Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 26, 2025
Title 46 - Shipping last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 160.045-1 - Scope.
(a) This subpart contains structural and performance standards for approval of throwable PFDs for use on recreational vessels, as well as requirements for production follow-up inspections, associated manuals, information pamphlets or placards, and markings.
(b) Throwable PFDs approved under this subpart may rely entirely on inherently buoyant material, or rely entirely or partially upon inflation to achieve the minimum buoyancy.
(c) Throwable PFDs approved under this subpart are intended to meet the carriage requirements for uninspected commercial vessels under 40 ft (12 m) not carrying passengers for hire and recreational boats, in accordance with 33 CFR part 175.
§ 160.045-3 - Definitions.
The following definitions apply to this subpart:
Commandant means the Chief of the Lifesaving and Fire Safety Standards Division. Address: Commandant (CG-ENG-4), Attn: Lifesaving and Fire Safety Division, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509; email
First quality workmanship means construction that is free from any defect materially affecting appearance or serviceability.
Recognized laboratory means an independent laboratory accepted by the Commandant in accordance with subpart 159.010 of this subchapter, with a valid memorandum of understanding in accordance with § 159.010-7 of this subchapter.
§ 160.045-5 - Incorporation by reference.
Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for inspection at the Coast Guard Headquarters and at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact Commandant (CG-ENG-4), Attn: Lifesaving and Fire Safety Division, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20593-7509. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit or email: The material may be obtained from UL, 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2002; phone 847-272-8800; website:
(a) ANSI/CAN/UL 9595:2021, Standard for Safety Factory Follow-Up on Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs), First Edition, June 4, 2020 (including revisions through September 9, 2021) (“ANSI/CAN/UL 9595”); IBR approved for § 160.045-15(e).
(b) ANSI/UL 1123, Standard for Safety Marine Buoyant Devices, Seventh Edition, October 1, 2008 (including revisions through November 23, 2020); IBR approved for §§ 160.045-7(e); 160.045-13(d).
(c) ANSI/UL 1175, Standard for Safety Buoyant Cushions, Fourth Edition, April 20, 2007 (including revisions through January 10, 2020); IBR approved for §§ 160.045-7(e); 160.045-13(d).
§ 160.045-7 - Design, construction, and performance of throwable PFDs.
(a) General. Every throwable PFD must conform to the requirements as accepted by the Commandant for listing and labeling by a recognized laboratory, and must be of such design, materials, and construction as to meet the requirements specified in this section.
(b) Designs and constructions. Throwable PFDs must not provide means for adjustment or close fitting to the body. Methods of construction must provide strengths, with reinforcements where necessary, to be adequate for the intended use and purpose of the device.
(c) Materials. All materials used in any device covered by this subpart must meet the applicable requirements of subpart 164.019 of this chapter, must be all new materials, must be suitable for the purpose intended, and must be at least equivalent to corresponding materials specified for standard buoyant cushions. Hardware or fastenings must be of sufficient strength for the purpose of the device and must be of inherently corrosion-resistant material, such as stainless steel, brass, bronze, certain plastics, etc. Decorative platings of any thickness are permissible. Fabrics, coated fabrics, tapes, and webbing must be either mildew-resistant or treated for mildew resistance. Buoyancy provided by inherently buoyant material must not be dependent upon loose, granulated material.
(d) Standard construction. A standard foam cushion that is designed to be thrown must be 2 inches or more in thickness and must have 225 or more square inches of top surface area.
(e) Nonstandard construction. A nonstandard throwable PFD must meet the requirements in ANSI/UL 1123 or ANSI/UL 1175 (both incorporated by reference, see § 160.045-5) and any additional requirements that the Commandant may prescribe to approve unique or novel designs.
(f) Buoyancy. (1) Ring life buoys must have 16
1/2 pounds or more of buoyancy.
(2) Foam cushions must have 18 pounds or more of buoyancy.
(3) A device other than those standard devices specified in paragraph (f)(1) or (2) of this section must have 20 pounds or more of buoyancy.
(g) Workmanship. Throwable PFDs must be of first quality workmanship and must be free from any defects materially affecting their appearance or serviceability.
§ 160.045-9 - Approval procedures for throwable PFDs.
(a) Each application for approval of a throwable PFD must be submitted directly to a Coast Guard recognized laboratory.
(b) The recognized laboratory must determine if a throwable PFD with novel design features requires a preliminary review by the Coast Guard prior to testing. Submissions requiring preliminary review must be sent to, and must include a full description and drawings. Pictures, samples, and preliminary test results may also be submitted.
§ 160.045-11 - Recognized laboratory.
(a) The approval inspections and tests required by § 160.045-13, and production inspections, tests, and quality control required by § 160.045-15, must be conducted by an independent laboratory recognized by the Coast Guard under 46 CFR subpart 159.010 to perform such functions. A list of recognized independent laboratories is available from the Commandant and online at:
(b) The same laboratory that performs the approval tests must also perform production oversight unless the employees of the laboratory performing production oversight receive training and support equal to that of the laboratory that performed the approval testing, as determined by the Commandant.
§ 160.045-13 - Approval inspections and tests.
(a) Each throwable PFD must be certified by a recognized laboratory as meeting the requirements of this subpart. Approval tests must be conducted or supervised by a recognized laboratory using PFDs constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted with the application for approval.
(b) Each throwable PFD design must be visually examined for compliance with the construction and performance requirements of this subpart.
(c) Standard PFDs must be submerged in fresh water for 24 or more continuous hours. The measured buoyancy after the 24 hours of submersion must be the buoyancy specified in § 160.045-7(f).
(d) Non-standard throwable PFDs must be subjected to approval tests specified in ANSI/UL 1123 or ANSI/UL 1175 (both incorporated by reference, see § 160.045-5) or another test program accepted by the Commandant. Approval tests must be conducted or supervised by a recognized laboratory using throwable PFDs constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted with the application for approval.
(e) The Commandant may prescribe additional tests for approval of novel or unique designs.
§ 160.045-15 - Production inspections, tests, and quality control of throwable PFDs.
(a) Manufacturer's inspection and tests. Manufacturers of approved throwable PFDs must maintain quality control of the materials used, manufacturing methods and the finished product to meet the applicable requirements, and make sufficient inspections and tests of representative samples and components produced to maintain the quality of the finished product. Records of tests conducted by the manufacturer and records of materials, including affidavits by suppliers that applicable requirements are met, must be made available to the recognized laboratory inspector or to the Coast Guard marine inspector, or both, for review upon request.
(b) Laboratory inspections and tests. The laboratory inspector will conduct examinations, inspections, and tests for listed and labeled devices, as required by the recognized laboratory, at the place of manufacture or other location at the option of the laboratory.
(c) Test facilities. The laboratory inspector, or the Coast Guard marine inspector assigned by the Commander of the District in which the factory is located, or both, must be admitted to any place in the factory where work is being done on listed and labeled products. Either or both inspectors may take samples of parts or materials entering construction or final assemblies, for further examinations, inspections, or tests. The manufacturer must provide a suitable place and the apparatus necessary for the performance of the tests done at the place of manufacture.
(d) Additional tests, etc. Unannounced examinations, tests, and inspections of samples obtained either directly from the manufacturer or through commercial channels may be made to determine the suitability of a product for listing and labeling, or to determine conformance of a labeled product to the applicable requirements. These may be conducted by the recognized laboratory or by the United States Coast Guard.
(e) Follow-up program. A follow-up program in accordance with ANSI/CAN/UL 9595 (incorporated by reference, see § 160.045-5) meets the requirements of this section.
§ 160.045-17 - Marking and Labeling.
(a) Each throwable PFD must be marked in accordance with the recognized laboratory's listing and labeling requirements in accordance with § 160.045-3(a). At a minimum, all labels must include—
(1) Size information, as appropriate;
(2) The Coast Guard approval number;
(3) Manufacturer's contact information;
(4) Model name/number;
(5) Lot number, manufacturer date; and
(6) Any limitations or restrictions on approval or special instructions for use.
(b) Marking must be of a type that will be durable and legible for the expected life of the device.
(c) The Commandant may prescribe additional marking requirements for special purpose devices or unique or novel designs.
§ 160.045-21 - PFD manuals.
(a) An owner's manual must be provided with each fully or partially inflatable throwable PFD sold or offered for sale. The text of each manual is reviewed with the application for approval.
(b) The Commandant may prescribe additional information in the manual for special purpose devices or unique or novel designs.
(c) Additional information, instructions, or illustrations may be included in the owner's manual if there is no contradiction to the required information.
§ 160.045-23 - Procedure for approval of design or material change.
(a) The manufacturer must submit any proposed changes in design, material, or construction to the recognized laboratory for approval before changing throwable PFD production methods.
(b) Determinations of equivalence of design, construction, and materials may be made only by the Commandant or a designated representative.
§ 160.045-25 - Suspension or termination of approval.
As provided in 46 CFR 159.005-15, the Commandant may suspend or terminate the approval of a throwable PFD if the manufacturer fails to comply with this subpart or the recognized laboratory's accepted procedures or requirements.
authority: 46 U.S.C. 2103,
4302; E.O. 12234; 45 FR 58801; 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; and DHS Delegation 00170.1, Revision No. 01.4
cite as: 46 CFR 160.045-3