Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 47 - Telecommunication last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 2.801 - Radiofrequency device defined.

As used in this part, a radiofrequency device is any device which in its operation is capable of emitting radiofrequency energy by radiation, conduction, or other means. Radiofrequency devices include, but are not limited to:

(a) The various types of radio communication transmitting devices described throughout this chapter.

(b) The incidental, unintentional and intentional radiators defined in part 15 of this chapter.

(c) The industrial, scientific, and medical equipment described in part 18 of this chapter.

(d) Any part or component thereof which in use emits radiofrequency energy by radiation, conduction, or other means.

[35 FR 7898, May 22, 1970, as amended at 54 FR 17711, Apr. 25, 1989]
§ 2.803 - Marketing of radio frequency devices prior to equipment authorization.

(a) Marketing, as used in this section, includes sale or lease, or offering for sale or lease, including advertising for sale or lease, or importation, shipment, or distribution for the purpose of selling or leasing or offering for sale or lease.

(b) General rule. No person may market a radio frequency device unless:

(1) For devices subject to authorization under certification, the device has been authorized in accordance with the rules in subpart J of this chapter and is properly identified and labeled as required by § 2.925 and other relevant sections in this chapter; or

(2) For devices subject to authorization under Supplier's Declaration of Conformity in accordance with the rules in subpart J of this part, the device complies with all applicable technical, labeling, identification and administrative requirements; or

(3) For devices that do not require a grant of equipment authorization under subpart J of this chapter but must comply with the specified technical standards prior to use, the device complies with all applicable, technical, labeling, identification and administrative requirements.

(c) Exceptions. The following marketing activities are permitted prior to equipment authorization:

(1) Activities conducted under market trials pursuant to subpart H of part 5 of this chapter or in accordance with a Spectrum Horizons experimental radio license issued pursuant to subpart I of part 5.

(2) Limited marketing is permitted, as described in the following text, for devices that could be authorized under the current rules; could be authorized under waivers of such rules that are in effect at the time of marketing; or could be authorized under rules that have been adopted by the Commission but that have not yet become effective. These devices may not be operated unless permitted by § 2.805.

(i) Conditional sales contracts (including agreements to produce new devices manufactured in accordance with designated specifications), and advertisements for such sales, are permitted under the following conditions:

(A) The initiating party must provide to the prospective buyer at the time of marketing, through a prominent disclosure:

(1) Notification that the equipment is subject to the FCC rules and delivery to the end user is conditional upon successful completion of the applicable equipment authorization process;

(2) Notification that FCC rules do not address the applicability of consumer protection, contractual, or other provisions under federal or state law; and

(3) Notification of any responsibility of the initiating party to the buyer in the event that the applicable equipment authorization process is not successfully completed, including information regarding any applicable refund policy.

(B) For devices subject to Supplier Declaration of Conformity procedures under subpart J of this chapter, physical transfer of equipment from the initiating party to other entities, including delivery to the end user, prior to successful completion of the equipment authorization process is prohibited.

(C) For devices subject to Certification procedures under subpart J of this chapter, delivery to the end user prior to successful completion of the equipment authorization process is prohibited; transfer of physical possession of devices to other entities for the sole purpose of pre-sale activity is permitted only after compliance testing by an FCC-recognized accredited testing laboratory is completed and an application for Certification is submitted to an FCC-recognized Telecommunication Certification Body pursuant to § 2.911. Pre-sale activity includes packaging and transferring physical possession of devices to distribution centers and retailers. Pre-sale activity does not include display or demonstration of devices.

(1) Each device, or its packaging, physically transferred for the purpose of pre-sale activity must prominently display a visible temporary removable label stating: “This device cannot be delivered to end users, displayed, or operated until the device receives certification from the FCC. Under penalty of law, this label must not be removed prior to receiving an FCC certification grant.”

(2) The first party to initiate a conditional sales contract under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section or to physically transfer devices must have processes in place to retrieve the equipment in the event that the equipment is not successfully certified and must complete such retrieval immediately after a determination is made that the equipment certification cannot be successfully completed.

(D) Notwithstanding § 2.926, radiofrequency devices marketed pursuant to paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section may include the expected FCC ID if obscured by the temporary label described in paragraph (c)(2)(i)(C)(1) of this section or, in the case of electronic labeling, if the expected FCC ID cannot be viewed prior to authorization.

(E) All radiofrequency devices marketed under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section must remain under legal ownership of the first party to initiate a conditional sales contract.

(F) The first party to initiate a conditional sales contract or any party that physically transfers devices under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section must maintain, for a period of sixty (60) months, records of each conditional sale contract. Such records must identify the device name and product identifier, the quantity conditionally sold, the date on which the device authorization was sought, the expected FCC ID number, and the identity of the conditional buyer, including contact information. The first party to initiate a conditional sales contract or any party that physically transfers devices under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section must provide these records upon the request of Commission personnel.

(ii) [Reserved]

(iii) (A) A radio frequency device may be advertised or displayed, (e.g., at a trade show or exhibition) if accompanied by a conspicuous notice containing this language:

This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.

(B) If the device being displayed is a prototype of a device that has been properly authorized and the prototype, itself, is not authorized due to differences between the prototype and the authorized device, this language may be used instead: Prototype. Not for Sale.

(iv) An evaluation kit as defined in § 2.1 may be sold provided that:

(A) Sales are limited to product developers, software developers, and system integrators;

(B) The following notice is included with the kit:

FCC NOTICE: This kit is designed to allow:

(1) Product developers to evaluate electronic components, circuitry, or software associated with the kit to determine whether to incorporate such items in a finished product and

(2) Software developers to write software applications for use with the end product. This kit is not a finished product and when assembled may not be resold or otherwise marketed unless all required FCC equipment authorizations are first obtained. Operation is subject to the condition that this product not cause harmful interference to licensed radio stations and that this product accept harmful interference. Unless the assembled kit is designed to operate under part 15, part 18 or part 95 of this chapter, the operator of the kit must operate under the authority of an FCC license holder or must secure an experimental authorization under part 5 of this chapter.

(C) The kit is labeled with the following legend: For evaluation only; not FCC approved for resale; and

(D) Any radiofrequency transmitter employed as part of an evaluation kit shall be designed to comply with all applicable FCC technical rules, including frequency use, spurious and out-of-band emission limits, and maximum power or field strength ratings applicable to final products that would employ the components or circuitry to be evaluated.

(d) Importation. The provisions of subpart K of this part continue to apply to imported radio frequency devices.

[78 FR 25161, Apr. 29, 2013, as amended at 79 FR 48691, Aug. 18, 2014; 80 FR 52414, Aug. 31, 2015; 82 FR 50825, Nov. 2, 2017; 84 FR 25689, June 4, 2019; 86 FR 52099, Sept. 20, 2021; 87 FR 21580, Apr. 12, 2022]
§ 2.805 - Operation of radio frequency devices prior to equipment authorization.

(a) General rule. A radio frequency device may not be operated prior to equipment authorization unless the conditions set forth in paragraphs (b), (c), (d) or (e), of this section are meet. Radio frequency devices operated under these provisions may not be marketed (as defined in § 2.803(a)) except as provided elsewhere in this chapter. In addition, the provisions of subpart K continue to apply to imported radio frequency devices.

(b) Operation of a radio frequency device prior to equipment authorization is permitted under the authority of an experimental radio service authorization issued under part 5 of this chapter.

(c) Operation of a radio frequency device prior to equipment authorization is permitted for experimentation or compliance testing of a device that is fully contained within an anechoic chamber or a Faraday cage.

(d) For devices designed to operate solely under parts 15, 18, or 95 of this chapter without a station license, operation of a radio frequency device prior to equipment authorization is permitted under the following conditions, so long as devices are either rendered inoperable or retrieved at the conclusion of such operation:

(1) The radio frequency device shall be operated in compliance with existing Commission rules, waivers of such rules that are in effect at the time of operation, or rules that have been adopted by the Commission but that have not yet become effective; and

(2) The radio frequency device shall be operated for at least one of these purposes:

(i) Demonstrations at a trade show or an exhibition, provided a notice containing the wording specified in § 2.803(c)(2)(iii) is displayed in a conspicuous location on, or immediately adjacent to, the device; or all prospective buyers at the trade show or exhibition are advised in writing that the equipment is subject to the FCC rules and that the equipment will comply with the appropriate rules before delivery to the buyer or to centers of distribution; or

(ii) Evaluation of performance and determination of customer acceptability, during developmental, design, or pre-production states. If the device is not operated at the manufacturer's facilities, it must be labeled with the wording specified in § 2.803(c)(2)(iii), and in the case of an evaluation kit, the wording specified in § 2.803(c)(2)(iv)(C).

(e) Operation of a radio frequency device prior to equipment authorization is permitted under either paragraph (e)(1) or (e)(2) of this section so long as devices are either rendered inoperable or retrieved at the conclusion of such operation:

(1) The radio frequency device shall be operated in compliance with existing Commission rules, waivers of such rules that are in effect at the time of operation, or rules that have been adopted by the Commission but that have not yet become effective; and

(i) Under the authority of a service license (only in the bands for which that service licensee holds a license) provided that the licensee grants permission and the licensee continues to remain responsible for complying with all of the operating conditions and requirements associated with its license; or

(ii) Under a grant of special temporary authorization.

(2) The radio frequency device shall be operated at or below the maximum level specified in the table in § 15.209(a) of this chapter for at least one of these purposes:

(i) Demonstrations at a trade show or an exhibition, provided a notice containing the wording specified in § 2.803(c)(2)(iii) is displayed in a conspicuous location on, or immediately adjacent to, the device; or all prospective buyers at the trade show or exhibition are advised in writing that the equipment is subject to the FCC rules and that the equipment will comply with the appropriate rules before delivery to the buyer or to centers of distribution; or

(ii) Evaluation of performance and determination of customer acceptability, during developmental, design, or pre-production states. If the device is not operated at the manufacturer's facilities, it must be labeled with the wording specified in § 2.803(c)(2)(iii), and in the case of an evaluation kit, the wording specified in § 2.803(c)(2)(iv)(C).

[78 FR 25162, Apr. 29, 2013, as amended at 79 FR 48691, Aug. 18, 2014]
§ 2.807 - Statutory exceptions.

As provided by Section 302(c) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, § 2.803 shall not be applicable to:

(a) Carriers transporting radiofrequency devices without trading in them.

(b) Radiofrequency devices manufactured solely for export.

(c) The manufacture, assembly, or installation of radiofrequency devices for its own use by a public utility engaged in providing electric service: Provided, however, That no such device shall be operated if it causes harmful interference to radio communications.

(d) Radiofrequency devices for use by the Government of the United States or any agency thereof: Provided, however, That this exception shall not be applicable to any device after it has been disposed of by such Government or agency.

[35 FR 7898, May 22, 1970, as amended at 62 FR 10470, Mar. 7, 1997]
§ 2.811 - Transmitters operated under part 73 of this chapter.

Section 2.803(a) through (c) shall not be applicable to a transmitter operated in any of the Radio Broadcast Services regulated under part 73 of this chapter, provided the conditions set out in part 73 of this chapter for the acceptability of such transmitter for use under licensing are met.

[78 FR 25162, Apr. 29, 2013]
§ 2.813 - Transmitters operated in the Instructional Television Fixed Service.

Section 2.803 (a) through (d) shall not be applicable to a transmitter operated in the Instructional Television Fixed Service regulated under part 74 of this chapter, provided the conditions in § 74.952 of this chapter for the acceptability of such transmitter for licensing are met.

[62 FR 10470, Mar. 7, 1997]
§ 2.815 - External radio frequency power amplifiers.

(a) As used in this part, an external radio frequency power amplifier is any device which, (1) when used in conjunction with a radio transmitter as a signal source is capable of amplification of that signal, and (2) is not an integral part of a radio transmitter as manufactured.

(b) No person shall manufacture, sell or lease, offer for sale or lease (including advertising for sale or lease) or import, ship or distribute for the purpose of selling or leasing or offering for sale or lease, any external radio frequency power amplifier capable of operation on any frequency or frequencies below 144 MHz unless the amplifier has received a grant of certification in accordance with subpart J of this part and other relevant parts of this chapter. These amplifiers shall comply with the following:

(1) The external radio frequency power amplifier shall not be capable of amplification in the frequency band 26-28 MHz.

(2) The amplifier shall not be capable of easy modification to permit its use as an amplifier in the frequency band 26-28 MHz.

(3) No more than 10 external radio frequency power amplifiers may be constructed for evaluation purposes in preparation for the submission of an application for a grant of certification.

(4) If the external radio frequency power amplifier is intended for operation in the Amateur Radio Service under part 97 of this chapter, the requirements of §§ 97.315 and 97.317 of this chapter shall be met.

[40 FR 1246, Jan. 7, 1975; 40 FR 6474, Feb. 12, 1975, as amended at 43 FR 12687, Mar. 27, 1978; 43 FR 33725, Aug. 1, 1978; 46 FR 18981, Mar. 27, 1981; 62 FR 10470, Mar. 7, 1997; 71 FR 66461, Nov. 15, 2006]
source: 28 FR 12465, Nov. 22, 1963, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 47 CFR 2.811