Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 46 - Shipping last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 232.4 - Balance sheet accounts.

(a) Accounts defined. Each account is identified by an account number and an account title, followed by a text describing the accounting information to be included in that account. Where considered necessary, accounting procedures are also included to explain how the contractor shall disclose information for reporting purposes.

(b) Purpose of balance sheet accounts. The balance sheet accounts are intended to disclose the financial condition of the contractor as of a given date.

(A) Asset Accounts.

(1) 100 Cash.

(i) This account shall include the amount of current funds available on demand in the hands of financial officers or deposited in banks or trust companies, including cash in transit for which agents or others have received credit. Cash appropriated or otherwise restricted for any purpose shall be included in Account 300, “Restricted Funds.”

(ii) Compensating balances included in this account shall be disclosed by appropriate footnote.

(2) 120 Marketable Securities.

(i) This account shall include securities and other temporary investments which are available for general purposes of the business. In no case shall securities of the reporting contractor or of a related party be included in this account. Separate subaccounts may be used to account for discounts and premiums on marketable securities.

(ii) For financial reporting, the lower of aggregate cost or market value at the balance sheet date shall be used to value securities included in this account.

(3) 140 Notes Receivable.

(i) This account shall include the amount of all obligations in the form of short-term notes receivable or other evidences (except interest coupons) of money receivable and due on demand or within one year from date of issue.

(ii) Separate subaccounts shall be used to segregate notes receivable from related parties.

(4) 150 Accounts Receivable.

(i) This account shall include trade or traffic receivables and claims receivable from insurance underwriters and other miscellaneous receivables not otherwise provided for in other accounts. Accrued accounts receivable for interest, dividends, rents, royalties, charters and other unmatured receivables of a current nature shall be reported in this account, except those accrued amounts which are required to be deposited to a restricted fund.

(ii) Separate subaccounts shall be used to segregate trade or traffic receivables, claims receivables and miscellaneous receivables. Receivables arising from transactions with related parties shall also be segregated.

(iii) This account shall also be used to report construction-differential subsidy (CDS) and operating-differential subsidy (ODS) estimated to have accrued to the contractor and which remain unpaid as of the balance sheet date.

(iv) Separate subaccounts shall be maintained by contract number and, under each contract, identified by year of termination and by category of subsidy as applicable, e.g., for CDS categories may include design and inspection costs; and for ODS categories may include wages, maintenance and repair, and any other category for which the contractor receives an operating subsidy.

(5) 160 Allowance for Bad Debts.

This account shall be credited at the close of each accounting period for estimated uncollectable notes and accounts.

(6) 170 Other Current Assets.

(i) Inventories, prepaid expenses and other items that are expected to be used or consumed within 12 months of purchase or acquisition shall be reported in this account.

(ii) Acquisition of similar items that will not be used or consumed within one year should be reported as part of account 360, Other Assets.

(iii) For Financial Report purposes, this account shall be used to record the contra entries of accrued deposits in account 300 Restricted Funds.

(7) 300 Restricted Funds.

(i) This account shall include the amount of cash and securities (at cost) deposited to any restricted fund, including but not limited to Title XI Reserve or Restricted Fund, Capital Construction Fund, Construction Reserve Fund, Title XI Escrow Fund, Title XI Construction Fund, Drilling Rig Reserve Fund, Insurance Fund, Debt Retirement Fund, special and guarantee deposits.

(ii) For each fund established, subsidiary accounts shall be used to separately account for cash or securities deposited to the fund. At the close of each accounting period accrual entries shall be made to account for earned but undeposited investment income.

(iii) Compensating balances under an agreement which legally restricts the use of such funds and constitutes support for borrowing arrangements shall be included in this account.

(iv) Deposits required to be made into any Restricted Fund are to be included in the column “Accrued for Deposit”—appearing in Schedule 211. The contra entry for the accrual shall be credited to account 170 Other Current Assets.

(8) 310 Investments.

(i) This account shall include amounts of investment instruments intended to be held more than one year and includes securities of related parties, noncurrent notes receivable and noncurrent accounts receivable, both from related parties and others, cash value of life insurance policies and other investments. Noncurrent marketable securities shall be carried at the lower of aggregate cost or market value at the balance sheet date.

(ii) Separate subaccounts shall be maintained for the various investments, including those resulting from related party transactions.

(iii) For financial reporting purposes, the lower of cost or market value at the close of business on the balance sheet date will be used to value the securities included in the account except as noted below.

(iv) Investments in related parties must be reported using the equity or consolidated basis of accounting as adopted by the Financial Accounting Standards Board.

(9) 330 Property and Equipment.

(i) This account shall include the cost of acquisition or construction and related capitalizable cost, including additions and betterments and all other associated cost necessary to place the respective property and equipment in acceptable condition for its intended use. This account shall also include the capitalized amount of financing leases, computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, as prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Financial Accounting Standard Board.

(ii) Subaccounts shall be maintained by type and category of property and equipment such as, but not limited to, the following: (A) Floating equipment, including self-propelled vessels for transporting cargo or passengers in U.S. foreign or worldwide foreign commerce, tugs and barges, drilling platforms used in offshore operations, fishing and associated service vessels, service vessels used in conjunction with off-shore drilling platforms and deep-water mining operations, lighters primarily used to transport cargo within port areas and river systems or carried aboard mother vessels—i.e., LASH and SEABEE lighters and barges, other floating equipment ancillary to the operator's primary vessel operations; (B) containers and flat racks; (C) chassis and trailer equipment; (D) terminal property and cargo handling equipment; (E) other property and equipment; (F) leaseholds, leasehold improvements and Capital Leases; and (G) construction work-in-progress (to provide information by project or by type of capitalized asset cost category). For each asset account within account 330 a separate depreciation or amortization accumulation account must be established except for work-in-progress accounts.

(10) 360 Deferred Charges.

(i) This account shall be used to report expenses, the payment for which the contractor has become liable currently, but which will not be charged to income within one year of the balance sheet date.

(ii) Separate subaccounts shall be maintained to identify the different categories of expense included in this account. These subaccounts may include such items as prepaid insurance; the expense of issuing long-term debt and for absorption of discounts on the stated value of the debt instruments; organization expenses; deferred prepayments and other deferred charges.

(iii) Separate subaccounts shall be maintained for amortization of the various deferred charges included in this account.

(11) 380 Other Assets.

All assets, not otherwise provided for above, shall be reported in this account. Separate subaccounts shall be maintained for the various types of assets, including notes and accounts receivable which are not due in the normal course of business within one year of the balance sheet date. Each type of asset shall be further segregated to disclose amounts due from officers and employees of the reporting contractor or operator, officers and employees of related parties, related parties themselves, allowance for the trade in of vessels to the Maritime Administration (where the allowance is to be applied by the agency on behalf of the contractor toward progress payments on new construction) and other assets not otherwise accounted for as miscellaneous assets.

(12) 390 Intangible Assets.

(i) This account shall be used to report the amount of goodwill attributed to the cost of acquiring a business or segment of a business from an unrelated party, as well as the cost of acquiring by purchase, development or other means such intangible assets as patents, copyrights, trade names, operating rights, and similar assets.

(ii) The contractor shall maintain separate subaccounts for the identified intangible assets, including subaccounts to identify their respective amortization.

(B) Liability Accounts.

(1) 400 Notes Payable and Current Portion of Long-Term Debt.

(i) The amount reported for this account shall include the face value of notes, drafts and other evidences of indebtedness issued by the contractor which are payable on demand or within one year of the balance sheet date.

(ii) Separate subaccounts shall be used to identify different groups of creditors, e.g., banks, insurance companies, officers and employees, related parties and all other creditors.

(iii) The amount of capitalized lease liability maturing during the twelve months following the balance sheet date shall also be reported in this account. A record shall be maintained for each lease agreement, with a description of the type of equipment under lease.

(iv) This account shall not include obligations due within one year which the contractor intends to refinance on a long-term basis or which are payable from restricted funds. Long-term refinancing of short-term obligations means replacement with long-term obligations or equity securities or renewal, extension, or replacement with short-term obligations for an uninterrupted period extending beyond one year from the balance sheet date. Such short-term obligations are to be recorded in account 510, Long-term Debt.

(2) 420 Accounts Payable.

(i) The amount reported for this account shall include accounts payable—trade; accounts payable—traffic; pension and welfare funds; accounts payable—Maritime Administration; and other accounts payable.

(ii) Sufficient information shall be maintained to identify individual creditors and the general categories or classification of the liabilities.

(iii) Debts of individual creditors not incurred in the normal course of business shall be identified by group, e.g., officers and employees, affiliated companies, officers and employees of an affiliated company, and other appropriate groupings of creditors not otherwise affiliated in any way with the contractor.

(3) 440 Accrued Liabilities.

(i) This account shall be used to report the amount of accrued taxes, accrued operating expenses and other accrued liabilities arising in the regular course of business.

(ii) Subaccounts shall be maintained for each category of liability.

(4) 450 Other Current Liabilities.

(i) This account shall include all current liabilities for which no other account has been provided.

(ii) Subaccounts shall be maintained to account separately for each class of current liabilities that arise from transactions with officers or employees, affiliated companies and officers or employees of affiliated companies, and must be readily identifiable to facilitate financial reporting requirements.

(5) 470 Advance Payments and Deposits.

(i) This account shall be used to report the balance of collections from customers for services not yet provided by the contractor.

(ii) Sufficient accounting information shall be maintained to readily disclose collections from related parties.

(6) 510 Long-Term Debt.

(i) This account shall be used to report the noncurrent portion of long-term debt, including mortgage notes payable to the Maritime Administration, U.S. Government insured or guaranteed debt obligations issued under Title XI of the Act, and the face amount of bonds, debentures and other long-term debt not provided for in other accounts.

(ii) Subaccounts shall be maintained to disclose unsecured and secured debt by creditor and by secured asset.

(iii) This account shall also include the balance of the long-term portion of capitalized lease liabilities. Reporting shall be by lease agreement and type of asset leased.

(iv) This account shall also include obligations due within one year which are expected to be refinanced on a long-term basis in accordance with the discussion of Account 400.

(v) Separate subaccounts shall be maintained to record the premiums for each class of funded debt (which shall be amortized over the respective lives of the securities by credit to Account 670, Other Revenue).

(7) 530 Other Liabilities.

(i) This account shall be used to report the balance of all other liabilities maturing after one year from the balance sheet date and for which no other account has been specifically provided.

(ii) Subsidiary accounts shall be maintained for each category or type of liability and accounted for by debtor.

(iii) Reporting of balances outstanding shall show separately amounts due to officers and employees, affiliated companies and officers and employees of affiliated companies.

(8) 560 Deferred Credits.

This account shall be used to report the amount of accumulated deferred income taxes, income or credits for which no other account is specifically provided.

(C) Equity Accounts.

(1) 570 Invested Capital.

This account shall be used to report the amount of capital contribution by an individual in a proprietary company, by partners of a partnership, and by stockholders of a corporation for the par or stated value of the capital stock outstanding and additional paid-in capital.

(2) 580 Treasury Stock.

This account shall be used to report the cost to the contractor of its stock that has been reacquired.

(3) 590 Retained Earnings.

(i) This account shall be used to report the balance of restricted and unrestricted retained earnings for an incorporated business entity. Subsidiary accounts shall be used for each class of restricted earnings.

(ii) Partnerships should make appropriate changes of titles to account for partners accounts.

(iii) For purposes of meeting the Maritime Administration's Dividend Policy for Operators Receiving ODS (46 CFR part 283), accounting information for unrestricted retained earnings shall be made available to show the income or loss taken into retained earnings, dividends and other distributions paid, and the current balance of unrestricted retained earnings available for distribution.

[48 FR 30122, June 30, 1983, as amended at 58 FR 62044, Nov. 24, 1993; 58 FR 64798, Dec. 9, 1993]
§ 232.1 - Purpose and applicability.

(a) Purpose. The purpose of this regulation is to establish uniform reporting requirements for the preparation of financial reports and submissions of information to the Maritime Administration. The Maritime Administration will, as necessary, issue clarifying instructions to those subject to these reporting requirements to assist in their interpretation and application. The uniform reporting requirements consist of:

(1) A chart of accounts defined in this regulation.

(2) Standard financial report formats, set forth in Form MA-172 (Revised).

(b) Applicability. This regulation is application to all participants in financial assistant programs administered by the Maritime Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, that are required to file periodic financial reports with that agency.

[48 FR 30122, June 30, 1983, as amended at 58 FR 62043, Nov. 24, 1993]
§ 232.2 - General instructions.

(a) Use of generally accepted accounting principles. All contractors shall conform their accounting policies to generally accepted accounting principles (promulgated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants).

(b) Need to conform accounting information. All contractors may continue to use their current accounting system, if the system provides a basis for the preparation of reports in the prescribed formats and is consistent with generally accepted accounting principles.

(c) Reconciliation of financial reports. When a program participant issues certified financial statements following accounting policies different from those followed for the financial statement filed with the Maritime Administration (such as reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, public service commissions or other regulatory agencies, or reports using other acceptable accounting methods differing from methods used for this regulation's purposes), the program participant shall clearly set forth the nature and amount of each adjustment necessary to reconcile the published statements with those filed with the Maritime Administration.

(d) Submission of questions. (1) A contractor may submit in writing, or by electronic options (such as facsimile and Internet), if practicable, any question involving the interpretation of any provision of this part for consideration and decision to the Director, Office of Financial and Rate Approvals, for the Maritime Security Program, or Director, Office of Ship Financing, for the Maritime Loan Guarantee Program (Title XI), Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. Appeals from such interpretation will be in accordance with the interpretation letter.

(2) A contractor who has a question of financial accounting or reporting procedure pending before the Maritime Administration at the time a financial report is due shall file the report in accordance with established scheduled dates. The contractor shall include in the report a footnote disclosure that adequately describes the question pending, the manner of presentation in the report, and the relative impact on the balance sheet and income statement, respectively.

(e) Effective Date. This regulation is effective as of December 27, 1993 and its requirements are mandatory for financial reports for accounting periods ending on or after December 31, 1993.

[48 FR 30122, June 30, 1983, as amended at 58 FR 62043, Nov. 24, 1993; 68 FR 62537, Nov. 5, 2003; 69 FR 61449, Oct. 19, 2004]
§ 232.3 - Chart of accounts.

(a) Purpose of accounts. A contractor shall use this chart of accounts as a guide for preparing the financial statements and for other required financial reports required to be submitted to the Maritime Administration. However, whenever there is a conflict between the meaning of any term used in the Chart of Accounts in this part 232 and that stated in any revision to generally accepted accounting principles, the meaning of the latter shall control and shall be followed.

(b) Account numbers. Contractors are not required to use these account numbers or titles for their internal accounting.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2133-0005) [48 FR 30122, June 30, 1983, as amended at 58 FR 62044, Nov. 24, 1993]
§ 232.5 - Income Statement Accounts.

(a) Accounts Defined. Each account shall be identified by an account number and an account title followed by a text describing the accounting information to be included in that account.

(b) Purpose of Income and Expense Accounts. The income and expense accounts shall show for each reporting period the amount of money the contractor is entitled to receive for services rendered; the income accrued from investments in securities and property; accrued expenses; and income and expense attributable to extraordinary items.

(D) Revenue Accounts.

(1) 600 Vessel Revenue.

(i) This account shall be used to report revenue (including surcharges) from operations. As used here, vessel refers to any asset that qualifies for obligation guarantees pursuant to regulations issued under Title XI of the Act (46 CFR part 298).

(ii) For contractors who operate vessels in the U.S. foreign commerce with a construction or operating-differential subsidy agreement (CDSA or ODSA), operating revenue attributed to such vessels shall be separately accounted for to report the following: Freight-foreign, freight-coastwise and intercoastal; passenger-foreign, passenger-coastwide and intercoastal; charter revenue; and other voyage revenue. Contractors with an ODSA shall further describe freight and passenger revenue—foreign (including surcharges), U.S. foreign commerce revenue outbound and foreign commerce revenue (transportation between foreign ports). Revenue shall be accounted for to facilitate reporting the source of revenue by trade route or service area.

(iii) All other contractors shall report vessel revenue by category or class, or by operating segment or division if different business segments or operating divisions produce vessel revenue.

(iv) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (D)(1)(i) of this section, vessel revenue shall be accounted for following generally accepted accounting principles for the segment of the maritime industry of which the contractor is a part and shall be applied consistently between reporting periods.

(2) 640 Operating-Differential Subsidy.

(i) This account shall be used to report the revenue accrued under provisions of the ODSA.

(ii) Subsidiary accounts shall be used to account for the amount of subsidy accrued by expense classifications to include: Wages of officers and crew; subsistence of officers and crew; maintenance, repairs and upkeep not compensated by insurance; hull and machinery insurance premiums; protection and indemnity insurance premiums; protection and indemnity insurance; deductible expense attributed to illness or injury of crew members; and other expense categories as may be specified in the ODSA.

(iii) Records shall be maintained by vessel for each trade route or service area in which a vessel subject to an ODSA operates.

(iv) If ODS is accrued at substantially different rates developed by the contractor applicable to any year in which final rates have not been agreed to, the difference between the ODS accruals based on billing rates established by MARAD and the ODS accruals based on the contractor's rates shall be disclosed in appropriate footnotes to the balance sheet and to the income statement.

(3) 650 Other Shipping Operations Revenue.

This account shall be used to report revenue earned from shipping activities other than vessel operations. Examples are revenue from pooling agreements, terminal services provided to others, and cargo handling services performed for others; cargo equipment rentals, and repairs to cargo equipment belonging to others; agency fees, commissions and brokerage fees earned.

(4) 670 Other Revenue.

This account shall be used to report revenue from the following sources: Interest bearing securities, dividends from capital stock, gains from the sale of assets not accounted for under the provisions prescribed for account 995, amortization of premium on funded debt, income or loss from subsidiaries, and other revenue not otherwise provided for, including nonshipping operations revenue.

(E) Expense Accounts.

(1) 700 Vessel Operating Expense.

(i) This account shall be used to report expenses of vessel operations of any kind. As used here, vessel has the same meaning as in paragraph (D)(1)(i) of this section.

(ii) For contractors with an ODSA who operate vessels subject to such an agreement in the U.S.-foreign commerce or worldwide foreign commerce, vessel expense shall be recorded by category as follows: Salaries and wages of officers and unlicensed crew, including relief crews and others regularly employed aboard the vessel; fringe benefits, such as pension and welfare, vacation payments to unions on behalf of the officers, crew and others, accrued payroll taxes; consumable stores, supplies and equipment, sales taxes, delivery and inspection charges; vessel maintenance and repair expense, including laundry service, inspection services, cost of maintaining expendable equipment and other costs not recoverable from insurance which are integral parts of vessels (including the purchase of permanent equipment and spares required by the classification societies in the United States and its territories and possessions); hull and machinery insurance costs, including premium expense, deductibles which have been incurred or paid, protection and indemnity insurance, including premium expense, personal injury and illness deductibles which have been incurred or paid, and second seaman's insurance premiums; premiums for other marine risk insurance involving the vessel and not properly chargeable to hull and machinery insurance or to protection and indemnity insurance accounts; vessel fuel and incidental costs; charter hire expenses, including time, trip, short-term and long-term bareboat charter hire; and other vessel expenses not properly chargeable to other accounts described herein which are incidental to the operation of vessels.

(iii) For contractors who own or operate vessels not subject to an ODSA, vessel expense shall include all expenses directly attributable to the operation of vessels. Such expense shall include such expense classifications as generally in use by the segment of the industry with which the contractor is identified. To the extent applicable, the expense classifications mentioned in the preceding paragraph (ii) shall be used.

(iv) Contractors operating vessels to transport cargo or passengers shall maintain appropriate vessel expense records for the purpose of filing vessel operating reports with the Maritime Administration.

(2) 750 Vessel Port Call Expense.

(i) This account shall be used to report the expenses of a vessel at each port of call. Port call expenses may include: Charges for wharfage and dockage of the vessel, pilotage, entry dues and fees, port dues and taxes; anchor dues; canal tolls; launch hire, and tug hire; dispatch and husbanding fees of agents; and other port and terminal expenses.

(ii) Port charges attributable to the vessel's cargo or passengers are not to be reported in this account. Such expenses shall be reported in Account 760, Cargo Handling Expense.

(3) 760 Cargo Handling Expense.

This account shall be used to report all expenses directly attributable to the handling of cargo or passengers for a fee. This account shall include: Cost of preparing a vessel to receive cargo; cost of loading and discharging of the vessel's cargo, including stevedoring and equipment and service charges of stevedoring contractors; cost of transporting cargo from the point of delivery into the possession of the contractor to the loading port and from the discharge port to the point of delivery stipulated by the freight agreement if different from the port of discharge; brokerage expense, including commissions paid brokers' agencies for the procurement of passengers or freight; cargo loading plans, demurrage, costs incidental to receiving, delivering and warehousing at freight station facilities; and other charges for cargo services performed by others.

(4) 800 Inactive Vessel Expense.

(i) This account shall be used to report all expenses incurred during and directly incident to inactive periods of vessels.

(ii) Expenses in this account include: Wages of officers and crew; contributions to crew fringe benefit plans; accrued payroll taxes; subsistence cost of personnel assigned to inactive vessels; consumables other than subsistence items; vessel maintenance expense; vessel repairs; insurance expense; charter hire cost; wharfage and dockage; port expense; and miscellaneous expenses.

(5) 860 Other Shipping Operations Expense.

This account shall be used to report cost of container leasing, maintenance and repair cost and costs of shipping related activities in which the contractor engages to support vessels, such as terminal operations, cargo equipment, fleet operations, cargo pooling agreements, container loading and other activities that are not accounted for elsewhere and that are ancillary to the contractor's vessel operations.

(6) 900 General and Administrative Expenses.

(i) This account shall be used to report the administrative and general expenses incurred in the operation of the business.

(ii) This account shall include: Compensation of corporate officers, directors, administrative and service employees; fringe benefits of general and administrative personnel; legal fees; accounting and auditing fees; other professional fees; office and storage expense; utilities; communications expense; data processing expense; dues; subscriptions; entertainment; travel expense; insurance expense; maintenance and repair expense for office facilities; fixtures and equipment; fees and commissions paid to managing agents; advertising expense; foreign currency conversion; and other expenses to enhance the operation of the business.

(7) 940 Depreciation and Amortization Expense.

(i) This account shall be maintained by class of assets as accounted for in the property and equipment accounts.

(ii) Subaccounts shall be grouped by classifications such as: Vessels; terminals; cargo equipment; office furniture and fixtures; and nonshipping assets.

(8) 950 Other Expense.

This account is to be used to report expenses not chargeable to any other expense account. Such charges may include: Amortization of deferred charges; taxes other than income; debt discount and expense; nonshipping operations expense; organization and preoperating expense and other miscellaneous deferred charges; as well as doubtful notes and accounts receivable.

(9) 960 Interest Expense.

(i) This account shall be used to report all interest expense accrued and charged to income during the period.

(ii) Subaccounts shall be maintained by debt source/contract to provide information needed to fulfill reporting disclosure requirements.

(10) 970 Income Taxes.

(i) This account shall be used to report accrued income tax liability for the current year's operation exclusive of extraordinary items, discontinued operations and the cumulative effect of a change in accounting policy.

(ii) Sufficient accounting records shall be maintained to meet income and expense allocation requirements that may exist as a result of a Capital Construction Fund Agreement entered into under 46 CFR parts 390 and 391, pursuant to provisions of Title VI of the Act.

(11) 990 Cumulative Effect of Change in Accounting Policy.

(i) This account shall be used to report the cumulative effect of a change in accounting policy or a change required under generally accepted accounting principles.

(ii) A footnote shall be added to the income statement explaining the substance of the old and new accounting methods and the reason supporting the change in accounting policy.

(iii) The amount reported in this account shall be net of all taxes.

(12) 995 Income or Loss from Extraordinary Items Net of Taxes.

(i) Amounts representing gain or loss from extraordinary items, as defined by generally accepted accounting principles customarily applied in the industry of which the contractor is a part, shall be reported in this account. Generally, these transactions would be attributed to insurance proceeds from the total loss of a vessel or catastrophic losses to shore-based facilities, as well as from sales of damaged assets scrapped because of a natural catastrophe, and disposal of assets used primarily in a business segment which is being discontinued.

(ii) Sufficient records shall be maintained to fully describe and account for all aspects of each item reported in this account, and when a firm commitment is made to dispose of an operating business segment, a provision for anticipated gain or loss to be realized in the subsequent period from disposal of assets and winding down of operations of the discontinued segment shall be taken into income in the year the contractor makes the decision.

(iii) Amounts in this account must be net of all taxes including Federal income taxes.

[48 FR 30122, June 30, 1983, as amended at 58 FR 62044, Nov. 24, 1993]
§ 232.6 - Financial report filing requirement.

(a) Reporting Frequency and Due Dates. The contractor shall file a semiannual financial report and an annual financial report, in the format referred to in § 232.1(a)(2), which MARAD shall make available to the contractor. This Form MA-172 (Revised) shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and modified to the extent necessary to comply with this regulation. The annual financial report shall be reconciled to the financial statements audited by independent certified public accountants (CPAs) licensed to practice by a state or other political subdivision of the United States, or licensed public accountants licensed to practice by regulatory authority or other political subdivision of the United States on or before December 31, 1970. Both the annual and semiannual financial reports shall be due within 120 days after the close of the contractor's annual or semiannual accounting period. If certified (CPA) statements are not available when required, company certified statements are to be submitted within the due dates, and the CPA statements shall be submitted as soon as available. The respondent may, in place of any Schedule(s) contained in the Form MA-172, submit a schedule or schedules from its audited financial statements, or a computer print-out or schedule, consistent with the instructions provided in the MARAD formats. MARAD will accept electronic options (such as facsimile and Internet) for transmission of required information to MARAD, if practicable.

(b) Certification. Annual and semiannual reports shall be approved by the Respondent and Official of Respondent whom MARAD may contact regarding the report in the reporting formats prescribed as the MA-172 submission.

(c) Presumption of confidentiality. MARAD will initially presume that each part of the financial reports or data submitted as prescribed by this Regulation, other than Schedule 101—Identity of Respondent and Schedules 102 and 103, only with respect to the names and titles of directors and principal officers and employees, is privileged or confidential within the meaning of 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4). In the event of a subsequent request for any portion of the reports or data under 5 U.S.C. 552,the. The contractor shall claim confidentiality at that time by memorandum or letter stating the basis, in detail, for such assertion of exemption, including but not limited to statutory and decisional authorities. Those parts not so claimed by the submitter to be confidential will be disclosed, and those parts so claimed will be subject to initial determination by the Freedom of Information Act Officer.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2133-0005) [48 FR 30122, June 30, 1983, as amended at 68 FR 62537, Nov. 5, 2003; 69 FR 61449, Oct. 19, 2004]
authority: Section 204(b), Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended (46 App. U.S.C. 1114(b)); 49 CFR 1.66
source: 48 FR 30122, June 30, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 46 CFR 232.2