Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 29.300 - What is included in a compact?

A compact only includes the general terms that govern a Tribe's participation in the Program and such other terms as the Department and the Tribe mutually agree that will continue to apply from year to year, and affirms the government-to-government relationship between the Department and the Tribe. Such terms include the authority, purpose, and obligations of the Department and the Tribe. The written compact memorializes matters on which the Department and the Tribe agree. The compact will not include language not agreed to by the Department and the Tribe.

§ 29.301 - Is a compact required to participate in the Program?

A Tribe must have a compact in place to participate in the Program. A compact must be in effect between the Department and the Tribe before the Tribe may enter into a funding agreement with the Department. The Tribe may negotiate a compact at the same time it is negotiating a funding agreement, so long as the compact is executed prior to or concurrent with the funding agreement.

§ 29.302 - What is the duration of a compact?

A compact remains in effect until it is terminated by mutual written agreement, retrocession, or reassumption under this part.

§ 29.303 - May more than one Tribe enter into a single compact and funding agreement?

A consortium of two or more Tribes may participate in the Program by entering into a single compact and funding agreement on the same basis as an individual Tribe. A consortium may comprise a combination of one or more Tribes that may or may not be independently eligible under § 29.100, so long as the consortium is eligible.

§ 29.304 - May a compact be amended?

A compact may be amended at any time by the mutual written agreement of the Department and the Tribe.

§ 29.305 - When can a Tribe initiate negotiation of a funding agreement?

Concurrent with or after a Tribe has entered into a compact with the Department, the Department and the Tribe will negotiate a funding agreement, consistent with §§ 29.101 through 29.109. The funding agreement is the legally binding written agreement that identifies the funds the Tribe will use to carry out its PSFAs, and sets forth the terms and conditions under which the Tribe will receive the funds.

§ 29.306 - What is the duration of a funding agreement?

(a) The duration of a funding agreement is one year unless the Department and a Tribe negotiate a multi-year funding agreement or, for an initial funding agreement, a partial-year agreement.

(b) Each funding agreement will remain in full force and effect until the Department and the Tribe execute a subsequent funding agreement, except when:

(1) The Tribe provides notice to the Department that it is withdrawing or retroceding funds for the operation of one or more PSFAs (or portions thereof) identified in the funding agreement;

(2) The Department terminates the funding agreement under 23 U.S.C. 207(f)(2); or

(3) The Department and the Tribe agree otherwise.

§ 29.307 - What terms must a funding agreement include?

A funding agreement must set forth the following:

(a) The funds the Department will provide, including those funds provided on a recurring basis;

(b) The PSFAs the Tribe intends to carry out using the funds;

(c) The general budget category assigned to the funds;

(d) The time and method of transfer of funds;

(e) The responsibilities of the Department and the Tribe;

(f) Any applicable statutory limitations on the use of funds;

(g) Any statutory or negotiated reporting requirements;

(h) Any applicable Federal or federally approved design, construction, and monitoring standards, or the Tribe's design, construction, and monitoring standards, if they are consistent with or exceed the Federal or federally approved standards;

(i) Other Federal health and safety requirements that apply to the funds included in the funding agreement, or the Tribe provides adequate assurance that its relevant health and safety requirements are consistent with or exceed such requirements;

(j) If the funding agreement includes TTP funds under 23 U.S.C. 202 and § 29.400(a), provisions related to planning, inventory, and allowable use of funds in 25 CFR part 170 necessary for administration of the TTP, consistent with the Program's goal to reduce administrative burdens on the Tribe, or Tribal provisions that meet or exceed those standards;

(k) Any other provision agreed to by the Department and the Tribe, such as program oversight, accountability, annual reporting on expenditure of Federal funds, and technical assistance; and

(l) Provisions authorizing the Department to terminate the funding agreement (in whole or in part) and reassume the remaining funding for transfer, as appropriate.

§ 29.308 - May the funding agreement include additional terms from title I of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act?

At a Tribe's request, the Department and the Tribe may incorporate into a compact or funding agreement any other provision of title I of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, unless the Department determines there is a conflict between the provision and 23 U.S.C. 207. The Department will make the determination consistent with 23 U.S.C. 207(j).

§ 29.309 - Will a funding agreement include provisions pertaining to flexible or innovative financing?

If the Department and a Tribe agree, a funding agreement will include provisions pertaining to flexible financing and innovative financing. In that event, the Department and the Tribe will establish terms and conditions relating to the flexible and innovative financing provisions that are consistent with 23 U.S.C. 207(d)(2)(C).

§ 29.310 - How is a funding agreement amended?

A funding agreement may be amended by the mutual written agreement of the Department and the Tribe as provided for in the funding agreement. The Department will not revise, amend, or require additional terms in a new or subsequent funding agreement without the consent of the Tribe, unless such terms are required by Federal law.

§ 29.311 - Is a subsequent funding agreement retroactive to the end of the term of the preceding funding agreement?

When the Department and a Tribe execute a subsequent funding agreement, the provisions of such a funding agreement are retroactive to the end of the term of the preceding funding agreement.

authority: 23 U.S.C. 207
source: 85 FR 33504, June 1, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 29.308