Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 47 - Telecommunication last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 73.701 - Definitions.

The following definitions apply to terminology employed in this subpart:

(a) International broadcast stations. A broadcasting station employing frequencies allocated to the broadcasting service between 5900 and 26100 kHz, the transmissions of which are intended to be received directly by the general public in foreign countries. (A station may be authorized more than one transmitter.) There are both Federal and non-Federal Government international broadcast stations; only the latter are licensed by the Commission and are subject to the rules of this subpart.

(b) Transmitter-hour. One frequency used on one transmitter for one hour.

(c) Frequency-hour. One frequency used for one hour regardless of the number of transmitters over which it is simultaneously broadcast by a station during that hour.

(d) Multiple operation. Broadcasting by a station on one frequency over two or more transmitters simultaneously. If a station uses the same frequency simultaneously on each of two (three, etc.) transmitters for an hour, it uses one frequency-hour and two (three, etc.) transmitter-hours.

(e) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Time scale, based on the second (SI), as defined in Recommendation ITU-R TF.460-6. For most practical purposes associated with the ITU Radio Regulations, UTC is equivalent to mean solar time at the prime meridian (0° longitude), formerly expressed in GMT. (RR)

(f) Sunspot number. The 12-month running average of the number of sunspots for any month as indicated in the U.S. Department of Commerce Telecommunications Research and Engineering Report No. 13—available from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, DC 20402. The sunspot number varies in an approximate 11-year cycle.

(g) Day. Any twenty-four hour period beginning 0100 UTC and ending 0100 UTC.

(h) Schedule A. That portion of any year commencing at 0100 UTC on the last Sunday in March and ending at 0100 UTC on the last Sunday in October.

(i) Schedule B. That portion of any year commencing at 0100 UTC on the last Sunday in October and ending at 0100 UTC on the last Sunday in March.

(j) [Reserved]

(k) Seasonal schedule. An assignment, for a season, of a frequency or frequencies, and other technical parameters, to be used by a station for transmission to particular zones or areas of reception during specified hours.

(l) Reference month. That month of a season which is used for determining predicted propagation characteristics for the season. The reference month for Schedule A is July and the reference month for Schedule B is December.

(m) Maximum usable frequency (MUF). The highest frequency which is returned by ionospheric radio propagation to the surface of the earth for a particular path and time of day for 50 percent of the days of the reference month.

(n) Optimum working frequency (FOT). The highest frequency which is returned by ionospheric radio propagation to the surface of the earth for a particular path and time of day for 90 percent of the days of the reference month.


The international abbreviation for optimum working frequency, FOT, is formed with the initial letters of the French words for “optimum working frequency” which are “frequence optimum de travail.”

(o) Zone of reception. Any geographic zone indicated in § 73.703 in which the reception of particular programs is specifically intended and in which broadcast coverage is contemplated.

(p) Area of reception. Any geographic area smaller than a zone of reception in which the reception of particular programs is specifically intended and in which broadcast coverage is contemplated, such areas being indicated by countries or parts of countries.

(q) Delivered median field strength, or field strength. The field strength incident upon the zone or area of reception expressed in microvolts per meter, or decibels above one microvolt per meter, which is exceeded by the hourly median value for 50 percent of the days of the reference month.

(r) Carrier power. The average power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter during one radio frequency cycle under conditions of no modulation.

[38 FR 18892, July 16, 1973, as amended at 68 FR 25538, May 13, 2003; 70 FR 46676, Aug. 10, 2005]
§ 73.702 - Assignment and use of frequencies.

(a) Frequencies will be assigned by the Commission prior to the start of each season to authorized international broadcasting stations for use during the season at specified hours and for transmission to specified zones or areas of reception, with specified power and antenna bearing. Six months prior to the start of each season, licensees and permittees shall by informal written request, submitted to the Commission electronically in the International Communications Filing System (ICFS), indicate for the season the frequency or frequencies desired for transmission to each zone or area of reception specified in the license or permit, the specific hours during which it desires to transmit to such zones or areas on each frequency, and the power, antenna gain, and antenna bearing it desires to use. Requests will be honored to the extent that interference and propagation conditions permit and that they are otherwise in accordance with the provisions of this section.

(b) After necessary processing of the requests required by paragraph (a) of this section, the Commission will notify each licensee and permittee of the frequencies, hours of use thereof to specified zones or areas of reception, power, and antenna bearing which it intends to authorize for the season in question. After receipt of such notification, the licensee or permittee shall, in writing, not later than two months before the start of the season in question, electronically inform the Commission in ICFS either that it plans to operate in accordance with the authorization which the Commission intends to issue, or that it plans to operate in another manner. If the licensee or permittee indicates that it plans to operate in another manner, it shall furnish explanatory details.

(c) If after submitting the request required under the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, but before receipt of the Commission's notification referred to in paragraph (b) of this section, the licensee or permittee submits a request for changes of its original request electronically in ICFS such requests will be accepted for consideration only if accompanied by statements showing good cause therefor and will be honored only if conditions permit. If the information required to be submitted by the licensee or permittee under the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section indicates that operation in another manner is contemplated, and the explanatory details contain a request for change in the originally proposed manner of operation, such requests will be accepted for consideration only if accompanied by statements showing good cause therefor and will be honored only if conditions permit. If after the licensee or permittee submits the information required under the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section, but before the start of the season in question, the licensee or permittee submits electronically in ICFS a request for changes in its manner of operation for the season in question, the request will be accepted for consideration only if accompanied by statements showing good cause therefor and will be honored only if conditions permit. If after the start of a season the licensee or permittee submits a request for changes in the manner of operation as authorized, the request will be considered only if accompanied by statements showing good cause therefor, and will be honored only if conditions permit.

(d) The provisions of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of the section shall apply to licensees, to permittees operating under program test authority, and to permittees who anticipate applying for and receiving program test authority for operation during the specified season. Permittees who during the process of construction wish to engage in equipment tests shall by informal written request, submitted to the Commission electronically in ICFS not less than 30 days before they desire to begin such testing, indicate the frequencies they desire to use for testing and the hours they desire to use those frequencies. No equipment testing shall occur until the Commission has authorized frequencies and hours for such testing. Such authorizations shall be only for one season, and if it is desired to continue equipment testing in a following season, new requests for frequencies and hours must be submitted at least 30 days before it is desired to begin testing in the following season.

(e) Within 14 days after the end of each season, a report shall be filed with the Commission electronically in ICFS by each licensee or permittee operating under program test authority who has been issued a seasonal schedule for that season. The report shall state whether the licensee or permittee has operated the number of frequency-hours authorized by the seasonal schedule to each of the zones or areas of reception specified in the schedule. If such operation has not occurred, a detailed explanation of that fact shall also be submitted which includes specific dates, frequency-hours not used, and reasons for the failure to operate as authorized. The report shall also contain information that has been received by the licensee or permittee as to reception or interference, and conclusions with regard to propagation characteristics of frequencies that were assigned for the season in question.

(f) Assigned frequencies. To the extent practicable, the frequencies assigned to international broadcast stations shall be within the following frequency bands, which are allocated to the broadcasting service on a primary and exclusive basis, except as noted in paragraph (f)(1)(ii) of this section:

(1) In all Regions:

(i) Exclusive: 5,900-6,200 kHz; 7,300-7,350 kHz; 9,400-9,900 kHz; 11,600-12,100 kHz; 13,570-13,870 kHz; 15,100-15,800 kHz; 17,480-17,900 kHz; 18,900-19,020 kHz; 21,450-21,850 kHz; and 25,670-26,100 kHz.

(ii) Co-primary: 7,350-7,400 kHz, except in the countries listed in 47 CFR 2.106, footnote 5.143C, where this band is also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis.

(2) In Region 1 and Region 3: 7,200-7,300 kHz and 7,400-7,450 kHz.

Note to paragraph (f):

For the allocation of frequencies, the ITU has divided the world into three Regions, which are defined in 47 CFR 2.104(b). The bands 7,200-7,300 kHz and 7,400-7,450 kHz are not allocated to the broadcasting service in Region 2. Subject to not causing harmful interference to the broadcasting service, fixed and mobile services may operate in certain of the international broadcasting bands; see 47 CFR 2.106, footnotes 5.136, 5.143, 5.143A, 5.143B, 5.143D, 5.146, 5.147, and 5.151.

(g) [Reserved]

(h) Requirements for Regional operation. (1) Frequency assignments in the bands 7,200-7,300 kHz and 7,400-7,450 kHz shall be restricted to international broadcast stations in the Pacific insular areas that are located in Region 3 (as defined in 47 CFR 2.105(a), note 3) that transmit to geographical zones and areas of reception in Region 1 or Region 3.

(2) During the hours of 0800-1600 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) antenna gain with reference to an isotropic radiator in any easterly direction that would intersect any area in Region 2 shall not exceed 2.15 dBi, except in the case where a transmitter power of less than 100 kW is used. In this case, antenna gain on restricted azimuths shall not exceed that which is determined in accordance with equation below. Stations desiring to operate in this band must submit sufficient antenna performance information electronically in ICFS to ensure compliance with these restrictions.Permitted gain for transmitter powers less than 100 kW:

Where: Gi = maximum gain permitted with reference to an isotropic radiator. Pa = Transmitter power employed in kW.

(i) Frequencies requested for assignment must be as near as practicable to the optimum working frequency (unless otherwise justified) for the zone or area of reception for the period and path of transmission, and should be chosen so that a given frequency will provide the largest period of reliable transmission to the selected zone or area of reception. Moreover, at the zone or area of reception frequencies shall provide protection to the transmissions of other broadcasting stations which, in the opinion of the Commission, have priority of assignment.

(1) Requests for frequency-hours shall be accompanied by all pertinent technical data with reference to the frequencies and hours of operation, including calculated field strengths delivered to the zones or areas of reception.

(2) It is preferable that calculated field strengths delivered to zones or areas of reception be equal to or greater than those required by I.F.R.B. Technical Standards, Series A (and supplements thereto), in order for the I.F.R.B. to afford the notified assignment protection from interference. Nevertheless, calculated field strengths less than those required by the I.F.R.B. standards for protection will be acceptable to the Commission. However, licensees should note that if such lesser field strengths are submitted no protection from interference will be provided by the I.F.R.B. if their technical examination of such notifications show incompatibilities with other notified assignments fully complying with I.F.R.B. technical standards.

(3) Licensees are permitted to engage in multiple operation as defined in § 73.701(d).

(4) Seasonal requests for frequency-hours will be only for transmissions to zones or areas of reception specified in the basic instrument of authorization. Changes in such zones or areas will be made only on separate application for modification of such instruments made electronically in ICFS.

(j) Not more than one frequency will be assigned for use at any one time for any one program transmission except in instances where a program is intended for reception in more than one zone or area of reception and the intended zones or areas cannot be served by a single frequency: Provided, however, That on a showing of good cause made electronically in ICFS a licensee may be authorized to operate on more than one frequency at any one time to transmit any one program to a single zone or area of reception.

(k) Any frequency assigned to a licensee or permittee shall also be available for assignment to other licensees or permittees.

(l) All assignments of frequencies and the hours during which they will be used will be made with the express understanding that they are subject to immediate cancellation or change without hearing whenever the Commission determines that interference or propagation conditions so require and that each frequency-hour assignment for a given seasonal schedule is unique unto itself and not necessarily available for use during a subsequent season.

(m) The total maximum number of frequency-hours which will be authorized to all licensees of international broadcasting stations during any one day for any season is 100. The number of frequency-hours allocated to any licensee will depend on past usage, availability, and need. If for a forthcoming season the total of the requests for daily frequency-hours of all licensees exceeds 100, all licensees will be notified and each licensee that makes an adequate showing electronically in ICFS that good cause exists for not having its requested number of frequency-hours reduced and that operation of its station without such reduction would be consistent with the public interest may be authorized the frequency-hours requested.


The provisions of this paragraph are not to be construed to mean that a total of 100 (or more) frequency-hours per day is assured licensees. Frequency-hours will only be assigned to the extent that they are available. It is the responsibility of each licensee to make all technical studies to show that frequency-hours requested by it are available and suitable for use as proposed.

[38 FR 18892, July 16, 1973, as amended at 51 FR 9965, Mar. 24, 1986; 68 FR 25538, May 13, 2003; 70 FR 46676, Aug. 10, 2005; 73 FR 25496, May 6, 2008; 75 FR 63031, Oct. 13, 2010; 86 FR 54399, Oct. 1, 2021; 88 FR 21446, Apr. 10, 2023]
§ 73.703 - Geographical zones and areas of reception.

The zones or areas of reception to be served by international broadcasting stations shall be based on the following map, and directive antennas shall be employed to direct transmissions thereto:

[38 FR 18893, July 16, 1973, as amended at 68 FR 25538, May 13, 2003]
§ 73.712 - Equipment tests.

(a) During the process of construction of an international broadcasting station, the permittee, having obtained authorization for frequencies and hours as set forth in the Note to § 73.702(d) may, without further authority of the FCC, conduct equipment tests for the purpose of such adjustments and measurements as may be necessary to assure compliance with the terms of the construction permit, the technical provisions of the application therefor and the rules and regulations. Such tests shall use voice identification and test tones only. No programming shall be conducted during equipment tests.

(b) The Commission may notify the permittee to conduct no tests or may cancel, suspend, or change the date for the beginning of equipment tests when and if such action may appear to be in the public interest, convenience, and necessity.

(c) Equipment tests may be continued so long as the construction permit shall remain valid: Provided, however, That the procedure set forth in paragraph (a) of this section must be repeated prior to the conducting of such tests in each season after the season in which the testing began.

(d) The authorization for tests embodied in this section shall not be construed as constituting a license to operate but as a necessary part of construction.

[28 FR 13696, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 37 FR 25842, Dec. 5, 1972. Redesignated and amended at 38 FR 18894, July 16, 1973; 47 FR 40174, Sept. 13, 1982]
§ 73.713 - Program tests.

(a) Upon completion of construction of an international broadcasting station in accordance with the terms of the construction permit, the technical provisions of the application therefor, and the rules and regulations and the applicable engineering standards, and when an application for station license has been filed showing the station to be in satisfactory operating condition, the permittee may request authority to conduct program tests. Such request shall be electronically filed with the FCC in the International Communications Filing System (ICFS) at least 10 days prior to the date on which it is desired to begin such operation. All data necessary to show compliance with the terms and conditions of the construction permit must be filed with the license application.

(b) Program tests shall not commence until specific Commission authority is received. The Commission reserves the right to change the date of the beginning of such tests or to suspend or revoke the authority for program tests as and when such action may appear to be in the public interest, convenience, and necessity.

(c) Unless sooner suspended or revoked, program test authority continues valid during Commission consideration of the application for license and during this period further extension of the construction permit is not required. Program test authority shall be automatically terminated by final determination upon the application for station license.

(d) All operation under program test authority shall be in strict compliance with the rules governing international broadcasting stations and in strict accordance with representations made in the application for license pursuant to which the tests were authorized.

(e) The granting of program test authority shall not be construed as approval by the Commission of the application for station license.

[38 FR 18894, July 16, 1973, as amended at 47 FR 40174, Sept. 13, 1982; 86 FR 54401, Oct. 1, 2021; 88 FR 21447, Apr. 10, 2023]
§ 73.731 - Licensing requirements.

(a) A license for an international broadcasting station will be issued only after a satisfactory showing has been made in regard to the following, among others:

(1) That there is a need for the international broadcasting service proposed to be rendered.

(2) That the necessary program sources are available to the applicant to render the international service proposed.

(3) That the production of the program service and the technical operation of the proposed station will be conducted by qualified persons.

(4) That the applicant is legally, technically and financially qualified and possesses adequate technical facilities to carry forward the service proposed.

(5) That the public interest, convenience and necessity will be served through the operation of the proposed station.

[38 FR 18895, July 16, 1973]
§ 73.732 - Authorizations.

Authorizations issued to international broadcasting stations by the Commission will be authorizations to permit the construction or use of a particular transmitting equipment combination and related antenna systems for international broadcasting, and to permit broadcasting to zones or areas of reception specified on the instrument of authorization. The authorizations will not specify the frequencies to be used or the hours of use. Requests for frequencies and hours of use will be made by electronic filing in the International Communications Filing System (ICFS) as provided in § 73.702. Seasonal schedules, when issued pursuant to the provisions of § 73.702, will become attachments to and part of the instrument of authorization, replacing any such prior attachments.

[88 FR 21447, Apr. 10, 2023]
§ 73.733 - Normal license period.

All international broadcast station licenses will be issued so as to expire at the hour of 3 a.m. local time and will be issued for a normal period of 8 years expiring November 1.

[62 FR 5347, Feb. 5, 1997]
§ 73.751 - Operating power.

No international broadcast station shall be authorized to install, or be licensed for operation of, transmitter equipment with:

(a) A rated carrier power of less than 50 kilowatts (kW) if double-sideband (DSB) modulation is used,

(b) A peak envelope power of less than 50 kW if single-sideband (SSB) modulation is used, or

(c) A mean power of less than 10 kW if digital modulation is used.

[70 FR 46676, Aug. 10, 2005]
§ 73.753 - Antenna systems.

All international broadcasting stations shall operate with directional antennas. Such antennas shall be designed and operated so that the radiated power in the maximum lobe toward the specific zone or area of reception intended to be served shall be at least 10 times the average power from the antenna in the horizontal plane. Radiation in all other directions shall be suppressed to the maximum extent technically feasible. In order to eliminate or mitigate harmful interference, the direction of the maximum lobe may be adjusted upon approval of the Commission.

(Secs. 4, 5, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1068, 1082 (47 U.S.C. 154,155,303,July,1973,as,Nov. 15, 1979]
§ 73.754 - Frequency monitors.

(a) The licensee of each international broadcast station shall operate a frequency monitor at the transmitter independent of the frequency control of the transmitter.

(b) The frequency monitor shall be designed and constructed in accordance with good engineering practice. It shall have an accuracy sufficient to determine that the operating frequency is within one-half of the allowed tolerance.

[37 FR 25842, Dec. 5, 1972]
§ 73.755 - Modulation monitors.

The licensee of each international broadcast station shall have a modulation monitor in operation at the transmitter.

[37 FR 25842, Dec. 5, 1972]
§ 73.756 - System specifications for double-sideband (DBS) modulated emissions in the HF broadcasting service.

(a) Channel spacing. The nominal spacing for DSB shall be 10 kHz. However, the interleaved channels with a separation of 5 kHz may be used in accordance with the relative protection criteria, provided that the interleaved emission is not to the same geographical area as either of the emissions between which it is interleaved.

(b) Emission characteristics—(1) Nominal carrier frequencies. Nominal carrier frequencies shall be integral multiples of 5 kHz.

(2) Audio-frequency band. The upper limit of the audio-frequency band (at—3 dB) of the transmitter shall not exceed 4.5 kHz and the lower limit shall be 150 Hz, with lower frequencies attenuated at a slope of 6 dB per octave.

(3) Modulation processing. If audio-frequency signal processing is used, the dynamic range of the modulating signal shall be not less than 20 dB.

(4) Necessary bandwidth. The necessary bandwidth shall not exceed 9 kHz.

[70 FR 46677, Aug. 10, 2005]
§ 73.757 - System specifications for single-sideband (SSB) modulated emissions in the HF broadcasting service.

(a) System parameters—(1) Channel spacing. In a mixed DSB, SSB and digital environment (see Resolution 517 (Rev.WRC-03)), the channel spacing shall be 10 kHz. In the interest of spectrum conservation, it is also permissible to interleave SSB emissions midway between two adjacent DSB channels, i.e., with 5 kHz separation between carrier frequencies, provided that the interleaved emission is not to the same geographical area as either of the emissions between which it is interleaved. In an all inclusive SSB environment, the channel spacing and carrier frequency separation shall be 5 kHz.

(2) Equivalent sideband power. When the carrier reduction relative to peak envelope power is 6 dB, an equivalent SSB emission is one giving the same audio-frequency signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver output as the corresponding DSB emission, when it is received by a DSB receiver with envelope detection. This is achieved when the sideband power of the SSB emission is 3 dB larger than the total sideband power of the DSB emission. (The peak envelope power of the equivalent SSB emission and the carrier power are the same as that of the DSB emission.)

(b) Emission characteristics—(1) Nominal carrier frequencies. Nominal carrier frequencies shall be integral multiples of 5 kHz.

(2) Frequency tolerance. The frequency tolerance shall be 10 Hz.

Note 1 to paragraph (b)(2):

The ITU suggests that administrations avoid carrier frequency differences of a few hertz, which cause degradations similar to periodic fading. This could be avoided if the frequency tolerance were 0.1 Hz, a tolerance which would be suitable for SSB emissions.

Note 2 to paragraph (b)(2):

The SSB system adopted for the bands allocated exclusively to HF broadcasting does not require a frequency tolerance less than 10 Hz. The degradation mentioned in Note 1 occurs when the ratio of wanted-to-interfering signal is well below the required protection ratio. This remark is equally valid for both DSB and SSB emissions.

(3) Audio-frequency band. The upper limit of the audio-frequency band (at—3 dB) of the transmitter shall not exceed 4.5 kHz with a further slope of attenuation of 35 dB/kHz and the lower limit shall be 150 Hz with lower frequencies attenuated at a slope of 6 dB per octave.

(4) Modulation processing. If audio-frequency signal processing is used, the dynamic range of the modulating signal shall be not less than 20 dB.

(5) Necessary bandwidth. The necessary bandwidth shall not exceed 4.5 kHz.

(6) Carrier reduction (relative to peak envelope power). In a mixed DSB, SSB and digital environment, the carrier reduction shall be 6 dB to allow SSB emissions to be received by conventional DSB receivers with envelope detection without significant deterioration of the reception quality.

(7) Sideband to be emitted. Only the upper sideband shall be used.

(8) Attenuation of the unwanted sideband. The attenuation of the unwanted sideband (lower sideband) and of intermodulation products in that part of the emission spectrum shall be at least 35 dB relative to the wanted sideband signal level. However, since there is in practice a large difference between signal amplitudes in adjacent channels, a greater attenuation is recommended.

[70 FR 46677, Aug. 10, 2005]
§ 73.758 - System specifications for digitally modulated emissions in the HF broadcasting service.

(a) For digitally modulated emissions, the Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) standard shall be employed. Both digital audio broadcasting and datacasting are authorized. The RF requirements for the DRM system are specified in paragraphs (b) and (c), of this section.

(b) System parameters—(1) Channel spacing. The initial spacing for digitally modulated emissions shall be 10 kHz. However, interleaved channels with a separation of 5 kHz may be used in accordance with the appropriate protection criteria appearing in Resolution 543 (WRC-03), provided that the interleaved emission is not to the same geographical area as either of the emissions between which it is interleaved.

(2) Channel utilization. Channels using digitally modulated emissions may share the same spectrum or be interleaved with analog emissions in the same high frequency broadcasting (HFBC) band, provided the protection afforded to the analog emissions is at least as great as that which is currently in force for analog-to-analog protection. Accomplishing this may require that the digital spectral power density (and total power) be lower by several dB than is currently used for either DSB or SSB emissions.

(c) Emission characteristics—(1) Bandwidth and center frequency. A full digitally modulated emission will have a 10 kHz bandwidth with its center frequency at any of the 5 kHz center frequency locations in the channel raster currently in use within the HFBC bands. Among several possible “simulcast” modes are those having a combination of analog and digital emissions of the same program in the same channel, that may use a digital emission of 5 kHz or 10 kHz bandwidth, next to either a 5 kHz or 10 kHz analog emission. In all cases of this type, the 5 kHz interleaved raster used in HFBC shall be adhered to in placing the emission within these bands.

(2) Frequency tolerance. The frequency tolerance shall be 10 Hz. See Section 73.757(b)(2), notes 1 and 2.

(3) Audio-frequency band. The quality of service, using digital source coding within a 10 kHz bandwidth, taking into account the need to adapt the emission coding for various levels of error avoidance, detection and correction, can range from the equivalent of monophonic FM (approximately 15 kHz) to the low-level performance of a speech codec (of the order of 3 kHz). The choice of audio quality is connected to the needs of the broadcaster and listener, and includes the consideration of such characteristics as the propagation conditions expected. There is no single specification, only the upper and lower bounds noted in this paragraph.

(4) Modulation. Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) shall be used. 64-QAM is feasible under many propagation conditions; others such as 32-, 16- and 8-QAM are specified for use when needed.

(5) RF protection ratio values. The protection ratio values for analogue and digital emissions for co-channel and adjacent channel conditions shall be in accordance with Resolution 543 (WRC-03) as provisional RF protection ratio values subject to revision or confirmation by a future competent conference.

[70 FR 46677, Aug. 10, 2005]
§ 73.759 - Auxiliary transmitters.

Upon showing that a need exists for the use of auxiliary transmitters, a license may be issued provided that:

(a) Auxiliary transmitters may be installed either at the same location as the main transmitters or at another location.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) The auxiliary transmitters shall be maintained so that they may be put into immediate operation at any time for the following purposes:

(1) The transmission of the regular programs upon the failure of the main transmitters.

(2) The transmission of regular programs during maintenance or modification work on the main transmitter, necessitating discontinuance of its operation for a period not to exceed 5 days. (This includes the equipment changes which may be made without authority as set forth elsewhere in the rules and regulations or as authorized by the Commission by letter or by construction permit. Where such operation is required for periods in excess of 5 days, request therefor shall be made electronically in the International Communications Filing System (ICFS) in accordance with § 73.3542).

(3) Upon request by a duly authorized representative of the Commission.

(d) The auxiliary transmitters shall be tested at least once each week to determine that they are in proper operating condition and that they are adjusted to the proper frequency except that in the case of operation in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section during any week, the test in that week may be omitted provided the operation under paragraph (c) of this section is satisfactory. A record shall be kept of the time and result of each test. Such records shall be retained for a period of two years.

(e) The auxiliary transmitters shall be equipped with satisfactory control equipment which will enable the maintenance of the frequency emitted by the station within the limits prescribed by the regulations in this part.

(f) The operating power of an auxiliary transmitter may be less but not greater than the authorized power of the main transmitters.

[28 FR 13696, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 37 FR 25843, Dec. 5, 1972; 60 FR 55480, Nov. 1, 1995. Redesignated at 70 FR 46677, Aug. 10, 2005, as amended at 86 FR 54401, Oct. 1, 2021; 88 FR 21447, Apr. 10, 2023]
§ 73.760 - Alternate main transmitters.

The licensee of an international broadcast station may be licensed for alternate main transmitters provided that a technical need for such alternate transmitters is shown and that the following conditions are met: Both transmitters:

(a) Are located at the same place;

(b) Shall have the same power rating; and

(c) Shall meet the construction, installation, operation, and performance requirements of good engineering practice.

[37 FR 25843, Dec. 5, 1972. Redesignated at 70 FR 46677, Aug. 10, 2005]
§ 73.761 - Modification of transmission systems.

Specific authority, upon electronic filing of a formal application (FCC Form 309) therefor in the International Communications Filing System (ICFS), is required for any of the following changes:

(a) Change involving an increase or decrease in the power rating of the transmitters.

(b) A replacement of the transmitters as a whole.

(c) Change in the location of the transmitting antenna.

(d) Change in the power delivered to the antenna.

(e) Change in frequency control and/or modulation system.

(f) Change in direction or gain of antenna system.

(g) Other changes, not specified above in this section, may be made at any time without the authority of the Commission: Provided, That the Commission shall be immediately notified electronically in ICFS thereof and such changes shall be shown in the next application for renewal of license.

[86 FR 54401, Oct. 1, 2021, as amended at 88 FR 21447, Apr. 10, 2023]
§ 73.762 - Time of operation.

(a) All international broadcasting stations shall operate in accordance with the times indicated on their seasonal schedules.

(b) In the event that causes beyond a licensee's control make it impossible to adhere to the seasonal schedule or to continue operating, the station may limit or discontinue operation for a period of not more than 10 days, without further authority from the FCC. However, in such cases, the FCC shall be immediately notified by electronic filing in the International Communications Filing System (ICFS) of such limitation or discontinuance of operation and shall subsequently be notified by electronic filing in ICFS when the station resumes regular operation.

(c) In the event that causes beyond a licensee's control make it impossible to adhere to the seasonal schedule or to continue operating for a temporary period of more than 10 days, the station may not limit or discontinue operation until it requests and receives specific authority to do so from the FCC by electronic filing in ICFS. When the station subsequently resumes regular operation after such limited operation or discontinuance of operation, it shall notify the FCC in Washington, DC by electronic filing in ICFS. The license of a broadcasting station that fails to transmit broadcast signals for any consecutive 12-month period expires as a matter of law at the end of that period, notwithstanding any provision, term, or condition of the license to the contrary.

[38 FR 18895, July 16, 1973, as amended at 47 FR 40174, Sept. 13, 1982; 61 FR 28767, June 6, 1996. Redesignated at 70 FR 46677, Aug. 10, 2005; 86 FR 54401, Oct. 1, 2021; 88 FR 21447, Apr. 10, 2023]
§ 73.765 - Determining operating power.

The operating power specified in § 73.751 shall be determined by use of a calibrated dummy load or by any other method specified by the licensee and accepted by the Commission. Such method may subsequently be used by the licensee to maintain the authorized operating power.

(Secs. 4, 5, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1068, 1082 (47 U.S.C. 154,155,303,July,1973,as,Nov. 15, 1979]
§ 73.766 - [Reserved]
§ 73.781 - Logs.

The licensee or permittee of each international broadcast station must maintain the station log in the following manner:

(a) In the program log:

(1) An entry of the time each station identification announcement (call letters and location) is made.

(2) An entry briefly describing each program broadcast, such as “music”, “drama”, “speech”, etc., together with the name or title thereof, language, and the sponsor's name, with the time of the beginning and ending of the complete program.

(3) For each program of network origin, an entry showing the name of the network originating the program.

[28 FR 13696, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 37 FR 25843, Dec. 5, 1972; 48 FR 38480, Aug. 24, 1983]
§ 73.782 - Retention of logs.

Logs of international broadcast stations shall be retained by the licensee or permittee for a period of two years: Provided, however, That logs involving communications incident to a disaster or which include communications incident to or involved in an investigation by the Commission and concerning which the licensee or permittee has been notified, shall be retained by the licensee or permittee until he is specifically authorized in writing by the Commission to destroy them: Provided, further, That logs incident to or involved in any claim or complaint of which the licensee or permittee has notice shall be retained by the licensee or permittee until such claim or complaint has been fully satisfied or until the same has been barred by statute limiting the time for the filing of suits upon such claims.

[28 FR 13696, Dec. 14, 1963]
§ 73.787 - Station identification.

(a) A licensee of an international broadcast station shall make station identification announcement (call letters and location), at the beginning and ending of each time of operation and during the operation on the hour.

(b) Station identification, program announcements, and oral continuity shall be made with international significance (language particularly) which is designed for the foreign country or countries for which the service is primarily intended.

[28 FR 13696, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 34 FR 19762, Dec. 17, 1969; 38 FR 18896, July 16, 1973]
§ 73.788 - Service; commercial or sponsored programs.

(a) A licensee of an international broadcast station shall render only an international broadcast service which will reflect the culture of this country and which will promote international goodwill, understanding, and cooperation. Any program solely intended for and directed to an audience in the continental United States does not meet the requirements for this service.

(b) Such international broadcast service may include commercial or sponsored programs: Provided, That:

(1) Commercial program continuities give no more than the name of the sponsor of the program and the name and general character of the commodity, utility or service, or attraction advertised.

(2) In case of advertising a commodity, the commodity is regularly sold or is being promoted for sale on the open market in the foreign country or countries to which the program is directed in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(3) In case of advertising an American utility or service to prospective tourists or visitors to the United States, the advertisement continuity is particularly directed to such persons in the foreign country or countries where they reside and to which the program is directed in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(4) In case of advertising an international attraction (such as a world fair, resort, spa, etc.) to prospective tourists or visitors to the United States, the oral continuity concerning such attraction is consistent with the purpose and intent of this section.

(5) In case of any other type of advertising, such advertising is directed to the foreign country or countries to which the program is directed and is consistent with the purpose and intent of this section.

(c) The geographic areas to be served by international broadcasting stations are the zones and areas of reception shown in § 73.703.

(d) An international broadcast station may transmit the program of a AM broadcast station or network system: Provided, That the conditions in paragraph (b) of this section as to any commercial continuities are observed and when station identifications are made, only the call letter designation of the international station is given and its assigned frequency: And provided further, That in the case of chain broadcasting the program is not carried simultaneously by another international station (except another station owned by the same licensee operated on a frequency in a different group to obtain continuity of signal service), the signals from which are directed to the same area. (See section 3(p) of the Communications Act of 1934 for the definition of “chain broadcasting.”)

[28 FR 13696, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 37 FR 25843, Dec. 5, 1972; 38 FR 18896, July 16, 1973]
cite as: 47 CFR 73.751