Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 47 - Telecommunication last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 54.1800 - Definitions.

(a) Administrator. The term “Administrator” means the Universal Service Administrative Company.

(b) Affordable connectivity benefit. The term “affordable connectivity benefit” means a monthly discount for an eligible household, applied to the actual amount charged to such household, in an amount equal to such amount charged, but not more than $30, or, if an internet service offering is provided to an eligible household on Tribal land, not more than $75.

(c) Broadband internet access service. The term “broadband internet access service” has the meaning given such term in 47 CFR 8.1(b) or any successor regulation.

(d) Broadband provider. The term “broadband provider” means a provider of broadband internet access service.

(e) Commission. The term “Commission” means the Federal Communications Commission.

(f) Connected device. The term “connected device” means a laptop or desktop computer or a tablet.

(g) Designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier. The term “designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier,” with respect to a broadband provider, means the broadband provider is designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier under section 214(e) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 214(e)).

(h) Direct service. As used in this subpart, direct service means the provision of service directly to the qualifying low-income consumer.

(i) Duplicative support. “Duplicative support” exists when an Affordable Connectivity Program subscriber or household is receiving two or more Affordable Connectivity Program services concurrently or two or more subscribers in a household have received a connected device with an Affordable Connectivity Program discount.

(j) Eligible household. The term “eligible household” means, regardless of whether the household or any member of the household receives support under subpart E of this Part, and regardless of whether any member of the household has any past or present arrearages with a broadband provider, a household in which—

(1) At least one member of the household meets the qualifications in § 54.409(a)(2) or (3) or (b);

(2) The household's income as defined in § 54.1800(k) is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for a household of that size;

(3) At least one member of the household has applied for and been approved to receive benefits under the free and reduced price lunch program under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.) or the school breakfast program under section 4 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1773), or at least one member of the household is enrolled in a school or school district that participates in the Community Eligibility Provision (42 U.S.C. 1759a);

(4) At least one member of the household has received a Federal Pell Grant under section 401 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070a) in the current award year, if such award is verifiable through the National Verifier or National Lifeline Accountability Database or the participating provider verifies eligibility under § 54.1806(a)(2);

(5) At least one member of the household meets the eligibility criteria for a participating provider's existing low-income program, subject to the requirements of § 54.1806(a)(2); or

(6) At least one member of the household receives assistance through the special supplemental nutritional program for women, infants and children established by section 17 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1996 (42 U.S.C. 1786).

(k) Enrollment representative. “Enrollment representative” means an employee, agent, contractor, or subcontractor, acting on behalf of a participating provider or third-party entity, who directly or indirectly provides information to the Administrator for the purpose of eligibility verification, enrollment, subscriber personal information updates, benefit transfers, or de-enrollment.

(l) Household. A “household” is any individual or group of individuals who are living together at the same address as one economic unit. A household may include related and unrelated persons. An “economic unit” consists of all adult individuals contributing to and sharing in the income and expenses of a household. An adult is any person eighteen years or older. If an adult has no or minimal income, and lives with someone who provides financial support to him/her, both people shall be considered part of the same household. Children under the age of eighteen living with their parents or guardians are considered to be part of the same household as their parents or guardians.

(m) Income. “Income” means gross income as defined under section 61 of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 61,for. This means all income actually received by all members of the household from whatever source derived, unless specifically excluded by the Internal Revenue Code, Part III of Title 26, 26 U.S.C. 101 et seq.

(n) Internet service offering. The term “internet service offering” means, with respect to a broadband provider, broadband internet access service provided by such provider to a household.

(o) Lifeline qualifying assistance program. A “Lifeline qualifying assistance program” means any of the Federal or Tribal assistance programs the participation in which, pursuant to § 54.409(a) or (b), qualifies a consumer for Lifeline service, including Medicaid; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; Supplemental Security Income; Federal Public Housing Assistance; Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefit; Bureau of Indian Affairs general assistance; Tribally administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Tribal TANF); Head Start (only those households meeting its income qualifying standard); or the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR).

(p) National Lifeline Accountability Database. The “National Lifeline Accountability Database” is an electronic system, with associated functions, processes, policies and procedures, to facilitate the detection and elimination of duplicative support, as directed by the Commission.

(q) National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier or National Verifier. The “National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier” or “National Verifier” is an electronic and manual system with associated functions, processes, policies and procedures, to facilitate the determination of consumer eligibility for the Lifeline program and Affordable Connectivity Program, as directed by the Commission.

(r) Participating provider. The term “participating provider” means a broadband provider that—

(1) Is designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier; or

(2) Meets the requirements established by the Commission for participation in the Affordable Connectivity Program and is approved by the Commission under § 54.1801(b); and

(3) Elects to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program; and

(4) Has not been removed or voluntarily withdrawn from the Affordable Connectivity Program pursuant to § 54.1801(e).

(s) Tribal lands. For purposes of this subpart, “Tribal lands” include any federally recognized Indian tribe's reservation, pueblo, or colony, including former reservations in Oklahoma; Alaska Native regions established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (85 Stat. 688); Indian allotments; Hawaiian Home Lands—areas held in trust for Native Hawaiians by the State of Hawaii, pursuant to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920 July 9, 1921, 42 Stat. 108, et. seq., as amended; and any land designated as such by the Commission for purposes of subpart E of this part pursuant to the designation process in § 54.412.

[87 FR 8373, Feb. 14, 2022, as amended at 88 FR 84447, Dec. 5, 2023; 89 FR 70120, Aug. 29, 2024]
§ 54.1801 - Participating providers.

(a) Eligible telecommunications carriers. A broadband provider that is designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier may participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program as a participating provider.

(b) Other broadband providers. A broadband provider that is not designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier may seek approval from the Wireline Competition Bureau to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program as a participating provider.

(1) The Wireline Competition Bureau shall review and act on applications to be designated as a participating provider on an expedited basis. Such applications shall contain:

(i) The states or territories in which the provider plans to participate;

(ii) The service areas in which the provider has the authority, if needed, to operate in each State or territory, but has not been designated an eligible telecommunications carrier; and,

(iii) Certifications of the provider's plan to combat waste, fraud, and abuse, which shall:

(A) Confirm a household's eligibility for the Program through either the National Verifier or a Commission-approved eligibility verification process prior to seeking reimbursement for the respective subscriber;

(B) Follow all enrollment requirements and obtain all certifications as required by the Program, including providing eligible households with information describing the Program's eligibility requirements, one-per-household rule, and enrollment procedures;

(C) Interact with the necessary Administrator systems, including the National Verifier, National Lifeline Accountability Database, and Representative Accountability Database, before submitting claims for reimbursement, including performing the necessary checks to ensure the household is not receiving duplicative benefits within the Program;

(D) De-enroll from the Program any household it has a reasonable basis to believe is no longer eligible to receive the benefit consistent with Program requirements;

(E) Comply with the Program's document retention requirements and agree to make such documentation available to the Commission or USAC, upon request or any entities (for example, auditors) operating on their behalf; and

(F) Agree to the Commission's enforcement and forfeiture authority.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the Wireline Competition Bureau shall automatically approve as a participating provider a broadband provider that has an established program as of April 1, 2020, that is widely available and offers internet service offerings to eligible households and maintains verification processes that are sufficient to avoid fraud, waste, and abuse. Such applications seeking automatic approval shall contain:

(i) The States or territories in which the provider plans to participate;

(ii) The service areas in which the provider has the authority, if needed, to operate in each State or territory, but has not been designated an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier; and,

(iii) A description, supported by documentation, of the established program with which the provider seeks to qualify for automatic admission to the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(c) Election notice. All participating providers shall file an election notice with the Administrator. The election notice shall be submitted in a manner and form consistent with the direction of the Wireline Competition Bureau and the Administrator. All participating providers shall maintain up-to-date contact and other administrative information contained in the election notice as designated by the Wireline Competition Bureau and the Administrator. These updates shall be made within 10 business days of the change in designated information contained in the election notice. The election notice shall be made under penalty of perjury or perjury and at a minimum should contain:

(1) The states or territories in which the provider plans to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program;

(2) A statement that, in each State or territory, the provider was a “broadband provider;”

(3) A list of states or territories where the provider is an existing Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, if any;

(4) A list of states or territories where the provider received Wireline Competition Bureau approval, whether automatic or expedited, to participate, if any;

(5) Whether the provider intends to distribute connected devices, and if so, documentation and information detailing the equipment, co-pay amount charged to eligible households, and market value of the connected devices in compliance with the rules and orders of the Affordable Connectivity Program; and

(6) Any other information necessary to establish the participating provider in the Administrator's systems.

(d) Alternative verification process application. In accordance with § 54.1806(a)(2), all participating providers seeking to verify household eligibility with an alternative verification process shall submit an application in a manner and form consistent with the direction of Wireline Competition Bureau. All participating providers shall maintain up-to-date information contained in the application as designated by the Wireline Competition Bureau. These updates shall be made within 10 business days of the change in designated information. The alternative verification process application shall be made under penalty of perjury and at a minimum should contain:

(1) A description of how the participating provider will collect a prospective subscriber's—

(i) Full name,

(ii) Phone number,

(iii) Date of birth,

(iv) Email address,

(v) Home and mailing addresses,

(vi) Name and date of birth of the benefit qualifying person if different than applicant,

(vii) Household eligibility criteria and documentation supporting verification of eligibility, and

(viii) Certifications from the household that the information included in the application is true.

(2) A description of the process the participating provider uses to verify the required subscriber information contained in paragraph (d)(1) of this section and why this process is sufficient to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse,

(3) A description of the training the participating provider uses for its employees and agents to prevent ineligible enrollments, including enrollments based on fabricated documents,

(4) A description of why any of the criteria contained in paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of this section is not necessary to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse if any of the criteria are not part of the alternative verification process, and

(5) A description of why the participating provider's established program requires approval of an alternative verification process and why the participating provider proposes to use an alternative verification process instead of the National Verifier for eligibility determinations.

(e) Voluntary withdrawal or involuntary removal of participating providers from the Affordable Connectivity Program—(1) Definitions. For purposes of this paragraph (e):

(i) Removal. Removal means involuntary discontinuation of a provider's participation in the Affordable Connectivity Program pursuant to the process outlined in paragraphs (e)(2)(ii) and (iii) of this section.

(ii) Suspension. Suspension means exclusion of a participating provider from activities related to the Affordable Connectivity Program for a temporary period pending completion of a removal proceeding.

(2) Suspension and removal—(i) Suspension and removal in general. The Commission may suspend and/or remove a participating provider for any of the causes in paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section. Suspension or removal of a participating provider constitutes suspension or removal of all its divisions, other organizational elements, and individual officers and employees, unless the Commission limits the application of the suspension or removal to specifically identified divisions, other organizational elements, or individuals or to specific types of transactions.

(ii) Causes for suspension or removal. Causes for suspension or removal are any of the following:

(A) Violations of the rules or requirements of the Affordable Connectivity Program, the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, the Lifeline program, the Emergency Connectivity Fund or successor programs, or any of the Commission's Universal Service Fund programs;

(B) Any action that indicates a lack of business integrity or business honesty that seriously and directly affects the provider's responsibilities under the Affordable Connectivity Program, that undermines the integrity of the Affordable Connectivity Program, or that harms or threatens to harm prospective or existing program participants, including without limitation fraudulent enrollments.

(C) A conviction or civil judgment for attempt or commission of fraud, theft, embezzlement, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, false statements, receiving stolen property, making false claims, obstruction of justice, or similar offense, that arises out of activities related to the Affordable Connectivity Program, the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, the Lifeline program, the Emergency Connectivity Fund or successor programs, or any of the Commission's Universal Service Fund programs.

(iii) Suspension and removal procedures. The following procedures apply to the suspension and removal of a participating provider:

(A) The Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau or Enforcement Bureau will commence a removal proceeding by providing to the participating provider a notice via electronic mail and/or U.S. mail setting forth the legal and factual bases for the initiation of the removal proceeding (as well as notice of any interim measures taken under paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(B) of this section and reasons therefor) and informing the provider of its duty to respond within 30 days of the date of the notice.

(B) Concurrent with the issuance of such notice commencing the removal proceeding, or at any time before a final determination in the proceeding is rendered, the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau or Enforcement Bureau may, in light of the facts and circumstances set forth in the notice commencing the removal proceeding, and with notice to the provider of this interim measure, direct that the participating provider be removed from the Commission's list of providers, from the Administrator's Companies Near Me Tool, or from any similar records, and also may direct the Administrator to temporarily suspend the provider's ability to enroll or transfer in new subscribers during the pendency of the removal proceeding. Any such interim actions may be taken only {i} if based upon adequate evidence of willful misconduct that would warrant removal under paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section, and {ii} after determining that immediate action is necessary to protect the public interest. In addition, the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau or Enforcement Bureau may also direct, with notice to the provider, that an interim funding hold (or partial hold) be placed on the provider upon a determination that there is adequate evidence that the provider's misconduct is likely to cause or has already resulted in improper claims for Affordable Connectivity Program reimbursement and is necessary to protect the public interest. Any funding hold should be tailored in a manner that relates to and is proportionate to the alleged misconduct.

(C) The participating provider shall respond within 30 days of the date of the notice commencing the removal proceeding with any relevant evidence demonstrating that a rule violation or other conduct warranting removal has not in fact occurred and that the provider should not be removed from the Affordable Connectivity Program. Failure to respond or to provide evidence in a timely manner will result in a finding against the provider, removal from the program, and revocation of the provider's authorization to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(D) Within 30 days of receiving the response, the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau or Enforcement Bureau will make a determination and issue an order providing a detailed explanation for the determination. If the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau or Enforcement Bureau determines that a preponderance of the evidence fails to demonstrate that there has been conduct warranting removal, then any measures taken under paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(B) of this section will be discontinued immediately. If the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau or Enforcement Bureau determines by a preponderance of the evidence that there has been conduct warranting removal, the provider's authorization to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program will be revoked, and the provider shall be immediately removed from the program. Upon removal from the program, the former participating provider shall be barred from seeking to rejoin, and from participating in, the Affordable Connectivity Program for at least five years, or such longer period as provided for in the order, based upon review of all relevant circumstances. Any such providers will be similarly barred from participation in any Affordable Connectivity Program successor program during the removal period determined under the order.

(E) A provider may request reconsideration of the Bureau Chief's determination under paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(D) of this section or submit a request for review by the full Commission pursuant to the Commission's rules. See §§ 1.106, 1.115 of this chapter. A provider may also seek a stay of the Bureau Chief's determination under §§ 1.43 and 1.102(b)(3) of this chapter.

(3) Voluntary withdrawal. A participating provider may withdraw its election to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program by submitting a written notice of voluntary withdrawal to the Administrator at least 90 days before the intended effective date of the withdrawal. The notice of voluntary withdrawal shall include statements that the provider is complying with each of the transition provisions set forth in paragraph (d)(4) of this section.

(4) Transition provisions for participating providers that are removed or that voluntarily withdraw from the program and their subscribers. (i) A participating provider shall cease to enroll or transfer in new households or to advertise or market the discounted rates for its services subject to the affordable connectivity benefit—

(A) Immediately upon the effective date of the final removal determination, unless the provider has already been precluded on an interim basis from transferring in or enrolling new households; or

(B) At least 90 days before the effective date of the provider's voluntary withdrawal from the program.

(ii) A participating provider shall provide notices regarding its removal from the program to its existing eligible household subscribers to which it provides service at discounted rates subject to the affordable connectivity benefit.

(A) The provider shall issue the first notice within 30 days of the removal determination and the second notice at least 15 days before the effective date of the provider's removal from the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(B) Such notices shall include—

(1) A statement that the participating provider will be removed from and no longer be participating in the Affordable Connectivity Program;

(2) The effective date of the provider's removal from the Affordable Connectivity Program;

(3) A statement that upon the effective date of the removal, the service purchased by the eligible household will no longer be available from the provider at the discounted rate subject to the affordable connectivity benefit;

(4) The amount that the eligible household will be expected to pay if it continues purchasing the service from the provider after the discounted rate is no longer available;

(5) An explanation that in order to continue receiving internet service with an affordable connectivity benefit after the provider has been removed from the program, the eligible household must transfer its affordable connectivity benefit to a different participating provider;

(6) Information on how to locate providers participating in the Affordable Connectivity Program, including the web address for USAC's Companies Near Me tool, any provider listing published by the Commission, and other resources as applicable;

(7) Instructions on how to find and select a new participating provider and to request such a transfer;

(8) The provider's customer service telephone number and the telephone number and email address of the Administrator's Affordable Connectivity Program support center; and

(9) Other information as determined by the Wireline Competition Bureau.

(iii) A participating provider shall provide written notices regarding its voluntary withdrawal from the program to its existing eligible household subscribers to which it provides service at discounted rates subject to the affordable connectivity benefit.

(A) The provider shall issue such notices 90 days, 60 days, and 30 days before the effective date of the provider's voluntary withdrawal from the program.

(B) Such notices shall include—

(1) The date when the service purchased by the eligible household will no longer be available from the provider at the discounted rate subject to the affordable connectivity benefit;

(2) The amount that the eligible household will be expected to pay if it continues purchasing the service from the provider after the affordable connectivity program discount is no longer available and the effective date of the new rate;

(3) An explanation that in order to continue receiving internet service with an affordable connectivity benefit after the provider withdraws from the Affordable Connectivity Program, the eligible household shall transfer its affordable connectivity benefit to a different participating provider;

(4) Instructions on how to find and select a new participating provider and to request such a transfer;

(5) Information on how to locate providers participating in the Affordable Connectivity Program, including the web address for the Administrator's Companies Near Me tool, any provider listing published by the Commission, and other resources as applicable; and

(6) The provider's customer service telephone number and the telephone number and email address of the Administrator's Affordable Connectivity Program support center.

(iv) A provider shall continue providing service to its existing eligible household subscribers at discounted rates subject to the affordable connectivity benefit—

(A) Until the date 60 days after the effective date of the removal or order; or

(B) Until the effective date of its voluntary withdrawal from the program.

(v) A provider that has been removed or that has voluntarily withdrawn from the program may continue to request and receive reimbursements from the Administrator for the amount of the affordable connectivity benefit discounts that it provided to eligible household subscribers during the required 60 days following removal or until voluntary withdrawal, subject to the deadline for filing reimbursement claims.

(vi) The provider shall retain records demonstrating its compliance with these transition requirements.

(f) Annual certification by participating providers. An officer of the participating provider who oversees Affordable Connectivity Program business activities shall annually certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the participating provider has policies and procedures in place to comply with all Affordable Connectivity Program rules and procedures. This annual certification shall be made in a manner prescribed by the Wireline Competition Bureau and the Administrator. At a minimum, the annual certification requires the aforementioned officer of the participating provider attest to:

(1) The participating provider having policies and procedures in place to ensure that its enrolled households are eligible to receive Affordable Connectivity Program support;

(2) The participating provider having policies and procedures in place to ensure it accurately and completely provides information to required administrative systems, including the National Verifier, National Lifeline Accountability Database, Representative Accountability Database, and other Administrator Systems; and,

(3) The participating provider acknowledging that:

(i) It is subject to the Commission's enforcement, fine, or forfeiture authority under the Communications Act;

(ii) It is liable for violations of the Affordable Connectivity Program rules and that its liability extends to violations by its agents, contractors, and representatives;

(iii) Failure to be in compliance and remain in compliance with the Affordable Connectivity Program rules and orders, or for its agents, contractors, or representatives to fail to be in compliance, may result in the denial of funding, cancellation of funding commitments, and the recoupment of past disbursements; and

(iv) Failure to comply with the rules and orders governing the Affordable Connectivity Program could result in civil or criminal prosecution by law enforcement authorities.

§ 54.1802 - Affordable connectivity benefit.

(a) The Affordable Connectivity Program will provide reimbursement to a participating provider for the monthly affordable connectivity benefit on the price of broadband internet access service (including associated equipment necessary to provide such service) it provides to an eligible household plus any amount the participating provider is entitled to receive for providing a connected device to such a household under § 54.1803(b).

(b) A participating provider may allow an eligible household to apply the affordable connectivity benefit to any residential service plan selected by the eligible household that includes broadband internet access service or a bundle of broadband internet access service along with fixed or mobile voice telephony service, text messaging service, or both.

[87 FR 8373, Feb. 14, 2022, as amended at 87 FR 8382, Feb. 14, 2022]
§ 54.1803 - Affordable Connectivity Program support amounts.

(a) The monthly affordable connectivity benefit support amount for all participating providers shall equal the actual discount provided to an eligible household off of the actual amount charged to such household but not more than $30.00 per month, if that provider certifies that it will pass through the full amount of support to the eligible household, or not more than $75.00 per month, if that provider certifies that it will pass through the full amount of support to the eligible household on Tribal lands, as defined in § 54.1800(s), or not more than $75.00 per month, if that provider certifies that it will pass through the full amount of support to the eligible household in a high-cost area, as defined in § 54.1814(a), and is approved to offer the enhanced high-cost benefit in that high-cost area pursuant to the process in § 54.1814(b).

(b) A participating provider that, in addition to providing a broadband internet access service subject to the affordable connectivity benefit to an eligible household, supplies such household with a connected device may be reimbursed by an amount equal to the market value of the device less the amount charged to and paid by the eligible household, but no more than $100.00 for such connected device.

(1) A participating provider that provides a connected device to an eligible household shall charge and collect from the eligible household more than $10.00 but less than $50.00 for such connected device;

(2) An eligible household may receive, and a participating provider may receive reimbursement for, no more than one (1) connected device per eligible household;

(3) The eligible household shall not receive such a discount for a connected device, and the participating provider shall not receive reimbursement for providing the connected device at such a discount, if the household or any member of the household previously received a discounted connected device from a participating provider in the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program or in the Affordable Connectivity Program.

[87 FR 8373, Feb. 14, 2022, as amended at 88 FR 60354, Sept. 1, 2023]
§ 54.1804 - Participating provider obligation to offer the Affordable Connectivity Program.

All participating providers in the Affordable Connectivity Program shall:

(a) Make available the affordable connectivity benefit to eligible households.

(b) Publicize the availability of the Affordable Connectivity Program in a manner reasonably designed to reach those likely to qualify for the service and in a manner that is accessible to individuals with disabilities.

(c) Notify all consumers who either subscribe to or renew a subscription to an internet service offering about the Affordable Connectivity Program and how to enroll.

(1) Providers shall deliver a notice in writing or orally, in a manner that is accessible to persons with disabilities:

(i) During enrollment for new subscribers;

(ii) At least 30 days before the date of renewal for subscribers not enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program who have fixed-term plans longer than one month; and

(iii) Annually for subscribers not already enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program who have month-to-month or similar non-fixed term plans.

(2) The notice shall, at a minimum, indicate;

(i) The eligibility requirements for consumer participation;

(ii) That the Affordable Connectivity Program is non-transferable and limited to one monthly internet discount and a one-time connected device discount per household;

(iii) How to enroll, such as a customer service phone number or relevant website information; and

(iv) That the Affordable Connectivity Program is a Federal Government benefit program operated by the Federal Communications Commission and, if the Program ends, or when a household is no longer eligible, subscribers will be subject to the provider's regular rates, terms, and conditions.

(d) Frequently carry out public awareness campaigns in their Affordable Connectivity Program areas of service that highlight the value and benefits of broadband internet access service and the existence of the Affordable Connectivity Program in collaboration with State agencies, public interest groups, and non-profit organizations and retain documentation sufficient to demonstrate their compliance with the public awareness obligations.

[87 FR 8382, Feb. 14, 2022]
§ 54.1805 - Household qualifications for Affordable Connectivity Program.

(a) To qualify for the Affordable Connectivity Program, a household must constitute an eligible household under the definition in § 54.1800(j).

(b) In addition to meeting the qualifications provided in paragraph (a) of this section, in order to qualify to receive an affordable connectivity benefit from a participating provider, neither the eligible household nor any member of the household may already be receiving another affordable connectivity benefit from that participating provider or any other participating provider.

§ 54.1806 - Household eligibility determinations and annual recertification.

(a) Eligibility verification processes. To verify whether a household is an eligible household, a participating provider shall—

(1) Use the National Verifier; or

(2) Rely upon an alternative verification process of the participating provider, if—

(i) The participating provider submits information as required by the Commission regarding the alternative verification process prior to seeking reimbursement; and

(ii) Not later than 7 days after receiving the information required under paragraph(a)(2)(i) of this section, the Wireline Competition Bureau—

(A) Determines that the alternative verification process will be sufficient to avoid waste, fraud, and abuse; and

(B) Notifies the participating provider of the determination under paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(A) of this section.

(3) Rely on a school to verify the eligibility of a household based on the participation of the household in the free and reduced price lunch program or the school breakfast program as described in § 54.1800(j)(3). The participating provider shall retain documentation demonstrating the school verifying eligibility, the program(s) that the school participates in, the qualifying household, and the program(s) the household participates in.

(4) Check its own electronic systems, whether such systems are maintained by the participating provider or a third party, to confirm that the household is not already receiving another affordable connectivity benefit from that participating provider.

(5) Collect and retain documentation establishing at least one member of the household is enrolled in a school or school district that participates in the National School Lunch Program's Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) (42 U.S.C. 1759a) if enrolling households based on CEP eligibility.

(b) Participating providers' obligations. All participating providers shall implement policies and procedures for ensuring that their Affordable Connectivity Program households are eligible to receive the affordable connectivity benefit. A provider may not provide a consumer with service that it represents to be Affordable Connectivity Program-supported service or seek reimbursement for such service, unless and until it has:

(1) Confirmed that the household is an eligible household pursuant to § 54.1805(a) and (b);

(2) Completed any other necessary enrollment steps, and;

(3) Securely retained all information and documentation it receives related to the eligibility determination and enrollment, consistent with § 54.1811.

(c) One-per-household worksheet. If the prospective household shares an address with one or more existing Affordable Connectivity Program subscribers according to the National Lifeline Accountability Database or National Verifier, the prospective subscriber shall complete a form certifying compliance with the one-per-household rule set forth in § 54.1805(b) prior to initial enrollment.

(d) The National Lifeline Accountability Database. In order to receive Affordable Connectivity Program support, participating providers shall comply with the following requirements:

(1) All participating providers shall query the National Lifeline Accountability Database to determine whether a prospective subscriber is currently receiving an Affordable Connectivity Program supported service from another participating provider; and whether anyone else living at the prospective subscriber's residential address is currently receiving an Affordable Connectivity Program-supported service.

(2) If the National Lifeline Accountability Database indicates that a prospective subscriber who is not seeking to transfer his or her affordable connectivity benefit, is currently receiving an Affordable Connectivity Program-supported service, the participating provider shall not provide and shall not seek or receive Affordable Connectivity Program reimbursement for that subscriber.

(3) Participating providers may query the National Lifeline Accountability Database only for the purposes provided in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) and (e)(1) and (2) of this section, and to determine whether information with respect to its subscribers already in the National Lifeline Accountability Database is correct and complete.

(4) Participating providers shall transmit to the National Lifeline Accountability Database in a format prescribed by the Administrator each new and existing Affordable Connectivity Program subscriber's full name; full residential address; date of birth; the telephone number associated with the Affordable Connectivity Program service; the date on which the Affordable Connectivity Program discount was initiated; the date on which the Affordable Connectivity Program discount was terminated, if it has been terminated; the amount of support being sought for that subscriber; and the means through which the subscriber qualified for the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(5) All participating providers shall update an existing Affordable Connectivity Program subscriber's information in the National Lifeline Accountability Database within ten business days of receiving any change to that information, except as described in paragraph (d)(7) of this section.

(6) All participating providers shall obtain, from each new and existing subscriber, consent to transmit the subscriber's information. Prior to obtaining consent, the participating provider shall describe to the subscriber, using clear, easily understood language, the specific information being transmitted, that the information is being transmitted to the Administrator to ensure the proper administration of the Affordable Connectivity Program, and that failure to provide consent will result in subscriber being denied the affordable connectivity benefit.

(7) When a participating provider de-enrolls a subscriber from the Affordable Connectivity Program, it shall transmit to the National Lifeline Accountability Database the date of Affordable Connectivity Program de-enrollment within one business day of de-enrollment.

(8) All participating providers shall securely retain subscriber documentation that the participating provider reviewed to verify subscriber eligibility, for the purposes of production during audits or investigations or to the extent required by National Lifeline Accountability Database or National Verifier processes, which require, inter alia, verification of eligibility, identity, address, and age.

(9) A participating provider shall not enroll or claim for reimbursement a prospective subscriber in the Affordable Connectivity Program if the National Lifeline Accountability Database or National Verifier cannot verify the subscriber's status as alive, unless the subscriber produces documentation to demonstrate his or her identity and status as alive.

(10) A participating provider shall apply the Affordable Connectivity Program benefit no later than the start of the first billing cycle after the household's enrollment or transfer, and pass through the discount to the household prior to claiming reimbursement for the discount in the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(e) Connected device reimbursement and the National Lifeline Accountability Database. In order to receive Affordable Connectivity Program reimbursement for a connected device, participating providers shall comply with § 54.1803(b) and the following requirements:

(1) Such participating provider shall query the National Lifeline Accountability Database to determine whether a prospective connected device benefit recipient has previously received a connected device benefit.

(2) If the National Lifeline Accountability Database indicates that a prospective subscriber has received a connected device benefit, the participating provider shall not seek a connected device reimbursement for that subscriber.

(3) Such participating provider shall not seek a connected device reimbursement for a subscriber that is not receiving the affordable connectivity benefit for service provided by the same participating provider, except that a participating provider may seek reimbursement for a connected device provided to a household if the household had been receiving an Affordable Connectivity Program-supported service from that provider at the time the connected device was supplied to the household, but the household subsequently transferred its benefit to another provider before the provider had an opportunity to claim the connected device.

(4) Where two or more participating providers file a claim for a connected device reimbursement for the same subscriber, only the participating provider whose information was received and processed by the National Lifeline Accountability Database or Lifeline Claims System first, as determined by the Administrator, will be entitled to a connected device reimbursement for that subscriber.

(5) All participating providers shall obtain from each subscriber consent to transmit the information required under paragraphs (d)(1) and (e)(1) of this section. Prior to obtaining consent, the participating provider shall describe to the subscriber, using clear, easily understood language, the specific information being transmitted, that the information is being transmitted to the Administrator to ensure the proper administration of the Affordable Connectivity Program connected device benefit, and that failure to provide consent will result in the subscriber being denied the Affordable Connectivity Program connected device benefit.

(6) In a manner and form consistent with the direction of the Wireline Competition Bureau and the Administrator, a participating provider shall provide to the Administrator information concerning the connected device supplied to the household, including device type, device make, device model, subscriber ID of the household that received the device, date the device was delivered to the household, method used to provide the device (shipped, in store, or installed by provider), market value of the device, and amount paid by the household to the provider for the device. No claim for reimbursement for a connected device supplied by the participating provider to the household shall be submitted prior to payment by the household of the amount described in § 54.1803(b)(1).

(f) Annual eligibility re-certification. (1) Participating providers shall re-certify annually all Affordable Connectivity Program subscribers whose initial eligibility was verified through the participating provider's approved alternative verification process or through a school, except where the Administrator using the National Verifier is responsible for the annual recertification of Affordable Connectivity Program subscribers. The Administrator using the National Verifier will re-certify the eligibility of all other Affordable Connectivity Program subscribers. Affordable Connectivity Program subscribers who are also enrolled in Lifeline may rely on a successful recertification for the Lifeline program to satisfy this requirement.

(2) In order to recertify a subscriber's eligibility for the Affordable Connectivity Program, a participating provider shall confirm a subscriber's current eligibility to receive an affordable connectivity benefit by following the eligibility process and requirements under paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section and shall also follow the requirements and processes for either its alternative verification processes approved under paragraph (a)(2) of this section or the eligibility verification processes and requirements for school-based eligibility verifications in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, confirming that the subscriber still meets the program or income-based eligibility requirements for the Affordable Connectivity Program, and documenting the results of that review.

(3) Where the Administrator is responsible for re-certification of a subscriber's Affordable Connectivity Program eligibility, the Administrator shall confirm a subscriber's current eligibility to receive Affordable Connectivity Program service by:

(i) Querying the appropriate eligibility databases, confirming that the subscriber still meets the program-based eligibility requirements for the Affordable Connectivity Program, and documenting the results of that review; or

(ii) Querying the appropriate income databases, confirming that the subscriber continues to meet the income-based eligibility requirements for the Affordable Connectivity Program, and documenting the results of that review; or

(iii) If the subscriber's program-based or income-based eligibility for the Affordable Connectivity Program cannot be determined by accessing one or more eligibility or income databases, then the Administrator shall obtain a signed certification from the subscriber confirming the subscriber's continued eligibility. If the subscriber's eligibility was previously confirmed through an eligibility or income database during enrollment or a prior recertification and the subscriber is no longer included in any eligibility or income database the Administrator shall obtain both an approved Annual Recertification Form and acceptable documentation demonstrating eligibility from that subscriber to complete the recertification process.

(4) Where the Administrator is responsible for re-certification of subscribers' Affordable Connectivity Program eligibility, the Administrator shall provide to each provider the results of its annual re-certification efforts with respect to that provider's subscribers.

(5) If a provider is unable to re-certify a subscriber or has been notified by the Administrator that it is unable to re-certify a subscriber, the provider shall comply with the de-enrollment requirements provided for in § 54.1809(d).

(6) One-Per-Household Worksheet—at re-certification, if the subscriber resides at the same address as another Affordable Connectivity Program subscriber and there are changes to the subscriber's household relevant to whether the subscriber is only receiving one affordable connectivity benefit per household, then the subscriber shall complete a new Household Worksheet. Providers must retain the one-per-household worksheet for subscribers subject to this requirement in accordance with § 54.1811.

§ 54.1807 - Enrollment representative registration and compensation.

(a) Enrollment representative registration. A participating provider shall require that enrollment representatives register with the Administrator before the enrollment representative can provide information directly or indirectly to the National Lifeline Accountability Database or the National Verifier.

(1) As part of the registration process, participating providers shall require that all enrollment representatives provide the Administrator with identifying information, which may include first and last name, date of birth, the last four digits of his or her social security number, email address, and residential address. Enrollment representatives will be assigned a unique identifier, which shall be used for:

(i) Accessing the National Lifeline Accountability Database;

(ii) Accessing the National Verifier;

(iii) Accessing any eligibility database; and

(iv) Completing any Affordable Connectivity Program enrollment or verification forms.

(2) Participating providers shall ensure that enrollment representatives shall not use another person's unique identifier to enroll Affordable Connectivity Program subscribers, recertify Affordable Connectivity Program subscribers, or access the National Lifeline Accountability Database or National Verifier.

(3) Participating providers shall ensure that enrollment representatives shall regularly recertify their status with the Administrator to maintain their unique identifier and maintain access to the systems that rely on a valid unique identifier. Participating providers shall also ensure that enrollment representatives shall update their registration information within 30 days of any change in such information.

(b) Prohibition of commissions for enrollment representatives. A participating provider shall not offer or provide to enrollment representatives, their direct supervisors, or entities that operate on behalf of the participating provider, any form of compensation that is—

(1) Based on the number of consumers or households that apply for or are enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program with the participating provider;

(2) Based on revenues that the participating provider has received or expects to receive in connection with the Affordable Connectivity Program, including payments for connected devices;

(3) Based on the participating provider permitting the retention of cash payments received from the subscriber as part of the required contribution for a connected device;

(4) Shifted, characterized or otherwise classified as compensation paid in connection with other services, business operations, or unrelated to Affordable Connectivity Program activities that is based on Affordable Connectivity Program applications, enrollments, or revenues.

[87 FR 8373, Feb. 14, 2022, as amended at 87 FR 8383, Feb. 14, 2022]
§ 54.1808 - Reimbursement for providing monthly affordable connectivity benefit.

(a) Affordable Connectivity Program support for providing a qualifying broadband internet access service shall be provided directly to a participating provider based on the number of actual qualifying low-income households listed in the National Lifeline Accountability Database that the participating provider serves directly as of the first day of the calendar month.

(b) For each eligible household receiving the affordable connectivity benefit on a broadband internet access service, the reimbursement amount shall equal the appropriate support amount as described in § 54.1803. The participating provider's Affordable Connectivity Program reimbursement shall not exceed the actual amount charged by the participating provider.

(c) A participating provider offering a service subject to the affordable connectivity benefit that does not require the participating provider to assess and collect a monthly fee from its subscribers shall not receive support for a subscriber to such service until the subscriber activates the service by whatever means specified by the provider; and

(1) After service activation, shall only continue to receive reimbursement for the affordable connectivity benefit on such service provided to subscribers who have used the service within the last 30 days, or who have cured their non-usage as provided for in § 54.1809(c); and

(2) Shall certify that every subscriber claimed has used their service subject to the affordable connectivity benefit, as “usage” is defined by § 54.407(c)(2), at least once in the last 30 consecutive days or has cured their non-usage as provided in § 54.1809(c), in order to claim that subscriber for reimbursement for a given service month.

(d) A participating provider that, in addition to providing the affordable connectivity benefit to an eligible household, provides such household with a connected device may be reimbursed in the amount and subject to the conditions specified in §§ 54.1803(b) and 54.1806(e).

(e) In order to receive Affordable Connectivity Program reimbursement, an officer of the participating provider shall certify, under penalty of perjury, as part of each request for reimbursement, that:

(1) The officer is authorized to submit the request on behalf of the participating provider;

(2) The officer has read the instructions relating to reimbursements and the funds sought in the reimbursement request are for services and/or devices that were provided in accordance with the purposes and objectives set forth in the statute, rules, requirements, and orders governing the Affordable Connectivity Program;

(3) The participating provider is in compliance with and satisfied all requirements in the statute, rules, and orders governing the Affordable Connectivity Program reimbursement, and the provider acknowledges that failure to be in compliance and remain in compliance with Affordable Connectivity Program statutes, rules, and orders may result in the denial of reimbursement, cancellation of funding commitments, and/or recoupment of past disbursements;

(4) The participating provider has obtained valid certification and application forms as required by the rules in this subpart for each of the subscribers for whom it is seeking reimbursement;

(5) The amount for which the participating provider is seeking reimbursement from the Affordable Connectivity Fund is not more than the amount charged to the eligible household and the discount has already been passed through to the household;

(6) Each eligible household for which the participating provider is seeking reimbursement for providing an internet service offering discounted by the affordable connectivity benefit—

(i) Has not been and will not be charged for the amount the provider is seeking for reimbursement;

(ii) Will not be required to pay an early termination fee if such eligible household elects to enter into a contract to receive such internet service offering if such household later terminates such contract;

(iii) Was not, after the date of the enactment of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, as amended by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, subject to a mandatory waiting period for such internet service offering based on having previously received broadband internet access service from such participating provider; and

(iv) Will otherwise be subject to the participating provider's generally applicable terms and conditions as applied to other subscribers.

(7) Each eligible household for which the participating provider is seeking reimbursement for supplying such household with a connected device was charged by the provider and has paid more than $10.00 but less than $50.00 for such connected device;

(8) If offering a connected device, the connected device claimed meets the Commission's requirements, the representations regarding the devices made on the provider's website and promotional materials are true and accurate, that the reimbursement claim amount does not exceed the market value of the connected device less the amount charged to and paid by the eligible household, and that the connected device has been delivered to the household;

(9) If the participating provider used an alternative verification process to verify that each household is eligible for the Affordable Connectivity Program, the verification process used was designed to avoid waste, fraud, and abuse;

(10) If seeking reimbursement for a connected device, the provider has retained the relevant supporting documents that demonstrate the connected devices requested are eligible for reimbursement and submitted the required information;

(11) No Federal subsidy made available through a program administered by the Commission that provides funds to be used for the capital expenditures necessary for the provision of advanced communications services has been or will be used to purchase, rent, lease, or otherwise obtain, any covered communications equipment or service, or maintain any covered communications equipment or service previously purchased, rented, leased, or otherwise obtained, as required by § 54.10;

(12) All documentation associated with the reimbursement form, including all records for services and/or connected devices provided, will be retained for a period of at least six years after the last date of delivery of the supported services and/or connected devices provided through the Affordable Connectivity Program, and are subject to audit, inspection, or investigation and will be made available at the request of any representative (including any auditor) appointed by the Commission and its Office of Inspector General, or any local, State, or Federal agency with jurisdiction over the provider;

(13) The provider has not offered, promised, received, or paid kickbacks, as defined by 41 U.S.C. 8701,in;

(14) The information contained in this form is true, complete, and accurate to the best of the officer's knowledge, information, and belief, and is based on information known to the officer or provided to the officer by employees responsible for the information being submitted;

(15) The officer is aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information, or the omission of any material fact on this request for reimbursement or any other document submitted by the provider, may subject the provider and the officer to punishment by fine or forfeiture under the Communications Act (47 U.S.C. 502,503,1606,or.S.C. 1001, 286-87, 1343), or can lead to liability under the False Claims Act (31 U.S.C. 3729-3733,3801;

(16) No service costs or devices sought for reimbursement have been waived, paid, or promised to be paid by another entity, including any other Federal or State program;

(17) All enrollments and transfers completed by the provider were bona fide, requested and consented by the subscriber household after receiving the disclosures required under § 54.1810(a) and (b), and made pursuant to program rules; and

(18) The provider used the National Lifeline Accountability Database as a tool for enrollment, reimbursement calculations, and duplicate checks in all States, territories, and the District of Columbia, and checked their records in accordance with § 54.1806(a)(4).

(f) In order to receive Affordable Connectivity Program reimbursement, a participating provider shall keep accurate records of the revenues it forgoes in providing Affordable Connectivity Program-supported services. Such records shall be kept in the form directed by the Administrator and provided to the Administrator at intervals as directed by the Administrator or as provided in this subpart.

(g) In order to receive reimbursement, participating providers shall submit certified reimbursement claims through the Lifeline Claims System within six months of the snapshot date in paragraph (a) of this section, or the following business day in the event the 1st is a holiday or falls on a weekend. If the participating provider fails to submit a certified reimbursement claim by the six-month deadline, the reimbursement claim will not be processed.

[87 FR 8373, Feb. 14, 2022, as amended at 87 FR 8383, Feb. 14, 2022]
§ 54.1809 - De-enrollment from the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(a) De-enrollment generally. If a participating provider has a reasonable basis to believe that an Affordable Connectivity Program subscriber does not meet or no longer meets the criteria to be considered an eligible household under § 54.1805, the participating provider shall notify the subscriber of impending termination of his or her affordable connectivity benefit. Notification of impending termination shall be sent in writing separate from the subscriber's monthly bill, if one is provided, and shall be written in clear, easily understood language. The participating provider shall allow a subscriber 30 days following the date of the impending termination letter to demonstrate continued eligibility. A subscriber making such a demonstration shall present proof of continued eligibility to the National Verifier or the participating provider consistent with the participating provider's approved alternative verification process. A participating provider shall de-enroll any subscriber who fails to demonstrate eligibility within five business days after the expiration of the subscriber's deadline to respond.

(b) De-enrollment for duplicative support. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, upon notification by the Administrator to any participating provider that a subscriber is receiving the affordable connectivity benefit from another participating provider, or that more than one member of a subscriber's household is receiving the affordable connectivity benefit and that the subscriber should be de-enrolled from participation in that provider's Affordable Connectivity Program, the participating provider shall de-enroll the subscriber from participation in that provider's Affordable Connectivity Program within five business days. A participating provider shall not claim any de-enrolled subscriber for Affordable Connectivity Program reimbursement following the date of that subscriber's de-enrollment.

(c) De-enrollment for non-usage. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, if an Affordable Connectivity Program subscriber fails to use, as “usage” is defined in § 54.407(c)(2), for 30 consecutive days an Affordable Connectivity Program service that does not require the participating provider to assess and collect a monthly fee from its subscribers, the participating provider shall provide the subscriber 15 days' notice, using clear, easily understood language, that the subscriber's failure to use the Affordable Connectivity Program service within the 15-day notice period will result in service termination for non-usage under this paragraph (c).

(d) De-enrollment for failure to re-certify. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, a participating provider shall de-enroll an Affordable Connectivity Program subscriber who does not respond to the provider's attempts to obtain re-certification of the subscriber's continued eligibility as required by § 54.1806(f); or who fails to provide the annual one-per-household re-certification as required by § 54.1806(f)(6). Prior to de-enrolling a subscriber under this paragraph, the provider shall notify the subscriber in writing separate from the subscriber's monthly bill, if one is provided, using clear, easily understood language, that failure to respond to the re-certification request will trigger de-enrollment. A subscriber shall be given 60 days to respond to recertification efforts. If a subscriber does not respond to the provider's notice of impending de-enrollment, the provider shall de-enroll the subscriber from the Affordable Connectivity Program within five business days after the expiration of the subscriber's time to respond to the re-certification efforts.

(e) De-enrollment requested by subscriber. If a participating provider receives a request from a subscriber to de-enroll from the Affordable Connectivity Program, it shall de-enroll the subscriber within two business days after the request.

[87 FR 8373, Feb. 14, 2022, as amended at 87 FR 8383, Feb. 14, 2022]
§ 54.1810 - Consumer protection requirements.

(a) Disclosures and consents for enrollment. Prior to enrolling a consumer in the Affordable Connectivity Program, participating providers shall obtain affirmative consumer consent either orally or in writing that acknowledges that after having reviewed the required disclosures about the Affordable Connectivity Program, the household consents to enroll with the provider.

(1) The disclosures that shall be presented to the consumer shall convey in clear, easily understood terms that:

(i) The Affordable Connectivity Program is a government program that reduces the customer's broadband internet access service bill;

(ii) The household may obtain Affordable Connectivity Program-supported broadband service from any participating provider of its choosing;

(iii) The household may apply the affordable connectivity benefit to any broadband service offering of the participating provider at the same terms available to households that are not eligible for Affordable Connectivity Program-supported service;

(iv) The provider may disconnect the household's Affordable Connectivity Program-supported service after 90 consecutive days of non-payment;

(v) The household will be subject to the provider's undiscounted rates and general terms and conditions if the Affordable Connectivity Program ends, if the consumer transfers their benefit to another provider but continues to receive service from the current provider, or upon de-enrollment from the Affordable Connectivity Program; and

(vi) The household may file a complaint against its provider via the Commission's Consumer Complaint Center.

(2) If standard disclosure and consent language has been provided by the Commission, providers shall present that language to consumers prior to enrollment.

(3) A participating provider shall not link enrollment in the Affordable Connectivity Program to some other action or information supplied to the provider for purposes other than the Affordable Connectivity Program, including but not limited to:

(i) Not clearly distinguishing the process of signing up for ACP-supported services and devices from the process of signing up for, renewing, upgrading, or modifying other services, including Lifeline-supported services;

(ii) Suggesting or implying that signing up for ACP-supported services and devices is required for obtaining or continuing other services, including Lifeline-supported services; and

(iii) Tying the submission of customer information provided for another purpose (e.g., address verification or equipment upgrade or replacement) to enrollment in the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(b) Transfers in the Affordable Connectivity Program. Participating providers shall comply with the following requirements for transferring an eligible household's affordable connectivity program benefit between providers.

(1) Disclosures and subscriber consent. (i) Prior to transferring an eligible household's affordable connectivity program benefit, the provider transferring in the household shall obtain the household's affirmative consent either orally or in writing that acknowledges that after having reviewed the required disclosures, the household consents to transfer its benefit to the transfer-in provider.

(ii) The oral or written disclosures shall be provided in clear, easily understood language and convey the following information:

(A) That the subscriber will be transferring its affordable connectivity program benefit to the transfer-in provider;

(B) That the effect of the transfer is that the subscriber's affordable connectivity program benefit will be applied to the transfer-in provider's service and will no longer be applied to service retained from the transfer-out provider;

(C) That the subscriber may be subject to the transfer-out provider's undiscounted rates as a result of the transfer if the subscriber elects to maintain service from the transfer-out provider; and

(D) That the subscriber is limited to one affordable connectivity program benefit transfer transaction per service month, with limited exceptions for situations where the subscriber seeks to reverse an unwanted transfer or is unable to receive service from a specific provider.

(iii) The household's oral or written consent shall:

(A) Clearly identify the subscriber name;

(B) Acknowledge the subscriber was provided the disclosure language required under paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section;

(C) Indicate that having received the required disclosures, the subscriber gave its informed consent to transfer its benefit to the transfer-in provider; and

(D) Indicate the date of the subscriber's consent.

(iv) Participating providers shall use any standard consent and disclosure language provided by the Commission.

(v) Participating providers shall satisfy the disclosure and consent requirements for each transfer transaction.

(2) Notification to subscribers. Within five business days of completing a subscriber transfer in the National Lifeline Accountability Database, the transfer-in provider shall provide written notice to the transferred subscriber that indicates the following:

(i) The name of the transfer-in provider to which the subscriber's affordable connectivity program benefit was transferred;

(ii) The date the transfer was initiated; and

(iii) An explanation of the dispute process if the subscriber believes the transfer was improper.

(3) Limitation on transfers per month. Participating subscribers can only transfer their affordable connectivity benefit between providers once in a given service month, with the following limited exceptions:

(i) The subscriber's benefit was improperly transferred;

(ii) The subscriber's service provider ceases operations or fails to provide service;

(iii) The subscriber's current service provider is found to be in violation of affordable connectivity program rules, and the violation impacts the subscriber for which the exception is sought;

(iv) The subscriber changes its location to a residential address outside of the provider's service area for the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(c) Credit checks. (1) A participating provider shall not:

(i) Consider the results of a credit check as a condition of enrollment in the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(ii) Consider the results of a credit check to determine to which Affordable Connectivity Program-supported internet service plan a household may apply the affordable connectivity benefit.

(iii) Use the results of a credit check to decline to transfer a household's Affordable Connectivity Program benefit.

(d) Non-payment. (1) Bill payment due date means the due date for payment specified on a bill for service charges.

(2) A participating provider shall not terminate an eligible household's service subject to the affordable connectivity benefit on the grounds that the household has failed to pay the charges set forth on a bill for such service unless 90 consecutive days have passed since the bill payment due date.

(e) Upselling and downselling—(1) Prohibition of inappropriate upselling and downselling. A participating provider and its agents shall not exert pressure on an eligible household to induce the purchase of a broadband internet access service or bundled plan that is more costly, less costly, affords different features, provides higher or lower speed or bandwidth, is subject to higher or lower data caps, or is bundled with additional services, equipment, or features, or fewer services, equipment, or features, than the service or plan that the household is already purchasing or has inquired about purchasing through the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(2) Specific prohibited activities. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:

(i) Requiring, as a condition of enrolling the household or applying the affordable connectivity benefit, that the household select a service, bundled plan, or equipment, other than the service or bundled plan that the eligible household subscriber is already purchasing or using or has inquired about.

(ii) Pressuring an eligible household to purchase a service or bundled plan to benefit the provider but not the household.

(3) Permitted activities. Provided that they do not exert pressure on existing or prospective eligible household subscribers, participating providers—

(i) May communicate information regarding tiers of service that afford higher or lower speeds or bandwidth, are available at higher or lower prices, or have features that differ from a service or plan that an eligible household is already purchasing or has inquired about for the Affordable Connectivity Program; and

(ii) May create or promote service plans that are specially priced or designed to meet the needs of eligible households.

(f) Extended service contracts and early termination fees—(1) Definitions. (i) An extended service contract is typically an offer of service at a discount price in exchange for a commitment from the subscriber to remain on that service plan for a set period of time, usually at least a year.

(ii) Early termination fees are fees that a subscriber is obligated to pay if it purchases a service plan subject to an extended service contract but terminates service before the end of the specified term of the contract.

(2) Extended service contracts. An eligible household may elect to purchase and apply the affordable connectivity benefit to a participating provider's service plan subject to an extended service contract.

(3) Early termination fees. Notwithstanding the provisions that apply to subscribers to extended service contracts who are not eligible households, an eligible household shall not be liable for early termination fees if it purchases and applies its affordable connectivity benefit to a service plan subject to an extended service contract but terminates service before the end of the specified term of the contract.

(g) Restrictions on switching service offerings. A participating provider shall not impose any restrictions on a household's ability to switch internet service offerings, unless, once the consumer enters a delinquent status after the bill due date, the provider limits available service plans to offerings that are covered by the full benefit amount, and the household consents to switch service plans.

(h) Restrictions on switching providers. (1) A participating provider shall not engage in any practice that is reasonably likely to cause a household to believe it is prohibited or restricted from transferring its benefit to a different participating provider.

(2) A participating provider shall not:

(i) Misrepresent or fail to accurately disclose to a household the rules and requirements pertaining to transfers to another participating provider in the Affordable Connectivity Program;

(ii) Charge a household a fee to transfer their benefit to another participating provider; or

(iii) Suggest or imply that the provider may change the household's service plan if it transfers the benefit to another participating provider.

(i) Unjust and unreasonable acts or practices. (1) Providers are prohibited from engaging in unjust and unreasonable acts or practices that would undermine the purpose, intent, or integrity of the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(2) Such unjust and unreasonable acts or practices include, but are not limited to:

(i) Advertising or holding itself out as a participating provider if it is not authorized to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program;

(ii) Engaging in false or misleading advertising of the Affordable Connectivity Program;

(iii) Failing to timely provide service, equipment, or devices that are advertised, promoted, or marketed as part of the Affordable Connectivity Program;

(iv) Failing to enroll an eligible household as soon as practicable once the provider receives the household's affirmative consent to enroll with that provider;

(v) Failing to apply the affordable connectivity benefit to such household on or before the start of the household's next billing cycle;

(vi) Failing to deliver a supported connected device within 30 days of obtaining the household's affirmative consent to receive such device; and

(vii) Violating any Program rule.

[87 FR 8373, Feb. 14, 2022, as amended at 87 FR 8383, Feb. 14, 2022]
§ 54.1811 - Recordkeeping requirements.

Participating providers shall maintain records to document compliance with all Commission requirements governing the Affordable Connectivity Program for the six full preceding calendar years and provide that documentation to the Commission or Administrator, or their designee, upon request. Participating providers shall maintain the documentation related to the eligibility determination and reimbursement claims for an Affordable Connectivity Program subscriber for as long as the subscriber receives the Affordable Connectivity Program discount from that participating provider, but for no less than the six full preceding calendar years.

§ 54.1812 - Validity of electronic signatures.

(a) For the purposes of this subpart, an electronic signature, defined by the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, as an electronic sound, symbol, or process, attached to or logically associated with a contract or other record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record, has the same legal effect as a written signature.

(b) For the purposes of this subpart, an electronic record, defined by the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act as a contract or other record created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means, constitutes a record.

§ 54.1813 - Affordable Connectivity Program Transparency Data Collection.

(a) Definitions. For purposes of the Affordable Connectivity Program Transparency Data Collection:

Actual Speed. The term “actual speed” means the typical upload and download speeds period for a particular speed tier, either based on Measuring Broadband America (MBA) methodology, or other relevant testing data.

Advertised Speed. The term “advertised speed” means the maximum advertised upload and download speeds for fixed broadband plans, and the minimum advertised upload and download speeds for mobile broadband plans.

Base monthly price. The term “base monthly price” means the monthly price for a broadband internet service offering that would be paid by a household enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program, absent the affordable connectivity benefit. The base monthly price does not include the price of any recurring monthly fees (such as fees providers impose at their discretion, or equipment rental fees), government taxes or fees, or one-time charges (such as installation charges, equipment purchase fee, etc.).

Bundle. The term “bundle” means a combination of broadband internet access service with any non-broadband internet access service offerings, including but not limited to video, voice, and text.

Data Cap. The term “data cap” means data usage restrictions on both pre-paid and post-paid plans, including “soft caps” where a user's internet traffic is throttled or deprioritized, and “hard caps” where a user's access to the internet is discontinued.

Latency. The term “latency” means the length of time for a signal to be sent between two defined end points and the time it takes for an acknowledgement of the receipt of the signal to be received.

Legacy plan. The term “legacy plan” means an internet service offering in which an ACP subscriber is enrolled that a participating provider is not accepting new enrollment.

Personally identifiable information. The term “personally identifiable information” means information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, either alone or when combined with other information that is linked or linkable to a specific individual.

Plan. The term “plan” means “internet service offering” as defined in § 54.1800(n).

Unique identifier. The term “unique identifier” means a machine-readable string of characters uniquely identifying a broadband plan, not containing any special characters. Where a broadband plan is associated with a broadband label under 47 CFR 8.1(a), the unique identifier must be the same as that in the broadband label. Unique identifiers cannot be reused or refer to multiple plans. A provider must develop a new plan identifier, when a plan's components change.

(b) Information to be collected. (1) For each plan that a household enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program is subscribed to, all participating providers shall submit, in an electronic format as directed by the Commission at the ZIP code level, by the deadline described in paragraph (c) of this section,

(i) The unique identifier with the following plan characteristics:

(A) Base monthly price,

(B) Whether the base monthly price is introductory, and if so, the term of the introductory price and the post-introductory price,

(C) Itemized provider-imposed recurring monthly fees,

(D) Itemized one-time fees,

(E) Speed (actual and advertised speeds),

(F) Latency,

(G) Data caps (including de-prioritization and throttling), any charges for additional data usages along with the relevant increment (e.g., 1 GB, 500 MB),

(H) Whether the service is bundled, the high-level components of the bundle, and voice minutes or number of text messages included as part of the bundle if applicable,

(I) Whether any associated equipment is required, whether any required associated equipment is included in the advertised cost, and the one-time fee or rental cost for required associated equipment;

(ii) The number of ACP households subscribed;

(iii) The number of ACP households that have reached a data cap during month prior to the snapshot date;

(iv) The average amount by which ACP households have exceeded the data cap for the month prior to the snapshot date;

(v) The average overage amount paid by ACP households exceeding a data cap for the month prior to the snapshot date;

(vi) The number of ACP households receiving the ACP Tribal enhanced benefit;

(vii) The number of ACP households receiving the ACP high-cost enhanced benefit;

(viii) The number of ACP households who are also enrolled in Lifeline for that plan;

(2) Legacy plans. For each legacy plan that a household enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program is subscribed to, all participating providers are required to submit all of the characteristics identified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section except: speed (actual and advertised), latency, introductory monthly charge, the length of the introductory period, and any one-time fees.

(c) Timing of collection. No later than November 9, 2023, and annually thereafter, participating providers must submit to the Commission the information in paragraph (b) of this section for all plans in which an Affordable Connectivity Program household is subscribed. The information must be current as of an annual snapshot date established and announced by the Bureau.

(d) Certifications. As part of the data collection required by paragraph (b) of the section, an officer of the participating provider shall certify, under penalty of perjury, that:

(1) The officer is authorized to submit the data collection on behalf of the participating provider; and

(2) The data and information provided in the data collection is true, complete, and accurate to the best of the officer's knowledge, information, and belief, and is based on information known to the officer or provided to the officer by employees responsible for the information being submitted.

(e) Publication of data—(1) Obligation to publish data. The Commission will make aggregated, non-provider-specific data relating to broadband internet access service information collected in paragraph (b) of this section available to the public in a commonly used electronic format without risking the disclosure of personally identifiable information, as defined in paragraph (a)(8) of this section, or proprietary information.

(2) Requests for withholding from public inspection. When submitting information to the Commission under paragraph (c) of this section, a participating provider may submit a request that information be withheld from public inspection under § 0.459 of this chapter.

(f) Enforcement. A violation of the collection requirement occurs where a provider fails to submit ACP Transparency Data Collection information by the compliance date for a state in which the provider has ACP-enrolled subscribers. A base forfeiture amount for each state is the lesser of $22,000 or the latest monthly claim amount, for each state for which a provider has failed to submit complete information.

[88 FR 2267, Jan. 13, 2023, as amended at 88 FR 2267, Jan. 13, 2023; 88 FR 57364, Aug. 23, 2023]
§ 54.1814 - High-cost area benefit.

(a) Definitions—(1) Audited income statement. For purposes of the administration of the Affordable Connectivity Program high-cost area benefit, an “audited income statement” is an income statement that has been audited by an independent Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

(2) Component-level income statement. For purposes of the administration of the Affordable Connectivity Program high-cost area benefit, a “component-level income statement” is an income statement that shows financial results for the subsidiary or business component that is operating and/or offering retail broadband internet access service for sale in the designated high-cost areas as defined by 47 U.S.C. 1702(a)(2)(G).

(3) Consolidated income statement. For purposes of the administration of the Affordable Connectivity Program high-cost area benefit, a “consolidated income statement” is an income statement that shows aggregated financial results for multiple entities or subsidiaries connected with a single parent company.

(4) High-cost area. For purposes of the administration of the Affordable Connectivity Program high-cost area benefit, the term “high-cost area” means an area as defined by 47 U.S.C. 1702(a)(2)(G) as determined by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

(5) Particularized economic hardship. A provider has a “particularized economic hardship” in a high-cost area only if:

(i) It is not possible for that provider to offer service in the high-cost area while covering the costs of maintaining the operation of all or part of its broadband network in that area at the standard up to $30 a month discount; and

(ii) The up to $75 a month high-cost area benefit would materially improve the provider's ability to offer service through the ACP and maintain and operate its broadband network in that area.

(b) High-cost area benefit approval process. A facilities-based ACP participating provider in a high-cost area (as defined in paragraph (a) of this section) may provide an affordable connectivity benefit in an amount up to $75.00 for a broadband internet access service offering in a high-cost area upon a showing that the applicability of the standard up to $30.00 benefit under § 54.1803(a) by the provider would cause particularized economic hardship to the provider such that the provider may not be able to maintain the operation of part or all of its broadband network in that high-cost area.

(1) A participating provider seeking approval to provide the high-cost area benefit must first electronically file a request with the Universal Service Administrative Company by the deadline established by the Wireline Competition Bureau.

(i) The electronic request shall require the participating provider to specify whether it has previously applied for Federal financial assistance, as defined in 2 CFR 25.406, in the three fiscal years prior to the provider's application. Upon request, the participating provider must submit to the Administrator or the Commission applications for loans submitted to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utility Service (RUS), approvals or denials of such loans, the provider's RUS Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers filed with the RUS, and any financial reports filed with a state Public Utility Commission, as applicable.

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) The participating provider's request shall include the documentation required to demonstrate particularized economic hardship. The request shall include an income statement, a supporting affidavit, any applicable Federal tax filings and/or returns, and any other relevant documentation as determined by the Bureau and OEA.

(i) The income statement(s) must:

(A) Be produced in the ordinary course of business;

(B) Include both consolidated and component-level income statements;

(C) Be audited by an independent public accountant, where such statements are produced in the ordinary course of business or are required by 17 U.S.C. 78m,78o; and

(D) Include detailed information on the provider's net income, operating revenue, and operating expenses, including, but not necessarily limited to, cost of goods sold or services, selling, general and administrative expenses and depreciation or amortization expenses.

(ii) The supporting affidavit, must include revenue and cost allocations and a description of the methodology, demonstrating that the provider was operating at a loss related to providing broadband internet access service in the relevant high-cost area(s) for the last fiscal year or in at least four of the last six fiscal quarters, or other acceptable documentation determined by the Wireline Competition Bureau in consultation with the Office of Economics and Analytics.

(iii) The participating provider must first attempt to directly assign or attribute costs to broadband internet access services, and if that is not possible, must use a cost-causative mechanism to the extent possible. If neither is possible, the participating provider must employ a reasonable cost-allocation with a justification for its methodology.

(iv) The tax filing should include Form 1120, Form 1120-S or other applicable Federal Income Tax returns as required by 26 CFR part 1.

(3) The participating provider's application must also include certifications from a company officer with knowledge of the provider's cost and revenues under penalty of perjury that:

(i) All information submitted is true and correct to the best of the filer's knowledge;

(ii) The provider will comply with all applicable statutes and the Commission's rules and orders; and

(iii) The provider will use any reimbursed funds received for its intended purpose of providing discounted broadband internet access services to eligible low-income households.

(iv) The provider is a facilities-based provider as defined by 47 CFR 1.7001(a)(2)(i) through (v).

(v) The provider used cost allocation methodology consistent with the rules.

(c) Review process. The Administrator, under oversight of the Wireline Competition Bureau and the Office of Economics and Analytics, shall review each participating provider's request to offer the high-cost area benefit and determine whether the provider has demonstrated a particularized economic hardship in the high-cost areas for which it is requesting to offer the high-cost area benefit. If the Administrator finds the particularized economic hardship showing is satisfied in accordance with the Commission's rules and orders, and any guidance from the Wireline Competition Bureau and the Office of Economics and Analytics, then the Administrator will approve the request and notify the participating provider. Otherwise, the Administrator will deny the request and provide the participating provider a written explanation of the basis for the denial.

(1) The Administrator will review applications within a timeline to be determined by the Bureau.

(2) Providers may appeal the Administrator's determination as set forth in subpart I in this part of the Commission's rules.

(3) Providers may only submit claims for up to the $30.00 standard benefit amount while an appeal of an Administrator's determination is underway. Following a successful appeal, providers approved to offer the high-cost area benefit may submit revised claims for eligible households in the approved high-cost areas as set forth in § 54.1808. The provider many submit revised claims for up to $75.00 only from the start of the approval period indicated in the appeal determination letter.

(d) Annual renewal process. A participating provider that has been approved to provide the high-cost area benefit must request approval annually thereafter to continue to provide the enhanced benefit to eligible households in a subsequent year. The participating provider will need to demonstrate particularized economic hardship in the renewal submission, through the documentation specified by the Wireline Competition Bureau. The deadline for submitting the renewal request shall be determined by the Wireline Competition Bureau.

(e) Notice to eligible households. (1) Participating providers approved to offer the high-cost area benefit shall provide Affordable Connectivity Program subscribers written notice when the provider begins applying the high-cost area benefit to the subscriber's bill. The written notice must state:

(i) That the subscriber is receiving a high-cost area benefit and the difference between the standard benefit amount and the enhanced high-cost benefit being applied to the subscriber's supported service;

(ii) That the receipt of the high-cost area benefit is contingent on the provider's annual continued eligibility to offer the enhanced high-cost area benefit;

(iii) That the provider is required to provide the subscriber advance notice if the provider is no longer deemed eligible to offer the high-cost area benefit; and

(iv) That the provider is required to provide the subscriber advance notice of any changes to the subscriber's supported service rate or service plan stemming from any loss of the provider's eligibility to offer the high-cost area benefit.

(2) If a participating provider fails to timely submit the renewal submission by the deadline or no longer qualifies to offer the high-cost area benefit based on its annual resubmission, then the participating provider shall provide written notice to its Affordable Connectivity Program customers receiving the high-cost area benefit at least 30 days and at least 15 days before the expiration of its approval to offer the high-cost area benefit. Such subscriber notices shall include:

(i) A statement that the provider will no longer be offering the high-cost area benefit in the relevant high-cost area;

(ii) The effective date of the end of the high-cost area benefit;

(iii) A statement that upon the effective date of the loss of the high-cost area benefit, the Affordable Connectivity Program supported service purchased by the household will no longer be discounted at the higher subsidy amount; and

(iv) The amount the household will be expected to pay if it continues purchasing the service from the provider after the high-cost area benefit is no longer available.

(3) If a participating provider is no longer authorized to offer the high-cost area benefit, the provider may transition an eligible household to a lower-priced ACP service plan once the high-cost area benefit is no longer available, upon advance notice to the household and an opportunity for the household to opt out of the change and remain on its current service plan or select another service plan. Participating providers must include the advance transition notice in the required written notice about the end of the provider's approval to offer the high-cost area benefit. The advanced notice must:

(i) Provide details about the new plan and monthly price;

(ii) State that the subscriber may remain on its current plan or choose another plan;

(iii) Provide instructions on how the subscriber can opt out of the transition or change its service plan;

(iv) Provide the deadline for the subscriber to notify the provider that the subscriber would like to remain on its current plan or choose another plan.

[88 FR 60355, Sept. 1, 2023, as amended at 88 FR 67654, Oct. 2, 2023]
source: 62 FR 32948, June 17, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 47 CFR 54.1810