Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 46 - Shipping last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 148.1 - Purpose and applicability.

(a) This part prescribes special handling procedures for certain solid materials that present hazards when transported in bulk by vessel.

(b) Except as noted in paragraph (c) of this section, this part applies to all domestic and foreign vessels in the navigable waters of the United States that transport bulk solid materials requiring special handling.

(c) This part does not apply to an unmanned barge on a domestic voyage carrying a Potentially Dangerous Material (PDM) found in Table 148.10 of this part. All barges on international voyages must follow the requirements for PDM.

(d) The regulations in this part have preemptive impact over State law on the same subject. The Coast Guard has determined, after considering the factors developed by the Supreme Court in U.S. v. Locke, 529 U.S. 89 (2000), that in directing the Secretary to regulate the safe transportation of hazardous material and the safety of individuals and property on board vessels subject to inspection, as well as the provision of loading information, Congress intended to preempt the field of safety standards for solid materials requiring special handling when transported in bulk on vessels.

§ 148.2 - Responsibility and compliance.

Each master of a vessel, person in charge of a barge, owner, operator, shipper, charterer, or agent must ensure compliance with this part. These persons are also responsible for communicating requirements to every person performing any function covered by this part.

§ 148.3 - Definitions.

As used in this part—

A-60 class division means a division as defined in § 32.57-5 of this chapter.

Adjacent space means any enclosed space on a vessel, such as a cargo hold, cargo compartment, accommodation space, working space, storeroom, passageway, or tunnel, that shares a common bulkhead or deck with a hatch, door, scuttle, cable fitting or other penetration, with a cargo hold or compartment containing a material listed in Table 148.10 of this part.

Away from means a horizontal separation of at least 3 meters (10 feet) projected vertically is maintained between incompatible materials carried in the same hold or on deck.

Bulk applies to any solid material, consisting of a combination of particles, granules, or any larger pieces of material generally uniform in composition, that is loaded directly into the cargo spaces of a vessel without any intermediate form of containment.

Bulk Cargo Shipping Name or BCSN identifies a bulk solid material during transport by sea. When a cargo is listed in this Part, the BCSN of the cargo is identified by Roman type and is listed in Column 1 of Table 148.10 of this part. When the cargo is a hazardous material, as defined in 49 CFR part 173, the proper shipping name of that material is the BCSN.

Cold-molded briquettes are briquettes of direct reduced iron (DRI) that have been molded at a temperature of under 650 °C (1,202 °F) or that have a density of under 5.0 g/cm 3;.

Commandant (CG-ENG-5) means the Chief, Hazardous Materials Division of the Office of Design and Engineering Systems. The mailing address is: Commandant (CG-ENG-5), Attn: Hazardous Materials Division, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20593-7509; telephone 202-372-1420 or email [email protected].

Compartment means any space on a vessel that is enclosed by the vessel's decks and its sides or permanent steel bulkheads.

Competent authority means a national agency responsible under its national law for the control or regulation of a particular aspect of the transportation of hazardous materials.

Confined space means a cargo hold containing a material listed in Table 148.10 of this part or an adjacent space not designed for human occupancy.

Domestic voyage means transportation between places within the United States other than through a foreign country.

Hazard class means the category of hazard assigned to a material under this part and 49 CFR parts 171 through 173.

Hazard Class Definitions

Hazard Classes Used in This Part Are Defined in the Following Sections of Title 49

Class No. Division No. (if any) Description Reference
(49 CFR)
11.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6Explosives§ 173.50
22.1, 2.2, 2.3Flammable Gas, Non-Flammable Compressed Gas, Poisonous Gas§ 173.115
3Flammable and Combustible Liquid§ 173.120
44.1, 4.2, 4.3Flammable Solid, Spontaneously Combustible Material, Dangerous When Wet Material§ 173.124
55.1Oxidizer§ 173.127
55.2Organic Peroxide§ 173.128
66.1Poisonous Materials§ 173.132
66.2Infectious Substance§ 173.134
7Radioactive Material§ 173.403
8Corrosive Material§ 173.136
9Miscellaneous Hazardous Material§ 173.140

Hazardous substance is a hazardous substance as defined in 49 CFR 171.8.

Hold means a compartment below deck that is used exclusively for the stowage of cargo.

Hot-molded briquettes are briquettes of DRI that have been molded at a temperature of 650 °C (1,202 °F) or higher, and that have a density of 5.0 g/cm 3 (312 lb/ft 3) or greater.

IMSBC Code means the English version of the “International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code” published by the International Maritime Organization (incorporated by reference, see § 148.8).

Incompatible materials means two materials whose stowage together may result in undue hazards in the case of leakage, spillage, or other accident.

International voyage means voyages—

(1) Between any place in the United States and any place in a foreign country;

(2) Between places in the United States through a foreign country; or

(3) Between places in one or more foreign countries through the United States.

Lower flammability limit or LFL means the lowest concentration of a material or gas that will propagate a flame. The LFL is usually expressed as a percent by volume of a material or gas in air.

Master means the officer having command of a vessel. The functions assigned to the master in this part may also be performed by a representative of the master or by a person in charge of a barge.

Material safety data sheet or MSDS is as defined in 29 CFR 1910.1200.

Person in charge of a barge means an individual designated by the owner or operator of a barge to have charge of the barge.

Potentially Dangerous Material or PDM means a material that does not fall into a particular hazard class but can present a danger when carried in bulk aboard a vessel. The dangers often result from the material's tendency to self-heat or cause oxygen depletion. Materials that present a potential danger due solely to their tendency to shift in the cargo hold are not PDMs. For international shipments prepared in accordance with the IMSBC Code (incorporated by reference, see § 148.8), equivalent terminology to PDM is Material Hazardous only in Bulk (MHB).

Readily combustible material means a material that may not be a hazardous material but that can easily ignite and support combustion. Examples are wood, straw, vegetable fibers, and products made from these materials, and coal lubricants and oils. The term does not include packaging material or dunnage.

Reportable quantity or RQ means the quantity of a hazardous substance spilled or released that requires a report to the National Response Center. The specific RQs for each hazardous substance are available in 49 CFR 172.101, Appendix A.

Responsible person means a knowledgeable person who the master of a vessel or owner or operator of a barge makes responsible for all decisions relating to his or her specific task.

Seed cake means the residue remaining after vegetable oil has been extracted by a solvent or mechanical process from oil-bearing seeds, such as coconuts, cotton seed, peanuts, and linseed.

Shipper means any person by whom, or in whose name, or on whose behalf, a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a carrier; or any person by whom or in whose name, or on whose behalf, the goods are actually delivered to the carrier in relation to the contract of carriage by sea.

Shipping paper means a shipping order, bill of lading, manifest, or other shipping document serving a similar purpose.

Stowage factor means the volume in cubic meters of 1,000 kilograms (0.984 long tons) of a bulk solid material.

Threshold limit value or TLV means the time-weighted average concentration of a material that the average worker can be exposed to over a normal eight-hour working day, day after day, without adverse effect. This is a trademark term of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).

Transported includes the various operations associated with cargo transportation, such as loading, off-loading, handling, stowing, carrying, and conveying.

Trimming means any leveling of a cargo within a cargo hold or compartment, either partial or total.

Tripartite agreement means an agreement between the national administrations of the port of loading, the port of discharge, and the flag state of the vessel, on the conditions of carriage of a cargo.

Ventilation means exchange of air from outside to inside a cargo space and includes the following types:

(1) Continuous ventilation means ventilation that is operating at all times. Continuous ventilation may be either natural or mechanical;

(2) Mechanical ventilation means power-generated ventilation;

(3) Natural ventilation means ventilation that is not power-generated; and

(4) Surface ventilation means ventilation of the space above the cargo. Surface ventilation may be either natural or mechanical.

Vessel means a cargo ship or barge.

[75 FR 64591, Oct. 19, 2010, as amended by USCG-2013-0671, 78 FR 60154, Sept. 30, 2013]
§ 148.5 - Alternative procedures.

(a) The Commandant (CG-ENG-5) may authorize the use of an alternative procedure, including exemptions to the IMSBC Code (incorporated by reference, see § 148.8), in place of any requirement of this part if it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Coast Guard that the requirement is impracticable or unnecessary and that an equivalent level of safety can be maintained.

(b) Each request for authorization of an alternative procedure must—

(1) Be in writing;

(2) Name the requirement for which the alternative is requested; and

(3) Contain a detailed explanation of—

(i) Why the requirement is impractical or unnecessary; and

(ii) How an equivalent level of safety will be maintained.

§ 148.7 - OMB control numbers assigned under the Paperwork Reduction Act.

The information collection requirements in this part are approved by the Office of Management and Budget, and assigned OMB control number 1625-0025.

§ 148.8 - Incorporation by reference.

(a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030 or go to Also, it is available for inspection at the Coast Guard Headquarters. Contact Commandant (CG-ENG-5), Attn: Hazardous Materials Division, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20593-7509. The material is also available from the sources listed in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) International Maritime Organization (IMO), 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom, + 44 (0)20 7735 7611,

(1) International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code and Supplement, 2009 edition (“IMSBC Code”), incorporation by reference, excluding supplemental materials, approved for §§ 148.3; 148.5(a); 148.15(d); 148.55(b); 148.205(b); 148.220(b) and (c); 148.240(h); 148.450(a), (d), and (g).

(2) [Reserved]

(c) United Nations Publications, 2 United Nations Plaza, Room DC2-853, Dept. C089, New York, NY 10017, (800) 253-9646,

(1) Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria, Fifth revised edition (2009) (“UN Manual of Tests and Criteria”), incorporation by reference approved for §§ 148.205(b); 148.220(b) and (c).

(2) [Reserved]

[75 FR 64591, Oct. 19, 2010, as amended by USCG-2013-0671, 78 FR 60154, Sept. 30, 2013]
§ 148.9 - Right of appeal.

Any person directly affected by enforcement of this part by or on behalf of the Coast Guard may appeal the decision or action under Subpart 1.03 of this chapter.

§ 148.10 - Permitted materials.

(a) A material listed in Table 148.10 of this section may be transported as a bulk solid cargo on a vessel if it is carried according to this part. A material that is not listed in Table 148.10 of this section, but which is hazardous or a Potentially Dangerous Material (PDM), requires a Special Permit under § 148.15 of this part to be transported on the navigable waters of the United States.

(b) For each listed material, Table 148.10 identifies the hazard class and gives the BCSN or directs the user to the preferred BCSN. In addition, the table lists specific hazardous or potentially dangerous characteristics associated with each material and specifies or references detailed special requirements in this part pertaining to the stowage or transport of specific bulk solid materials. The column descriptions for Table 148.10 are defined as follows:

(1) Column 1: Bulk Solid Material Descriptions and Bulk Cargo Shipping Names (BCSN). Column 1 lists the bulk solid material descriptions and the BCSNs of materials designated as hazardous or PDM. BCSNs are limited to those shown in Roman type. Trade names and additional descriptive text are shown in italics.

(2) Column 2: I.D. Number. Column 2 lists the identification number assigned to each BCSN associated with a hazardous material. Those preceded by the letters “UN” are associated with BCSNs considered appropriate for international voyages as well as domestic voyages. Those preceded by the letters “NA” are associated with BCSNs not recognized for international voyages, except to and from Canada.

(3) Column 3: Hazard Class or Division. Column 3 designates the hazard class or division, or PDM, as appropriate, corresponding to each BCSN.

(4) Column 4: References. Column 4 refers the user to the preferred BCSN corresponding to bulk solid material descriptions listed in Column 1.

(5) Column 5: Hazardous or Potentially Dangerous Characteristics. Column 5 specifies codes for hazardous or potentially dangerous characteristics applicable to specific hazardous materials or PDMs. Refer to § 148.11 of this part for the meaning of each code.

(6) Column 6: Other Characteristics. Column 6 contains other pertinent characteristics applicable to specific bulk solid materials listed in Column 1.

(7) Column 7: Special Requirements. Column 7 specifies the applicable sections of Part 148 of this chapter that contain detailed special requirements pertaining to stowage and/or transportation of specific bulk solid materials in this part. This column is completed in a manner which indicates that “§ 148.” precedes the designated numerical entry.

(c) The following requirements apply to combinations of bulk solids carried at the same time and in the same compartment or hold:

Combinations of bulk solid materials Requirements
(1) Material listed in Table 148.10 carried with any other non-hazardous bulk solid materialRequirements specified in Table 148.10 for the listed material.
(2) Material carried under Special Permit with any non-hazardous bulk solid materialRequirements specified in the Special Permit.
(3) Two or more materials listed in Table 148.10Must apply for a Special Permit.

(d) An owner, agent, master, operator, or person in charge of a vessel or barge carrying materials listed in Table 148.10 of this section must follow the requirements contained in 46 CFR part 4 for providing notice and reporting of marine casualties and retaining voyage records.

Table 148.10—Bulk Solid Hazardous Materials Table

Bulk solid material descriptions and bulk cargo shipping names I.D. No. Hazard class or
References Hazardous or potentially dangerous characteristics (see § 148.11) Other characteristics Special
requirements (§ 148.* * *)
Aluminum Ferrosilicon PowderUN13954.3, 6.1 2, 3Fine powder or briquettes135, 255, 405(b), 407, 415(a) & (e), 420(b), 445
Aluminum NitrateUN14385.1 4Colorless or white crystals140
Aluminum Silicon Powder, UncoatedUN13984.3 2, 3 135, 255, 405(b), 407 415(a) & (e), 420(b), 445
Aluminum Smelting By-products or Aluminum Re-melting ByproductsUN31704.3 1, 2, 3Includes aluminum dross, residues, spent cathodes, spent potliner, and skimmings135, 405(b), 420(b), 445
Ammonium NitrateUN19425.1 5, 27 140, 205, 405(a), 407, 410
Ammonium Nitrate Based FertilizerUN20675.1 5, 27 140, 205, 405(a), 407, 410
Ammonium Nitrate Based FertilizerUN20719 6Nitrogen, Phosphate, or Potash140, 220, 405(a), 407
Barium NitrateUN14665.1, 6.1 4, 7 140
Brown Coal BriquettesPDM 11, 12, 14, 25 155, 240, 405(b), 407, 415(b), 420(a), 445
Calcium fluorideSee Fluorospar
Calcium NitrateUN14545.1 4White crystals or powder140, 227
Calcium OxideSee Lime, Unslaked
Castor BeansUN29699 10Whole beans150, 235
CharcoalPDM 1, 11, 12Screenings, briquettes155
Chili SaltpeterSee Sodium Nitrate
Chilean Natural NitrateSee Sodium Nitrate
CoalPDM 11, 12, 13, 14, 25 155, 240, 405(b), 407, 415(b), 420(a) & (c), 445, 450
CopraUN13634.2 11, 12Dry130, 242
Direct reduced iron (A) with not more than 5% finesPDM 1, 2, 12Hot-molded briquettes155, 250, 420(b)
Direct reduced iron (B) with not more than 5% finesPDM 1, 2, 12Lumps, pellets, and cold-molded briquettes155, 245, 405(b), 407, 420(b), 445
Environmentally Hazardous Substances, Solid, n.o.s.UN30779Hazardous substances listed in 40 CFR part 30215 150, 270
FerrophosphorousPDM 2, 3Including briquettes155, 415(e), 445
Ferrosilicon with 30-90% siliconUN14084.3, 6.1 2, 3 135, 255, 405(b), 407, 415(a) & (e), 420(b), 445
Ferrosilicon with 25%-30% silicon or 90% or more siliconPDM 155, 255, 405(b), 407, 415 (a) & (e), 420(b), 445
Ferrous SulfateSee Environmentally Hazardous Substances, Solid, n.o.s
Ferrous Metal Borings, Shavings, Turnings, or CuttingsUN27934.2 11, 12 130, 260
Fish Meal Stabilized or Fish Scrap, StabilizedUN22169 11, 12Ground and pelletized (mixture), anti-oxidant treated150, 265
FluorosparPDM 8, 24 155, 440(a), 450
Garbage TankageSee Tankage
Iron Oxide, Spent or Iron Sponge, SpentUN13764.2 3, 11, 12, 14 130, 275, 415(c), (d) & (f), 445
Iron SwarfSee Ferrous Metal Borings, Shavings, Turnings, or Cuttings
Lead NitrateUN14695.1, 6.1 4, 7, 22, 26 140, 270
LigniteSee Brown Coal Briquettes
Lime, UnslakedPDM 1 155, 230
Linted Cotton Seed containing not more than 9% moisture and not more than 20.5% oilPDM 11, 12 155
Magnesia, UnslakedPDM 1Lightburned magnesia, calcined magnesite155, 280
Magnesium NitrateUN14745.1 4 140
Metal Sulfide ConcentratesPDM 8, 11, 12, 22, 24Solid, finely divided sulfide concentrates of copper, iron, lead, nickel, zinc, or other metalliferous ores155, 285, 450
Peat Moss with moisture content of more than 65% by weightPDM 8, 12, 13, 14, 24Fine to coarse fibrous structure155, 290, 450
Pencil PitchSee Pitch Prill
Petroleum Coke calcined or uncalcined at >55 °C (131 °F)PDM 11 155, 295
Pitch PrillPDM 14, 16 155
Potassium NitrateUN14865.1 4 140
Prilled Coal TarSee Pitch Prill
Pyrites, CalcinedPDM 8, 9, 24Fly ash155, 225, 450
Pyritic ashSee Pyrites, Calcined
QuicklimeSee Lime, Unslaked
Radioactive MaterialUN29127 17Low specific activity145, 300
Radioactive MaterialUN29137 17Surface contaminated objects145, 300
Rough Ammonia TankageSee Tankage
SaltpeterSee Potassium Nitrate
SawdustPDM 12, 18 155, 405(a), 407
Seed CakeUN13864.2 12, 19Mechanically expelled or solvent extractions130, 310
Seed CakeUN22174.2 12, 19Solvent extractions130, 310
Silicomanganese with silicon content of 25% or morePDM 2, 3, 12With known hazard profile or known to evolve gases155, 405(b), 407, 415(a) & (d), 420(b), 445
Sodium NitrateUN14985.1 4 140
Sodium Nitrate and Potassium Nitrate MixtureUN14995.1 4Mixtures prepared as fertilizer140
Steel SwarfSee Ferrous Metal Borings, Shavings, Turnings, or Cuttings
SulfurUN13504.1 14, 20Lumps or coarse-grained powder125, 315, 405(a), 407, 435
SulfurNA13509 14, 20Not subject to the requirements of this subchapter when formed into specific shapes (i.e., prills, granules, pellets, pastiles, or flakes)125, 315, 405(a), 407, 435
TankagePDM 11 155, 320
Tankage FertilizerSee Tankage
Vanadium OrePDM 21 155
Wood chips, Wood Pellets, Wood Pulp PelletsPDM 12 155, 325
Zinc AshesUN14354.3 2, 3, 23Includes zinc dross, residues, and skimmings135, 330, 405(b), 407, 420(b), 435, 445
§ 148.11 - Hazardous or potentially dangerous characteristics.

(a) General. When Column 5 refers to a code for a hazardous material or PDM, the meaning of that code is set forth in this section.

(b) Table of Hazardous or Potentially Dangerous Characteristics.

Code Hazardous or potentially dangerous characteristic
1Contact with water may cause heating.
2Contact with water may cause evolution of flammable gases, which may form explosive mixtures with air.
3Contact with water may cause evolution of toxic gases.
4If involved in a fire, will greatly intensify the burning of combustible materials.
5A major fire aboard a vessel carrying this material may involve a risk of explosion in the event of contamination (e.g., by a fuel oil) or strong confinement. If heated strongly will decompose, giving off toxic gases that support combustion.
6These mixtures may be subject to self-sustaining decomposition if heated. Decomposition, once initiated, may spread throughout the remainder, producing gases that are toxic.
7Toxic if swallowed and by dust inhalation.
8Harmful and irritating by dust inhalation.
9Highly corrosive to steel.
10Powerful allergen. Toxic by ingestion. Skin contact or inhalation of dust may cause severe irritation of skin, eyes, and mucous membranes in some people.
11May be susceptible to spontaneous heating and ignition.
12Liable to cause oxygen depletion in the cargo space.
13Liable to emit methane gas which can form explosive mixtures with air.
14Dust forms explosive mixtures with air.
15May present substantial danger to the public health or welfare or the environment when released into the environment. Skin contact and dust inhalation should be avoided.
16Combustible. Burns with dense black smoke. Dust may cause skin and eye irritation.
17Radiation hazard from dust inhalation and contact with mucous membranes.
18Susceptible to fire from sparks and open flames.
19May self-heat slowly and, if wet or containing an excessive proportion of unoxidized oil, ignite spontaneously.
20Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases.
21Dust may contain toxic constituents.
22Lead nitrate and lead sulfide are hazardous substances; see code 15 of this table and § 148.270.
23Hazardous substance when consisting of pieces having a diameter less than 100 micrometers (0.004 in.); see code 15 of this table and § 148.270.
24Cargo subject to liquefaction.
25Subject to liquefaction if average particle size of cargo is less than 10 mm (.394 in.).
26This entry is considered a Marine Pollutant in accordance with 49 CFR 172.101 Appendix B.
27This entry is considered a certain dangerous cargo in accordance with 33 CFR 160.202.
[75 FR 64591, Oct. 19, 2010, as amended by USCG-2005-21869, 80 FR 5336, Jan. 30, 2015]
§ 148.12 - Assignment and certification.

(a) The National Cargo Bureau is authorized to assist the Coast Guard in administering the provisions of this part by—

(1) Inspecting vessels for suitability for loading solid materials in bulk;

(2) Examining stowage of solid materials loaded in bulk on board vessels;

(3) Making recommendations on stowage requirements applicable to the transportation of solid materials in bulk; and

(4) Issuing certificates of loading that verify stowage of the solid material in bulk meets requirements of this part.

(b) Certificates of loading from the National Cargo Bureau are accepted as evidence of compliance with bulk solid transport regulations.

authority: 33 U.S.C. 1602; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; 46 U.S.C. 3306,5111; 49 U.S.C. 5103; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1
source: 75 FR 64591, Oct. 19, 2010, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 46 CFR 148.10