Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 46 - Shipping last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 144.100 - Purpose.

This part details the requirements for design, construction and arrangement, and verification of compliance with this part, including document review.

§ 144.105 - Applicability and delayed implementation.

This part applies to each towing vessel subject to this subchapter. Note that §§ 144.200 and 144.300 only apply to an existing vessel and that the following sections only apply to a new vessel: §§ 144.205, 144.305, 144.310, 144.405, 144.410, 144.420, 144.425, 144.430, and 144.920.

(a) An existing towing vessel must comply with § 144.320 starting July 20, 2016 and it must comply with the other applicable requirements in this part no later than either July 20, 2018 or the date the vessel obtains a Certificate of Inspection (COI), whichever date is earlier.

(b) The delayed implementation provisions in paragraph (a) of this section do not apply to a new towing vessel.

(c) Alterations or modifications made to the structure or arrangements of an existing vessel that are a major conversion, made on or after the July 20, 2017, must comply with the regulations applied to a new towing vessel of this part insofar as is reasonable and practicable. Repairs conducted on an existing vessel, resulting in no significant changes to the original structure or arrangement of the vessel, must comply with the standards applicable to the vessel at the time of construction or, as an alternative, with the regulations in this part.

[USCG-2006-24412, 81 FR 40101, June 20, 2016; 81 FR 47312, July 21, 2016; USCG-2021-0348, 87 FR 3224, Jan. 21, 2022]
§ 144.120 - A classed vessel.

A vessel currently classed by a recognized classification society is deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of subparts B and C of this part.

§ 144.125 - A vessel with a load line.

A vessel with a valid load line certificate issued in accordance with subchapter E of this chapter may be deemed in compliance with the requirements of subparts B and C of this part.

§ 144.130 - A vessel built to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, requirements.

A vessel built to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, is considered to be in compliance with this part.

§ 144.135 - Verification of compliance with design standards.

Verification of compliance with the construction and arrangement design standards of this part must be performed according to the following table:

Table 144.135—Verification of Compliance With Design Standards

If the vessel is— Then the applicable requirements must be met—
(a) A new vessel,Before the COI is issued.
(b) A vessel to undergo a major conversion or alteration to the hull, machinery, or equipment that may affect the vessel's safety,Before the major conversion or alteration is performed.
(c) A vessel on which a new installation that is not a “replacement in kind”,Before the new installation is performed.
[USCG-2006-24412, 81 FR 40101, June 20, 2016; 81 FR 47312, July 21, 2016]
§ 144.140 - Qualifications.

Use the following table to determine the individual or entity that may conduct a verification of compliance with design standards required by § 144.135.

Table 144.140

Verification of compliance with design standards may be performed by— Provided that—
(a) A registered professional engineer (P.E.) licensed by one of the states of the United States or the District of Columbia;The PE ensures he or she does not exceed the scope of his or her P.E. license.
(b) An authorized classification society that has been delegated the authority to issue the SOLAS Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate under 46 CFR 8.320;The authorized classification society ensures that the employees that perform the verification of compliance holds proper qualifications for the type of verification performed.
(c) The Coast Guard
§ 144.145 - Procedures for verification of compliance with design standards.

(a) Verification of compliance with design standards, when required by § 144.135, must be performed by an individual or entity who meets the requirements of § 144.140.

(b) Verification of compliance with design standards must be based on objective evidence of compliance with the applicable requirements and include:

(1) A description of the vessel's intended service and route;

(2) The standards used for the vessel's design and construction;

(3) Deviations from the standards used, if any;

(4) A statement that the vessel is suitable for the intended service and route; and

(5) The identification of the individual or entity in Table 144.140 of § 144.140 who conducted the verification of compliance.

(c) Verification of compliance with design standards must include review and analyses of sufficient plans, drawings, schematics, calculations, and other documents to ensure the vessel complies with the standards used. The plans must be stamped with the seal authorized for use by the individual or entity performing the verification of compliance, or otherwise indicate that they have been reviewed and determined to meet the applicable standards by an individual or entity who meets the requirements of § 144.140.

(d) A copy of the verified plan must be provided to the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI) and the third-party organization (TPO) conducting the surveys, if applicable, except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section.

(e) Plans verified by an authorized classification society need only be provided to the Coast Guard upon request.

(f) If the vessel is a new vessel, a copy of the verified plan must be available at the construction site.

(g) As referred to in this section, the term plan may include, but is not limited to drawings, documents, or diagrams of the following:

(1) Outboard profile.

(2) Inboard profile.

(3) Arrangement of decks.

(4) Midship section and scantling plans.

(5) Survival craft embarkation stations.

(6) Machinery installation, including, but not limited to:

(i) Propulsion and propulsion control, including shaft details;

(ii) Steering and steering control, including rudder details;

(iii) Ventilation diagrams;

(iv) Fuel transfer and service system, including tanks;

(v) Piping systems including: bilge, ballast, hydraulic, combustible and flammable liquids, vents, and overflows; and

(vi) Hull penetrations and shell connections;

(7) Electrical installation including, but not limited to:

(i) Elementary one-line diagram of the power system;

(ii) Cable lists;

(iii) Type and size of generators and prime movers;

(iv) Type and size of generator cables, bus-tie cables, feeders, and branch circuit cables;

(v) Power and lighting panelboards with number of circuits and rating of energy consuming devices;

(vi) Capacity of storage batteries;

(vii) Rating of circuit breakers and switches, interrupting capacity of circuit breakers, and rating and setting of overcurrent devices; and

(viii) Electrical plant load analysis as required by § 143.555 of this subchapter.

(8) Lifesaving equipment locations and installation;

(9) Fire protection equipment installation including, but not limited to:

(i) Fire main system plans and calculations;

(ii) Fixed gas fire extinguishing system plans and calculations;

(iii) Fire detecting system and smoke detecting system plans;

(iv) Sprinkler system diagram and calculations; and

(v) Portable fire extinguisher types, sizes, and locations;

(10) Lines and offsets, curves of form, cross curves of stability, tank capacities including size and location on vessel, and other stability documents needed to show compliance; and

(11) Towing arrangements.

§ 144.155 - Verification of compliance with design standards for a sister vessel.

(a) Verification of compliance required by § 144.135 is not required for a sister vessel, provided that:

(1) The original vessel has been verified as complying with this part;

(2) The owner authorizes the use of the plans for the original vessels for the new construction of the sister vessel;

(3) The standards used in the design and construction of the original vessel have not changed since the original verification of compliance;

(4) The sister vessel is built to the same verified plans, drawings, schematics, calculations, and other documents and equipped with machinery of the same make and model as the original vessel, and has not been subsequently modified;

(5) The sister vessel is built in the same shipyard facility as the original vessel; and

(6) For a sister vessel subject to a stability standard, that the conditions in Table 144.155 of this section are met:

Table 144.155

If— Then—
(i) The delivery date of the sister vessel is not more than 2 years after a previous stability test date of either the original vessel or an earlier sister vessel,The approved lightweight characteristics of that earlier vessel are adopted by the sister vessel;
(ii) Paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section does not apply, and the lightweight characteristics determined from a deadweight survey of the sister vessel are shown to meet both the following criteria:
(A) the lightweight displacement differs by not more than 3 percent of the earlier vessel's lightweight displacement, and
(B) the longitudinal center of gravity (LCG) differs by not more than 1 percent of the length between perpendiculars (LBP) of the earlier vessel's LCG,
The vertical center of gravity (VCG) of the earlier vessel is adopted by the sister vessel and used with the lightweight displacement and LCG determined from the deadweight survey of the sister vessel;
(iii) Neither paragraph (a)(6)(i) nor (ii) of this section apply because both the criteria in paragraphs (a)(6)(ii)(A) and (B) of this section are not met and lightweight characteristics were determined from a stability test on either the original vessel or a sister vessel,The vessel must undergo a stability test in accordance with 46 CFR part 170, subpart F;
(iv) No vessel of the class of sister vessels previously underwent a stability test,One vessel of the class must undergo a stability test in accordance with 46 CFR part 170, subpart F, and each sister vessel to which a stability standard applies must meet either paragraph (a)(6)(ii) or (iii) of this section.

(b) A statement that verifies sister vessel status for each element of paragraph (a) of this section from an individual or entity meeting the requirements of § 144.140 must be retained and produced upon request.

§ 144.160 - Marking.

(a) The hull of each documented vessel must be marked as required by part 67 of this chapter.

(b) The hull of each undocumented vessel must be marked with its name and hailing port.

(c) A vessel complying with either § 144.300(a) or § 144.305 must have draft marks that meet the requirements of § 97.40-10 of this chapter.

(d) Each vessel assigned a load line must have the load line marks and the deck line permanently scribed or embossed as required by subchapter E of this chapter.

(e) Each watertight door and watertight hatch must be marked on both sides in clearly legible letters at least 25 millimeters (1 inch) high: “WATERTIGHT DOOR—KEEP CLOSED” or “WATERTIGHT HATCH—KEEP CLOSED”.

(f) Each escape hatch and emergency exit used as means of escape must be marked on both sides in clearly legible letters at least 50 millimeters (2 inches) high: “EMERGENCY EXIT, KEEP CLEAR”.

authority: 46 U.S.C. 3103,3301,3306,3308,3316,8104,8904; 33 CFR 1.05; DHS Delegation 00170.1, Revision No. 01.2
source: USCG-2006-24412, 81 FR 40101, June 20, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 46 CFR 144.140