Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 46 - Shipping last revised: Feb 19, 2025
Section 1 - Section 1 What this order does.

This order outlines the procedure to be followed by General Agents in filing foreign repair entries and obtaining relief from Custom's duties on equipment purchased for or repairs made to ships owned by or Bareboat Chartered to the U.S. Maritime Administration and operated under General Agency Agreement.

Sec. 2 - Sec. 2 Submission of repair entries.

At the first United States port of arrival upon termination of a foreign voyage, the ship's Master must file with the District Director of Customs as defined in 19 CFR 1.1(d) an affidavit on Custom's Form 3417 certifying that no equipment was purchased for or repairs made to the ship at a foreign port or if this is not the case, an affidavit on Custom's Form 3415 describing the equipment purchased and/or repairs made. If equipment was purchased and/or repairs were made in a foreign port, the Master simultaneously with or shortly after filing of Custom's Form 3415, must file a repair entry on Custom's Form 7535 together with invoices and required supporting documents.

[16 FR 9658, Sept. 21, 1951, as amended at 33 FR 5952, Apr. 18, 1968. Redesignated at 45 FR 44587, July 1, 1980]
Sec. 3 - Sec. 3 Application for remission of duties.

An application for relief from the payment of duties imposed is to be filed with the District Director of Customs as defined in 19 CFR 1.1(d) if the following circumstances prevail:

(a) When an item covered by the entry is not within the class of items liable to duty (i.e., that the item does not constitute equipment, repair parts or materials within the meaning of section 466 of the Tariff Act of 1930);

(b) When the purchase of the equipment, repair parts or materials or the making of the repairs was necessitated by stress of weather and/or other casualty encountered during the regular course of the particular voyage and was necessary to secure the safety and seaworthiness of the vessel; or

(c) When the equipment, repair parts or materials were manufactured or produced in the United States and the labor involved was performed by residents of the United States or by members of the regular crew of the vessel.

To insure consideration in the liquidation (i.e., the assessment of duty) of the entry, the application for relief must be filed within 90 days from the date of the entry, except in meritorious cases, the District Director may grant an extension of 90 more days upon written request therefor. [16 FR 9658, Sept. 21, 1961, as amended at 33 FR 5952, Apr. 18, 1968. Redesignated at 45 FR 44587, July 1, 1980]
Sec. 4 - Sec. 4 Evidence required.

When relief is claimed on the grounds of stress of weather or other casualty, there must be submitted to the Collector the following:

(a) An affidavit of the Master which shall set out fully the nature of the casualty and/or stress of weather encountered; when and where the casualty and/or stress of weather occurred; nature of the damage sustained; the port where the repairs were made or the equipment purchased and a statement of the Master as to whether the repairs or equipment purchased were required to secure the safety or seaworthiness of the vessel to enable her to reach a port of destination in the United States;

(b) Itemized invoices covering the cost of repairs made or equipment purchased;

(c) Abstracts of the vessel's log;

(d) Classification surveyor's report confirming vessel's classification when the repairs were made in order to insure seaworthiness.

The Master shall certify as true copies or originals, as the case may be, one copy of each repair bill, abstract of vessel's log, survey report and other documents used in support of the application for relief. If a document is written in a foreign language, it should be accompanied by a translation certified to be accurate.
Sec. 5 - Sec. 5 General Agent's authority to effect payment of duties.

(a) In those cases where the conditions outlined in section 3 of SRM-4 do not prevail, the General Agent shall effect payment of duties imposed by Customs and shall include the expenditure in the voyage accounts of the vessel. In those cases where the conditions as outlined in section 3 of SRM-4 do prevail, the General Agent shall exhaust every means toward obtaining remission of duty imposed.

(b) Should the General Agent fail to obtain remission of duties in such cases, he shall refer the matter to the appropriate Coast Director for his (The Director) determination as to whether further appeal to the Bureau of Customs is warranted or that payment of duty should be made by the General Agent.


Records and supporting documents referred to in the above order, shall be retained until the completion of the audit by the General Accounting Office, at which time the Maritime Administration will take custody of the records.

[SRM-4, 16 FR 9658, Sept. 21, 1951, as amended by Amdt. 1, 18 FR 5035, Aug. 22, 1953; 21 FR 8106, Oct. 23, 1956. Redesignated at 45 FR 44587, July 1, 1980]
authority: Sec. 204, 49 Stat. 1987, as amended; 46 U.S.C. 1114.
source: 16 FR 9658, Sept. 21, 1951, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 45 FR 44587, July 1, 1980.
cite as: 46 CFR Sec.