Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 46 - Shipping last revised: Sep 23, 2024
§ 401.200 - Application for registration.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 76347, Sept. 17, 2024.

(a) An application for registration as a U.S. Registered Pilot shall be made on Form CG-4509, which shall be submitted with two full-face photographs, 1 1/2 inches by 2 inches, signed on the face. These forms may be obtained from the Director.

(b) [Reserved]

[32 FR 14220, Oct. 13, 1967, as amended by CGD 78-144b, 44 FR 64837, Nov. 8, 1979. Redesignated at 61 FR 32655, June 25, 1996, and further redesignated by USCG-1998-3976, 63 FR 35139, June 29, 1998; USCG-2008-0906, 73 FR 56511, Sept. 29, 2008]
§ 401.210 - Requirements and qualifications for registration.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 76347, Sept. 17, 2024.

(a) No person shall be registered as a United States Registered Pilot unless:

(1) The individual holds a license or MMC endorsed as a master, mate, or pilot, issued under the authority of the provisions of Title 52 of the Revised Statutes, and has acquired at least twenty-four months service as a licensed or credentialed officer or comparable experience on vessels or integrated tugs and tows, of 4,000 gross tons, or over, operating on the Great Lakes or oceans. Those applicants qualifying with ocean service must have obtained at least six months of service as a licensed or credentialed officer or comparable experience on the Great Lakes. Those applicants qualifying with comparable experience must have served a minimum of twelve months as a deck officer under the authority of their license or MMC.

(2) The individual is a citizen of the United States.

(3) The individual is of good moral character and temperate habits.

(4) The individual is physically competent to perform the duties of a U.S. Registered Pilot and meets the medical requirements prescribed by the Commandant.

(5) The individual has not reached the age of 70.

(6) Until April 15, 2009, the individual possesses a validated Merchant Mariner's Document issued by the Coast Guard or a valid Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC). After April 15, 2009, the individual must posses a valid TWIC.

(7) The individual agrees to be available for service under the terms and conditions as may be approved or prescribed by the Commandant.

(8) The individual has complied with the requirements set forth in § 401.220(b) for Applicant Pilots if applying for registration for waters in which a pilotage pool is authorized.

(9) The individual agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of this part and amendments thereto.

(b) Any person registered as a United States Registered Pilot pursuant to the provisions of this part whose application contains false or misleading statements furnished by the applicant in furtherance of his or her application shall be in violation of these regulations and may be proceeded against under § 401.250(a) or § 401.500.

[29 FR 10464, July 28, 1964] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 401.210, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 401.211 - Requirements for training of Applicant Pilots.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 76348, Sept. 17, 2024.

(a) The Director shall determine the number of Applicant Pilots required to be in training by each Association authorized to form a pool in order to assure an adequate number of Registered Pilots. No Applicant Pilot shall be selected for training unless:

(1) The individual meets the requirements and qualifications set forth in paragraphs (a) (1) through (4), (6), (7), and (9) of § 401.210.

(2) The individual shall not have reached the age of 60.

(3) The individual possesses a radar observer competency certificate or equivalent U.S. Coast Guard endorsement.

(b) For purpose of determining whether an applicant meets the experience requirements contained in § 401.210(a)(1), not more than twelve months of “comparable experience” may be used in fulfilling the twenty-four month experience requirement.

(c) The Director shall approve the United States Registered Pilots that are designated by the authorized pilot organization to provide training to those pilots that are in training to be registered pilots.

(d) Persons desiring to be considered as an Applicant Pilot shall file with the Director a completed Application Form, CG-4509, with two full-face photographs, 1 1/2 inches by 2 inches, signed on the face.

(e) Individuals selected as Applicant Pilots by the Director shall be issued a U.S. Coast Guard Applicant Pilot Identification Card, which shall be valid until such time as (1) the applicant is registered as a pilot under § 401.210; (2) the applicant withdraws from the training program, or (3) upon withdrawal by the Director.

[29 FR 10465, July 28, 1964] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 401.211, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 401.214 - xxx
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 76348, Sept. 17, 2024.
§ 401.220 - Registration of pilots.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 76349, Sept. 17, 2024.

(a) The Director shall determine the number of pilots required to be registered in order to assure adequate and efficient pilotage service in the United States waters of the Great Lakes and to provide for equitable participation of United States Registered Pilots with Canadian Registered Pilots in the rendering of pilotage services. The Director determines the number of pilots needed as follows:

(1) The Director determines the base number of pilots needed by dividing each area's peak pilotage demand data by its pilot work cycle. The pilot work cycle standard includes any time that the Director finds to be a necessary and reasonable component of ensuring that a pilotage assignment is carried out safely, efficiently, and reliably for each area. These components may include, but are not limited to—

(i) Amount of time a pilot provides pilotage service or is available to a vessel's master to provide pilotage service;

(ii) Pilot travel time, measured from the pilot's base, to and from an assignment's starting and ending points;

(iii) Assignment delays and detentions;

(iv) Administrative time for a pilot who serves as a pilotage association's president;

(v) Rest between assignments, as required by § 401.451;

(vi) Ten days' recuperative rest per month from April 15 through November 15 each year, provided that lesser rest allowances are approved by the Director at the pilotage association's request, if necessary to provide pilotage without interruption through that period; and

(vii) Pilotage-related training.

(2) Pilotage demand and the base seasonal work standard are based on available and reliable data, as so deemed by the Director, for a multi-year base period. The multi-year period is the 10 most recent full shipping seasons, and the data source is a system approved under 46 CFR 403.300. Where such data are not available or reliable, the Director also may use data, from additional past full shipping seasons or other sources, that the Director determines to be available and reliable.

(3) The number of pilots needed in each district is calculated by totaling the area results by district and rounding them up to a whole integer. For supportable circumstances, the Director may make reasonable and necessary adjustments to the rounded result to provide for changes that the Director anticipates will affect the need for pilots in the district over the period for which base rates are being established.

(b) Registration of pilots shall be made from among those Applicant Pilots who have (1) completed the minimum number of trips prescribed by the Commandant over the waters for which application is made on oceangoing vessels, in company with a Registered Pilot, within 1 year of date of application, (2) completed a course of instruction for Applicant Pilots prescribed by the association authorized to establish the pilotage pool, (3) satisfactorily completed a written examination prescribed by the Commandant, evidencing his knowledge and understanding of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations, Rules and Orders; the Memorandum of Arrangements, Great Lakes Pilotage, between the United States and Canada; and other related matters including the working rules and operating procedures of his district, given at such time and place as the Commandant may designate within the pilotage district of the Applicant Pilot.

(c) The Pilot Association authorized to establish a pool in which an Applicant Pilot has qualified for registration under paragraph (b) of this section shall submit to the Director in writing its recommendations together with its reasons for the registration of the Applicant.

(d) Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section, a pilot found to be qualified under this subpart shall be issued a Certificate of Registration, valid for a term of five (5) years or until the expiration of his master's, mate's or pilot's endorsement issued under the authority of Title 52 of the Revised Statutes or until the pilot reaches age 70, whichever occurs first.

(e) The Director may, when necessary to assure adequate and efficient pilotage service, issue a temporary certificate of registration for a period of less than 1 year to any person found qualified under this subpart regardless of age.

[29 FR 10465, July 28, 1964] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 401.220, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 401.222 - xxx
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 76349, Sept. 17, 2024.
§ 401.230 - Certificates of Registration.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 76349, Sept. 17, 2024.

(a) A Certificate of Registration shall describe the part or parts of the Great Lakes within which the pilot is authorized to perform pilotage services and such description shall not be inconsistent with the terms of the pilotage authorization in his or her master's, mate's, or pilot's endorsement issued under the authority of Title 52 of the Revised Statutes.

(b) A Certificate of Registration shall not authorize the holder to board any vessel, or to serve as a pilot of any vessel, without the permission of the owner or master. A Certificate of Registration shall be in the possession of a pilot at all times when he or she is in the service of a vessel, and shall be displayed upon demand of the owner or master, any United States Coast Guard officer or inspector, or a representative of the Director.

(c) A Certificate of Registration evidencing registration of the holder is the property of the U.S. Coast Guard and it shall not be pledged, deposited, or surrendered to any person except as authorized by this part. A Certificate of Registration may not be photostated or copied. A Certificate which has expired without renewal, or renewal of which has been denied under the provisions of this section, shall be surrendered to the Director upon demand.

(d) An application for a replacement of a lost, damaged, or defaced Certificate of Registration shall be made in writing to the Director together with two full-face photographs, 1 1/2 inches by 2 inches, signed on the face. A replacement fee of five dollars ($5) by check or money order, drawn to the order of the U.S. Coast Guard, shall accompany any such application. A Certificate issued as a replacement for a lost, damaged, or defaced Certificate shall be marked so as to indicate that it is a replacement. Upon receipt of a Certificate issued as a replacement, the damaged or defaced Certificate shall be surrendered to the Director.

(e) A Certificate of Registration may be voluntarily surrendered to the Director by a Registered Pilot at any time such pilot no longer desires to perform pilotage services; however, in the event such Registered Pilot has been served with a notice of hearing pursuant to § 401.250, a voluntary surrender of the Certificate of Registration shall be at the option of the Director.

[29 FR 10465, July 28, 1964, as amended at 31 FR 9065, July 1, 1966; 32 FR 14221, Oct. 13, 1967; CGD 78-144a, 44 FR 19363, Apr. 2, 1979; 61 FR 5721, Feb. 14, 1996. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 32655, June 25, 1996, and further redesignated and amended by USCG-1998-3976, 63 FR 35139, 35140, June 29, 1998; USCG-2002-13058, 67 FR 61279, Sept. 30, 2002; USCG-2006-24371, 74 FR 11267, Mar. 16, 2009]
§ 401.240 - Renewal of Certificates of Registration.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 76350, Sept. 17, 2024.

(a) An application for renewal of a Certificate of Registration shall be submitted to the Director together with two full-face photographs, 1 1/2 inches by 2 inches, signed on the face, at least 15 days before the expiration date of the existing Certificate. The form for renewal of Certificates of Registration may be obtained from the Director. A renewal fee of 5 dollars by check or money order, drawn to the order of the U.S. Coast Guard, shall accompany an application for renewal of registration, which will be refunded if registration is not renewed. Failure of a Registered Pilot to comply with these requirements or file a complete and sufficient application may constitute cause for denying renewal of the Certificate of Registration.

(b) No Certificate of Registration shall be renewed unless the applicant for renewal thereof meets the requirements and qualifications set forth in § 401.210 for issuance of an original Certificate of Registration; excepting that compliance with § 401.210(a)(4) shall not be required if the examination was satisfactorily passed on a previous application for registration within six (6) months next preceding the date of application for renewal.

(c) If the Director determines that there is good cause for denying renewal of a Certificate of Registration, the applicant shall be notified in writing of such determination and the cause thereof. The applicant may thereupon apply within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of such notice for a hearing in regard to the cause for the denying of a renewal of the Certificate, which hearing shall be granted.

(d) In any case in which the applicant has made timely and sufficient application for renewal of his registration, no such registration shall expire until such application shall have been finally determined by the Commandant unless the public health, interest, or safety requires otherwise.

(e) Upon receipt of a renewal Certificate of Registration, the expired Certificate shall be surrendered to the Director.

[29 FR 10465, July 28, 1964, as amended at 32 FR 14221, Oct. 13, 1967; CGFR 68-57, 33 FR 6479, Apr. 27, 1968; 61 FR 5721, Feb. 14, 1996. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 32655, June 25, 1996, and further redesignated and amended by USCG-1998-3976, 63 FR 35139, 35140, June 29, 1998]
§ 401.250 - Suspension and revocation of Certificates of Registration.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 76350, Sept. 17, 2024.

(a) Certificate of Registration issued pursuant to the provisions of this part may be suspended or revoked upon a determination on the record, after opportunity for a hearing in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. 551 through 559), that the pilot (holder) has violated any provision of this chapter or is no longer eligible for registration.

(b) When a Certificate of Registration which is about to expire is suspended, the renewal of such certificate may be withheld until the expiration of the period of suspension.

(c) Whenever the public health, interest, or safety requires, the Director may deny a Registered Pilot dispatch for a period not to exceed 30 days pending investigation by the U.S. Coast Guard or other agency having jurisdiction in the matter.

(d) Every U.S. Registered Pilot shall, whenever his or her license or MMC officer endorsement is revoked or suspended under the provisions of part 5 of this title, deliver his or her Certificate of Registration simultaneously with his or her license and/or MMC to the U.S. Coast Guard. If the license or officer endorsement is suspended, the Certificate of Registration will be held with the suspended license or officer endorsement and returned to the holder upon expiration of the suspension period.

[32 FR 14221, Oct. 13, 1967, as amended by CGFR 68-57, 33 FR 6478, Apr. 27, 1968; 61 FR 5721, Feb. 14, 1996. Redesignated at 61 FR 32655, June 25, 1996, and further redesignated and amended by USCG-1998-3976, 63 FR 35139, 35140, June 29, 1998; USCG-2002-13058, 67 FR 61279, Sept. 30, 2002; USCG-2006-24371, 74 FR 11267, Mar. 16, 2009]
§ 401.260 - Reports.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 76350, Sept. 17, 2024.

(a) A marine accident which occurs while a U.S. Registered Pilot is in the service of a vessel in U.S. or Canadian waters of the Great Lakes shall be reported by the Registered Pilot to the Director as soon as possible, but not later than 15 days after the accident. The report shall name and describe the vessel or vessels involved, and shall describe the accident, including type of accident, location, time, prevailing weather, damage to the vessel or vessels or property, and injury to persons or lives lost. This report does not relieve the pilot of responsibility for submitting any report required by other government agencies of the United States or Canada.

(b) Every U.S. Registered Pilot shall file with the Director any change of his or her mailing address within 15 days after the change.

(c) Every authorized pilotage pool of U.S. Registered Pilots rendering pilotage service shall submit, by the 10th day of the month following, a monthly report of availability, on a form provided by the Director, of all U.S. Registered Pilots and Applicant Pilots of that pool. The report shall include the availability of Canadian Registered Pilots who are assigned to that pool for administrative purposes. The report shall list the name of each pilot and show his or her availability status for each day of the month as: available, unavailable due to illness or injury, unavailable with advance notice for personal reasons, unavailability authorized by the pool for business reasons, unavailable without advance notice or unaccounted for, unavailable for disciplinary reasons. The report shall be maintained on a daily basis by an officer or employee of the pool, who shall be responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the report.

[31 FR 9065, July 1, 1966; 32 FR 14221, Oct. 13, 1967. Redesignated at 61 FR 32655, June 25, 1996, and further redesignated by USCG-1998-3976, 63 FR 35139, June 29, 1998; USCG-2002-13058, 67 FR 61279, Sept. 30, 2002]
authority: 46 U.S.C. 2103,2104,6101,7701,8105,9303,9304; DHS Delegation No. 00170.1, Revision No. 01.3, paragraphs (II)(92)(a), (d), (e), (f)
cite as: 46 CFR 401.210