Pursuant to 601.601-70(a)(1)(i), no authority is delegated to overseas posts to enter into cost-reimbursement, fixed-price incentive, or fixed-price redeterminable contracts, unless the Procurement Executive's approval is obtained. Such requests shall be submitted by the head of the contracting activity on a case-by-case basis.
(d) The Procurement Executive has issued class determinations for the following categories of contracts awarded by overseas contracting activities: painting, vehicle insurance, vehicle rental, alarm installation, cell phone rental, janitorial, hotel and cost per copy services; gardening and maintenance services; and packing/shipping services. Copies may be found in the Overseas Contracting and Simplified Acquisition Guidebook. Contracting officers need not develop their own determinations provided that they use A/OPE's model solicitations. Contracting officers shall place a copy of the appropriate determination in the contract file.