Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 48 - Federal Acquisition Regulations System last revised: Oct 10, 2024
1452.200 - 1452.200 Scope of subpart.

This subpart sets forth the texts of all DIAR provisions and clauses. Consistent with the numbering scheme prescribed in FAR 52.101 and the approach used in FAR Subpart 52.2, this subpart is arranged by subject matter, in the same order as, and keyed to, the parts of the DIAR in which provisions and clause requirements are addressed.

1452.201-70 - 1452.201-70 Authorities and delegations.

As prescribed in section 1401.670-1, insert the following clause:

Authorities and Delegations (SEP 2011)

(a) The Contracting Officer is the only individual authorized to enter into or terminate this contract, modify any term or condition of this contract, waive any requirement of this contract, or accept nonconforming work.

(b) The Contracting Officer will designate a Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) at time of award. The COR will be responsible for technical monitoring of the contractor's performance and deliveries. The COR will be appointed in writing, and a copy of the appointment will be furnished to the Contractor. Changes to this delegation will be made by written changes to the existing appointment or by issuance of a new appointment.

(c) The COR is not authorized to perform, formally or informally, any of the following actions:

(1) Promise, award, agree to award, or execute any contract, contract modification, or notice of intent that changes or may change this contract;

(2) Waive or agree to modification of the delivery schedule;

(3) Make any final decision on any contract matter subject to the Disputes Clause;

(4) Terminate, for any reason, the Contractor's right to proceed;

(5) Obligate in any way, the payment of money by the Government.

(d) The Contractor shall comply with the written or oral direction of the Contracting Officer or authorized representative(s) acting within the scope and authority of the appointment memorandum. The Contractor need not proceed with direction that it considers to have been issued without proper authority. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing, with as much detail as possible, when the COR has taken an action or has issued direction (written or oral) that the Contractor considers to exceed the COR's appointment, within 3 days of the occurrence. Unless otherwise provided in this contract, the Contractor assumes all costs, risks, liabilities, and consequences of performing any work it is directed to perform that falls within any of the categories defined in paragraph (c) prior to receipt of the Contracting Officer's response issued under paragraph (e) of this clause.

(e) The Contracting Officer shall respond in writing within 30 days to any notice made under paragraph (d) of this clause. A failure of the parties to agree upon the nature of a direction, or upon the contract action to be taken with respect thereto, shall be subject to the provisions of the Disputes clause of this contract.

(f) The Contractor shall provide copies of all correspondence to the Contracting Officer and the COR.

(g) Any action(s) taken by the Contractor, in response to any direction given by any person acting on behalf of the Government or any Government official other than the Contracting Officer or the COR acting within his or her appointment, shall be at the Contractor's risk.

(End of clause) [76 FR 50142, Aug. 12, 2011]
1452.203-70 - 1452.203-70 Restrictions on Endorsements.

As prescribed in 1403.570-3, insert the following clause:

Restriction on Endorsements—Department of the interior (JUL 1996)

The Contractor shall not refer to contracts awarded by the Department of the Interior in commercial advertising, as defined in FAR 31.205-1, in a manner which states or implies that the product or service provided is approved or endorsed by the Government, or is considered by the Government to be superior to other products or services. This restriction is intended to avoid the appearance of preference by the Government toward any product or service. The Contractor may request the Contracting Officer to make a determination as to the propriety of promotional material.

(End of clause)
1452.204-70 - 1452.204-70 Release of Claims.

As prescribed in 1404.804-70, insert the following clause:

Release of Claims—Department of the Interior (JUL 1996)

After completion of work and prior to final payment, the Contractor shall furnish the Contracting Officer with a release of claims against the United States relating to this contract. The Release of Claims form (DI-137) shall be used for this purpose. The form provides for exception of specified claims from operation of the release.

(End of clause)
1452.215-70 - 1452.215-70 Examination of Records by the Department of the Interior.

As prescribed in 1415.209-70, insert the following clause:

Examination of Records by the Department of the Interior (APR 1984)

For purposes of the Examination of Records by the Comptroller General clause of this contract (FAR 52.215-1), the Secretary of the Interior, the Inspector General, and their duly authorized representative(s) from the Department of the Interior shall have the same access and examination rights as the Comptroller General of the United States.

(End of clause)
1452.215-71 - 1452.215-71 Use and Disclosure of Proposal Information—Department of the Interior.

As prescribed in 1415.207-70, insert the following provision:

Use and Disclosure of Proposal Information—Department of the Interior (APR 1984)

(a) Definitions. For the purposes of this provision and the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552), the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below:

(1) “Trade Secret” means an unpatented, secret, commercially valuable plan, appliance, formula, or process, which is used for making, preparing, compounding, treating or processing articles or materials which are trade commodities.

(2) “Confidential commercial or financial information” means any business information (other than trade secrets) which is exempt from the mandatory disclosure requirement of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552. Exemptions from mandatory disclosure which may be applicable to business information contained in proposals include exemption (4), which covers “commercial and financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential,” and exemption (9), which covers “geological and geophysical information, including maps, concerning wells.”

(b) If the offeror, or its subcontractor(s), believes that the proposal contains trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, (5 U.S.C. 552), the cover page of each copy of the proposal shall be marked with the following legend:

“The information specifically identified on pages ____________ of this proposal constitutes trade secrets or confidential commercial and financial information which the offeror believes to be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. The offeror requests that this information not be disclosed to the public, except as may be required by law. The offeror also requests that this information not be used in whole or part by the government for any purpose other than to evaluate the proposal, except that if a contract is awarded to the offeror as a result of or in connection with the submission of the proposal, the Government shall have the right to use the information to the extent provided in the contract.”

(c) The offeror shall also specifically identify trade secret information and confidential commercial and financial information on the pages of the proposal on which it appears and shall mark each such page with the following legend:

“This page contains trade secrets or confidential commercial and financial information which the offeror believes to be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and which is subject to the legend contained on the cover page of this proposal.”

(d) Information in a proposal identified by an offeror as trade secret information or confidential commercial and financial information shall be used by the Government only for the purpose of evaluating the proposal, except that (i) if a contract is awarded to the offeror as a result of or in connection with submission of the proposal, the Government shall have the right to use the information as provided in the contract, and (ii) if the same information is obtained from another source without restriction it may be used without restriction.

(e) If a request under the Freedom of Information Act seeks access to information in a proposal identified as trade secret information or confidential commercial and financial information, full consideration will be given to the offeror's view that the information constitutes trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information. The offeror will also be promptly notified of the request and given an opportunity to provide additional evidence and argument in support of its position, unless administratively unfeasible to do so. If it is determined that information claimed by the offeror to be trade secret information or confidential commercial or financial information is not exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, the offeror will be notified of this determination prior to disclosure of the information.

(f) The Government assumes no liability for the disclosure or use of information contained in a proposal if not marked in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this provision. If a request under the Freedom of Information Act is made for information in a proposal not marked in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this provision, the offeror concerned shall be promptly notified of the request and given an opportunity to provide its position to the Government. However, failure of an offeror to mark information contained in a proposal as trade secret information or confidential commercial or financial information will be treated by the Government as evidence that the information is not exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, absent a showing that the failure to mark was due to unusual or extenuating circumstances, such as a showing that the offeror had intended to mark, but that markings were omitted from the offeror's proposal due to clerical error.

(End of provision)
1452.224-1 - 1452.224-1 Privacy Act Notification.

(a) As prescribed in 1424.104, the clause at FAR 52.224-1, Privacy Act Notification, shall be modified before insertion into solicitations and contracts by—

(1) Changing the title of the clause to read “Privacy Act Notification (JUL 1996) (Deviation)”; and

(2) Adding the following sentence to the end of the clause:

“Applicable Department of the Interior regulations concerning the Privacy Act are set forth in 43 CFR 2, subpart D. The CFR is available for public inspection at the Departmental Library, Main Interior Bldg., 1849 C St. NW, Washington DC, at each of the regional offices of bureaus of the Department and at many public libraries.”

(b) As prescribed in FAR 52.103(a) and 52.107(f), the clause at FAR 52.252-6, Authorized Deviation in Clauses, shall be inserted into solicitations and contracts containing the clause in paragraph (a) of this section.

1452.226-70—1452.226-71 - 1452.226-70--1452.226-71 [Reserved]
1452.227-70 - 1452.227-70 Appeals of Use or Exceptions.

As prescribed in 1427.303(d)(1), insert the following clause:

Appeals of Use of Exceptions (JUL 1996)

If the Contractor appeals the Contracting Officer determination to use one of the exceptions described in FAR 27.303(d)(1), such appeal shall be made by written notice specifically identifying the basis for the appeal within 30 working days from the receipt of the determination. Such appeal shall be mailed to the Associate Solicitor for General Law, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC 20240, who is designated as the appeals official.

(End of clause)
1452.228-7 - 1452.228-7 Insurance—Liability to Third Persons.

(a) As prescribed in 1428.311-1, the clause at FAR 52.228-7, Insurance—Liability to Third Persons, shall be modified before insertion into solicitations and contracts by:

(1) changing the title of the clause to read: “INSURANCE—Liability to Third Persons (APR 1984) (Deviations)”; and

(2) changing the first sentence in subparagraph (c)(2) of the clause to read:

“For certain liabilities (and expenses incidental to such liabilities) to third persons not compensated by insurance or otherwise but subject to the ‘Limitation of Cost’ or ‘Limitation of Funds’ clause of this contract.”

(b) As prescribed in FAR 52.103(a) and 52.107(f), the clause at FAR 52.252-6, Authorized Deviations in Clauses, shall be inserted into solicitations and contracts containing the clause in paragraph (a) of this section.

[75 FR 19829, Apr. 15, 2010, as amended at 76 FR 50142, Aug. 12, 2011]
1452.228-70 - 1452.228-70 Liability Insurance.

As prescribed in 1428.301, insert the following clause:

Liability Insurance—Department of the Interior (JUL 1996)

(a) The Contractor shall procure and maintain during the term of this contract and any extension thereof liability insurance in form satisfactory to the Contracting Officer by an insurance company which is acceptable to the Contracting Officer. The named insured parties under the policy shall be the Contractor and the United States of America. The amounts of the insurance shall be not less than as follows:

$______each person* $______each occurrence* $______property damage*

(b) Each policy shall have a certificate evidencing the insurance coverage. The insurance company shall provide an endorsement to notify the Contracting Officer 30 days prior to the effective date of cancellation or termination of the policy or certificate; or modification of the policy or certificate which may adversely affect the interest of the Government in such insurance. The certificate shall identify the contract number, the name and address of the Contracting Officer, as well as the insured, the policy number and a brief description of contract services to be performed. The contractor shall furnish the Contracting Officer with a copy of an acceptable insurance certificate prior to beginning the work.

*These amounts to be set by the Contracting Officer.
(End of clause)
1452.228-71 - 1452.228-71 Aircraft and General Public Liability Insurance.

As prescribed in 1428.306-70(c)(1), insert the following clause:

Aircraft and General Public Liability Insurance Department of the Interior (MAR 1989)

(a) The Contractor, at the Contractor's expense, agrees to maintain, during the continuance of this contract, aircraft liability and general public liability insurance with limits of liability for:

(1) Bodily injury to or death of aircraft passengers of not less than $75,000 for any one passenger and a limit for each occurrence in any one aircraft of at least an amount equal to the sum produced by multiplying $75,000 by 75 percent of the total number of passenger seats installed in the aircraft;

(2) Bodily injury to or death of persons (excluding passengers) of not less than $75,000 for any one person in any one occurrence and $300,000 for occurrence; and

(3) Property damage of not less than $100,000 for each occurrence; or

(4) a single limit of liability for each occurrence equal to or greater than the combined required minimums set forth in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this clause.

(b) The Contractor also agrees to maintain worker's compensation and other legally required insurance with respect to the Contractor's own employees and agents.

(End of clause)
1452.228-72 - 1452.228-72 Liability for Loss or Damage—Department of the Interior.

As prescribed in 1428.306-70(c)(2), insert the following clause:

Liability for Loss or Damage—Department of the Interior (APR 1984)

(a) The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Government harmless from any and all loss or damage to the aircraft furnished under this contract except as provided in paragraph (d) of this clause. For the purpose of fulfilling its obligation under this clause, the Contractor shall procure and maintain during the term of this contract, and any extensions thereof, full insurance acceptable to the Contracting Officer. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall apply to pilots furnished by the Government who operate the aircraft. The contractor may request a list of Government pilots by name and qualification who are potential pilots.

(b) Prior to the commencement of work hereunder, the Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Officer a copy of the insurance policy or policies or a certificate of insurance issued by the underwriter(s) showing that the coverage required by this clause has been obtained.

(c) Each policy or certificate evidencing the insurance shall contain an endorsement which provides that the insurance company will notify the Contracting Officer 30 days prior to the effective date of any cancellation or termination of any policy or certificate or any modification of a policy or certificate which adversely affects the interests of the Government in such insurance. The notice shall be sent by registered mail and shall identify this contract, the name and address of the contracting office, the policy, and the insured.

(d) If the aircraft is damaged or destroyed while in the custody and control of the Government, the Government will reimburse the Contractor for the deductible stipulated in the insurance coverage (if any) as follows:

(1) In-Motion Accidents—Up to 5 percent of the current insured value of the aircraft stated in the policy, or $10,000, whichever is less.

(2) Not In-Motion Accidents—Up to $250 per accident. Such reimbursement shall not be made, however, for loss or damage to the aircraft resulting from:

(i) Normal wear and tear,

(ii) Negligence or fault in maintenance of the aircraft by the Contractor, or

(iii) A defect in construction of the aircraft or a component thereof.

(e) If damage to the aircraft is established to be the fault of the Government, rental payments to the Contractor during the repair period will be made as set forth elsewhere in this contract. The Government may, at its option, make necessary repairs or return the aircraft to the Contractor for repair. In the event the aircraft is lost, destroyed, or damaged so extensively as to be beyond repair, no rental payment will be made to the Contractor thereafter.

(f) Any failure to agree as to the responsibility of the Government or the Contractor under this clause shall, after a final finding and determination by the Contracting Officer, be considered a dispute within the meaning of the “Disputes” clause of this contract.

(End of clause)
1452.228-73 - 1452.228-73 Liability for Loss or Damage (Property Interest).

As prescribed in 1428.311-2(c), insert the following clause:

Liability for Loss or Damage (Property Interest)—Department of the Interior (APR 1984)

(a) The Government assumes all risk and liability for damage to or loss of the aircraft for the term of this contract, while the aircraft is in the Government's possession, except for;

(1) Normal wear and tear to the aircraft, or

(2) Loss which occurs as a result of negligence or fault in maintenance of the aircraft by the Contractor, or

(3) Loss resulting from a latent defect in the construction of the aircraft or a component thereof.

(b) In the event of damage to the aircraft, the Government may, at its option, make the necessary repairs with its own facilities, or by contract, or pay the Contractor the reasonable cost of repair of the aircraft. if damage to the aircraft is established to be the fault of the Government, rental payments to the Contractor during the repair period will be made as set forth elsewhere in this contract.

(c) In the event the aircraft is lost, destroyed, or damaged so extensively as to be beyond repair, no rental payment will be made to the Contractor thereafter, but the Government will pay to the Contractor a sum equal to the fair market value of the aircraft just prior to such loss, destruction, or extensive damage, less the salvage value of the aircraft.

(d) The Contractor certifies that the contract price does not include any cost attributable to insurance or to any reserve fund it has established to protect its interests in or use of the aircraft, regardless of whether or not the insurance coverage applies for the period during which the Government has possession of the aircraft. If, in the event of loss or damage to the aircraft, the Contractor receives compensation for such loss or damage, in any form, from any source, the amount of such compensation shall be credited to the Government in determining the amount of the Government's liability under this clause; except that this shall not apply to proceeds of insurance received solely as an advance of insurance pending determination of Government liability, or for an increment of value of the aircraft beyond the value for which the Government is responsible.

(e) In the event of loss or damage, the Government shall be subrogated to all rights of recovery by the Contractor against third parties for such loss or damage and such rights shall be immediately assigned to the Government. Except as the Contracting Officer may permit in writing, the Contractor shall neither release nor discharge any third party from liability for such loss or damage nor otherwise compromise or adversely affect the Government's subrogation or other rights hereunder. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Government in any suit or action undertaken by the Government against any such third party.

(f) Any failure to agree as to the responsibility of the Government or the Contractor under this clause shall, after a final finding and determination by the Contracting Officer, be considered a dispute within the meaning of the “Disputes” clause of this contract.

(End of clause)
1452.233-2 - 1452.233-2 Service of Protest.

As prescribed in 1433.106, the provision at FAR 52.233-2, Service of Protest, shall be modified before insertion into solicitations and contracts by changing the title of the provision to read: “Service of Protest Department of the Interior (JUL 1996) (Deviation)”; and adding the following sentence to the end of the provision:

“(c) A copy of the protest served on the Contracting Officer shall be simultaneously furnished by the protester to the Department of the Interior Assistant Solicitor, Acquisitions and Intellectual Property, 1849 C Street, NW., Room 6511, Washington, DC 20240.”

1452.236-70 - 1452.236-70 Prohibition Against Use of Lead-based Paint.

As prescribed in 1436.570(b), insert the following clause:

Prohibition Against Use of Lead-Based Paint—Department of the Interior (JUL 1996)

Paint containing more than .06 percent by weight of lead in paint, or the equivalent measure of lead in the dried film of paint already applied, shall not be used in the construction or rehabilitation of residential structures under this contract or any resulting subcontracts.

(End of clause)
1452.236-71 - 1452.236-71 Additive or Deductive Items.

As prescribed in 1436.571, insert the following provision:

Additive or Deductive Items—Department of the Interior (JUL 1996)

So that the Government may obtain the most desirable features of work within the limit of its funds available at time of bid evaluation, award may be made to the bidder having the lowest total of the base bid and a combination of additive and deductive items. All bids shall be evaluated on the basis of the same additive and deductive bid items using the order of priority of the items listed in the schedule.

(End of provision)
1452.237-70 - 1452.237-70 Information Collection.

As prescribed in 1437.7102, insert the following clause:

Information Collection—Department of the Interior (JUL 1996)

If performance of this contract requires the contractor to collect information on identical items from ten or more public respondents, no action shall be taken or funds expended in the solicitation or collection of such information until the contractor has received from the Contracting Officer written notification that approval has been obtained from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980. The Contractor agrees to provide all information requested by the Contracting Officer which is necessary to obtain approval from OMB.

(End of clause)
1452.237-71 - 1452.237-71 Utilization of Woody Biomass.

As prescribed in 1437.7202, insert the following clause:

Utilization of Woody Biomass (MAY 2005)

(a) The contractor may remove and utilize woody biomass, if:

(1) Project work is progressing as scheduled; and

(2) Removal is completed before contract expiration.

(b) To execute this option, the contractor must submit a written request to the Government.

(c) Following receipt of the written request, and if appropriate, the Government and the contractor will negotiate and execute a separate timber/vegetative sales contract. Payment under the timber/vegetative sales contract must be at a price equal to or greater than the appraised value of the woody biomass. The contractor must make any appropriate payment specified in the related timber/vegetative sales contract before removal may be authorized.

(d) If required by law, regulation or Bureau policy, the Government will prepare a timber/vegetative sales notice and/or prospectus, including volume estimates, appraised value and any appropriate special provisions.

(e) The contractor must treat any woody biomass not removed in accordance with the specifications in the service contract.

(f) The sales contract and service contract are severable; default or termination under either contract does not remove the contractor from payment or performance obligations under the other contract.

(g) Definitions:

Timber/vegetative sales contract and/or notice means the agency-specific authorized contract instrument for the sale, barter, exchange, billing or other compensation for the payment, removal, and/or transportation of woody biomass material.

Woody biomass means the trees and woody plants, including limbs, tops, needles, leaves, and other woody parts, grown in a forest, woodland, or rangeland environment, that are the by-products of management, restoration and/or hazardous fuel reduction treatment.

1452.280-1 - 1452.280-1 Notice of Indian Small Business Economic Enterprise set-aside.

As prescribed in 1480.503(e)(1), and in lieu of the requirements of FAR 19.508, insert the following provision in each written solicitation of offers to provide supplies, general services, A-E services, or construction. If the solicitation is oral, information substantially identical to that contained in the provision must be given to potential offerors.

Notice of Indian Small Business Economic Enterprise Set-Aside (FEB 2021)

Under the Buy Indian Act, 25 U.S.C. 47,offers.8) that are also small business concerns. Any acquisition resulting from this solicitation will be from such a concern. Offers received from enterprises that are not both Indian Economic Enterprises and small business concerns will not be considered and will be rejected.

(End of provision) [87 FR 20764, Apr. 8, 2022]
1452.280-2 - 1452.280-2 Notice of Indian Economic Enterprise set-aside.

As prescribed in 1480.503(e)(2), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts involving Indian Economic Enterprise set-asides. If the solicitation is oral, information substantially identical to that contained in the provision must be given to potential offerors.

Notice of Indian Economic Enterprise Set-Aside (FEB 2021)

(a) Definitions as used in this clause.

Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) means Public Law 92-203 (December 18, 1971), 85 Stat. 688, codified at 43 U.S.C. 1601-1629h.

Indian means a person who is an enrolled member of a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe.

Indian Economic Enterprise means any business activity owned by one or more Indians or Federally Recognized Indian Tribes, provided that:

(i) The combined Indian or Federally Recognized Indian Tribe ownership of the enterprise shall constitute not less than 51 percent;

(ii) The Indians or Federally Recognized Indian Tribes shall, together, receive at least 51 percent of the earnings from the contract; and

(iii) The management and daily business operations of an Indian Economic Enterprise must be controlled by one or more individuals who are Indians. To ensure actual control over the enterprise, the individuals must possess requisite management or technical capabilities directly related to the primary industry in which the enterprise conducts business. Management of Tribally owned Indian Economic Enterprises may be provided by:

(A) Committees, teams, or Boards of Directors which are controlled by one or more members of Tribe, or;

(B) Non-Tribal members if the enterprise can demonstrate that the Tribe can hire and fire those individuals, that it will retain control of all management decisions common to Committees, teams, or Boards of Directors. Common management decisions, include strategic planning, budget approval, and the employment and compensation of officers. A written management development plan must also exist which shows how Tribal members will develop managerial skills sufficient to manage the enterprise or similar enterprises in the future.

The enterprise must meet the requirements of (i) through (iii) throughout the following time periods:

(1) At the time an offer is made in response to a written solicitation;

(2) At the time of contract award; and,

(3) During the full term of the contract.

Federally Recognized Indian Tribe means an Indian Tribe, band, nation, or other Federally recognized group or community on the List of Federally Recognized Tribes. This definition includes any Alaska Native regional or village corporation under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA).

List of Federally Recognized Tribes means an entity appearing on the United States Department of the Interior's List of federally recognized Indian Tribes published annually in the Federal Register pursuant to Section 104 of Public Law 103-454, codified at 25 U.S.C. 5131.

Representation means the positive statement by an enterprise of its eligibility for preferential consideration and participation for acquisitions conducted under the Buy Indian Act, 25 U.S.C. 47,in.8.

(b) General.

(1) Under the Buy Indian Act, offers are solicited only from Indian Economic Enterprises.

(2) The Contracting Officer (CO) will reject all offers received from ineligible enterprises.

(3) Any award resulting from this solicitation will be made to an Indian Economic Enterprise, as defined in paragraph (a) of this clause.

(c) Required Submissions. In response to this solicitation, an offeror must also provide the following:

(1) A description of the required percentage of the work/costs to be provided by the offeror over the contract term as required by section 1452.280-3, Subcontracting Limitations clause; and

(2) Qualifications of the key personnel (if any) that will be assigned to the contract.

(d) Required Assurance. The offeror must provide written assurance to the CO that the offeror is and will remain in compliance with the requirements of this clause. It must do this before the CO awards the Buy Indian contract and upon successful and timely completion of the contract, but before the CO accepts the work or product.

(e) Non-responsiveness. Failure to provide the information required by paragraphs (c) and (d) of this clause may cause the CO to find an offer non-responsive and reject it.

(f) Eligibility.

(1) Participation in the Mentor-Protégé Program established under section 831 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 (25 U.S.C. 47 note) does not render an Indian Economic Enterprise ineligible for contracts awarded under the Buy Indian Act.

(2) If a contractor no longer meets the definition of an Indian Economic Enterprise after award, the contractor must notify the CO immediately and in writing. The notification must include full disclosure of circumstances causing the contractor to lose eligibility status and a description of any actions that the contractor will take to regain eligibility. If the contract is unable to regain eligibility, then the contractor must revise its the representations and certifications in the System for Award Management. Failure to give the CO immediate written notification means that:

(i) The economic enterprise may be declared ineligible as an IEE for future contract awards under this part; and

(ii) The CO may consider termination for default if it is in the best interest of the government.

(End of clause) [87 FR 20764, Apr. 8, 2022]
1452.280-3 - 1452.280-3 Indian Economic Enterprise subcontracting limitations.

A contractor shall not subcontract more than the subcontract limitations specified under FAR 52.219-14 to other than responsible Indian Economic Enterprises when receiving an award under the Buy Indian Act. For this purpose, work to be performed does not include the provision of materials, supplies, or equipment. As prescribed in 1480.503(e)(3), insert the following clause in each written solicitation or contract to provide supplies, general services, A-E services, or construction:

Indian Economic Enterprise Subcontracting Limitations (FEB 2021)

(a) Definitions as used in this clause.

(1) Concern means any business entity with a place of business located in the United States or its outlying areas and that makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes and/or use of American products, materials and/or labor, etc. It includes but is not limited to an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association, or cooperative. For the purpose of making affiliation findings (see FAR 19.101), it includes any business entity, whether or not it is organized for profit or located in the United States or its outlying areas.

(2) Subcontract means any agreement (other than one involving an employer-employee relationship) entered into by a government prime contractor or subcontractor calling for supplies and/or services required for performance of the contract, contract modification, or subcontract.

(3) Subcontractor means a concern to which a contractor subcontracts any work under the contract. It includes subcontractors at any tier who perform work on the contract.

(b) Required Percentages of work by the concern. The contractor must comply with FAR 52.219-14 Limitations on Subcontracting clause in allocating what percentage of work to subcontract. The contractor shall not subcontract work exceeding the subcontract limitations in FAR 52.219-14 to a concern other than a responsible Indian Economic Enterprise.

(c) Any work that an IEE subcontractor does not perform with its own employees shall be considered subcontracted work for the purpose of calculating percentages of subcontract work in accordance with FAR 52.219-14 Limitations on Subcontracting.

(d) Cooperation. The contractor must:

(1) Carry out the requirements of this clause to the fullest extent; and

(2) Cooperate in any study or survey that the CO, Indian Affairs, or its agents may conduct to verify the contractor's compliance with this clause.

(e) Incorporation in Subcontracts. The contractor must incorporate the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (e), in all subcontracts for supplies, general services, A-E services, and construction awarded under this contract.

[87 FR 20764, Apr. 8, 2022]
1452.280-4 - 1452.280-4 Indian Economic Enterprise representation.

As prescribed in 1480.503(e)(4), insert the following provision in each written solicitation for supplies, services, A-E, or construction:

Indian Economic Enterprise Representation (FEB 2021)

(a) The offeror represents as part of its offer that it [ ] does [ ] does not meet the definition of Indian Economic Enterprise (IEE) as defined in DIAR 1480.201 and that it intends to meet the definition of an IEE throughout the performance of the contract. The offeror must notify the contracting officer immediately in writing if there is any ownership change affecting compliance with this representation.

(b) Any false or misleading information submitted by an enterprise when submitting an offer in consideration for an award set aside under the Buy Indian Act is a violation of the law punishable under 18 U.S.C. 1001. False claims submitted as part of contract performance are subject to the penalties enumerated in 31 U.S.C. 3729 to 3731 and 18 U.S.C. 287.

(End of provision) [87 FR 20764, Apr. 8, 2022]
authority: Sec. 205(c), 63 Stat. 390, 40 U.S.C. 486(c); and 5 U.S.C. 301.
source: 75 FR 19829, Apr. 15, 2010, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 48 CFR 1452.228-73