Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025
Title 46 - Shipping last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 131.800 - General.
(a) This section prescribes markings necessary for the guidance of persons aboard in case of an emergency. The markings may be modified or omitted if they are unnecessary, because either the vessel is small or particular circumstances warrant, and if the cognizant OCMI approves.
(b) Each stateroom notice, directional sign, and the like must be printed in English and in other languages appropriate to the service of the vessel.
(c) Where this subpart specifies red letters, letters of a contrasting color on a red background are acceptable.
§ 131.805 - General alarm bell, switch.
The switch in the pilothouse that activates the general alarm bell must be clearly and permanently identified either by letters on a metal plate or with a sign in red letters on a suitable background that state the following: “GENERAL ALARM.”
§ 131.810 - General alarm bell.
Each general alarm bell must be identified by red letters at least 13 millimeters (
1/2-inch) high that state the following: “GENERAL ALARM—WHEN BELL RINGS GO TO YOUR STATION.”
§ 131.815 - Carbon dioxide and clean agent alarms.
Each carbon dioxide or clean agent fire extinguishing alarm must be conspicuously marked: “WHEN ALARM SOUNDS VACATE AT ONCE. CARBON DIOXIDE OR CLEAN AGENT BEING RELEASED.”
[USCG-2006-24797, 77 FR 33884, June 7, 2012]
§ 131.817 - Carbon dioxide warning signs.
Each entrance to a space storing carbon dioxide cylinders, a space protected by carbon dioxide systems, or any space into which carbon dioxide might migrate must be conspicuously marked as follows:
(b) Spaces protected by carbon dioxide—“CARBON DIOXIDE GAS CAN CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. WHEN ALARM OPERATES OR WINTERGREEN SCENT IS DETECTED, DO NOT ENTER UNTIL VENTILATED. LOCK OUT SYSTEM WHEN SERVICING.” The reference to wintergreen scent may be omitted for carbon dioxide systems not required to have odorizing units and not equipped with such units.
(c) Spaces into which carbon dioxide might migrate—“CARBON DIOXIDE GAS CAN CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. DISCHARGE INTO NEARBY SPACE CAN COLLECT HERE. WHEN ALARM OPERATES OR WINTERGREEN SCENT IS DETECTED VACATE IMMEDIATELY.” The reference to wintergreen scent may be omitted for carbon dioxide systems not required to have odorizing units and not equipped with such units.
[USCG-2006-24797, 77 FR 33884, June 7, 2012]
§ 131.820 - Branch lines of fire-extinguishing system.
The valves of each branch line in the fire extinguishing system must be plainly and permanently marked, indicating the spaces served.
§ 131.825 - Fixed fire extinguishing system controls.
Each control cabinet or space containing a valve or manifold for a fire extinguishing system must be distinctly marked in conspicuous red letters at least 2 inches high: “[CARBON DIOXIDE/HALON/CLEAN AGENT] FIRE APPARATUS”, as appropriate.
[USCG-2006-24797, 77 FR 33884, June 7, 2012]
§ 131.830 - Fire-hose stations.
Each fire station must be identified in red letters and figures at least 50 millimeters (2 inches) high that state the following: “FIRE STATION #1,” “* * * 2,” “* * * 3,” and so on. Where the hose is not so stowed in the open or behind glass as to be readily seen, this identification must be so placed as to be readily seen from a distance.
§ 131.835 - Portable fire extinguishers.
(a) Except as provided by paragraph (b) of this section, ach portable fire extinguisher must be marked with a number, and the site of its stowage must be marked with a corresponding number at least 13 millimeters (
1/2-inch) high.
(b) If only one type and size of portable fire extinguisher is carried, the number may be omitted.
§ 131.840 - Emergency lighting.
Emergency lighting must be marked with a letter “E” at least 13 millimeters (
1/2-inch) high.
§ 131.845 - Instructions for shift of steering gear.
(a) Instructions, including diagrams, for a shift of steering gear and for a shift to the alternative steering stations must be on water-resistant material and posted at each steering station and in the steering-engine room, relating, in order, the different steps to take in either shift.
(b) The instructions must indicate each clutch or pin to be “in” or “out” and each valve or switch to be “open” or “closed” in a shift to any means of steering for which the vessel is equipped.
(c) The instructions must specify that each steering wheel or lever, and each rudder, must be amidships before any shift of steering gear or steering stations.
(d) Each clutch, gear, wheel, lever, valve, or switch used during any shift of steering gear or steering stations must be numbered or lettered on a metal plate or painted so that the numbers or letters are recognizable at a reasonable distance.
§ 131.850 - Rudder orders.
At each steering station there must be installed a suitable notice on the wheel or lever, or in some other place directly in the helmsman's line of sight, to indicate the direction in which to turn the wheel or lever for “right rudder” and for “left rudder.”
§ 131.855 - Lifeboats and rescue boats.
(a) The following must be plainly marked or painted on each side of the bow of each lifeboat and rescue boat in block capital letters and numbers:
(1) The name of the vessel.
(2) The number of the boat. (The boats on each side of the vessel must be numbered from forward to aft. If there are boats on both sides of the vessel, the odd numbers must be on the starboard side.)
(3) For each vessel in ocean service, the name of the port whose marking on the stern is required by § 67.123 of this chapter.
(b) The following must be plainly marked or painted on each side of the bow of each lifeboat and rescue boat in block capital letters and numbers:
(1) The length and beam of the boat.
(2) The number of persons the boat will hold. This number must—
(i) Be the number of persons the boat is equipped for; and
(ii) Not be greater than the number of persons the boat is approved for, as shown on its nameplate.
(c) The following must be plainly marked or painted on each lifeboat and rescue boat, visible from above the boat:
(1) The number of the boat.
(2) The name of the vessel.
(d) Each lifeboat and rescue boat must be marked with Type II retro-reflective material approved under subpart 164.018 of this chapter. The arrangement of the retro-reflective material must comply with IMO Resolution A.658(16).
§ 131.860 - Rigid liferafts.
(a) The following must be plainly marked or painted, near one entrance of each rigid liferaft:
(1) The name of the vessel.
(2) For each vessel in ocean service, the name of the port whose marking on the stern is required by § 67.123 of this chapter.
(b) The length of the painter must be plainly marked or painted, near one entrance of each rigid liferaft.
(c) The number of persons the rigid liferaft is approved for must be plainly marked or painted, over each entrance to each raft, in letters and numbers at least 102 millimeters (4 inches) high and in a color contrasting to that of the raft. This number must—
(1) Be the number of persons the rigid liferaft is equipped for; and
(2) Not be greater than the number of persons the rigid liferaft is approved for, as shown on its nameplate.
(d) The rigid liferaft must be marked with the words “SOLAS A pack” or “SOLAS B pack”, to reflect the pack inside.
§ 131.865 - Inflatable liferafts and inflatable buoyant apparatus.
The number of the inflatable liferaft or inflatable buoyant apparatus and the number of persons it is approved for must be marked or painted, in a conspicuous place in the immediate vicinity of each raft and each apparatus, in letters and numbers at least 38 millimeters (1-
1/2 inches) high and in a color contrasting to that of the raft or apparatus. Each raft or apparatus stowed on the side of a vessel must be numbered like a liferaft in compliance with § 199.178 (c) and (d) of this chapter. No letters or numbers may go on the liferaft or on the container of the apparatus.
§ 131.870 - Life floats and buoyant apparatus.
(a) The name of the vessel must be plainly marked or painted on each life float or buoyant apparatus, and on each oar and paddle.
(b) The number of persons each life float or buoyant apparatus is approved for must be plainly marked or painted on each float or apparatus in letters and numbers at least 38 millimeters (1-
1/2 inches) high and in a color contrasting to that of the float or apparatus. This number must—
(1) Be the number of persons the float or apparatus is equipped for; and
(2) Not be greater than the number of persons the float or apparatus is approved for, as shown on its nameplate.
§ 131.875 - Lifejackets, immersion suits, and ring buoys.
(a) Each lifejacket, immersion suit, and ring life buoy must be marked in block capital letters with the vessel's name.
(b) Each container for lifejackets and immersion suits must be marked in letters and numbers at least 50 millimeters (2 inches) high with the number, identity, or IMO symbol specified by IMO Resolution A.760(18), and size of the items stowed inside.
(c) Each ring buoy on a vessel in ocean service must be marked in block capital letters with the name of the port whose marking on the stern of the vessel is required by § 67.123 of this chapter.
(d) Each stowage site for a ring buoy must be marked “LIFE BUOY” or marked with the IMO symbol.
(e) Each lifejacket must be marked with Type I retro-reflective material approved under subpart 164.018 of this chapter. The arrangement of the retro-reflective material must comply with IMO Resolution A.658(16).
(f) Each ring life buoy must be marked with Type I or II retro-reflective material approved under subpart 164.018 of this chapter. The arrangement of the retro-reflective material must comply with IMO Resolution A.658(16).
§ 131.880 - Fire hoses and axes.
Each fire hose and axe must be marked with the vessel's name.
§ 131.890 - EPIRBs and SARTs.
The name of the vessel must be plainly marked or painted on each Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) and on each Search and Rescue Transmitter (SART), except on an EPIRB or SART—
(a) In an inflatable liferaft; or
(b) Permanently installed in a survival craft.
[CGD 82-004 and CGD 86-074, 62 FR 49340, Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG-2010-0759, 75 FR 60003, Sept. 29, 2010]
§ 131.893 - Watertight doors and watertight hatches.
Each watertight door in a bulkhead that must be watertight in compliance with the requirements in part 174 of this chapter, and each watertight hatch, must be marked on both sides in letters at least 50 millimeters (2 inches) high that state the following: “WATERTIGHT DOOR—KEEP CLOSED EXCEPT FOR PASSAGE” or “WATERTIGHT HATCH—KEEP CLOSED WHEN NOT IN USE”.
§ 131.896 - Remote stopping-systems.
The remote stopping-systems required by § 129.540 of this subchapter must be clearly marked to show what system each controls.
§ 131.899 - Fire dampers.
Each fire damper installed within the boundary of a space protected by a fixed fire extinguishing system must be fitted with an indicator showing whether the damper is open or closed and must be marked with red letters at least 13 millimeters (
1/2-inch) high stating “FIRE DAMPER” and, as otherwise appropriate, identifying the space served by the fire damper.
authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(j);
46 U.S.C. 3306,
10104; E.O. 12234, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; E.O. 12777, 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1. Section 131.990 also issued under sec. 617, Pub. L. 111-281, 124 Stat. 2905
source: CGD 82-004 and CGD 86-074, 62 FR 49340, Sept. 19, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 46 CFR 131.896