Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 2556.600 - How is a position for a leader established in a project, or in multiple projects within a contiguous geographic region?

(a) At its discretion, AmeriCorps may approve the establishment of a leader position based on the following factors:

(1) The need for a leader in a project of a substantial size and with multiple VISTAs assigned to serve at that project, or the need for leader for multiple projects located within a contiguous geographic region.

(2) The need for a leader to assist with the communication of VISTA policies and administrative procedures to VISTAs within a project, or throughout the multiple projects within a contiguous geographic region, as applicable.

(3) The need for a leader to assist with the professional development of VISTAs within a project, or throughout the multiple projects within a contiguous geographic region, as applicable.

(4) The need for a leader to assist with the recruitment and preparation for the arrival of VISTAs within a project, or throughout the multiple projects within a contiguous geographic region, as applicable.

(5) The capacity of the VISTA supervisor to support and guide the leader.

(b) A sponsor may request, in its project application, that AmeriCorps establish a leader position in its project.

§ 2556.605 - Who is eligible to apply to serve as a leader?

An individual is eligible to apply to serve as a leader if they have successfully completed any of the following:

(a) At least one year of service as a VISTA;

(b) At least one full term of service as a full-time AmeriCorps State and National member;

(c) At least one full term of service as a member of the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC); or

(d) At least one traditional term of service as a Peace Corps Volunteer.

§ 2556.610 - What is the application process to apply to become a leader?

(a) Application package. An eligible individual must apply in writing to AmeriCorps to become a leader. The sponsor's recommendation must be included with the individual's application to become a leader.

(b) Sponsor recommendation. A sponsor with which an individual is seeking to serve as a leader must recommend the individual to become a leader, in writing, to AmeriCorps.

(c) Selection. AmeriCorps has sole authority to select a leader. The criteria considered for selection include the individual's experience, special skills, and leadership, as demonstrated in the application and the sponsor's recommendation.

§ 2556.615 - Who reviews a leader application and who approves or disapproves a leader application?

AmeriCorps reviews the application package for the leader position, considers the recommendation of the sponsor, and approves or disapproves the individual to serve as a leader.

§ 2556.620 - How does a leader differ from other VISTAs?

(a) The application process to become a leader, as described in § 2556.610, is separate and distinct from the application process to enroll as a VISTA in the VISTA program.

(b) A leader may receive a living allowance computed at a higher daily rate than other VISTAs, as authorized under section 105(a)(1)(B) of the DVSA.

(c) A leader is subject to all the terms and conditions of service described in § 2556.625.

§ 2556.625 - What are terms and conditions of service for a leader?

Though not exhaustive, terms and conditions of service as a leader include:

(a) A leader makes a full-time commitment to serve as a leader, without regard to regular working hours, for a minimum of one year.

(b) To the maximum extent practicable, a leader must live among and at the economic level of the low-income community served by the project.

(c) A leader aids the communication of VISTA policies and administrative procedures to VISTAs.

(d) A leader assists with the leadership development of VISTAs.

(e) A leader is a resource in the development and delivery of training for VISTAs.

(f) A leader may assist the sponsor with recruitment and preparation for the arrival of VISTAs.

(g) A leader may advise a supervisor on potential problem areas and needs of VISTAs.

(h) A leader aids VISTAs in the development of effective working relationships and understanding of VISTA program concepts.

(i) A leader may aid the supervisor and sponsor in directing or focusing the VISTA project to best address the community's needs.

(j) A leader may serve as a collector of data for performance measures of the project and the VISTAs.

(k) A leader is prohibited from supervising VISTAs. A leader is also prohibited from handling or managing, on behalf of the project, personnel-related matters affecting VISTAs. Personnel-related matters affecting VISTAs must be managed and handled by the project and in coordination with the appropriate AmeriCorps Region Office.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 4951-4953; 5 CFR part 734, 42 U.S.C. 4953(a), (f), 4954(b), (e), 4955(b), 4956, 5043(a)-(c), 5044(a)-(c), (e), 5046, 5052, 5056, and 5057; 42 U.S.C. 12651b (g)(10); 42 U.S.C. 12651c(c); E.O. 13279, 67 FR 77141, 3 CFR, 2002 Comp., p. 2156, 42 U.S.C. 4954(a), (b), (d), 4955, 5044(e), 5055, and 5059; 42 U.S.C. 12602(c), 42 U.S.C. 4953(b), (c), (f), and 5044(e)
source: 88 FR 31180, May 16, 2023, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 2556.620