Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 385.901 - Applicability.

The requirements in this subpart apply to for-hire motor carriers, employers, officers and persons registered or required to be registered under 49 U.S.C. 13902,49,and. When used in this subpart, the term “motor carrier” includes all for-hire motor carriers, employers, officers and other persons, however designated, that are registered or required to be registered under 49 U.S.C. 13902,49,and.

§ 385.903 - Definitions.

As used in this subpart:

Agency Official means the FMCSA employee with delegated authority under this subpart.

Controlling Influence means having or exercising authority, whether by act or omission, to direct some or all of a motor carrier's operational policy and/or safety management controls.

Officer means an owner, director, chief executive officer, chief operating officer, chief financial officer, safety director, vehicle maintenance supervisor, and driver supervisor of a motor carrier, regardless of the title attached to those functions, and any person, however designated, exercising controlling influence over the operations of a motor carrier.

Registration means the registration required under 49 U.S.C. 13902,49,and.

[79 FR 3537, Jan. 22, 2014, as amended at 86 FR 57070, Oct. 14, 2021]
§ 385.905 - Suspension or revocation of registration.

(a) General. (1) If a motor carrier engages or has engaged in a pattern or practice of avoiding compliance, or masking or otherwise concealing noncompliance, with regulations on commercial motor vehicle safety under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 311, subchapter III, FMCSA may suspend or revoke the motor carrier's registration.

(2) If a motor carrier permits any person to exercise controlling influence over the motor carrier's operations and that person engages in or has engaged in a pattern or practice of avoiding compliance, or masking or otherwise concealing noncompliance, with regulations on commercial motor vehicle safety 49 U.S.C. Chapter 311, subchapter III while acting on behalf of any motor carrier, FMCSA may suspend or revoke the motor carrier's registration.

(b) Determination. (1) The Agency Official may issue an order to revoke or suspend a motor carrier's registration, or require compliance with an order issued to redress violations of a statutory or regulatory requirement prescribed under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 311, subchapter III, upon a determination that the motor carrier engages or has engaged in a pattern or practice of avoiding regulatory compliance or masking or otherwise concealing regulatory noncompliance.

(2) The Agency Official may issue an order to revoke or suspend a motor carrier's registration, or require compliance with an order issued to redress violations of a statutory or regulatory requirement prescribed under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 311, subchapter III, upon a determination that the motor carrier permitted a person to exercise controlling influence over the motor carrier's operations if that person engages in or has engaged in a pattern or practice of avoiding regulatory compliance or masking or otherwise concealing regulatory noncompliance.

§ 385.907 - Regulatory noncompliance.

A motor carrier or person acting on behalf of a motor carrier avoids regulatory compliance or masks or otherwise conceals regulatory noncompliance by, independently or on behalf of another motor carrier, failing to or concealing failure to:

(a) Comply with statutory or regulatory requirements prescribed under 49 U.S.C., Chapter 311, subchapter III;

(b) Comply with an FMCSA or State order issued to redress violations of a statutory or regulatory requirement prescribed under 49 U.S.C., Chapter 311, subchapter III;

(c) Pay a civil penalty assessed for a violation of a statutory or regulatory requirement prescribed under 49 U.S.C., Chapter 311, subchapter III; or

(d) Respond to an enforcement action for a violation of a statutory or regulatory requirement prescribed under 49 U.S.C., Chapter 311, subchapter III.

§ 385.909 - Pattern or practice.

The Agency Official may determine that a motor carrier or person acting on behalf of a motor carrier engages or has engaged in a pattern or practice of avoiding regulatory compliance, or masking or otherwise concealing regulatory noncompliance for purposes of this subpart, by considering, among other things, the following factors, which, in the case of persons acting on behalf of a motor carrier, may be related to conduct undertaken on behalf of any motor carrier:

(a) The frequency, remoteness in time, or continuing nature of the conduct;

(b) The extent to which the regulatory violations caused by the conduct create a risk to safety;

(c) The degree to which the conduct has affected the safety of operations, including taking into account any crashes, deaths, or injuries associated with the conduct;

(d) Whether the motor carrier or person acting on a motor carrier's behalf knew or should have known that the conduct violated applicable statutory or regulatory requirements;

(e) Safety performance history, including pending or closed enforcement actions, if any;

(f) Whether the motor carrier or person acting on a motor carrier's behalf engaged in the conduct for the purpose of avoiding compliance or masking or otherwise concealing noncompliance; and

(g) In the case of a person acting on a motor carrier's behalf, the extent to which the person exercises a controlling influence on the motor carrier's operations.

§ 385.911 - Suspension proceedings.

(a) General. The Agency Official may issue an order to suspend a motor carrier's registration based on a determination made in accordance with § 385.905(b).

(b) Commencement of proceedings. The Agency Official commences a proceeding under this section by serving an order to show cause to the motor carrier and, if the proceeding is based on the conduct of another person, by also serving a copy on the person alleged to have engaged in the pattern or practice that resulted in a proceeding instituted under this section, which:

(1) Provides notice that the Agency is considering whether to suspend the motor carrier's registration;

(2) Provides notice of the factual and legal basis for the order;

(3) Directs the motor carrier to show good cause within 30 days of service of the order to show cause why its registration should not be suspended;

(4) Informs the motor carrier that its response to the order to show cause must be in writing, state the factual and legal basis for its response, and include all documentation, if any, the motor carrier wants considered;

(5) Informs the motor carrier of the address and name of the person to whom the response should be directed and served;

(6) Provides notice to the person(s) alleged to have engaged in the pattern or practice that resulted in the proceeding instituted under this section, if any, of their right to intervene in the proceeding; and

(7) Informs the motor carrier that its registration will be suspended on the 35th day after service of the order, if the motor carrier or an intervening person does not respond to the order.

(c) Right of individual person(s) to intervene. A person(s) alleged to have engaged in the pattern or practice that resulted in a proceeding under this section may intervene in the proceeding. The person(s) may—but are not required to—serve a separate response and supporting documentation to an order served under paragraph (b) of this section, within 30 days of being served with the order. Failure to timely serve a response constitutes waiver of the right to intervene.

(d) Review of response. The Agency Official will review the responses to the order to show cause and determine whether the motor carrier's registration should be suspended.

(1) The Agency Official may take the following actions:

(i) If the Agency Official determines that the motor carrier's registration should be suspended, he or she will enter an order suspending the registration;

(ii) If the Agency Official determines that it is not appropriate to suspend the motor carrier's registration, he or she may enter an order directing the motor carrier to correct compliance deficiencies; or

(iii) If the Agency Official determines the motor carrier's registration should not be suspended and a compliance order is not warranted, he or she will enter an order terminating the proceeding.

(2) If the Agency Official issues an order to suspend the motor carrier's registration, the order will:

(i) Provide notice to the motor carrier and any intervening person(s) of the right to petition for administrative review of the order within 15 days of service of the order suspending registration, and provide notice of the procedures in paragraph (e) of this section;

(ii) Provide notice that a timely petition for administrative review will stay the effective date of the order unless the Assistant Administrator orders otherwise for good cause; and

(iii) Provide notice that failure to timely serve a petition for administrative review constitutes waiver of the right to contest the order suspending the registration and will result in the order becoming a Final Agency Order 20 days after it is served.

(e) Administrative review. The motor carrier or the intervening person(s) may petition the Assistant Administrator for review of an order issued under paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section. The petition must be in writing and served on the Assistant Administrator. Service on the Assistant Administrator is effected by delivering a copy to USDOT Dockets, Docket Operations, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, West Building Ground Floor, Room 12-140, SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001 or by submitting the documents electronically to The petition must also be served on all parties to the proceedings and on Adjudications Counsel, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001.

(1) A petition for review must be served within 15 days of the service date of the order for which review is requested. Failure to timely serve a request for review waives the right to request review.

(2) A petition for review must include:

(i) A copy of the order in dispute;

(ii) A copy of the petitioner's response to the order in dispute, with supporting documents if any;

(iii) A statement of all legal, factual and procedural issues in dispute; and

(iv) Written argument in support of the petitioner's position regarding the legal, factual or procedural issues in dispute.

(3) The Agency Official must serve a response to the petition for review no later than 15 days following receipt of the petition. The Agency Official must address each assignment of error by producing evidence or legal argument which supports the Agency Official's determination on that issue. The Agency Official's determination may be supported by circumstantial or direct evidence and the reasonable inferences drawn therefrom.

(4) The Assistant Administrator's review is limited to the legal, factual and procedural issues identified in the petition for review. The Assistant Administrator may, however, ask the parties to submit additional information. If the petitioner does not provide the information requested, the Assistant Administrator may dismiss the petition for review.

(5) The Assistant Administrator will serve a written decision on the petition for review within 60 days of the close of the time period for serving a response to the petition for review or the date of service of the response served under paragraph (e)(3), whichever is later.

(6) If a petition for review is timely served in accordance with this section, the disputed order is stayed, pending the Assistant Administrator's review. The Assistant Administrator may enter an order vacating the automatic stay in accordance with the following procedures:

(i) The Agency Official may file a motion to vacate the automatic stay demonstrating good cause why the order should not be stayed. The Agency Official's motion must be in writing, state the factual and legal basis for the motion, be accompanied by affidavits or other evidence relied on, and be served on all parties.

(ii) Within 10 days of service of the motion to vacate the automatic stay, the petitioner may serve an answer in opposition, accompanied by affidavits or other evidence relied on.

(iii) The Assistant Administrator will issue a decision on the motion to vacate within 10 days of the close of the time period for serving the answer to the motion. The 60-day period for a decision on the petition for review in paragraph (e)(5) of this section does not begin until the Assistant Administrator issues a decision on the motion to vacate the stay.

(7) The Assistant Administrator's decision on a petition for review of an order issued under this section constitutes the Final Agency Order.

§ 385.913 - Revocation proceedings.

(a) General. The Agency Official may issue an order to revoke a motor carrier's registration, if he or she:

(1) Makes a determination in accordance with § 385.905(b), and

(2) Determines that the motor carrier has willfully violated any order directing compliance with any statutory or regulatory requirement prescribed under 49 U.S.C., Chapter 311, subchapter III for a period of at least 30 days.

(b) Commencement of proceedings. The Agency Official commences a proceeding under this section by serving an order to show cause to the motor carrier and, if the proceeding is based on the conduct of another person, by also serving a copy on the person alleged to have engaged in the pattern or practice that resulted in a proceeding instituted under this section, which:

(1) Provides notice that the Agency is considering whether to revoke the motor carrier's registration;

(2) Provides notice of the factual and legal basis for the order;

(3) Directs the motor carrier to comply with a statute, regulation or condition of its registration;

(4) Informs the motor carrier that the response to the order to show cause must be in writing, state the factual and legal basis for its response and include all documentation, if any, the motor carrier wants considered;

(5) Informs the motor carrier of the address and name of the person to whom the response should be directed and served;

(6) Provides notice to the person, if any, of his or her right to intervene in the proceeding within 30 days of service of the order; and

(7) Informs the motor carrier that its registration may be revoked on the 35th day after service of the order issued under this section if the motor carrier or intervening person has not demonstrated, in writing, compliance with the order, or otherwise shown good cause why compliance is not required or the registration should not be revoked.

(c) Right of individual person(s) to intervene. A person(s) alleged to have engaged in the pattern or practice that resulted in a proceeding instituted under this section may intervene in the proceeding. The person(s) may—but are not required to—serve a separate response and supporting documentation to an order served under paragraph (b) of this section, within 30 days of being served with the order. Failure to timely serve a response constitutes waiver of the right to intervene. If the Agency Official previously issued an order under § 385.911 based on the same conduct, a person who was given the opportunity to but did not intervene under § 385.911(c) may not intervene under this section.

(d) Review of response. The Agency Official will review the response(s) to the order and determine whether the motor carrier's registration should be revoked.

(1) The Agency Official will take one of the following actions:

(i) If the Agency Official determines the motor carrier's registration should be revoked, he or she will enter an order revoking the motor carrier's registration; or

(ii) If the Agency Official determines the motor carrier's registration should not be revoked, he or she will enter an order terminating the proceeding.

(2) If the Agency Official issues an order to revoke the motor carrier's registration, the order will:

(i) Provide notice to the motor carrier and any intervening person(s) of the right to petition for administrative review of the order within 15 days of service of the order revoking the motor carrier's registration, and provide notice of the procedures in § 385.911(e);

(ii) Provide notice that a timely petition for review will stay the effective date of the order unless the Assistant Administrator orders otherwise for good cause; and

(iii) Provide notice that failure to timely serve a petition for review constitutes waiver of the right to contest the order revoking the motor carrier's registration and will result in the order becoming a Final Agency Order 20 days after it is served.

(iv) Provide notice that a Final Agency Order revoking the motor carrier's registration will remain in effect and bar approval of any subsequent application for registration until rescinded by the Agency Official pursuant to § 385.915.

(e) Administrative review. The motor carrier or intervening person may petition the Assistant Administrator for review of an order issued under paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section by following the procedures set forth in § 385.911(e).

§ 385.915 - Petitions for rescission.

(a) A motor carrier or intervening person may submit a petition for rescission of an order suspending or revoking registration under this subpart based on action taken to correct the deficiencies that resulted in the suspension or revocation.

(b) A petition for rescission must be made in writing to the Agency Official.

(c) A petition for rescission must include a copy of the order suspending or revoking the motor carrier's registration, a factual statement identifying all corrective action taken, and copies of supporting documentation.

(d) The Agency Official will issue a written decision on the petition within 60 days of service of the petition. The decision will state the factual and legal basis for the decision.

(e) If the Agency Official grants the petition, the written decision under paragraph (d) is the Final Agency Order. Rescinding an order suspending a motor carrier's registration permits that motor carrier to resume operations so long as it is in compliance with all other statutory and regulatory requirements. Rescinding an order revoking a motor carrier's registration does not have the effect of reinstating the revoked registration. In order to resume operations in interstate commerce, the motor carrier whose registration was revoked must reapply for registration. If registration is granted, the motor carrier would also become subject to the new entrant regulations at 49 CFR part 385.

(f) If the Agency Official denies the petition, the petitioner may petition the Assistant Administrator for review of the denial. The petition must be in writing and served on the Assistant Administrator. Service on the Assistant Administrator is effected by delivering a copy to USDOT Dockets, Docket Operations, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, West Building Ground Floor, Room 12-140 SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001 or by submitting the documents electronically to The petition must also be served on all parties to the proceedings and on Adjudications Counsel, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001. The petition for review of the denial must be served within 15 days of the service of the decision denying the petition for rescission. The petition for review must identify the legal, factual or procedural issues in dispute with respect to the denial of the petition for rescission. The petition for review may not, however, challenge the basis of the underlying suspension or revocation order.

(g) The Agency Official may file a written response within 15 days of receipt of the petition for review.

(h) The Assistant Administrator will issue a written decision on the petition for review within 60 days of service of the petition for review or a timely served response, whichever is later. The Assistant Administrator's decision constitutes the Final Agency Order.

§ 385.917 - Other orders unaffected; not exclusive remedy.

If a motor carrier subject to an order issued under this subpart is or becomes subject to any other order, prohibition, or requirement of the FMCSA, an order issued under this subpart is in addition to, and does not amend or supersede the other order, prohibition, or requirement. Nothing in this subpart precludes FMCSA from taking action against any motor carrier under 49 U.S.C. 13905 or 49 U.S.C. 31134 for other conduct amounting to willful failure to comply with an applicable statute, regulation or FMCSA order.

§ 385.919 - Penalties.

(a) Any motor carrier that the Agency determines engages or has engaged in a pattern or practice of avoiding regulatory compliance or masking noncompliance or violates an order issued under this subpart shall be subject to the civil or criminal penalty provisions of 49 U.S.C. 521(b) and applicable regulations.

(b) Any motor carrier who permits the exercise of controlling influence over its operations by any person that the Agency determines, under this subpart, engages in or has engaged in a pattern or practice of avoiding regulatory compliance or masking noncompliance while acting on behalf of any motor carrier, shall be subject to the civil or criminal penalty provisions of 49 U.S.C. 521(b) and applicable regulations.

§ 385.921 - Service and computation of time.

Service of documents and computations of time will be made in accordance with §§ 386.6 and 386.8 of this subchapter. All documents that are required to be served or filed must be served or filed with a certificate of service.

authority: 49 U.S.C. 113,504,521,5105,5109,5113,13901,13908,31135,31136,31144,31148,31151,31502; sec. 113(a), Pub. L. 103-311, 108 Stat. 1673, 1676; sec. 408, Pub. L. 104-88, 109 Stat. 803, 958; sec. 350, Pub. L. 107-87, 115 Stat. 833, 864; sec. 5205, Pub. L. 114-94, 129 Stat. 1312, 1537; and 49 CFR 1.87
source: 53 FR 50968, Dec. 19, 1988, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 385.919