Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 47 - Telecommunication last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 61.31 - Scope.

The rules in this subpart apply to all dominant carriers.

[64 FR 46588, Aug. 26, 1999]
§ 61.38 - Supporting information to be submitted with letters of transmittal.

(a) Scope. This section applies to dominant carriers whose gross annual revenues exceed $500,000 for the most recent 12 month period of operations or are estimated to exceed $500,000 for a representative 12 month period. Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers serving 50,000 or fewer access lines in a given study area that are described as subset 3 carriers in § 69.602 of this chapter may submit Access Tariff filings for that study area pursuant to either this section or § 61.39. However, the Commission may require any issuing carrier to submit such information as may be necessary for a review of a tariff filing. This section (other than the preceding sentence of this paragraph) shall not apply to tariff filings proposing rates for services identified in § 61.42 (d), (e), and (g).

(b) Explanation and data supporting either changes or new tariff offerings. The material to be submitted for a tariff change which affects rates or charges or for a tariff offering a new service, must include an explanation of the changed or new matter, the reasons for the filing, the basis of ratemaking employed, and economic information to support the changed or new matter.

(1) For a tariff change the issuing carrier must submit the following, including complete explanations of the bases for the estimates.

(i) A cost of service study for all elements for the most recent 12 month period;

(ii) A study containing a projection of costs for a representative 12 month period;

(iii) Estimates of the effect of the changed matter on the traffic and revenues from the service to which the changed matter applies, the issuing carrier's other service classifications, and the carrier's overall traffic and revenues. These estimates must include the projected effects on the traffic and revenues for the same representative 12 month period used in (b)(1)(ii) above.

(2) For a tariff filing offering a new service, the issuing carrier must submit the following, including complete explanations of the bases for the estimates.

(i) A study containing a projection of costs for a representative 12 month period; and

(ii) Estimates of the effect of the new matter on the traffic and revenues from the service to which the new matter applies, the issuing carrier's other service classifications, and the issuing carrier's overall traffic and revenues. These estimates must include the projected effects on the traffic and revenues for the same representative 12 month period used in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section.

(3) [Reserved]

(4) For a tariff that introduces a system of density pricing zones, as described in § 69.123 of this chapter, the issuing carrier must, before filing its tariff, submit a density pricing zone plan including, inter alia, documentation sufficient to establish that the system of zones reasonably reflects cost-related characteristics, such as the density of total interstate traffic in central offices located in the respective zones, and receive approval of its proposed plan.

(c) Working papers and statistical data. (1) Concurrently with the filing of any tariff change or tariff filing for a service not previously offered, the issuing carrier must file the working papers containing the information underlying the data supplied in response to paragraph (b) of this section, and a clear explanation of how the working papers relate to that information.

(2) All statistical studies must be submitted and supported in the form prescribed in § 1.363 of this chapter.

(d) Form and content of additional material to be submitted with certain rate increases. In the circumstances set out in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section, the issuing carrier must submit all additional cost, marketing and other data underlying the working papers to justify a proposed rate increase. The issuing carrier must submit this information in suitable form to serve as the carrier's direct case in the event the rate increase is set by the Commission for investigation.

(1) Rate increases affecting single services or tariffed items.

(i) A rate increase in any service or tariffed item which results in more than $1 million in additional annual revenues, calculated on the basis of existing quantities in service, without regard to the percentage increase in such revenues; or

(ii) A single rate increase in any service or tariffed item, or successive rate increases in the same service or tariffed item within a 12 month period, either of which results in:

(A) At least a 10 percent increase in annual revenues from that service or tariffed item, and

(B) At least $100,000 in additional annual revenues, both calculated on the basis of existing quantities in service.

(2) Rate increases affecting more than one service or tariffed item.

(i) A general rate increase in more than one service or tariffed item occurring at one time, which results in more than $1 million in additional revenues calculated on the basis of existing quantities in service, without regard to the percentage increase in such revenues; or

(ii) A general rate increase in more than one service or tariffed item occurring at one time, or successive general rate increases in the same services or tariffed items occurring within a 12 month period, either of which results in:

(A) At least a 10 percent increase in annual revenues from those services or tariffed items, and

(B) At least $100,000 in additional annual revenues, both calculated on the basis of existing quantities in service.

(e) Submission of explanation and data by connecting carriers. If the changed or new matter is being filed by the issuing carrier at the request of a connecting carrier, the connecting carrier must provide the data required by paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section on the date the issuing carrier files the tariff matter with the Commission.

(f) Copies of explanation and data to customers. Concurrently with the filing of any rate for special construction (or special assembly equipment and arrangements) developed on the basis of estimated costs, the issuing carrier must transmit to the customer a copy of the explanation and data required by paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(g) On each page of cost support material submitted pursuant to this section, the issuing carrier shall indicate the transmittal number under which that page was submitted.

[76 FR 43211, July 20, 2011]
§ 61.39 - Optional supporting information to be submitted with letters of transmittal for Access Tariff filings by incumbent local exchange carriers serving 50,000 or fewer access lines in a given study area that are described as subset 3 carriers in § 69.602.

(a) Scope. Except as provided in paragraph (g) of this section, This section provides for an optional method of filing for any local exchange carrier that is described as a subset 3 carrier in § 69.602 of this chapter, which elects to issue its own Access Tariff for a period commencing on or after April 1, 1989, and which serves 50,000 or fewer access lines in a study area as determined under § 36.611(a)(8) of this chapter. However, the Commission may require any carrier to submit such information as may be necessary for review of a tariff filing. This section (other than the preceding sentence of this paragraph) shall not apply to tariff filings of local exchange carriers subject to price cap regulation.

(b) Explanation and data supporting tariff changes. The material to be submitted to either a tariff change or a new tariff which affects rates or charges must include an explanation of the filing in the transmittal as required by § 61.15. The basis for ratemaking must comply with the following requirements. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(5) of this section, it is not necessary to submit this supporting data at the time of filing. However, the incumbent local exchange carrier should be prepared to submit the data promptly upon reasonable request by the Commission or interested parties.

(1) For a tariff change, the incumbent local exchange carrier that is a cost schedule carrier must propose Traffic Sensitive rates based on the following:

(i) For the first period, a cost of service study for Traffic Sensitive elements for the most recent 12-month period with related demand for the same period.

(ii) For subsequent filings, a cost of service study for Traffic Sensitive elements for the total period since the incumbent local exchange carrier's last annual filing, with related demand for the same period.

(2) For a tariff change, the incumbent local exchange carrier that is an average schedule carrier must propose Traffic Sensitive rates based on the following:

(i) For the first period, the incumbent local exchange carrier's most recent annual Traffic Sensitive settlement from the National Exchange Carrier Association pool.

(ii) For subsequent filings, an amount calculated to reflect the Traffic Sensitive average schedule pool settlement the carrier would have received if the carrier had continued to participate, based upon the most recent average schedule formulas approved by the Commission.

(3) For a tariff change, the incumbent local exchange carrier that is a cost schedule carrier must propose Common Line rates based on the following:

(i) For the first biennial filing, the common line revenue requirement shall be determined by a cost of service study for the most recent 12-month period. Subscriber line charges shall be based on cost and demand data for the same period. Carrier common line rates shall be determined by the following formula:

Where: And where: CCL Rev Req = carrier common line revenue requirement for the most recent 12-month period; CCL MOUb = carrier common line minutes of use for the most recent 12-month period; CCL MOU1 = CCL MOUb; and CCL MOU0 = carrier common line minutes of use for the 12-month period preceding the most recent 12-month period.

(ii) For subsequent biennial filings, the common line revenue requirement shall be determined by a cost of service study for the most recent 24-month period. Subscriber line charges shall be based on cost and demand data for the same period. Carrier common line rates shall be determined by the following formula:

Where: And where: CCL Rev Req = carrier common line revenue requirement for the most recent 24-month period; CCL MOUb = carrier common line minutes of use for the most recent 24-month period; CCL MOU1 = carrier common line minutes of use for the 12-month period; and CCL MOU0 = carrier common line minutes of use for the 12-month period preceding the most recent 12-month period.

(4) For a tariff change, the incumbent local exchange carrier which is an average schedule carrier must propose common line rates based on the following:

(i) For the first biennial filings, the common line revenue requirement shall be determined by the incumbent local exchange carrier's most recent annual Common Line settlement from the National Exchange Carrier Association. Subscriber line charges shall be based on cost and demand data for the same period. Carrier common line rates shall be determined by the following formula:

Where: And where: CCL Rev Req = carrier common line settlement for the most recent 12-month period; CCL MOUb = carrier common line minutes of use for the most recent 12-month period; CCL MOU1 = CCL MOUb; and CCL MOU0 = carrier common line minutes of use for the 12-month period preceding the most recent 12-month period.

(ii) For subsequent biennial filings, the common line revenue requirement shall be an amount calculated to reflect the average schedule pool settlements the carrier would have received if the carrier had continued to participate in the carrier common line pool, based upon the average schedule Common Line formulas developed by the National Exchange Carrier Association for the most recent 24-month period. Subscriber line charges shall be based on cost and demand data for the same period. Carrier common line rates shall be determined by the following formula:

Where: And where: CCL Rev Req = carrier common line settlement for the most recent 24-month period; CCL MOUb = carrier common line minutes of use for the most recent 24-month period; CCL MOU1 = carrier common line minutes of use for the most recent 12-month period; and CCL MOU0 = carrier common line minutes of use for the 12-month period preceding the most recent 12-month period.

(5) For End User Common Line charges included in a tariff pursuant to this Section, the incumbent local exchange carrier must provide supporting information for the two-year historical period with its letter of transmittal in accordance with § 61.38.

(c) Maximum allowable rate of return. Incumbent Local exchange carriers filing tariffs under this section are not required to comply with §§ 65.700 through 65.701 of this chapter, except with respect to periods during which tariffs were not subject to this section. The Commission may require any carrier to submit such information if it deems it necessary to monitor the carrier's earnings. However, rates must be calculated based on the incumbent local exchange carrier's prescribed rate of return applicable to the period during which the rates are effective.

(d) Rates for a new service that is the same as that offered by a price cap local exchange carrier providing service in an adjacent serving area are deemed presumptively lawful, if the proposed rates, in the aggregate, are no greater than the rates established by the price cap local exchange carrier. Tariff filings made pursuant to this paragraph must include the following:

(1) A brief explanation of why the service is like an existing service offered by a geographically adjacent price cap local exchange carrier; and

(2) Data to establish compliance with this paragraph that, in aggregate, the proposed rates for the new service are no greater than those in effect for the same or comparable service offered by that same geographically adjacent price cap regulated local exchange carrier. Compliance may be shown through submission of applicable tariff pages of the adjacent carrier; a showing that the serving areas are adjacent; any necessary explanations and work sheets.

(e) Average schedule companies filing pursuant to this section shall retain their status as average schedule companies.

(f) On each page of cost support material submitted pursuant to this section, the issuing carrier shall indicate the transmittal number under which that page was submitted.

(g) Engagement in Access Stimulation. A local exchange carrier otherwise eligible to file a tariff pursuant to this section may not do so if it is engaging in Access Stimulation, as that term is defined in § 61.3(bbb). A carrier so engaged must file interstate access tariffs in accordance with § 61.38 and § 69.3(e)(12) of this chapter.

[76 FR 43212, July 20, 2011, as amended at 76 FR 73882, Nov. 29, 2011; 84 FR 57652, Oct. 28, 2019]
§ 61.40 - Private line rate structure guidelines.

(a) The Commission uses a variety of tools to determine whether a dominant carrier's private line tariffs are just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory. The dominant carrier's burden of cost justification can be reduced when its private line rate structures comply with the following five guidelines.

(1) Rate structures for the same or comparable services should be integrated;

(2) Rate structures for the same or comparable services should be consistent with one another;

(3) Rate elements should be selected to reflect market demand, pricing convenience for the carrier and customers, and cost characteristics; a rate element which appears separately in one rate structure should appear separately in all other rate structures;

(4) Rate elements should be consistently defined with respect to underlying service functions and should be consistently employed through all rate structures; and

(5) Rate structures should be simple and easy to understand.

(b) The guidelines do not preclude a carrier, in a given case when a private line tariff does not comply with these guidelines, from justifying its departure from the guidelines and showing that its tariff is just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory.

[49 FR 40869, Oct. 18, 1984, as amended at 76 FR 43213, July 20, 2011]
§ 61.41 - Price cap requirements generally.

(a) Sections 61.42 through 61.49 shall apply as follows:

(1) [Reserved]

(2) To such price cap local exchange carriers as specified by Commission order, and to all local exchange carriers, other than average schedule companies, that are affiliated with such carriers; and

(3) On an elective basis, to local exchange carriers, other than those specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, that are neither participants in any Association tariff, nor affiliated with any such participants, except that affiliation with average schedule companies shall not bar a carrier from electing price cap regulation provided the carrier is otherwise eligible.

(b) If a telephone company, or any one of a group of affiliated telephone companies, files a price cap tariff in one study area, that telephone company and its affiliates, except its average schedule affiliates, must file price cap tariffs in all their study areas.

(c) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, the following rules in this paragraph (c) apply to telephone companies subject to price cap regulation, as that term is defined in § 61.3(ee), which are involved in mergers, acquisitions, or similar transactions.

(1) Any telephone company subject to price cap regulation that is a party to a merger, acquisition, or similar transaction shall continue to be subject to price cap regulation notwithstanding such transaction.

(2) Where a telephone company subject to price cap regulation acquires, is acquired by, merges with, or otherwise becomes affiliated with a telephone company that is not subject to price cap regulation, the latter telephone company shall become subject to price cap regulation no later than one year following the effective date of such merger, acquisition, or similar transaction and shall accordingly file price cap tariffs to be effective no later than that date in accordance with the applicable provisions of this part 61.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 61.41(c)(2), when a telephone company subject to price cap regulation acquires, is acquired by, merges with, or otherwise becomes affiliated with a telephone company that qualifies as an “average schedule” company, the latter company may retain its “average schedule” status or become subject to price cap regulation in accordance with § 69.3(i)(3) of this chapter and the requirements referenced in that section.

(d) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, local exchange carriers that become subject to price cap regulation as that term is defined in § 61.3(ff) shall not be eligible to withdraw from such regulation.

(e) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, a telephone company subject to rate-of-return regulation may return lines acquired from a telephone company subject to price cap regulation to rate-of-return regulation, provided that the acquired lines will not be subject to average schedule settlements, and provided further that the telephone company subject to rate-of-return regulation may not for five years elect price cap regulation for itself, or by any means cause the acquired lines to become subject to price cap regulation.

(f) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, a telephone company subject to rate-of-return regulation that is affiliated with a price cap local exchange carrier may provide business data services pursuant to § 61.50 without converting other services to price cap regulation.

[55 FR 42382, Oct. 19, 1990; 55 FR 50558, Dec. 7, 1990, as amended at 56 FR 55239, Oct. 25, 1991; 64 FR 46589, Aug. 26, 1999; 65 FR 38695, June 21, 2000; 65 FR 57741, Sept. 26, 2000; 69 FR 25336, May 6, 2004; 76 FR 43213, July 20, 2011; 83 FR 67122, Dec. 28, 2018]
§ 61.42 - Price cap baskets and service categories.

(a)-(c) [Reserved]

(d) Each price cap local exchange carrier shall establish baskets of services as follows:

(1) A basket for the common line, marketing, and certain residual interconnection charge interstate access elements as described in §§ 69.115, 69.152, 69.153, 69.154, 69.155, 69.156, and 69.157 of this chapter. For purposes of §§ 61.41 through 61.49, this basket shall be referred to as the “CMT basket.”

(2) A basket for traffic sensitive switched interstate access elements. For purposes of §§ 61.41 through 61.49 of this chapter, this basket shall be referred to as the “traffic-sensitive basket.”

(3) A basket for trunking services as described in §§ 69.110, 69.111, 69.112, 69.125(b), 69.129, and 69.155 of this chapter. For purposes of §§ 61.41 through 61.49, this basket shall be referred to as the “trunking basket.”

(4)(i) To the extent that a price cap local exchange carrier specified in § 61.41(a)(2) or (a)(3) offers interstate interexchange services that are not classified as access services for the purpose of part 69 of this chapter, such exchange carrier shall establish a fourth basket for such services. For purposes of §§ 61.41 through 61.49, this basket shall be referred to as the “interexchange basket.”

(ii) If a price cap local exchange carrier has implemented interLATA and intraLATA toll dialing parity everywhere it provides local exchange services at the holding company level, that price cap carrier may file a tariff revision to remove corridor and interstate intraLATA toll services from its interexchange basket.

(5) A basket for special access services as described in § 69.114 of this chapter.

(e)(1) The traffic sensitive switched interstate access basket shall contain such services as the Commission shall permit or require, including the following service categories:

(i) Local switching as described in § 69.106(f) of this chapter;

(ii) Information, as described in § 69.109 of this chapter;

(iii) Data base access services;

(iv) Billing name and address, as described in § 69.128 of this chapter;

(v) Local switching trunk ports, as described in § 69.106(f)(1) of this chapter; and

(vi) Signalling transfer point port termination, as described in § 69.125(c) of this chapter.

(2) The trunking basket shall contain such switched transport as the Commission shall permit or require, including the following service categories and subcategories:

(i) Voice grade entrance facilities, voice grade direct-trunked transport, voice grade dedicated signalling transport,

(ii) High capacity flat-rated transport, including the following service subcategories:

(A) DS1 entrance facilities, DS1 direct-trunked transport, DS1 dedicated signalling transport, and

(B) DS3 entrance facilities, DS3 direct-trunked transport, DS3 dedicated signalling transport.

(iii) Tandem-switched transport, as described in § 69.111 of this chapter; and

(iv) Signalling for tandem switching, as described in § 69.129 of this chapter.

(3) The special access basket shall contain special access services as the Commission shall permit or require, including the following service categories and subcategories:

(i) Voice grade special access, WATS special access, metallic special access, and telegraph special access services;

(ii) Audio and video services;

(iii) High capacity special access, and DDS services, including the following service subcategories:

(A) DS1 special access services; and

(B) DS3 special access services;

(iv) Wideband data and wideband analog services.

(f) Each price cap local exchange carrier shall exclude from its price cap baskets such services or portions of such services as the Commission has designated or may hereafter designate by order.

(g) New services, other than those within the scope of paragraph (f) of this section, must be included in the affected basket at the first annual price cap tariff filing following completion of the base period in which they are introduced. To the extent that such new services are permitted or required to be included in new or existing service categories within the assigned basket, they shall be so included at the first annual price cap tariff filing following completion of the base period in which they are introduced.

[54 FR 19842, May 8, 1989] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 61.42, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 61.43 - Annual price cap filings required.

Price cap local exchange carriers shall submit annual price cap tariff filings that propose rates for the upcoming tariff year, that make appropriate adjustments to their PCI, API, and SBI values pursuant to §§ 61.45 through 61.47, and that incorporate new services into the PCI, API, or SBI calculations pursuant to §§ 61.45(g), 61.46(b), and 61.47(b) and (c). Price cap local exchange carriers may propose rate, PCI, or other tariff changes more often than annually, consistent with the requirements of § 61.59.

[76 FR 43214, July 20, 2011]
§ 61.44 - [Reserved]
§ 61.45 - Adjustments to the PCI for Local Exchange Carriers.

(a) Price cap local exchange carriers shall file adjustments to the PCI for each basket as part of the annual price cap tariff filing, and shall maintain updated PCIs to reflect the effect of mid-year exogenous cost changes.

(b)(1)(i) Adjustments to price cap local exchange carrier PCIs, in those carriers' annual access tariff filings, the traffic sensitive basket described in § 61.42(d)(2), the trunking basket described in § 61.42(d)(3), the special access basket described in § 61.42(d)(5) and the Interexchange Basket described in § 61.42(d)(4)(i), shall be made pursuant to the following formula:

“PCIt = PCIt − 1[1 + w[GDP-PI − X] + Z / R].” PCIt − 1 = PCIt −1[1 + w[GDP-PI − X] + Z / R]

Where the terms in the equation are described:

GDP-PI = For annual filings only, the percentage change in the GDP-PI between the quarter ending six months prior to the effective date of the new annual tariff and the corresponding quarter of the previous year. For all other filings, the value is zero. X = For the CMT, traffic sensitive, and trunking baskets, for annual filings only, the factor is set at the level prescribed in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) and (iii) of this section. For the interexchange basket, for annual filings only, the factor is set at the level prescribed in paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section. For the special access basket, for annual filings only, the factor is set at the level prescribed in paragraph (b)(1)(iv) of this section. For all other filings, the value is zero. g = For annual filings for the CMT basket only, the ratio of minutes of use per access line during the base period, to minutes of use per access line during the previous base period, all minus 1. Z = The dollar effect of current regulatory changes when compared to the regulations in effect at the time the PCI was updated to PCIt−1, measured at base period level of operations. Targeted Reduction = the actual possible dollar value of the (GDP-PI − X) reductions that will be targeted to the ATS Charge pursuant to § 61.45(i)(3). The reductions calculated by applying the (GDP-PI − X) portion of the formula to the CCL element within the CMT basket will contain the “g” component, as defined above. R = Base period quantities for each rate element “I”, multiplied by the price for each rate element “I” at the time the PCI was updated to PCIt − 1. w = R + Z, all divided by R (used for the traffic sensitive, trunking, and special access baskets). wix = R—(access rate in effect at the time the PCI was updated to PCIt − 1 * base period demand) + Z, all divided by R. PCIt = The new PCI value. PCIt −1 = the immediately preceding PCI value.

(ii) The X value applicable to the baskets specified in §§ 61.42(d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(3), shall be 6.5%, to the extent necessary to reduce a tariff entity's ATS charge to its Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq). Once any price cap local exchange carrier tariff entity's ATS Charge is equal to the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq) for the first time (the former NYNEX telephone companies may be treated as a separate tariff entity), then, except as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section, X is equal to GDP-PI and no further reductions will be mandated (i.e., if applying the full X-factor reduction for a given year would reduce the ATS charge below the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3 (qq), the amount of X-factor reduction applied that year will be the amount necessary to reach the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3 (qq)). A filing entity does not reach the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq) in any year in which it exercises an exogenous adjustment pursuant to § 61.45(d)(vii). For companies with separate tariff entities under a single price cap, the following rules shall apply:

(A) Targeting amounts as defined in § 61.45(i)(1)(i) shall be identified separately, using the revenue for each of the tariff entities under the cap.

(B) Each tariff entity shall only be required to use the amount of targeting necessary to get to the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3 (qq).

(iii)(A) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(iii)(B) of this section, once the Tariff Entity's Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3 (qq) is achieved, the X-factor for the CMT basket will equal GDP-PI as long as GDP-PI is less than or equal to 6.5% and greater than 0%. If GDP-PI is greater than 6.5%, and an entity has eliminated its CCL and multi-line business PICCs charges, the X-factor for the CMT basket will equal 6.5%, and all End User Common Line charges, rates and nominal caps, will be increased by the difference between GDP-PI and the 6.5% X-factor. If GDP-PI is less than 0, the X-factor for the CMT basket will be 0.

(B) For tariff filing entities with a Target Rate of $0.0095, or for the portion of a filing entity consolidated pursuant to § 61.48(o) that, prior to such consolidation, had a Target Rate of $0.0095, in which the ATS charge has achieved the Target Rate but in which the carrier common line (CCL) charge has not been eliminated, the X-factor for the CMT basket will be 6.5% until the earlier of June 30, 2004, or until CCL charges are eliminated pursuant to paragraph (i)(4) of this section. Thereafter, in any filing entity in which a CCL charge remains after July 1, 2004, the X-factor for the CMT basket will be determined pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(iii)(A) of this section as if CCL charges were eliminated.

(iv) For the special access basket specified in § 61.42(d)(5), the value of X shall be 2.0% beginning December 1, 2017, notwithstanding any language in § 61.45(b)(1)(i).

(v) For the interexchange basket specified in § 61.42(d)(4), the value of X shall be 3.0% for all annual filings.

(2) Adjustments to price cap local exchange carrier PCIs and average price cap CMT revenue per line, in tariff filings other than the annual access tariff filing, for the CMT basket described in § 61.42(d)(1), the traffic sensitive basket described in § 61.42(d)(2), the trunking basket described in § 61.42(d)(3), the interexchange basket described in § 61.42(d)(4), and the special access basket described in § 61.42(d)(5), shall be made pursuant to the formulas set forth in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, except that the “w(GDP-PI − X)” component of those PCI formulas shall not be employed.

(c) Effective July 1, 2000, the prices of the CMT basket rate elements, excluding special access surcharges under § 69.115 of this chapter and line ports in excess of basic under § 69.157 of this chapter, shall be set based upon Average Price Cap CMT Revenue per Line month.

(d) The exogenous cost changes represented by the term “Z” in the formula detailed in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section shall be limited to those cost changes that the Commission shall permit or require by rule, rule waiver, or declaratory ruling.

(1) Subject to further order of the Commission, those exogenous changes shall include cost changes caused by:

(i) The completion of the amortization of depreciation reserve deficiencies;

(ii) Such changes in the Uniform System of Accounts, including changes in the Uniform System of Accounts requirements made pursuant to § 32.16 of this chapter, as the Commission shall permit or require be treated as exogenous by rule, rule waiver, or declaratory ruling;

(iii) Changes in the Separations Manual;

(iv) [Reserved]

(v) The reallocation of investment from regulated to nonregulated activities pursuant to § 64.901 of this chapter;

(vi) Such tax law changes and other extraordinary cost changes as the Commission shall permit or require be treated as exogenous by rule, rule waiver, or declaratory ruling;

(vii) Retargeting the PCI to the level specified by the Commission for carriers whose base year earnings are below the level of the lower adjustment mark, subject to the limitation in § 69.731 of this chapter. The allocation of LFAM amounts will be allocated pursuant to § 61.45(d)(3). This section shall not be applicable to tariff filings during the tariff year beginning July 1, 2000, but is applicable in subsequent years;

(viii) Inside wire amortizations;

(ix) The completion of amortization of equal access expenses.

(2) Price cap local exchange carriers specified in §§ 61.41(a)(2) or (a)(3) shall, in their annual access tariff filing, recognize all exogenous cost changes attributable to modifications during the coming tariff year in their Subscriber Plant Factor and the Dial Equipment Minutes factor, and completions of inside wire amortizations and reserve deficiency amortizations.

(3) Exogenous cost changes shall be apportioned on a cost-causative basis between price cap services as a group, and excluded services as a group. Total exogenous cost changes thus attributed to price cap services shall be recovered from services other than those used to calculate the ATS charge.

(e) [Reserved]

(f) The exogenous costs caused by new services subject to price cap regulation must be included in the appropriate PCI calculations under paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section beginning at the first annual price cap tariff filing following completion of the base period in which such services are introduced.

(g) In the event that a price cap tariff becomes effective, which tariff results in an API value (calculated pursuant to § 61.46) that exceeds the currently applicable PCI value, the PCI value shall be adjusted upward to equal the API value.

(h) [Reserved]

(i)(1)(i) Price cap local exchange carriers that are recovering revenues through rates pursuant to §§ 69.106, 69.108, 69.109, 69.110, 69.111, 69.112, 69.113, 69.118, 69.123, 69.124, 69.125, 69.129, or § 69.155 of this chapter shall target, to the extent necessary to reduce the ATS Charge to the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3 (qq) for the first time, any PCI reductions associated with the dollar impact of application of the (GDP-PI − X) portion of the formula in § 61.45(b)(1)(i) to the traffic sensitive and trunking baskets. In order to calculate the actual dollars to transfer to the trunking and traffic sensitive baskets, carriers will first determine the “Targeted Revenue Differential” that will be transferred to the trunking and traffic sensitive baskets to reduce the ATS Charge to the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq). The Targeted Revenue Differential shall be applied only to the trunking and traffic sensitive baskets to the extent necessary to reduce the ATS charge to the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3 (qq), and shall not be applied to reduce the PCIs in any other basket or to reduce Average Price Cap CMT Revenue per Line month, except as provided in § 61.45(i)(4).

(ii) For the purposes of § 61.45(i)(1)(i), Targeted Revenue Differential will be determined by adding together the following amounts:

(A) R * (GDP-PI − X) for the traffic sensitive basket, trunking basket, and the CMT basket excluding CCL revenues; and

(B) CCL Revenues * [(GDP-PI − X − (g / 2)] / [1 + (g / 2)]

Where “g” is defined in § 61.45(b)(1)(i).

(2) Until a tariff entity's ATS Charge equals the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3 (qq) for the first time, the Targeted Revenue Differential will be targeted to reduce the following rates for that tariff filing entity, in order of priority:

(i) To the residual per minute Transport Interconnection Charge, until that rate is $0.00; then

(ii) To the Information Surcharge, until that rate is $0.00; then

(iii) To the other Local Switching charges and Switched Transport charges until the tariff entity's ATS Rate equals the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq) for the first time. In making these reductions, the reductions to Local Switching rates as a percentage of total X-factor reductions must be greater than or equal to the percentage proportion of Local Switching revenues to the total sum of revenues for Local Switching, Local Switching Trunk Ports, Signalling Transfer Point Port Termination, Switched Direct Trunked Transport, Signalling for Switched Direct Trunked Transport, Entrance Facilities for switched access traffic, Tandem Switched Transport, and Signalling for Tandem Switching (i.e., Local Switching gets at least its proportionate share of reductions).

(3) After a price cap local exchange carrier reaches the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq), the ATS Rate will be recalculated each subsequent Annual Filing. This process will identify the new ATS Charge for the new base period level. Due to change in base period demand and inclusion of new services for that annual filing, the absolute level of a tariff entity's ATS Charge may change. The resulting new ATS Charge level will be what that tariff entity will be measured against during that base period. For example, if a company whose target is $0.0055 reached the Target Rate during the 2000 annual filing, that level may change to $0.0058 in the 2001 annual filing due to change in demand and inclusion of new services. Therefore, it will be the $0.0058 average rate that the tariff entity will be measured against for all non-annual filings. Likewise, if that same company was at the Target Rate during the 2000 filing, that level may change to $0.0053 average rate in the 2001 annual filing due to change in demand and inclusion of new services. In that case, it will be at the $0.0053 average rate that the tariff entity will be measured.

(4) A company electing a $0.0095 Target Rate will, in the tariff year it reaches the Target Rate, apply any Targeted Revenue Differential remaining after reaching the Target Rate to reduce Average Price Cap CMT Revenue per Line month until the CCL charge is eliminated. In subsequent years, until the earlier of June 30, 2004 or when the CCL charge is eliminated, tariff filing entities with a Target Rate of $0.0095, or the portion of a filing entity consolidated pursuant to § 61.48(o) that, prior to such consolidation, had a Target Rate of $0.0095, will reduce Average Price Cap CMT Revenue per Line month according to the following method:

(i) Filing entity calculates the maximum allowable carrier common line revenue, as defined in § 61.46(d)(1), that would be permitted in the absence of further adjustment pursuant to this paragraph;

(ii) Filing entity identifies maximum amount of dollars available to reduce Average Price Cap CMT Revenue per Line month by the following:

(CMT revenue in a $0.0095 Area −CCL revenue in a $0.0095 Area) * (GDP-PI −X) + (CCL Revenue in a $0.0095 Area) * [(GDP-PI − X) − (g / 2)] / [1 + (g / 2)]

(iii) The Average Price Cap CMT Revenue per Line month shall then be reduced by the lesser of the amount described in paragraph (i)(4)(i) of this section and the amount described in paragraph (i)(4)(ii) of this section, divided by base period Switched Access End User Common Line Charge lines.

[65 FR 38696, June 21, 2000; 65 FR 57741, Sept. 26, 2000; 76 FR 43214, July 20, 2011; 82 FR 25711, June 2, 2017]
§ 61.46 - Adjustments to the API.

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, in connection with any price cap tariff filing proposing rate changes, the price cap local exchange carrier must calculate an API for each affected basket pursuant to the following methodology:

APIt = APIt-1[Σi vi (Pt/Pt-1)i] Where: APIt = the proposed API value, APIt-1 = the existing API value, Pt = the proposed price for rate element “i,” Pt-1 = the existing price for rate element “i,” and vi = the current estimated revenue weight for rate element “i,” calculated as the ratio of the base period demand for the rate element “i” priced at the existing rate, to the base period demand for the entire basket of services priced at existing rates.

(b) New services subject to price cap regulation must be included in the appropriate API calculations under paragraph (a) of this section beginning at the first annual price cap tariff filing following completion of the base period in which they are introduced. This index adjustment requires that the demand for the new service during the base period must be included in determining the weights used in calculating the API.

(c) Any price cap tariff filing proposing rate restructuring shall require an adjustment to the API pursuant to the general methodology described in paragraph (a) of this section. This adjustment requires the conversion of existing rates into rates of equivalent value under the proposed structure, and then the comparison of the existing rates that have been converted to reflect restructuring to the proposed restructured rates. This calculation may require use of carrier data and estimation techniques to assign customers of the preexisting service to those services (including the new restructured service) that will remain or become available after restructuring.

(d) The maximum allowable carrier common line (CCL) revenue shall be computed pursuant to the following methodology:

CCL = CMT−EUCL−Interstate Access Universal Service Support Mechanism Per Line−PICC Where: CMT = Price Cap CMT Revenue as defined in § 61.3(cc). EUCL = Maximum allowable EUCL rates established pursuant to § 69.152 of this chapter multiplied by base period lines. Interstate Access Universal Service Support Per Line = the amount as determined by the Administrator pursuant to § 54.807 of this chapter times the number of base period lines for each customer class and zone receiving Interstate Access Universal Service support pursuant to part 54, subpart J. PICC = Maximum allowable PICC rates established pursuant to § 69.153 of this chapter multiplied by base period lines.

(e) In no case shall a price cap local exchange carrier include data associated with services offered pursuant to contract tariff in the calculations required by this section.

[65 FR 38698, June 21, 2000; 65 FR 57741, 57742, Sept. 26, 2000; 76 FR 43214, July 20, 2011]
§ 61.47 - Adjustments to the SBI; pricing bands.

(a) In connection with any price cap tariff filing proposing changes in the rates of services in service categories, subcategories, or density zones, the carrier must calculate an SBI value for each affected service category, subcategory, or density zone pursuant to the following methodology:

SBIt = SBIt-1i vi(Pt/Pt−1)i] where SBIt = the proposed SBI value, SBIt-1 = the existing SBI value, Pt = the proposed price for rate element “i,” Pt-1 = the existing price for rate element “i,” and vi = the current estimated revenue weight for rate element “i,” calculated as the ratio of the base period demand for the rate element “i” priced at the existing rate, to the base period demand for the entire group of rate elements comprising the service category priced at existing rates.

(b) New services that are added to existing service categories or subcategories must be included in the appropriate SBI calculations under paragraph (a) of this section beginning at the first annual price cap tariff filing following completion of the base period in which they are introduced. This index adjustment requires that the demand for the new service during the base period must be included in determining the weights used in calculating the SBI.

(c) In the event that the introduction of a new service requires the creation of a new service category or subcategory, a new SBI must be established for that service category or subcategory beginning at the first annual price cap tariff filing following completion of the base period in which the new service is introduced. The new SBI should be initialized at a value of 100, corresponding to the service category or subcategory rates in effect the last day of the base period, and thereafter should be adjusted as provided in paragraph (a) of this section.

(d) Any price cap tariff filing proposing rate restructuring shall require an adjustment to the affected SBI pursuant to the general methodology described in paragraph (a) of this section. This adjustment requires the conversion of existing rates in the rate element group into rates of equivalent value under the proposed structure, and then the comparison of the existing rates that have been converted to reflect restructuring to the proposed restructured rates. This calculation may require use of carrier data and estimation techniques to assign customers of the preexisting service to those services (including the new restructured service) that will remain or become available after restructuring.

(e) Pricing bands shall be established each tariff year for each service category and subcategory within a basket. Each band shall limit the pricing flexibility of the service category, subcategory, as reflected in the SBI, to an annual increase of a specified percent listed in this paragraph, relative to the percentage change in the PCI for that basket, measured from the levels in effect on the last day of the preceding tariff year. For local exchanage carriers subject to price cap regulation as that term is defined in § 61.3(ee), there shall be no lower pricing band for any service category or subcategory.

(1) Five percent:

(i) Local Switching (traffic sensitive basket)

(ii) Information (traffic sensitive basket)

(iii) Database Access Services (traffic sensitive basket)

(iv) 800 Database Vertical Services subservice (traffic sensitive basket)

(v) Billing Name and Address (traffic sensitive basket)

(vi) Local Switching Trunk Ports (traffic sensitive basket)

(vii) Signalling Transfer Point Port Termination (traffic sensitive basket)

(viii) Voice Grade (trunking and special access baskets)

(ix) Audio/Video (special access basket)

(x) Total High Capacity (trunking and special access baskets)

(xi) DS1 Subservice (trunking and special access baskets)

(xii) DS3 Subservice (trunking and special access baskets)

(xiii) Wideband (special access basket)

(2) Two percent:

(i) Tandem-Switched Transport (trunking basket)

(ii) Signalling for Tandem Switching (trunking basket)

(f) A price cap local exchange carrier may establish density zones pursuant to the requirements set forth in § 69.123 of this chapter, for any service in the trunking and special access baskets, other than the interconnection charge set forth in § 69.124 of this chapter. The pricing flexibility of each zone shall be limited to an annual increase of 15 percent, relative to the percentage change in the PCI for that basket, measured from the levels in effect on the last day of the preceding tariff year. There shall be no lower pricing band for any density zone.

(g)-(i)(l) [Reserved]

(2) Effective January 1, 1998, notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, if a price cap local exchange carrier is recovering interconnection charge revenues through per-minute rates pursuant to § 69.155 of this chapter, any reductions to the PCI for the basket designated in § 61.42(d)(3) resulting from the application of the provisions of § 61.45(b)(1)(i) and from the application of the provisions of §§ 61.45(i)(1) and 61.45(i)(2) shall be directed to the SBI of the service category designated in § 61.42(d)(i).

(3) [Reserved]

(4) Effective January 1, 1998, the SBI reduction required by paragraph (i)(2) of this section shall be determined by dividing the sum of the dollar amount of any PCI reduction required by §§ 61.45(i)(1) and 61.45(i)(2), by the dollar amount associated with the SBI for the service category designated in § 61.42(e)(2)(vi), and multiplying the SBI for the service category designated in § 61.42(e)(2)(vi) by one minus the resulting ratio.

(5) Effective July 1, 2000, notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section and subject to the limitations of § 61.45(i), if a price cap local exchange carrier is recovering an ATS charge greater than its Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq), any reductions to the PCI for the traffic sensitive or trunking baskets designated in §§ 61.42(d)(2) and 61.42(d)(3) resulting from the application of the provisions of § 61.45(b), and the formula in § 61.45(b) and from the application of the provisions of §§ 61.45(i)(1), and 61.45(i)(2) shall be directed to the SBIs of the service categories designated in §§ 61.42(e)(1) and 61.42(e)(2).

(j) [Reserved]

(k) In no case shall a price cap local exchange carrier include data associated with services offered pursuant to contract tariff in the calculations required by this section.

[54 FR 19843, May 8, 1989] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 61.47, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 61.48 - Transition rules for price cap formula calculations.

(a)-(h) [Reserved]

(i) Transport and Special Access Density Pricing Zone Transition Rules—(1) Definitions. The following definitions apply for purposes of paragraph (i) of this section:

Earlier date is the earlier of the special access zone date and the transport zone date.

Earlier service is special access if the special access zone date precedes the transport zone date, and is transport if the transport zone date precedes the special access zone date.

Later date is the later of the special access zone date and the transport zone date.

Later service is transport if the special access zone date precedes the transport zone date, and is special access if the transport zone date precedes the special access zone date.

Revenue weight of a given group of services included in a zone category is the ratio of base period demand for the given service rate elements included in the category priced at existing rates, to the base period demand for the entire group of rate elements comprising the category priced at existing rates.

Special access zone date is the date on which a local exchange carrier tariff establishing divergent special access rates in different zones, as described in § 69.123(c) of this chapter, becomes effective.

Transport zone date is the date on which a local exchange carrier tariff establishing divergent switched transport rates in different zones, as described in § 69.123(d) of this chapter, becomes effective.

(2) Simultaneous Introduction of Special Access and Transport Zones. Price cap local exchange carriers that have established density pricing zones pursuant to § 69.123 of this chapter, and whose special access zone date and transport zone date occur on the same date, shall initially establish density pricing zone SBIs and bands pursuant to the methodology in §§ 61.47(e) through (f).

(3) Sequential Introduction of Zones in the Same Tariff Year. Notwithstanding §§ 61.47(e) through (f), price cap local exchange carriers that have established density pricing zones pursuant to § 69.123 of this chapter, and whose special access zone date and transport zone date occur on different dates during the same tariff year, shall, on the earlier date, establish density pricing zone SBIs and pricing bands using the methodology described in §§ 61.47(e) through (f), but applicable to the earlier service only. On the later date, such carriers shall recalculate the SBIs and pricing bands to limit the pricing flexibility of the services included in each density pricing zone category, as reflected in its SBI, as follows:

(i) The upper pricing band shall be a weighted average of the following:

(A) The upper pricing band that applied to the earlier services included in the zone category on the day preceding the later date, weighted by the revenue weight of the earlier services included in the zone category; and

(B) 1.05 times the SBI value for the services included in the zone category on the day preceding the later date, weighted by the revenue weight of the later services included in the zone category.

(ii) [Reserved]

(iii) On the later date, the SBI value for the zone category shall be equal to the SBI value for the category on the day preceding the later date.

(4) Introduction of Zones in Different Tariff Years. Notwithstanding §§ 61.47(e) through (f), those price cap local exchange carriers that have established density pricing zones pursuant to § 69.123 of this chapter, and whose special access zone date and transport zone date do not occur within the same tariff year, shall, on the earlier date, establish density pricing zone SBIs and pricing bands using the methodology described in §§ 61.47(e) through (f), but applicable to the earlier service only.

(j)-(k) [Reserved]

(l) Average Traffic Sensitive Revenues. (1) In the July 1, 2000 annual filing, price cap local exchange carriers will make an additional reduction to rates comprising ATS charge, and to associated SBI upper limits and PCIs. This reduction will be calculated to be the amount that would be necessary to achieve a total $2.1 billion reduction in carrier common line and ATS rates by all price cap local exchange carriers, compared with those rates as they existed on June 30, 2000 using 2000 annual filing base period demand.

(i) The net change in revenue associated with Carrier Common Line Rate elements resulting from:

(A) The removal from access of price cap local exchange carrier contributions to the Federal universal service mechanisms;

(B) Price cap local exchange carrier receipts of interstate access universal service support pursuant to subpart J of part 54;

(C) Changes in End User Common Line Charges and PICC rates;

(D) Changes in Carrier Common Line charges due to GDP-PI − X targeting for $0.0095 filing entities.

(ii) Reductions in Average Traffic Sensitive charges resulting from:

(A) Targeting of the application of the (GDP-PI − X) portion of the formula in § 61.45(b), and any applicable “g” adjustments;

(B) The removal from access of price cap local exchange carrier contributions to the Federal universal service mechanisms;

(C) Additional ATS charge reductions defined in paragraph (2) of this section.

(2) Once the reductions in paragraph (l)(1)(i) and paragraphs (l)(1)(ii)(A) and (l)(1)(ii)(B) of this section are identified, the difference between those reductions and $2.1 billion is the total amount of additional reductions that would be made to ATS rates of price cap local exchange carriers. This amount will then be restated as the percentage of total price cap local exchange carrier Local Switching revenues as of June 30, 2000 using 2000 annual filing base period demand (“June 30 Local Switching revenues”) necessary to yield the total amount of additional reductions and taking into account the fact that, if participating, a price cap local exchange carrier would not reduce ATS rates below its Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq).Each price cap local exchange carrier then reduces ATS rate elements, and associated SBI upper limits and PCIs, by a dollar amount equivalent to the percentage times the June 30 Local Switching revenues for that filing entity, provided that no price cap local exchange carrier shall be required to reduce its ATS rates below its Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq). Each price cap local exchange carrier can take its additional reductions against any of the ATS rate elements, provided that at least a proportional share must be taken against Local Switching rates.

(m) Pooled Local Switching Revenues. (1) Price cap local exchange carriers are permitted to pool local switching revenues in their CMT basket under one of the following conditions.

(i) Any price cap local exchange carrier that would otherwise have July 1, 2000 price cap reductions as a percentage of Base Period Price Cap Revenues at the holding company level greater than the industry wide total July 1, 2000 price cap revenue reduction as a percentage of Base Period Price Cap Revenues may elect temporarily to pool the amount of the additional reductions above 25% of the Local Switching element revenues necessary to yield that carrier's proportionate share of a total $2.1 billion reduction in switched access usage rates on July 1, 2000. The basis of the reduction calculation will be R at PCIt-1 for the upcoming tariff year. The percentage reductions per line amounts will be calculated as follows: (Total Price Cap Revenue Reduction ÷ Base Period Price Cap Revenues)

Pooled local switching revenue for each filing entity within a holding company that qualifies under this paragraph (i) will continue until such pooled revenues are eliminated under this paragraph. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 61.45(b)(1), once the Average Traffic Sensitive (ATS) rate reaches the applicable Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq), the Targeted Revenue Differential as defined in § 61.45(i) shall be targeted to reducing pooled local switching revenue until the pooled local switching revenue is eliminated. Thereafter, the X-factor for these baskets will be determined in accordance with § 61.45(b)(1).

(ii) Price cap local exchange carriers other than the Bell companies and GTE with at least 20% of total holding company lines operated by companies that as of December 31, 1999 were certified to the Commission as rural carriers, may elect to pool up to the following amounts:

(A) For a price cap holding company's predominantly non-rural filing entities (i.e., filing entities within which more than 50% of all lines are operated by telephone companies other than those that as of December 31, 1999 were certified to the Commission as rural telephone companies), the amount of the additional reductions to Average Traffic Sensitive Charge rates as defined in paragraph (l)(2) of this section, to the extent such reductions exceed 25% of the Local Switching element revenues (measured in terms of June 30, 2000 rates times 1999 base period demand);

(B) For a price cap holding company's predominantly rural filing entities (i.e., filing entities with greater than 50% of lines operated by telephone companies that as of December 31, 1999 were certified to the Commission as rural telephone companies), the amount of the additional reductions to Average Traffic Sensitive Charge rates as defined in paragraph (l)(2) of this section.

(2) Allocation of Pooled Local Switching Revenue to Certain CMT Elements

(i) The pooled local switching revenue for each filing entity is shifted to the CMT basket within price caps. Pooled local switching revenue will not be included in calculations to determine the eligibility for interstate access universal service funding.

(ii) Pooled local switching revenue will be capped on a revenue per line basis.

(iii) Pooled local switching revenue is included in the total revenue for the CMT basket in calculating the X-factor reduction targeted to the traffic sensitive rate elements, and for companies qualified under paragraph (m)(1)(i) of this section, to pooled elements after the Average Traffic Sensitive Charge reaches the target level. For the purpose of targeting X-factor reductions, companies that allocate pooled local switching revenue to other filing entities pursuant to paragraph (m)(2)(vii) of this section shall include pooled local switching revenue in the total revenue of the CMT basket of the filing entity from which the pooled local switching revenue originated.

(iv) Pooled local switching revenue shall be kept separate from CMT revenue in the CMT basket. CMT rate elements for each filing entity shall first be set based on CMT revenue per line without regard to the presence of pooled local switching revenue for each filing entity.

(v) If the rates generated without regard to the presence of pooled local switching revenue for multi-line business PICC and/or multi-line business SLC are below the nominal caps of $4.31 and $9.20, respectively, pooled amounts can be added to these rate elements to the extent permitted by the nominal caps.

(vi) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 69.152(k) of this chapter, pooled local switching revenue is first added to the multi-line business SLC until the rate equals the nominal cap ($9.20) or the pooled local switching revenue is fully allocated. If pooled local switching revenue remains after applying amounts to the multi-line business SLC, notwithstanding the provisions of § 69.153 of this chapter, the remaining pooled local switching revenue may be added to the multi-line business PICC until the rate equals the nominal cap ($4.31) or the pooled local switching revenue is fully allocated. Unallocated pooled local switching revenue may still remain. For companies pooling pursuant to paragraph (m)(1)(i) of this section, these unallocated amounts may not be recovered from the CCL charge, the primary residential and single-line business SLC, a non-primary residential SLC, or from CMT elements in any other filing entity.

(vii) For companies pooling pursuant to paragraph (m)(1)(ii) of this section, pooled local switching revenue that can not be allocated to the multi-line business PICC and multi-line business SLC rates within an individual filing entity may not be recovered from the CCL charge, primary residential and single-line business SLC or residential/single-line business SLC charges, but may be allocated to other filing entities within the holding company, and collected by adding these amounts to the multi-line business PICC and multi-line business SLC rates. The allocation of pooled local switching revenue among filing entities will be re-calculated at each annual filing. In subsequent annual filings, pooled local switching revenue that was allocated to another filing entity will be reallocated to the filing entity from where it originated, to the full extent permitted by the nominal caps of $9.20 and $4.31.

(viii) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 69.152(k) of this chapter, these unallocated local switching revenues that cannot be recovered fully pursuant to paragraph (m)(2)(vii) of this section are first added to the multi-line business SLC of other filing entities until the resulting rate equals the nominal cap ($9.20) or the pooled local switching revenue for the holding company is fully allocated. If the pooled local switching revenue can be fully allocated to the multi-line business SLC, the amount is distributed to each filing entity with a rate below the nominal cap ($9.20) based on its below-cap multi-line business SLC revenue as a percentage of the total holding company's below-cap multi-line business SLC revenue.

(ix) If pooled local switching revenue remains after applying amounts to the multi-line business SLC of all filing entities in the holding company, pooled local switching revenue may be added to the multi-line business PICC of other filing entities. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 69.153 of this chapter, the remaining pooled local switching revenue is distributed to each filing entity with a rate below the nominal cap ($4.31) based on its below-cap multi-line business PICC revenue as a percentage of the total holding company's below-cap multi-line business PICC revenue.

(x) If pooled local switching revenue is added to the multi-line business SLC but not to the multi-line business PICC for a filing entity that qualified to deaverage SLCs without regard to pooled local switching revenue, the resulting SLC rates can still be deaveraged. Total pooled local switching revenue is added to the deaveraged zone 1 multi-line business SLC rate until the per line rate in zone 1 equals the rate in zone 2 or until the pooled local switching revenue is fully allocated to the deaveraged multi-line business SLC rate for zone 1. If pooled local switching revenue remains after the rate in zone 1 equals zone 2, the deaveraged rates of zone 1 and zone 2 are increased until the pooled local switching revenue is fully allocated to the deaveraged multi-line business SLC rates of zone 1 and 2 or until those rates reach the zone 3 multi-line business SLC rate level. This process continues until pooled local switching revenue is fully allocated to the zone deaveraged rates.

(n) Establishment of the special access basket, effective July 1, 2000.

(1) On the effective date, the PCI value for the special access basket, as defined in § 61.42(d)(5) shall be equal to the PCI for the trunking basket on the day preceding the establishment of the special access basket.

(2) On the effective date, the API value for the special access basket, as defined in § 61.42(d)(5) shall be equal to the API for the trunking basket on the day preceding the establishment of the special access basket.

(3) Service Category, Subcategory, and Density Zone SBIs and Upper Limits.

(i) Interconnection, Tandem Switched Transport, and Signalling Interconnec- tion will retain the SBIs and upper limits and remain in the trunking basket.

(ii) Audio/Video and Wideband will retain the SBIs and upper limits and be moved into the special access basket.

(iii) For Voice Grade, the SBIs and upper limits in both baskets will be equal to the SBIs and upper limits in the existing trunking basket on the day preceding the establishment of the special access basket. Voice Grade density zones in the trunking basket will retain their indices and upper limits. Voice Grade density zones will be initialized in the special access basket when services are first offered in them.

(iv) For High Cap/DDS, DS1, and DS3 category and subcategories, the SBIs and upper limits in both baskets will be equal to the SBIs and upper limits in the existing trunking basket on the day preceding the establishment of the special access basket. SBIs and upper limits for services that are in both combined density zones and either DTT/EF or special access density zones will be calculated by using weighted averages of the indices in the affected zones.

(v) For each DTT/EF-related zone remaining in the trunking basket, the values will be calculated by taking the sum of the products of the DTT/EF revenues times the DTT/EF index (or upper limit) and the DTT/EF-related revenues in the combined zone times the combined index (or upper limit), and dividing by the total DTT/EF-related revenues for that zone.

(vi) For each special access-related zone in the special access basket, the values will be calculated by taking the sum of the products of the special access revenues times the special access index (or upper limit) and the special access-related revenues in the combined zone times the combined index (or upper limit), and dividing by the total special access-related revenues for that zone.

(o) Treatment of acquisitions of exchanges with different ATS Target Rates as set forth in § 61.3(qq):

(1) In the event that a price cap local exchange carrier acquires a filing entity or portion thereof from a price cap local exchange carrier after July 1, 2000, and the price cap local exchange carrier did not have a binding and executed contract to purchase that filing entity or portion thereof as of April 1, 2000, those properties retain their pre-existing Target Rates as set forth in § 61.3(qq). If those properties are merged into a filing entity with a different Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq), the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq) for the merged filing entity will be the weighted average of the Target Rates as set forth in § 61.3(qq) for the properties being combined into a single filing entity, with the average weighted by local switching minutes. When a property acquired as a result of a contract for purchase executed after April 1, 2000 is merged with $0.0095 Target Rate properties, the obligation to apply price cap reductions to reduce CCL, pursuant to § 61.45(b)(iii) does not apply to the properties purchased under contracts executed after April 1, 2000, but continues to apply to the other properties.

(2) For sale of properties for which a holding company was, as of April 1, 2000, under a binding and executed contract to purchase but which close after June 30, 2000, but during tariff year 2000, and that are subject to the $0.0095 Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq), the Average Traffic Sensitive Rate charged by the purchaser for that property will be the greater of $0.0095 or the Average Traffic Sensitive Rate for that property.

[54 FR 19843, May 8, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 42384, Oct. 19, 1990; 56 FR 21617, May 10, 1991; 56 FR 55239, Oct. 25, 1991; 59 FR 10302, Mar. 4, 1994; 60 FR 19528, Apr. 19, 1995; 60 FR 52346, Oct. 6, 1995; 62 FR 31932, June 11, 1997; 64 FR 46590, Aug. 26, 1999; 65 FR 38699, June 21, 2000; 65 FR 57742, 57743, Sept. 26, 2000; 76 FR 43214, July 20, 2011]
§ 61.49 - Supporting information to be submitted with letters of transmittal for tariffs of carriers subject to price cap regulation.

(a) Each price cap tariff filing must be accompanied by supporting materials sufficient to calculate required adjustments to each PCI, API, and SBI pursuant to the methodologies provided in §§ 61.45, 61.46, and 61.47, as applicable.

(b) Each price cap tariff filing that proposes rates that are within applicable bands established pursuant to § 61.47, and that results in an API value that is equal to or less than the applicable PCI value, must be accompanied by supporting materials sufficient to establish compliance with the applicable bands, and to calculate the necessary adjustment to the affected APIs and SBIs pursuant to §§ 61.46 and 61.47, respectively.

(c) Each price cap tariff filing that proposes rates above the applicable band limits established in §§ 61.47 (e) must be accompanied by supporting materials establishing substantial cause for the proposed rates.

(d) Each price cap tariff filing that proposes rates that will result in an API value that exceeds the applicable PCI value must be accompanied by:

(1) An explanation of the manner in which all costs have been allocated among baskets; and

(2) Within the affected basket, a cost assignment slowing down to the lowest possible level of disaggregation, including a detailed explanation of the reasons for the prices of all rate elements to which costs are not assigned.

(e) Each price cap tariff filing that proposes restructuring of existing rates must be accompanied by supporting materials sufficient to make the adjustments to each affected API and SBI required by §§ 61.46(c) and 61.47(d), respectively.

(f)(1) [Reserved]

(2) Each tariff filing submitted by a price cap local exchange carrier that introduces a new loop-based service, as defined in § 61.3(pp) of this part—including a restructured unbundled basic service element (BSE), as defined in § 69.2(mm) of this chapter, that constitutes a new loop-based service—that is or will later be included in a basket, must be accompanied by cost data sufficient to establish that the new loop-based service or unbundled BSE will not recover more than a just and reasonable portion of the carrier's overhead costs.

(3) A price cap local exchange carrier may submit without cost data any tariff filings that introduce new services, other than loop-based services.

(4) A price cap local exchange carrier that has removed its corridor or interstate ntraLATA toll services from its interexchange basket pursuant to § 61.42(d)(4)(ii), may submit its tariff filings for corridor or interstate intraLATA toll services without cost data.

(g) Each tariff filing submitted by a price cap local exchange carrier that introduces a new loop-based service or a restructured unbundled basic service element (BSE), as defined in § 69.2(mm) of this chapter, that is or will later be included in a basket, or that introduces or changes the rates for connection charge subelements for expanded interconnection, as defined in § 69.121 of this chapter, must also be accompanied by:

(1) The following, including complete explanations of the bases for the estimates.

(i) A study containing a projection of costs for a representative 12 month period; and

(ii) Estimates of the effect of the new tariff on the traffic and revenues from the service to which the new tariff applies, the carrier's other service classifications, and the carrier's overall traffic and revenues. These estimates must include the projected effects on the traffic and revenues for the same representative 12 month period used in paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section.

(2) Working papers and statistical data. (i) Concurrently with the filing of any tariff change or tariff filing for a service not previously offered, the issuing carriers must file the working papers containing the information underlying the data supplied in response to paragraph (h)(1) of this section, and a clear explanation of how the working papers relate to that information.

(ii) All statistical studies must be submitted and supported in the form prescribed in § 1.363 of the Commission's rules.

(h) Each tariff filing submitted by a price cap local exchange carrier that introduces or changes the rates for connection charge subelements for expanded interconnection, as defined in § 69.121 of this chapter, must be accompanied by cost data sufficient to establish that such charges will not recover more than a just and reasonable portion of the carrier's overhead costs.

(i) [Reserved]

(j) For a tariff that introduces a system of density pricing zones, as described in § 69.123 of this chapter, the carrier must, before filing its tariff, submit a density pricing zone plan including, inter alia, documentation sufficient to establish that the system of zones reasonably reflects cost-related characteristics, such as the density of total interstate traffic in central offices located in the respective zones, and receive approval of its proposed plan.

(k) [Reserved]

(l) On each page of cost support material submitted pursuant to this section, the issuing carrier shall indicate the transmittal number under which that page was submitted.

[54 FR 19843, May 8, 1989] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 61.49, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 61.50 - Regulation of business data services offered by rate-of-return carriers electing incentive regulation.

(a) A rate-of-return carrier, as defined in § 51.903(g) of this chapter, may elect to offer its business data services subject to incentive regulation pursuant to this section. A rate-of-return carrier may elect to offer business data services subject to incentive regulation pursuant to this section only if all affiliated rate-of-return carriers meeting the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section make the election. A carrier's election under this section is irrevocable.

(b) A rate-of-return carrier is eligible to elect incentive regulation for its business data services if the carrier:

(1) Receives universal service payments pursuant to the Alternative-Connect America Cost Model pursuant to § 54.311 of this chapter;

(2) Is an affiliate of a price cap local exchange carrier operating pursuant to a waiver of § 61.41;

(3) Receives universal service payments pursuant to § 54.306 of this chapter; or

(4) Transitions away from legacy support mechanisms in the future.

(c) A rate-of-return carrier electing to offer business data services pursuant to this section shall employ the procedures outlined in §§ 61.42 through 61.49 to calculate rates for its business data services and adjust its indexes for those rates to the extent those sections are applicable to business data services, except that:

(1) Exogenous costs associated with regulated services shall be allocated to business data services based on relative regulated business data services revenues, compared to regulated revenues and related support receipts; and

(2) An electing carrier is not required to file a short form tariff review plan as required by § 61.49(k).

(d) A rate-of-return carrier electing to offer business data services pursuant to this section must remove its business data services from the NECA Traffic Sensitive Pool. Such a carrier may continue to participate in the NECA Traffic Sensitive Pool and tariff for access services other than business data services.

(e) A rate-of-return carrier offering business data services pursuant to this section may offer those business data services at different rates in different study areas.

(f) A rate-of-return carrier offering business data services pursuant to this section may make a low-end adjustment pursuant to § 61.45(d)(1)(vii) unless it:

(1) Exercises the regulatory relief pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section in any part of its service region; or

(2) Exercises the option to use Generally Accepted Accounting Principles rather than the part 32 Uniform System of Accounts pursuant to § 32.11(g) of this chapter.

(g) A rate-of-return carrier electing to offer business data services pursuant to this section may offer time division multiplexed transport and end user channel termination services at or below a DS3 bandwidth that include:

(1) Volume and term discounts;

(2) Contract-based tariffs, provided that:

(i) Contract-based tariff services are made generally available to all similarly situated customers; and

(ii) The rate-of-return carrier excludes all contract-based tariff offerings from incentive regulation; and

(3) The ability to file tariff revisions on at least one day's notice, notwithstanding the notice requirements for tariff filings specified in § 61.58.

(h) A rate-of-return carrier electing to offer business data services pursuant to this section shall comply with the requirements of § 69.805 of this chapter in its study areas deemed non-competitive pursuant to this section.

(i) The regulation of other services offered by a carrier that offers business data services pursuant to this section shall not be modified as a result of the requirements of this section.

(j)(1) The Wireline Competition Bureau will conduct an initial competitive market test for rate-of-return carriers eligible to elect incentive regulation pursuant to this section. Study areas of such carriers will be deemed competitive if 75 percent of the census blocks within the study area are reported to have a minimum of 10 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload broadband service offered by a cable operator based on the most current publicly available Form 477 data. A list of study areas deemed competitive by the competitive market test will be published on the Commission's website.

(2) The Wireline Competition Bureau will conduct subsequent competitive market tests for rate-of-return carriers electing incentive regulation pursuant to this section contemporaneously with the subsequent tests mandated by § 69.803 of this chapter for price cap carriers.

(3) A study area of an electing carrier deemed competitive by the competitive market test will retain its status in subsequent tests.

(k)(1) Packet-based and time division multiplexed business data services above a DS3 bandwidth offered by a rate-of-return carrier pursuant to this section shall not be subject to ex ante pricing regulation.

(2) Time division multiplexed end user channel termination business data services at or below a DS3 bandwidth offered by a rate-of-return carrier pursuant to this section in study areas deemed competitive by the competitive market test shall not be subject to ex ante pricing regulation.

(3) A rate-of-return carrier electing incentive regulation for its business data services must detariff:

(i) All packet-based and time division multiplexed business data services above a DS3 bandwidth within thirty-six months after the effective date of its election of incentive regulation; and

(ii) All time division multiplexed end user channel termination business data services at or below a DS3 bandwidth in any study area deemed competitive by the competitive market test within thirty-six months after such services shall be deemed competitive in a study area.

(l)(1) A rate-of-return carrier electing incentive regulation for its business data services effective July 1, 2019 must notify the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau of its election by May 1, 2019 for it to become effective concurrent with the annual access tariff filing in 2019.

(2) A rate-of-return carrier electing incentive regulation for its business data services effective July 1, 2020 must notify the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau of its election by May 1, 2020 for it to become effective concurrent with the annual access tariff filing in 2020.

(3) A rate-of-return carrier accepting future offers of Alternative-Connect America Cost Model support or otherwise transitioning away from legacy support mechanisms and electing incentive regulation for its business data services must notify the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau of its election by May 1 following its acceptance of the offer for it to become effective concurrent with that year's annual access tariff filing.

[83 FR 67122, Dec. 28, 2018]
source: 49 FR 40869, Oct. 18, 1984, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 47 CFR 61.45