Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 47 - Telecommunication last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 78.11 - Permissible service.

(a) CARS stations are authorized to relay TV broadcast and low-power TV and related audio signals, the signals of AM and FM broadcast stations, signals of BRS/EBS fixed stations, and cablecasting intended for use by one or more cable television systems or other eligible systems. LDS stations are authorized to relay television broadcast and related audio signals, the signals of AM and FM broadcast stations, signals of BRS/EBS fixed stations, cablecasting, and such other communications as may be authorized by the Commission. Relaying includes retransmission of signals by intermediate relay stations in the system. CARS licensees may interconnect their facilities with those of other CARS, common carrier, or television auxiliary licensees, and may also retransmit the signals of such CARS, common carrier, or television auxiliary stations, provided that the program material retransmitted meets the requirements of this paragraph.

(b) The transmitter of a CARS station using FM transmission may be multiplexed to provide additional communication channels for the transmission of standard and FM broadcast station programs and operational communications directly related to the technical operation of the relay system (including voice communications, telemetry signals, alerting signals, fault reporting signals, and control signals). A CARS station will be authorized only where the principal use is the transmission of television broadcast program material or cablecasting: Provided, however, That this requirement shall not apply to LDS stations.

(c) CARS station licenses may be issued to cable television owners or operators or other eligible system owners or operators, and to cooperative enterprises owned by cable television owners or operators or other eligible system owners or operators. Television translator licensees may be members of such cooperative enterprises.

(d) CARS systems shall supply program material to cable television systems, other eligible systems, and translator stations only in the following circumstances.

(1) Where the licensee of the CARS station or system is owner or operator of the cable television systems or other eligible systems supplied with program material; or

(2) Where the licensee of the CARS station or system supplies program material to cable television systems, other eligible systems, or television translator stations either without charge or on a non-profit, cost-sharing basis pursuant to a written contract between the parties involved which provides that the CARS licensee shall have exclusive control over the operation of the CARS stations licensed to him and that contributions to capital and operating expenses are accepted only on a cost-sharing, nonprofit basis, prorated on an equitable basis among all cable television systems or other eligible systems being supplied with program material in whole or in part. Charges for the programming material are not subject to this restriction and cable network-entities may fully charge for their services. Records showing the cost of the service and its nonprofit, cost-sharing nature shall be maintained by the CARS licensee and held available for inspection by the Commission.

(e) The license of a CARS pickup station authorizes the transmission of program material, and related communications necessary to the accomplishment of such transmission, from the scenes of events occurring in places other than a cable television studio or the studio of another eligible system, to the studio, headend, or transmitter of its associated cable television system or other eligible system, or to such other cable television or other eligible systems as are carrying the same program material. CARS pickup stations may be used to provide temporary CARS studio-to-headend links, studio-to-transmitter links, or CARS circuits consistent with this part without further authority of the Commission: Provided, however, That prior Commission authority shall be obtained if the transmitting antenna to be installed will increase the height of any natural formation or manmade structure by more than 6.1 meters (20 feet) and will be in existence for a period of more than 2 consecutive days: And provided, further, That if the transmitting equipment is to be operated for more than 1 day outside of the area to which the CARS station has been licensed, the Commission, the Regional Director for the area in which the station is licensed to operate, and the Regional Director for the area in which the equipment will be temporarily operated shall be notified at least 1 day prior to such operation. If the decision to continue operation for more than 1 day is not made until the operation has begun, notice shall be given to the Commission and the relevant Regional Directors within 1 day after such decision. In all instances, the Commission and the relevant Regional Directors shall be notified when the transmitting equipment has been returned to its licensed area.

(f) A cable network-entity may use CARS stations to transmit their own television program materials to cable television systems, other eligible systems, other cable network-entities, broadcast stations, and broadcast network-entities: Provided, however, That the bands 2025-2110 MHz, 6425-6526 MHz and 6875-7125 MHz may be used by cable network-entities only for CARS pick-up stations.

(g) The provisions of paragraph (d) of this section and § 78.13 shall not apply to a licensee who has been licensed in the CARS service pursuant to § 101.705 of this chapter, except that paragraph (d) of this section shall apply with respect to facilities added or cable television and other eligible systems first served after February 1, 1966.

[37 FR 3292, Feb. 12, 1972, as amended at 37 FR 15926, Aug. 8, 1972; 43 FR 1953, Jan. 13, 1978; 43 FR 25127, June 9, 1978; 44 FR 32382, June 6, 1979; 47 FR 21503, May 18, 1982; 50 FR 23421, June 4, 1985; 52 FR 7144, Mar. 9, 1987; 55 FR 46015, Oct. 31, 1990; 58 FR 44952, Aug. 25, 1993; 65 FR 38326, June 20, 2000; 65 FR 48181, Aug. 7, 2000; 69 FR 72046, Dec. 10, 2004; 80 FR 53751, Sept. 8, 2015]
§ 78.13 - Eligibility for license.

A license for CARS station will be issued only:

(a) To the owner or one who is responsible for the management and operation of a cable television system,

(b) To a cooperative enterprise wholly owned by cable television owners or operators, or

(c) A cable network-entity upon showing that the applicant is qualified under the Communications Act of 1934, that frequencies are available for the proposed operation, and that the public interest, convenience, and necessity will be served by a grant thereof.

(d) Licensees and conditional licensees of channels in the BRS/EBS band as defined in § 27.5(i) of this chapter, or entities that hold an executed lease agreement with a BRS/EBS licensee or conditional licensee.

(e) To private cable operators and other multichannel video programming distributors not specifically identified in this section.

[52 FR 7144, Mar. 9, 1987, as amended at 55 FR 46015, Oct. 31, 1990; 56 FR 57601, Nov. 13, 1991; 67 FR 43259, June 27, 2002; 69 FR 72047, Dec. 10, 2004]
§ 78.15 - Contents of applications.

(a) Applications for authorization in the Cable Television Relay Service shall be submitted on FCC Form 327, and shall contain the information requested therein. Applications requiring fees as set forth at part 1, subpart G of this chapter must be filed in accordance with § 0.401(b) of the rules.

(b) An application for a CARS studio to headend link or LDS station license shall contain a statement that the applicant has investigated the possibility of using cable rather than microwave and the reasons why it was decided to use microwave rather than cable.


Each applicant filing pursuant to § 78.15 is responsible for the continuing accuracy and completeness of all information in such applications. The provisions of § 1.65 are wholly applicable to applications pursuant to § 78.15, as well as to amendments filed pursuant to § 78.17, and objections filed pursuant to § 78.22, except that where the specific provisins of §§ 78.15, 78.17, 78.22 conflict with the provisions of § 1.65, the specific provisions are controlling, e.g., where requirements for service on specified parties of certain information may vary.

(c) CARS applicants must follow the procedures prescribed in subpart 1 of part 1 of this chapter (§§ 1.1301 through 1.1319) regarding the filing of environmental assessments unless Commission action authorizing construction of a CARS station would be categorically excluded from the environmental processing requirements under § 1.1306 of this chapter.

[41 FR 3719, Jan. 23, 1976, as amended at 41 FR 32429, Aug. 3, 1976; 42 FR 61864, Dec. 7, 1977; 50 FR 23421, June 4, 1985; 52 FR 10231, Mar. 31, 1987; 55 FR 20398, May 16, 1990]
§ 78.16 - Who may sign applications.

(a) Applications, amendments thereto, and related statements of fact required by the Commission shall be personally signed by the applicant, if the applicant is an individual; by one of the partners, if the applicant is a partnership; by an officer, if the applicant is a corporation; or by a member who is an officer, if the applicant is an unincorporated association. Applications, amendments, and related statements of fact filed on behalf of government entities shall be signed by such duly elected or appointed officials as may be competent to do so under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction.

(b) Applications, amendments thereto, and related statements of fact required by the Commission may be signed by the applicant's attorney in case of the applicant's physical disability or of his absence from the United States. The attorney shall in that event separately set forth the reasons why the application is not signed by the applicant. In addition, if any matter is stated on the basis of the attorney's belief only (rather than his knowledge), he shall separately set forth his reasons for believing that such statements are true.

(c) Only the original of applications, amendments, or related statements of fact need be signed; copies may be conformed.

(d) Applications, amendments, and related statements of fact need not be submitted under oath. Willful false statements made therein, however, are punishable by fine and imprisonment, United States Code, title 18, section 1001, and by appropriate administrative sanctions, including revocation of station license pursuant to section 312(a)(1) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.

[37 FR 15926, Aug. 8, 1972]
§ 78.17 - Amendment of applications.

Any application may be amended as a matter of right prior to the adoption date of any final action taken by the Commission with respect to the application. If a petition to deny has been filed, the amendment shall be served on the petitioner.

[68 FR 27004, May 19, 2003]
§ 78.18 - Frequency assignments.

(a) The Cable Television Relay Service is assigned the band of frequencies from 12.70 to 13.20 GHz. This band is shared with the Fixed-Satellite Service (earth-to-space) from 12.70 to 12.75 GHz and Television Auxiliary Broadcast Stations from 12.70 to 13.20 GHz. The following channels may be assigned to CARS stations for the propagation of radio waves with the indicated polarization:

(1) For CARS stations using FM transmission:

Group A Channels

Designation Channel boundaries (GHz)
A01 112.700-12.725
A02 112.725-12.750
A03 112.750-12.775
A04 112.775-12.800
A05 112.800-12.825
A06 112.825-12.850
A07 112.850-12.875
A08 112.875-12.900
A09 112.900-12.925
A10 112.925-12.950
A11 112.950-12.975
A12 112.975-13.000
A13 113.000-13.025
A14 113.025-13.050
A15 113.050-13.075
A16 113.075-13.100
A17 113.100-13.125
A18 113.125-13.150
A19 1 2 13.150-13.175
A20 1 2 13.170-13.200

1 Appropriate polarization designation:

H = Horizontally polarized propagated radio wave.

V = Vertically polarized propagated radio wave.

R = Right-handed (clockwise) elliptically polarized propagated radio wave.

L = Left-handed (counter-clockwise) elliptically polarized propagated radio wave.

2 See paragraph (l) of this section.

Note: Polarization designations shall be in accordance with IEEE standard 100-1972 as amended.

Group B Channels

Designation Channel boundaries (GHz)
B01 112.7125-12.7375
B02 112.7375-12.7625
B03 112.7625-12.7875
B04 112.7875-12.8125
B05 112.8125-12.8375
B06 112.8375-12.8625
B07 112.8625-12.8875
B08 112.8875-12.9125
B09 112.9125-12.9375
B10 112.9375-12.9625
B11 112.9625-12.9875
B12 112.9875-13.0125
B13 113.0125-13.0375
B14 113.0375-13.0625
B15 113.0625-13.0875
B16 113.0875-13.1125
B17 113.1125-13.1375
B18 1 2 13.1375-13.1625
B19 1 2 13.1625-13.1875

1 See footnote 1 following GROUP A CHANNELS.

2 See paragraph (l) of this section.

Note: Polarization designations shall be in accordance with IEEE standard 100-1972 as amended.

(2) CARS stations using vestigal sideband AM transmission and FM transmission requiring a necessary bandwidth of no more than 6 MHz.

Group C Channels

Designation Channel
boundaries (GHz)
[C channels]
change boundaries (GHz)
[Ca channels]
C01 112.7005-12.706512.7005-12.7065
C02 112.7065-12.712512.7065-12.7125
C03 112.7125-12.718512.7125-12.7185
C04 112.7185-12.7225 212.7185-12.7245
C05 112.7225-12.728512.7245-12.7305
C06 112.7285-12.734512.7305-12.7365
C07 112.7345-12.740512.7365-12.7425
C08 112.7405-12.746512.7425-12.7485
C09 112.7465-12.752512.7485-12.7545
C10 112.7525-12.7545 2
C11 112.7545-12.760512.7545-12.7605
C12 112.7605-12.766512.7605-12.7665
C13 112.7665-12.772512.7665-12.7725
C14 112.7725-12.778512.7725-12.7785
C15 112.7785-12.784512.7785-12.7845
C16 112.7845-12.790512.7845-12.7905
C17 112.7905-12.796512.7905-12.7965
C18 112.7965-12.802512.7965-12.8025
C19 112.8025-12.808512.8025-12.8085
C20 112.8085-12.814512.8085-12.8145
C21 112.8145-12.820512.8145-12.8205
C22 112.8205-12.826512.8205-12.8265
C23 112.8265-12.832512.8265-12.8325
C24 112.8325-12.838512.8325-12.8385
C25 112.8385-12.844512.8385-12.8445
C26 112.8445-12.850512.8445-12.8505
C27 112.8505-12.856512.8505-12.8565
C28 112.8565-12.862512.8565-12.8625
C29 112.8625-12.868512.8625-12.8685
C30 112.8685-12.874512.8685-12.8745
C31 112.8745-12.880512.8745-12.8805
C32 112.8805-12.886512.8805-12.8865
C33 112.8865-12.892512.8865-12.8925
C34 112.8925-12.898512.8925-12.8985
C35 112.8985-12.904512.8985-12.9045
C36 112.9045-12.910512.9045-12.9105
C37 112.9105-12.916512.9105-12.9165
C38 112.9165-12.922512.9165-12.9225
C39 112.9225-12.928512.9225-12.9285
C40 112.9285-12.934512.9285-12.9345
C41 112.9345-12.940512.9345-12.9405
C42 112.9405-12.946512.9405-12.9465
C43 112.9465-12.952512.9465-12.9525

1 See footnote 1 following GROUP A CHANNELS.

2 For transmission of pilot subcarriers or other authorized narrow band signals.

Group D Channels

Designation Channel boundaries (GHz) [D channels] Alternate channel boundaries (GHz) [Da channels]
D01 112.7597-12.765712.7597-12.7657
D02 112.7657-12.771712.7657-12.7717
D03 112.7717-12.777712.7717-12.7777
D04 112.7777-12.7817 212.7777-12.7837
D05 112.7817-12.787712.7837-12.7897
D06 112.7877-12.793712.7897-12.7957
D07 112.7937-12.799712.7957-12.8017
D08 112.7997-12.805712.8017-12.8077
D09 112.8057-12.811712.8077-12.8137
D10 112.8117-12.8137 2N/A
D11 112.8137-12.819712.8137-12.8197
D12 112.8197-12.825712.8197-12.8257
D13 112.8257-12.831712.8257-12.8317
D14 112.8317-12.837712.8317-12.8377
D15 112.8377-12.843712.8377-12.8437
D16 112.8437-12.849712.8437-12.8497
D17 112.8497-12.855712.8497-12.8557
D18 112.8557-12.861712.8557-12.8617
D19 112.8617-12.867712.8617-12.8677
D20 112.8677-12.873712.8677-12.8737
D21 112.8737-12.879712.8737-12.8797
D22 112.8797-12.885712.8797-12.8857
D23 112.8857-12.891712.8857-12.8917
D24 112.8917-12.897712.8917-12.8977
D25 112.8977-12.903712.8977-12.9037
D26 112.9037-12.909712.9037-12.9097
D27 112.9097-12.915712.9097-12.9157
D28 112.9157-12.921712.9157-12.9217
D29 112.9217-12.927712.9217-12.9277
D30 112.9277-12.933712.9277-12.9337
D31 112.9337-12.939712.9337-12.9397
D32 112.9397-12.945712.9397-12.9457
D33 112.9457-12.951712.9457-12.9517
D34 112.9517-12.957712.9517-12.9577
D35 112.9577-12.963712.9577-12.9637
D36 112.9637-12.969712.9637-12.9697
D37 112.9697-12.975712.9697-12.9757
D38 112.9757-12.981712.9757-12.9817
D39 112.9817-12.987712.9817-12.9877
D40 112.9877-12.993712.9877-12.9937
D41 112.9937-12.999712.9937-12.9997
D42 112.9997-13.005712.9997-13.0057
D43 113.0057-13.011713.0057-13.0117

1 See footnote 1 following GROUP A CHANNELS.

2 For transmission of pilot subcarriers or other authorized narrow band signals.

Group E Channels

Designation Channel boundaries (GHz) [E channels] Alternate channel boundaries (GHz) [Ea channels]
E01 112.9525-12.958512.9525-12.9585
E02 112.9585-12.964512.9585-12.9645
E03 112.9645-12.970512.9645-12.9705
E04 112.9705-12.9745 212.9705-12.9765
E05 112.9745-12.980512.9765-12.9825
E06 112.9805-12.986512.9825-12.9885
E07 112.9865-12.992512.9885-12.9945
E08 112.9925-12.998512.9945-13.0005
E09 112.9985-13.004513.0005-13.0065
E10 113.0045-13.0065 2N/A
E11 113.0065-13.012513.0065-13.0125
E12 113.0125-13.018513.0125-13.0185
E13 113.0185-13.024513.0185-13.0245
E14 113.0245-13.030513.0245-13.0305
E15 113.0305-13.036513.0305-13.0365
E16 113.0365-13.042513.0365-13.0425
E17 113.0425-13.048513.0425-13.0485
E18 113.0485-13.054513.0485-13.0545
E19 113.0545-13.060513.0545-13.0605
E20 113.0605-13.066513.0605-13.0665
E21 113.0665-13.072513.0665-13.0725
E22 113.0725-13.078513.0725-13.0785
E23 113.0785-13.084513.0785-13.0845
E24 113.0845-13.090513.0845-13.0905
E25 113.0905-13.096513.0905-13.0965
E26 113.0965-13.102513.0965-13.1025
E27 113.1025-13.108513.1025-13.1085
E28 113.1085-13.114513.1085-13.1145
E29 113.1145-13.120513.1145-13.1205
E30 113.1205-13.126513.1205-13.1265
E31 113.1265-13.132513.1265-13.1325
E32 113.1325-13.138513.1325-13.1385
E33 113.1385-13.144513.1385-13.1445
E34 113.1445-13.1505 313.1445-13.1505 3
E35 113.1505-13.1565 313.1505-13.1565 3
E36 113.1565-13.1625 313.1565-13.1625 3
E37 113.1625-13.1685 313.1625-13.1685 3
E38 113.1685-13.1745 313.1685-13.1745 3
E39 113.1745-13.1805 313.1745-13.1805 3
E40 113.1805-13.1865 313.1805-13.1865 3
E41 113.1865-13.1925 313.1865-13.1925 3
E42 113.1925-13.1985 313.1925-13.1985 3

1 See footnote 1 following GROUP A CHANNELS.

2 For transmission of pilot subcarriers or other authorized narrow band signals.

3 See paragraph (l) of this section.

Group F Channels

Designation Channel boundaries (GHz) [F channels] Alternate channel boundaries (GHz) [Fa channels]
F01 113.0125-13.018513.0125-13.0185
F02 113.0185-13.024513.0185-13.0245
F03 113.0245-13.030513.0245-13.0305
F04 113.0305-13.0345 213.0305-13.0365
F05 113.0345-13.040513.0365-13.0425
F06 113.0405-13.046513.0425-13.0485
F07 113.0465-13.052513.0485-13.0545
F08 113.0525-13.058513.0545-13.0605
F09 113.0585-13.064513.0605-13.0665
F10 113.0645-13.0665 2N/A
F11 113.0665-13.072513.0665-13.0725
F12 113.0725-13.078513.0725-13.0785
F13 113.0785-13.084513.0785-13.0845
F14 113.0845-13.090513.0845-13.0905
F15 113.0905-13.096513.0905-13.0965
F16 113.0965-13.102513.0965-13.1025
F17 113.1025-13.108513.1025-13.1085
F18 113.1085-13.114513.1085-13.1145
F19 113.1145-13.120513.1145-13.1205
F20 113.1205-13.126513.1205-13.1265
F21 113.1265-13.132513.1265-13.1325
F22 113.1325-13.138513.1325-13.1385
F23 113.1385-13.144513.1385-13.1445
F24 113.1445-13.1505 313.1445-13.1505 3
F25 113.1505-13.1565 313.1505-13.1565 3
F26 113.1565-13.1625 313.1565-13.1625 3
F27 113.1625-13.1685 313.1625-13.1685 3
F28 113.1685-13.1745 313.1685-13.1745 3
F29 113.1745-13.1805 313.1745-13.1805 3
F30 113.1805-13.1865 313.1805-13.1865 3
F31 113.1865-13.1925 313.1865-13.1925 3
F32 113.1925-13.1985 313.1925-13.1985 3

1 See footnote 1 following GROUP A CHANNELS.

2 For transmission of pilot subcarriers or other authorized narrow band signals.

3 See paragraph (l) of this section.

(3) For CARS stations using AM and FM transmission requiring a necessary bandwidth of no more than 12.5 MHz.

Group K Channel

Designation Channel boundaries (GHz)
K01 112.7000-12.7125
K02 112.7125-12.7250
K03 112.7250-12.7375
K04 112.7375-12.7500
K05 112.7500-12.7625
K06 112.7625-12.7750
K07 112.7750-12.7875
K08 112.7875-12.8000
K09 112.8000-12.8125
K10 112.8125-12.8250
K11 112.8250-12.8375
K12 112.8375-12.8500
K13 112.8500-12.8625
K14 112.8625-12.8750
K15 112.8750-12.8875
K16 112.8875-12.9000
K17 112.9000-12.9125
K18 112.9125-12.9250
K19 112.9250-12.9375
K20 112.9375-12.9500
K21 112.9500-12.9625
K22 112.9625-12.9750
K23 112.9750-12.9875
K24 112.9875-13.0000
K25 113.0000-13.0125
K26 113.0125-13.0250
K27 113.0250-13.0375
K28 113.0375-13.0500
K29 113.0500-13.0625
K30 113.0625-13.0750
K31 113.0750-13.0875
K32 113.0875-13.1000
K33 113.1000-13.1125
K34 113.1125-13.1250
K35 113.1250-13.1375
K36 113.1375-13.1500
K37 1 213.1500-13.1625
K38 1 213.1625-13.1750
K39 1 213.1750-13.1875
K40 1 213.1875-13.2000

1 See footnote 1 following GROUP A CHANNELS.

2 See paragraph (l) of this section.

(4) The Cable Television Relay Service is also assigned the following frequencies in the 17,700-19,700 MHz band. These frequencies are co-equally shared with stations in other services under parts 25, 74, and 101 of this chapter. Cable Television Relay Service stations operating on frequencies in the sub-bands 18.3-18.58 GHz and 19.26-19.3 GHz that were licensed or had applications pending before the Commission as of September 18, 1998 may continue those operations on a shared co-primary basis with other services under parts 25, 74, and 101 of this chapter. Such stations, however, are subject to relocation by licensees in the fixed-satellite service. Such relocation is subject to the provisions of §§ 101.85 through 101.97 of this chapter. No new applications for part 78 licenses will be accepted in the 19.26-19.3 GHz band after June 8, 2000, and no new applications for part 78 licenses will be accepted in the 18.3-18.58 GHz band after November 19, 2002.

(i) 2 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth channel:

Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)

(ii) 6 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
216 MHz Separation

(iii) 10 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
1560 MHz Separation

(iv) 20 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
1560 MHz Separation

(v) 40 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
1560 MHz Separation

(vi) 80 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

Transmit (receive) (MHz) Receive (transmit) (MHz)
1560 MHz Separation

(5) 6425 to 6525 MHz—Mobile only. Paired and unpaired operations permitted. Use of this spectrum for direct delivery of video programs to the general public or multi-channel cable distribution is not permitted. This band is co-equally shared with mobile stations licensed pursuant to Parts 74 and 101 of the Commission's Rules. The following channel plans apply.

(i) 1 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth channels.

Transmit (or receive) (MHz) Receive (or transmit) (MHz)

(ii) 8 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth channels.

Transmit (or receive) (MHz) Receive (or transmit) (MHz)

(iii) 25 MHz maximum authorized bandwidth channels.

Transmit (or receive) (MHz) Receive (or transmit) (MHz)

(6) 1990-2110 MHz—Mobile only. (i) Use of this spectrum for direct delivery of video programs to the general public or multi-channel cable distribution is not permitted. This band is co-equally shared with stations licensed pursuant to parts 74 and 101 of the Commission's Rules. (Common carriers may use this band pursuant to provisions of § 101.803(b)). The following channeling plan applies subject to the provisions of § 74.604.

Frequency Band (MHz) 1990-2008 2008-2025 2025-2042 2042-2059 2059-2076 2076-2093 2093-2110

(ii) After a licensee has been relocated in accordance with the provisions of § 78.40, operations will be in the band 2025-2110 MHz. The following channel plan will apply, subject to the provisions of § 74.604 of this part:

Frequency Band (MHz) 2025.5-2037.5 2037.5-2049.5 2049.5-2061.5 2061.5-2073.5 2073.5-2085.5 2085.5-2097.5 2097.5-2109.5

(7) 6875-7125 MHz—Mobile only. Use of this spectrum for direct delivery of video programs to the general public or multi-channel cable distribution is not permitted. This band is co-equally shared with stations licensed pursuant to parts 74 and 101 of the Commission's Rules. (Common carriers may use this band pursuant to provisions of § 101.803(b)). The following channeling plan applies subject to the provisions of § 74.604.

Frequency Band (MHz) 6875—6900 6900—6925 6925—6950 6950—6975 6975—7000 7000—7025 7025—7050 7050—7075 7075—7100 7100—7125

(b) Television Auxiliary Broadcast Service stations may be assigned channels in the band 12.70-13.20 GHz subject to the condition that no harmful interference is caused to fixed CARS stations authorized at the time of such grants. Translator Relay stations are assigned on a secondary basis. New CARS stations shall not cause harmful interference to television STL and intercity relay stations authorized at the time of such grants. Television pickup stations and CARS pickup stations will be assigned channels in the band on a co-equal basis subject to the conditions that they accept interference from and cause no interference to existing or subsequently authorized television STL, television intercity relay, or fixed CARS stations. Channels in the 13.150-13.200 GHz band will be assigned exclusively to television pickup and CARS pickup stations on a co-equal basis. A cable television system operator will normally be limited in any one area to the assignment of not more than three channels for CARS pickup use: Provided, however, That additional channels may be assigned upon a satisfactory showing that additional channels are necessary and are available.

(c) An application for a CARS station shall be specific with regard to the channel or channels requested. Channels shall be identified by the appropriate designations set forth in paragraph (a) of this section.

(d) For CARS Fixed stations using FM transmission with an authorized bandwidth per channel of 25 MHz, to conserve spectrum applicants are encouraged to use alternate A and B channels such that adjacent R.F. carriers are spaced 12.5 MHz. As example, a fixed station in the CARS, relaying several channels, would use A01, B01, A02, B02, A03, etc.

(e) For CARS stations using vestigial sideband AM transmissions, channels from only the Groups C, D, E or F and those frequencies listed in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section normally will be assigned a station, although upon adequate showing variations in the use of channels in Groups C, D, E or F and those frequencies listed in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section may be authorized on a case-by-case basis in order to avoid potential interference or to permit a more efficient use. In situations where the number or the arrangement of channels available in these groups is not adequate, or in order to avoid potential interference, or in order to achieve the required VHF channelization arrangement on the cable television system or for repeated operations, or for two way transmission, or upon the showing of other good cause, the use of channels in the Groups C, D, E or F and those frequencies listed in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section may be authorized. Applicants are encouraged to apply for adjacent channels within each group of channels, except that different channel arrangements may be authorized when required to conform to the required channelization arrangement at VHF on the cable television system, when it is necessary to transmit non-adjacent off-the-air channels or signals intended to fill non-adjacent slots in the spectrum, or to avoid potential interference, or upon other showing of good cause.

(f) For vestigial sideband AM transmission, the assigned visual carrier frequency for each channel listed in Groups C, D, E or F and those frequencies listed in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section shall be 1.25 MHz above the lower channel-edge frequency. The center frequency for the accompanying FM aural carrier in each channel shall be 4.5 MHz above the corresponding visual carrier frequency.

(g) For CARS stations using double sideband AM transmission or FM transmission with authorized bandwidth of no more than 12.5 MHz, Group K channels normally will be assigned to a station, although upon adequate showing variations in the use of channels in Group K may be authorized on a case-by-case basis in order to avoid potential interference or to permit a more efficient use.

(h) For double sideband AM transmission, the assigned carrier frequency for each channel listed in Group K shall be 6.25 MHz above the lower boundary frequency for each channel, and the sideband frequencies corresponding to the carrier frequency of the accompanying FM aural signal shall be 4.5 MHz above and below the visual carrier frequency.

(i) All stations shall employ no more than a 12.5 MHz authorized bandwidth per channel except in any one or more of the following circumstances:

(1) The station is a CARS pickup station;

(2) The transmission path is more than 16.1 km (10 miles) in length;

(3) The station was authorized or an application was on file therefor prior to July 26, 1973.

(4) Other good cause has been shown that use of a bandwidth of 12.5 MHz or less per channel would be inefficient, impractical, or otherwise contrary to the public interest.

(j) Should any conflict arise among applications for stations in this band, priority will be based on the filing date of an application completed in accordance with the instructions thereon.

(k) Applicants for Group K channels shall apply for adjacent channels and the requested channels shall overlap the least possible number of Group A channels, except that different channel arrangements may be authorized upon an adequate showing that the foregoing arrangement cannot be used or would be contrary to the public interest, or in order to avoid potential interference or to permit a more efficient use.

(l) The band 13.15-13.20 GHz is reserved for television pickup and CARS pickup stations inside a 50 km radius of the 100 television markets delineated in § 76.51 of this chapter. Outside a 50 km radius of the 100 television markets delineated in § 76.51 of this chapter, television pickup stations, CARS stations and NGSO FSS gateway earth stations shall operate on a primary co-equal basis. The band 13.20-13.2125 GHz is reserved for television pickup stations on a primary basis and CARS pickup stations on a secondary basis inside a 50 km radius of the 100 television markets delineated in § 76.51 of this chapter. Outside a 50 km radius of the 100 markets delineated in § 76.51 of this chapter, television pickup stations and NGSO FSS gateway earth stations shall operate on a co-primary basis, CARS stations shall operate on a secondary basis. Fixed television auxiliary stations licensed pursuant to applications accepted for filing before September 1, 1979, may continue operation on channels in the 13.15-13.25 GHz band, subject to periodic license renewals. NGSO FSS gateway uplink transmissions in the 13.15-13.2125 GHz segment shall be limited to a maximum EIRP of 3.2 dBW towards 0 degrees on the radio horizon. These provisions shall not apply to GSO FSS operations in the 12.75-13.25 GHz band.

(m) CARS stations may be authorized for use of the band from 13.20 to 13.25 GHz on a secondary basis to Television Broadcast Auxiliary Stations. CARS stations are also secondary to NGSO FSS gateway earth station uplink operations. Any CARS application seeking authorization for use of the 13.20 to 13.25 GHz band must demonstrate that the applicant has exhausted all spectrum available to it in the 12.70 to 13.20 GHz band. Applications for use of this band must specify whether the channels are 6 MHz, 12.5 MHz, or 25 MHz wide and give the upper and lower boundaries and the polarization for each channel.

[37 FR 3292, Feb. 12, 1972. Redesignated at 37 FR 15926, Aug. 8, 1972] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 78.18, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 78.19 - Interference.

(a) Applications for CARS stations shall endeavor to select an assignable frequency or frequencies which will be least likely to result in interference to other licensees in the same area since the FCC itself does not undertake frequency coordination.

(b) Applicants for CARS stations shall take full advantage of all known techniques, such as the geometric arrangement of transmitters and receivers, the use of minimum power required to provide the needed service, and the use of highly directive transmitting and receiving antenna systems, to prevent interference to the reception of television STL, television intercity relay, and other CARS stations.

(c)(1) Radio Astronomy and Radio Research Installations. In order to minimize harmful interference at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory site located at Green Bank, Pocahontas County, W. Va., and at the Naval Radio Research Observatory at Sugar Grove, Pendleton County, W.Va., an applicant for authority to construct a CARS station, except a CARS pickup station, or for authority to make changes in the frequency, power, antenna height, or antenna directivity of an existing station within the area bounded by 39°15′ N. on the north, 78°30′ W. on the east, 37°30′ N. on the south and 80°30′ W. on the west shall, at the time of filing such application with the Commission, simultaneously notify the Director, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Post Office Box No. 2, Green Bank, WV 24944, in writing, of the technical particulars of the proposed station. Such notification shall include the geographical coordinates of the antenna, antenna height, antenna directivity if any, proposed frequency, type of emission, and power. In addition, the applicant shall indicate in his application to the Commission the date notification was made to the Observatory. After receipt of such application, the Commission will allow a period of 20 days for comments or objections in response to the notifications indicated. If an objection to the proposed operation is received during the 20-day period from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory for itself or on behalf of the Naval Radio Research Observatory, the Commission will consider all aspects of the problem and take whatever action is deemed appropriate.

(2) Any applicant for a new permanent base or fixed station authorization to be located on the islands of Puerto Rico, Desecheo, Mona, Vieques, and Culebra, or for a modification of an existing authorization which would change the frequency, power, antenna height, directivity, or location of a station on these islands and would increase the likelihood of the authorized facility causing interference, shall notify the Interference Office, Arecibo Observatory, HC3 Box 53995, Arecibo, Puerto Rico 00612, in writing or electronically, of the technical parameters of the proposal. Applicants may wish to consult interference guidelines, which will be provided by Cornell University. Applicants who choose to transmit information electronically should e-mail to: [email protected].

(i) The notification to the Interference Office, Arecibo Observatory shall be made prior to, or simultaneously with, the filing of the application with the Commission. The notification shall state the geographical coordinates of the transmit antenna (NAD-83 datum), antenna height above ground, ground elevation at the antenna, antenna directivity and gain, proposed frequency and FCC Rule Part, type of emission, effective isotropic radiated power, and whether the proposed use is itinerant. Generally, submission of the information in the technical portion of the FCC license application is adequate notification. In addition, the applicant shall indicate in its application to the Commission the date notification was made to the Arecibo Observatory.

(ii) After receipt of such applications, the Commission will allow the Arecibo Observatory a period of 20 days for comments or objections in response to the notification indicated. The applicant will be required to make reasonable efforts in order to resolve or mitigate any potential interference problem with the Arecibo Observatory and to file either an amendment to the application or a modification application, as appropriate. If the Commission determines that an applicant has satisfied its responsibility to make reasonable efforts to protect the Observatory from interference, its application may be granted.

(iii) The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to operations that transmit on frequencies above 15 GHz.

(d) Protection for Table Mountain Radio Receiving Zone, Boulder County, Colorado: Applicants for a station authorization to operate in the vicinity of Boulder County, Colorado under this part are advised to give due consideration, prior to filing applications, to the need to protect the Table Mountain Radio Receiving Zone from harmful interference. These are the research laboratories of the Department of Commerce, Boulder County, Colorado. To prevent degradation of the present ambient radio signal level at the site, the Department of Commerce seeks to ensure that the field strengths of any radiated signals (excluding reflected signals) received on this 1800 acre site (in the vicinity of coordinates 40°07′50″ N Latitude, 105°14′40″ W Longitude) resulting from new assignments (other than mobile stations) or from the modification or relocation of existing facilities do not exceed the following values:

Frequency range In authorized bandwidth of service
Field strength (mV/m) Power flux density 1 (dBW/m 2)
Below 540 kHz10−65.8
540 to 1600 kHz20−59.8
1.6 to 470 MHz10 2 −65.8
470 to 890 MHz30 2 −56.2
Above 890 MHz1 2 −85.8

1 Equivalent values of power flux density are caculated assuming free space characteristic impedance of 376.7 = 120π ohms.

2 Space stations shall conform to the power flux density limits at the earth's surface specified in appropriate parts of the FCC rules, but in no case should exceed the above levels in any 4 kHz band for all angles of arrival.

(1) Advance consultation is recomended particularly for those applicants who have no reliable data which indicates whether the field strength or power flux density figures in the above table would be exceeded by their proposed radio facilities (except mobile stations). In such instances, the following is a suggested guide for determining whether coordination is recommended:

(i) All stations within 2.4 km (1.5 statute miles);

(ii) Stations within 4.8 km (3 statute miles) with 50 watts or more effective radiated power (ERP) in the primary plane of polarization in the azimuthal direction of the Table Mountain Radio Receiving Zone;

(iii) Stations within 16 km (10 statute miles) with 1 kW or more ERP in the primary plane of polarization in the azimuthal direction of the Table Mountain Radio Receiving Zone;

(iv) Stations within 80 km (50 statute miles) with 25 kW or more ERP in the primary plane of polarization in the azimuthal direction of the Table Mountain Radio Receiving Zone.

(2) Applicants concerned are urged to communicate with the Radio Frequency Management Coordinator, Department of Commerce, Research Support Services, NOAA R/E5X2, Boulder Laboratories, Boulder, CO 80303; telephone (303) 497-6548, in advance of filing their applications with the Commission.

(3) The Commission will not screen applications to determine whether advance consultation has taken place. However, applicants are advised that such consultation can avoid objections from the Department of Commerce or proceedings to modify any authorization which may be granted which, in fact, delivers a signal at the site in excess of the field strength specified herein.

(e) Protection for Federal Communications Commission monitoring stations:

(1) Applicants in the vicinity of an FCC monitoring station for a radio station authorization to operate new transmitting facilities or changed transmitting facilities which would increase the field strength produced over the monitoring station over that previously authorized are advised to give consideration, prior to filing applications, to the possible need to protect the FCC stations from harmful interference. Geographical coordinates of the facilities which require protection are listed in § 0.121(c) of the Commission's Rules. Applications for stations (except mobile stations) which will produce on any frequency a direct wave fundamental field strength of greater than 10 mV/m in the authorized bandwidth of service (−65.8 dBW/m 2 power flux density assuming a free space characteristic impedance of 120 ohms) at the referenced coordinates, may be examined to determine extent of possible interference. Depending on the theoretical field strength value and existing root-sum-square or other ambient radio field signal levels at the indicated coordinates, a clause protecting the monitoring station may be added to the station authorization.

(2) In the event that calculated value of expected field exceeds 10 mV/m (−65.8 dBW/m2) at the reference coordinates, or if there is any question whether field strength levels might exceed the threshold value, advance consultation with the FCC to discuss any protection necessary should be considered. Prospective applicants may communicate with the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554.

(3) Advance consultation is suggested particularly for those applicants who have no reliable data which indicates whether the field strength or power flux density figure indicated would be exceeded by their proposed radio facilities (except mobile stations). In such instances, the following is a suggested guide for determining whether an applicant should coordinate:

(i) All stations within 2.4 kilometers (1.5 statute miles);

(ii) Stations within 4.8 kilometers (3 statute miles) with 50 watts or more average effective radiated power (ERP) in the primary plane of polarization in the azimuthal direction of the Monitoring Stations.

(iii) Stations within 16 kilometers (10 statute miles) with 1 kW or more average ERP in the primary plane of polarization in the azimuthal direction of the Monitoring Station;

(iv) Stations within 80 kilometers (50 statute miles) with 25 kW or more average ERP in the primary plane of polarization in the azimuthal direction of the Monitoring Station;

(4) Advance coordination for stations operating above 1000 MHz is recommended only where the proposed station is in the vicinity of a monitoring station designated as a satellite monitoring facility in section 0.121(c) of the Commission's Rules and also meets the criteria outlined in paragraphs (f) (2) and (3) of this section.

(5) The Commission will not screen applications to determine whether advance consultation has taken place. However, applicants are advised that such consultation can avoid objections from the Federal Communications Commission or modification of any authorization which will cause harmful interference.

(f) 17.7-19.7 GHz band. The following exclusion areas and coordination areas are established to minimize or avoid harmful interference to Federal Government earth stations receiving in the 17.7-19.7 GHz band:

(1) No application seeking authority to operate in the 17.7-19.7 GHz band will be accepted for filing if the proposed station is located within 50 km of Denver, CO (39°43′ N., 104°46′ W.) or Washington, DC (38°48′ N., 76°52′ W.).

(2) Any application seeking authority for a new fixed station license supporting the operations of Multichannel Video Programming Distributors (MVPD) in the 17.7-17.8 GHz band or to operate in the 17.8-19.7 GHz band for any service, or for modification of an existing station license in these bands which would change the frequency, power, emission, modulation, polarization, antenna height or directivity, or location of such a station, must be coordinated with the Federal Government by the Commission before an authorization will be issued, if the station or proposed station is located in whole or in part within any of the following areas:

(i) Denver, CO area:

(A) Between latitudes 41°30′ N. and 38°30′ N. and between longitudes 103°10′ W. and 106°30′ W.

(B) Between latitudes 38°30′ N. and 37°30′ N. and between longitudes 105°00′ W. and 105°50′ W.

(C) Between latitudes 40°08′ N. and 39°56′ N. and between longitudes 107°00′ W. and 107°15′ W.

(ii) Washington, DC area:

(A) Between latitudes 38°40′ N. and 38°10′ N. and between longitudes 78°50′ W. and 79°20′ W.

(B) Within 178 km of 38°48′ N, 76°52′ W.

(iii) San Miguel, CA area:

(A) Between latitudes 34°39′ N. and 34°00′ N. and between longitudes 118°52′ W. and 119°24′ W.

(B) Within 200 km of 35°44′ N., 120°45′ W.

(iv) Guam area: Within 100 km of 13°35′ N., 144°51′ E.

Note to § 78.19(f):

The coordinates cited in this section are specified in terms of the “North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

[37 FR 3292, Feb. 12, 1972] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 78.19, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 78.20 - Acceptance of applications; public notice.

(a) Applications which are tendered for filing are dated upon receipt and then forwarded to the Media Bureau where an examination is made to ascertain whether the applications are complete. Applications found to be complete or substantially complete, are accepted for filing and are given a file number. In case of minor defects as to completeness, the applicant will be required to supply the missing information. Applications which are not substantially complete will be returned to the applicant. Applications requiring fees as set forth at part 1, subpart G, of this chapter must be filed in accordance with § 0.401(b) of this chapter.

(b) Acceptance of an application for filing means only that it has been the subject of a preliminary review by the Commission's administrative staff as to completeness. Applications which are determined to be clearly not in accordance with the Commission's rules or other requirements, unless accompanied by an appropriate request for waiver, will be considered defective and will not be accepted for filing, or if inadvertently accepted for filing, will be dismissed. Requests for waiver shall show the nature of the waiver or exception desired and shall set forth the reasons in support thereof.

(c) The Commission will give public notice of all applications and major amendments thereto which have been accepted for filing. No application shall be acted on less than thirty (30) days from the date of public notice.

[37 FR 15926, Aug. 8, 1972, as amended at 52 FR 10231, Mar. 31, 1987; 67 FR 13235, Mar. 21, 2002; 68 FR 27004, May 19, 2003]
§ 78.21 - Dismissal of applications.

(a) Any application may, on request of the applicant, be dismissed without prejudice as a matter of right prior to the adoption date of any final action taken by the Commission with respect to the application. An applicant's request for the return of an application will be regarded as a request for dismissal.

(b) Failure to prosecute an application, or failure to respond to official correspondence or request for additional information, will be cause for dismissal. Such dismissal will be without prejudice if it occurs prior to the adoption date of any final action taken by the Commission with respect to the application.

[37 FR 15927, Aug. 8, 1972]
§ 78.22 - Objections to applications.

(a) Any party in interest may file a petition to deny any application (whether as originally filed or as amended) no later than thirty (30) days after issuance of a public notice of the acceptance for filing of any such application or amendment thereto. Petitions to deny shall contain specific allegations of fact sufficient to show that the petitioner is a party in interest and that a grant of the application would be prima facie inconsistent with the public interest, convenience, and necessity. Such allegations of fact shall, except for those of which official notice may be taken, be supported by affidavit of a person or persons with personal knowledge thereof.

(b) The applicant may file an opposition to any petition to deny, and the petitioner may file a reply to such opposition (see § 1.45 of this chapter), in which allegations of fact or denials thereof shall be supported by affidavit of a person or persons with personal knowledge thereof.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, before Commission action on any application for an instrument of authorization, any person may file informal objections to the grant. Such objections may be submitted in letter form (without extra copies) and shall be signed by the objector. The limitation on pleadings and time for filing pleadings provided for in § 1.45 of this chapter shall not be applicable to any objections duly filed pursuant to this paragraph.

[37 FR 15927, Aug. 8, 1972, as amended at 50 FR 23421, June 4, 1985]
§ 78.23 - Equipment tests.

(a) Following the grant of a CARS license, the licensee, during the process of construction of the station, may, without further authority from the Commission, conduct equipment tests for the purpose of such adjustments and measurements as may be necessary to assure compliance with the terms of the authorization, the technical provisions of the application therefore, the rules and regulations, and the applicable engineering standards.

(b) The Commission may notify the licensee to conduct no tests or may cancel, suspend, or change the date for the beginning of equipment tests as and when such action may appear to be in the public interest, convenience, and necessity.

(c) The test authorized in this section shall be conducted only as a necessary part of construction.

[50 FR 23421, June 4, 1985]
§ 78.27 - License conditions.

(a) Authorizations (including initial grants, modifications, assignments or transfers of control, and renewals) in the Cable Television Relay Service to serve cable television systems and other eligible systems, shall contain the condition that cable television systems shall operate in compliance with the provisions of part 76 (Cable Television Service) of this chapter and that other eligible systems shall operate in compliance with the provisions of part 21 and part 74 of this chapter.

(b) CARS stations licensed under this subpart are required to commence operation within one year of the date of the license grant.

(1) The licensee of a CARS station shall notify the Commission in writing when the station commences operation. Such notification shall be submitted on or before the last day of the authorized one year construction period; otherwise, the station license shall be automatically forfeited.

(2) CARS licensees needing additional time to complete construction of the station and commence operation shall request an extension of time 30 days before the expiration of the one year construction period. Exceptions to the 30-day advance filing requirement may be granted where unanticipated delays occur.

[50 FR 23421, June 4, 1985, as amended at 55 FR 46015, Oct. 31, 1990; 69 FR 57862, Sept. 28, 2004]
§ 78.29 - License period.

Licenses for CARS stations will be issued for a period not to exceed five (5) years. On and after February 1, 1966, licenses for CARS stations ordinarily will be issued for a period expiring on February 1, 1971, and, when regularly renewed, at 5-year intervals thereafter. When a license is granted subsequent to the last renewal date for CARS stations, the license will be issued only for the unexpired period of the current license term of such stations. The license renewal date applicable to CARS stations may be varied as necessary to permit the orderly processing of renewal applications, and individual station licenses may be granted or renwed for a shorter period of time than that generally prescribed for CARS stations, if the Commission finds that the public interest, convenience, and necessity would be served by such action.

§ 78.30 - Forfeiture and termination of station authorizations.

(a) A CARS license will be automatically forfeited in whole or in part without further notice to the licensee upon the voluntary removal or alteration of the facilities, so as to render the station not operational for a period of 30 days or more.

(b) If a station licensed under this part discontinues operation on a permanent basis, the licensee must cancel the license. For purposes of this section, any station which has not operated for one year or more is considered to have been permanently discontinued.

[69 FR 57862, Sept. 28, 2004]
§ 78.31 - Temporary extension of license.

Where there is pending before the Commission any application, investigation, or proceeding which, after hearing, might lead to or make necessary the modification of, revocation of or the refusal to renew an existing cable television relay station license, the Commission will grant a temporary extension of such license: Provided, however, That no such temporary extension shall be construed as a finding by the Commission that the operation of any CARS station thereunder will serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity beyond the express terms of such temporary extension of license: And provided, further, That such temporary extension of license will in nowise affect or limit the action of the Commission with respect to any pending application or proceeding.

§ 78.33 - Special temporary authority.

(a) Notwithstanding the requirements of §§ 78.15 and 78.20, in circumstances requiring immediate or temporary use of facilities, a request may be made for special temporary authority to install and operate new equipment or to operate licensed equipment in a manner different from that authorized in a station license. Any such request may be in letter form, and shall be submitted in duplicate: Provided, however, That in cases of emergency involving danger to life or property or due to damage to equipment, such request may be made by telephone or telegraph with the understanding that a written request shall be submitted within ten (10) days thereafter.

(b) Special temporary authority may also be requested to conduct a field survey to determine necessary data in connection with the preparation of a formal application for installation of a radio system under this part. Such authority may be granted to equipment suppliers and others who are not operators of cable television systems or other eligible systems, as well as to cable operators or other eligible system operators, to conduct equipment, program, service, and path tests.

(c) Any request for special temporary authority shall be clear and complete within itself as to the authority requested. In addition, such requests shall contain the following information:

(1) Name, address, and citizenship of applicant;

(2) Grounds for special action, including a description of any emergency or damage to equipment;

(3) Type of operation to be conducted;

(4) Purpose of operation;

(5) Time and date of proposed operation;

(6) Class of station and nature of service;

(7) Location of station;

(8) Equipment to be used, specifying manufacturer, model number, and number of units;

(9) Frequency or frequencies desired, consistent with § 78.18: Provided, however, That in the case of events of widespread interest and importance that cannot be transmitted successfully on these frequencies, frequencies assigned to other services may be requested on a showing that operation thereon will not cause interference to established stations: And provided, further, That in no case will a cable television relay service operation be authorized on frequencies employed for the safety of life and property;

(10) Plate power input to final radio frequency stage;

(11) Type of emission;

(12) Description of antenna to be used, including height. In the event that the proposed antenna installations will increase the height of any natural formation, or existing manmade structure, by more than 6.1 meters (20 feet), a vertical plan sketch showing the height of the structures proposed to be erected, the height above ground of any existing structure, the elevation of the site above mean sea level, and the geographic coordinates of the proposed sites shall be submitted with the application.

(d) Except in emergencies involving safety of life or property or due to damage to equipment, a request for special temporary authority shall be filed at least ten (10) days prior to the date of proposed operation, or shall be accompanied by a statement of reasons for the delay in submitting such request.

(e) If the Commission finds that special temporary authority is in the public interest, it may grant such authority for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, and, on a like finding, may extend such authority for one additional period not to exceed ninety (90) days.

[37 FR 15927, Aug. 8, 1972, as amended at 55 FR 46015, Oct. 31, 1990; 58 FR 44952, Aug. 25, 1993]
§ 78.35 - Assignment or transfer of control.

(a) No assignment of the license of a cable television relay station or transfer of control of a CARS licensee shall occur without prior FCC authorization.

(b) If an assignment or transfer of control does not involve a substantial change of interests, the provisions of §§ 78.20(c) and 78.22, concerning public notice and objections, shall be waived.

(c) Licensees of CARS stations are not required to submit applications for assignment or transfer of control or otherwise notify the FCC in cases where the change in ownership does not affect the identity or controlling interest of the licensee.

(d) If an assignment or transfer of control involves a substantial change of interest, and requires prior FCC approval, the CARS licensee is required to file FCC Form 327 with the Commission.

(e) Licensees are required to notify the Commission of consummation of an approved transfer or assignment. The assignee or transferee is responsible for providing this notification, including the date the transaction was consummated. The transaction must be consummated and notification provided to the Commission within 60 days of public notice of approval, and notification of consummation must occur no later than 30 days after actual consummation, unless a request for an extension of time to consummate is filed.

[37 FR 15927, Aug. 8, 1972, as amended at 50 FR 23421, June 4, 1985; 68 FR 27004, May 19, 2003]
§ 78.36 - Frequency coordination.

(a) Coordination of all frequency assignments for fixed stations in all bands above 2110 MHz, and for mobile (temporary fixed) stations in the bands 6425-6525 MHz and 17.7-19.7 GHz, will be in accordance with the procedure established in paragraph (b) of this section, except that the prior coordination process for mobile (temporary fixed) assignments may be completed orally and the period allowed for response to a coordination notification may be less than 30 days if the parties agree. Coordination of all frequency assignments for all mobile (temporary fixed) stations in all bands above 2110 MHz, except the bands 6425-6525 MHz and 17.7-19.7 GHz, will be conducted in accordance with the procedure established in paragraph (b) of this section or with the procedure in paragraph (d) of this section. Coordination of all frequency assignments for all fixed stations in the band 1990-2110 MHz will be in accordance with the procedure established in paragraph (c) of this section. Coordination of all frequency assignments for all mobile (temporary fixed) stations in the band 1990-2110 MHz will be conducted in accordance with the procedure in paragraph (d) of this section.

(b) For each frequency coordinated under this part, the interference protection criteria in 47 CFR 101.105(a), (b), and (c) and the following frequency usage coordination procedures will apply:

(1) General requirements. Proposed frequency usage must be prior coordinated with existing licensees, permittees, and applicants in the area, and other applicants with previously filed applications, whose facilities could affect or be affected by the new proposal in terms of frequency interference on active channels, applied-for channels, or channels coordinated for future growth. Coordination must be completed prior to filing an application for regular authorization, or a major amendment to a pending application, or any major modification to a license. In coordinating frequency usage with stations in the fixed satellite service, applicants must also comply with the requirements of 47 CFR 101.21(f). In engineering a system or modification thereto, the applicant must, by appropriate studies and analyses, select sites, transmitters, antennas and frequencies that will avoid interference in excess of permissible levels to other users. All applicants and licensees must cooperate fully and make reasonable efforts to resolve technical problems and conflicts that may inhibit the most effective and efficient use of the radio spectrum; however, the party being coordinated with is not obligated to suggest changes or re-engineer a proposal in cases involving conflicts. Applicants should make every reasonable effort to avoid blocking the growth of systems as prior coordinated. The applicant must identify in the application all entities with which the technical proposal was coordinated. In the event that technical problems are not resolved, an explanation must be submitted with the application. Where technical problems are resolved by an agreement or operating arrangement between the parties that would require special procedures be taken to reduce the likelihood of interference in excess of permissible levels (such as the use of artificial site shielding) or would result in a reduction of quality or capacity of either system, the details thereof may be contained in the application.

(2) Coordination procedure guidelines are as follows:

(i) Coordination involves two separate elements: Notification and response. Both or either may be oral or in written form. To be acceptable for filing, all applications and major technical amendments must certify that coordination, including response, has been completed. The names of the licensees, permittees and applicants with which coordination was accomplished must be specified. If such notice and/or response is oral, the party providing such notice or response must supply written documentation of the communication upon request;

(ii) Notification must include relevant technical details of the proposal. At minimum, this should include, as applicable, the following:

(A) Applicant's name and address,

(B) Transmitting station name,

(C) Transmitting station coordinates,

(D) Frequencies and polarizations to be added, changed or deleted,

(E) Transmitting equipment type, its stability, actual output power, emission designator, and type of modulation (loading),

(F) Transmitting antenna type(s), model, gain and, if required, a radiation pattern provided or certified by the manufacturer,

(G) Transmitting antenna center line height(s) above ground level and ground elevation above mean sea level,

(H) Receiving station name,

(I) Receiving station coordinates,

(J) Receiving antenna type(s), model, gain, and, if required, a radiation pattern provided or certified by the manufacturer,

(K) Receiving antenna center line height(s) above ground level and ground elevation above mean sea level,

(L) Path azimuth and distance,

(M) Estimated transmitter transmission line loss expressed in dB,

(N) Estimated receiver transmission line loss expressed in dB,

(O) For a system utilizing ATPC, maximum transmit power, coordinated transmit power, and nominal transmit power.

Note to paragraph (b)(2)(ii):

The position location of antenna sites shall be determined to an accuracy of no less than ±1 second in the horizontal dimensions (latitude and longitude) and ±1 meter in the vertical dimension (ground elevation) with respect to the National Spacial Reference System.

(iii) For transmitters employing digital modulation techniques, the notification should clearly identify the type of modulation. Upon request, additional details of the operating characteristics of the equipment must also be furnished;

(iv) Response to notification should be made as quickly as possible, even if no technical problems are anticipated. Any response to notification indicating potential interference must specify the technical details and must be provided to the applicant, in writing, within the 30-day notification period. Every reasonable effort should be made by all applicants, permittees and licensees to eliminate all problems and conflicts. If no response to notification is received within 30 days, the applicant will be deemed to have made reasonable efforts to coordinate and may file its application without a response;

(v) The 30-day notification period is calculated from the date of receipt by the applicant, permittee, or licensee being notified. If notification is by mail, this date may be ascertained by:

(A) The return receipt on certified mail;

(B) The enclosure of a card to be dated and returned by the recipient; or

(C) A conservative estimate of the time required for the mail to reach its destination. In the last case, the estimated date when the 30-day period would expire should be stated in the notification.

(vi) An expedited prior coordination period (less than 30 days) may be requested when deemed necessary by a notifying party. The coordination notice should be identified as “expedited” and the requested response date should be clearly indicated. However, circumstances preventing a timely response from the receiving party should be accommodated accordingly. It is the responsibility of the notifying party to receive written concurrence (or verbal, with written to follow) from affected parties or their coordination representatives.

(vii) All technical problems that come to light during coordination must be resolved unless a statement is included with the application to the effect that the applicant is unable or unwilling to resolve the conflict and briefly the reason therefore;

(viii) Where a number of technical changes become necessary for a system during the course of coordination, an attempt should be made to minimize the number of separate notifications for these changes. Where the changes are incorporated into a completely revised notice, the items that were changed from the previous notice should be identified. When changes are not numerous or complex, the party receiving the changed notification should make an effort to respond in less than 30 days. When the notifying party believes a shorter response time is reasonable and appropriate, it may be helpful for that party to so indicate in the notice and perhaps suggest a response date;

(ix) If, after coordination is successfully completed, it is determined that a subsequent change could have no impact on some parties receiving the original notification, these parties must be notified of the change and of the coordinator's opinion that no response is required;

(x) Applicants, permittees and licensees should supply to all other applicants, permittees and licensees within their areas of operations, the name, address and telephone number of their coordination representatives. Upon request from coordinating applicants, permittees and licensees, data and information concerning existing or proposed facilities and future growth plans in the area of interest should be furnished unless such request is unreasonable or would impose a significant burden in compilation;

(xi) Parties should keep other parties with whom they are coordinating advised of changes in plans for facilities previously coordinated. If applications have not been filed 6 months after coordination was initiated, parties may assume that such frequency use is no longer desired unless a second notification has been received within 10 days of the end of the 6 month period. Renewal notifications are to be sent to all originally notified parties, even if coordination has not been successfully completed with those parties; and

(xii) Any frequency reserved by a licensee for future use in the bands subject to this part must be released for use by another licensee, permittee, or applicant upon a showing by the latter that it requires an additional frequency and cannot coordinate one that is not reserved for future use.

(c) For each frequency coordinated under this part, the following frequency usage coordination procedures will apply:

(1) General requirements. Applicants are responsible for selecting the frequency assignments that are least likely to result in mutual interference with other licensees in the same area. Applicants may consult local frequency coordination committees, where they exist, for information on frequencies available in the area. Proposed frequency usage must be coordinated with existing licensees and applicants in the area whose facilities could affect or be affected by the new proposal in terms of frequency interference on active channels, applied-for channels, or channels coordinated for future growth. Coordination must be completed prior to filing an application for regular authorization, for major amendment to a pending application, or for major modification to a license.

(2) To be acceptable for filing, all applications for regular authorization, or major amendment to a pending application, or major modification to a license, must include a certification attesting that all co-channel and adjacent-channel licensees and applicants potentially affected by the proposed fixed use of the frequency(ies) have been notified and are in agreement that the proposed facilities can be installed without causing harmful interference to those other licensees and applicants.

(d) For each frequency coordinated under this part, applicants are responsible for selecting the frequency assignments that are least likely to result in mutual interference with other licensees in the same area. Applicants may consult local frequency coordination committees, where they exist, for information on frequencies available in the area. In selecting frequencies, consideration should be given to the relative location of receive points, normal transmission paths, and the nature of the contemplated operation.

[68 FR 12774, Mar. 17, 2003, as amended at 75 FR 17061, Apr. 5, 2010]
§ 78.40 - Transition of the 1990-2025 MHz band from the Cable Television Relay Service to emerging technologies.

(a) New Entrants are collectively defined as those licensees proposing to use emerging technologies to implement Mobile Satellite Services in the 2000-2020 MHz band (MSS licensees), those licensees authorized after July 1, 2004 to implement new Fixed and Mobile services in the 1990-1995 MHz band, and those licensees authorized after September 9, 2004 in the 1995-2000 MHz and 2020-2025 MHz bands. New entrants may negotiate with Cable Television Relay Service licensees operating on a primary basis and fixed service licensees operating on a primary basis in the 1990-2025 MHz band (Existing Licensees) for the purpose of agreeing to terms under which the Existing Licensees would relocate their operations to the 2025-2110 MHz band, to other authorized bands, or to other media; or, alternatively, would accept a sharing arrangement with the New Entrants that may result in an otherwise impermissible level of interference to the Existing Licensee's operations. New licensees in the 1995-2000 MHz and 2020-2025 MHz bands are subject to the specific relocation procedures adopted in WT Docket 04-356.

(b) Existing Licensees in the 1990-2025 MHz band allocated for licensed emerging technology services will maintain primary status in the band until a New Entrant completes relocation of the Existing Licensee's operations or the Existing Licensee indicates to a New Entrant that it declines to be relocated.

(c) The Commission will amend the operating license of the Existing Licensee to secondary status only if the following requirements are met:

(1) The service applicant, provider, licensee, or representative using an emerging technology guarantees payment of all relocation costs, including all engineering, equipment, site and FCC fees, as well as any reasonable additional costs that the relocated Existing Licensee might incur as a result of operation in another authorized band or migration to another medium;

(2) The New Entrant completes all activities necessary for implementing the replacement facilities, including engineering and cost analysis of the relocation procedure and, if radio facilities are used, identifying and obtaining, on the incumbents' behalf, new microwave or Cable Television Relay Service frequencies and frequency coordination.

(3) The New Entrant builds the replacement system and tests it for comparability with the existing system.

(d) The Existing Licensee is not required to relocate until the alternative facilities are available to it for a reasonable time to make adjustments, determine comparability, and ensure a seamless handoff.

(e) If, within one year after the relocation to new facilities the Existing Licensee demonstrates that the new facilities are not comparable to the former facilities, the New Entrant must remedy the defect.

(f) Subject to the terms of this paragraph (f), the relocation of Existing Licensees will be carried out by MSS licensees in the following manner:

(1) Existing Licensees and MSS licensees may negotiate individually or collectively for relocation of Existing Licensees to one of the channel plans specified in § 74.602(a)(3) of this part. Parties may not decline to negotiate, though Existing Licensees may decline to be relocated.

(i) MSS licensees may relocate all Existing Licensees in Nielsen Designated Market Areas (DMAs) 1-30, as such DMAs existed on September 6, 2000, except those Existing Licensees that decline relocation. Such relocation negotiations shall be conducted as “mandatory negotiations,” as that term is used in § 101.73 of this chapter. If these parties are unable to reach a negotiated agreement, MSS Licensees may involuntarily relocate such Existing Licensees after December 8, 2004.

(ii) [Reserved]

(iii) On the date that the first MSS licensee begins operations in the 2000-2020 MHz band, a one-year mandatory negotiation period begins between MSS licensees and Existing Licensees in DMAs 31-210, as such DMAs existed on September 6, 2000. After the end of the mandatory negotiation period, MSS licensees may involuntary relocate any Existing Licensees with which they have been unable to reach a negotiated agreement. As described elsewhere in this paragraph (f), MSS Licensees are obligated to relocate these Existing Licensees within the specified three- and five-year time periods.

(2) Before negotiating with MSS licensees, Existing Licensees in Nielsen Designated Market Areas where there is a BAS frequency coordinator must coordinate and select a band plan for the market area. If an Existing Licensee wishes to operate in the 2025-2110 MHz band using the channel plan specified in § 78.18(a)(6)(i) of this part, then all licensees within that Existing Licensee's market must agree to such operation and all must operate on a secondary basis to any licensee operating on the channel plan specified in § 78.18(a)(6)(ii). All negotiations must produce solutions that adhere to the market area's band plan.

(3)-(4) [Reserved]

(5) As of the date the first MSS Licensee begins operations in the 1990-2025 MHz band, MSS Licensees must relocate Existing Licensees in DMAs 31-100, as they existed as of September 6, 2000, within three years, and in the remaining DMAs, as they existed as of September 6, 2000, within five years.

(6) On December 9, 2013, all Existing Licensees will become secondary in the 1990-2025 MHz band. Upon written demand by any MSS Licensee, Existing Licensees must cease operations in the 1990-2025 MHz band within six months.

[65 FR 48181, Aug. 7, 2000, as amended at 67 FR 53756, Aug. 19, 2002; 68 FR 68253, Dec. 8, 2003; 69 FR 62622, Oct. 27, 2004; 69 FR 67836, Nov. 22, 2004; 74 FR 29613, June 23, 2009]
source: 37 FR 3292, Feb. 12, 1972, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 47 CFR 78.21