Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 46 - Shipping last revised: Sep 23, 2024
§ 298.30 - Nature and content of Obligations.

(a) Single page. An Obligation, in the form of a note, bond of any type, or other debt instrument, when engraved, printed or lithographed on a single sheet of paper must include on its face the:

(1) Name of the Obligor,

(2) Principal sum,

(3) Rate of interest,

(4) Date of maturity, and

(5) Guarantee of the United States, authenticated by the Indenture Trustee, if any.

(b) Several pages. If the Obligation is typewritten, printed or reproduced by other means on several pages of paper, the Guarantee of the United States and the authentication certificate of the Indenture Trustee, if any, may appear at the end of the typewritten Obligation.

(c) Rights and responsibilities. The instrument which is evidence of indebtedness shall also contain all information necessary to apprise the Obligees of their rights and responsibilities including, but not limited to:

(1) Time and manner for payment of principal and interest,

(2) Redemptions,

(3) Default procedure, and

(4) Notification (in case of registered Obligations) of sale or other transfer of the instruments.

§ 298.31 - Mortgage.

(a) In general. Under normal circumstances, a Guarantee shall not be endorsed on any Obligation until we receive satisfactory evidence that we hold a Mortgage in one or more Vessels or a Mortgage or other security interest in the Shipyard Project. During construction of a new Vessel or any Shipyard Project, a security interest may be perfected by a filing under the Uniform Commercial Code.

(b) Ensuring validity of security interest. In order to ensure that our Mortgages or other security interests are valid and enforceable, we shall require that the Obligor obtain legal opinions, in form and substance satisfactory to us, from independent, outside legal counsel satisfactory to us, including foreign independent outside legal Counsel for Eligible Export Vessels, which opinions shall state, among other things, that the Mortgage or other security interest(s) are valid and enforceable:

(1) In the country in which the Vessel is documented (or, in the case of a security interest, in jurisdictions acceptable to us);

(2) In the United States; and

(3) For vessels operating on specified trade routes, in the country or countries involved in this service, unless we determine that those destinations are too numerous, in which case, we will instead require an opinion of foreign validity and enforceability in the Vessel's primary port of operation.

(c) Alternative forms of security. In the case where a Mortgage or security interest on the financed assets may not be available or enforceable, we will require alternative forms of security.

(d) Mortgage in our favor. The Security Agreement shall provide that upon delivery of a new Vessel or upon final completion of the Shipyard Project, or at the time Guarantees are issued with respect to an existing Vessel or the Shipyard Project, a Mortgage on the Vessel and a Mortgage or other security interest on the Shipyard Project will be executed in our favor, unless we determine that a Mortgage or a security interest is not available or enforceable in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(e) Filing. You must file the Mortgage with the United States Coast Guard's National Vessel Documentation Center. You must file the Mortgage for an Eligible Export Vessel with the proper foreign authorities. For assets of a General Shipyard Facility, you must file a Mortgage and security interest with the proper authorities within the appropriate state for recording. After you have recorded the Mortgage, you must deliver to us the Mortgage and evidence of the filing of the security interest.

(f) Mortgage secured by multiple Vessels. (1) When two or more Vessels are to be security for Guarantees, the Security Agreement may provide that one Mortgage relating to all the Vessels (Fleet Mortgage) shall be executed, perfected and delivered to us by the Obligor.

(2) If the Fleet Mortgage relates to undelivered Vessels, the Fleet Mortgage will be executed upon delivery of the first vessel. At the time of each subsequent Vessel delivery, the Obligor shall execute a supplement to the Fleet Mortgage which makes that Vessel subject to our Mortgage lien.

(3) The Fleet Mortgage shall provide that payment by the Obligor of the entire amount of Obligations covered or to be covered by Guarantees shall be required to discharge the Fleet Mortgage, regardless of the amount of the Secretary's Note or Notes issued and outstanding at the time of execution and delivery of the Fleet Mortgage or the number of Vessels covered by the Fleet Mortgage.

(4) The discharge date of the Fleet Mortgage shall be the maturity date of the Secretary's Note. We may require, as authorized by section 1104(c)(2) of the Act, such payments of principal prior to maturity (redemptions), regarding all related Obligations, as deemed necessary to maintain adequate security for the Guarantees.

(5) Each Fleet Mortgage shall provide that in the event of constructive total loss, requisition of title or sale of any Vessel covered by the Fleet Mortgage, indebtedness represented by the Obligations shall be paid, unless we otherwise determine that there remains adequate security for the Guarantees, and the Vessel shall be discharged from the Mortgage lien.

(g) Adequacy of collateral. (1) Under normal circumstances, a First Preferred Mortgage on the Vessel(s) or Shipyard Project will be adequate security for the Guarantees.

(2) If, however, we determine that the Mortgage on the Vessel(s) or Shipyard Project is not sufficient to provide adequate security, as a condition to approving the Letter Commitment or processing the application, we may require additional collateral, such as a mortgage(s) on other vessel(s) or Shipyard Project or on other assets, special escrow funds, pledges of stock, charters, contracts, notes, letters of credit, accounts receivable assignments, and guarantees.

§ 298.32 - Required provisions in documentation.

(a) Performance under shipyard and related contracts. Generally, shipyard and related contracts must contain provisions for:

(1) Furnishing by the shipyard or contractor of the Shipyard Project of satisfactory insurance and a satisfactory performance bond where Obligations are issued during the construction period, except that if the shipyard or contractor of the Shipyard Project demonstrates to our satisfaction that it has sufficient financial resources and operational capacity to complete the project, posting of a bond will not be required;

(2) Allowing access to the Vessel or Shipyard Project, as well as all related work projects being performed by the contractor and subcontractors, to our representative, at all reasonable times, to inspect performance of the work and to observe trials and other tests for the purpose of determining that the Vessel or Shipyard Project is being constructed, reconstructed, or reconditioned in accordance with contract plans and specifications approved by us;

(3) Submitting to us, upon request, one set of shipyard plans, in form and substance satisfactory to us, for the Vessel or Shipyard Project as built;

(4) Making periodic payments for the work in accordance with an agreed schedule, submitted by the shipyard or contractor, as appropriate, in a form acceptable to us, based on percentage of completion, after such percentage and satisfactory performance are certified by the Obligor, shipyard or contractor, as appropriate, and our representative as to each payment;

(5) Prohibiting the use of proceeds from the sale of Obligations for the payment of work performed outside the shipyard, unless we consent in writing to such use; and

(6) Requiring that all components of the hull and superstructure of a U.S.-documented Vessel and an Eligible Export Vessel shall be assembled in the United States.

(7) If Obligation will not be issued during the construction period of the Vessel and Shipyard Project, requiring that shipyard-related contracts shall generally include the provisions specified in paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3) and (a)(6) of this section.

(b) Assignments and general covenants from Obligor to us. The Obligor shall assign rights and shall covenant with us, as we require, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Assignment of all or part of the right, title and interest under the construction contract and related contracts, except those rights expressly reserved therein by the Obligor relating to such things as patent infringement and liquidated damages;

(2) Assignment of rights to receive all moneys which from time to time become due regarding Vessel or Shipyard Project construction;

(3) Assignment, where applicable, of all or a part of the bareboat charter, time charter, contracts of affreightment or other agreements relating to the use of the Vessel or Shipyard Project and all hire payable to the Obligor, and delivery to us of required consents by appropriate parties to any such assignments;

(4) Covenants relating to the filing of satisfactory evidence of continuing United States citizenship, in accordance with 46 CFR part 355, with the exception of Eligible Export Vessels and shipyards with Shipyard Projects; warranty of Vessel or Shipyard Project title free from all liens other than those specifically excepted; maintaining United States documentation of the Vessel or documentation under the laws of a country other than the United States with regard to an Eligible Export Vessel; compliance with the provisions of 46 U.S.C. 31301-31343,except.S.C. 31301(6)(B), requiring, among other things, that the Mortgage shall comply with the mortgage laws of the foreign country where the Vessel is documented and shall have been registered under those laws in a public register; Notice of Mortgage, payment of all taxes (except if being contested in good faith); annual financial statements audited by independent certified or independent licensed public accountant.

(5) Covenants to keep records of construction costs paid by or for the Obligor's account and to furnish us with a detailed statement of those costs, distinguishing between:

(i) Items paid or obligated to be paid, attested to by independent certified public accountants unless otherwise verified by us; and

(ii) Costs of American and foreign materials (including services) in the hull and superstructure.

(6) Covenants to maintain Marine and War Risk Hull and Machinery insurance on the Vessel or Eligible Export Vessel in an amount equal to 110% of the outstanding Obligations or up to the full commercial value of the Vessel or Eligible Export Vessel, whichever is greater; Marine and War Risk Protection and Indemnity insurance; Interim War Risk Binders for Hull and Machinery, and Protection and Indemnity coverages underwritten by us as authorized by Title XII of the Act; and such additional insurance as may be required by us. All insurance required to be maintained shall be placed with the United States Government and American and/or British (and/or other foreign, if permitted by us by prior written notice) insurance companies, underwriters' associations or underwriting funds approved by us through marine insurance brokers and/or underwriting agents approved by us. All insurance required to be maintained shall be placed under the latest (at the time of issue) forms of American Institute of Marine Underwriters policies approved by us and/or under such other forms of policies which we may approve in writing and/or policies issued by or for us insuring the Vessel or Eligible Export Vessel against the usual risks provided for under such forms, including such amounts of increase value or other forms of “that total loss only” insurance permitted by the Hull and Machinery insurance policies;

(7) Collateralize other debt due to us under other Title XI financings;

(8) Covenants to maintain shipyard insurance on the Shipyard Project in an amount equal to 110% of the outstanding Obligations or up to the full commercial value of the Shipyard Project, whichever is greater, and such additional insurance as may be required by us; and

(9) Covenants to maintain additional types of insurance as may be required by us with respect to Eligible Export Vessels, i.e. political risk insurance, to cover such items as the political, financial, and/or economic risk in a foreign country.

§ 298.33 - Escrow fund.

(a) Escrow Fund Deposits. At the time of the sale of the Obligations, the Obligor shall deposit with the Depository in an escrow fund (the “Escrow Fund”) all of the proceeds of that sale unless the Obligor is entitled to withdraw funds under paragraph (b) of this section. The Obligor must also deposit into the Escrow Fund on the Closing date an amount equal to six months interest at the rate borne by the Obligations, unless we find the existence of adequate consideration or accept other consideration in lieu of the interest deposit.

(b) Escrow Fund Withdrawals. You, as Obligor, may make a written request for us to disburse funds from the Escrow Fund. Within a reasonable time thereafter, we shall disburse directly to the Indenture Trustee, any Paying Agent for such Obligations, or any other Person entitled to payment any amount which you are obligated to pay or have paid, on account of the items and amounts or any other item approved by us, provided that we are satisfied with the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the following submissions:

(1) A responsible officer of the Obligor shall deliver an officer's certificate, in form and substance satisfactory to us, stating that:

(i) There is no default under the construction contract or the Security Agreement;

(ii) There have been no occurrences which have or would adversely and materially affect the condition of the Vessel, its hull or any of its component parts, or the Shipyard Project;

(iii) The amounts of the request are in accordance with the construction contract including the approved disbursement schedule and each item in these amounts is properly included in our approved estimate of Actual Cost;

(iv) With respect to the request, once the contractor is paid there will be no liens or encumbrances on the applicable Vessel, its hull or component parts, or the Shipyard Project for which the withdrawal is being requested except for those already approved by us; and

(v) If the Vessel or Shipyard Project has already been delivered or completed, it is in class, if required, and is being maintained in the highest and best condition. The Obligor must also attach an officer's certificate of the shipyard and other general contractors, in form and substance satisfactory to us, stating that there are no liens or encumbrances as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(iv) of this section and attaching the invoices and receipts supporting each proposed withdrawal to our satisfaction.

(2) No payment or reimbursement under this section shall be made:

(i) To any Person until the total amount paid by or for the account of the Obligor from sources other than the proceeds of such Obligations equals at least 12 1/2 percent or 25 percent as applicable, of the Actual Cost of the Vessel or Shipyard Project is made;

(ii) To the Obligor which would have the effect of reducing the total amounts paid by the Obligor pursuant to paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section; or

(iii) To any Person on account of items, amounts or increases representing changes and extras or owner furnished equipment, if any, unless such items, amounts and increases shall have been previously approved by us; provided, however, that when the amount guaranteed by us equals 75 percent or less of the Actual Cost and the Obligor demonstrates to our satisfaction the ability to pay in the remaining 25 percent, or more, then after the initial 12 1/2 percent of Actual Cost has been paid by or on behalf of the Obligor for such Vessel or completed Shipyard Project and up to 37 1/2 percent of Actual Cost has been withdrawn from the Escrow Fund for such Vessel or Shipyard Project, the Obligor must pay the remaining Obligor's equity of at least 12 1/2 percent (as determined by us) before additional monies can be withdrawn from the Escrow Fund relating to such Vessel or Shipyard Project.

(3) We will not be required to make any disbursement except out of the cash available in the Escrow Fund. If any sale or payment on maturity results in a loss in the principal amount of the Escrow Fund invested in securities so sold or matured, the requested disbursement from the Escrow Fund shall be reduced by an amount equal to such loss, and the Obligor must pay to any Person entitled thereto, the balance of the requested disbursement from the Obligor's funds other than the proceeds of such Obligations.

(4) If we assume the Obligor's rights and duties under the Obligations or we pay the Guarantees, all amounts in the Escrow Fund (including realized income which has not yet been paid to the Obligor), shall be paid to us and be credited against any amounts due or to become due to us under the Security Agreement and the Secretary's Note.

(5) Other rights and duties with respect to withdrawals from the Escrow Fund shall be set out in the closing documentation in form and substance satisfactory to us.

(c) Investment and liquidation of the Escrow Fund. We may invest the Escrow Fund in obligations of the United States. We will deposit amounts in the Escrow Fund into an account with the U.S. Treasury Department and upon agreement with the Obligor, shall deliver to the U.S. Treasury Department instructions for the investment, reinvestment and liquidation of the Escrow Fund. We will have no liability to the Obligor for acting in accordance with such instructions.

(d) Income on the Escrow Fund. Unless there is an existing default, any income realized on the Escrow Fund shall be paid to the Obligor upon our receipt of such income.

(e) Termination date of the Escrow Fund. The Escrow Fund shall terminate 90 days after the delivery date of the last Vessel or Shipyard Project covered by the Security Agreement (the “Termination Date”). In the event that on such date the payment of the full amount of the aggregate Actual Cost of all of the Vessels or Shipyard Project has not been made or the amounts with respect to such Actual Cost are not then due and payable, then we and the Obligor by written agreement shall extend the Termination Date for such period as we and the Obligor shall determine is sufficient to allow for such contingencies. Any amounts remaining in the Escrow Fund on the Termination Date which are in excess of 87 1/2 percent or 75 percent of Actual Cost, as the case may be, shall be applied to retire a pro rata portion of the Obligations.

[65 FR 45152, July 20, 2000, as amended at 67 FR 61282, Sept. 30, 2002]
§ 298.34 - [Reserved]
§ 298.35 - Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial Agreement.

(a) Purpose. In order to provide us with further security and to ensure payment of the interest and principal due on the Obligations, we will require the Company to enter into a Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial Agreement (Agreement) at the first Closing at which the Company issues Obligations. We may waive or modify provisions of the Agreement based on our evaluation of the aggregate security for the Guarantees.

(b) Financial covenants. There will be two sets of covenants. One set of covenants will be imposed regardless of the Company's financial condition (primary covenants). The other set of covenants will be imposed only if the Company does not meet specific financial conditions (supplemental covenants). The primary and supplemental covenants are to be set forth in the Agreement. Covenants shall be imposed on the Company as follows:

(1) Primary covenants. So long as Guarantees are in effect the Company shall not, without our prior written consent:

(i) Make any distribution of earnings, except as may be permitted as follows:

(A) From retained earnings in an amount specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i)(C) of this section, provided that, in the fiscal year in which the distribution of earnings is made there is no operating loss to the date of such payment of such distribution of earnings, and there was no operating loss in the immediately preceding three fiscal years, or there was a one-year operating loss during the immediately preceding three fiscal years, but such loss was not in the immediately preceding fiscal year, and there was positive net income for the three year period;

(B) If distributions of earnings may not be made under paragraph (b)(1)(i)(A) of this section, a distribution can be made in an amount equal to the total operating net income for the immediately preceding three fiscal year period, provided that:

(1) There were no two successive years of operating losses;

(2) There is no operating loss to the date of such distribution in the fiscal year in which such distribution is made; and

(3) The distribution of earnings made would not exceed an amount specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i)(C) of this section;

(C) Distributions of earnings may be made from earnings of prior years in an aggregate amount equal to 40 percent of the Company's total net income after tax for each of the prior years, less any distributions that were made in such years; or the aggregate of the Company's total net income after tax for such prior years, provided that, after making such distribution, the Company's Long-Term Debt does not exceed its Net Worth. In computing net income for purposes of this paragraph (b)(1)(i)(C), extraordinary gains, such as gains from the sale of assets, will be excluded;

(ii) Enter into any service, management or operating agreement for the operation of the Vessel or the Shipyard Project (excluding husbanding type agreements), or appoint or designate a managing or operating agent for the operation of the Vessel or the Shipyard Project (excluding husbanding agents) unless approved by us;

(iii) Sell, mortgage, transfer, or demise charter the Vessel or the Shipyard Project or any assets to any non-Related Party except as permitted in paragraph (b)(1)(vii) of this section or sell, mortgage, transfer, or demise charter the Vessel or any assets to a Related Party, unless such transaction is at a fair market value as determined by an independent appraiser acceptable to us, and is a total cash transaction;

(iv) Enter into any agreement for both sale and leaseback of the same assets so sold unless the proceeds from such sale are at least equal to the fair market value of the property sold;

(v) Guarantee, or otherwise become liable for the obligations of any other Person, except with respect to any undertakings as to the fees and expenses of the Indenture Trustee, except endorsement for deposit of checks and other negotiable instruments acquired in the ordinary course of business and except as otherwise permitted in this section;

(vi) Directly or indirectly embark on any new enterprise or business activity not directly connected with the business of shipping or other activity in which the Company is actively engaged;

(vii) Enter into any merger or consolidation or convey, sell, demise charter, or otherwise transfer, or dispose of any portion of its properties or assets (any and all of which acts are encompassed within the words “sale” or “sold” as used in this section), provided that, the Company will not be deemed to have sold such properties or assets if the net book value of the aggregate of all the assets sold by the Company during any period of 12 consecutive calendar months does not exceed ten percent of the total net book value of all of the Company's assets; the Company retains the proceeds of the sale of assets for use in accordance with the Company's regular business activities; and the sale is not otherwise prohibited by paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section. The Company may not consummate such sale without our prior written consent if the Company has not, prior to the time of such sale, submitted to us, as required, its most recently audited financial statements referred to in § 298.42(a) and any attempt to consummate a sale absent such approval will be null and void ab initio.

(2) Supplemental covenants which may become applicable. Unless, after giving effect to such transaction or transactions, during any fiscal year of the Company, the Company must remain in compliance with financial terms and requirements specified by MARAD based on the agency's evaluation for financial performance and creditworthiness and appropriate to protect the interest of the United States. The Company must not, without prior MARAD written consent:

(i) Withdraw any capital;

(ii) Redeem any share capital or convert any of the same into debt;

(iii) Pay any dividend (except dividends payable in capital stock of the Company);

(iv) Make any loan or advance (except advances to cover current expenses of the Company), either directly or indirectly, to any stockholder, director, officer, or employee of the Company, or to any other Related Party;

(v) Make any investments in the securities of any Related Party;

(vi) Prepay in whole or in part any indebtedness to any stockholder, director, officer, or employee of the Company, or to any Related Party, which has a stated maturity of more than one year from such date;

(vii) Increase any direct employee compensation (as defined in this paragraph) paid to any employee in excess of $100,000 per annum; nor increase any direct employee compensation which is already in excess of $100,000 per annum; nor initially employ or re-employ any person at a direct employee compensation rate in excess of $100,000 per annum; provided, however, that beginning with January 1, 2000 the $100,000 limit may be increased annually based on the previous years' closing Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For the purpose of this paragraph, the term “direct employee compensation” is the total amount of any wage, salary, bonus commission, or other form of direct payment to any employee from all companies with guarantees under the Act as reported to the Internal Revenue Service for any fiscal year.

(viii) Acquire any fixed assets other than those required for the maintenance of the Company's existing assets, including normal maintenance and operation of any vessel or vessels owned or chartered by the Company;

(ix) Either enter into or become liable (directly or indirectly) under charters and leases (having a term of six months or more) for the payment of charter hire and rent on all such charters and leases which have annual payments aggregating in excess of an amount specified by us;

(x) Pay any indebtedness subordinated to the Obligations or to any other Title XI obligations;

(xi) Create, assume, incur, or in any manner become liable for any indebtedness, except current liabilities, or short term loans, incurred or assumed in the ordinary course of business as such business presently exists;

(xii) Make any investment whether by acquisition of stock or indebtedness, or by loan, advance, transfer of property, capital contribution, guarantee of indebtedness or otherwise, in any Person, other than obligations of the United States, bank deposits or investments in securities of the character permitted for monies in the Title XI Reserve Fund; and,

(xiii) Create, assume, permit or suffer to exist or continue any mortgage, lien, charge or encumbrance upon, or pledge of, or subject to the prior payment of any indebtedness, any of its property or assets, real or personal, tangible or intangible, whether now owned or thereafter acquired, or own or acquire, or agree to acquire, title to any property of any kind subject to or upon a chattel mortgage or conditional sales agreement or other title retention agreement, except loans, mortgages and indebtedness guaranteed by us under Title XI of the Act or related to the construction of a vessel approved for Title XI by us, and liens incurred in the ordinary course of business as such business presently exists.

(c) Title XI Reserve Fund Net Income. The Agreement shall provide that within 105 days after the end of its accounting year, the Company will compute its net income attributable to the operation of the Vessel(s) that were constructed, reconstructed, reconditioned or refinanced with Title XI financing assistance (Title XI Reserve Fund Net Income). The computation utilizes a ratio expressed as a percentage, and applies this percentage to the Company's total net income after taxes. The numerator of the ratio is be the total original capitalized cost of all Company Vessels (whether leased or owned) which were constructed, reconstructed, reconditioned or refinanced with the assistance of Guarantees. The denominator shall be the total original capitalized cost of all the Company's fixed assets. In the case of Shipyard Project, the Agreement shall provide that within 105 days after the end of its accounting year, the Company shall submit its audited financial statements showing its net cash flow in a manner acceptable to us, in lieu of any other computation of Reserve Fund Net Income specified in this section for Vessels. The net income after taxes, computed in accordance with GAAP, will be adjusted as follows:

(1) The depreciation expense applicable to the accounting year shall be added back.

(2) There shall be subtracted:

(i) An amount equal to the principal amount of debt required to be paid or redeemed, and actually paid or redeemed by the Company (other than from the Title XI Reserve Fund) during the year; and

(ii) The principal amount of Obligations retired or paid (as defined in the Security Agreement), prepaid or redeemed, in excess of the required redemptions or payments which may be used by the Company as a credit against future required redemptions or other required payments with respect to the Obligations.

(d) Deposits. Unless the Company, as of the close of its accounting year, was subject to and in compliance with the financial terms required by paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the Company must make one or more deposits to MARAD to be held by the Depository (the Title XI Reserve Fund), as further provided for in the depository agreement. The amount of deposit for any year, or period less than a full year, where applicable, will be determined as follows:

(1) Fifty percent of the Title XI Reserve Fund Net Income, less an amount equal to 10% of the Company's total original equity investment in the Vessel or Vessels, (if the Company is the owner of the assets), will be deposited into the Title XI Reserve Fund.

(2) In the case of Shipyard Project, the shipyard shall make a deposit at two percent of its net cash flow, as defined by GAAP, and as shown on its audited financial statements.

(3) Any additional amounts that may be required pursuant to the Security Agreement or any other agreement in the documentation to which the Company is a party.

(4) Any additional amounts that may be required, pursuant to provisions of the Security Agreement or any other agreement in the documentation to which the Company is a party.

(5) Irrespective of the Company's deposit requirement, as stated in paragraphs (d) (1) through (4) of this section, the Company will not be required to make any deposits into the Title XI Reserve Fund if any of the following events will have occurred:

(i) The Company will have discharged the Obligations and related Secretary's Note and will have paid other sums secured under the Security Agreement and Preferred Mortgage;

(ii) All Guarantees with respect to outstanding Obligations will have terminated pursuant to the provisions of the Security Agreements, other than by reason of payment of the Guarantees; or

(iii) The amount in the Title XI Reserve Fund, (including any securities at market value), is equal to, or in excess of 50 percent of the principal amount of outstanding Obligations.

(e) Fund in lieu of Title XI Reserve Fund. If the Company has established a Capital Construction Fund (CCF), pursuant to section 607 of the Act, whether interim or permanent, at any time when a deposit would otherwise be required to be made into the Title XI Reserve Fund, and the Company elects to make such deposits to the CCF, the Company must enter into an agreement, satisfactory to us, providing that all such deposits of assets therein will be security (CCF Security Amount) to the United States in lieu of the Title XI Reserve Fund. The deposit requirements of the Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial Agreement will be deemed satisfied by deposits of equal amounts in the CCF, and withdrawal of the CCF Security Amount will be subject to our prior written consent. If, for any reason, the CCF terminates prior to the payment of the Obligations, the Secretary's Note and all other amounts due under or secured by the Security Agreement or Mortgage, the CCF Security Amount will be deposited or redeposited in the Title XI Reserve Fund.

[65 FR 45152, July 20, 2000, as amended at 67 FR 61282, Sept. 30, 2002; 88 FR 86612, Dec. 14, 2023]
§ 298.36 - Guarantee Fee.

(a) Rates in general. (1) For annual periods, beginning with the date of the Security Agreement and prior to the delivery date of a Vessel or Shipyard Project, we shall charge a Guarantee Fee set at a rate of not less than 1/4 of 1 percent and not more than 1/2 of 1 percent of the excess of the average principal amount of the Obligations estimated to be outstanding during the annual periods covered by said Guarantee Fee over the average principal amount, if any, on deposit in the Escrow Fund during said annual period (Average Principal Amount of Obligations Outstanding).

(2) For annual periods beginning with the delivery date of a Vessel or Shipyard Project, the Guarantee Fee shall be set at an annual rate of not less than 1/2 of 1 percent and not more than 1 percent of the Average Principal Amount of Obligations Outstanding during the annual periods covered by the Guarantee Fee. You will be responsible for payment of the Guarantee Fee.

(b) Rate calculation. (1) The Guarantee Fee rate generally shall vary inversely with the ratio of Equity to Long-Term Debt (Variable Rate) of the Person who we consider to be the primary source of credit in the transaction (Credit Source), for example,

(i) The long term time charterer (where the charter hire represents the source of payment of interest and principal with respect to the Obligations),

(ii) The guarantor of the Obligations,

(iii) The Obligor, or

(iv) The bareboat charterer.

(2) Where the Variable Rate is used, we may make such adjustments to the computation of Equity and Long-Term Debt considered necessary to reflect more accurately the financial condition of the Credit Source.

(3) We shall base our determination of Equity and Long-Term Debt on information contained in forms or statements on file with us prior to the date on which the Guarantee Fee is to be paid.

(4) With our consent, you may include in Equity and exclude from Long-Term Debt, any subordinated indebtedness representing loans from any credit source.

(5) We may establish a fixed rate or other method of calculation of the Guarantee Fee, upon an evaluation of the aggregate security for the Guarantees.

(c) Variable Rate prior to Vessel or Shipyard Project. For annual periods beginning prior to the delivery date of a Vessel or Shipyard Project being constructed, reconstructed, or reconditioned, the Guarantee Fee shall be determined as follows:

(1) If the Equity is less than 15 percent of the Long-Term Debt, the Guarantee Fee rate shall be 1/2 of 1 percent of the Average Principal Amount of Obligations Outstanding during the annual period covered by the Guarantee Fee.

(2) If the Equity is at least 15 percent of the Long-Term Debt, but less than the Long-Term Debt, the Guarantee Fee rate shall be 3/8 of 1 percent of the Average Principal Amount of Obligations Outstanding during the annual period covered by the Guarantee Fee.

(3) If the Equity is equal to or exceeds the Long-Term Debt, the Guarantee Fee rate shall be 1/4 of 1 percent of the Average Principal Amount of Obligations Outstanding during the annual period covered by the Guarantee Fee.

(d) Variable Rate after Vessel or Shipyard Project delivery or completion. For annual periods beginning on or after the Vessel or Shipyard Project delivery date, the Guarantee Fee shall be determined as follows:

(1) If the Equity is less than 15 percent of the Long-Term Debt, the Guarantee Fee rate shall be 1 percent of the Average Principal Amount of Obligations Outstanding during the annual period covered by the Guarantee Fee.

(2) If the Equity is at least 15 percent of the Long-Term Debt but less than 60 percent of the Long-Term Debt, the Guarantee Fee rate shall be 3/4 of 1 percent of the Average Principal Amount of Obligations Outstanding during the annual period covered by the Guarantee Fee.

(3) If the Equity is at least 60 percent of the Long-Term Debt, but less than the Long-Term Debt, the Guarantee Fee rate shall be 5/8 of 1 percent of the Average Principal Amount of Obligations outstanding during the annual period covered by the Guarantee Fee.

(4) If the Equity is equal to or exceeds the Long-Term Debt, the Guarantee Fee rate shall be 1/2 of 1 percent of the Average Principal Amount of Obligations outstanding during the annual period covered by the Guarantee Fee.

(e) Payment of Guarantee Fee. (1) The Guarantee Fee covering the full period of the stated maturity of the Obligations commencing with the date of the Security Agreement shall be paid to us concurrently with the execution and delivery of said Agreement. The project's entire Guarantee Fee payment shall be made by you to us in an amount equal to the sum of the present value of the separate products obtained by applying the pertinent pre or post delivery Guarantee Fee rate or rates to the projected amount of the Average Principal Amount of Obligations Outstanding for each year of the stated maturity of the Obligations. In calculating the present value used in determining the amount of the Guarantee Fee to be paid, we shall use a discount rate based on information contained in the President's most recently submitted budget.

(2) The Guarantee Fee may be included in Actual Cost, is eligible to be financed, and is non-refundable.

(f) Proration of Guarantee Fee. The Guarantee Fee shall be prorated where a Vessel delivery is scheduled to occur during the annual period with respect to which payment of said Guarantee Fee is being made, as follows:

(1) Undelivered Vessel. If the Guarantee Fee relates to an undelivered Vessel, the predelivery rate is applicable to the Average Principal Amount of Obligations Outstanding for the period from the date of the Security Agreement to the delivery date, and the delivered Vessel rate is applicable for the balance of the annual period in which the delivery occurs.

(2) Multiple Vessels. If the Guarantee Fee relates to more than one Vessel, the amount of outstanding Obligations will be allocated to each Vessel in the manner prescribed in § 298.33(d), and an amount shall be determined for each Vessel by using the rate that is applicable under paragraph (c) or (d) of this section. The Guarantee Fee shall be the aggregate of the amounts calculated for each Vessel.

§ 298.37 - Examination and audit.

(a)(1) We shall have the right to examine and audit the books, records (including original logs, cargo manifests and similar records) and books of account, which pertain directly to the project, of the Obligor, bareboat charterer, time charterer or any other Person who has an agreement with respect to control of, or a financial interest in, a Vessel or Shipyard Project, as well as records of a Related Party and domestic agents connected with such Persons, and shall have full, free and complete access to these items at all reasonable times.

(2) We shall have the right to full, free and complete access, at all reasonable times, to each Vessel or Shipyard Project for which Guarantees are in force.

(3) When a Vessel is in port or undergoing repairs, we may make photostatic or other copies of any books, records and other relevant documents or papers being examined or audited.

(b) The Person in control of the premises where we conduct the examination or audit must furnish, without charge, adequate office space and other facilities that we reasonably require in performing the examination, audit or inspection.

§ 298.38 - Partnership agreements and limited liability company agreements.

Partnership and limited liability company agreements must be in form and substance satisfactory to us prior to any Guarantee Closing, especially relating, but not limited to:

(a) Duration of the entity;

(b) Adequate partnership or limited liability company funding requirements and mechanisms;

(c) Dissolution of the entity and withdrawal of a general partner or member;

(d) The termination, amendment, or other modification of the entity without our prior written consent; and

(e) Distribution of funds or ownership interest.

§ 298.39 - Exemptions.

We may exempt an applicant from any requirement of this part, unless required by statute or other regulations, in exceptional cases, on written findings that:

(a) The case materially involves factors not considered in the promulgation of this part;

(b)(1) A national emergency makes it necessary to approve the exemption, or

(2) The exemption will substantially relieve the financial liability of the United States;

(c) The exemption will not substantially impact effective regulation of the Title XI program, consistent with the objectives of this part;

(d) The exemption will not be unjustly discriminatory; and

(e) For Eligible Export Vessels, such exemption would assist in creating financing terms that would be compatible with export credit terms for the sale of vessels built in shipyards other than those in the United States.

authority: 46 U.S.C. chapter 537; 49 CFR 1.93
source: 65 FR 45152, July 20, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 46 CFR 298.37