Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 46 - Shipping last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 136.200 - Certificate required.

(a) A towing vessel may not be operated without having onboard a valid COI issued by the Coast Guard as required by § 136.202.

(b) Each towing vessel certificated under the provisions of this subchapter must be in full compliance with the terms of the COI.

(c) If necessary to prevent the delay of the vessel, the Coast Guard may issue a temporary COI to a towing vessel, pending the issuance and delivery of the permanent COI. The temporary COI must be carried in the same manner as the regular COI and is equivalent to the permanent COI that it represents.

(d) A towing vessel on a foreign voyage between a port in the United States and a port in a foreign country whose COI expires during the voyage may lawfully complete the voyage without a valid COI, provided the voyage is completed within 30 days of expiration, and provided that the COI did not expire within 15 days of sailing on the foreign voyage from a U.S. port.

§ 136.202 - Certificate of Inspection phase-in period.

(a) All owners or managing operators of more than one existing towing vessel required to have a COI by this subchapter must ensure that each existing towing vessel under their ownership or control is issued a valid COI according to the following schedule:

(1) By July 22, 2019, at least 25 percent of the towing vessels must have valid COIs on board;

(2) By July 20, 2020, at least 50 percent of the towing vessels must have valid COIs on board;

(3) By July 19, 2021, at least 75 percent of the towing vessels must have valid COIs on board; and

(4) By July 19, 2022, 100 percent of the towing vessels must have valid COIs on board.

(b) All owners or managing operators of only one existing towing vessel required to have a COI by this subchapter must ensure the vessel has an onboard, valid COI by July 20, 2020.

(c) A new towing vessel must obtain a COI before it enters into service.

§ 136.205 - Description.

A towing vessel's COI describes the vessel, routes that it may travel, minimum manning requirements and total persons allowed onboard, safety equipment and appliances required to be onboard, horsepower, and other information pertinent to the vessel's operations as determined by the OCMI.

§ 136.210 - Obtaining or renewing a COI.

Owners and managing operators must submit Form CG-3752, “Application for Inspection of U.S. Vessel,” to the cognizant OCMI where the inspection will take place. The owner or managing operator must submit the application at least 30 days before the vessel will undergo the initial inspection for certification. The owner or managing operator must schedule an inspection for this initial certification with the cognizant OCMI at least 3 months before the vessel is to undergo the inspection for certification.

(a) In addition to Form CG-3752, the owner or managing operator must submit:

(1) For initial certification:

(i) Vessel particular information; and

(ii) Number of persons in addition to the crew, if requested; or

(2) For a renewal of certification:

(i) Any changes to the information in paragraph (a)(1) of this section; and

(ii) A description of any modifications to the vessel.

(b) In addition to Form CG-3752 and the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, the owner or managing operator of vessels utilizing the TSMS option must submit:

(1) Objective evidence that the owner or managing operator and the vessel are in compliance with the TSMS requirements in part 138 of this subchapter; and

(2) Objective evidence that the vessel's structure, stability, and essential systems comply with the applicable requirements of this subchapter for the intended route and service. This objective evidence may be in the form of a survey report issued by a TPO or another form acceptable to the Coast Guard.

§ 136.212 - Inspection for certification.

(a) Frequency of inspections. After a towing vessel receives its initial COI, the OCMI will inspect a towing vessel subject to this subchapter located in his or her jurisdiction at least once every 5 years. The OCMI must ensure that every towing vessel is of a structure suitable for its intended route. If the OCMI deems it necessary, he or she may direct the vessel to get underway, and may adopt any other suitable means to test the towing vessel and its equipment.

(b) Nature of inspection. The inspection will ensure that the vessel is in satisfactory condition and fit for the service for which it is intended, and that it complies with the applicable statutes and regulations for such vessels. The inspection will include inspections of the structure, pressure vessels and their appurtenances, piping, main and auxiliary machinery, electrical installations, lifesaving appliances, fire detecting and extinguishing equipment, pilot boarding equipment, and other equipment. The inspection will also determine that the vessel is in possession of any valid certificates or licenses issued by the Federal Communications Commission, if required. The inspection will also include an examination of the vessel's lights, means of making sound signals and distress signals, and pollution prevention systems and procedures.

(c) Time of issuance of COI. The OCMI will issue a vessel a new COI after the vessel successfully completes the inspection for certification.

§ 136.215 - Period of validity.

(a) A COI for a towing vessel is valid for 5 years from the date of issue.

(b) For a towing vessel utilizing the TSMS option, the COI is invalid upon the expiration or revocation of the owner or managing operator TSMS certificate or the ISM Code Certificate.

(c) A COI may be suspended and withdrawn or revoked by the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection at any time for noncompliance with the requirements of this subchapter.

§ 136.220 - Posting.

(a) The original COI must be framed under glass or other transparent material and posted in a conspicuous place onboard the towing vessel.

(b) If posting is impracticable, the COI must be kept on board in a weathertight container and must be readily available.

§ 136.230 - Routes permitted.

(a) The area of operation for each towing vessel and any necessary operational limits are determined by the cognizant OCMI and recorded on the vessel's COI. Each area of operation, referred to as a route, is described on the COI under the major headings “Oceans,” “Coastwise,” “Limited Coastwise,” “Great Lakes,” “Lakes, Bays, and Sounds,” or “Rivers,” as applicable. Additional limitations imposed or extensions granted are described by reference to bodies of waters, geographical points, distances from geographical points, distances from land, depths of channel, seasonal limitations, and similar factors.

(b) Operation of a towing vessel on a route of lesser severity than those specifically described or designated on the COI is permitted, unless the route is expressly prohibited on the COI. The general order of decreasing severity of routes is: Oceans; coastwise; limited coastwise; Great Lakes; lakes, bays, and sounds; and rivers. The cognizant OCMI may prohibit a vessel from operating on a route of lesser severity than the primary route on which a vessel is authorized to operate, if local conditions necessitate such a restriction.

(c) When designating a permitted route or imposing any operational limits on a towing vessel, the cognizant OCMI may consider:

(1) The route-specific requirements of this subchapter;

(2) The performance capabilities of the vessel based on design, scantlings, stability, subdivision, propulsion, speed, operating modes, maneuverability, and other characteristics;

(3) The suitability of the vessel for nighttime operations and use in all weather conditions;

(4) Vessel operations in globally remote areas or severe environments not covered by this subchapter. Such areas may include, but are not limited to, polar regions, remote islands, areas of extreme weather, or other remote areas where timely emergency assistance cannot be anticipated; and

(5) The TSMS applicable to the vessel, if the vessel has one.

§ 136.235 - Certificate of Inspection amendment.

(a) An amended COI may be issued at any time by the cognizant OCMI. The amended COI replaces the original, but the expiration date remains the same as that of the original. An amended COI may be issued to authorize and record a change in the dimensions, gross tonnage, owner, managing operator, manning, persons permitted, route permitted, conditions of operations, or equipment of a towing vessel, from that specified in the current COI.

(b) The owner or managing operator of the towing vessel must make a request for an amended COI to the cognizant OCMI any time there is a change in the character of the vessel or in its route, equipment, ownership, operation, or similar factors specified in its current COI. The OCMI may need to conduct an inspection before issuing an amended COI.

(c) For those vessels selecting the TSMS option, the owner or managing operator of the towing vessel must provide to the OCMI objective evidence of compliance with the requirements in this subchapter prior to the issuance of an amended COI. The evidence must:

(1) Be from a TPO and prepared in accordance with parts 138 and 139 of this subchapter; and

(2) Consider the change in the character of a vessel or in its route, equipment, ownership, operation, or similar factors specified in the vessel's current COI.

§ 136.240 - Permit to proceed.

Permission to proceed to another port for repairs (Form CG-948) may be required for a towing vessel that is no longer in compliance with its COI. This permission may be necessary in certain situations, including damage to the vessel, failure of an essential system, or failure to comply with a regulation, including failure to comply with the TSMS requirements, if appropriate.

(a) What a vessel with a TSMS must do before proceeding to another port for repairs. A vessel with a TSMS may proceed to another port for repair, if:

(1) In the judgment of the owner, managing operator, or master, the trip can be completed safely;

(2) The TSMS addresses the condition of the vessel that has resulted in non-compliance and the necessary conditions under which the vessel may safely proceed to another port for repair;

(3) The vessel proceeds as provided in the TSMS and does not tow while proceeding, unless the owner or managing operator determines that it is safe to do so; and

(4) The owner or managing operator notifies the cognizant OCMI in whose zone the non-compliance occurred or is discovered, before the vessel proceeds. The owner or operator must also notify the cognizant OCMI in any other OCMI zones through which the vessel will transit.

(b) What another vessel must do before proceeding to another port for repairs. If a vessel does not have a TSMS, or a vessel has one but it does not address the condition of the vessel that has resulted in non-compliance or the necessary conditions under which the vessel may safely proceed to another port for repair, the owner, managing operator, or master must request permission to proceed from the cognizant OCMI in whose zone the non-compliance occurs or is discovered. This permission operates as follows:

(1) The request for permission to proceed may be made electronically, in writing, or orally. The cognizant OCMI may require a written description, a damage survey, or other documentation to assist in determining the nature and seriousness of the non-compliance.

(2) The vessel will not engage in towing, unless the cognizant OCMI determines it is safe to do so.

(3) The Coast Guard may issue the permit either on Form CG-948, “Permit to Proceed to Another Port for Repairs,” or in letter form, and will state the conditions under which the vessel may proceed to another port for repair.

(c) Inspection or examination. The cognizant OCMI may require an inspection of the vessel by a Coast Guard Marine Inspector or an examination by a surveyor from a TPO prior to the vessel proceeding.

§ 136.245 - Permit to carry an excursion party or temporary extension or alteration of route.

(a) A towing vessel must obtain approval to engage in an excursion prior to carrying a greater number of persons than permitted by the COI, or to temporarily extend or alter its area of operation.

(b) For a vessel utilizing the TSMS option, the vessel may engage in an excursion, if:

(1) In the opinion of the owner, managing operator, or master the operation can be undertaken safely;

(2) The TSMS addresses the temporary excursion operation contemplated; the necessary conditions under which the vessel may safely conduct the operation, including the number of persons the vessel may carry; the crew required; and any additional lifesaving or safety equipment required;

(3) The vessel proceeds as provided in the TSMS; and

(4) The owner, managing operator, or master notifies the cognizant OCMI at least 48 hours prior to the temporary excursion operation. The cognizant OCMI may require submission of pertinent provisions of the TSMS applicable to the vessel for review and onboard verification of compliance. If the cognizant OCMI has reasonable cause to believe that the TSMS applicable to the vessel is insufficient for the intended excursion, additional information may be requested and/or additional requirements may be imposed.

(c) If the towing vessel is not under a TSMS, or the TSMS applicable to the vessel does not address the temporary excursion operation:

(1) The owner or managing operator must submit an application to the cognizant OCMI. The application must state the intended route, number of passengers or guests, and any other conditions applicable to the excursion that exceed those specified in its COI.

(2) The cognizant OCMI may issue the permit either on Form CG-949, “Permit To Carry Excursion Party,” or in letter form. The cognizant OCMI will indicate on the permit the conditions under which it is issued, the number of persons the vessel may carry, the crew required, any additional lifesaving or safety equipment required, the route for which the permit is granted, and the dates on which the permit is valid. The application may be made electronically, in writing, or orally.

(3) The vessel may not engage in towing during the excursion, unless the cognizant OCMI determines it is safe to do so.

(d) The cognizant OCMI may require an inspection of the vessel by a Coast Guard Marine Inspector or an examination by a surveyor from a TPO prior to the vessel proceeding.

§ 136.250 - Load lines.

Vessels described in Table 136.250 of this section that operate on the Great Lakes or outside the Boundary Lines, as set forth in 46 CFR part 7, are subject to load line requirements in subchapter E of this chapter in the following circumstances:

Table 136.250

A vessel that— Is subject to load line requirements in subchapter E of this chapter if it is—
(a) Is on an international voyage—(1) Seventy nine (79) feet (24 meters) or more in length and built on or after July 21, 1968; or
(2) One hundred and fifty (150) gross tons or more if built before July 21, 1968.
(b) Is on a domestic voyage—(1) Seventy nine (79) feet (24 meters) or more in length and built on or after January 1, 1986; or
(2) One hundred and fifty (150) gross tons or more if built before January 1, 1986.
authority: 46 U.S.C. 3103,3301,3306,3308,3316,8104,8904; 33 CFR 1.05; DHS Delegation 0170.1
source: 81 FR 40101, June 20, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 46 CFR 136.210