Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 29.209 - On what basis may the Department reject a Tribe's final offer?
The Department may reject a Tribe's final offer for any of the following reasons:
(a) The amount of funds proposed in the final offer exceeds the applicable funding level to which the Tribe is entitled;
(b) The subject of the final offer is an inherent Federal function that cannot legally be delegated to the Tribe;
(c) Carrying out the PSFA would result in significant danger or risk to public health or safety; or
(d) The Tribe is not eligible to participate in self-governance under section 23 U.S.C. 207(b).
§ 29.210 - How does the Department reject a final offer?
The Department must reject a final offer by providing written notice to the Tribe based on the criteria in § 29.209 no more than 45 days after receipt of a final offer by the Self-Governance Official, or within a longer time period as agreed to by the Department and the Tribe consistent with this subpart. The notice must explain the basis for the rejection of the final offer.
§ 29.211 - Is technical assistance available to a Tribe to overcome rejection of a final offer?
The Department must provide technical assistance to overcome the objections stated in the Department's rejection of a final offer.
§ 29.212 - May a Tribe appeal the rejection of a final offer?
A Tribe may appeal the rejection of a final offer in accordance with §§ 29.904 through 29.911.
§ 29.213 - If a Tribe appeals a final offer, do the remaining provisions of the compact, funding agreement, or amendment not in dispute go into effect?
If a Tribe appeals the rejection of a final offer, the Department and the Tribe may execute and make effective any non-disputed, severable provisions of the compact, funding agreement, or amendment that are not already executed and are not subject to appeal.
§ 29.200 - What is covered by this subpart?
This subpart explains the final offer process for resolving, within a specific time frame, disputes that may develop in negotiation of a compact, funding agreement, or amendment.
§ 29.201 - In what circumstances should a Tribe submit a final offer?
If the Department and a Tribe are unable to agree, in whole or in part, on the terms of a compact, funding agreement, or amendment, the Tribe may submit a final offer to the Department.
§ 29.202 - How does a Tribe submit a final offer?
(a) A Tribe must submit a written final offer to the Self-Governance Official to [email protected] or send the final offer using any other method that provides receipt to: Self-Governance Official, U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Governmental Affairs (I-10), 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
(b) The final offer should be a separate document from the compact, funding agreement, or amendment and clearly identified as a “Final Offer—Response due within 45 days of receipt.”
§ 29.203 - What must a final offer contain?
A final offer must contain a description of the disagreement between the Department and the Tribe, the Tribe's final proposal to resolve the disagreement, including any draft proposed terms to be included in a compact, funding agreement, or amendment, and the name and contact information for the person authorized to act on behalf of the Tribe. If the final offer is insufficient for the Department to make a decision, the Department will notify the Tribe and request additional information. A request for more information has no effect on deadlines for response.
§ 29.204 - How many days does the Department have to respond to a final offer?
The Department has 45 days to respond to the final offer. The 45-day review period begins on the date the Self-Governance Official receives the final offer.
§ 29.205 - How does the Department acknowledge receipt of a final offer?
Within 10 days of the Self-Governance Official receiving the final offer, the Department will send the Tribe an acknowledgement of the final offer, together with documentation that indicates the date on which the Self-Governance Official received the final offer. The Department's failure to send the acknowledgement does not constitute approval of the final offer.
§ 29.206 - May the Department request and obtain an extension of time of the 45-day review period?
The Department may request an extension of time before the expiration of the 45-day review period. The Tribe may either grant or deny the Department's request for an extension. Any grant of extension of time must be in writing and signed by a person authorized by the Tribe to grant the extension before the expiration of the 45-day review period.
§ 29.207 - What happens if the Department takes no action within the 45-day review period (or any extensions thereof)?
The final offer is accepted by operation of law if the Department takes no action within the 45-day review period (or any extensions thereof).
§ 29.208 - What happens once the Department accepts the Tribe's final offer or the final offer is accepted by operation of law?
Once the Department accepts the Tribe's final offer or the final offer is accepted by operation of law, the Department must add the terms of the Tribe's accepted final offer to the compact, funding agreement, or amendment, and transfer funds consistent with §§ 29.403 through 29.405.
source: 85 FR 33504, June 1, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 29.207