Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 192.101 - Scope.

This subpart prescribes the minimum requirements for the design of pipe.

§ 192.103 - General.

Pipe must be designed with sufficient wall thickness, or must be installed with adequate protection, to withstand anticipated external pressures and loads that will be imposed on the pipe after installation.

§ 192.105 - Design formula for steel pipe.

(a) The design pressure for steel pipe is determined in accordance with the following formula:

P = (2 St/D) × F × E × T P = Design pressure in pounds per square inch (kPa) gauge. S = Yield strength in pounds per square inch (kPa) determined in accordance with § 192.107. D = Nominal outside diameter of the pipe in inches (millimeters). t = Nominal wall thickness of the pipe in inches (millimeters). If this is unknown, it is determined in accordance with § 192.109. Additional wall thickness required for concurrent external loads in accordance with § 192.103 may not be included in computing design pressure. F = Design factor determined in accordance with § 192.111. E = Longitudinal joint factor determined in accordance with § 192.113. T = Temperature derating factor determined in accordance with § 192.115.

(b) If steel pipe that has been subjected to cold expansion to meet the SMYS is subsequently heated, other than by welding or stress relieving as a part of welding, the design pressure is limited to 75 percent of the pressure determined under paragraph (a) of this section if the temperature of the pipe exceeds 900 °F (482 °C) at any time or is held above 600 °F (316 °C) for more than 1 hour.

[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by Amdt. 192-47, 49 FR 7569, Mar. 1, 1984; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
§ 192.107 - Yield strength (S

(a) For pipe that is manufactured in accordance with a specification listed in section I of appendix B of this part, the yield strength to be used in the design formula in § 192.105 is the SMYS stated in the listed specification, if that value is known.

(b) For pipe that is manufactured in accordance with a specification not listed in section I of appendix B to this part or whose specification or tensile properties are unknown, the yield strength to be used in the design formula in § 192.105 is one of the following:

(1) If the pipe is tensile tested in accordance with section II-D of appendix B to this part, the lower of the following:

(i) 80 percent of the average yield strength determined by the tensile tests.

(ii) The lowest yield strength determined by the tensile tests.

(2) If the pipe is not tensile tested as provided in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, 24,000 p.s.i. (165 MPa).

[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by Amdt. 192-78, 61 FR 28783, June 6, 1996; Amdt. 192-83, 63 FR 7723, Feb. 17, 1998; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
§ 192.109 - Nominal wall thickness (t) for steel pipe.

(a) If the nominal wall thickness for steel pipe is not known, it is determined by measuring the thickness of each piece of pipe at quarter points on one end.

(b) However, if the pipe is of uniform grade, size, and thickness and there are more than 10 lengths, only 10 percent of the individual lengths, but not less than 10 lengths, need be measured. The thickness of the lengths that are not measured must be verified by applying a gauge set to the minimum thickness found by the measurement. The nominal wall thickness to be used in the design formula in § 192.105 is the next wall thickness found in commercial specifications that is below the average of all the measurements taken. However, the nominal wall thickness used may not be more than 1.14 times the smallest measurement taken on pipe less than 20 inches (508 millimeters) in outside diameter, nor more than 1.11 times the smallest measurement taken on pipe 20 inches (508 millimeters) or more in outside diameter.

[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
§ 192.111 - Design factor (F) for steel pipe.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section, the design factor to be used in the design formula in § 192.105 is determined in accordance with the following table:

Class location Design factor (F)

(b) A design factor of 0.60 or less must be used in the design formula in § 192.105 for steel pipe in Class 1 locations that:

(1) Crosses the right-of-way of an unimproved public road, without a casing;

(2) Crosses without a casing, or makes a parallel encroachment on, the right-of-way of either a hard surfaced road, a highway, a public street, or a railroad;

(3) Is supported by a vehicular, pedestrian, railroad, or pipeline bridge; or

(4) Is used in a fabricated assembly, (including separators, mainline valve assemblies, cross-connections, and river crossing headers) or is used within five pipe diameters in any direction from the last fitting of a fabricated assembly, other than a transition piece or an elbow used in place of a pipe bend which is not associated with a fabricated assembly.

(c) For Class 2 locations, a design factor of 0.50, or less, must be used in the design formula in § 192.105 for uncased steel pipe that crosses the right-of-way of a hard surfaced road, a highway, a public street, or a railroad.

(d) For Class 1 and Class 2 locations, a design factor of 0.50, or less, must be used in the design formula in § 192.105 for—

(1) Steel pipe in a compressor station, regulating station, or measuring station; and

(2) Steel pipe, including a pipe riser, on a platform located offshore or in inland navigable waters.

[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by Amdt. 192-27, 41 FR 34605, Aug. 16, 1976]
§ 192.112 - Additional design requirements for steel pipe using alternative maximum allowable operating pressure.

For a new or existing pipeline segment to be eligible for operation at the alternative maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) calculated under § 192.620, a segment must meet the following additional design requirements. Records for alternative MAOP must be maintained, for the useful life of the pipeline, demonstrating compliance with these requirements:

To address this design issue: The pipeline segment must meet these additional requirements:
(a) General standards for the steel pipe(1) The plate, skelp, or coil used for the pipe must be micro-alloyed, fine grain, fully killed, continuously cast steel with calcium treatment.
(2) The carbon equivalents of the steel used for pipe must not exceed 0.25 percent by weight, as calculated by the Ito-Bessyo formula (Pcm formula) or 0.43 percent by weight, as calculated by the International Institute of Welding (IIW) formula.
(3) The ratio of the specified outside diameter of the pipe to the specified wall thickness must be less than 100. The wall thickness or other mitigative measures must prevent denting and ovality anomalies during construction, strength testing and anticipated operational stresses.
(4) The pipe must be manufactured using API Spec 5L, product specification level 2 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) for maximum operating pressures and minimum and maximum operating temperatures and other requirements under this section.
(b) Fracture control(1) The toughness properties for pipe must address the potential for initiation, propagation and arrest of fractures in accordance with:
(i) API Spec 5L (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7); or
(ii) ASME B31.8 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7); and
(iii) Any correction factors needed to address pipe grades, pressures, temperatures, or gas compositions not expressly addressed in API Spec 5L , product specification level 2 or ASME B31.8 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).
(2) Fracture control must:
(i) Ensure resistance to fracture initiation while addressing the full range of operating temperatures, pressures, gas compositions, pipe grade and operating stress levels, including maximum pressures and minimum temperatures for shut-in conditions, that the pipeline is expected to experience. If these parameters change during operation of the pipeline such that they are outside the bounds of what was considered in the design evaluation, the evaluation must be reviewed and updated to assure continued resistance to fracture initiation over the operating life of the pipeline;
(ii) Address adjustments to toughness of pipe for each grade used and the decompression behavior of the gas at operating parameters;
(iii) Ensure at least 99 percent probability of fracture arrest within eight pipe lengths with a probability of not less than 90 percent within five pipe lengths; and
(iv) Include fracture toughness testing that is equivalent to that described in supplementary requirements SR5A, SR5B, and SR6 of API Spec 5L (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) and ensures ductile fracture and arrest with the following exceptions:
(A) The results of the Charpy impact test prescribed in SR5A must indicate at least 80 percent minimum shear area for any single test on each heat of steel; and
(B) The results of the drop weight test prescribed in SR6 must indicate 80 percent average shear area with a minimum single test result of 60 percent shear area for any steel test samples. The test results must ensure a ductile fracture and arrest.
(3) If it is not physically possible to achieve the pipeline toughness properties of paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section, additional design features, such as mechanical or composite crack arrestors and/or heavier walled pipe of proper design and spacing, must be used to ensure fracture arrest as described in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section.
(c) Plate/coil quality control(1) There must be an internal quality management program at all mills involved in producing steel, plate, coil, skelp, and/or rolling pipe to be operated at alternative MAOP. These programs must be structured to eliminate or detect defects and inclusions affecting pipe quality.
(2) A mill inspection program or internal quality management program must include paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section and either paragraph (c)(2)(ii) or (iii) of this section:
(i) An ultrasonic test of the ends and at least 35 percent of the surface of the plate/coil or pipe to identify imperfections that impair serviceability such as laminations, cracks, and inclusions. At least 95 percent of the lengths of pipe manufactured must be tested. For all pipelines designed after December 22, 2008, the test must be done in accordance with ASTM A578/A578M Level B, or API Spec 5L Paragraph 7.8.10 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) or equivalent method, and either
(ii) A macro etch test or other equivalent method to identify inclusions that may form centerline segregation during the continuous casting process. Use of sulfur prints is not an equivalent method. The test must be carried out on the first or second slab of each sequence graded with an acceptance criteria of one or two on the Mannesmann scale or equivalent; or
(iii) A quality assurance monitoring program implemented by the operator that includes audits of:
(A) all steelmaking and casting facilities,
(B) quality control plans and manufacturing procedure specifications,
(C) equipment maintenance and records of conformance,
(D) applicable casting superheat and speeds, and
(E) centerline segregation monitoring records to ensure mitigation of centerline segregation during the continuous casting process.
(d) Seam quality control(1) There must be a quality assurance program for pipe seam welds to assure tensile strength provided in API Spec 5L (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) for appropriate grades.
(2) There must be a hardness test, using Vickers (Hv10) hardness test method or equivalent test method, to assure a maximum hardness of 280 Vickers of the following:
(i) A cross section of the weld seam of one pipe from each heat plus one pipe from each welding line per day; and
(ii) For each sample cross section, a minimum of 13 readings (three for each heat affected zone, three in the weld metal, and two in each section of pipe base metal).
(3) All of the seams must be ultrasonically tested after cold expansion and mill hydrostatic testing.
(e) Mill hydrostatic test(1) All pipe to be used in a new pipeline segment installed after October 1, 2015, must be hydrostatically tested at the mill at a test pressure corresponding to a hoop stress of 95 percent SMYS for 10 seconds.
(2) Pipe in operation prior to December 22, 2008, must have been hydrostatically tested at the mill at a test pressure corresponding to a hoop stress of 90 percent SMYS for 10 seconds.
(3) Pipe in operation on or after December 22, 2008, but before October 1, 2015, must have been hydrostatically tested at the mill at a test pressure corresponding to a hoop stress of 95 percent SMYS for 10 seconds. The test pressure may include a combination of internal test pressure and the allowance for end loading stresses imposed by the pipe mill hydrostatic testing equipment as allowed by “API Spec 5L” (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).
(f) Coating(1) The pipe must be protected against external corrosion by a non-shielding coating.
(2) Coating on pipe used for trenchless installation must be non-shielding and resist abrasions and other damage possible during installation.
(3) A quality assurance inspection and testing program for the coating must cover the surface quality of the bare pipe, surface cleanliness and chlorides, blast cleaning, application temperature control, adhesion, cathodic disbondment, moisture permeation, bending, coating thickness, holiday detection, and repair.
(g) Fittings and flanges(1) There must be certification records of flanges, factory induction bends and factory weld ells. Certification must address material properties such as chemistry, minimum yield strength and minimum wall thickness to meet design conditions.
(2) If the carbon equivalents of flanges, bends and ells are greater than 0.42 percent by weight, the qualified welding procedures must include a pre-heat procedure.
(3) Valves, flanges and fittings must be rated based upon the required specification rating class for the alternative MAOP.
(h) Compressor stations(1) A compressor station must be designed to limit the temperature of the nearest downstream segment operating at alternative MAOP to a maximum of 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius) or the higher temperature allowed in paragraph (h)(2) of this section unless a long-term coating integrity monitoring program is implemented in accordance with paragraph (h)(3) of this section.
(2) If research, testing and field monitoring tests demonstrate that the coating type being used will withstand a higher temperature in long-term operations, the compressor station may be designed to limit downstream piping to that higher temperature. Test results and acceptance criteria addressing coating adhesion, cathodic disbondment, and coating condition must be provided to each PHMSA pipeline safety regional office where the pipeline is in service at least 60 days prior to operating above 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius). An operator must also notify a State pipeline safety authority when the pipeline is located in a State where PHMSA has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate pipeline is regulated by that State.
(3) Pipeline segments operating at alternative MAOP may operate at temperatures above 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius) if the operator implements a long-term coating integrity monitoring program. The monitoring program must include examinations using direct current voltage gradient (DCVG), alternating current voltage gradient (ACVG), or an equivalent method of monitoring coating integrity. An operator must specify the periodicity at which these examinations occur and criteria for repairing identified indications. An operator must submit its long-term coating integrity monitoring program to each PHMSA pipeline safety regional office in which the pipeline is located for review before the pipeline segments may be operated at temperatures in excess of 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius). An operator must also notify a State pipeline safety authority when the pipeline is located in a State where PHMSA has an interstate agent agreement, or an intrastate pipeline is regulated by that State.
[73 FR 62175, Oct. 17, 2008, as amended by Amdt. 192-111, 74 FR 62505, Nov. 30, 2009; Amdt. 192-119, 80 FR 180, Jan. 5, 2015; Amdt. 192-120, 80 FR 12777, Mar. 11, 2015; Amdts. 192-135, 195-107, 89 FR 33280, Apr. 29, 2024]
§ 192.113 - Longitudinal joint factor (E) for steel pipe.

(a) The longitudinal joint factor to be used in the design formula in § 192.105 is determined in accordance with the table 1 to this paragraph (a):

Table 1 to Paragraph (a)

Specification Pipe class Longitudinal
joint factor
ASTM A53/A53M (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7)Seamless1.00
Electric resistance welded1.00
Furnace butt welded.60
ASTM A106/A106M (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7)Seamless1.00
ASTM A333/A333M (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7)Seamless1.00
Electric resistance welded1.00
ASTM A381 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7)Double submerged arc welded1.00
ASTM A671/A671M (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7)Electric-fusion-welded1.00
ASTM A672 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7)Electric-fusion-welded1.00
ASTM A691/A691M (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7)Electric-fusion-welded1.00
API Spec 5L (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7)Seamless1.00
Electric resistance welded1.00
Electric flash welded1.00
Submerged arc welded1.00
Furnace butt welded.60
OtherPipe over 4 inches (102 millimeters).80
OtherPipe 4 inches (102 millimeters) or less.60

(b) If the type of longitudinal joint cannot be determined, the joint factor to be used must not exceed that designated for “Other.”

[Amdts. 192-135, 195-107, 89 FR 33280, Apr. 29, 2024]
§ 192.115 - Temperature derating factor (T) for steel pipe.

The temperature derating factor to be used in the design formula in § 192.105 is determined as follows:

Gas temperature in degrees
Fahrenheit (Celsius)
derating factor (T)
250 °F (121 °C) or less1.000
300 °F (149 °C)0.967
350 °F (177 °C)0.933
400 °F (204 °C)0.900
450 °F (232 °C)0.867
For intermediate gas temperatures, the derating factor is determined by interpolation. [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
§§ 192.117-192.119 - §[Reserved]
§ 192.121 - Design of plastic pipe.

(a) Design pressure. The design pressure for plastic pipe is determined in accordance with either of the following formulas:

P = Design pressure, gage, psi (kPa). S = For thermoplastic pipe, the hydrostatic design basis (HDB) is determined in accordance with the listed specification at a temperature equal to 73 °F (23 °C), 100 °F (38 °C), 120 °F (49 °C), or 140 °F (60 °C). In the absence of an HDB established at the specified temperature, the HDB of a higher temperature may be used in determining a design pressure rating at the specified temperature by arithmetic interpolation using the procedure in Part D.2 of PPI TR-3/2012, (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). For reinforced thermosetting plastic pipe, 11,000 psig (75,842 kPa). t = Specified wall thickness, inches (mm). D = Specified outside diameter, inches (mm). SDR = Standard dimension ratio, the ratio of the average specified outside diameter to the minimum specified wall thickness, corresponding to a value from a common numbering system that was derived from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) preferred number series 10. DF = Design Factor, a maximum of 0.32 unless otherwise specified for a particular material in this section

(b) General requirements for plastic pipe and components. (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (c) through (f) of this section, the design pressure for plastic pipe may not exceed a gauge pressure of 100 psig (689 kPa) for pipe used in:

(i) Distribution systems; or

(ii) Transmission lines in Class 3 and 4 locations.

(2) Plastic pipe may not be used where operating temperatures of the pipe will be:

(i) Below −20 °F (−29 °C), or below −40 °F (−40 °C) if all pipe and pipeline components whose operating temperature will be below −20 °F (−29 °C) have a temperature rating by the manufacturer consistent with that operating temperature; or

(ii) Above the temperature at which the HDB used in the design formula under this section is determined.

(3) Unless specified for a particular material in this section, the wall thickness of plastic pipe may not be less than 0.062 inches (1.57 millimeters).

(4) All plastic pipe must have a listed HDB in accordance with PPI TR-4/2012 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).

(c) Polyethylene (PE) pipe requirements. (1) For PE pipe produced after July 14, 2004, but before January 22, 2019, a design pressure of up to 125 psig may be used, provided:

(i) The material designation code is PE2406 or PE3408.

(ii) The pipe has a nominal size (Iron Pipe Size (IPS) or Copper Tubing Size (CTS)) of 12 inches or less (above nominal pipe size of 12 inches, the design pressure is limited to 100 psig); and

(iii) The wall thickness is not less than 0.062 inches (1.57 millimeters).

(2) For PE pipe produced on or after January 22, 2019, a DF of 0.40 may be used in the design formula, provided:

(i) The design pressure does not exceed 125 psig;

(ii) The material designation code is PE2708 or PE4710;

(iii) The pipe has a nominal size (IPS or CTS) of 24 inches or less; and

(iv) The wall thickness for a given outside diameter is not less than that listed in Table 1 to this paragraph (c)(2)(iv):

Table 1 to Paragraph (c)(2)(iv)

PE pipe: minimum wall thickness and SDR values
Pipe size
Minimum wall thickness
Corresponding dimension
ratio (values)
1/2″ CTS0.0907
1/2″ IPS0.0909.3
3/4″ CTS0.0909.7
3/4″ IPS0.09511
1″ CTS0.09911
1″ IPS0.11911
1 1/4″ CTS0.12111
1 1/4″ IPS0.15111
1 1/2″ IPS0.17311

(d) Polyamide (PA-11) pipe requirements. (1) For PA-11 pipe produced after January 23, 2009, but before January 22, 2019, a DF of 0.40 may be used in the design formula, provided:

(i) The design pressure does not exceed 200 psig;

(ii) The material designation code is PA32312 or PA32316;

(iii) The pipe has a nominal size (IPS or CTS) of 4 inches or less; and

(iv) The pipe has a standard dimension ratio of SDR-11 or less (i.e., thicker wall pipe).

(2) For PA-11 pipe produced on or after January 22, 2019, a DF of 0.40 may be used in the design formula, provided:

(i) The design pressure does not exceed 250 psig;

(ii) The material designation code is PA32316;

(iii) The pipe has a nominal size (IPS or CTS) of 6 inches or less; and

(iv) The minimum wall thickness for a given outside diameter is not less than that listed in table 2 to this paragraph (d)(2)(iv):

Table 2 to Paragraph (d)(2)(iv)

PA-11 pipe: minimum wall thickness and SDR
Pipe size
Minimum wall thickness
Corresponding dimension ratio
1/2″ CTS0.0907.0
1/2″ IPS0.0909.3
3/4″ CTS0.0909.7
3/4″ IPS0.09511
1″ CTS0.09911
1″ IPS0.11911
1 1/4″ CTS0.12111
1 1/4″ IPS0.15111
1 1/2″ IPS0.17311
2″ IPS0.21611
3″ IPS0.25913.5
4″ IPS0.33313.5
6″ IPS0.49113.5

(e) Polyamide (PA-12) pipe requirements. For PA-12 pipe produced after January 22, 2019, a DF of 0.40 may be used in the design formula, provided:

(1) The design pressure does not exceed 250 psig;

(2) The material designation code is PA42316;

(3) The pipe has a nominal size (IPS or CTS) of 6 inches or less; and

(4) The minimum wall thickness for a given outside diameter is not less than that listed in table 3 to this paragraph (e)(4):

Table 3 to Paragraph (e)(4)

PA-12 Pipe: minimum wall thickness and SDR values
Pipe size
Minimum wall thickness
Corresponding dimension ratio
1/2″ CTS0.0907
1/2″ IPS0.0909.3
3/4″ CTS0.0909.7
3/4″ IPS0.09511
1″ CTS0.09911
1″ IPS0.11911
1 1/4″ CTS0.12111
1 1/4″ IPS0.15111
1 1/2″ IPS0.17311
2″ IPS0.21611
3″ IPS0.25913.5
4″ IPS0.33313.5
6″ IPS0.49113.5

(f) Reinforced thermosetting plastic pipe requirements. (1) Reinforced thermosetting plastic pipe may not be used at operating temperatures above 150 °F (66 °C).

(2) The wall thickness for reinforced thermosetting plastic pipe may not be less than that listed in the following table:

Nominal size in inches
Minimum wall
thickness in
2 (51)0.060 (1.52)
3 (76)0.060 (1.52)
4 (102)0.070 (1.78)
6 (152)0.100 (2.54)
[Amdt. 192-124, 83 FR 58716, Nov. 20, 2018, as amended at 86 FR 2238, Jan. 11, 2021; Amdts. 192-135, 195-107, 89 FR 33281, Apr. 29, 2024; Amdt. 192-137, 89 FR 53882, June 28, 2024]
§ 192.123 - [Reserved]
§ 192.125 - Design of copper pipe.

(a) Copper pipe used in mains must have a minimum wall thickness of 0.065 inches (1.65 millimeters) and must be hard drawn.

(b) Copper pipe used in service lines must have wall thickness not less than that indicated in the following table:

Standard size inch (millimeter) Nominal O.D. inch (millimeter) Wall thickness inch (millimeter)
Nominal Tolerance
1/2 (13).625 (16).040 (1.06).0035 (.0889)
5/8 (16).750 (19).042 (1.07).0035 (.0889)
3/4 (19).875 (22).045 (1.14).004 (.102)
1 (25)1.125 (29).050 (1.27).004 (.102)
1 1/4 (32)1.375 (35).055 (1.40).0045 (.1143)
1 1/2 (38)1.625 (41).060 (1.52).0045 (.1143)

(c) Copper pipe used in mains and service lines may not be used at pressures in excess of 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage.

(d) Copper pipe that does not have an internal corrosion resistant lining may not be used to carry gas that has an average hydrogen sulfide content of more than 0.3 grains/100 ft 3 (6.9/m 3) under standard conditions. Standard conditions refers to 60 °F and 14.7 psia (15.6 °C and one atmosphere) of gas.

[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by Amdt. 192-62, 54 FR 5628, Feb. 6, 1989; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
§ 192.127 - Records: Pipe design.

(a) For steel transmission pipelines installed after July 1, 2020], an operator must collect or make, and retain for the life of the pipeline, records documenting that the pipe is designed to withstand anticipated external pressures and loads in accordance with § 192.103 and documenting that the determination of design pressure for the pipe is made in accordance with § 192.105.

(b) For steel transmission pipelines installed on or before July 1, 2020, if operators have records documenting pipe design and the determination of design pressure in accordance with §§ 192.103 and 192.105, operators must retain such records for the life of the pipeline.

(c) For steel transmission pipeline segments installed on or before July 1, 2020, if an operator does not have records necessary to establish the MAOP of a pipeline segment, the operator may be subject to the requirements of § 192.624 according to the terms of that section.

[Amdt. 192-125, 84 FR 52244, Oct. 1, 2019]
authority: 30 U.S.C. 185(w)(3), 49 U.S.C. 5103,60101
source: 35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 192.121