Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 47 - Telecommunication last revised: Oct 11, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 32.101 - Structure of the balance sheet accounts.

§ 32.102 - Nonregulated investments.

§ 32.103 - Balance sheet accounts for other than regulated-fixed assets to be maintained.

§ 32.1120 - Cash and equivalents.

§ 32.1170 - Receivables.

§ 32.1171 - Allowance for doubtful accounts.

§ 32.1191 - Accounts receivable allowance—other.

§ 32.1220 - Inventories.

§ 32.1280 - Prepayments.

§ 32.1350 - Other current assets.

§ 32.1406 - Nonregulated investments.

§ 32.1410 - Other noncurrent assets.

§ 32.1438 - Deferred maintenance and retirements.

§ 32.1500 - Other jurisdictional assets—net.

§ 32.2000 - Instructions for telecommunications plant accounts.

§ 32.2001 - Telecommunications plant in service.

§ 32.2002 - Property held for future telecommunications use.

§ 32.2003 - Telecommunications plant under construction.

§ 32.2005 - Telecommunications plant adjustment.

§ 32.2006 - Nonoperating plant.

§ 32.2007 - Goodwill.

§ 32.2110 - Land and support assets.

§ 32.2111 - Land.

§ 32.2112 - Motor vehicles.

§ 32.2113 - Aircraft.

§ 32.2114 - Tools and other work equipment.

§ 32.2121 - Buildings.

§ 32.2122 - Furniture.

§ 32.2123 - Office equipment.

§ 32.2124 - General purpose computers.

§ 32.2210 - Central office—switching.

§ 32.2211 - Non-digital switching.

§ 32.2212 - Digital electronic switching.

§ 32.2220 - Operator systems.

§ 32.2230 - Central office—transmission.

§ 32.2231 - Radio systems.

§ 32.2232 - Circuit equipment.

§ 32.2310 - Information origination/termination.

§ 32.2311 - Station apparatus.

§ 32.2341 - Large private branch exchanges.

§ 32.2351 - Public telephone terminal equipment.

§ 32.2362 - Other terminal equipment.

§ 32.2410 - Cable and wire facilities.

§ 32.2411 - Poles.

§ 32.2421 - Aerial cable.

§ 32.2422 - Underground cable.

§ 32.2423 - Buried cable.

§ 32.2424 - Submarine & deep sea cable.

§ 32.2426 - Intrabuilding network cable.

§ 32.2431 - Aerial wire.

§ 32.2441 - Conduit systems.

§ 32.2680 - Amortizable tangible assets.

§ 32.2681 - Finance leases.

§ 32.2682 - Leasehold improvements.

§ 32.2690 - Intangibles.

§ 32.3000 - Instructions for balance sheet accounts—depreciation and amortization.

§ 32.3100 - Accumulated depreciation.

§ 32.3200 - Accumulated depreciation—held for future telecommunications use.

§ 32.3300 - Accumulated depreciation—nonoperating.

§ 32.3400 - Accumulated amortization—tangible.

§ 32.3410 - Accumulated amortization—capitalized finance leases.

§ 32.3999 - Instructions for balance sheet accounts—liabilities and stockholders' equity.

§ 32.4000 - Current accounts and notes payable.

§ 32.4040 - Customers' deposits.

§ 32.4070 - Income taxes—accrued.

§ 32.4080 - Other taxes—accrued.

§ 32.4100 - Net current deferred operating income taxes.

§ 32.4110 - Net current deferred nonoperating income taxes.

§ 32.4130 - Other current liabilities.

§ 32.4200 - Long term debt and funded debt.

§ 32.4300 - Other long-term liabilities and deferred credits.

§ 32.4320 - Unamortized operating investment tax credits—net.

§ 32.4330 - Unamortized nonoperating investment tax credits—net.

§ 32.4340 - Net noncurrent deferred operating income taxes.

§ 32.4341 - Net deferred tax liability adjustments.

§ 32.4350 - Net noncurrent deferred nonoperating income taxes.

§ 32.4361 - Deferred tax regulatory adjustments—net.

§ 32.4370 - Other jurisdictional liabilities and deferred credits—net.

§ 32.4510 - Capital stock.

§ 32.4520 - Additional paid-in capital.

§ 32.4530 - Treasury stock.

§ 32.4540 - Other capital.

§ 32.4550 - Retained earnings.

§ 32.101 - Structure of the balance sheet accounts.

The Balance Sheet accounts shall be maintained as follows:

(a) Account 1120, Cash and equivalents, through Account 1500, Other jurisdictional assets—net, shall include assets other than regulated-fixed assets.

(b) Account 2001, Telecommunications plant in service, through Account 2007, Goodwill, shall include the regulated-fixed assets.

(c) Account 3100, Accumulated depreciation through Account 3400, Accumulated amortization—tangible, shall include the asset reserves except that reserves related to certain asset accounts will be included in the asset account. (See §§ 32.2005, 32.2682 and 32.2690.)

(d) Account 4000, Current accounts and notes payable, through Account 4550, Retained earnings, shall include all liabilities and stockholders equity.

[67 FR 5680, Feb. 6, 2002, as amended at 82 FR 20840, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.102 - Nonregulated investments.

Nonregulated investments shall include the investment in nonregulated activities that are conducted through the same legal entity as the telephone company operations, but do not involve the joint or common use of assets or resources in the provision of both regulated and nonregulated products and services. See §§ 32.14 and 32.23.

[52 FR 6561, Mar. 4, 1987]
§ 32.103 - Balance sheet accounts for other than regulated-fixed assets to be maintained.

Balance sheet accounts to be maintained by companies for other than regulated-fixed assets are indicated as follows:

Balance Sheet Accounts

Account title
Current assets
Cash and equivalents1120
Allowance for doubtful accounts1171
Material and supplies1220
Other current assets1350
Noncurrent assets
Nonregulated investments1406
Other noncurrent assets1410
Deferred charges:
Deferred maintenance, retirements and other deferred charges1438
Other jurisdictional assets-net1500
[82 FR 20840, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.1120 - Cash and equivalents.

(a) This account shall include the amount of current funds available for use on demand in the hands of financial officers and agents, deposited in banks or other financial institutions and also funds in transit for which agents have received credit.

(b) This account shall include the amount of cash on special deposit, other than in sinking and other special funds provided for elsewhere, to pay dividends, interest, and other debts, when such payments are due one year or less from the date of deposit; the amount of cash deposited to insure the performance of contracts to be performed within one year from date of the deposit; and other cash deposits of a special nature not provided for elsewhere. This account shall include the amount of cash deposited with trustees to be held until mortgaged property sold, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of is replaced, and also cash realized from the sale of the company's securities and deposited with trustees to be held until invested in physical property of the company or for disbursement when the purposes for which the securities were sold are accomplished.

(c) Cash on special deposit to be held for more than one year from the date of deposit shall be included in Account 1410, Other noncurrent assets.

(d) This account shall include the amount of cash advanced to officers, agents, employees, and others as petty cash or working funds from which expenditures are to be made and accounted for.

(e) This account shall include the cost of current securities acquired for the purpose of temporarily investing cash, such as time drafts receivable and time loans, bankers' acceptances, United States Treasury certificates, marketable securities, and other similar investments of a temporary character.

(f) Accumulated changes in the net unrealized losses of current marketable equity securities shall be included in the determination of net income in the period in which they occur in Account 7300, Other Nonoperating Income and Expense.

(g) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the entity may separately report the amounts of temporary investments that relate to affiliates and nonaffiliates. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this chapter.

[67 FR 5681, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.1170 - Receivables.

(a) This account shall include all amounts due from customers for services rendered or billed and from agents and collectors authorized to make collections from customers. This account shall also include all amounts due from customers or agents for products sold. This account shall be kept in such manner as will enable the company to make the following analysis:

(1) Amounts due from customers who are receiving telecommunications service.

(2) Amounts due from customers who are not receiving service and whose accounts are in process of collection.

(b) Collections in excess of amounts charged to this account may be credited to and carried in this account until applied against charges for services rendered or until refunded.

(c) Cost of demand or time notes, bills and drafts receivable, or other similar evidences (except interest coupons) of money receivable on demand or within a time not exceeding one year from date of issue.

(d) Amount of interest accrued to the date of the balance sheet on bonds, notes, and other commercial paper owned, on loans made, and the amount of dividends receivable on stocks owned.

(e) This account shall not include dividends or other returns on securities issued or assumed by the company and held by or for it, whether pledged as collateral, or held in its treasury, in special deposits, or in sinking and other funds.

(f) Dividends received and receivable from affiliated companies accounted for on the equity method shall be included in Account 1410, Other noncurrent assets, as a reduction of the carrying value of the investment.

(g) This account shall include all amounts currently due, and not provided for in (a) through (g) of this section such as those for traffic settlements, divisions of revenue, material and supplies, matured rents, and interest receivable under monthly settlements on short-term loans, advances, and open accounts. If any of these items are not to be paid currently, they shall be transferred to Account 1410, Other noncurrent assets.

(h) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the entity may separately report the amounts contained herein that relate to affiliates and nonaffiliates. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this chapter.

[67 FR 5681, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.1171 - Allowance for doubtful accounts.

(a) This account shall be credited with amounts charged to Accounts 5300, Uncollectible revenue, and 6790, Provision for uncollectible notes receivable to provide for uncollectible amounts related to accounts receivable and notes receivable included in Account 1170, Receivables. There shall also be credited to this account amounts collected which previously had been written off through charges to this account and credits to Account 1170. There shall be charged to this account any amounts covered thereby which have been found to be impracticable of collection.

(b) If no such allowance is maintained, uncollectible amounts shall be charged directly to Account 5300, Uncollectible revenue or directly to Account 6790, Provision for uncollectible notes receivable, as appropriate.

(c) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the entity may separately report the amounts contained herein that relate to affiliates and nonaffiliates. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this chapter.

[67 FR 5682, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.1191 - Accounts receivable allowance—other.

(a) This account shall be credited with amounts charged to Account 5302, Uncollectible Revenue—Other to provide for uncollectible amounts included in Account 1190, Other Accounts Receivable. There shall also be credited to this account amounts collected which previously had been written off through charges to this account and credits to Account 1190. There shall be charged to this account any amounts covered thereby which have been found to be impracticable of collection.

(b) If no such allowance is maintained, uncollectible amounts shall be charged directly to Account 5302, Uncollectible Revenue—Other.

(c) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the entity may separately report the amounts contained herein that relate to affiliates and nonaffiliates. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this Commission's Rules and Regulations.

§ 32.1220 - Inventories.

(a) This account shall include the cost of materials and supplies held in stock and inventories of goods held for resale or lease. The investment in inventories shall be maintained in the following subaccounts:

1220.1 Material and supplies 1220.2 Property held for sale or lease

(b) These subaccounts shall not include items which are related to a nonregulated activity unless that activity involves joint or common use of assets and resources in the provision of regulated and nonregulated products and services.

(c) 1220.1 Material and supplies. This subaccount shall include cost of material and supplies held in stock including plant supplies, motor vehicles supplies, tools, fuel, other supplies and material and articles of the company in process of manufacture for supply stock. (Note also § 32.2000(c)(2)(iii) of this subpart.)

(d) Transportation charges and sales and use taxes, so far as practicable, shall be included as a part of the cost of the particular material to which they relate. Transportation and sales and use taxes which are not included as part of the cost of particular material shall be equitably apportioned among the detail accounts to which material is charged.

(e) So far as practicable, cash and other discount on material shall be deducted in determining cost of the particular material to which they relate or credited to the account to which the material is charged. When such deduction is not practicable, discounts shall be equitably apportioned among the detail accounts to which material is charged.

(f) Material recovered in connection with construction, maintenance or retirement of property shall be charged to this account as follows:

(1) Reusable items that, when installed or in service, were retirement units shall be included in this account at the original cost, estimated if not known. (Note also § 32.2000(d)(3) of this subpart.)

(2) Reusable minor items that, when installed or in service, were not retirement units shall be included in this account at current prices new.

(3) The cost of repairing reusable material shall be charged to the appropriate account in the Plant Specific Operations Expense accounts.

(4) Scrap and nonusable material included in this account shall be carried at the estimated amount which will be received therefor. The difference between the amounts realized for scrap and nonusable material sold and the amounts at which it is carried in this account, so far as practicable, shall be adjusted in the accounts credited when the material was taken up in this account.

(g) Interest paid on material bills, the payments of which are delayed, shall be charged to Account 7500, Interest and related items.

(h) Inventories of material and supplies shall be taken periodically or frequently enough for reporting purposes, as appropriate, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The adjustments to this account shall be charged or credited to Account 6512, Provisioning expense.

(i) 1220.2 Property held for sale or lease. This subaccount shall include the cost of all items purchased for resale or lease. The cost shall include applicable transportation charges, sales and use taxes, and cash and other purchase discounts. Inventory shortage and overage shall be charged and credited, respectively, to Account 5280, Nonregulated operating revenue.

[52 FR 39534, Oct. 22, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 49322, Dec. 7, 1988; 67 FR 5682, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.1280 - Prepayments.

This account shall include:

(a) The amounts of rents paid in advance of the period in which they are chargeable to income, except amounts chargeable to telecommunications plant under construction and minor amounts which may be charged directly to the final accounts. As the term expires for which the rents are paid, this account shall be credited monthly and the appropriate account charged.

(b) The balance of all taxes, other than amounts chargeable to telecommunication plant under construction and minor amounts which may be charged to the final accounts, paid in advance and which are chargeable to income within one year. As the term expires for which the taxes are paid, this account shall be credited monthly and the appropriate account charged.

(c) The amount of insurance premiums paid in advance of the period in which they are chargeable to income, except premiums chargeable to telecommunications plant under construction and minor amounts which may be charged directly to the final accounts. As the term expires for which the premiums are paid, this account shall be credited monthly and the appropriate account charged.

(d) The cost of preparing, printing, binding, and delivering directories and the cost of soliciting advertisements for directories, except minor amounts which may be charged directly to Account 6622, Number services. These prepaid directory expenses shall be cleared to Account 6622 by monthly charges representing that portion of the expenses applicable to each month.

(e) Other prepayments not included in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section except for minor amounts which may be charged directly to the final accounts. As the term expires for which the payments apply, this account shall be credited monthly and the appropriate account charged.

[67 FR 5682, Feb. 6, 2002, as amended at 69 FR 53648, Sept. 2, 2004]
§ 32.1350 - Other current assets.

This account shall include the amount of all current assets which are not includable in Accounts 1120 through 1280.

[67 FR 5682, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.1406 - Nonregulated investments.

This account shall include the carrier's investment in nonregulated activities accounted for in a separate set of books as provided in § 32.23(b).

[52 FR 6561, Mar. 4, 1987; 52 FR 39535, Oct. 22, 1987, as amended as 67 FR 5682, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.1410 - Other noncurrent assets.

(a) This account shall include the acquisition cost of the company's investment in equity or other securities issued or assumed by affiliated companies, including securities held in special funds (sinking funds). The carrying value of the investment (securities) accounted for on the equity method shall be adjusted to recognize the company's share of the earnings or losses and dividends received or receivable of the affiliated company from the date of acquisition. (Note also Account 1170, Receivables, and Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense.)

(b) This account shall include the acquisition cost of the Company's investment in securities issued or assumed by nonaffiliated companies and individuals, and also its investment advances to such parties and special deposits of cash for more than one year from date of deposit.

(c) Declines in value of investments, including those accounted for under the cost method, shall be charged to Account 4540, Other capital, if temporary and as a current period loss if permanent. Detail records shall be maintained to reflect unrealized losses for each investment.

(d) This account shall also include advances represented by book accounts only with respect to which it is agreed or intended that they shall be either settled by issuance of capital stock or debt; or shall not be subject to current cost settlement.

(e) Amounts due from affiliated and nonaffiliated companies which are subject to current settlement shall be included in Account 1170, Receivables.

(f) This account shall include the total unamortized balance of debt issuance expense for all classes of outstanding long-term debt. Amounts included in this account shall be amortized monthly and charged to account 7500, Interest and related items.

(g) Debt Issuance expense includes all expenses in connection with the issuance and sale of evidence of debt, such as fees for drafting mortgages and trust deeds; fees and taxes for issuing or recording evidences of debt; costs of engraving and printing bonds, certificates of indebtedness, and other commercial paper; fees paid trustees; specific costs of obtaining governmental authority; fees for legal services; fees and commissions paid underwriters, brokers, and salesmen; fees and expenses of listing on exchanges, and other like costs. A subsidiary record shall be kept of each issue outstanding.

(h) This account shall include the amount of cash and other assets which are held by trustees or by the company's treasurer in a distinct fund, for the purpose of redeeming outstanding obligations. Interest or other income arising from funds carried in this account shall generally be charged to this account. A subsidiary record shall be kept for each sinking fund which shall designate the obligation in support of which the fund was created.

(i) This account shall include the amount of all noncurrent assets which are not includable in paragraphs (a) through (h) of this section.

(j) A subsidiary record shall be kept identifying separately common stocks, preferred stocks, long-term debt, advances to affiliates, and investment advances. A subsidiary record shall also be kept identifying special deposits of cash for more than one year from the date of deposit. Further, the company's record shall identify the securities pledged as collateral for any of the company's long-term debt or short-term loans or to secure performance of contracts.

(k) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the entity may separately report the amounts contained herein that relate to the equity method and the cost method. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this chapter.

(l) This account shall include property subject to a lessee operating lease longer than one year.

(1) An operating lease is a contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the right to control the use of identified property, plant and equipment (an identified asset) for a period of time in exchange for consideration.

(2) The amounts recorded in this account at the inception of an operating lease shall be equal to the present value not to exceed fair value, at the beginning of the lease term, of minimum lease payments during the lease term, excluding that portion of the payments representing executory costs to be paid by the lessor, together with any profit thereon. Amounts subject to current treatment shall be included in Account 1350, Other current assets.

(3) Any balance in this account relating to capitalized operating leases shall be excluded in any ratemaking calculations.

(m) This account shall include the amount of lessor receivables from an operating lease longer than one year.

(1) The amount recorded in this account at the inception of an operating lease shall be equal to the present value not to exceed fair value, at the beginning of the lease term, of minimum lease payments during the lease term, excluding that portion of the payments representing executory costs to be paid by the lessee, together with any profit thereon. Amounts subject to current settlement shall be included in Account 1350, Other current assets.

(2) Any balance in this account relating to receivables associated with capitalized operating leases shall be excluded in any ratemaking calculations.

[67 FR 5682, Feb. 6, 2002, as amended at 84 FR 4729, Feb. 19, 2019]
§ 32.1438 - Deferred maintenance and retirements.

(a) This account shall include such items as:

(1) The unprovided-for loss in service value of telecommunications plant for extraordinary nonrecurring retirement not considered in depreciation and the cost of extensive replacements of plant normally chargeable to the current period Plant Specific Operations Expense accounts. These charges shall be included in this account only upon direction or approval from this Commission. However, the company's application to this Commission for such approval shall give full particulars concerning the property retired, the extensive replacements, the amount chargeable to operating expenses and the period over which in its judgment the amount of such charges should be distributed.

(2) Unaudited amounts and other debit balances in suspense that cannot be cleared and disposed of until additional information is received; the amount, pending determination of loss, of funds on deposit with banks which have failed; revenue, expense, and income items held in suspense; amounts paid for options pending final disposition.

(3) Cost of preliminary surveys, plans, investigation, etc., made for construction projects under contemplation. If the projects are carried out, the preliminary costs shall be included in the cost of the plant constructed. If the projects are abandoned, the preliminary costs shall be charged to Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense.

(4) Cost of evaluations, inventories, and appraisals taken in connection with the acquisition or sale of property. If the property is subsequently acquired, the preliminary costs shall be accounted for as a part of the cost of acquisition, or if it is sold, such costs shall be deducted from the sale price in accounting for the property sold. If purchases or sales are abandoned, the preliminary costs included herein (including options paid, if any) shall be charged to Account 7300.

(b) Charges provided for in paragraph (a) of this section shall be included in this account only upon direction or approval from this Commission. However, the company's application to this Commission for such approval shall give full particulars concerning the property retired, the extensive replacements, the amount chargeable to operating expenses and the period over which in its judgment the amount of such charges should be distributed.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5683, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.1500 - Other jurisdictional assets—net.

This account shall include the cumulative impact on assets of jurisdictional ratemaking practices which vary from those of this Commission. All entries recorded in this account shall be recorded net of any applicable income tax effects and shall be supported by subsidiary records where necessary as provided for in § 32.13(e) of subpart B.

§ 32.2000 - Instructions for telecommunications plant accounts.

(a) Purpose of telecommunications plant accounts. (1) The telecommunications plant accounts (2001 to 2007 inclusive) are designed to show the investment in the company's tangible and intangible telecommunications plant which ordinarily has a service life of more than one year, including such plant whether used by the company or others in providing telecommunications service.

(2) The telecommunications plant accounts shall not include the cost or other value of telecommunications plant contributed to the company. Contributions in the form of money or its equivalent toward the construction of telecommunications plant shall be credited to the accounts charged with the cost of such construction. Amounts of non-recurring reimbursements based on the cost of plant or equipment furnished in rendering service to a customer shall be credited to the accounts charged with the cost of the plant or equipment. Amounts received for construction which are ultimately to be repaid wholly or in part, shall be credited to Account 4300, Other long-term liabilities and deferred credits; when final determination has been made as to the amount to be returned, any unrefunded amounts shall be credited to the accounts charged with the cost of such construction. Amounts received for the construction of plant, the ownership of which rests with or will revert to others, shall be credited to the accounts charged with the cost of such construction. (Note also Account 7100, Other operating income and expense.)

(3) When telecommunications plant ordinarily having a service life of more than one year is installed for temporary use in providing telecommunications service, it shall be accounted for in the same manner as plant having a service life of more than one year. This includes temporary installations of plant (such as poles, wire and cable) installed to maintain service during the progress of highway reconstruction or during interruptions due to storms or other casualties, equipment used for the training of operators, equipment used to provide intercepting positions in central offices to handle traffic for a short period following extensive system changes and similar installations of property used to provide telecommunications service.

(4) [Reserved]

(b) Telecommunications plant acquired. (1) Property, plant and equipment acquired from an entity, whether or not affiliated with the accounting company, shall be accounted for at original cost, except that property, plant and equipment acquired from a nonaffiliated entity through an acquisition or merger may be accounted for at market value at the time of the acquisition or merger.

(2) The accounting for property, plant and equipment to be recorded at original cost shall be as follows:

(i) The amount of money paid (or current money value of any consideration other than money exchanged) for the property (together with preliminary expenses incurred in connection the acquisition) shall be charged to Account 1438, Deferred maintenance, retirements, and other deferred charges.

(ii) The original cost, estimated if not known, of telecommunications plant, governmental franchises and other similar rights acquired shall be charged to the applicable telecommunications plant accounts, Telecommunications Plant Under Construction, and Property Held For Future Telecommunications Use, as appropriate, and credited to Account 1439. When the actual original cost cannot be determined and estimates are used, the company shall be prepared to furnish the Commission with the particulars of such estimates.

(iii) Accumulated Depreciation and amortization balances related to plant acquired shall be credited to Account 3100, Accumulated depreciation, or Account 3200, Accumulated depreciation—held for future telecommunications use, or Account 3400, Accumulated amortization—tangible and debited to Account 1438. Accumulated amortization balances related to plant acquired which ultimately is recorded in Accounts 2005, Telecommunications plant adjustment, Account 2682, Leasehold improvements, or Account 2690, Intangibles shall be credited to these asset accounts, and debited to Account 1438.

(iv) Any amount remaining in Account 1438, applicable to the plant acquired, shall, upon completion of the entries provided in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) through (b)(2)(iii) of this section, be debited or credited, as applicable, to Account 2007, Goodwill, or to Account 2005, Telecommunications plant adjustment, as appropriate.

(3) A memorandum record shall be kept showing the amount of contributions in aid of construction applicable to the property acquired as shown by the accounts of the previous owner.

(c) Cost of construction. (1) Telecommunications plant represents an economic resource which will be used to provide future services, the cost of which will be allocated in a rational and systematic manner to the future periods in which it provides benefits. In accounting for construction costs, the utility shall charge to the telecommunications plant accounts, where applicable, all direct and indirect costs.

(2) Direct and indirect costs shall include, but not be limited to:

(i) “Labor” includes the wages and expenses of employees directly engaged in or in direct charge of construction work. It includes expenses directly related to an employee's wages, such as worker's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, benefits and other similar items of expense.

(ii) “Engineering” includes the portion of the wages and expenses of engineers, draftsmen, inspectors, and their direct supervision applicable to construction work. It includes expenses directly related to an employee's wages, such as worker's compensation insurance, payroll taxes, benefits and other similar items of expense.

(iii) “Material and supplies” includes the purchase price of material used at the point of free delivery plus the costs of inspection, loading and transportation, and an equitable portion of provisioning expense. In determining the cost of material used, proper allowance shall be made for unused material, for material recovered from temporary structures used in performing the work involved, and for discounts allowed and realized in the purchase of material. This item does not include construction material that is stolen or rendered unusable due to vandalism. Such material should be charged to the applicable plant specific operations expense accounts.

(iv) “Transportation” includes the cost of transporting employees, material and supplies, tools and other work equipment to and from the physical construction location. It includes amounts paid therefor to other companies or individuals and the cost of using the company's own motor vehicles or other transportation equipment.

(v) “Contract work” includes amounts paid for work performed under contract or other agreement by other companies, firms or individuals; engineering and supervision applicable to such work; cost incident to the award of contracts; and the inspection of such work. The cost of construction work performed by affiliated companies and other details relating thereto shall be available from the work in progress and supporting records.

(vi) “Protection” includes the cost of protecting the company's property from fire or other casualties and the cost of preventing damages to others or the property of others.

(vii) “Privileges, Permits, and Rights of way” includes such costs incurred in obtaining these privileges, permits, or rights of way in connection with construction work, such as for use of private property, streets or highways. The cost of such privileges and permits shall be included in the cost of the work for which the privileges or permits are obtained, except for costs includable in Account 2111, Land, and Account 2690, Intangibles.

(viii) “Taxes” includes taxes properly includable in construction costs before the facilities are completed for service, which taxes are assessed separately from taxes on operating property or under conditions that permit separate identification of the amount chargeable to construction.

(ix) “Special machine service” includes the cost of labor expended, materials and supplies consumed and other expenses incurred in the maintenance, operation and use of special and other labor saving machines (other than transportation equipment (such as trenching equipment, cable plows and pole setting trucks. Also included are expenditures for rental, maintenance and operation of such machines owned by others. When a construction job requires the purchase of special machines, the cost thereof, less the appraised or salvage value at the time of release from the job, shall be included in the cost of construction.

(x) Allowance for funds used during construction (“AFUDC”) provides for the cost of financing the construction of telecommunications plant. AFUDC shall be charged to Account 2003, Telecommunications plant under construction, and credited to Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense. The rate for calculating AFUDC shall be determined in accordance with GAAP when implementing this system of accounts. The amount of interest cost capitalized in an accounting period shall not exceed the total amount of interest cost incurred by the company in that period.

(xi) “Insurance” includes premiums paid specifically for protection against loss and damage in connection with the construction of telecommunications plant due to fire or other casualty, injury to or death of employees or others, damages to property of others, defalcations of employees and agents and the non-performance of contractual obligations of others.

(xii) “Construction services” include the cost of telephone, electricity, power, construction quarters, office space and equipment directly related to the construction project.

(xiii) “Indirect construction costs” shall include indirect costs such as general engineering, supervision and support. Such costs, in addition to direct supervision, shall include indirect plant operations and engineering supervision up to, but not including, supervision by executive officers whose pay and expenses are chargeable to Account 6720, General and administrative. The records supporting the entries for indirect construction costs shall be kept so as to show the nature of the expenditures, the individual jobs and accounts charged, and the bases of the distribution. The amounts charged to each plant account for indirect costs shall be readily determinable. The instructions contained herein shall not be interpreted as permitting the addition to plant of amounts to cover indirect costs based on arbitrary allocations.

(xiv) The cost of construction shall not include any amounts classifiable as Corporate Operations Expense.

(d) Telecommunications plant retired. (1) Telecommunications plant accounts shall at all times disclose the original cost of all property in service. When any item of property subject to plant retirement accounting is worn out, lost, sold, destroyed, abandoned, surrendered upon lapse of title, becomes permanently unserviceable, is withdrawn or for any other reason is retired from service, the plant accounts applicable to that item shall be credited with the original cost of the plant retired whether replaced or not (except as provided for minor items in paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section). Normally, these retirement credits with respect to such plant as entire buildings, entire central offices, all plant abandoned and any large sections of plant withdrawn from service, shall be entered in the accounts for the month in which use of the property ceased. For any other plant withdrawn from service, the retirement credits shall be entered no later than the next succeeding month. Literal compliance with the provision for timing of entries with respect to property amounting to less than $50,000 retired under any one project is not required if an unreasonable amount of recordkeeping and estimating of quantities, original costs and salvage is necessary. The retirement entry shall refer to the continuing property record, or records supplemental thereto, from which the cost was obtained (note also paragraph (d)(3) of this section). Every company shall establish procedures which will ensure compliance with these requirements.

(2) To avoid undue refinement, depreciable telecommunications plant shall be accounted for as follows:

(i) Retirement units: This group includes major items of property, a representative list of which shall be prescribed by this Commission. In lieu of the retirement units prescribed with respect to a particular account, a company may, after obtaining specific approval by this Commission, establish and maintain its own list of retirement units for a portion or all of the plant in any such account. For items included on the retirement units list, the original cost of any such items retired shall be credited to the plant account and charged to Account 3100 Accumulated Depreciation, whether or not replaced. The original cost of retirement units installed in place of property retired shall be charged to the applicable telecommunications plant account.

(ii) Minor items: This group includes any part or element of plant which is not designated as a retirement unit. The original cost of a minor item of property when included in the specific or average cost for a retirement unit or units requires no separate credit to the telecommunications plant account when such a minor item is retired. The cost of replacement shall be charged to the account applicable for the cost of repairs of the property. However, if the replacement effects a substantial betterment (the primary aim of which is to make the property affected more useful, of greater durability, of greater capacity or more economical in operation), the excess cost of such a replacement, over the estimated cost at the then current prices of replacement without betterment of the minor items being retired, shall be charged to the applicable telecommunications plant account.

(3) The cost of property to be retired shall be the amount at which property is included in the telecommunications plant accounts. However, when it is impracticable to determine the cost of each item due to the relatively large number or small cost of such items, the average cost of all the items covered by an appropriate subdivision of the account shall be used in determining the cost to be assigned to such items when retired. The method used in determining average cost must give due regard to the quantity, vintage, size and kind of items, the area in which they were installed and their classification in other respects. Average cost may be applied in retirement of such items as poles, wire, cable, cable terminals, conduit and booths. Any company may use average cost of property installed in a year or band of years as approved by the Commission. It should be understood, however, that the use of average costs shall not relieve the company of the requirement for maintaining its continuing property records to show, where practicable, dates of installation and removal for purposes of mortality studies. (See § 32.2000(f) of this subpart, Standard Practices for Establishing and Maintaining Continuing Property Records.)

(4) The accounting for the retirement of property, plant and equipment shall be as provided above except that amounts in Account 2111, Land, and amounts for works of art recorded in Account 2122, Furniture, shall be treated at disposition as a gain or loss and shall be credited or debited to Account 7100, Other operating income and expense, as applicable. If land or artwork is retained by the company and held for sale, the cost shall be charged to Account 2006, Nonoperating plant.

(5) When the telecommunications plant is sold together with traffic associated therewith, the original cost of the property shall be credited to the applicable plant accounts and the estimated amounts carried with respect thereto in the accumulated depreciation and amortization accounts shall be charged to such accumulated accounts. The difference, if any, between the net amount of such debit and credit items and the consideration received (less commissions and other expenses of making the sale) for the property shall be included in Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense. The accounting for depreciable telecommunications plant sold without the traffic associated therewith shall be in accordance with the accounting provided in § 32.3100(c).

(e) Basic property records. (1) The basic property records are that portion of the total property accounting system which preserves the following detailed information:

(i) The identity, vintage, location and original cost of units of property;

(ii) Original and ongoing transactional data (plant account activity) in terms of such units; and

(iii) Any other specific financial and cost accounting information not properly warranting separate disclosure as an account or subaccount but which is needed to support regulatory, cost, tax, management and other specific accounting information needs and requirements.

(2) The basic property records must be: (i) Subject to internal accounting controls, (ii) auditable, (iii) equal in the aggregate to the total investment reflected in the financial property control accounts as well as the total of the cost allocations supporting the determination of cost-of-service at any particular point in time, and (iv) maintained throughout the life of the property.

(3) The basic property records shall consist of (i) continuing property records and (ii) records supplemental thereto which together reveal clearly, by accounting area, the detailed and systematically summarized information necessary to meet fully the requirements of paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this section.

(4) Companies shall establish and maintain basic property records for each class of property recorded in the several plant accounts which comprise the balance sheet Account 2001, Telecommunications Plant In Service, Account 2002, Property Held for Future Telecommunications Use, and Account 2006, Nonoperating Plant.

(5) The company shall notify the Commission of a plan for the basic property record as follows:

(i) Not later than June 30 of the year following that in which it becomes subject to this system of accounts, the company shall file with the Commission two (2) copies of a complete plan of the method to be used in the compilation of a basic property record with respect to each class of property. The plan shall include a list of proposed accounting areas accompanied by description of the boundaries of each area as defined in accordance with the requirements of § 32.2000(f)(1) (i) and (ii) of this subpart. The plan shall also include a list of property record units proposed for use under each regulated plant account. These property record units shall be selected such that the requirements of § 32.2000(f)(2) (i), (ii) and (iii) of this subpart can be satisfied.

(ii) The company shall submit to the Commission one copy of any major proposed changes in its basic property record plan at least 30 days before the effective date of the proposed changes.

(6) The company shall prepare and maintain the basic property record as follows:

(i) Not later than June 30 of the year following that in which the company becomes subject to this system of accounts, begin the preparation of a basic property record.

(ii) Complete within two years of the prescribed beginning date, basic property records for all property as of the end of the preceding calendar year.

(iii) Promptly process in the basic property records all property changes affecting periods subsequent to initial establishment of the basic property record.

(7) The basic property record components (see paragraph (c) of this section) shall be arranged in conformity with the regulated plant accounts prescribed in this section of accounts as follows:

(i) The continuing property records shall be compiled on the basis of original cost (or other book cost consistent with this system of accounts). The continuing property records shall be maintained as prescribed in § 32.2000(f)(2)(iii) of this subpart in such manner as will meet the following basic objectives:

(A) Provide for the verification of property record units by physical examination.

(B) Provide for accurate accounting for retirements.

(C) Provide data for use in connection with depreciation studies.

(ii) The records supplemental to the continuing property records shall disclose such service designations, usage measurement criteria, apportionment factors, or other data as may be prescribed by the Commission in this part or other parts of its Rules and Regulations. Such data are subject to the same general controls and standards for auditability and support as are all other elements of the basic property records.

(8) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part concerning continuing property records, carriers subject to price cap regulations set forth in part 61 of this chapter shall maintain property records necessary to track substantial assets and investments in an accurate, auditable manner that enables them to verify their accounting books, make such property information available to the Commission upon request, and ensure the maintenance of such data.

(f) Standard practices for establishing and maintaining continuing property records—(1) Accounting area. (i) The continuing property record, as related to each primary plant account, shall be established and maintained by subaccounts for each accounting area. An accounting area is the smallest territory of the company for which accounting records of investment are maintained for all plant accounts within the area. Areas already established for administrative, accounting, valuation, or other purposes may be adopted for this purpose when appropriate. In no case shall the boundaries of accounting areas cross either State lines or boundaries prescribed by the Commission.

(ii) In determining the limit of each area, consideration shall be given to the quantities of property, construction conditions, operating districts, county and township lines, taxing district boundaries, city limits, and other political or geographical limits, in order that the area adopted may have maximum adaptability, within the confines of practicability, for both the company's purpose and those of Federal, State, and municipal authorities.

(2) Property record units. (i) In each of the established accounting areas, the “property record units” which are to be maintained in the continuing property record shall be set forth separately, classified by size and type with the amount of original cost (or other appropriate book cost) associated with such units. When a list of property record units has been accepted by the Commission, they shall become the units referred to in this statement of standard practices. Such units shall apply to only the regulated portion of this system of accounts.

(ii) When it is found necessary to revise this list because of the addition of units used in providing new types of service, or new units resulting from improvements in technology, or because of the grouping or elimination of units which no longer merit separate recognition as property record units, one copy of such changes shall be submitted to the Commission. Upon appropriate showing by the company, the Commission may specifically exempt the company from these filing requirements.

(iii) The continuing property record shall reveal the description, location, date of placement, the essential details of construction, and the original cost (note also paragraph (f)(3) of this section) of the property record units. The continuing property records shall be compiled on the basis of original cost (or other book cost consistent with this system of accounts) and maintained in such manner as will provide for the verification of property record units by physical examination. The continuing property record and other underlying records of construction costs shall be so maintained that, upon retirement of one or more retirement units or of minor items without replacement when not included in the costs of retirement units, the actual cost or a reasonably accurate estimate of the cost of the plant retired can be determined.

(3) Methods of determining original cost of property record units. The original cost of the property record units shall be determined by analyses of the construction costs incurred as shown by completion reports and other data, accumulated in the respective construction work orders or authorizations. Costs shall be allocated to and associated with the property record units to facilitate accounting for retirements. The original cost of property record units shall be determined by unit identification or averaging as described in paragraphs (f)(3) (i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Unit identification. Cost shall be identified and maintained by specific location for property record units contained within certain regulated plant accounts or account groupings such as Land, Buildings, Central Office Assets, Motor Vehicles, garage work equipment included in Account 2114, Tools and other work equipment, and Furniture. In addition, units involved in any unusual or special type of construction shall be recorded by their specific location costs (note also § 32.2000(f)(3)(ii)(B)).

(ii) Averaging. (A) Average costs may be developed for plant consisting of a large number of similar units such as terminal equipment, poles, wire, cable, cable terminals, conduit, furniture, and work equipment. Units of similar size and type within each specified accounting area and regulated plant account may be grouped. Each such average cost shall be set forth in the continuing property record of the units with which it is associated.

(B) The averaging of costs permitted under the provisions of the foregoing paragraph is restricted to plant installed in a particular vintage or band of years incurred within an accounting area. This paragraph does not permit the inclusion of the cost of units involved in any unusual or special type of construction. The units involved in such unusual or special type of construction shall be recorded at cost by location.

(4) Estimates. In cases where the actual original cost of property cannot be ascertained, such as pricing an inventory for the initial entry of a continuing property record or the pricing of an acquisition for which a continuing property record has not been maintained, the original cost may be estimated. Any estimated original cost shall be consistent with the accounting practices in effect at the time the property was constructed.

(5) Identification of property record units. There shall be shown in the continuing property record or in record supplements thereof, a complete description of the property records units in such detail as to identify such units. The description shall include the identification of the work order under which constructed, the year of installation (unless not determinable per § 32.2000(f)(4) of this subpart, specific location of the property within each accounting area in such manner that it can be readily spot-checked for proof of physical existence, the accounting company's number or designation, and any other description used in connection with the determination of the original cost. Descriptions of units of similar size and type shall follow prescribed groupings.

(6) Reinstalled units. When units to which average costs are not applied, i.e., specific and fixed location units, are removed or retired and subsequently reinstalled, the date when the unit was first charged to the appropriate plant account shall, when required for adequate service life studies and reasonably accurate retirement accounting, be shown in addition to the date of reinstallation.

(7) Age and service life of property. The continuing property record shall disclose the age of existing property and the supporting records shall disclose the service life of property retired. Exceptions from this requirement for any property record unit shall be submitted to the Commission for approval.

(8) Reference to sources of information. There shall be shown by appropriate reference the source of all entries. All drawings, computations, and other detailed records which support quantities and costs or estimated costs shall be retained as a part of or in support of the continuing property record.

(9) Jointly owned property. (i) With respect to jointly owned property, there shall be shown in the continuing property record or records supplemental thereto:

(A) The identity of all joint owners.

(B) The percentage owned by the accounting company.

(ii) When regulated plant is constructed under arrangements for joint ownership, the amount received by the constructing company from the other joint owner or owners shall be credited as a reduction of the gross cost of the plant in place.

(iii) When a sale of a part interest in regulated plant is made, the fractional interest sold shall be treated as a retirement and the amount received shall be treated as salvage. The continuing property record or records supplemental thereto shall be so maintained as to identify separately retirements of this nature from physical retirements of jointly owned plant.

(iv) If jointly owned regulated property is substantial in relation to the total of the same kind of regulated property owned wholly by the company, such jointly owned regulated property shall be appropriately segregated in the continuing property record.

(g) Depreciation accounting—(1) Computation of depreciation rates. (i) Unless otherwise provided by the Commission, either through prior approval or upon prescription by the Commission, depreciation percentage rates shall be computed in conformity with a group plan of accounting for depreciation and shall be such that the loss in service value of the property, except for losses excluded under the definition of depreciation, may be distributed under the straight-line method during the service life of the property.

(ii) In the event any composite percentage rate becomes no longer applicable, revised composite percentage rates shall be computed in accordance with paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section.

(iii) The company shall keep such records of property and property retirements as will allow the determination of the service life of property which has been retired, or facilitate the determination of service life indications by mortality, turnover, or other appropriate methods. Such records will also allow the determination of the percentage of salvage value and cost of removal for property retired from each class of depreciable plant.

(2) Depreciation charges. (i) A separate annual percentage rate for each depreciation category of telecommunications plant shall be used in computing depreciation charges.

(ii) Companies, upon receiving prior approval from this Commission, or, upon prescription by this Commission, shall apply such depreciation rate, except where provisions of paragraph (g)(2)(iv) of this section apply, as will ratably distribute on a straight line basis the difference between the net book cost of a class or subclass of plant and its estimated net salvage during the known or estimated remaining service life of the plant.

(iii) Charges for currently accruing depreciation shall be made monthly to the appropriate depreciation accounts, and corresponding credits shall be made to the appropriate depreciation reserve accounts. Current monthly charges shall normally be computed by the application of one-twelfth of the annual depreciation rate to the monthly average balance of the associated category of plant. The average monthly balance shall be computed using the balance as of the first and last days of the current month.

(iv) In certain circumstances and upon prior approval of this Commission, monthly charges may be determined in total or in part through the use of other methods whereby selected plant balances or portions thereof are ratably distributed over periods prescribed by this Commission. Such circumstances could include but not be limited to factors such as the existence of reserve deficiencies or surpluses, types of plant that will be completely retired in the near future, and changes in the accounting for plant. Where alternative methods have been used in accordance with this subparagraph, such amounts shall be applied separately or in combination with rates determined in accordance with paragraph (g)(2)(ii) of this section.

(3) Acquired depreciable plant. When acquired depreciable plant carried in Account 1438, Deferred maintenance, retirements and other deferred charges, is distributed to the appropriate plant accounts, adjusting entries shall be made covering the depreciation charges applicable to such plant for the period during which it was carried in Account 1438.

(4) Plant Retired for Nonrecurring Factors not Recognized in Depreciation Rates.

(i) A retirement will be considered as nonrecurring (extraordinary) only if the following criteria are met:

(A) The impending retirement was not adequately considered in setting past depreciation rates.

(B) The charging of the retirement against the reserve will unduly deplete that reserve.

(C) The retirement is unusual such that similar retirements are not likely to recur in the future.

(5) Upon direction or approval from this Commission, the company shall credit Account 3100, Accumulated Depreciation, and charge Account 1438, Deferred Maintenance, retirements and other deferred charges, with the unprovided-for loss in service value. Such amounts shall be distributed from Account 1438 to Account 6561, Depreciation expense—Telecommunications plant in service, or Account 6562, Depreciation expense—property held for future telecommunications use, over such period as this Commission may direct or approve.

(h) Amortization accounting. (1) Unless otherwise provided by this Commission, either through approval, or upon prescription by this Commission, amortization shall be computed on the straight-line method, i.e., equal annual amounts shall be applied. The cost of each type asset shall be amortized on the basis the estimated life of that asset and shall not be written off in the accounting period in which the asset is acquired. A reasonable estimate of the useful life may be based on the upper or lower limits even though a fixed existence is not determinable. However, the period of amortization shall not exceed forty years.

(2) In the event any estimated useful life becomes no longer applicable, a revised estimated useful life shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (h)(1) of this section.

(3) Amortization charges shall be made monthly to the appropriate amortization expense accounts and corresponding credits shall be made to accounts 2005, 2682, 2690, and 3410, as appropriate. Monthly charges shall be computed by the application of one-twelfth to the annual amortization amount.

(4) The company shall keep such records as will allow the determination of the useful life of the asset.

(i) [Reserved]

(j) Plant accounts to be maintained by telephone companies as indicated:

Account title
Regulated plant
Property, plant and equipment:
Telecommunications plant in service 1 2001
Property held for future telecommunications use2002
Telecommunications plant under construction-short term2003
Telecommunications plant adjustment2005
Nonoperating plant2006
Telecommunications plant in service (TPIS)
TPIS—General support assets:
Land and support assets2110
TPIS—Central Office assets:
Central Office—switching2210
Operator systems2220
Central Office—transmission2230
TPIS—Information origination/termination assets:
Information origination termination2310
TPIS—Cable and wire facilities assets:
Cable and wire facilities2410
TPIS—Amortizable assets:
Amortizable tangible assets2680

1 Balance sheet summary account only.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 52 FR 7580, Mar. 12, 1987; 53 FR 30059, Aug. 10, 1988; 59 FR 46930, Sept. 13, 1994; 60 FR 12138, Mar. 6, 1995; 62 FR 39451, July 23, 1997; 64 FR 50007, Sept. 15, 1999; 67 FR 5683, Feb. 6, 2002; 69 FR 53648, Sept. 2, 2004; 82 FR 20840, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.2001 - Telecommunications plant in service.

This account shall include the original cost of the investment included in Accounts 2110 through 2690.

§ 32.2002 - Property held for future telecommunications use.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of property owned and held for no longer than two years under a definite plan for use in telecommunications service. If at the end of two years the property is not in service, the original cost of the property may remain in this account so long as the carrier excludes the original cost and associated depreciation from its ratebase and ratemaking considerations and report those amounts in reports filed with the Commission pursuant to 43.21(e)(1) and 43.21(e)(2) of this chapter.

(b) Subsidiary records shall be maintained to show the character of the amounts carried in this account.

[65 FR 16334, Mar. 28, 2000]
§ 32.2003 - Telecommunications plant under construction.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of construction projects (note also § 32.2000(c)) of this part and the cost of software development projects that are not yet ready for their intended use.

(b) There may be charged directly to the appropriate plant accounts the cost of any construction project which is estimated to be completed and ready for service within two months from the date on which the project was begun. There may also be charged directly to the plant accounts the cost of any construction project for which the gross additions to plant are estimated to amount to less than $100,000.

(c) If a construction project has been suspended for six months or more, the cost of the project included in this account may remain in this account so long as the carrier excludes the original cost and associated depreciation from its ratebase and ratemaking considerations and reports those amounts in reports filed with the Commission pursuant to §§ 43.21(e)(1) and 43.21(e)(2) of this chapter. If a project is abandoned, the cost included in this account shall be charged to Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense.

(d) When any telecommunications plant, the cost of which has been included in this account, is completed ready for service, the cost thereof shall be credited to this account and charged to the appropriate telecommunications plant or other accounts.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 60 FR 12138, Mar. 6, 1995; 64 FR 50007, Sept. 15, 1999; 65 FR 16335, Mar. 28, 2000; 67 FR 5685, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.2005 - Telecommunications plant adjustment.

(a) This account shall include amounts determined in accordance with § 32.2000(b) of this subpart representing the difference between (1) the fair market value of the telecommunications plant acquired, plus preliminary expenses incurred in connection with the acquisition; and (2) the original cost of such plant, governmental franchises and similar rights acquired, less the amounts of reserve requirements for depreciation and amortization of the property acquired. If the actual original cost is not known, the entries in this account shall be based upon an estimate of such costs.

(b) The amounts recorded in this account with respect to each property acquisition (except land and artworks) shall be disposed of, written off, or provision shall be made for the amortization thereof, as follows:

(1) Debit amounts may be charged in whole or in part, or amortized over a reasonable period through charges to Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense, without further direction or approval by this Commission. When specifically approved by this Commission, or when the provisions of paragraph (b)(3) of this section apply, debit amounts shall be amortized to Account 6565, Amortization expense—other.

(2) Credit amounts shall be disposed of in such manner as this Commission may approve or direct, except for credit amounts referred to in paragraph (b)(4) of this section.

(3) The amortization associated with the costs recorded in the Telecommunications plant adjustment account will be charged or credited, as appropriate, directly to this asset account, leaving a balance representing the unamortized cost.

(4) Within one year from the date of inclusion in this account of a debit or credit amount with respect to a current acquisition, the company may dispose of the total amount from an acquisition of telephone plant by a lump-sum charge or credit, as appropriate, to Account 6565 without further approval of this Commission, provided that such amount does not exceed $100,000 and that the plant was not acquired from an affiliated company.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5685, Feb. 6, 2002; 69 FR 53648, Sept. 2, 2004]
§ 32.2006 - Nonoperating plant.

(a) This account shall include the company's investment in regulated property which is not includable in the plant accounts as operating telecommunications plant. It shall include the company's investment in telecommunications property held for sale. (Note also Account 1406, Nonregulated Investments.)

(b) Subsidiary records shall be maintained to show the character of the amounts carried in this account.

§ 32.2007 - Goodwill.

(a) This account shall include any portion of the plant purchase price that cannot be assigned to specifically identifiable property acquired and such amount should be identified as “goodwill”. Such amounts included in this account shall be amortized to Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense, on a straight line basis over the remaining life of the acquired plant, not to exceed 40 years.

(b) The amounts included in this account shall be maintained to show the nature of each amount.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5686, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.2110 - Land and support assets.

This account shall be used by companies to record the original cost of land and support assets of the type and character detailed in Accounts 2111 through 2124.

[82 FR 20841, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.2111 - Land.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of all land held in fee and of easements, and similar rights in land having a term of more than one year used for purposes other than the location of outside plant (see Accounts 2411 through 2441) or externally mounted central office equipment (see Accounts 2211 and 2212). It shall also include special assessments upon land for the construction of public improvements.

(b) When land, together with buildings thereon, is acquired, the original cost shall be fairly apportioned between the land and the buildings and accounted for accordingly. If the plan of acquisition contemplates the removal of buildings, the total cost of the land and buildings shall be accounted for as the cost of the land, and the salvage value of the buildings when disposed of shall be deducted from the cost of the land so determined.

(c) Annual or more frequent payments for use of land shall be recorded in the rent subsidiary record category for Account 6121, Land and Building Expense.

(d) When land is acquired for which there is not a definite plan for its use in telecommunications service, its costs shall be included in Account 2006, Nonoperating Plant.

(e) When land is acquired in excess of that required for telecommunications purposes, the cost of such excess land shall be included in Account 2006.

(f) Installments of assessments for public improvement, including interest, if any, which are deferred without option to the company shall be included in this account only as they become due and payable. Interest on assessments which are not paid when due shall be included in Account 7500, Interest and related items.

(g) When land is purchased for immediate use in a construction project, its cost shall be included in Account 2003, Telecommunications plant under construction, until such time as the project involved is completed and ready for service.

(h) The original cost of leaseholds, easements, rights of way, and similar rights in land having a term of more than one year and not includable in Account 2111 shall be included in the accounts for outside plant or externally mounted central office equipment in connection with which the rights were acquired.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5686, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.2112 - Motor vehicles.

This account shall include the original cost of motor vehicles of the type which are designed and routinely licensed to operate on public streets and highways.

§ 32.2113 - Aircraft.

This account shall include the original cost of aircraft and any associated equipment and furnishings installed as an integral part of the aircraft.

§ 32.2114 - Tools and other work equipment.

This account shall include the original cost of special purpose vehicles and the original cost of tools and equipment used to maintain special purpose vehicles and items included in Accounts 2112 and 2113. This account shall also include the original cost of power-operated equipment, general purpose tools, and other items of work equipment.

[64 FR 50007, Sept. 15, 1999]
§ 32.2121 - Buildings.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of buildings, and the cost of all permanent fixtures, machinery, appurtenances and appliances installed as a part thereof. It shall include costs incident to the construction or purchase of a building and to securing possession and title.

(b) When land, together with the buildings thereon, is acquired, the original cost shall be fairly apportioned between the land and buildings, and the amount applicable to the buildings shall be included in this account. The amount applicable to the land shall be included in Account 2111, Land.

(c) This account shall not include the cost of any telephone equipment or wiring apparatus for generating or controlling electricity for operating the telephone system.

§ 32.2122 - Furniture.

This account shall include the original cost of furniture in offices, storerooms, shops, and all other quarters. This account shall also include the cost of objects which possess aesthetic value, are of original or limited edition, and do not have a determinable useful life. The cost of any furniture attached to and constituting a part of a building shall be charged to account 2121, Buildings.

§ 32.2123 - Office equipment.

This account shall include the original cost of office equipment in offices, shops and all other quarters. The cost of any equipment attached to and constituting a part of a building shall be charged to Account 2121, Buildings.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5686, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.2124 - General purpose computers.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of computers and peripheral devices which are designed to perform general administrative information processing activities.

(b) Administrative information processing includes but is not limited to activities such as the preparation of financial, statistical, or other business analytical reports; preparation of payroll, customer bills, and cash management reports, and other records and reports not specifically designed for testing, diagnosis, maintenance or control of the telecommunications network facilities.

(c) [Reserved]

(d) This account does not include the cost of computers and their associated peripheral devices associated with switching, network signaling, network operations, or other specific telecommunications plant. Such computers and peripherals shall be classified to the appropriate switching, network signaling, network expense, or other plant account.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 64 FR 50007, Sept. 15, 1999]
§ 32.2210 - Central office—switching.

This account shall be used by companies to record the original cost of switching assets of the type and character detailed in Accounts 2211 through 2212.

[82 FR 20841, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.2211 - Non-digital switching.

(a) This account shall include:

(1) Original cost of stored program control analog circuit-switching and associated equipment.

(2) Cost of remote analog electronic circuit switches.

(3) Original cost of non-electronic circuit-switching equipment such as Step-by-Step, Crossbar, and Other Electro-Mechanical Switching.

(b) Switching plant excludes switchboards which perform an operator assistance function and equipment which is an integral part thereof. It does not exclude equipment used solely for the recording of calling telephone numbers in connection with customer dialed charged traffic, dial tandem switchboards and special service switchboards used in conjunction with private line service; such equipment shall be classified to the particular switch that if serves.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5686, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.2212 - Digital electronic switching.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of stored program control digital switches and their associated equipment. Included in this account are digital switches which utilize either dedicated or non-dedicated circuits. This account shall also include the cost of remote digital electronic switches. The investment in digital electronic switching equipment shall be maintained in the following subaccounts: 2212.1 Circuit and 2212.2 Packet.

(b) This subaccount 2212.1 Circuit shall include the original cost of digital electronic switching equipment used to provide circuit switching. Circuit switching is a method of routing traffic through a switching center, from local users or from other switching centers, whereby a connection is established between the calling and called stations until the connection is released by the called or calling station.

(c) This subaccount 2212.2 Packet shall include the original cost of digital electronic switching equipment used to provide packet switching. Packet switching is the process of routing and transferring information by means of addressed packets so that a channel is occupied during the transmission of the packet only, and upon completion of the transmission the channel is made available for the transfer of other traffic.

(d) Digital electronic switching equipment used to provide both circuit and packet switching shall be recorded in the subaccounts 2212.1 Circuit and 2212.2 Packet based upon its predominant use.

(e) Switching plant excludes switchboards which perform an operator assistance function and equipment which is an integral part thereof. It does not exclude equipment used solely for the recording of calling telephone numbers in connection with customer dialed charged traffic, dial tandem switchboards and special service switchboards used in conjunction with private line service; such equipment shall be classified to the particular switch that it serves.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5686, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.2220 - Operator systems.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of those items of equipment used to assist subscribers in utilizing the network and equipment used in the provision of directory assistance, call intercept, and other operator assisted call completion activities.

(b) This account does not include equipment used solely for the recording of calling telephone numbers in connection with customer dialed charged traffic, dial tandem switchboards and special service switchboards used in conjunction with private line service; such equipment shall be classfied to the particular switch that it serves.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 59 FR 46930, Sept. 13, 1994]
§ 32.2230 - Central office—transmission.

This account shall be used by companies to record the original cost of radio systems and circuit equipment of the type and character detailed in Accounts 2231 and 2232.

[82 FR 20841, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.2231 - Radio systems.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of ownership of radio transmitters and receivers. This account shall include the original cost of ownership interest in satellites (including land-side spares), other spare parts, material and supplies. It shall include launch insurance and other satellite launch costs. This account shall also include the original cost of earth stations and spare parts, material or supplies therefor.

(b) This account shall also include the original cost of radio equipment used to provide radio communication channels. Radio equipment is that equipment which is used for the generation, amplification, propagation, reception, modulation, and demodulation of radio waves in free space over which communication channels can be provided. This account shall also include the associated carrier and auxiliary equipment and patch bay equipment which is an integral part of the radio equipment. Such equipment may be located in central office building, terminal room, or repeater stations or may be mounted on towers, masts, or other supports.

[67 FR 5686, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.2232 - Circuit equipment.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of equipment which is used to reduce the number of physical pairs otherwise required to serve a given number of subscribers by utilizing carrier systems, concentration stages or combinations of both. It shall include equipment that provides for simultaneous use of a number of interoffice channels on a single transmission path. This account shall also include equipment which is used for the amplification, modulation, regeneration, circuit patching, balancing or control of signals transmitted over interoffice communications transmission channels. This account shall include equipment which utilizes the message path to carry signaling information or which utilizes separate channels between switching offices to transmit signaling information independent of the subscribers' communication paths or transmission channels. This account shall also include the original cost of associated material used in the construction of such plant. Circuit equipment may be located in central offices, in manholes, on poles, in cabinets or huts, or at other company locations. The investment in circuit equipment shall be maintained in the following subaccounts: 2232.1 Electronic and 2232.2 Optical.

(b) This subaccount 2232.1 Electronic shall include the original cost of electronic circuit equipment.

(c) This subaccount 2232.2 Optical shall include the original cost of optical circuit equipment.

(d) Circuit equipment that converts electronic signals to optical signals or optical signals to electronic signals shall be categorized as electronic.

(e) This account excludes carrier and auxiliary equipment and patch bays which are includable in Account 2231.2, Other Radio Facilities. This account also excludes such equipment which is an integral component of a major unit which is classifiable to other accounts.

(f) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the company may separately report the amounts contained herein that relate to digital and analog. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this Commission's Rules and Regulations.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5686, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.2310 - Information origination/termination.

This account shall be used by companies to record the original cost of information origination/termination equipment of the type and character detailed in Accounts 2311 through 2362.

[82 FR 20841, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.2311 - Station apparatus.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of station apparatus, including teletypewriter equipment, telephone and miscellaneous equipment, small private branch exchanges and radio equipment (excluding mobile), installed for customer's use. Items included in this account shall remain herein until finally disposed of or until used in such manner as to warrant inclusion in other accounts.

(b) Each company shall prepare a list of station apparatus which shall be used as its list of disposition units for this account, the cost of which when finally disposed of shall be credited to this account and charged to Account 3100, Accumulated Depreciation.

(c) The cost of cross-connection boxes, distributing frames or other distribution points which are installed to terminate intrabuilding network cable shall be charged to Account 2426, Intrabuilding Network Cable.

(d) Operator head sets and transmitters in central offices and at private branch exchanges, and test sets such as those used by wire chiefs, outside plant technicians, and others, shall be included in Account 2114, Tools and other work equipment, Account 2220, Operator systems, or Account 2341, Large Private Branch Exchanges, as appropriate.

(e) Station apparatus for company official use shall be included in Account 2123, Office Equipment.

(f) Periodic asset verification, as prescribed by generally accepted accounting principles, shall be taken of all station apparatus in stock that are included in this account. The number of such station apparatus items as determined by this verification together with the number of all other station apparatus items included in this account, shall be compared with the corresponding number of station apparatus items as shown by the respective control records. The original cost of any unreconciled differences thereby disclosed shall be adjusted through Account 3100, Accumulated Depreciation. Appropriate verifications shall be made at suitable intervals and necessary adjustments between this account and Account 3100 shall be made for all station apparatus included in this account.

(g) Items of station apparatus in stock for which no further use in the ordinary conduct of the business is contemplated, but which as a precautionary measure are held for possible future contingencies instead of being discarded shall be excluded from this account and included in Account 1220, Inventories.

(h) Embedded CPE is that equipment or inventory which was tariffed or otherwise subject to the jurisdictional separations process as of January 1, 1983.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 52 FR 6561, Mar. 4, 1987; 52 FR 39535, Oct. 22, 1987; 59 FR 46930, Sept. 13, 1994; 64 FR 50007, Sept. 15, 1999; 67 FR 5687, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.2341 - Large private branch exchanges.

(a) This account shall include the original cost, including the cost of installation, of multiple manual private branch exchanges and of dial system private branch exchanges of types designed to accommodate 100 or more lines or which can normally be expanded to 100 or more lines, installed for customers' use. This account shall also include the original cost of other large installations of station equipment: (1) Which do not constitute stations, (2) which require special or individualized treatment because of their complexity, special design, or other distinctive characteristics, and (3) for which individual or other specialized cost records are appropriate. (Note also Account 2311, Station Apparatus.)

(b) The cost of intrabuilding network cables including their associated cross-connection boxes, terminals, distributing frames, etc., is chargeable to Account 2426, Intrabuilding Network Cable.

(c) The cost of outside plant, whether or not on private property, used with intrabuilding, network cable shall be charged to the appropriate outside plant accounts.

(d)-(e) [Reserved]

(f) Private branch exchanges for company official use shall be included in Account 2123, Office Equipment.

(g) Embedded CPE is that equipment or inventory which is tariffed or otherwise subject to the jurisdictional separations process as of January 1, 1983. Inventories of large private branch exchanges equipment are included in Account 1220, Inventories.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 52 FR 6562, Mar. 4, 1987; 52 FR 39535, Oct. 22, 1987; 59 FR 46930, Sept. 13, 1994]
§ 32.2351 - Public telephone terminal equipment.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of coinless, coin-operated (including public and semi-public), credit card and pay telephone installed for use by the public.

(b) This account shall also include the original cost of operating spares that are required to provide a continuity of service for public telephones. The operating spares shall not exceed six months supply in terms of turnover and be available to installers from locations in reasonable proximity to the location of the installed equipment.

(c) The original cost of installing public telephone equipment shall not include the labor and minor materials costs of installing the public telephone equipment or premises wiring. These costs as well as the cost of replacing a public telephone shall be charged to Account 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment Expense. The labor and minor materials costs of removal of public telephones will also be charged to Account 6351.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 52 FR 29019, Aug. 5, 1987]
§ 32.2362 - Other terminal equipment.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of other Non-CPE terminal equipment not specifically provided for elsewhere and items such as specialized communications equipment provided to meet the needs of the disabled, over-voltage protection equipment, multiplexing equipment to deliver multiple channels to customers, etc.

(b) Each company shall prepare a list of other terminal equipment which shall be used as its list of retirement units for this account, the cost of which when finally disposed of shall be credited to this account and charged to Account 3100, Accumulated Depreciation.

§ 32.2410 - Cable and wire facilities.

This account shall be used by companies to record the original cost of cable and wire facilities of the type and character detailed in Accounts 2411 through 2441.

[82 FR 20841, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.2411 - Poles.

This account shall include the original cost of poles, crossarms, guys and other material used in the construction of pole lines and shall include the cost of towers when not associated with buildings. This account shall also include the cost of clearing pole line routes and of tree trimming but shall exclude the cost of maintaining previously cleared routes.

§ 32.2421 - Aerial cable.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of aerial cable and of drop and block wires served by such cable or aerial wire as well as the cost of other material used in construction of such plant. Subsidiary record categories, as defined below, are to be maintained for nonmetallic aerial cable and metallic aerial cable.

(1) Nonmetallic cable. This subsidiary record category shall include the original cost of optical fiber cable and other associated material used in constructing a physical path for the transmission of telecommunications signals.

(2) Metallic cable. This subsidiary record category shall include the original cost of single or paired conductor cable, wire and other associated material used in constructing a physical path for the transmission of telecommunications signals.

(b) The cost of permits and privileges for the construction of cable and wire facilities shall be included in the account chargeable with such construction.

§ 32.2422 - Underground cable.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of underground cable installed in conduit and of other material used in the construction of such plant. Subsidiary record categories, as defined below, are to be maintained for nonmetallic underground cable and metallic underground cable.

(1) Nonmetallic cable. This subsidiary record category shall include the original cost of optical fiber cable and other associated material used in constructing a physical path for the transmission of telecommunications signals.

(2) Metallic cable. This subsidiary record category shall include the original cost of single or paired conductor cable, wire and other associated material used in constructing a physical path for the transmission of telecommunications signals.

(b) The cost of pumping water out of manholes and of cleaning manholes and ducts in connection with construction work and the cost of permits and privileges for the construction of cable and wire facilities shall be included in the account chargeable with such construction.

(c) The cost of drop and block wires served by underground cable shall be included in Account 2423, Buried Cable.

(d) The cost of cables leading from the main distributing frame or equivalent to central office equipment shall be included in the appropriate switching, transmission or other operations asset account.

§ 32.2423 - Buried cable.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of buried cable as well as the cost of other material used in the construction of such plant. This account shall also include the cost of trenching for and burying cable run in conduit not classifiable to Account 2441, Conduit Systems. Subsidiary record categories, as defined below, are to be maintained for nonmetallic buried cable and metallic buried cable.

(1) Nonmetallic cable. This subsidiary record category shall include the original cost of optical fiber cable and other associated material used in constructing a physical path for the transmission of telecommunications signals.

(2) Metallic cable. This subsidiary record category shall include the original cost of single or paired conductor cable, wire and other associated material used in constructing a physical path for the transmission of telecommunications signals.

(b) The cost of pumping water out of manholes and of cleaning manholes and ducts in connection with construction work and the cost of permits and privileges for the construction of cable and wire facilities shall be included in the account chargeable with such construction.

§ 32.2424 - Submarine & deep sea cable.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of submarine cable and deep sea cable and other material used in the construction of such plant. Subsidiary record categories, as defined below, are to be maintained for nonmetallic submarine and deep sea cable and metallic submarine and deep sea cable.

(1) Nonmetallic cable. This subsidiary record category shall include the original cost of optical fiber cable and other associated material used in constructing a physical path for the transmission of telecommunications signals.

(2) Metallic cable. This subsidiary record category shall include the original cost of single or paired conductor cable, wire and other associated material used in constructing a physical path for the transmission of telecommunications signals.

(b) The cost of permits and privileges for the construction of cable and wire facilities shall be included in the account chargeable with such construction.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5687, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.2426 - Intrabuilding network cable.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of cables and wires located on the company's side of the demarcation point or standard network interface inside subscribers' buildings or between buildings on one customer's same premises. Intrabuilding network cables are used to distribute network access facilities to equipment rooms, cross-connection or other distribution points at which connection is made with customer premises wiring. Subsidiary record categories, as defined below, are to be maintained for nonmetallic intrabuilding network cable and metallic intrabuilding network cable.

(1) Nonmetallic cable. This subsidiary record category shall include the original cost of optical fiber cable and other associated material used in constructing a physical path for the transmission of telecommunications signals.

(2) Metallic cable. This subsidiary record category shall include the original cost of single or paired conductor cable, wire and other associated material used in constructing a physical path for the transmission of telecommunications signals.

(b) The cost of pumping water out of manholes and of cleaning manholes and ducts in connection with construction work and the cost of permits and privileges for the construction of cable and wire facilities shall be included in the account chargeable with such construction.

(c) Intrabuilding network cable does not include the cost of cables or wires which are classifiable as network terminating wire, nor the cables or wires from the demarcation point or standard network interface to subscribers' stations.

§ 32.2431 - Aerial wire.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of bare line wire and other material used in the construction of such plant.

(b) The cost of permits and privileges for the construction of cable and wire facilities shall be included in the account chargeable with such construction.

(c) The cost of drop and block wires served by aerial wire shall be included in Account 2421, Aerial Cable.

§ 32.2441 - Conduit systems.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of conduit, whether underground, in tunnels or on bridges, which is reusable in place. It shall also include the cost of opening trenches and of any repaving necessary in the construction of conduit plant.

(b) The cost of pumping water out of manholes and of cleaning manholes and ducts in connection with construction work and the cost of permits and privileges for the construction of cable and wire facilities shall be included in the account chargeable with such construction.

(c) The cost of protective covering for buried cable shall be charged to Account 2423, Buried Cable, as appropriate, unless such protective covering is reusable in place. The amounts thus charged shall be included in the nonmetallic buried cable or metallic buried cable subsidiary record category, as appropriate.

(d) The cost of pipes or other protective covering for underground drop and block wires shall be included in Account 2421, Aerial Cable, or Account 2423, Buried Cable, as appropriate. The amounts thus charged shall be included in the nonmetallic or metallic subsidiary record category, as appropriate.

§ 32.2680 - Amortizable tangible assets.

This account shall be used by companies to record amounts for property acquired under finance leases and the original cost of leasehold improvements of the type of character detailed in Accounts 2681 and 2682.

[84 FR 4729, Feb. 19, 2019]
§ 32.2681 - Finance leases.

(a) This account shall include all property acquired under a finance lease. A lease qualifies as a finance lease when one or more of the following criteria is met:

(1) By the end of the lease term, ownership of the leased property is transferred to the leasee.

(2) The lease contains a bargain purchase option.

(3) The lease term is substantially (75% or more) equal to the estimated useful life of the leased property. However, if the beginning of the lease term falls within the last 25% of the total estimated economic life of the leased property, including earlier years of use, this criterion shall not be used for purposes of classifying the lease.

(4) At the inception of the lease, the present value of the minimum lease payments, excluding that portion of the payments representing executory costs to be paid by the lessor, including any profit thereon, equals or exceeds 90% or more of the fair value of the leased property. However, if the beginning of the lease term falls within the last 25% of the total estimated economic life of the leased property, including earlier years of use, this criterion shall not be used for purposes of classifying the lease.

(b) All other leases are operating leases.

(c) The amounts recorded in this account at the inception of a finance lease shall be equal to the original cost, if known, or to the present value not to exceed fair value, at the beginning of the lease term, of minimum lease payments during the lease term, excluding that portion of the payments representing executory costs to be paid by the lessor, together with any profit thereon.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 84 FR 4729, Feb. 19, 2019]
§ 32.2682 - Leasehold improvements.

(a) This account shall include the original cost of leasehold improvements made to telecommunications plant held under a finance or operating lease, which are subject to amortization treatment. This account shall also include those improvements which will revert to the lessor.

(b) Improvements to leased telecommunications plant which are of a relatively minor cost or short life or for which the period of the lease is one year or less shall be charged to the account chargeable with the cost of repairs to such plant.

(c) Amounts contained in this account shall be amortized over the term of the related lease.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5687, Feb. 6, 2002; 69 FR 53649, Sept. 2, 2004; 82 FR 20841, May 4, 2017; 84 FR 4730, Feb. 19, 2019]
§ 32.2690 - Intangibles.

(a) This account shall include the cost of organizing and incorporating the company, the original cost of government franchises, the original cost of patent rights, and other intangible property having a life of more than one year and used in connection with the company's telecommunications operations.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) The cost of other intangible assets, not including software, having a life of one year or less shall be charged directly to Account 6564, Amortization expense—intangible. Such intangibles acquired at small cost may also be charged to Account 6564, irrespective of their term of life. The cost of software having a life of one year or less shall be charged directly to the applicable expense account with which the software is associated.

(d) The amortization associated with the costs recorded in the Intangibles account will be credited directly to this asset account, leaving a balance representing the unamortized cost.

(e) This account shall not include any discounts on securities issued, nor shall it include costs incident to negotiating loans, selling bonds or other evidences of debt, or expenses in connection with the authorization, issuance, sale or resale of capital stock.

(f) When charges are made to this account for expenses incurred in mergers, consolidations, or reorganizations, amounts previously included in this account on the books of the various companies concerned shall not be carried over.

(g) Franchise taxes payable annually or more frequently shall be charged to Account 7240, Operating other taxes.

(h) This account shall not include the cost of plant, material and supplies, or equipment furnished to municipalities or other governmental authorities when given other than as initial consideration for franchises or similar rights. (Note also Account 6720, General & administrative).

(i) This account shall not include the original cost of easements, rights of way, and similar rights in land having a term of more than one year. Such amounts shall be recorded in Account 2111, Land, or in the appropriate outside plant account (see Accounts 2411 through 2441), or in the appropriate central office account (see Accounts 2211 through 2232).

[67 FR 5687, Feb. 6, 2002, as amended at 69 FR 53649, Sept. 2, 2004; 82 FR 20841, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.3000 - Instructions for balance sheet accounts—depreciation and amortization.

(a) Depreciation and amortization subsidiary records. (1) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained for each class of depreciable telecommunications plant in Account 3100 for which there is a prescribed depreciation rate. (See also § 32.2000(g)(1)(iii).)

(2) Subsidiary records shall be maintained for Accounts 2005, 2682, 2690, 3400 in accordance with § 32.2000(h)(4).

(b) Depreciation and amortization accounts to be maintained by telephone companies, as indicated.

Account title
Depreciation and amortization:
Accumulated depreciation3100
Accumulated depreciation—Held for future telecommunications use3200
Accumulated depreciation—Nonoperating3300
Accumulated depreciation—Tangible3400
[82 FR 20841, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.3100 - Accumulated depreciation.

(a) This account shall include the accumulated depreciation associated with the investment contained in Account 2001, Telecommunications Plant in Service.

(b) This account shall be credited with depreciation amounts concurrently charged to Account 6561, Depreciation expense—telecommunications plant in service. (Note also Account 3300, Accumulated depreciation—nonoperating.)

(c) At the time of retirement of depreciable operating telecommunications plant, this account shall be charged with the original cost of the property retired plus the cost of removal and credited with the salvage value and any insurance proceeds recovered.

(d) This account shall be credited with amounts charged to Account 1438, Deferred maintenance, retirements, and other deferred charges, as provided in § 32.2000(g)(4) of this subpart. This account shall be credited with amounts charged to Account 6561 with respect to other than relatively minor losses in service values suffered through terminations of service when charges for such terminations are made to recover the losses.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5687, Feb. 6, 2002; 69 FR 53649, Sept. 2, 2004]
§ 32.3200 - Accumulated depreciation—held for future telecommunications use.

(a) This account shall include the accumulated depreciation associated with the investment contained in Account 2002, Property Held for Future Telecommunications Use.

(b) This account shall be credited with amounts concurrently charged to Account 6562, Depreciation expense—property held for future telecommunications use.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5688, Feb. 6, 2002; 69 FR 53649, Sept. 2, 2004]
§ 32.3300 - Accumulated depreciation—nonoperating.

(a) This account shall include the accumulated amortization and depreciation associated with the investment contained in Account 2006, Nonoperating Plant.

(b) This account shall be credited with amortization and depreciation amounts concurrently charged to Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense.

(c) When nonoperating plant not previously used in telecommunications service is disposed of, this account shall be charged with the amount previously credited hereto with respect to such property and the book cost of the property so retired less the amount chargeable to this account and less the value of the salvage recovered or the proceeds from the sale of the property shall be included in Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense. In case the property had been used in telecommunications service previous to its inclusion in Account 2006, Nonoperating Plant, the amount accrued for depreciation thereon after its retirement from telecommunications service shall be charged to this account and credited to Account 3100, Accumulated depreciation, and the accounting for its retirement from Account 2006 shall be in accordance with that applicable to telecommunications plant retired.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 59 FR 46930, Sept. 13, 1994; 67 FR 5688, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.3400 - Accumulated amortization—tangible.

(a) This account shall include:

(1) The accumulated amortization associated with the investment contained in Account 2681, Finance leases.

(2) the accumulated amortization associated with the investment contained in Account 2682, Leasehold improvements.

(b) This account shall be credited with amounts for the amortization of finance leases and leasehold improvements concurrently charged to Account 6563, Amortization expense—tangible. (Note also Account 3300, Accumulated depreciation—nonoperating.)

(c) When any item carried in Account 2681 or Account 2682 is sold, is relinquished, or is otherwise retired from service, this account shall be charged with the cost of the retired item. Remaining amounts associated with the item shall be debited to Account 7100, Other operating income and expenses, or Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense, as appropriate.

[69 FR 53649, Sept. 2, 2004, as amended at 82 FR 20842, May 4, 2017; 84 FR 4730, Feb. 19, 2019]
§ 32.3410 - Accumulated amortization—capitalized finance leases.

(a) This account shall include the accumulated amortization associated with the investment contained in Account 2681, Finance Leases.

(b) This account shall be credited with amounts for the amortization of finance leases concurrently charged to Account 6563, Amortization expense—tangible. (Note also Account 3300, Accumulated depreciation—nonoperating.)

(c) When any item carried in Account 2681 is sold, is relinquished, or is otherwise retired from service, this account shall be charged with the cost of the retired item. Remaining amounts associated with the item shall be debited to Account 7100, Other operating income and expenses, or Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense, as appropriate.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5688, Feb. 6, 2002; 69 FR 53649, Sept. 2, 2004; 84 FR 4730, Feb. 19, 2019]
§ 32.3999 - Instructions for balance sheet accounts—liabilities and stockholders' equity.

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Accounts To Be Maintained by Companies

Account title
Current liabilities:
Current accounts and notes payable4000
Customer's Deposits4040
Income taxes—accrued4070
Other taxes—accrued4080
Net Current Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes4100
Net Current Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes4110
Other current liabilities4130
Long-term debt:
Long Term debt and Funded debt4200
Other liabilities and deferred credits:
Other liabilities and deferred credits4300
Unamortized operating investment tax credits—net4320
Unamortized nonoperating investment tax credits—net4330
Net noncurrent deferred operating income taxes4340
Net deferred tax liability adjustments4341
Net noncurrent deferred nonoperating income taxes4350
Deferred tax regulatory adjustments—net4361
Other jurisdictional liabilities and deferred credits—net4370
Stockholder's equity:
Capital stock4510
Additional paid-in capital4520
Treasury stock4530
Other capital4540
Retained earnings4550
[82 FR 20842, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.4000 - Current accounts and notes payable.

(a) This account shall include:

(1) All amounts currently due to others for recurring trade obligations, and not provided for in other accounts, such as those for traffic settlements, material and supplies, repairs to telecommunications plant, matured rents, and interest payable under monthly settlements on short-term loans, advances, and open accounts. It shall also include amounts of taxes payable that have been withheld from employees' salaries.

(2) Accounts payable arising from sharing of revenues.

(3) The face amount of notes, drafts, and other evidences of indebtedness issued or assumed by the company (except interest coupons) which are payable on demand or not more than one year or less from date of issue.

(b) If any part of an obligation, otherwise includable in this account matures more than one year from date of issue, it shall be included in Account 4200, Long term debt and funded debt, or other appropriate account.

(c) The records supporting the entries to this account shall be kept so that the company can furnish complete details as to each note, when it is issued, the consideration received, and when it is payable.

(d) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained for this account in order that the company may separately report the amounts contained herein that relate to nonaffiliates and affiliates. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this chapter.

[67 FR 5688, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.4040 - Customers' deposits.

(a) This account shall include the amount of cash deposited with the company by customers as security for the payment for telecommunications service.

(b) Advance payments made by prospective customers prior to the establishment of service shall be credited to Account 4130, Other current liabilities.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 67 FR 5689, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.4070 - Income taxes—accrued.

(a) This account shall be credited or charged and the following accounts shall be charged or credited with the offsetting amount of current year income taxes (Federal, state and local) accrued during the period or adjustments to prior accruals: 7220 Operating Federal Income Taxes, 7230 Operating State and Local Income Taxes, 7400 Nonoperating Taxes, 7600 Extraordinary Items.

(b) If significant, current year income taxes paid in advance shall be reclassified to Account 1280, Prepayments.

[67 FR 5689, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.4080 - Other taxes—accrued.

(a) This account shall be credited or charged and Account 7240, Operating Other Taxes, or 7400, Nonoperating Taxes, or, for payroll related costs, the appropriate expense accounts shall be charged or credited for all taxes, other than Federal, State and local income taxes, accrued or adjusted for previous accruals during the period. Among the taxes includable in this account are property, gross receipts, franchise, capital stock, social security and unemployment taxes.

(b) Taxes paid in advance of the period in which they are chargeable to income shall be included in the prepaid taxes Account 1280, Prepayments, or 1410, Other Noncurrent Assets, as appropriate.

[67 FR 5689, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.4100 - Net current deferred operating income taxes.

(a) This account shall include the balance of income tax expense related to current items from regulated operations which have been deferred to later periods as a result of the normalized method of accounting for tax differentials authorized by this Commission and not provided for elsewhere.

(b) As regulated assets or liabilities which generated the deferred income tax are reclassified from long-term or noncurrent status to current, the appropriate deferred income tax shall be reclassified from Account 4340, Net Noncurrent Deferred Operating Income Taxes, to this account.

(c) This account shall be debited or credited with the amount being debited or credited to Account 7250, Provision For Deferred Operating Income Taxes—Net, in accordance with that account's description and § 32.22 of subpart B.

(d) The classification of deferred income taxes as current or noncurrent shall follow the classification of the asset or liability that gave rise to the deferred income tax. If there is no related asset or liability, classification shall be based on the expected turnaround of the temporary differences.

(e) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the company may separately report the amounts contained herein that are property related and those that are nonproperty related. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this Commission's Rules and Regulations.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 59 FR 9419, Feb. 28, 1994]
§ 32.4110 - Net current deferred nonoperating income taxes.

(a) This account shall include the balance of income tax expense resulting from comprehensive interpreted tax allocation which has been deferred to later periods.

(b) As other assets or liabilities which generated the deferred income tax are reclassified from long-term or noncurrent status to current, the appropriate deferred income tax shall be reclassified from Account 4350, Net Noncurrent Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes, to this account.

(c) This account shall be debited or credited with the amount being credited or debited to Account 7400, Nonoperating taxes, in accordance with that account's description and § 32.22.

(d) This account shall also include the balance of the income taxes (Federal, state and local) related to current extraordinary items which have been deferred to later periods resulting from comprehensive interperiod tax allocation.

(e) As the extraordinary item which generated the deferred income tax becomes current, the appropriate deferred income tax shall be reclassified from Account 4350, Net Noncurrent Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes, to this account.

(f) This account shall be debited or credited with the amount being credited and debited to Account 7600, Extraordinary Items.

(g) The classification of deferred income taxes as current or noncurrent shall follow the classification of the asset or liability that gave rise to deferred income tax. If there is no related asset or liability, classification shall be based on the expected turnaround of the temporary differences.

(h) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the company may separately report the amounts contained herein that are property related and those that are nonproperty related. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this Commission's Rules and Regulations.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 59 FR 9419, Feb. 28, 1994; 67 FR 5689, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.4130 - Other current liabilities.

This account shall include:

(a) The amount of advance billing creditable to revenue accounts in future months; also advance payments made by prospective customers prior to the establishment of service. Amounts included in this account shall be credited to the appropriate revenue accounts in the months in which the service is rendered or cleared from this account as refunds are made.

(b) The amount (including any obligations for premiums) of long-term debt matured and unpaid without any specific agreement for extension of maturity, including unpresented bonds drawn for redemption through the operation of sinking and redemption fund agreements.

(c) The current portion of obligations applicable to property obtained under finance leases.

(d) The amount of wages, compensated absences, interest on indebtedness of the company, dividends on capital stock, and rents accrued to the date for which the balance sheet is made, but not payable until after that date. Accruals shall be maintained so as to show separately the amount and nature of the items accrued to the date of the balance sheet.

(e) Matured rents, dividends, interest payable under monthly settlements on short-term loans, advances, and open accounts shall be included in Account 4000.

(f) All other liabilities of current character which are not included in Account 4000 through 4110.

[67 FR 5689, Feb. 6, 2002, as amended at 84 FR 4730, Feb. 19, 2019]
§ 32.4200 - Long term debt and funded debt.

(a) This account shall include:

(1) The total face amount of unmatured debt maturing more than one year from date of issue, issued by the company and not retired, and the total face amount of similar unmatured debt of other companies, the payment of which has been assumed by the company, including funded debt the maturity of which has been extended by specific agreement. This account shall also include such items as mortgage bonds, collateral trust bonds, income bonds, convertible debt, debt securities with detachable warrants and other similar obligations maturing more than one year from date of issue.

(2) The premium associated with all classes of long-term debt. Premium, as applied to securities issued or assumed by the company, means the excess of the current money value received at their sale over the sum of their book or face amount and interest or dividends accrued at the date of the sale.

(3) The discount associated with all classes of long-term debt. Discount, as applied to securities issued or assumed by the company, means the excess of the book or face amount of the securities plus interest or dividends accrued at the date of the sale over the current money value of the consideration received at their sale.

(4) The face amount of debt reacquired prior to maturity that has not been retired. Gain or loss shall be recognized at the time of reacquisition by credits or charges to Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense, except that material gains or losses shall be treated as extraordinary. (See Account 7600, Extraordinary items.)

(5) The noncurrent portion of obligations applicable to property obtained under finance leases. Amounts subject to current settlement shall be included in Account 4130, Other current liabilities.

(6) The amount of advance from affiliated companies. Amounts due affiliated companies which are subject to current settlement shall be included in Account 4000.

(7) Investment advances, including those represented by notes.

(8) Long-term debt not provided for elsewhere.

(9) The noncurrent portion of obligations applicable to property subject to capitalized operating leases. Amounts subject to current settlement shall be included in Account 4130, Other current liabilities. Any balance in this account relating to capitalized operating leases shall be excluded in any ratemaking calculations.

(b) Subsidiary records shall be maintained for each issue. The subsidiary records shall identify the premium or discount attributable to each issue.

(c) Premiums and discounts on long-term debt recorded in this account shall be amortized monthly by the interest method and charged or credited, as appropriate, to Account 7500, Interest and related items.

(d) Debt securities with detachable warrants shall be accounted for in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

(e) Securities maturing in one year or less, including securities maturing serially, shall be included in Account 4130, Other current liabilities.

[67 FR 5689, Feb. 6, 2002, as amended at 84 FR 4730, Feb. 19, 2019]
§ 32.4300 - Other long-term liabilities and deferred credits.

(a) This account shall include amounts accrued to provide for such items as unfunded pensions (if actuarially determined), death benefits, deferred compensation costs and other long-term liabilities not provided for elsewhere. Subsidiary records shall be maintained to identify the nature of these items.

(b) This account shall include the amount of all deferred credits not provided for elsewhere, such as amounts awaiting adjustment between accounts; and revenue, expense, and income items in suspense.

(c) This account shall include the deferred obligations associated with a capitalize operating lease longer than one year. The amounts recorded in this account at the inception of an operating lease shall be equal to the present value not to exceed fair value, at the beginning of the lease term, of minimum lease payments during the lease term, excluding that portion of the payments representing executory costs to be paid by the lessor, together with any profit thereon.

[67 FR 5690, Feb. 6, 2002, as amended at 84 FR 4730, Feb. 19, 2019]
§ 32.4320 - Unamortized operating investment tax credits—net.

(a) This account shall be credited and Account 7210, Operating Investment Tax Credits—Net, should be debited with investment tax credits generated from qualified expenditures related to regulated operations which the company defers rather than recognizes currently in income.

(b) This account shall be debited and Account 7210 credited with a proportionate amount determined in relation to the period of time used for computing book depreciation on the property to which the tax credit relates.

§ 32.4330 - Unamortized nonoperating investment tax credits—net.

(a) This account shall be credited and Account 7400, Nonoperating Taxes, shall be debited with investment tax credits generated from qualified expenditures related to other operations which the company has elected to defer rather than recognize currently in income.

(b) This account shall be debited and Account 7400 credited with a proportionate amount determined in relation to the useful book life of the property to which the tax credit relates.

[67 FR 5690, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.4340 - Net noncurrent deferred operating income taxes.

(a) This account shall include the balance of income tax expense related to noncurrent items from regulated operations which have been deferred to later periods as a result of comprehensive interperiod tax allocation related to temporary differences that arise from regulated operations.

(b) This account shall be credited or debited, as appropriate, and Account 7250, Provision for Deferred Operating Income Taxes—Net, shall reflect the offset for the tax effect of revenues and expenses from regulated operations which have been included in the determination of taxable income, but which will not be included in the determination of book income or for the tax effect of revenues and expenses from regulated operations which have been included in the determination of book income prior to the inclusion in the determination of taxable income.

(c) As regulated assets or liabilities which generated the prepaid income tax or deferred income tax are reclassified from long-term or noncurrent status to current status, the appropriate deferred income tax shall be reclassified from this account to Account 4100, Net Current Deferred Operating Income Taxes.

(d) The classification of deferred income taxes as current or noncurrent shall follow the classification of the asset or liability that gave rise to the deferred income tax. If there is no related asset or liability, classification shall be based on the expected turnaround of the temporary difference.

(e) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the company may separately report the amounts contained herein that are property related and those that are nonproperty related. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this Commission's Rules and Regulations.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 59 FR 9419, Feb. 28, 1994]
§ 32.4341 - Net deferred tax liability adjustments.

(a) This account shall include the portion of deferred income tax charges and credits pertaining to Account 32.4361, Deferred tax regulatory adjustments—net.

(b) This account shall be used to record adjustments to the accumulated deferred tax liabilities recorded in Accounts 4100 and 4340 for:

(1) Tax effects of temporary differences accounted for under the flow-through method or treated as permanent differences.

(2) Reclassification attributable to changes in tax rates (Federal, state and local). As tax rates increase or decrease, the offsetting debit or credit will be recorded in Account 4361 as required by paragraph (a) of this section.

(3) The tax effects of carryforward net operating losses and carryforward investment tax credits expected to reduce future taxes payable that are reported in published financial statements.

(4) Reversals of the tax effects of carryforward net operating losses and carryforward investment tax credits previously recorded in this account at the time they become recognized as reductions in current taxable income and current taxes payable on tax returns.

(c) This account shall be exempt from the vintage year detail record requirements of § 32.22(e)(2).

[59 FR 9419, Feb. 28, 1994, as amended at 67 FR 5690, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.4350 - Net noncurrent deferred nonoperating income taxes.

(a) This account shall include the balance of income tax expense (Federal, state, and local) that has been deferred to later periods as a result of comprehensive interperiod allocation related to nonoperating differences.

(b) This account shall be credited or debited, as appropriate, and Account 7400, Nonoperating Taxes, shall reflect the offset for the tax effect of revenues from other operations and extraordinary items and nonoperating expenses which have been included in the determination of taxable income, but which will not be included in the determination of book income or for the tax effect of nonoperating expenses and extraordinary items and nonoperating income which have been included in the determination of book income prior to the inclusion in the determination of taxable income.

(c) As other assets or liabilities which generated the prepaid income tax or deferred income tax are reclassified from long-term or non-current status to current status, the appropriate deferred income tax shall be reclassified from this account to account 4110, Net Current Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes.

(d) This account shall also include the balance of the income tax effect (Federal, State and local) related to noncurrent extraordinary items which have been included in the determination of taxable income in a period different from when it is included in the determination of book income, that is, more than one year.

(e) This account shall be charged or credited with the contra amount recorded to Account 7600, Extraordinary items, in accordance with § 32.22.

(f) As the extraordinary item which generated the deferred income tax becomes current, the appropriate deferred income tax shall be reclassified from this account to Account 4110, Net Current Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes.

(g) The classification of deferred income taxes as current or noncurrent shall follow the classification of the asset or liability that gave rise to the deferred income tax. If there is no related asset or liability, classification shall be based on the expected turnaround of the temporary difference.

(h) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the company may separately report the amounts contained herein that are property related and those that are nonproperty related. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this Commission's Rules and Regulations.

[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 59 FR 9419, Feb. 28, 1994; 67 FR 5690, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.4361 - Deferred tax regulatory adjustments—net.

(a) This account shall include amounts of probable future revenue for the recovery of future increases in taxes payable and amounts of probable future revenue reductions attributable to future decreases in taxes payable. As reductions or reversals occur, amounts recorded in this account shall be reduced or increased, with a contra entry being made to Account 4341, Net deferred tax liability adjustments.

(b) This account shall also be adjusted for the impact of prospective tax rate changes on the deferred tax liability for those temporary differences underlying its existing balance.

[67 FR 5690, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.4370 - Other jurisdictional liabilities and deferred credits—net.

This account shall include the cumulative impact on liabilities and deferred credits of the jurisdictional ratemaking practices which vary from those of this Commission. All entries recorded in this account shall be recorded net of any applicable income tax effects and shall be supported by appropriate subsidiary records where necessary as provided for in § 32.13 of subpart B.

§ 32.4510 - Capital stock.

(a) This account shall include the par value, stated amount, or in the case of no-par stock, the amount received for capital stock issued and outstanding.

(b) Subsidiary records shall be maintained so as to show separately each class of stock.

(c) This account shall be charged with the book amount of any stock retired.

§ 32.4520 - Additional paid-in capital.

(a) This account shall include the difference between the net proceeds (including discount, premium and stock issuance expense) received from the issuance of capital stock and the amount includable in Account 4510, Capital Stock, unless such difference results in a debit balance for that class of stock, in which case the amount shall be charged to Account 4550, Retained Earnings.

(b) This account shall also include gains arising from the retirement and cancellation of capital stock. Losses from the retirement and cancellation of capital stock shall be charged to this account to the extent that there exist credits in this account for the same class of stock; otherwise to Account 4550.

§ 32.4530 - Treasury stock.

This account shall include the cost of the company's own capital stock which has been issued and subsequently reacquired but not retired or resold.

§ 32.4540 - Other capital.

This account shall include amounts which are credits arising from the donation by stockholders of the company's capital stock, capital recorded upon the reorganization or recapitalization of the company and temporary declines in the value of marketable securities held for investment purposes. (See also Account 1410, Other noncurrent assets).

[67 FR 5690, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.4550 - Retained earnings.

(a) This account shall include the undistributed balance of retained earnings derived from the operations of the company and from all other transactions not includable in the other accounts appropriate for inclusion of stockholders' equity.

(b) Subsidiary records shall be maintained wherein are recorded all entries to retained earnings during the year such that the detail of the entries may be disclosed to the Commission.

authority: 47 U.S.C. 219,220,unless
source: 51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 47 CFR 32.4540