Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 31, 2025
Title 47 - Telecommunication last revised: Jan 27, 2025
§ 73.7000 - Definition of terms (as used in subpart K only).
Attributable interest. An interest of an applicant, its parent, subsidiaries, their officers, and members of their governing boards that would be cognizable under the standards in the notes to § 73.3555. Also an interest of an entity providing more than 33 percent of an applicant's equity and/or debt that also either (1) supplies more than 15% of the station's weekly programming, or (2) has an attributable interest pursuant to § 73.3555 in media in the same market.
Established local applicant. An applicant that has, for at least the two years (24 months) immediately preceding application, met the definition of local applicant.
Local applicant. An applicant physically headquartered, having a campus, or having 75% of board members residing within 25 miles of the reference coordinates for the community to be served, or a governmental entity within its area of jurisdiction.
Near reservation lands. Those areas or communities adjacent or contiguous to reservation or other Trust lands which are designated by the Department of Interior's Commission of Indian Affairs upon recommendation of the Local Bureau of Indian Affairs Superintendent, which recommendation shall be based upon consultation with the tribal governing body of those reservations, as locales appropriate for the extension of financial assistance and/or social services on the basis of such general criteria as: Number of Indian people native to the reservation residing in the area; a written designation by the tribal governing body that members of their tribe and family members who are Indian residing in the area, are socially, culturally and economically affiliated with their tribe and reservation; geographical proximity of the area to the reservation and administrative feasibility of providing an adequate level of services to the area.
Nonreserved (Unreserved) channels. Channels which are not reserved exclusively for noncommercial educational use, and for which commercial entities could thus be eligible to operate full power stations. Such channels appear without an asterisk designation in the FM Table of Allotments (§ 73.202) and TV Table of Allotments (§ 73.622(j)). In the event of a request to allocate a nonreserved channel as reserved pursuant to § 73.202(a) or § 73.622)(j), the channel remains classified as nonreserved until release of a Commission decision granting such request.
On-air operations. Broadcast of program material to the public pursuant to Commission authority, generally beginning with program test authority, for periods of time that meet any required minimum operating schedule, e.g., § 73.561(a).
Population. The number of people calculated using the most recent census block data provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Reservations. Any federally recognized Indian tribe's reservation, pueblo or colony, including former reservations in Oklahoma, Alaska Native regions established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlements Act (85 Stat. 688) and Indian allotments, for which a Tribe exercises regulatory jurisdiction.
Reserved channels. Channels reserved exclusively for noncommercial educational use, whether by the portion of the spectrum in which they are located (i.e., FM channels 200 to 220) or by a case-by-case Commission allotment decision (channels that appear with an asterisk designation in the FM Table of Allotments (§ 73.202) or TV Table of Allotments (§ 73.622(j)).
Tribe. Any Indian or Alaska Native tribe, band, nation, pueblo, village or community which is acknowledged by the federal government to constitute a government-to-government relationship with the United States and eligible for the programs and services established by the United States for Indians. See The Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994 (Indian Tribe Act), Public Law 103-454. 108 Stat. 4791 (1994) (the Secretary of the Interior is required to publish in the Federal Register an annual list of all Indian Tribes which the Secretary recognizes to be eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians).
Tribal applicant. (1) A Tribe or consortium of Tribes, or
(2) An entity that is 51 percent or more owned or controlled by a Tribe or Tribes that occupy Tribal Lands that receive Tribal Coverage.
Tribal coverage. (1) Coverage of a Tribal Applicant's or Tribal Applicants' Tribal Lands by at least 50 percent of a facility's 60 dBu (1 mV/m) contour, or
(2) The facility's 60 dBu (1 mV/m) contour—
(i) Covers 50 percent or more of a Tribal Applicant's or Tribal Applicants' Tribal Lands,
(ii) Serves at least 2,000 people living on Tribal Lands, and
(iii) The total population on Tribal Lands residing within the station's service contour constitutes at least 50 percent of the total covered population. In neither paragraphs (1) nor (2) of this definition may the applicant claim the priority if the proposed principal community contour would cover more than 50 percent of the Tribal Lands of a non-applicant Tribe. To the extent that Tribal Lands include fee lands not owned by Tribes or members of Tribes, the outer boundaries of such lands shall delineate the coverage area, with no deduction of area for fee lands not owned by Tribes or members of Tribes.
Tribal lands. Both Reservations and Near reservation lands. This definition includes American Indian Reservations and Trust Lands, Tribal Jurisdiction Statistical Areas, Tribal Designated Statistical Areas, Hawaiian Homelands, and Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas, as well as the communities situated on such lands.
[65 FR 36380, June 8, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 15356, Mar. 19, 2001; 75 FR 9807, Mar. 4, 2010; 76 FR 18953, Apr. 6, 2011; 86 FR 66213, Nov. 22, 2021]
§ 73.7001 - Services subject to evaluation by point system.
(a) A point system will be used to evaluate mutually exclusive applications for new radio, television, and FM translator facilities, and for major changes to existing facilities, on reserved channels.
(b) A point system will be used to evaluate mutually exclusive applications for new radio, television, and FM translator facilities, and for major changes to existing facilities, on non-reserved channels, only when all of the mutually exclusive applications are for noncommercial educational broadcast stations, as described in 47 U.S.C. 397(6)(A) or 47 U.S.C. 397(6)(B).
(c) A point system will be used to evaluate mutually exclusive applications for new television translator and low power television facilities, and for major changes to existing facilities, only when all of the mutually exclusive applications are for noncommercial educational broadcast stations, as described in 47 U.S.C. 397(6)(B).
[65 FR 36380, June 8, 2000, as amended at 68 FR 26229, May 15, 2003]
§ 73.7002 - Fair distribution of service on reserved band FM channels.
(a) If timely filed applications for full service stations on reserved FM channels are determined to be mutually exclusive, and will serve different communities, the Commission will first determine, as a threshold issue, whether grant of a particular application would substantially further the fair distribution of service goals enunciated in section 307(b) of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. 307(b).
(b) In an analysis performed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, a full-service FM applicant that identifies itself as a Tribal Applicant, that proposes Tribal Coverage, and that proposes the first reserved channel NCE service owned by any Tribal Applicant at a community of license located on Tribal Lands, will be awarded a construction permit. If two or more full-service FM applicants identify themselves as Tribal Applicants and meet the above criteria, the applicant providing the most people with reserved channel NCE service to Tribal Lands will be awarded a construction permit, regardless of the magnitude of the superior service or the populations of the communities of license proposed, if different. If two or more full-service FM applicants identifying themselves as Tribal Applicants each meet the above criteria and propose identical levels of NCE aural service to Tribal Lands, only those applicants shall proceed to be considered together in a point system analysis. In an analysis performed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section that does not include a Tribal Applicant, a full service FM applicant that will provide the first or second reserved channel noncommercial educational (NCE) aural signal received by at least 10% of the population within the station's 60dBu (1mV/m) service contours will be considered to substantially further fair distribution of service goals and to be superior to mutually exclusive applicants not proposing that level of service, provided that such service to fewer than 2,000 people will be considered insignificant. First service to 2,000 or more people will be considered superior to second service to a population of any size. If only one applicant will provide such first or second service, that applicant will be selected as a threshold matter. If more than one applicant will provide an equivalent level (first or second) of NCE aural service, the size of the population to receive such service from the mutually exclusive applicants will be compared. The applicant providing the most people with the highest level of service will be awarded a construction permit, if it will provide such service to 5,000 or more people than the next best applicant. If none of the applicants in a mutually exclusive group would substantially further fair distribution goals, all applicants will proceed to examination under a point system. If two or more applicants will provide the same level of service to an equivalent number of people (differing by less than 5,000), only those equivalent applicants will be considered together in a point system.
(c)(1) For a period of four years of on-air operations, an applicant receiving a decisive preference pursuant to this section is required to construct and operate technical facilities substantially as proposed. During this period, such applicant may make minor modifications to its authorized facilities, provided that either:
(i) The modification does not downgrade service to the area on which the preference was based; or
(ii) Any potential loss of first and second NCE service is offset by at least equal first and, separately, combined first and second NCE service population gain(s), and the applicant would continue to qualify for a decisive Section 307(b) preference.
(2) Additionally, for a period beginning from the award of a construction permit through four years of on-air operations, a Tribal Applicant receiving a decisive preference pursuant to this section may not:
(i) Assign or transfer the authorization except to another party that qualifies as a Tribal Applicant;
(ii) Change the facility's community of license; or
(iii) Effect a technical change that would cause the facility to provide less than full Tribal Coverage.
[65 FR 36380, June 8, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 15356, Mar. 19, 2001; 75 FR 9807, Mar. 4, 2010; 85 FR 7891, Feb. 12, 2020]
§ 73.7003 - Point system selection procedures.
(a) If timely filed applications for reserved FM channels or reserved TV channels are determined to be mutually exclusive, applications will be processed and assessed points to determine the tentative selectee for the particular channels. The tentative selectee will be the applicant with the highest point total under the procedure set forth in this section, and will be awarded the requested permit if the Commission determines that an award will serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity.
(b) Based on information provided in each application, each applicant will be awarded a predetermined number of points under the criteria listed:
(1) Established local applicant. Three points for local applicants, as defined in § 73.7000, who have been local continuously for no fewer than the two years (24 months) immediately prior to the application filing.
(2) Local diversity of ownership. Two points for applicants with no attributable interests, as defined in § 73.7000, in any other broadcast station or authorized construction permit (comparing radio to radio and television to television) whose principal community (city grade) contour overlaps that of the proposed station. The principal community (city grade) contour is the 5 mV/m for AM stations, the 3.16 mV/m for FM stations calculated in accordance with § 73.313(c), and the contour identified in § 73.685(a) for TV. Radio applicants will count commercial and noncommercial AM, FM, and FM translator stations other than fill-in stations. Television applicants will count UHF, VHF, and Class A stations.
(3) State-wide network. Two points for an applicant that does not qualify for the credit for local diversity of ownership, if it is:
(i) An entity, public or private, with authority over a minimum of 50 accredited full-time elementary and/or secondary schools within a single state, encompassed by the combined primary service contours of the proposed station and its existing station(s), if the existing station(s) are regularly providing programming to the schools in furtherance of the school curriculum and the proposed station will increase the number of schools it will regularly serve; or
(ii) An accredited public or private institution of higher learning with a minimum of five full time campuses within a single state encompassed by the combined primary service contours of the proposed station and its existing station(s), if the existing station(s) are regularly providing programming to campuses in furtherance of their curriculum and the proposed station will increase the number of campuses it will regularly serve; or
(iii) An organization, public or private, with or without direct authority over schools, that will regularly provide programming for and in coordination with an entity described in paragraph (b)(3) (i) or (ii) of this section for use in the school curriculum.
(iv) No entity may claim both the diversity credit and the state-wide network credit in any particular application.
(4) Technical parameters. One point to the applicant covering the largest geographic area and population with its relevant contour (60 dBu for FM and Grade B for TV), provided that the applicant covers both a ten percent greater area and a ten percent greater population than the applicant with the next best technical proposal. The top applicant will receive two points instead of one point if its technical proposal covers both a 25 percent greater area and 25 percent greater population than the next best technical proposal.)
(c) If the best qualified (highest scoring) two or more applicants have the same point accumulation, the tentative selectee will be determined by a tie-breaker mechanism as follows:
(1) Tie breaker 1. Each applicant's number of attributable existing authorizations (licenses and construction permits, commercial and noncommercial) in the same service (radio or television) nationally, as of the time of application shall be compared, and the applicant with the fewest authorizations will be chosen as tentative selectee. Radio applicants will count commercial and noncommercial AM, FM, and FM translator stations other than fill-in stations. Television applicants will count UHF, VHF, and Class A stations.
(2) Tie breaker 2. If a tie remains after the tie breaker in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the tentative selectee will be the remaining applicant with the fewest pending new and major change applications in the same service at the time of filing.
(3) Tie breaker 3. If a tie remains after the tie breaker in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the tentative selectee will be the remaining applicant that can demonstrate that:
(i) It applied in a previous filing window, and had its application accepted for filing and processed, but subsequently dismissed in favor of an applicant with superior points or a tie-breaker showing;
(ii) It has been in continuous existence at all times from the date of that previous filing until the present; and
(iii) It does not hold any NCE construction permit or license.
(4) Voluntary time-sharing. If a tie remains after the tie breaker in paragraph (c)(3) of this section, each of the remaining tied, mutually exclusive applicants will be identified as a tentative selectee and must electronically submit, within 90-days from the release of the public notice or order announcing the remaining tie, any voluntary time-share agreement. Voluntary time-share agreements must be in writing, signed by each time-share proponent, and specify the proposed hours of operation of each time-share proponent.
(5) Mandatory time-sharing. If a tie among mutually exclusive applications is not resolved through voluntary time-sharing in accordance with paragraph (c)(4) of this section, the tied applications will be reviewed for acceptability. Applicants with tied, grantable applications will be eligible for equal, concurrent, non-renewable license terms.
(i) If a mutually exclusive group has three or fewer tied, grantable applications, the Commission will simultaneously grant these applications, assigning an equal number of hours per week to each applicant. The Commission will require each applicant subject to mandatory time-sharing to simultaneously and confidentially submit their preferred time slots to the Commission. If there are only two tied, grantable applications, the applicants must select between the following 12-hour time slots: 3 a.m.-2:59 p.m., or 3 p.m.-2:59 a.m. If there are three tied, grantable applications, each applicant must rank their preference for the following 8-hour time slots: 2 a.m.-9:59 a.m., 10 a.m.-5:59 p.m., and 6 p.m.-1:59 a.m. The Commission will require the applicants to certify that they did not collude with any other applicants in the selection of time slots. The Commission will give preference to the applicant that has been local, as defined in § 73.7000, for the longest uninterrupted period of time. In the event an applicant neglects to designate its preferred time slots, staff will select a time slot for that applicant.
(ii) Groups of more than three tied, grantable applications will not be eligible for licensing under this section. Where such groups exist, the Commission will dismiss all but the applications of the three applicants that have been local, as defined in § 73.7000, for the longest uninterrupted periods of time. The Commission will then process the remaining applications as set forth in paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section.
(d) Settlements. At any time during this process, the applicants may advise the Commission that they are negotiating or have reached settlement, and the Commission will withhold further comparative processing for a reasonable period upon such notification. Settlement may include an agreement to share time on the channel voluntarily or other arrangement in compliance with Commission rules. Parties to a settlement shall comply with § 73.3525, limiting any monetary payment to the applicant's reasonable and prudent expenses.
(e) For applications filed after April 21, 2000, an applicant's maximum qualifications are established at the time of application and will be reduced for any post-application changes that negatively affect any evaluation criterion.
(f) For applications filed on or before April 21, 2000, an applicant's maximum qualifications are established as of the relevant date listed in paragraph (f)(1), (2), or (3) of this section. After the relevant date for determining an applicant's maximum points, points will be reduced for any changes that negatively affect any evaluation criterion. Applicants will establish their qualifications according to the following:
(1) If the applicant is in a group for which a “B” cut-off notice issued prior to April 21, 2000 its maximum non-technical qualifications are established as of the date by which applicants must supplement their applications to supply point information, and its maximum technical qualifications are established as of the date of the “B” cut-off notice;
(2) If the applicant is in a group for which an “A” cut-off notice issued prior to April 21, 2000 but for which no “B” cut-off notice issued, its maximum non-technical qualifications are established as of the date by which applicants must supplement their applications to supply point information, and its maximum technical qualifications are established as of April 21, 2000;
(3) If the applicant was neither placed on an “A” cut-off list prior to April 21, 2000 nor filed in response to such an “A” cut-off list, it is subject to competition from applications filed within the first filing window, and its maximum technical and non-technical qualifications will be determined as of the close of the first filing window.
[65 FR 36380, June 8, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 15356, Mar. 19, 2001; 85 FR 7891, Feb. 12, 2020]
§ 73.7004 - Petitions to deny tentative selectee(s).
(a) For mutually exclusive applicants subject to the selection procedures in subpart K of this part, Petitions to Deny will be accepted only against the tentative selectee(s).
(b) Within thirty (30) days following the issuance of a public notice announcing the tentative selection of an applicant through fair distribution (§ 73.7002) or point system (§ 73.7003) procedures, petitions to deny that application may be filed. Any such petitions must contain allegations of fact supported by affidavit of a person or persons with personal knowledge thereof.
(c) An applicant may file an opposition to any petition to deny, and the petitioner a reply to such opposition. Allegations of fact or denials thereof must be supported by affidavit of a person or persons with personal knowledge thereof. The time for filing such oppositions shall be 10 days from the filing date for petitions to deny, and the time for filing replies shall be 5 days from the filing date for oppositions.
(d) If the Commission denies or dismisses all petitions to deny, if any are filed, and is otherwise satisfied that an applicant is qualified, the application will be granted. If the Commission determines that the points originally claimed were higher than permitted, but that there is no substantial and material question of fact of applicant qualifications, it will compare the revised point tally of the tentative selectee to the other mutually exclusive applicants and, either grant the original application or announce a new tentative selectee, as appropriate. If an applicant is found unqualified, the application shall be denied, and the applicant(s) with the next highest point tally named as the new tentative selectee.
§ 73.7005 - Maintenance of comparative qualifications.
(a) Assignments/Transfers. NCE stations awarded by use of the point system in § 73.7003 shall be subject to a holding period. From the grant of the construction permit and continuing until the facility has achieved four years of on-air operations, an applicant proposing to assign or transfer the construction permit/license to another party will be required to demonstrate the following two factors: that the proposed buyer would qualify for the same number of or greater points as the assignor or transferor originally received; and that consideration received and/or promised does not exceed the assignor's or transferor's legitimate and prudent expenses. For purposes of this section, legitimate and prudent expenses are those expenses reasonably incurred by the assignor or transferor in obtaining and constructing the station (e.g., expenses in preparing an application, in obtaining and installing broadcast equipment to be assigned or transferred, etc.). Costs incurred in operating the station are not recoverable (e.g., rent, salaries, utilities, music licensing fees, etc.). Any successive applicants proposing to assign or transfer the construction permit/license prior to the end of the aforementioned holding period will be required to make the same demonstrations.
(b) Technical. In accordance with the provisions of § 73.7002, for a period of four years of on-air operations, an NCE FM applicant receiving a decisive preference for fair distribution of service is required to construct and operate technical facilities substantially as proposed. During this period, such applicant may make minor modifications to its authorized facilities, provided that either:
(1) The modification does not downgrade service to the area on which the preference was based; or
(2) Any potential loss of first and second NCE service is offset by at least equal first and, separately, combined first and second NCE service population gain(s).
(c) Point system criteria. Any applicant selected based on the point system (§ 73.7003) must maintain the characteristics for which it received points for a period of time commencing with the grant of the construction permit and continuing until the station has achieved at least four years of on-air operations. During this time, any applicant receiving points for diversity of ownership (§ 73.7003(b)(2)) and selected through the point system, is prohibited from:
(1) Acquiring any commercial or noncommercial AM, FM, or non-fill-in FM translator station which would overlap the principal community (city grade) contour of its NCE FM station received through the award of diversity points;
(2) Acquiring any UHF, VHF, or Class A television station which would overlap the principal community (city grade) contour of its NCE television station received through the award of diversity points;
(3) Proposing any modification to its NCE FM station received through the award of diversity points which would create overlap of the principal community (city grade) contour of such station with any attributable authorized commercial or noncommercial AM, FM, or non-fill-in FM translator station;
(4) Proposing any modification to its NCE television station received through the award of diversity points which would create overlap of the principal community (city grade) contour of such station with any attributable authorized UHF, VHF, or Class A television station;
(5) Proposing modifications to any attributable commercial or noncommercial AM, FM, or non-fill-in FM translator station which would create overlap with the principal community (city grade) contour of its NCE FM station received through the award of diversity points; and
(6) Proposing modifications to any attributable UHF, VHF, or Class A television station which would create overlap with the principal community (city grade) contour of its NCE television station received through the award of diversity points. This restriction applies to the applicant itself, any parties to the application, and any party that acquires an attributable interest in the permittee or licensee during this time period.
(d) Non-comparative permits. The holding period in this section does not apply to construction permits that are awarded on a non-comparative basis, such as those awarded to non-mutually exclusive applicants or through settlement.
[65 FR 36380, June 8, 2000, as amended at 85 FR 7891, Feb. 12, 2020]