Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 19, 2025

Title 46 - Shipping last revised: Feb 03, 2025
§ 501.11 - Delegation of authorities.

(a) Authority and delegation. The provision at 46 U.S.C. 46106 authorizes the Commission to delegate, by published order or rule, any of its functions to a division of the Commission, an individual Commissioner, an administrative law judge, or an employee or employee board, including functions with respect to hearing, determining, ordering, certifying, reporting, or otherwise acting as to any work, business, or matter. The Commission delegates specific authorities to the delegatees designated in §§ 501.12 through 501.17, subject to the limitations prescribed in this section.

(b) Temporary redelegation. When the head of a bureau or office is absent or incapacitated, they may temporarily redelegate their authorities to subordinate personnel under their supervision and direction or to another bureau or office head for the period of their absence or incapacitation.

(c) Redelegation. Other than temporary redelegations under paragraph (b) of this section, and subject to the limitations in this section, the delegatees may redelegate their authorities to subordinate personnel under their supervision and direction only if this subpart is amended to reflect such redelegation and notice thereof is published in the Federal Register.

(d) Exercise of authority; policy and procedure. The delegatees and redelegatees shall exercise the authorities delegated or redelegated in a manner consistent with applicable laws and the established policies of the Commission, and shall consult with the General Counsel where appropriate.

(e) Exercise of delegated authority by delegator. Under any authority delegated or redelegated, the delegator (Commission), or the redelegator, respectively, shall retain full rights to exercise the authority in the first instance.

(f) Review of delegatee's action. The delegator (Commission) or redelegator of authority shall retain a discretionary right to review an action taken under delegated authority by a subordinate delegatee, either upon the filing of a written petition of a party to, or an intervenor in, such action; or upon the delegator's or redelegator's own initiative.

(1) Petition. Petitions for review of actions taken under delegated authority shall be filed within ten (10) calendar days of the action taken:

(i) If the action for which review is sought is taken by a delegatee, the petition shall be addressed to the Commission pursuant to § 502.94 of this chapter.

(ii) If the action for which review is sought is taken by a redelegatee, the petition shall be addressed to the redelegator whose decision can be further reviewed by the Commission under paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section, unless the Commission decides to review the matter directly, such as, for example, if the redelegator is incapacitated.

(2) Discretionary review. The vote of a majority of the Commission less one member (e.g., two Commissioners if there are a total of four or five sitting Commissioners; one Commissioner if there are a total of three or fewer sitting Commissioners) shall be sufficient to bring any delegated action before the Commission for review under this paragraph (f).

(g) Action—when final. Should the right to exercise discretionary review be declined or should no such review be sought under paragraph (f) of this section, then the action taken under delegated authority shall, for all purposes, including appeal or review thereof, be deemed to be the action of the Commission.

(h) Conflicts. Where the procedures set forth in this section conflict with law or any regulation of this chapter, the conflict shall be resolved in favor of the law or other regulation.

§ 501.12 - Delegation to the General Counsel.

(a) Authority to classify carriers within the meaning of 46 U.S.C. 40102(9) except where a carrier submits a rebuttal statement pursuant to § 565.3(b) of this chapter.

(b) Authority to review for legal sufficiency all adverse personnel actions, procurement activities, Freedom of Information Act matters, Privacy Act matters, and requests for testimony by employees and production of official records in litigation and other administrative actions, pursuant to part 503, subpart E, of this chapter.

§ 501.13 - Delegation to the Secretary.

(a) Authority to approve applications for permission to practice before the Commission and to issue admission certificates to approved applicants.

(b) Authority to extend the time to file exceptions or replies to exceptions, and the time for Commission review, relative to initial decisions of administrative law judges and decisions of Special Dockets Officers.

(c) Authority to extend the time to file appeals or replies to appeals, and the time for Commission review, relative to dismissals of proceedings, in whole or in part, issued by administrative law judges.

(d) Authority to establish and extend or reduce the time:

(1) To file documents either in docketed proceedings or relative to petitions filed under part 502 of this chapter, which are pending before the Commission itself; and

(2) To issue initial and final decisions under § 502.61 of this chapter.

(e) Authority to prescribe a time limit for the submission of written comments with reference to agreements filed pursuant to 46 U.S.C. chapter 403.

(f) Authority, in appropriate cases, to publish in the Federal Register notices of intent to prepare an environmental assessment and notices of finding of no significant impact.

(g) Authority to prescribe a time limit less than ten days from the date published in the Federal Register for filing comments on notices of intent to prepare an environmental assessment and notice of finding of no significant impact and authority to prepare environmental assessments of no significant impact.

§ 501.14 - Delegation to and redelegation by the Managing Director.

(a) Authority to adjudicate, with the concurrence of the General Counsel, and authorize payment of, employee claims for not more than $10,000.00, arising under the Military and Civilian Personnel Property Act of 1964 (31 U.S.C. 3721) and the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. 1346(b), 2671-2680).

(b) Authority to determine that an exigency of the public business is of such importance that annual leave may not be used by employees to avoid forfeiture before annual leave may be restored under 5 U.S.C. 6304.

(c)(1) Authority to classify all positions GS-1 through GS-15 and wage grade positions.

(2) The authority under paragraph (c)(1) of this section is redelegated to the Director, Office of Human Resources.

§ 501.15 - Delegation to the Chief Financial Officer.

(a) Authority to approve, certify, or otherwise authorize those actions dealing with appropriations of funds made available to the Commission including allotments, fiscal matters, and contracts relating to the operation of the Commission within the laws, rules, and regulations set forth by the Federal Government.

(b) Authority, in the absence or preoccupation of the Managing Director, to sign travel orders, non-docketed recommendations to the Commission, and other routine documents for the Managing Director, consistent with the programs, policies, and precedents established by the Commission or the Managing Director.

§ 501.16 - Delegation to and redelegation by the Director, Bureau of Certification and Licensing.

(a) In relation to OTI licenses:

(1) Authority to approve or disapprove applications for OTI licenses; issue or reissue or transfer such licenses; and approve extensions of time in which to furnish the name(s) and ocean transportation intermediary experience of the managing partner(s) or officer(s) who will replace the qualifying partner or officer upon whose qualifications the original licensing was approved;

(2) Authority to issue a letter stating that the Commission intends to deny an OTI application unless, within 20 days, applicant requests a hearing to show that denial of the application is unwarranted; deny applications where an applicant has received such a letter and has not requested a hearing within the notice period; and rescind, or grant extensions of, the time specified in such letters;

(3) Authority to revoke the license of an OTI upon the request of the licensee;

(4) Authority to, upon receipt of notice of cancellation of any instrument evidencing financial responsibility, notify the licensee in writing that its license will automatically be suspended or revoked, effective on the cancellation date of such instrument, unless new or reinstated evidence of financial responsibility is submitted and approved prior to such date, and subsequently order such suspension or revocation for failure to maintain proof of financial responsibility;

(5) Authority to revoke the ocean transportation intermediary license of a non-vessel-operating common carrier not in the United States for failure to designate and maintain a person in the United States as legal agent for the receipt of judicial and administrative process;

(6) Authority to approve changes in an existing licensee's organization; and

(7) Authority to return any application which on its face fails to meet the requirements of the Commission's regulations, accompanied by an explanation of the reasons for rejection.

(8) The authorities contained in paragraphs (a)(3) and (4) of this section are redelegated to the Director, Transportation Intermediaries, in the Bureau of Certification and Licensing.

(b) In relation to Certificates:

(1) Authority to approve applications for Certificates (Performance) and Certificates (Casualty) for passenger vessels, evidenced by a surety bond, guaranty, escrow agreements, or insurance policy, or combination thereof; and issue, reissue, or amend such Certificates;

(2) Authority to issue a written notice to an applicant stating intent to deny an application for a Certificate (Performance) and/or (Casualty), indicating the reason therefor, and advising applicant of the time for requesting a hearing as provided for under § 540.8(c) or § 540.26(c) of this chapter; deny any application where the applicant has not submitted a timely request for a hearing; and rescind such notices and grant extensions of the time within which a request for hearing may be filed;

(3) Authority to issue a written notice to a certificant stating that the Commission intends to revoke, suspend, or modify a Certificate (Performance) and/or (Casualty), indicating the reason therefor, and advising of the time for requesting a hearing as provided for under § 540.8(c) or § 540.26(c) of this chapter; revoke, suspend or modify a Certificate (Performance) and/or (Casualty) where the certificant has not submitted a timely request for hearing; and rescind such notices and grant extensions of time within which a request for hearing may be filed;

(4) Authority to revoke a Certificate (Performance) and/or (Casualty) which has expired, and/or upon request of, or acquiescence by, the certificant; and

(5) Authority to notify a certificant when a Certificate (Performance) and/or (Casualty) has become null and void in accordance with §§ 540.8(a) and 540.26(a) of this chapter.

(c) Authority to approve amendments to escrow agreements filed under § 540.5(b) of this chapter when such amendments are for the purpose of changing names of principals, changing the vessels covered by the escrow agreement, changing the escrow agent, and changing the amount of funds held in escrow, provided that the changes in amount of funds result in an amount of coverage that complies with the requirements in the introductory text of § 540.5 of this chapter.

(d) Authority to grant requests to substitute alternative financial responsibility pursuant to § 540.9(l) of this chapter based upon existing protection available to purchases of passenger vessel transportation by credit card by an amount up to fifty (50) percent of the passenger vessel operator's highest two-year unearned passenger revenues.

§ 501.17 - Delegation to and redelegation by the Director, Bureau of Trade Analysis.

(a) Authority to determine that no action should be taken to prevent an agreement or modification to an agreement from becoming effective under 46 U.S.C. 40304(c), and to shorten the review period under 46 U.S.C. 40304(c)(1) and (e)(1), when the agreement or modification involves solely a restatement, clarification, or change in an agreement which adds no new substantive authority beyond that already contained in an effective agreement. This category of agreement or modification includes, for example, the following: A restatement filed to conform an agreement to the format and organization requirements of part 535 of this chapter; a clarification to reflect a change in the name of a country or port or a change in the name of a party to the agreement; a correction of typographical or grammatical errors in the text of an agreement; a change in the title of persons or committees designated in an agreement; or a transfer of functions from one person or committee to another.

(b) Authority to grant or deny applications filed under § 535.407 of this chapter for waiver of the form, organization, and content requirements of §§ 535.401 through 535.406 of this chapter.

(c) Authority to grant or deny applications filed under § 535.504 of this chapter for waiver of the Information Form requirements in subpart E of part 535 of this chapter.

(d) Authority to grant or deny applications filed under § 535.705 of this chapter for waiver of the reporting requirements in subpart G of part 535 of this chapter.

(e) Authority to determine that no action should be taken to prevent an agreement or modification of an agreement from becoming effective under 46 U.S.C. 40304(c)(1) for all unopposed agreements and modifications to agreements which will not result in a significant reduction in competition. Agreements which are deemed to have the potential to result in a significant reduction in competition and which, therefore, are not covered by the delegation in this paragraph (e) include but are not limited to:

(1) New agreements authorizing the parties to collectively discuss or fix rates (including terminal rates).

(2) New agreements authorizing the parties to pool cargoes or revenues.

(3) New agreements authorizing the parties to establish a joint service or consortium.

(4) New equal access agreements.

(f) Authority to grant or deny shortened review pursuant to § 535.605 of this chapter for agreements for which authority is delegated in paragraph (e) of this section.

(g) Subject to review by the General Counsel, authority to deny, but not approve, requests filed pursuant to § 535.605 of this chapter for a shortened review period for agreements for which authority is not delegated under paragraph (e) of this section.

(h) Authority to issue notices of termination of agreements which are otherwise effective under the Shipping Act of 1984, after publication of notice of intent to terminate in the Federal Register, when such terminations are:

(1) Requested by the parties to the agreement;

(2) Deemed to have occurred when it is determined that the parties are no longer engaged in activity under the agreement and official inquiries and correspondence cannot be delivered to the parties; or

(3) Deemed to have occurred by notification of the withdrawal of the next to last party to an agreement without notification of the addition of another party prior to the effective date of the next to last party's withdrawal.

(i) Authority to determine whether agreements for the use or operation of terminal property or facilities, or the furnishing of terminal services, are within the purview of 46 U.S.C. chapter 403.

(j) Authority to request controlled carriers to file justifications for existing or proposed rates, charges, classifications, rules, or regulations, and to review responses to such requests for the purpose of recommending to the Commission that a rate, charge, classification, rule, or regulation be found unlawful and, therefore, requires Commission action under 46 U.S.C. 40704(b)-(e).

(k) Authority to recommend to the Commission the initiation of formal proceedings or other actions with respect to suspected violations of the shipping statutes and rules and regulations of the Commission.

(l)(1) Authority to approve for good cause or disapprove special permission applications submitted by common carriers, or conferences of such carriers, subject to 46 U.S.C. chapter 405, for relief from statutory and/or Commission tariff requirements.

(2) The authority under this paragraph (l) is redelegated to the Director of Agreements, Service Contracts, and Tariffs, in the Bureau of Trade Analysis.

(m)(1) Authority to approve or disapprove special permission applications submitted by a controlled carrier subject to the provisions of 46 U.S.C. chapter 407 for relief from statutory and/or Commission tariff requirements.

(2) The authority under this paragraph (m) is redelegated to the Director of Agreements, Service Contracts, and Tariffs, in the Bureau of Trade Analysis.

(n)(1) The authority to accept, deny, or deactivate a Form FMC-1 submitted by ocean common carriers, non-vessel-operating common carriers, conferences, and marine terminal operators under parts 520 and 525 of this chapter.

(2) The authority under this paragraph (n) is redelegated to the Director of Agreements, Service Contracts, and Tariffs, in the Bureau of Trade Analysis.

(o) Authority contained in part 530 of this chapter to approve, but not deny, requests for permission to correct clerical or administrative errors in the essential terms of filed service contracts.

(p) Authority to require Monitoring Reports from, or prescribe alternative periodic reporting requirements for, parties to agreements under § 535.702(c) and (d) of this chapter.

(q) Authority to require parties to agreements subject to the Monitoring Report requirements in § 535.702(a)(2) of this chapter to report their agreement commodity data on a sub-trade basis pursuant to § 535.703(d) of this chapter.

§ 501.18 - Delegation to the Director, Bureau of Enforcement, Investigations, and Compliance.

As set forth in §§ 502.63(d) and 502.604, the Director, Bureau of Enforcement, Investigations, and Compliance (BEIC) has delegated authority to issue Notice(s) of Violations (NOV) and to compromise civil penalty claims subject to review by the Commission pursuant to § 501.11(f)(2). This delegation shall include the authority to compromise claims relating to the retention, suspension, or revocation of ocean transportation intermediary licenses.

[88 FR 23363, Apr. 17, 2023]
authority: 5 U.S.C. 551-557,701,2903; 31 U.S.C. 3721; 41 U.S.C. 414 and 418; 44 U.S.C. 501-520 and 3501-3520; 46 U.S.C. 40101-41309,42101,44101,46101; Pub. L. 89-56, 70 Stat. 195; 5 CFR part 2638; Pub. L. 104-320, 110 Stat. 3870
source: 86 FR 50681, Sept. 10, 2021, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 46 CFR 501.15