Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 46 - Shipping last revised: Sep 23, 2024
Section 1 - Section 1 Books of account.

A separate set of books of account shall be opened for the purpose of recording the various transactions in connection with the said agency agreement. The books of original entry and ledgers may be similar in design to those heretofore employed by the agent unless it develops that they are inadequate, in which event the deficiency shall be remedied promptly. The accounts required in operations under this agency agreement, however, shall conform to the chart in the uniform system prescribed by the Maritime Administration in General Order No. 22, Revised (46 CFR part 282) and recordings in the accounts shall be in accordance with the descriptions thereof contained in the said uniform system.

Sec. 2 - Sec. 2 Bank account.

A separate joint bank account will be maintained in a depository or depositories designated by the agent and approved by the National Shipping Authority (referred to in this order as the owner), into which all collections under the agency agreement will be deposited and from which disbursements in connection with the activities, maintenance and business of the vessels thereunder will be made. Upon designation by the agent and approval by the owner of the depository or depositories, the owner will issue an order for the establishment of the joint bank account. The order will set forth the conditions governing the establishment and maintenance of the account and the making of deposits therein and withdrawals therefrom. A signed copy of the order of the owner will be furnished the agent and the agent promptly shall adopt, through its Board of Directors, a resolution satisfactory in form and substance to the owner, authorizing the establishment and maintenance of the account in conformity with the action of the owner. A signed copy of the order of the owner and a certified copy of the resolution of the agent will be furnished by the owner to the depository for its guidance in maintaining the fund and honoring instruments of withdrawal. The order will provide, among other things, that:

(a) Withdrawals from this bank account may be made by the agent without the countersignature of the owner for disbursements in connection with the activities, maintenance and business of the vessels assigned under agency agreements, except disbursements involving payments to the agent directly, or to any other persons specifically designated by the Director, National Shipping Authority, in which instances the countersignature of a designated representative of the owner will be required, (b) withdrawals may be made from the account by the owner without the countersignature of the agent whenever and to the extent the owner shall determine that the balance in the account in excess of current operating requirements warrants such action, (c) the bank shall have no rights against the joint account on account of indebtedness of the agent either by way of set-off or otherwise, (d) the bank may receive for deposit in the joint account any funds tendered to it by any person with instructions that the same be deposited in the said account, and the bank shall have no responsibility to inquire as to the source of such funds, and (e) the bank shall disburse funds from the joint account in accordance with checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money, drawn as provided in the order, without making any inquiry as to the purpose or use to which such withdrawals are to be put.

Sec. 3 - Sec. 3 Accounting for revenues.

(a) General. (1) The Agent shall be responsible for the prompt collection of all vessel operating revenue, shall issue such instructions as may be necessary to its branch houses or sub-agents, and shall take such other steps as may be necessary to insure prompt remittance to it of vessel operating revenue collected outside its principal office.

(2) Freight revenue collected, less refunds made therefrom, shall be remitted to the owner promptly subsequent to the close of each month. Disbursements except for refunds shall not be made from freight revenue collections unless specifically authorized by the owner.

(3) Passenger revenue collections shall be accounted for in accordance with procedures to be described.

(4) The agent shall in all cases perform his audit and review functions promptly and shall be in a position to supply complete documentation for a current audit by representatives of the owner.

(b) Revenue documents—(1) Freight revenue. The agent shall require its domestic and foreign branch houses, sub-agents, or other representatives, to prepare and submit revenue documents (manifests, bills of lading, out turn weight certificates, correction notices, etc.) to it. The manifest, in addition to showing the name of shipper, consignee, weight or measurement, freight rate and basis (whether the freight rate applies on measurement or weight basis), and amount of freight, shall show also advance charges, prepaid beyond charges, etc. A recapitulation sheet shall be made of the totals shown on the individual manifest sheets for each port. The aggregate totals of weight and measurement freight shall be converted to freight payable tons of bulk, general, heavy lifts, and commodities subject to special stevedoring rates if freight carried is subject to an over-all stevedoring agreement.

(2) Passenger revenue. Agents to whom combination passenger and freight vessels have been assigned under agency agreements and who heretofore have established a passenger accounting procedure, may continue to follow such procedure under the agency operations, unless such procedure is found to be inadequate by the owner.

(3) Certifications of revenue documents. The following certifications will be signed by branch houses or sub-agents:

(i) Freight manifests. Certified to be a true and correct reflection of cargo loaded and rates charged.

Branch house or sub-agent By: Name Title

(ii) Passenger manifests. Certified to be a true and correct reflection of passengers carried and rates charged.

Branch house or sub-agent By: Name Title

(4) Definition of manifest. The term manifest as used in this order, shall be interpreted to include appropriate equivalent documents as customarily used.

Sec. 4 - Sec. 4 Funding of operations.

Cash advances will be made by the owner in such amounts and at such times as are required to adequately fund the activities, maintenance and business of the vessels assigned under agency agreements.

Sec. 5 - Sec. 5 Disbursements at principal office of agent.

All expenses directly applicable to the activities, maintenance and business of the vessels assigned under agency agreements shall be paid from funds advanced by the owner unless otherwise specifically provided. When paid by check, invoices shall reflect the numbers of the checks by which the invoices were paid; when paid other than by check of the agent at his principal office, invoices must bear evidence of payment.

Sec. 6 - Sec. 6 Disbursements at other domestic ports.

Disbursements at domestic ports other than the principal office of the agent for expenses as referred to in section 5 shall be made by one of the three following methods:

(a) After proper certification by the branch house or subagent, invoices shall be forwarded to the agent for payment, or

(b) The branch house or subagent shall pay invoices and thereafter apply to the agent for reimbursement, supporting its voucher with invoices bearing evidence of payment covering individual disbursement, or

(c) The agent may advance from time to time from the joint bank account the funds necessary to meet the requirements of such branch houses or subagents in connection with the activities, maintenance and business of the vessels assigned under the agency agreement. In such cases the branch house or subagent shall pay invoices from such advances and make proper accounting to the agent for each advance supported by invoices bearing evidence of payment and accompanied by remittance covering any unexpended balance of the advance, promptly after the departure of each vessel for which such advance was made.

Sec. 7 - Sec. 7 Disbursements at foreign ports.

Disbursement procedures at foreign ports may differ in the case of individual agents and in view of existing conditions. Disbursements at foreign ports shall be made by one of the following methods or by any other method outlined to and approved by the owner in advance of its use:

(a) The agent may advance from time to time from the joint bank account the funds necessary to meet the requirements of the business of the vessels assigned under the agency agreement. In such cases the foreign branch house or sub-agent shall pay invoices from such advances and shall make proper accounting to the agent for all advances supported by invoices bearing satisfactory evidence of payment. Any gains or losses in exchange on such advances or disbursements shall be for the account of the owner.

(b) The foreign branch house or sub-agent may pay all invoices from his own funds and thereafter draw on the agent for reimbursement, at the same time forwarding the disbursements account by air mail.

(c) The agent may establish Letters of Credit making funds available to the foreign branch house or sub-agent against which funds may be drawn by the sub-agent for branch house for payment of properly approved documents.

Sec. 8 - Sec. 8 Disbursement documents.

(a) Preparation of invoices by contractors and/or vendors. (1) Invoices from contractors or vendors shall be supported by evidence of delivery of supplies (delivery receipts), performance of services, or use in facilities furnished the vessels, and shall include the following:

(i) Name of vessel.

(ii) Name of port at which the services, supplies, or facilities were furnished.

(iii) Date of delivery or service.

(iv) Necessary details as to the nature of services, supplies, or facilities furnished including quantity, rate, price and total amount.

(2)(i) In addition to the foregoing, contractors or vendors shall certify each invoice or voucher (original only) in the following manner:

I certify that the above bill is correct and just and that payment therefor has not been received.

Name of contractor or vendor By: Name Title

(ii) The agent shall advise its domestic and foreign branch houses, sub-agents, or other representatives to the effect that the foregoing information and certifications must be shown on all invoices or vouchers when received from contractors or vendors.

(iii) In instances where the foregoing certification is unobtainable for foreign purchases only, it may be waived: Provided, That, in lieu of such certification the agent certifies the invoice as follows:

We certify that the prescribed certification of the payee was unobtainable.

General agent or berth agent By: Name Title

(3) In instances where it is not possible or practicable to obtain invoices bearing evidence of payment covering disbursements at foreign ports, that requirement will be waived, provided the agent certifies as follows:

We certify that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, this invoice has been paid.

General agent or berth agent By: Name Title

(4) Invoices rendered to the agent by its branch houses or sub-agents shall be only those of the contractors or vendors who actually rendered the services or furnished the supplies or facilities.

(5) If the laws of any country require the foreign sub-agent or branch house to retain the original invoice with stamps affixed, or if such laws require the original receipt as prima facie evidence of payment, the corresponding duplicate copy of the invoice, in proper form, must be forwarded to the agent with notation to that effect made thereon by the foreign sub-agent or branch house.

(b) Certification of master, ship's officers, branch houses, sub-agents, or duly authorized representatives. (1) Evidence of delivery of supplies, performance of services, or use of facilities, as normally provided by delivery receipts, or an equivalent form, comprises an essential part of proper documentation for disbursing purposes.

(i) Where supplies are delivered or services or facilities are furnished directly to a vessel, evidence of delivery or performance normally should be signed by a ship's officer.

(ii) Where such evidence is not signed by a ship's officer, any duly authorized representative of the agent may sign as “Duly Authorized Representative,” provided the agent shall be responsible for the designation of proper and qualified representatives and provided the agent shall furnish, when so required by the owner, adequate evidence that the signing representative was duly authorized by him. In instances in which the agent may not be able to identify in advance the representative who may sign, the agent shall have the responsibility for determining that the person signing was qualified to execute evidence of delivery of supplies, performance of services, or use of facilities involved.

(2) For charges for watching cargo, stevedoring, wharfage, receiving and delivering cargo, clerking and checking, or other services or facilities not rendered directly to the vessel, for which normally delivery receipts or any equivalent form are not furnished, the following certification on the face of the original invoice by a duly authorized representative of the agent is required.

I certify that the services or facilities as specified have been furnished.

Name Duly authorized representative

(3) Ships' payrolls shall be certified by the master (or his authorized representative) as follows:

I certify that this payroll is true and correct, and that the persons named hereon have performed the services for the period stated.

Master (or his authorized representative)

(4) In instances where vessels are under foreign articles the payroll shall bear proper evidence of having been paid off before a United States Shipping Commissioner or an American Consul.

(5) The slop chest account shall be certified by the master as follows:

I hereby certify that the above is a true statement of all Slop Chest transactions on this vessel and voyage.

Master (or his authorized representative)

(6) A similar certification shall be made by the Chief Steward (or his authorized representative) covering bar transactions (if any).

(c) Certification by branch house or sub-agent where agent does not handle transactions directly. The certification of the branch house or sub-agent must be shown on the original invoice (if rendered singly) or on the summary disbursement statement (if rendered in groups) in the following manner:

(1) On single invoices.

I certify that the prices charged are reasonable and correct.

Branch house or sub-agent By: Name Title

(2) On the summary statement.

I certify that the prices charged per invoices detailed above are reasonable and correct.

Branch house or sub-agent By: Name Title
Sec. 9 - Sec. 9 Maintenance of documents.

The agent shall maintain the originals of all documents at his principal office. All documents originating at other domestic ports and at foreign ports shall be transmitted as currently as possible to the principal office of the agent. The agent shall in all cases perform his audit and review functions promptly and shall be in a position to supply complete documentation for a current audit by representatives of the owner. The agent shall maintain to the maximum extent possible a complete and orderly file of all authorizations for facilities, services and supplies, and complete tariffs and port schedules covering charges at domestic and foreign ports incident to the operation of the vessels assigned under the agency agreement.

Sec. 10 - Sec. 10 Lost documents.

In the event of the loss of documents, photostat, carbon, or other suitable copies may be substituted therefor, in which event the following certification shall be placed on such copies:

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this is a true copy of an original that has been lost.

Branch house or sub-agent By: Name Title
Sec. 11 - Sec. 11 Reports to the owner.

The agent shall submit to the local District Finance Officer of the owner, in triplicate, not later than 20 days after the end of each month, its general ledger trial balance and such schedules and support thereof as may be required. The agent shall also submit to the owner, in original and four copies, not later than 10 days after the end of each month a statement in the form and content to be prescribed reflecting cash receipts and cash disbursements for the preceding month and cumulative totals for the year to date; the original and one copy will be transmitted to the local District Finance Officer and three copies will be transmitted to the Chief, Office of Finance, Maritime Administration, Washington.

[FIS-1, 16 FR 2885, Apr. 3, 1951, as amended at 33 FR 5952, Apr. 18, 1968. Redesignated at 45 FR 44587, July 1, 1980]
Sec. 12 - Sec. 12 Audit.

(a) The owner will audit as currently as possible subsequent to audit by the agent, all documents relating to the activities, maintenance and business of the vessels assigned under agency agreements.

(b) The agent shall maintain all documents in his principal office, for the time being in accordance with his customary practice of filing.

(c) Subsequent to audit by the owner, at such intervals as may be determined, the owner will authorize entries to be made to revenue and expense accounts and to accounts reflecting relations between the owner and the agent.


Books of accounts and documents referred to in the above order, shall be retained until the completion of the audit by the General Accounting Office, at which time the Maritime Administration will take custody of the records.

[16 FR 2885, Apr. 3, 1951, as amended at 21 FR 8105, Oct. 23, 1956. Redesignated at 45 FR 44587, July 1, 1980]
authority: Sec. 204, 49 Stat. 1987, as amended; 46 U.S.C. 1114.
source: FIS-1, 16 FR 2885, Apr. 3, 1951, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 45 FR 44587, July 1, 1980.
cite as: 46 CFR Section