Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 25, 2025
Title 47 - Telecommunication last revised: Feb 21, 2025
§ 5.201 - Applicable rules.
In addition to the rules in this subpart, broadcast experimental station applicants and licensees shall follow the rules in subparts B and C of this part. In case of any conflict between the rules set forth in this subpart and the rules set forth in subparts B and C of this part, the rules in this subpart shall govern.
§ 5.203 - Experimental authorizations for licensed broadcast stations.
(a) Licensees of broadcast stations (including TV Translator, LPTV, and TV Booster stations) may obtain experimental authorizations to conduct technical experimentation directed toward improvement of the technical phases of operation and service, and for such purposes may use a signal other than the normal broadcast program signal.
(b) Experimental authorizations for licensed broadcast stations may be requested by filing an informal application with the FCC in Washington, DC, describing the nature and purpose of the experimentation to be conducted, the nature of the experimental signal to be transmitted, and the proposed schedule of hours and duration of the experimentation.
(c) Experimental operations for licensed broadcast stations are subject to the following conditions:
(1) The authorized power of the station may not be exceeded more than 5 percent above the maximum power specified, except as specifically authorized for the experimental operations.
(2) Emissions outside the authorized bandwidth must be attenuated to the degree required for the particular type of station.
(3) The experimental operations may be conducted at any time the licensed station is authorized to operate, but the minimum required schedule of programming for the class and type of station must be met. AM stations also may conduct experimental operations during the experimental period (12 midnight local time to local sunrise) and at additional hours if permitted by the experimental authorization provided no interference is caused to other stations maintaining a regular operating schedule within such period(s).
(4) If a licensed station's experimental authorization permits the use of additional facilities or hours of operation for experimental purposes, no sponsored programs or commercial announcements may be transmitted during such experimentation.
(5) The licensee may transmit regularly scheduled programming concurrently with the experimental transmission if there is no significant impairment of service.
(6) No charges may be made, either directly or indirectly, for the experimentation; however, normal charges may be made for regularly scheduled programming transmitted concurrently with the experimental transmissions.
(d) The FCC may request a report of the research, experimentation and results at the conclusion of the experimental operation.
[78 FR 25162, Apr. 29, 2013, as amended at 84 FR 2758, Feb. 8, 2019]
§ 5.205 - Licensing requirements, necessary showing.
(a) An applicant for a new experimental broadcast station, change in facilities of any existing station, or modification of license is required to make a satisfactory showing of compliance with the general requirements of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, as well as the following:
(1) That the applicant has a definite program of research and experimentation in the technical phases of broadcasting which indicates reasonable promise of substantial contribution to the developments of the broadcasting art.
(2) That upon the authorization of the proposed station the applicant can and will proceed immediately with its program of research and experimentation.
(3) That the transmission of signals by radio is essential to the proposed program of research and experimentation.
(4) That the program of research and experimentation will be conducted by qualified personnel.
(b) A license for an experimental broadcast station will be issued only on the condition that no objectionable interference to the regular program transmissions of broadcast stations will result from the transmissions of the experimental stations.
(c) Special provision for broadcast experimental radio station applications. For purposes of the definition of “experimental authorization” in Section II.A.6 of the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement Regarding the Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act Review Process set forth in Appendix C to Part 1 of this chapter, an Broadcast Experimental Radio Station authorized under this Subpart shall be considered an “Experimental Broadcast Station authorized under part 74 of the Commission's Rules.”
[78 FR 25162, Apr. 29, 2013]
§ 5.207 - Supplemental reports with application for renewal of license.
A report shall be filed with each application for renewal of experimental broadcast station license which shall include a statement of each of the following:
(a) Number of hours operated.
(b) Full data on research and experimentation conducted including the types of transmitting and studio equipment used and their mode of operation.
(c) Data on expense of research and operation during the period covered.
(d) Power employed, field intensity measurements and visual and aural observations and the types of instruments and receivers utilized to determine the station service area and the efficiency of the respective types of transmissions.
(e) Estimated degree of public participation in reception and the results of observations as to the effectiveness of types of transmission.
(f) Conclusions, tentative and final.
(g) Program of further developments in broadcasting.
(h) All developments and major changes in equipment.
(i) Any other pertinent developments.
[78 FR 25162, Apr. 29, 2013]
§ 5.211 - Frequency monitors and measurements.
The licensee of a broadcast experimental radio station shall provide the necessary means for determining that the frequency of the station is within the allowed tolerance. The date and time of each frequency check, the frequency as measured, and a description or identification of the method employed shall be entered in the station log. Sufficient observations shall be made to insure that the assigned carrier frequency is maintained within the prescribed tolerance.
§ 5.213 - Time of operation.
(a) Unless specified or restricted hours of operation are shown in the station authorization, broadcast experimental radio stations may be operated at any time and are not required to adhere to a regular schedule of operation.
(b) The FCC may limit or restrict the periods of station operation in the event interference is caused to other broadcast or non-broadcast stations.
(c) The FCC may require that a broadcast experimental radio station conduct such experiments as are deemed desirable and reasonable for development of the type of service for which the station was authorized.
§ 5.215 - Program service and charges.
(a) The licensee of a broadcast experimental radio station may transmit program material only when necessary to the experiments being conducted, and no regular program service may be broadcast unless specifically authorized.
(b) The licensee of a broadcast experimental radio station may make no charges nor ask for any payment, directly or indirectly, for the production or transmission of any programming or information used for experimental broadcast purposes.
§ 5.217 - Rebroadcasts.
(a) The term rebroadcast means reception by radio of the programs or other transmissions of a broadcast station, and the simultaneous or subsequent retransmission of such programs or transmissions by a broadcast station.
(1) As used in this section, the word “program” includes any complete program or part thereof.
(2) The transmission of a program from its point of origin to a broadcast station entirely by common carrier facilities, whether by wire line or radio, is not considered a rebroadcast.
(3) The broadcasting of a program relayed by a remote broadcast pickup station is not considered a rebroadcast.
(b) No licensee of a broadcast experimental radio station may retransmit the program of another U.S. broadcast station without the express authority of the originating station. A copy of the written consent of the licensee originating the program must be kept by the licensee of the broadcast experimental radio station retransmitting such program and made available to the FCC upon request.
[78 FR 25162, Apr. 29, 2013]
§ 5.219 - Broadcasting emergency information.
(a) In an emergency where normal communication facilities have been disrupted or destroyed by storms, floods or other disasters, a broadcast experimental radio station may be operated for the purpose of transmitting essential communications intended to alleviate distress, dispatch aid, assist in rescue operations, maintain order, or otherwise promote the safety of life and property. In the course of such operation, a station of any class may communicate with stations of other classes and in other services. However, such operation shall be conducted only on the frequency or frequencies for which the station is licensed and the used power shall not exceed the maximum authorized in the station license. When such operation involves the use of frequencies shared with other stations, licensees are expected to cooperate fully to avoid unnecessary or disruptive interference.
(b) Whenever such operation involves communications of a nature other than those for which the station is licensed to perform, the licensee shall, at the earliest practicable time, notify the FCC in Washington, DC of the nature of the emergency and the use to which the station is being put and shall subsequently notify the same offices when the emergency operation has been terminated.
(c) Emergency operation undertaken pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be discontinued as soon as substantially normal communications facilities have been restored. The Commission may at any time order discontinuance of such operation.
source: 78 FR 25162, Apr. 29, 2013, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 47 CFR 5.217