Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 46 - Shipping last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 68.100 - Purpose and applicability.

(a) This subpart contains requirements for the documentation of U.S.-built vessels in the coastwise trade that were granted special rights under the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Action of 2004 (Pub. L. 108-293).

(b) This subpart applies to—

(1) A vessel under a demise charter that was eligible for, and received, a document with a coastwise endorsement under § 67.19 of this chapter and 46 U.S.C. 12106(e) before August 9, 2004;

(2) A barge deemed eligible under 46 U.S.C. 12106(e) and 12110(b) to operate in coastwise trade without being documented before August 9, 2004; and

(3) A replacement vessel of a similar size and function for any vessel under paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this section.

(c) Except for vessels under paragraph (d) of this section, this subpart applies to a certificate of documentation, or renewal of one, endorsed with a coastwise endorsement for a vessel under 46 U.S.C. 12106(e) or a replacement vessel of a similar size and function that was issued before August 9, 2004, as long as the vessel is owned by the person named in the certificate, or by a subsidiary or affiliate of that person, and the controlling interest in the owner has not been transferred to a person that was not an affiliate of the owner as of August 9, 2004.

(d) With respect to offshore supply vessels with a certificate of documentation endorsed with a coastwise endorsement as of August 9, 2004, this subpart applies until August 9, 2007. On and after August 9, 2007, subpart C of this part applies to these vessels.

§ 68.103 - Definitions.

In addition to the terms defined in § 67.3 of this chapter, as used in this subpart—

Affiliate means a person that is less than 50 percent owned or controlled by another person.

Group means the person that owns a vessel, the parent of that person, and all subsidiaries and affiliates of the parent of that person.

Offshore supply vessel means a motor vessel of more than 15 gross tons but less than 500 gross tons as measured under 46 U.S.C. 14502,or.S.C. 14302 as prescribed under 46 U.S.C. 14104,that,supplies,individuals,or,exploitation,or.

Operation or management of vessels means all activities related to the use of vessels to provide services. These activities include ship agency; ship brokerage; activities performed by a vessel operator or demise charterer in exercising direction and control of a vessel, such as crewing, victualing, storing, and maintaining the vessel and ensuring its safe navigation; and activities associated with controlling the use and employment of the vessel under a time charter or other use agreement. It does not include activities directly associated with making financial investments in vessels or the receipt of earnings derived from these investments.

Parent means any person that directly or indirectly owns or controls at least 50 percent of another person. If an owner's parent is directly or indirectly controlled at least 50 percent by another person, that person is also a parent of the owner. Therefore, an owner may have multiple parents.

Person means an individual; corporation; partnership; limited liability partnership; limited liability company; association; joint venture; trust arrangement; and the government of the United States, a State, or a political subdivision of the United States or a State; and includes a trustee, beneficiary, receiver, or similar representative of any of them.

Primarily engaged in leasing or other financing transactions means lease financing, in which more than 50 percent of the aggregate revenue of a person is derived from banking, investing, lease financing, or other similar transactions.

Replacement vessel means

(1) A temporary replacement vessel for a period not to exceed 180 days if the vessel described in § 68.50 is unavailable due to an act of God or a marine casualty; or

(2) A permanent replacement vessel if—

(i) The vessel described in § 68.50 is unavailable for more than 180 days due to an act of God or a marine casualty; or

(ii) A contract to purchase or construct a replacement vessel is executed not later than December 31, 2004.

Sub-charter means all types of charters or other contracts for the use of a vessel that are subordinate to a charter. The term includes, but is not limited to, a demise charter, a time charter, a voyage charter, a space charter, and a contract of affreightment.

Subsidiary means a person at least 50 percent of which is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by another person.

§ 68.105 - Eligibility of a vessel for a coastwise endorsement under this subpart.

(a) Except as under paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section, to be eligible for a coastwise endorsement under 46 U.S.C. 12106(e) and to operate in coastwise trade under 46 U.S.C. 12106(e) and 12110(b), a vessel under a demise charter must meet the following:

(1) The vessel is eligible for documentation under 46 U.S.C. 12102.

(2) The vessel is eligible for a coastwise endorsement under § 67.19(c) of this chapter, has not lost coastwise eligibility under § 67.19(d) of this chapter, and was financed with lease financing.

(3) The person that owns the vessel, the parent of that person, or a subsidiary of the parent of that person is primarily engaged in leasing or other financing transactions.

(4) The person that owns the vessel is organized under the laws of the United States or of a State.

(5) None of the following is primarily engaged in the direct operation or management of vessels:

(i) The person that owns the vessel.

(ii) The parent of the person that owns the vessel.

(iii) The group of which the person that owns the vessel is a member.

(6) The ownership of the vessel is primarily a financial investment without the ability and intent to directly or indirectly control the vessel's operations by a person not primarily engaged in the direct operation or management of vessels.

(7) The majority of the aggregate revenues of each of the following is not derived from the operation or management of vessels:

(i) The person that owns the vessel.

(ii) The parent of the person that owns the vessel.

(iii) The group of which the person that owns the vessel is a member.

(8) None of the following is primarily engaged in the operation or management of commercial, foreign-flag vessels used for the carriage of cargo for parties unrelated to the vessel's owner or charterer:

(i) The person that owns the vessel.

(ii) The parent of the person that owns the vessel.

(iii) The group of which the person that owns the vessel is a member.

(9) The person that owns the vessel has transferred to a qualified U.S. citizen under 46 U.S.C. app. 802 full possession, control, and command of the U.S.-built vessel through a demise charter in which the demise charterer is considered the owner pro hac vice during the term of the charter.

(10) The charterer must certify to the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center, that the charterer is a citizen of the United States for engaging in the coastwise trade under 46 U.S.C. app. 802.

(11) The demise charter is for a period of at least 3 years, unless a shorter period is authorized by the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center, under circumstances such as—

(i) When the vessel's remaining life would not support a charter of 3 years; or

(ii) To preserve the use or possession of the vessel.

(b) A vessel under a demise charter that was eligible for, and received, a document with a coastwise endorsement under § 67.19 of this chapter and 46 U.S.C. 12106(e) before August 9, 2004, may continue to operate under that endorsement on and after that date and may renew the document and endorsement if the certificate of documentation is not subject to—

(1) Exchange under § 67.167(b)(1) through (b)(3) of this chapter;

(2) Deletion under § 67.171(a)(1) through (a)(6) of this chapter; or

(3) Cancellation under § 67.173 of this chapter.

(c) A vessel under a demise charter that was constructed under a building contract that was entered into before February 4, 2004, in reliance on a letter ruling from the Coast Guard issued before February 4, 2004, is eligible for documentation with a coastwise endorsement under § 67.19 of this chapter and 46 U.S.C. 12106(e). The vessel may continue to operate under that endorsement and may renew the document and endorsement if the certificate of documentation is not subject to—

(1) Exchange under § 67.167(b)(1) through (b)(3) of this chapter;

(2) Deletion under § 67.171(a)(1) through (a)(6) of this chapter; or

(3) Cancellation under § 67.173 of this chapter.

(d) A barge deemed eligible under 46 U.S.C. 12106(e) and 12110(b) to operate in coastwise trade before August 9, 2004, may continue to operate in that trade after that date unless—

(1) The ownership of the barge changes in whole or in part;

(2) The general partners of a partnership owning the barge change by addition, deletion, or substitution;

(3) The State of incorporation of any corporate owner of the barge changes;

(4) The barge is placed under foreign flag;

(5) Any owner of the barge ceases to be a citizen within the meaning of part 67, subpart C, of this chapter; or

(6) The barge ceases to be capable of transportation by water.

(e) A barge under a demise charter that was constructed under a building contract that was entered into before February 4, 2004, in reliance on a letter ruling from the Coast Guard issued before February 4, 2004, is eligible to operate in coastwise trade under 46 U.S.C. 12106(e) and 12110(b). The barge may continue to operate in coastwise trade unless—

(1) The ownership of the barge changes in whole or in part;

(2) The general partners of a partnership owning the barge change by addition, deletion, or substitution;

(3) The State of incorporation of any corporate owner of the barge changes;

(4) The barge is placed under foreign flag;

(5) Any owner of the barge ceases to be a citizen within the meaning of subpart C of this part; or

(6) The barge ceases to be capable of transportation by water.

§ 68.107 - Application procedure for vessels other than barges to be operated in coastwise trade without being documented.

(a) In addition to the items under § 67.141 of this chapter, the person that owns the vessel (other than a barge under § 68.109) and that seeks a coastwise endorsement under this subpart must submit the following to the National Vessel Documentation Center:

(1) A certification in the form of an affidavit and, if requested by the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center, supporting documentation establishing the following facts with respect to the transaction from an individual who is authorized to provide certification on behalf of the person that owns the vessel and who is an officer in a corporation, a partner in a partnership, a member of the board of managers in a limited liability company, or their equivalent. The certificate must certify the following:

(i) That the person that owns the vessel, the parent of that person, or a subsidiary of a parent of that person is primarily engaged in leasing or other financing transactions.

(ii) That the person that owns the vessel is organized under the laws of the United States or a State.

(iii) That none of the following is primarily engaged in the direct operation or management of vessels:

(A) The person that owns the vessel.

(B) The parent of the person that owns the vessel.

(C) The group of which the person that owns the vessel is a member.

(iv) That ownership of the vessel is primarily a financial investment without the ability and intent to directly or indirectly control the vessel's operations by a person not primarily engaged in the direct operation or management of vessels.

(v) That the majority of the aggregate revenues of each of the following is not derived from the operation or management of vessels:

(A) The person that owns the vessel.

(B) The parent of the person that owns the vessel.

(C) The group of which the person that owns the vessel is a member.

(vi) That none of the following is primarily engaged in the operation or management of commercial, foreign-flag vessels used for the carriage of cargo for parties unrelated to the vessel's owner or charterer:

(A) The person that owns the vessel.

(B) The parent of the person that owns the vessel.

(C) The group of which the person that owns the vessel is a member.

(vii) That the person that owns the vessel has transferred to a qualified United States citizen under 46 U.S.C. app. 802 full possession, control, and command of the U.S.-built vessel through a demise charter in which the demise charterer is considered the owner pro hac vice during the term of the charter.

(viii) That the vessel is financed with lease financing.

(2) A copy of the charter, which must provide that the charterer is deemed to be the owner pro hac vice for the term of the charter.

(b) The charterer must submit the following to the National Vessel Documentation Center:

(1) A certificate certifying that the charterer is a citizen of the United States for the purpose of engaging in the coastwise trade under 46 U.S.C. app. 802.

(2) Detailed citizenship information in the format of form CG-1258, Application for Documentation, section G, citizenship. The citizenship information may be attached to the form CG-1258 that is submitted under § 67.141 of this chapter and must be signed by, or on behalf of, the charterer.

(c) Whenever a charter under paragraph (a) of this section is amended, the vessel owner must file a copy of the amendment with the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center, within 10 days after the effective date of the amendment.

(d) Whenever the charterer of a vessel under paragraph (a) of this section enters into a sub-charter that is a demise charter with another person for the use of the vessel, the charterer must file a copy of the sub-charter and amendments to the sub-charter with the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center, within 10 days after the effective date of the sub-charter and the sub-charterer must provide detailed citizenship information in the format of form CG-1258, Application for Documentation, section G, citizenship.

(e) Whenever the charterer of a vessel under paragraph (a) of this section enters into a sub-charter other than a demise charter with another person for the use of the vessel, the charterer must file a copy of the sub-charter and amendments to the sub-charter with the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center, within 10 days after a request by the Director to do so.

(f) A person that submits a false certification under this section is subject to penalty under 46 U.S.C. 12122 and 18 U.S.C. 1001.

§ 68.109 - Application procedure for barges to be operated in coastwise trade without being documented.

(a) The person that owns a barge qualified to engage in coastwise trade under the lease-financing provisions of 46 U.S.C. 12106(e) must submit the following to the National Vessel Documentation Center:

(1) A certification in the form of an affidavit and, if requested by the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center, supporting documentation establishing the following facts with respect to the transaction from an individual who is authorized to provide certification on behalf of the person that owns the barge and who is an officer in a corporation, a partner in a partnership, a member of the board of managers in a limited liability company, or their equivalent. The certificate must certify the following:

(i) That the person that owns the barge, the parent of that person, or a subsidiary of the parent of that person is primarily engaged in leasing or other financing transactions.

(ii) That the person that owns the barge is organized under the laws of the United States or a State.

(iii) That none of the following is primarily engaged in the direct operation or management of vessels:

(A) The person that owns the barge.

(B) The parent of the person that owns the barge.

(C) The group of which the person that owns the barge is a member.

(iv) That ownership of the barge is primarily a financial investment without the ability and intent to directly or indirectly control the barge's operations by a person not primarily engaged in the direct operation or management of the barge.

(v) That the majority of the aggregate revenues of each of the following is not derived from the operation or management of vessels:

(A) The person that owns the barge.

(B) The parent of the person that owns the barge.

(C) The group of which the person that owns the barge is a member.

(vi) That none of the following is primarily engaged in the operation or management of commercial, foreign-flag vessels used for the carriage of cargo for parties unrelated to the vessel's owner or charterer:

(A) The person that owns the barge.

(B) The parent of the person that owns the barge.

(C) The group of which the person that owns the barge is a member.

(vii) That the person that owns the barge has transferred to a qualified United States citizen under 46 U.S.C. app. 802 full possession, control, and command of the U.S.-built barge through a demise charter in which the demise charterer is considered the owner pro hac vice for the term of the charter.

(viii) That the barge is qualified to engage in the coastwise trade and that it is owned by a person eligible to own vessels documented under 46 U.S.C. 12102(e).

(ix) That the barge is financed with lease financing.

(2) A copy of the charter, which must provide that the charterer is deemed to be the owner pro hac vice for the term of the charter.

(b) The charterer must submit the following to the National Vessel Documentation Center:

(1) A certificate certifying that the charterer is a citizen of the United States for engaging in the coastwise trade under 46 U.S.C. app. 802.

(2) Detailed citizenship information in the format of form CG-1258, Application for Documentation, section G, citizenship. The citizenship information must be signed by, or on behalf of, the charterer.

(c) Whenever a charter under paragraph (a) of this section is amended, the barge owner must file a copy of the amendment with the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center, within 10 days after the effective date of the amendment.

(d) Whenever the charterer of a barge under paragraph (a) of this section enters into a sub-charter that is a demise charter with another person for the use of the barge, the charterer must file a copy of the sub-charter and amendments to the sub-charter with the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center, within 10 days after the effective date of the sub-charter and the sub-charterer must provide detailed citizenship information in the format of form CG-1258, Application for Documentation, section G, citizenship.

(e) Whenever the charterer of a barge under paragraph (a) of this section enters into a sub-charter other than a demise charter with another person for the use of the barge, the charterer must file a copy of the sub-charter and amendments to the sub-charter with the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center, within 10 days after a request by the Director to do so.

(f) A person that submits a false certification under this section is subject to penalty under 46 U.S.C. 12122 and 18 U.S.C. 1001.

§ 68.111 - Invalidation of a coastwise endorsement.

(a) In addition to the events in § 67.167(c)(1) through (c)(9) of this chapter, a Certificate of Documentation together with a coastwise endorsement in effect before February 4, 2004, becomes invalid when—

(1) The demise charter expires or is transferred to another charterer;

(2) The citizenship of the charterer or sub-charterer changes to the extent that they are no longer qualified for a coastwise endorsement; or

(3) Neither the person that owns the vessel, nor the parent of that person, nor a subsidiary of the parent of that person is primarily engaged in leasing or other financing transactions.

(b) In addition to the events in § 67.167(c)(1) through (c)(9) of this chapter, a Certificate of Documentation together with a coastwise endorsement in effect on or after February 4, 2004, and before August 9, 2004, becomes invalid when—

(1) The demise charter expires or is transferred to another charterer;

(2) The citizenship of the charterer or sub-charterer changes to the extent that they are no longer qualified for a coastwise endorsement;

(3) Neither the person that owns the vessel, nor the parent of that person, nor any subsidiary of the parent of that person is primarily engaged in leasing or other financing transactions;

(4) The majority of the aggregate revenues of at least one of the following is derived from the operation or management of vessels:

(i) The person that owns the vessel.

(ii) The parent of the person that owns the vessel.

(iii) The group of which the person that owns the vessel is a member; or

(5) At least one of the following is primarily engaged in the operation or management of commercial, foreign-flag vessels used for the carriage of cargo for parties unrelated to the vessel's owner or charterer:

(i) The person that owns the vessel.

(ii) The parent of the person that owns the vessel.

(iii) The group of which the person that owns the vessel is a member.

(c) When the coastwise endorsement for a vessel to which this subpart applies becomes invalid under paragraph (a)(1) or (b)(1) of this section, the vessel remains eligible for documentation under this subpart provided it is a vessel to which § 68.100(b) or (c) applies.

authority: 14 U.S.C. 946; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 9118; 46 U.S.C. 2103,2110; 46 U.S.C. app. 876; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1
source: CGD 80-107, 47 FR 27511, June 24, 1982, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 46 CFR 68.100