Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 47 - Telecommunication last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 32.4999 - General.

(a) Purpose of revenue accounts. The revenue accounts are intended to include the actual cash inflows (or equivalents) that have or will occur as a result of the company's ongoing major or central operations during the period. They will include the revenues which arise from furnishing regulated telecommunications services to others, from directory advertising, rentals of telecommunications assets and from providing other services which are directly associated with the provision of regulated telecommunications services.

(b) Deductions from revenue. Corrections of overcharges, authorized refunds of overcollections previously credited to revenue, authorized refunds and adjustments on account of failure in service, and other corrections shall be charged to the revenue account previously credited with the amounts involved.

(c) Commissions. Commissions paid to others or employees in place of compensation or salaries for services rendered, such as public telephone commissions, shall be charged to Account 6623, Customer services, and not to the revenue accounts. Other commissions shall be charged to the appropriate expense accounts.

(d) Revenue recognition. Credits shall be made to the appropriate revenue accounts when such revenue is actually earned. When the billing cycle encompasses more than one accounting period, adjustments are necessary to properly recognize the revenue applicable to the current accounting period under report. Revenues recorded under the terms of two-tier contracts or other variable payment plans should be deferred, if necessary, and recognized ratably with expenses over the terms of the related contract. Any amounts deferred shall be credited to Account 4300, Other long-term liabilities and deferred credits.

(e) Contractual arrangements. Charges and credits resulting from activities associated with the provisions of regulated telecommunications services shall be recorded in a manner consistent with the nature of the underlying contractual arrangements. The charges and credits resulting from expense sharing or apportionment arrangements associated with the provision of regulated telecommunications services shall be recorded in the detailed regulated accounts. Charges and credits resulting from revenue settlement agreements or other revenue pooling arrangements associated with the provision of regulated telecommunications services shall be included in the appropriate revenue accounts. Those charges and credits resulting from contractual revenue pooling and/or sharing agreements shall be recorded in each prescribed revenue account and prescribed subsidiary record categories thereof to the extent that each is separately identifiable in the settlement process. It is not intended that settlement amounts be allocated or generally spread to the individual revenue accounts where they are not separately identifiable in the settlement process. When the settlement amounts are not identifiable by a revenue account they shall be recorded in Account 5060, Other basic area revenue, 5105, Long distance message revenue, or 5200, Miscellaneous revenue, as appropriate.

(f) Subsidiary records—jurisdictional subdivisions and interconnection. Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the company may separately report revenues derived from charges imposed under intrastate, interstate and international tariff filings. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this chapter.

(g) Structure of revenue accounts. (1) The revenue section of the system of accounts shall be organized by revenue group summary account, account and subsidiary record category (if required).

(2) The revenue section of this system of accounts shall be comprised of six major groups—Local Network Services Revenues, Network Access Services Revenues, Long Distance Network Services Revenues, Miscellaneous Revenues, Nonregulated revenues, and Uncollectible Revenues, which shall be considered as a revenue group for the purposes of the construction of the system.

(3) Accounts shall be maintained as prescribed in this Section subject to the conditions described in section 32.13 of subpart B. In certain instances, subsidiary record categories may be required below the account level by this system of accounts or by Commission order.

(h) Local Network Services revenues. Local Network Services revenues (Accounts 5001 through 5060) shall include revenues derived from the provision of service and equipment entirely within the basic service area. That area is defined as the normal boundaries for local calling plus Extended Area Service (EAS) boundaries as they apply to that service. It includes revenues derived from both local private network service and local public network services as well as from customer premises facilities services. Local revenues include associated charges such as one-time service connection or termination charges and secondary features such as call waiting.

(i) Network Access revenues. (1) Network Access revenues (Accounts 5081-5083) shall include revenues derived from the provision of exchange access services to an interexchange carrier or to an end user of telecommunications services beyond the exchange carrier's network.

(2) Billing and collections service provided under exchange access tariffs shall be included in the Miscellaneous Revenues Group.

(j) Long Distance Network Service revenues. Long Distance Network Service revenues shall include revenues derived from the provision of services beyond the basic service area, whether message or flat-rate and including public network switching as well as private.

(k) Miscellaneous revenues. Miscellaneous revenues are those revenues derived from the provision of regulated products and services provided under tariff or contract but not contained elsewhere. They shall also include operating revenue derived from activities performed incident to the company's tariffed telecommunications operations which, though non-tariffed, are included in the regulatory process.

(l) Nonregulated revenues. The nonregulated revenue account shall be used for nonregulated operating revenues when a nonregulated activity involves the common or joint use of assets or resources in the provision of regulated and nonregulated products or services as required in § 32.23(c) of this subpart. Revenues from nontariffed activities offered incidental to tariffed services may be accounted for as regulated revenues, provided the activities are outgrowths of regulated operations and the revenues do not exceed, in the aggregate, one percent of total revenues for three consecutive years. Such activities must be listed in the Commission-approved Cost Allocation Manual for any company required to file a Cost Allocation Manual.

(m) Uncollectible revenues. Uncollectible revenues shall include amounts originally credited to the revenue accounts which have proved impracticable of collection.

(n) Revenue accounts to be maintained.

Account title
Local network services revenues:
Basic local service revenue
Network access service revenues:
End user revenue5081
Switched access revenue5082
Special access revenue5083
Long distance network services revenues:
Long distance message revenue5100
Miscellaneous revenues:
Miscellaneous revenue5200
Nonregulated revenues:
Nonregulated operating revenue5280
Uncollectible revenues:
Uncollectible revenue5300
[51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, as amended at 53 FR 49322, Dec. 7, 1988; 59 FR 46930, Sept. 13, 1994; 64 FR 50008, Sept. 15, 1999; 67 FR 5690, Feb. 6, 2002; 69 FR 53649, Sept. 2, 2004; 82 FR 20842, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.5000 - Basic local service revenue.

Companies shall use this account for revenues of the type and character detailed in Accounts 5001 through 5060.

[82 FR 20842, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.5001 - Basic area revenue.

(a) This account shall include revenue derived from the provision of the following:

(1) Basic area message services such as flat rate services and measured services. Included is revenue derived from non-optional extended area services. Also included is revenue derived from the billed or guaranteed portion of semi-public services.

(2) Optional extended area service.

(3) Cellular mobile telecommunications systems connected to the public switched network placed between mobile units and other stations within the mobile service area.

(4) General radio telecommunications systems connected to the public switched network placed between mobile units and other stations within the mobile service area, as well as revenue from mobile radio paging, mobile dispatching, and signaling services.

(b) Revenue derived from charges for nonpublished number or additional and boldfaced listings in the alphabetical section of the company's telephone directories shall be included in account 5230, Directory revenue.

(c) Revenue from private mobile telephone services which do not have access to the public switched network shall be included in Account 5200, Miscellaneous revenue.

[67 FR 5691, Feb. 6, 2002, as amended at 69 FR 53650, Sept. 2, 2004]
§ 32.5002 - Optional extended area revenue.

This account shall include total revenue derived from the provision of optional extended area service.

§ 32.5003 - Cellular mobile revenue.

This account shall include message revenue derived from cellular mobile telecommunications systems connected to the public switched network placed between mobile units and other stations within the mobile service area.

§ 32.5040 - Private line revenue.

This account shall include revenue derived from local services that involve dedicated circuits, private switching arrangements, and/or predefined transmission paths, whether virtual or physical, which provide communications between specific locations (e.g., point-to-point communications. It includes revenue from subvoice grade, voice grade, audio and video program grade, digital transmission and local private network switching as well as the revenue from administrative and operational support services associated with private network services and facilities, e.g., charges for company-directed testing, expedited installation, and service restoration priority.

§ 32.5060 - Other basic area revenue.

This account shall include:

(a) Revenue from the provision of secondary features which are integrated with the telecommunications network such as call forwarding, call waiting and touch-tone line service. Also included is revenue derived from the provision of public announcement and other record message services, directory assistance and other call completion services (excluding operator assisted basic long distance calls), as well as revenue derived from central office related service connection and termination charges, and other non-premise customer specific charges associated with public network services. This account shall also include local revenue not provided for in other accounts.

(b) Charges and credits resulting from contractual revenue pooling and/or sharing agreements for tariffed local network services only when they are not separately identifiable by local network services revenue accounts in the settlement process. (See also § 32.4999(e)). To the extent that the charges and credits resulting from a settlement process can be identified by Local Network Services Revenue account they shall be recorded in the applicable account.

(c) Revenue derived from tariffed information origination/termination plant. Included is revenue derived from the provision under leasing arrangements of tariffed customer premises equipment (CPE), terminal equipment, station apparatus and large private branch exchanges as well as tariffed nonrecurring charges related solely to station apparatus. Also included are all tariffed charges for customer premises activities and facilities not related solely to station apparatus.

[67 FR 5691, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.5081 - End user revenue.

(a) This account shall contain federally and state tariffed monthly flat rate charge assessed upon end users.

(b) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the company may separately report amounts related to federal and state tariffed charges.

[67 FR 5692, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.5082 - Switched access revenue.

(a) This account shall consist of federally and state tariffed charges assessed to interexchange carriers for access to local exchange facilities.

(b) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the company may separately report the amounts contained herein that relate to limited pay telephone, carrier common line, line termination, local switching, intercept, information, common transport and dedicated transport. The subsidiary records shall also separately show the federal and state tariffed charges. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this chapter.

[67 FR 5692, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.5083 - Special access revenue.

(a) This account shall include all federally and state tariffed charges assessed for other than end user or switched access charges referred to in Account 5081, End user revenue, and Account 5082, Switched access revenue.

(b) Subsidiary record categories shall be maintained in order that the company may separately report the amounts contained herein that relate to recurring charges, nonrecurring charges and surcharges. The subsidiary records shall also separately show the federal and state tariffed charges. Such subsidiary record categories shall be reported as required by part 43 of this chapter.

[67 FR 5692, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.5100 - Long distance message revenue.

This account shall include revenue derived from message services that terminate beyond the basic service area of the originating wire center and are individually priced. This includes those message services which utilize the public long distance switching network and the basic subscriber access line. It also includes those long distance calls placed from mobile and public telephones, as well as any charges for operator assistance or special billing directly related to the completion of a specific call. This account shall also include revenue derived from individually priced message services offered under calling plans (discounted long distance) which do not utilize dedicated access lines, as well as those priced at the basic long distance rates where a discounted toll charge is on a per message basis. Any revenue derived from monthly or one-time charges for obtaining calling plan services shall be included in this account. This account includes revenue derived from the following services:

(a) Long distance services which permit unidirectional calls to a subscriber from specified services areas (multipoint-to-point service). These calls require the use of dedicated access lines connecting a subscriber's premises and a designated central office. These dedicated access lines are generally separate from those required for the subscriber to place outward calls. The call is billed to the subscriber even though it is generally initiated by the subscriber's customer or correspondent.

(b) Long distance services which permit the subscriber to place telephone calls from one location to other specified service areas (point-to-multipoint service). These calls are completed without operator assistance and require the use of a dedicated access line. The dedicated access line is generally separate from those required for inward message services and cannot be used to place calls within the basic service area or calls outside the selected service areas. Outward calls are screened and blocked to determine whether the calls are within an authorized service area.

(c) Services extending beyond the basic service area that involve dedicated circuits, private switching arrangements, and/or predefined transmission paths, whether virtual or physical, which provide communications between specific locations (e.g., point-to-point communications). Service connection charges, termination charges, rearrangements and changes, etc., shall be included in this account. Revenue derived from associated administrative and operational support services shall also be included in this account.

(1) Narrow-band analog private network circuits and facilities furnished exclusively for record forms of communications, such as teletypewriter, teletypesetter, telewriter, ticker, Morse, signaling, remote metering, and supervisory services.

(2) Private network circuits and facilities (including multipurpose wide-band) which provide voice grade services for the transmission of analog signals. It includes revenue from services such as voice, data and telephoto communication, as well as remote metering, supervisory control, miscellaneous signaling and channels furnished for the purpose of extending customer—provided communications systems. It includes revenue from the provision of facilities between customer premises and a serving office, a carrier distribution point, or an extension distribution channel.

(3) Private network circuits and facilities furnished for audio program transmission purposes, such as radio broadcasting, sound recording (wired music) and loud speaker services. It includes revenue from the provision of facilities for the transmission of analog signals between customer premises and a serving office, a carrier distribution point, or an extension distribution channel furnished in connection with such services. It also includes revenue from facilities furnished to carry the audio portion of a television program if furnished under separate audio rates. If the rate for television program services includes both the picture and sound portion of the transmission, the revenue shall also be included in this account.

(4) Private network circuits and facilities furnished for television program transmission purposes, such as commercial broadcast and educational or private television services. It includes revenue from the provision of facilities for the transmission of analog signals between customer premises and a serving office, a carrier distribution point, or an extension distribution channel furnished in connection with such services. It also includes revenue from both the picture and sound portions of transmission for television program service when provided under a combined rate schedule.

(5) The provision of circuits and facilities for the transmission of digital signals only.

(6) The provision of common user channels and switching capabilities used for the transmission of telecommunication signals between three (3) or more points in the network. Also included is revenue derived from the provision of basic switching and transfer arrangements used to connect private line channels.

(7) Charges and credits resulting from contractual revenue pooling and/or sharing agreements for tariffed long distance public network services and for tariffed long distance private network services.

[67 FR 5692, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.5200 - Miscellaneous revenue.

This account shall include revenue derived from the following sources, as well as revenue of the type and character detailed in Account 5230, Directory revenue.

(a) Rental or subrental to others of telecommunications plant furnished apart from telecommunications services rendered by the company (this revenue includes taxes when borne by the lessee). It includes revenue from the rent of such items as space in conduit, pole line space for attachments, and any allowance for return on property used in joint operations and shared facilities agreements. The expense of maintaining and operating the rented property, including depreciation and insurance, shall be included in the appropriate operating expense accounts. Taxes applicable to the rented property shall be included by the owner of the rented property in appropriate tax accounts. When land or buildings are rented on an incidental basis for non-telecommunications use, the rental and expenses are included in Account 7300, Nonoperating income and expense.

(b) Services rendered to other companies under a license agreement, general services contract, or other arrangement providing for the furnishing of general accounting, financial, legal, patent, and other general services associated with the provision of regulated telecommunications services. (See also Account 5230.)

(c) The provision, either under tariff or through contractual arrangements, of special billing information to customers in the form of magnetic tapes, cards or statements. Special billing information provides detail in a format and/or at a level of detail not normally provided in the standard billing rendered for the regulated telephone services utilized by the customer.

(d) The performance of customer operations services for others incident to the company's regulated telecommunications operations which are not provided for elsewhere. (See also §§ 32.14(e) and 32.4999(e)).

(e) Contract services (plant maintenance) performed for others incident to the company's regulated telecommunications operations. This includes revenue from the incidental performance of nontariffed operating and maintenance activities for others which are similar in nature to those activities which are performed by the company in operating and maintaining its own telecommunications plant facilities. The records supporting the entries in this account shall be maintained with sufficient particularity to identify the revenue and associated Plant Specific Operations Expenses related to each undertaking. This account does not include revenue related to the performance of operation or maintenance activities under a joint operating agreement.

(f) The provision of billing and collection services to other telecommunications companies. This includes amounts charged for services such as message recording, billing, collection, billing analysis, and billing information services, whether rendered under tariff or contractual arrangements.

(g) Charges and credits resulting from contractual revenue pooling and/or sharing agreements for activities included in the miscellaneous revenue accounts only when they are not identifiable by miscellaneous revenue account in the settlement process. (See also § 32.4999(e)). The extent that the charges and credits resulting from a settlement process can be identified by miscellaneous revenue accounts they shall be recorded in the applicable account.

(h) The provision of transport and termination of local telecommunications traffic pursuant to section 251(c) of the Communications Act and part 51 of this chapter.

(i) The provision of unbundled network elements pursuant to section 251(c) of the Communications Act and part 51 of this chapter.

(j) This account shall also include other incidental regulated revenue such as:

(1) Collection overages (collection shortages shall be charged to Account 6623, Customer services);

(2) Unclaimed refunds for telecommunications services when not subject to escheats;

(3) Charges (penalties) imposed by the company for customer checks returned for non-payment;

(4) Discounts allowed customers for prompt payment;

(5) Late-payment charges;

(6) Revenue from private mobile telephone services which do not have access to the public switched network; and

(7) Other incidental revenue not provided for elsewhere in other Revenue accounts.

(k) Any definitely known amounts of losses of revenue collections due to fire or theft, at customers' coin-box stations, at public or semipublic telephone stations, in the possession of collectors en route to collection offices, on hand at collection offices, and between collection offices and banks shall be charged to Account 6720, General and Administrative.

[69 FR 53650, Sept. 2, 2004, as amended at 82 FR 20842, May 4, 2017]
§ 32.5230 - Directory revenue.

This account shall include revenue derived from alphabetical and classified sections of directories and shall also include fees paid by other entities for the right to publish the company's directories. Items to be included are:

(a) All revenue derived from the classified section of the directories;

(b) Revenue from the sale of new telephone directories whether they are the company's own directories or directories purchased from others. This shall also include revenue from the sale of specially bound telephone directories and special telephone directory covers;

(c) Amounts charged for additional and boldface listings, marginal displays, inserts, and other advertisements in the alphabetical section of the company's telephone directories; and

(d) Charges for unlisted and non-published telephone numbers.

[69 FR 44607, July 27, 2004]
§ 32.5280 - Nonregulated operating revenue.

(a) This account shall include revenues derived from a nonregulated activity involving the common or joint use of assets or resources in the provision of regulated and nonregulated products or services.

(b) This account shall be debited and regulated revenue accounts shall be credited at tariffed rates when tariffed services are provided to nonregulated activities that are accounted for as prescribed in § 32.23(c) of this subpart.

(c) Separate subsidiary record categories shall be maintained for two groups of nonregulated revenue as follows: one subsidiary record for all revenues derived from regulated services treated as nonregulated for federal accounting purposes pursuant to Commission order and the second for all other revenues derived from a nonregulated activity as set forth in paragraph (a) of this section.

[53 FR 49322, Dec. 7, 1988, as amended at 64 FR 50008, Sept. 15, 1999; 67 FR 5694, Feb. 6, 2002]
§ 32.5300 - Uncollectible revenue.

This account shall be charged with amounts concurrently credited to Account 1170, Receivables.

[67 FR 5694, Feb. 6, 2002]
authority: 47 U.S.C. 219,220,unless
source: 51 FR 43499, Dec. 2, 1986, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 47 CFR 32.4999