA be removed from its project?

(a) The head of a sponsoring organization, or their designee, may request that AmeriCorps remove a VISTA assigned to its project. Any such request must be submitted in writing to the appropriate Portfolio Manager and should state the reasons for the request.

(b) The Portfolio Manager may, at their discretion, attempt to resolve the situation with the sponsor so that a solution other than removal of the VISTA from the project assignment is reached.

(c) When an alternative solution, as referenced in paragraph (b) of this section, is not sought, or is not reached within a reasonable time period, the VISTA Case Manager will remove the VISTA from the project.

§ 2556.415 - May AmeriCorps remove a VISTA from a project without the sponsor's request for removal?

Of its own accord, AmeriCorps may remove a VISTA from a project assignment without the sponsor's request for removal.

§ 2556.420 - What are termination for cause proceedings?

(a) Termination for cause proceedings remove a VISTA from a project assignment due to an alleged deficiency, or alleged deficiencies, in conduct or performance, and are initiated by AmeriCorps.

(b) AmeriCorps, to the extent practicable, communicates the matter, and the administrative procedures as set forth in paragraphs (c) through (e) of this section, with the VISTA who is removed from a VISTA project.

(c) The VISTA Case Manager will notify the VISTA in writing of AmeriCorps' proposal to terminate for cause. The written proposal to terminate the VISTA for cause must give them the reason(s) for the proposed termination, and notify them that they have 10 calendar days within which to submit a written answer to the proposal to terminate them cause and to furnish any accompanying statements or written material. The VISTA must submit their answer to the VISTA Case Manager by the deadline identified in the written proposal to terminate for cause.

(d) Within 10 calendar days of the expiration of the VISTA's deadline to answer the proposal to terminate for cause, AmeriCorps will issue a written decision regarding the proposal to terminate for cause.

(1) If AmeriCorps decides to terminate the VISTA for cause, its written decision will set forth the reasons for the determination and the effective date of termination (which may be on or after the date of the decision).

(2) If AmeriCorps decides not to terminate the VISTA for cause, the written decision will indicate that the proposal to terminate for cause is rescinded.

(e) A VISTA who does not submit a timely answer to the appropriate VISTA Case Manager, as set forth in paragraph (c) of this section, is not entitled to appeal the decision regarding the proposal to terminate for cause. In such cases, AmeriCorps may terminate the VISTA for cause, on the date identified in the decision, and the termination action is final.

§ 2556.425 - May a VISTA appeal their termination for cause?

(a) Within 10 calendar days of AmeriCorps' issuance of the decision to terminate the VISTA for cause, as set forth in § 2556.420(d), the VISTA may appeal the decision to the VMSU Director. The appeal must be in writing and specify the reasons for the VISTA's disagreement with the decision.

(b) AmeriCorps will not incur any expenses or travel allowances for the VISTA in connection with the preparation or presentation of the appeal.

(c) The VISTA may have access to records as follows:

(1) The VISTA may review any material in the VISTA's official AmeriCorps file and any relevant AmeriCorps records to the extent permitted by the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552,552a. Examples of documents that may be withheld include references obtained under pledge of confidentiality, official files of other program participants, and privileged intra-agency documents.

(2) The VISTA may review relevant records in the possession of a sponsor to the extent such documents are disclosable by the sponsor under applicable freedom of information act and privacy laws.

(d) Within 14 calendar days of receipt of any appeal by the VISTA, the VMSU Director or equivalent AmeriCorps official will issue a written appeal determination indicating the reasons for the appeal determination. The appeal determination will be final.

§ 2556.430 - Is a VISTA who is terminated early from the VISTA program for other than cause entitled to appeal under these procedures?

(a) Only a VISTA whose early termination from the VISTA program is for cause, and who has answered the proposal to terminate them for cause in a timely manner, as set forth in § 2556.420(c), is entitled to appeal the early termination action, as referenced in § 2556.425. A termination for cause is based on a deficiency, or deficiencies, in the performance or conduct of a VISTA.

(b) The following types of early terminations from the VISTA program are not terminations for cause, and are not entitled to appeal under the early termination appeal procedure set forth in §§ 2556.420 and 2556.425:

(1) Resignation from the VISTA program prior to the issuance of a decision to terminate for cause, as set forth in § 2556.420(d);

(2) Early termination from the VISTA program because a VISTA did not secure a suitable reassignment to another project; and

(3) Medical termination from the VISTA program.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 4951-4953; 5 CFR part 734, 42 U.S.C. 4953(a), (f), 4954(b), (e), 4955(b), 4956, 5043(a)-(c), 5044(a)-(c), (e), 5046, 5052, 5056, and 5057; 42 U.S.C. 12651b (g)(10); 42 U.S.C. 12651c(c); E.O. 13279, 67 FR 77141, 3 CFR, 2002 Comp., p. 2156, 42 U.S.C. 4954(a), (b), (d), 4955, 5044(e), 5055, and 5059; 42 U.S.C. 12602(c), 42 U.S.C. 4953(b), (c), (f), and 5044(e)
source: 88 FR 31180, May 16, 2023, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 2556.405