Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 47 - Telecommunication last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 54.1001 - Mobility Fund—Phase I.

The Commission will use competitive bidding, as provided in part 1, subpart AA, of this chapter, to determine the recipients of support available through Phase I of the Mobility Fund and the amount(s) of support that they may receive for specific geographic areas, subject to applicable post-auction procedures.

§ 54.1002 - Geographic areas eligible for support.

(a) Mobility Fund Phase I support may be made available for census blocks identified as eligible by public notice.

(b) Except as provided in § 54.1004, coverage units for purposes of conducting competitive bidding and disbursing support based on designated road miles will be identified by public notice for each census block eligible for support.

§ 54.1003 - Provider eligibility.

(a) Except as provided in § 54.1004, an applicant shall be an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in an area in order to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support for that area. The applicant's designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier may be conditional subject to the receipt of Mobility Fund support.

(b) An applicant shall have access to spectrum in an area that enables it to satisfy the applicable performance requirements in order to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support for that area. The applicant shall certify, in a form acceptable to the Commission, that it has received any Commission approvals necessary for such access at the time it applies to participate in competitive bidding and at the time that it applies for support and that it will retain such access for five (5) years after the date on which it is authorized to receive support. Pending requests for such approvals are not sufficient to satisfy this requirement.

(c) An applicant shall certify that it is financially and technically qualified to provide the services supported by Mobility Fund Phase I in order to receive such support.

[76 FR 73877, Nov. 29, 2011, as amended at 77 FR 14303, Mar. 9, 2012] Effective Date Note:At 77 FR 14303, Mar. 9, 2012, § 54.1003(b) was revised. This paragraph contains information and recordkeeping requirements and will not become effective until approval has been given by the Office of Management and Budget.
§ 54.1004 - Service to Tribal Lands.

(a) A Tribally-owned or -controlled entity that has pending an application to be designated an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier may participate in any Mobility Fund Phase I auction, including any auction for support solely in Tribal lands, by bidding for support in areas located within the boundaries of the Tribal land associated with the Tribe that owns or controls the entity. To bid on this basis, an entity shall certify that it is a Tribally-owned or -controlled entity and identify the applicable Tribe and Tribal lands in its application to participate in the competitive bidding. A Tribally-owned or -controlled entity shall receive Mobility Fund Phase I support only after it has become an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier.

(b) In any auction for support solely in Tribal lands, coverage units for purposes of conducting competitive bidding and disbursing support based on designated population will be identified by public notice for each census block eligible for support.

(c) Tribally-owned or -controlled entities may receive a bidding credit with respect to bids for support within the boundaries of associated Tribal lands. To qualify for a bidding credit, an applicant shall certify that it is a Tribally-owned or -controlled entity and identify the applicable Tribe and Tribal lands in its application to participate in the competitive bidding. An applicant that qualifies shall have its bid(s) for support in areas within the boundaries of Tribal land associated with the Tribe that owns or controls the applicant reduced by twenty-five (25) percent or purposes of determining winning bidders without any reduction in the amount of support available.

(d) A winning bidder for support in Tribal lands shall notify and engage the Tribal governments responsible for the areas supported.

(1) A winning bidder's engagement with the applicable Tribal government shall consist, at a minimum, of discussion regarding:

(i) A needs assessment and deployment planning with a focus on Tribal community anchor institutions;

(ii) Feasibility and sustainability planning;

(iii) Marketing services in a culturally sensitive manner;

(iv) Rights of way processes, land use permitting, facilities siting, environmental and cultural preservation review processes; and

(v) Compliance with Tribal business and licensing requirements.

(2) A winning bidder shall notify the appropriate Tribal government of its winning bid no later than five (5) business days after being identified by public notice as a winning bidder.

(3) A winning bidder shall certify in its application for support that it has substantively engaged appropriate Tribal officials regarding the issues specified in § 54.1004(d)(1), at a minimum, as well as any other issues specified by the Commission, and provide a summary of the results of such engagement. A copy of the certification and summary shall be sent to the appropriate Tribal officials when it is sent to the Commission.

(4) A winning bidder for support in Tribal lands shall certify in its annual report, pursuant to § 54.1009(a)(5), and prior to disbursement of support, pursuant to § 54.1008(c), that it has substantively engaged appropriate Tribal officials regarding the issues specified in § 54.1004(d)(1), at a minimum, as well as any other issues specified by the Commission, and provide a summary of the results of such engagement. A copy of the certification and summary shall be sent to the appropriate Tribal officials when it is sent to the Commission.

§ 54.1005 - Application process.

(a) Application to participate in competitive bidding for Mobility Fund Phase I support. In addition to providing information specified in § 1.21001(b) of this chapter and any other information required by the Commission, an applicant to participate in competitive bidding for Mobility Fund Phase I support also shall:

(1) Provide ownership information as set forth in § 1.2112(a) of this chapter;

(2) Certify that the applicant is financially and technically capable of meeting the public interest obligations of § 54.1006 in each area for which it seeks support;

(3) Disclose its status as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in any area for which it will seek support or as a Tribal entity with a pending application to become an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in any such area, and certify that the disclosure is accurate;

(4) Describe the spectrum access that the applicant plans to use to meet obligations in areas for which it will bid for support, including whether the applicant currently holds a license for or leases the spectrum, and certify that the description is accurate and that the applicant will retain such access for at least five (5) years after the date on which it is authorized to receive support;

(5) Certify that it will not bid on any areas in which it has made a public commitment to deploy 3G or better wireless service by December 31, 2012; and

(6) Make any applicable certifications required in § 54.1004.

(b) Application by winning bidders for Mobility Fund Phase I support—(1) Deadline. Unless otherwise provided by public notice, winning bidders for Mobility Fund Phase I support shall file an application for Mobility Fund Phase I support no later than 10 business days after the public notice identifying them as winning bidders.

(2) Application contents. (i) Identification of the party seeking the support, including ownership information as set forth in § 1.2112(a) of this chapter.

(ii) Certification that the applicant is financially and technically capable of meeting the public interest obligations of § 54.1006 in the geographic areas for which it seeks support.

(iii) Proof of the applicant's status as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier or as a Tribal entity with a pending application to become an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in any area for which it seeks support and certification that the proof is accurate.

(iv) A description of the spectrum access that the applicant plans to use to meet obligations in areas for which it is the winning bidder for support, including whether the applicant currently holds a license for or leases the spectrum, and a certification that the description is accurate and that the applicant will retain such access for at least five (5) years after the date on which it is authorized to receive support.

(v) A detailed project description that describes the network, identifies the proposed technology, demonstrates that the project is technically feasible, discloses the budget and describes each specific phase of the project, e.g., network design, construction, deployment, and maintenance. The applicant shall indicate whether the supported network will provide third generation (3G) mobile service within the period prescribed by § 54.1006(a) or fourth generation (4G) mobile service within the period prescribed by § 54.1006(b).

(vi) Certifications that the applicant has available funds for all project costs that exceed the amount of support to be received from Mobility Fund Phase I and that the applicant will comply with all program requirements.

(vii) Any guarantee of performance that the Commission may require by public notice or other proceedings, including but not limited to the letters of credit required in § 54.1007, or a written commitment from an acceptable bank, as defined in § 54.1007(a)(1), to issue such a letter of credit.

(viii) Certification that the applicant will offer service in supported areas at rates that are within a reasonable range of rates for similar service plans offered by mobile wireless providers in urban areas for a period extending until five (5) years after the date on which it is authorized to receive support.

(ix) Any applicable certifications and showings required in § 54.1004.

(x) Certification that the party submitting the application is authorized to do so on behalf of the applicant.

(xi) Such additional information as the Commission may require.

(3) Application processing. (i) No application will be considered unless it has been submitted in an acceptable form during the period specified by public notice. No applications submitted or demonstrations made at any other time shall be accepted or considered.

(ii) Any application that, as of the submission deadline, either does not identify the applicant seeking support as specified in the public notice announcing application procedures or does not include required certifications shall be denied.

(iii) An applicant may be afforded an opportunity to make minor modifications to amend its application or correct defects noted by the applicant, the Commission, the Administrator, or other parties. Minor modifications include correcting typographical errors in the application and supplying non-material information that was inadvertently omitted or was not available at the time the application was submitted.

(iv) Applications to which major modifications are made after the deadline for submitting applications shall be denied. Major modifications include, but are not limited to, any changes in the ownership of the applicant that constitute an assignment or change of control, or the identity of the applicant, or the certifications required in the application.

(v) After receipt and review of the applications, a public notice shall identify each winning bidder that may be authorized to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support after the winning bidder submits a Letter of Credit and an accompanying opinion letter as required by § 54.1007, in a form acceptable to the Commission, and any final designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier that any Tribally-owned or -controlled applicant may still require. Each such winning bidder shall submit a Letter of Credit and an accompanying opinion letter as required by § 54.1007, in a form acceptable to the Commission, and any required final designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier no later than 10 business days following the release of the public notice.

(vi) After receipt of all necessary information, a public notice will identify each winning bidder that is authorized to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support.

§ 54.1006 - Public interest obligations.

(a) Deadline for construction—3G networks. A winning bidder authorized to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support that indicated in its application that it would provide third generation (3G) service on the supported network shall, no later than two (2) years after the date on which it was authorized to receive support, submit data from drive tests covering the area for which support was received demonstrating mobile transmissions supporting voice and data to and from the network covering 75% of the designated coverage units in the area deemed uncovered, or a higher percentage established by Public Notice prior to the competitive bidding, and meeting or exceeding the following:

(1) Outdoor minimum data transmission rates of 50 kbps uplink and 200 kbps downlink at vehicle speeds appropriate for the roads covered;

(2) Transmission latency low enough to enable the use of real time applications, such as VoIP.

(b) Deadline for construction—4G networks. A winning bidder authorized to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support that indicated in its application that it would provide fourth generation (4G) service on the supported network shall, no later than three (3) years after the date on which it was authorized to receive support, submit data from drive tests covering the area for which support was received demonstrating mobile transmissions supporting voice and data to and from the network covering 75% of the designated coverage units in the area deemed uncovered, or an applicable higher percentage established by public notice prior to the competitive bidding, and meeting or exceeding the following:

(1) Outdoor minimum data transmission rates of 200 kbps uplink and 768 kbps downlink at vehicle speeds appropriate for the roads covered;

(2) Transmission latency low enough to enable the use of real time applications, such as VoIP.

(c) Coverage test data. Drive tests submitted in compliance with a recipient's public interest obligations shall cover roads designated in the public notice detailing the procedures for the competitive bidding that is the basis of the recipient's support. Scattered site tests submitted in compliance with a recipient's public interest obligations shall be in compliance with standards set forth in the public notice detailing the procedures for the competitive bidding that is the basis of the recipient's authorized support.

(d) Collocation obligations. During the period when a recipient shall file annual reports pursuant to § 54.1009, the recipient shall allow for reasonable collocation by other providers of services that would meet the technological requirements of Mobility Fund Phase I on newly constructed towers that the recipient owns or manages in the area for which it receives support. In addition, during this period, the recipient may not enter into facilities access arrangements that restrict any party to the arrangement from allowing others to collocate on the facilities.

(e) Voice and data roaming obligations. During the period when a recipient shall file annual reports pursuant to § 54.1009, the recipient shall comply with the Commission's voice and data roaming requirements that were in effect as of October 27, 2011, on networks that are built through Mobility Fund Phase I support.

(f) Liability for failing to satisfy public interest obligations. A winning bidder authorized to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support that fails to comply with the public interest obligations in this paragraph or any other terms and conditions of the Mobility Fund Phase I support will be subject to repayment of the support disbursed together with an additional performance default payment. Such a winning bidder may be disqualified from receiving Mobility Fund Phase I support or other USF support. The additional performance default amount will be a percentage of the Mobility Fund Phase I support that the winning bidder has been and is eligible to request be disbursed to it pursuant to § 54.1008. The percentage will be determined as specified in the public notice detailing competitive bidding procedures prior to the commencement of competitive bidding. The percentage will not exceed twenty percent.

§ 54.1007 - Letter of credit.

(a) Before being authorized to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support, a winning bidder shall obtain an irrevocable standby letter of credit which shall be acceptable in all respects to the Commission. Each winning bidder authorized to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support shall maintain its standby letter of credit or multiple standby letters of credit in an amount equal to the amount of Mobility Fund Phase I support that the winning bidder has been and is eligible to request be disbursed to it pursuant to § 54.1008 plus the additional performance default amount described in § 54.1006(f), until at least 120 days after the winning bidder receives its final distribution of support pursuant to § 54.1008(b)(3).

(1) The bank issuing the letter of credit shall be acceptable to the Commission. A bank that is acceptable to the Commission is

(i) Any United States Bank that

(A) Is among the 50 largest United States banks, determined on the basis of total assets as of the end of the calendar year immediately preceding the issuance of the letter of credit,

(B) Whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and

(C) Who has a long-term unsecured credit rating issued by Standard & Poor's of A- or better (or an equivalent rating from another nationally recognized credit rating agency); or

(ii) Any non-U.S. bank that

(A) Is among the 50 largest non-U.S. banks in the world, determined on the basis of total assets as of the end of the calendar year immediately preceding the issuance of the letter of credit (determined on a U.S. dollar equivalent basis as of such date),

(B) Has a branch office in the District of Columbia or such other branch office agreed to by the Commission,

(C) Has a long-term unsecured credit rating issued by a widely-recognized credit rating agency that is equivalent to an A- or better rating by Standard & Poor's, and

(D) Issues the letter of credit payable in United States dollars.

(2) [Reserved]

(b) A winning bidder for Mobility Fund Phase I support shall provide with its Letter of Credit an opinion letter from its legal counsel clearly stating, subject only to customary assumptions, limitations, and qualifications, that in a proceeding under Title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. 101 et seq. (the “Bankruptcy Code”), the bankruptcy court would not treat the letter of credit or proceeds of the letter of credit as property of the winning bidder's bankruptcy estate under section 541 of the Bankruptcy Code.

(c) Authorization to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support is conditioned upon full and timely performance of all of the requirements set forth in § 54.1006 and any additional terms and conditions upon which the support was granted.

(1) Failure by a winning bidder authorized to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support to comply with any of the requirements set forth in § 54.1006 or any other term or conditions upon which support was granted, or its loss of eligibility for any reason for Mobility Fund Phase I support, will be deemed an automatic performance default, will entitle the Commission to draw the entire amount of the letter of credit, and may disqualify the winning bidder from the receipt of Mobility Fund Phase I support or additional USF support.

(2) A performance default will be evidenced by a letter issued by the Chief of either the Wireless Bureau or Wireline Bureau or their respective designees, which letter, attached to a standby letter of credit draw certificate, shall be sufficient for a draw on the standby letter of credit for the entire amount of the standby letter of credit.

§ 54.1008 - Mobility Fund Phase I disbursements.

(a) A winning bidder for Mobility Fund Phase I support will be advised by public notice whether it has been authorized to receive support. The public notice will detail how disbursement will be made available.

(b) Mobility Fund Phase I support will be available for disbursement to authorized winning bidders in three stages.

(1) One-third of the total possible support, if coverage were to be extended to 100 percent of the units deemed unserved in the geographic area, when the winning bidder is authorized to receive support.

(2) One-third of the total possible support with respect to a specific geographic area when the recipient demonstrates coverage of 50 percent of the coverage requirements of § 54.1006(a) or (b), as applicable.

(3) The remainder of the total support, based on the final total units covered, when the recipient demonstrates coverage meeting the requirements of § 54.1006(a) or (b), as applicable.

(c) A recipient accepting a final disbursement for a specific geographic area based on coverage of less than 100 percent of the units in the area previously deemed unserved waives any claim for the remainder of potential Mobility Fund Phase I support with respect to that area.

(d) Prior to each disbursement request, a winning bidder for support in a Tribal land will be required to certify that it has substantively engaged appropriate Tribal officials regarding the issues specified in § 54.1004(d)(1), at a minimum, as well as any other issues specified by the Commission and to provide a summary of the results of such engagement.

(e) Prior to each disbursement request, a winning bidder will be required to certify that it is in compliance with all requirements for receipt of Mobility Fund Phase I support at the time that it requests the disbursement.

§ 54.1009 - Annual reports.

(a) A winning bidder authorized to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support shall submit an annual report no later than July 1 in each year for the five years after it was so authorized. Each annual report shall include the following, or reference the inclusion of the following in other reports filed with the Commission for the applicable year:

(1) Electronic Shapefiles site coverage plots illustrating the area newly reached by mobile services at a minimum scale of 1:240,000;

(2) A list of relevant census blocks previously deemed unserved, with road miles and total resident population and resident population residing in areas newly reached by mobile services (based on Census Bureau data and estimates);

(3) If any such testing has been conducted, data received or used from drive tests, or scattered site testing in areas where drive tests are not feasible, analyzing network coverage for mobile services in the area for which support was received;

(4) Certification that the applicant offers service in supported areas at rates that are within a reasonable range of rates for similar service plans offered by mobile wireless providers in urban areas;

(5) Any applicable certifications and showings required in § 54.1004; and

(6) Updates to the information provided in § 54.1005(b)(2)(v).

(b) The party submitting the annual report must certify that they have been authorized to do so by the winning bidder.

(c) Each annual report shall be submitted to the Office of the Secretary of the Commission, clearly referencing GN Docket No. 20-104; the Administrator; and the relevant state commissions, relevant authority in a U.S. Territory, or Tribal governments, as appropriate.

[76 FR 73877, Nov. 29, 2011, as amended at 77 FR 30915, May 24, 2012; 85 FR 34527, June 5, 2020]
§ 54.1010 - Record retention for Mobility Fund Phase I.

A winning bidder authorized to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support and its agents are required to retain any documentation prepared for, or in connection with, the award of Mobility Fund Phase I support for a period of not less than ten (10) years after the date on which the winning bidder receives its final disbursement of Mobility Fund Phase I support.

§ 54.1011 - 5G Fund.

(a) The Commission will use competitive bidding, as provided in part 1, subpart AA, of this chapter, to determine the recipients of support available through the 5G Fund and the amount(s) of support that they may receive for specific geographic areas, subject to applicable post-auction procedures.

(b) 5G Fund support will be awarded in two phases using multi-round, descending clock auctions.

(c) Areas eligible for 5G Fund Phase I support will be those areas identified by the Office of Economics and Analytics and Wireline Competition Bureau in a public notice as showing a lack of 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) and 5G coverage on an unsubsidized basis based on the mobile broadband coverage maps created by the Commission using coverage data submitted in the Digital Opportunity Data Collection pursuant to § 1.7004(c)(3).

(d) The Commission will incorporate an adjustment factor into the 5G Fund auction design that will assign a weight to each geographic area eligible in the 5G Fund Phase I auction using the adjustment factor values adopted by the Office of Economics and Analytics and Wireline Competition Bureau and announced in a public notice.

(e) The Commission will incorporate an adjustment factor into the methodology for disaggregation of high-cost legacy support pursuant to § 54.307(e)(5)(iii) and (e)(5)(iv) that will assign a weight to each geographic area using the adjustment factor values adopted by the Office of Economics and Analytics and Wireline Competition Bureau and announced in a public notice.

§ 54.1012 - Geographic areas eligible for support.

(a) 5G Fund support will be made available for geographic areas identified as eligible by public notice.

(b) Coverage units for purposes of conducting competitive bidding and disbursing support based on square kilometers will be identified by public notice for each area eligible for support.

§ 54.1013 - Applicant eligibility.

(a) An applicant for 5G Fund support shall be an eligible telecommunications carrier in an area in order to receive 5G Fund support for that area. The applicant may obtain its designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier after the close of a 5G Fund auction, provided that the applicant submits proof of its designation within 180 days after the release of the public notice identifying the applicant as a winning bidder. The eligible telecommunications carrier service area of a 5G Fund support recipient will not be required to conform to the service area of the rural telephone company serving the same area. An applicant for 5G Fund support shall not receive such support prior to the submission of proof of its designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier. After such submission, the eligible telecommunications carrier shall receive a balloon payment that will consist of the carrier's monthly 5G Fund support amount multiplied by the number of whole months between the first day of the month after the close of the auction and the issuance of the public notice authorizing the carrier to receive 5G Fund support.

(b) An applicant must have exclusive access to Commission licensed spectrum and sufficient bandwidth in an area that enables it to satisfy the performance requirements specified in § 54.1015 in order to receive 5G Fund support for that area. The applicant shall describe its access to spectrum as specified in § 54.1014(a)(3) and certify, in a form acceptable to the Commission, that it has such access and sufficient bandwidth (at a minimum, 10 megahertz x 10 megahertz using frequency division duplex (FDD) or 20 megahertz using time division duplex (TDD)) in each area in which it intends to bid for support at the time it applies to participate in competitive bidding, and that it will retain such access for at least ten (10) years after the date on which it is authorized to receive support. A winning bidder that applies for 5G Fund support applicant shall describe its access to spectrum as specified in § 54.1014(b)(2)(v) at the time it applies for support and certify, in a form acceptable to the Commission, that it has such access and sufficient bandwidth (at a minimum, 10 megahertz x 10 megahertz using frequency division duplex (FDD) or 20 megahertz using time division duplex (TDD)) in each area in which it is applying for support, and that it will retain such access for at least ten (10) years after the date on which it is authorized to receive support.

(c) An applicant shall certify that it is financially and technically qualified to provide the services supported by the 5G Fund within the ten (10) year support term in each geographic area for which it seeks and is authorized to receive support.

§ 54.1014 - Application process.

(a) Application to participate in competitive bidding for 5G Fund support. In addition to providing the information specified in § 1.21001(b) of this chapter and any other information required by the Commission, an applicant to participate in competitive bidding for 5G Fund support shall:

(1) Certify that the applicant is financially and technically capable of meeting the public interest obligations and performance requirements in § 54.1015 in each area for which it seeks support;

(2) Disclose its status as an eligible telecommunications carrier in any area for which it will seek support and associated study area code(s) or as an entity that will file an application to become an eligible telecommunications carrier in any such area after being identified as a winning bidder for such area in a 5G Fund auction, and certify that the disclosure is accurate;

(3) Describe the Commission licensed spectrum to which the applicant has exclusive access that the applicant plans to use to meet its public interest obligations and performance requirements in areas for which it will bid for support, including whether the applicant currently holds a license for or leases the spectrum, including any necessary renewal expectancy, and whether such spectrum access is contingent upon receiving support in a 5G Fund auction, the license applicable to the spectrum to be accessed, the type of service covered by the license, the particular frequency band(s), the call sign, and the total amount of bandwidth (in megahertz) to which the applicant has access under the license applicable to the spectrum to be accessed, and certify that the description is accurate, that the applicant has access to spectrum in each area for which it intends to bid for support, and that the applicant will retain such access for at least ten (10) years after the date on which it is authorized to receive 5G Fund support;

(4) Submit specified operational and financial information;

(i) Indicate whether the applicant has been providing mobile wireless voice and/or mobile wireless broadband service for at least three years prior to the short-form application deadline (or is a wholly-owned subsidiary of an entity that has been providing such service for at least three years). An applicant for a 5G Fund auction will be deemed to have started providing mobile wireless broadband service on the date it began commercially offering service to end users. If the applicant is applying as a consortium or joint venture, the applicant will be permitted to rely on the length of time a member of the consortium or joint venture has been providing mobile service prior to the short-form application deadline in responding to this question;

(ii) If the applicant has been providing mobile wireless voice and/or mobile wireless broadband service for at least three years prior to the short-form application deadline (or is a wholly-owned subsidiary of an entity that has been providing such service for at least three years), it must:

(A) Certify that the applicant has been providing mobile wireless voice and/or mobile wireless broadband service for at least three years prior to the short-form application deadline (or is a wholly-owned subsidiary of an entity that has been providing such service for at least three years),

(B) Specify the number of years it (or its parent company, if it is a wholly-owned subsidiary) has been providing such service,

(C) Certify that it (or its parent company, if it is a wholly-owned subsidiary) has submitted mobile wireless voice and/or mobile wireless broadband data as required on FCC Form 477 and/or in the Digital Opportunity Data Collection, as applicable, during that time period,

(D) Provide each of the FCC Registration Numbers (FRNs) that the applicant or its parent company (and in the case of a holding company applicant, its operating companies) has used to submit mobile wireless voice and/or mobile wireless broadband data on FCC Form 477 and/or in the Digital Opportunity Data Collection, as applicable, during that time period.

(iii) If the applicant has been providing mobile wireless voice and/or mobile wireless broadband service for fewer than three years prior to the application deadline (or is not a wholly-owned subsidiary of an entity that has been providing such service for at least three years), it must:

(A) submit information concerning its operational history and a preliminary project description as prescribed by the Commission or the Office of Economics and Analytics and the Wireline Competition Bureau in a public notice;

(B) submit a letter of interest from a qualified bank that meets the qualifications set forth in § 54.1016 stating that the bank would provide a letter of credit as described in section to the applicant if the applicant becomes a winning bidder for bids of a certain dollar magnitude, as well as the maximum dollar amount for which the bank would be willing to issue a letter of credit to the applicant; and

(C) submit a statement that the bank would be willing to issue a letter of credit that is substantially in the same form as the Commission's model letter of credit.

(5) Certify that it will be subject to a forfeiture pursuant to § 1.21004 in the event of an auction default; and

(6) Certify that the party submitting the application is authorized to do so on behalf of the applicant.

(b) Application by winning bidders for 5G Fund support—(1) Deadline. Unless otherwise provided by public notice, winning bidders for 5G Fund support shall file an application for 5G Fund support no later than ten (10) business days after the public notice identifying them as winning bidders.

(2) Application contents. An application for 5G Fund support must contain:

(i) Identification of the party seeking the support, including ownership information as set forth in § 1.2112(a) of this chapter;

(ii) Updated information regarding the agreements, arrangements, or understandings related to 5G Fund support disclosed in the application to participate in competitive bidding for 5G Fund support. A winning bidder may also be required to disclose in its application for 5G Fund support the specific terms, conditions, and parties involved in any agreement into which it has entered and the agreement itself;

(iii) Certification that the applicant is financially and technically capable of providing the required coverage and performance levels within the specified timeframe in the geographic areas in which it won support;

(iv) Proof of the applicant's status as an eligible telecommunications carrier, or a statement that the applicant will become an eligible telecommunications carrier in any area for which it seeks support within 180 days of the public notice identifying them as winning bidders, and certification that the proof is accurate;

(v) A description of the Commission licensed spectrum to which the applicant has exclusive access that the applicant plans to use to meet its public interest obligations and performance requirements in areas for which it is winning bidder for support, including whether the applicant currently holds a license for or leases the spectrum, along with any necessary renewal expectancy, the license applicable to the spectrum to be accessed, the type of service covered by the license, the particular frequency band(s), the call sign, and the total amount of bandwidth (in megahertz) to which the applicant has access under the license applicable to the spectrum to be accessed, and certification that the description is accurate, that the winning bidder has access to spectrum in each area for which it is applying for support, and that the applicant will retain such access for the entire ten (10) year 5G Fund support term;

(vi) A detailed project description that describes the network to be built, identifies the proposed technology, demonstrates that the project is technically feasible, discloses the complete project budget, and discusses each specific phase of the project (e.g., network design, construction, deployment, and maintenance), as well as a complete project schedule, including timelines, milestones, and costs;

(vii) Certifications that the applicant has available funds for all project costs that exceed the amount of support to be received from 5G Fund and that the applicant will comply with all program requirements, including the public interest obligations and performance requirements set forth in § 54.1015;

(viii) Any guarantee of performance that the Commission may require by public notice or other proceedings, including but not limited to the letters of credit and opinion letter required in § 54.1016, or a written commitment from an acceptable bank, as defined in § 54.1016, to issue such a letter of credit;

(ix) Certification that the applicant will offer services in supported areas at rates that are reasonably comparable to the rates the applicant charges in urban areas;

(x) Certification that the party submitting the application is authorized to do so on behalf of the applicant; and

(xi) Such additional information as the Commission may require.

(3) Application processing. (i) No application will be considered unless it has been submitted in an acceptable form during the period specified by public notice. No applications submitted or demonstrations made at any other time shall be accepted or considered.

(ii) Any application that, as of the submission deadline, either does not identify the applicant seeking support as specified in the public notice announcing application procedures, or does not include required certifications, shall be denied.

(iii) An applicant may be afforded an opportunity to make minor modifications to amend its application or correct defects noted by the applicant, the Commission, the Administrator, or other parties. Minor modifications include correcting typographical errors in the application and supplying non-material information that was inadvertently omitted or was not available at the time the application was submitted.

(iv) Applications to which major modifications are made after the deadline for submitting applications shall be denied. Major modifications include, but are not limited to, any changes in the ownership of the applicant that constitute an assignment or change of control, or the identity of the applicant, or the certifications required in the application.

(v) After receipt and review of the applications, a public notice shall identify each winning bidder that may be authorized to receive 5G Fund support, after the winning bidder submits a Letter of Credit and an accompanying opinion letter from its outside legal counsel as required by § 54.1016, in a form acceptable to the Commission, and any final designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier that any applicant may still require. Each such winning bidder shall submit a Letter of Credit and an accompanying opinion letter from its outside legal counsel as required by § 54.1016, in a form acceptable to the Commission, and any required final designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier no later than ten (10) business days following the release of the public notice.

(vi) After receipt of all necessary information, a public notice will identify each winning bidder that is authorized to receive 5G Fund support.

Effective Date Note:At 85 FR 75822, Nov. 25, 2020, § 54.1014 was revised, however, paragraphs (a) and (b)(2) have a delayed effective date.
§ 54.1015 - Public interest obligations and performance requirements for 5G Fund support recipients.

(a) General. A 5G Fund support recipient shall deploy voice and data services that meet at least the 5G-NR (New Radio) technology standards developed by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project with Release 15, or any successor release that may be adopted by the Office of Economics and Analytics and the Wireline Competition Bureau after notice and comment.

(b) Interim and final service milestones and deadlines. A 5G Fund support recipient shall deploy 5G service as specified in paragraph (a) of this section as follows:

(1) Year three interim service milestone deadline. A support recipient shall deploy service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements as specified in paragraph (c) of this section to at least 40 percent of the total square kilometers associated with the eligible areas for which it is authorized to receive 5G Fund support in a state no later than December 31 of the third full calendar year following authorization of support.

(2) Year four interim service milestone deadline. A support recipient shall deploy service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements as specified in paragraph (c) of this section to at least 60 percent of the total square kilometers associated with the eligible areas for which it is authorized to receive 5G Fund support in a state no later than December 31 of the fourth full calendar year following authorization of support.

(3) Year five interim service milestone deadline. A recipient shall deploy service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements as specified in paragraph (c) of this section to at least 80 percent of the total square kilometers associated with the eligible areas for which it is authorized to receive 5G Fund support in a state no later than December 31 of the fifth full calendar year following authorization of support.

(4) Year six final service milestone deadline. A support recipient shall deploy service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements as specified in paragraph (c) of this section to at least 85 percent of the total square kilometers associated with the eligible areas for which it is authorized to receive 5G Fund support in a state no later than December 31 of the sixth full calendar year following funding authorization. In addition, a recipient shall deploy service meeting the 5G Fund performance requirements as specified in paragraph (c) of this section to at least 75 percent of the total square kilometers associated with every census tract or census block group for which it was authorized to receive 5G Fund support no later than December 31 of the sixth full calendar year following authorization of support.

(5) Optional year two interim service milestone deadline. A support recipient may, at its option, deploy service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements as specified in paragraph (c) of this section to at least 20 percent of the total square kilometers associated with the eligible areas for which it is authorized to receive 5G Fund support in a state no later than December 31 of the second full calendar year following funding authorization. Meeting this optional interim service milestone would permit the support recipient, after confirmation of the service deployment by the Administrator, to reduce its letter of credit so that it is valued at an amount equal to one year of support as described in § 54.1016(a)(1)(v).

(c) Performance requirements. A recipient authorized to receive 5G Fund support shall meet the following minimum baseline performance requirements for data speeds, data latency, and data allowances in areas where it receives support:

(1) Median of 35 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload, and with at least 90 percent of measurements recording data transmission rates of not less than 7 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload; and

(2) Transmission latency of 100 milliseconds or less round trip for successfully transmitted measurements (i.e., ignoring lost or timed-out packets), with at least 90 percent of measurements recording latency of 100 milliseconds or less round trip.

(3) At least one service plan offered must include a data allowance that is equivalent to the average United States subscriber data usage as specified by public notice.

(d) Collocation obligations. During the 5G Fund support term, a recipient authorized to receive 5G Fund support shall allow for reasonable collocation by other carriers of services that would meet the technological requirements of the 5G Fund on all newly constructed cell-site infrastructure constructed with universal service funds that it owns or manages in the area(s) for which it receives 5G Fund support. In addition, during the 5G Fund support term, the recipient may not enter into facilities access arrangements that restrict any party to the arrangement from allowing others to collocate on the newly constructed cell-site infrastructure.

(e) Voice and data roaming obligations. A recipient authorized to receive 5G Fund support shall comply with the Commission's voice and data roaming requirements that are currently in effect on networks that are built with 5G Fund support.

(f) Reasonably comparable rates. A recipient authorized to receive 5G Fund support shall offer its services in the areas for which it is authorized to receive support at rates that are reasonably comparable to those rates offered in urban areas and must advertise the voice and broadband services it offers in its subsidized service areas. A 5G Fund support recipient's rates shall be considered reasonably comparable to urban rates, based upon the most recently available decennial U.S. Census Bureau data identifying areas as urban, if rates for services in rural areas fall within a reasonable range of urban rates for reasonably comparable voice and broadband services.

(1) If the recipient offers service in urban areas, it may demonstrate that it offers reasonably comparable rates if it offers the same rates, terms, and conditions (including usage allowances, if any, for a specific rate) in both urban and rural areas or if one of the carrier's rural stand-alone voice service plans and one rural service plan offering data are substantially similar to plans it offers in urban areas.

(2) If the recipient does not offer service in urban areas, it may demonstrate that it offers reasonably comparable rates by identifying a carrier that does offer service in urban areas and the specific rate plans to which its rural plans are reasonably comparable, along with submission of corroborating evidence that its rates are reasonably comparable, such as marketing materials from the identified carrier.

(g) Liability for failure to comply with performance requirements and public interest obligations. A support recipient that fails to comply with the performance requirements set forth in paragraph (c) of this section is subject to the non-compliance measures set forth in § 54.1020. A support recipient that fails to comply with the public interest obligations or any other terms and conditions associated with receiving 5G Fund support may be subject to action, including the Commission's existing enforcement procedures and penalties, reductions in support amounts, revocation of eligible telecommunications carrier designation, and suspension or debarment pursuant to § 54.8.

§ 54.1016 - Letter of credit.

(a) Before being authorized to receive 5G Fund support, a winning bidder shall obtain an irrevocable standby letter of credit which shall be acceptable in all respects to the Commission.

(1) Each winning bidder that becomes authorized to receive 5G Fund support shall maintain the standby letter of credit in an amount equal to, at a minimum, one year of support, until the Administrator has verified that the support recipient serves at least 85 percent of the eligible square kilometers for which it is authorized to receive support in a state, and at least 75 percent of the eligible square kilometers in each eligible census tract, by the Year Six Final Service Milestone..

(i) For Year One of a support recipient's support term, it must obtain a letter of credit valued at an amount equal to one year of support.

(ii) For Year Two of a support recipient's support term, it must obtain a letter of credit valued at an amount equal to eighteen months of support.

(iii) For Year Three of a support recipient's support term, it must obtain a letter of credit valued at an amount equal to two years of support.

(iv) For Year Four of a support recipient's support term, and for each year thereafter unless the support recipient is allowed to reduce it pursuant to § 54.1015(b), it must obtain a letter of credit valued at an amount equal to three years of support.

(v) A support recipient may obtain a new letter of credit or renew its existing letter of credit so that it is valued at an amount equal to one year of support once it meets its optional or required service milestones as specified in § 54.1015(b). The recipient may obtain or renew this letter of credit upon verification by the Administrator that it has deployed service that meets the 5G Fund deadlines as specified in § 54.1015(b) and performance requirements as specified in § 54.1015(c). The recipient may maintain its letter of credit at this level for the remainder of its deployment term, so long as the Administrator verifies that the recipient successfully and timely meets its remaining required interim and final service milestones.

(vi) A support recipient that fails to meet its required interim service milestones must obtain a new letter of credit or renew its existing letter of credit valued at an amount equal to its existing letter of credit, plus an additional year of support, up to a maximum of three years of support.

(vii) A support recipient that fails to meet two or more required interim service milestones must maintain a letter of credit valued at an amount equal to three years of support and may be subject to additional noncompliance penalties as set forth in § 54.1020.

(2) The bank issuing the letter of credit shall be acceptable to the Commission. A bank that is acceptable to the Commission is:

(i) Any United States bank:

(A) That is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and

(B) That has a bank safety rating issued by Weiss of B−or better; or

(ii) CoBank, so long as it maintains assets that place it among the 100 largest United States Banks, determined on basis of total assets as of the calendar year immediately preceding the issuance of the letter of credit and it has a long-term unsecured credit rating issued by Standard & Poor's of BBB− or better (or an equivalent rating from another nationally recognized credit rating agency); or

(iii) The National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation, so long as it maintains assets that place it among the 100 largest United States Banks, determined on basis of total assets as of the calendar year immediately preceding the issuance of the letter of credit and it has a long-term unsecured credit rating issued by Standard & Poor's of BBB− or better (or an equivalent rating from another nationally recognized credit rating agency); or

(iv) Any non-United States bank:

(A) That is among the 100 largest non-U.S. banks in the world, determined on the basis of total assets as of the end of the calendar year immediately preceding the issuance of the letter of credit (determined on a U.S. dollar equivalent basis as of such date);

(B) Has a branch office

(i) Located in the District of Columbia; or

(ii) Located in New York City, New York, or such other branch office agreed to by the Commission, that will accept a letter of credit presentation from the Administrator via overnight courier, in addition to in-person presentations; and

(C) Has a long-term unsecured credit rating issued by a widely recognized credit rating agency that is equivalent to a BBB− or better rating by Standard & Poor's; and

(D) Issues the letter of credit payable in United States dollars.

(b) Before being authorized to receive 5G Fund support, a winning bidder shall obtain an opinion letter from its outside legal counsel clearly stating, subject only to customary assumptions, limitations, and qualifications, that in a proceeding under Title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. 101 et seq. (the “Bankruptcy Code”), that the bankruptcy court would not treat the letter of credit or proceeds of the letter of credit as property of the winning bidder's bankruptcy estate, or the bankruptcy estate of any other winning bidder-related entity requesting issuance of the letter of credit, under section 541 of the Bankruptcy Code.

(c) Authorization to receive 5G Fund support is conditioned upon full and timely performance of all of the performance requirements set forth in § 54.1015(c), and any additional terms and conditions upon which the support was granted.

(1) Failure by a 5G Fund support recipient to meet any of the service milestones set forth in § 54.1015(b) will trigger reporting obligations and the withholding of support as described in § 54.1020. Failure to come into full compliance during the relevant cure period as described in § 54.1020(b)(4)(ii) or § 54.1020(c) will trigger a recovery action by the Administrator set forth in § 54.1020(b)(4)(ii) or § 54.1020(c), as applicable. If the recipient authorized to receive 5G Fund support does not repay the requisite amount of support within six months, the Administrator will be entitled to draw upon the entire amount of the letter of credit and may disqualify the 5G Fund support recipient from the receipt of 5G Fund support or additional universal service support.

(2) The default will be evidenced by a letter issued by the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau, or its respective designees, which letter, describing the performance default and attached to a standby letter of credit draw certificate, shall be sufficient for a draw on the standby letter of credit for the entire amount of the standby letter of credit.

Effective Date Note:At 85 FR 75822, Nov. 25, 2020, § 54.1016 was revised, however, paragraph (b) has a delayed effective date.
§ 54.1017 - 5G Fund support disbursements.

(a) A winning bidder of 5G Fund support will be advised by public notice whether it has been authorized to receive support.

(b) 5G Fund support will be disbursed on a monthly basis to a recipient for ten (10) years following the date on which it is authorized to receive support.

(c) If a 5G Fund support recipient fails to comply with the performance requirements of the 5G Fund, the Administrator shall reduce, pause, or freeze, the monthly payments to the recipient until the recipient cures the non-compliance, as provided in § 54.1020. As set forth in § 54.1015(g), if a support recipient fails to comply with the public interest obligations or any other terms and conditions associated with receiving 5G Fund support, it may be subject reductions or suspension of support amounts.

(d) A winning bidder of 5G Fund support may not use such support to fulfill any enforceable commitments with the Commission to deploy 5G service.

§ 54.1018 - Annual reports.

(a) A 5G Fund support recipient authorized to receive 5G Fund support shall submit an annual report to the Administrator no later than July 1 of each year after the year in which it was authorized to receive support. Each support recipient shall certify in its annual report that it is in compliance with the public interest obligations, performance requirements, and all of the terms and conditions associated with the receipt of 5G Fund support in order to continue receiving 5G Fund support disbursements.

(b) All 5G Fund support recipients shall supplement the information provided in an annual report to the Administrator within 10 business days from the onset of any reduction in the percentage of the total eligible square kilometers being served in a state after the filing of an annual certification report or in the event of any failure to comply with any of the 5G Fund requirements.

(c) The party submitting the annual report must certify that it has been authorized to do so by the 5G Fund support recipient.

(d) Each annual report shall be submitted solely via the Administrator's online portal.

(1) The Commission and the Administrator shall treat infrastructure data submitted as part of such a report as presumptively confidential.

(2) The Administrator shall make such reports available to the Commission and to the relevant state, territory, and Tribal governmental entities, as applicable.

(e) A 5G Fund support recipient shall have a continuing obligation to maintain the accuracy and completeness of the information provided in its annual reports. Any substantial change in the accuracy or completeness of any annual report must be reported as an update to the submitted annual report within ten (10) business days after the reportable event occurs.

(f) The Commission shall retain the authority to look behind 5G Fund support recipients' annual reports and to take action to address any violations.

Effective Date Note:At 85 FR 75822, Nov. 25, 2020, § 54.1018 was revised, however, paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) have a delayed effective date.
§ 54.1019 - Interim service and final service milestone reports.

(a) A recipient authorized to receive 5G Fund support shall submit a report to the Administrator on or before March 1 after the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth service milestone deadlines established in § 54.1015(b) demonstrating that it has deployed service meeting the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c), which shall include the following:

(1) Certifications to representative data submitted in the Digital Opportunity Data Collection or as part of FCC Form 477, as applicable, demonstrating mobile transmissions to and from the network that establish compliance with the 5G Fund coverage, speed, and latency requirements;

(2) On-the-ground measurement tests to substantiate 5G broadband coverage data:

(i) With at least three tests conducted per square kilometer, measured by overlaying a uniform grid of one square kilometer (1 km by 1 km) on the recipient's submitted in-vehicle 5G coverage maps within the area for which 5G Fund support was awarded;

(ii) For a subset of drive-testable grid cells, such that the minimum percentage of drive-testable grid cells tested equals the minimum percentage of coverage required for each service buildout milestone (i.e., interim milestones of 40 percent, 60 percent, and 80 percent, and the final milestone of 85 percent), with previously reported testing being cumulative; and

(iii) Where a drive-testable grid cell is any grid cell that has more than the de minimis amount of total roads specified in a public notice, based upon the most recent roadway data from the U.S. Census Bureau available for this purpose, considering roads classified in the primary road (S1100), secondary road (S1200), local road (S1400), and service drive (S1640) categories.

(3) Detailed cell-site and sector infrastructure information; and

(4) Additional information as required by the Commission in a public notice.

(b) All data submitted and certified to in compliance with a recipient's public interest obligations in the milestone report shall be in compliance with standards set forth in the applicable public notice and shall be certified by a professional engineer.

(c) Each service milestone report shall be submitted solely via the Administrator's online portal.

(d) All data submitted in and certified to in any service milestone report shall be subject to verification by the Administrator for compliance with the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c).

Effective Date Note:At 85 FR 75822, Nov. 25, 2020, § 54.1019 was revised, however, paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(4) have a delayed effective date.
§ 54.1020 - Non-compliance measures for 5G Fund support recipients.

(a) General. A 5G Fund support recipient that has not deployed service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c) to at least 20 percent of the total square kilometers associated with the eligible areas for which it is authorized to receive support in a state by the Year Three Interim Service Milestone deadline must notify the Commission and the Administrator within ten (10) business days after the Year Three Interim Service Milestone deadline that it failed to meet this milestone. Upon such notification, the support recipient will be deemed to be in default. The Wireline Competition Bureau will issue a letter evidencing the default and the support recipient will be subject to full support recovery. The provisions of paragraph (b) of this section will not be applicable to such a support recipient.

(b) Interim service milestones. A 5G Fund support recipient must notify the Commission, the Administrator, and the relevant state, U.S. Territory, or Tribal government, if applicable, within ten (10) business days after the applicable interim service milestone deadline if it has failed to meet an interim milestone. Upon notification that a support recipient has defaulted on an interim service milestone, the Wireline Competition Bureau will issue a letter evidencing the default. For purposes of determining whether a default has occurred, the support recipient must be offering service meeting the requisite performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c). The issuance of this letter shall initiate reporting obligations and withholding of a percentage of the 5G Fund support recipient's total monthly 5G Fund support, if applicable, starting the month after issuance of the letter:

(1) Tier 1. If a support recipient has a compliance gap of at least five percent but less than 15 percent of the total square kilometers associated with the eligible areas in a state for which it is to have deployed service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c) by the interim service milestone, the Wireline Competition Bureau will issue a letter to that effect. Starting three months after the issuance of this letter, a support recipient will be required to file a report with the Administrator every three months that identifies the eligible square kilometers to which the support recipient has newly deployed facilities capable of delivering service that meets the requisite 5G Fund performance requirements in the previous quarter. The support recipient must continue to file quarterly reports until it has reported, and the Administrator has verified, that it has reduced the compliance gap to less than five percent of the total square kilometers associated with the eligible areas for which it is authorized to receive support in a state by that interim service milestone and the Wireline Competition Bureau issues a letter to that effect. A support recipient that files a quarterly report late, but within seven days after the due date established by the letter issued by the Wireline Competition Bureau for filing the report, will have its 5G Fund support reduced by an amount equivalent to seven days of support. If a support recipient does not file a report within seven days after the report's due date, it will have its 5G Fund support reduced on a pro-rata daily basis equivalent to the period of non-compliance, plus the minimum seven-day reduction, until such time as the quarterly report is filed.

(2) Tier 2. If a support recipient has a compliance gap of at least 15 percent but less than 25 percent of the total square kilometers associated with the eligible areas in a state for which it is to have deployed service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c) by the interim service milestone, the Administrator will withhold 15 percent of the support recipient's monthly support for that state and the support recipient will be required to file quarterly reports with the Administrator. Once the support recipient has reported, and the Administrator has verified, that it has reduced the compliance gap to less than 15 percent of the required eligible square kilometers for that interim service milestone for that state, the Wireline Competition Bureau will issue a letter to that effect, the Administrator will stop withholding support, and the support recipient will receive all of the support that had been withheld. The support recipient will then move to Tier 1 status.

(3) Tier 3. If a support recipient has a compliance gap of at least 25 percent but less than 50 percent of the total square kilometers associated with the eligible areas in a state for which it is to have deployed service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c) by the interim service milestone, the Administrator will withhold 25 percent of the support recipient's monthly support for that state and the support recipient will be required to file quarterly reports with the Administrator. Once the support recipient has reported, and the Administrator has verified, that it has reduced the compliance gap to less than 25 percent of the required eligible square kilometers for that interim service milestone for that state, the Wireline Competition Bureau will issue a letter to that effect, and the support recipient will move to Tier 2 or Tier 1 status, as applicable.

(4) Tier 4. If a support recipient has a compliance gap of 50 percent or more of the total square kilometers associated with the eligible areas in a state for which it is to have deployed service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c) by the interim service milestone:

(i) The Administrator will withhold 50 percent of the support recipient's monthly support for that state and the support recipient will then be required to file quarterly reports with the Administrator. As with the other tiers, as the support recipient reports, and the Administrator verifies, that it has lessened the extent of its non-compliance, and the Wireline Competition Bureau issues a letter to that effect, it will move through the tiers until it reaches Tier 1 (or no longer is out of compliance with the applicable interim service milestone).

(ii) If after having 50 percent of its support withheld for six months, the support recipient has not reported that it is eligible for Tier 3 status (or one of the lower tiers), the Administrator will withhold 100 percent of the support recipient's forthcoming monthly support for that state and will commence a recovery action for a percentage of support that is equal to the support recipient's compliance gap plus 10 percent of the support recipient's support in that state that has been disbursed to that date.

(5) If at any point prior to the Year Six Final Service Milestone the support recipient reports, and the Administrator verifies, that it is eligible for Tier 1 status or that it is no longer out of compliance with the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c), it will have its support fully restored and the Administrator will repay any funds that were recovered or withheld.

(c) Year six final service milestone. A 5G Fund support recipient must notify the Commission, the Administrator, and the relevant state, U.S. Territory, or Tribal government, if applicable, within 10 business days if it has failed to meet the Year Six Final Milestone. Upon notification that the support recipient has not met the Year Six Final Service Milestone, the support recipient will have twelve months from the date of the Year Six Final Milestone deadline to come into full compliance with this milestone. If the support recipient does not report that it has come into full compliance with the Year Six Final Milestone within twelve months, as verified by the Administrator, the Wireline Competition Bureau will issue a letter to this effect. Recipients of 5G Fund support shall be subject to the following non-compliance measures related to the recovery of support after this grace period:

(1) If a support recipient has deployed service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c) to at least 80 percent of the total eligible square kilometers in a state, but less than the required 85 percent of the total eligible square kilometers in that state, the Administrator will recover an amount of support that is equal to 1.25 times the average amount of support per square kilometer that the support recipient has received in the state times the number of square kilometers unserved up to the 85 percent requirement;

(2) If a support recipient has deployed service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c) to at least 75 percent, but less than 80 percent, of the total eligible square kilometers in that state, the Administrator will recover an amount of support that is equal to 1.5 times the average amount of support per square kilometer that the support recipient has received in the state times the number of square kilometers unserved up to the 85 percent requirement, plus 5 percent of the support recipient's total 5G Fund support for the 10 year support term for that state;

(3) If a support recipient has deployed service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c) to less than 75 percent of the total eligible square kilometers in a state, the Administrator will recover an amount of support that is equal to 1.75 times the average amount of support per square kilometer that the support recipient has received in the state times the number of square kilometers unserved up to the 85 percent requirement, plus 10 percent of the support recipient's total 5G Fund support for the 10 year support term for that state.

(d) Additional evidence required at year six final service milestone deadline. At the Year Six Final Service Milestone deadline, a 5G Fund support recipient is also required to provide evidence, which is subject to verification by the Administrator, that it has provided service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c) to at least 75 percent of the total square kilometers for each census tract or census tract group in which it was authorized to receive support. If after the grace period permitted in paragraph (c) of this section the Administrator has not verified based on the evidence provided that the support recipient has provided service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c) to at least 75 percent of the total square kilometers for each census tract or census tract group in which it was authorized to receive support, the Administrator will recover an amount of support that is equal to 1.5 times the average amount of support per square kilometer that the support recipient had received in the eligible area times the number of square kilometers unserved within that eligible area, up to the 75 percent requirement.

(e) Compliance reviews. If the Administrator determines subsequent to the Year Six Final Service Milestone that a support recipient does not have sufficient evidence to demonstrate that it continues to offer service that meets the 5G Fund performance requirements specified in § 54.1015(c) to all of the eligible square kilometers in the state as required by the Year Six Final Service Milestone, the Administrator shall immediately recover a percentage of support from the support recipient as specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through(c)(3) and (d) of this section.

Effective Date Note:At 85 FR 75822, Nov. 25, 2020, § 54.1020 was revised, however, paragraphs (a), (b), and (c)(1) and (c)(2) have a delayed effective date.
§ 54.1021 - Record retention for the 5G Fund.

A recipient authorized to receive 5G Fund support and its agents are required to retain any documentation prepared for, or in connection with, the award of the 5G Fund support for a period of not less than ten (10) years after the date on which the recipient receives its final disbursement of 5G Fund support.

source: 62 FR 32948, June 17, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 47 CFR 54.1015